Magical Man Potion

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Revision as of 07:07, 27 February 2010 by Digital (talk | contribs) (+cat)
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Magical Man Potion is a video released 24 February 2010. It appears Chris is goofing around with his new camera and trying out the special effects software that came with it. In this video, we see Chris mixing together some sort of vile potion that temporarily transforms him into someone who's not Chris, and therefore better. Notable in that it features an unknown individual, the first time a person not related to Chris has appeared in one of his videos.

In this video we find Chris fooling around with some unknown beverages and mixing them. Chris then proceeds to drink the concoction and transforms into an unknown person. This person is wearing Chris's clothes and what appears to be the Sonichu medallion. Despite rumours from /cwc/, there is no reason to believe the medallion is an Asperchu medallion. The unknown person then grumbles in pain from the semen and turns back into an autistic fat bastard. The only known humans/animals who have ever breached the sanctum of Chris's bedroom until now are Bob Chandler and Kitty.

The Plush Breasts of Fail once again make an appearance.


Magical Man Potion
Stardate 24 February 2010
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy, ComedyComedy Comedy
Saga N/A
Shirt Orangeshirt.png Orange
Christian Love Day (video)
PS3 Tutorial for my fans


[Chris mixes various liquids together through the first part of this video. There are quite a few jump cuts as he mixes his "concoction".]

Chris: Mhaaha haah hah hah ha ha (camera skip) ha hah aha ahah. We are going to make a concoction today uh uh uh ababenerch and a little squ-wirt,... let's mix'er well AH AH HA ha ha HA. Furry.

[Chris drinks the concoction]

Chris: It's not bad.

[Chris makes a series of gasping and coughing noises, posing dramatically all the while, before ducking behind a table. There is a camera transition, and an unknown man wearing the Sonichu medallion emerges.]

Unknown: WhoAh wow that's... not bad actually. Feeling pretty good, feeling a little anxious, frisky. I wonder where a guy like me could go to get a little action? You know... I betcha I know I just... Ahhrrr, gotta work... on-

[The unknown man makes a series of coughing and gagging noises, before ducking down once again. There is another camera transition, and Chris emerges.]

Chris: Urhh urrhggg ahh. I need to work on the time length. To be continuuuued!

Christian Love Day (video) Chris's videos PS3 Tutorial for my fans

Chris's other videos

Stackhouse gunnery | Tour of Chris's house | ShutUpBrain and WakeUpBrain | Stay Off Our AXE, you Homos! | MEOW | Fanmail Reading | Holiday Greetings | A Sonichu Day | Shout out to Fans in Hospital | Christian Love Day | Magical Man Potion | Happy Sonichu Day | See You Later | Cleveland Show Voice Rant | Abstinence Rant | Michael Snyder is ColdHearted and Mean | Autism and men bras | Greene County Conspiracy | EXCLUSIVE Manchester High School 2000 Reunion Required NOW | Cherokee clan | Pregnant Act | SonichuBabies | PlayingHouse | Wigwam | DayOut | ShowerClean | SpaghettiRoutine | HairDifference

See also: Captain's Log | The DVD | Cwcivil War | Game videos | Leaked videos | Music videos | Sweetheart videos | Troll videos | Videobooks