PAIN Enduring since October 29, 2013
"PAIN Enduring since October 29, 2013" is a sort of free-form poem uploaded to Facebook by Chris on 19 November 2013, detailing the fallout from the reveal that his Manchester High School gal-pals were only pretending to be his friends.
The poem
PAIN Enduring since October 29, 2013
My Heart:
Lost of Past TRUE
Friendships and
the (theoretical) LOVE
from it...
Ironed Front Flat,
and Steel-Plated/
Bolted, to keep it
Flat... constantly
Bleeding Love and Emotions LOST!! Brusing (*bruising)
to constant Heart Pain and Ache! With caving in of
the (breast) chest space in front of it. Irreparible (*irreparable)... caused
by the hurtfullest truth of [close] High School Gal Pal
("Hired Help"), Sarah Bevel. Total Adult,
Condensating B---h.