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Sony is an electronics company. It is not to be confused with Sonee, the pre-evolution of Sonichu.

Sony Corporation (or as Chris used called it, "Playstation people") is one of Chris's game company hardons. Creator of the PS3, PSP, and the PSEye. In a odd way, we have to blame Sony perhaps more than Nintendo for contributing to Chris's mental degradation (after all, Nintendo never gave him a camera and unfiltered Internet access).

The company and Chris



Chris in PSN Blogs
Enjoy the hi-res MSPaint graphics.

As a company, Sony has trolled Chris inadvertently several times. Perhaps the lulziest event in Chris Chan's life was the infamous Chop Chop Master Onion's Rap Showdown scandal. During the contest, rape was alleged, family issues were brought to light, and Chris... just watch.

Thank you for helping me meet trolls.

This sequence marks the downfall of Chris into even further madness. Before, he was a creepy dude who lived with his parents; after that we saw that he was a homophobic, racist, retarded irrational manchild. Thanks, Sony. Thanks a lot.

In the video NO D*** WAY, IMPOSTOR!!!, Chris appealed to Sony (as well as to Nintendo and even Microsoft) to stop the trolls.

In Mailbag 10, Chris proudly saved stuff on his Memory Stick Duo™®©. Meanwhile, the rest of the world unabashedly continued to use SD cards, or preferred to not tell everybody what card type they used. (Some of us are a bit ashamed to still use CompactFlash. But at least it's not Memory Stick.)

In Asperchu is a Horrendous Joke, we finally find out via a close-up of the bezel of Chris's 32" LCD TV which was purchased in September 2009 that even his television is a Sony. Because of the high price of Sony television sets (at least near $1,000 for even a lower-tier model), this means Bob threw a nice chunk of change toward another quality gift for Chris.

While Chris plugs many products (and never receives payment for doing so), none are more prominently displayed than the PS3. This four hundred dollar soul stealer has been subject to many, many creepy forms of idolization. One would wonder why Chris thinks Sony would ever want to appear in anything made by a man who soils himself.

Interestingly, Chris was not always a blindly devoted fan of Sony. In the Animal Crossing Documentary, we see that back in 2003, Chris pledged his allegiance to Nintendo and the Gamecube, stating that both forerunners to the PS3 stank as much as the original Xbox. It is unknown at which point Chris defected to Sony, nor the reasons for doing so.

See also