This page is a collection of screenshots and transcriptions of Discord chat logs, provided to me by anonymous sources from within the Watchmen after I was banned from the Place server. Most of them are of chats in the Place, though there are some others as well. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for The Lainchu Manifesto, and store the raw text of various chats. These leaks extend from my ban from the Place in February 2021, to the breakup of the Watchmen and creation of the Knights of CWC in June 2021.
Any case of text or usernames being censored is due to them being irrelevant to the main topic of each section.
Editors can feel free to use to this page as a resource. Enjoy.
February 2021
Alleged Leak
20 February 2021
Summary: After being banned from the Place, I ask my source for information, and they send me this exchange between MKR and Nova, in which the former alleges that I leaked information and might have been associated with some other groups (I didn't and I wasn't). She then claims that Naught told me to stop and that I was associated with Praetor due to the way I spoke about them, which Nova agrees was suspicious. MKR then calls me a "former mole," stating that they couldn't take any chances. Meanwhile, the WCT comes up with the idea of creating a shared Lainchu Discord account for general use among the Watchmen, and floats setting up a CWCki account as well.
MKR's lies are debunked here.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Just wondering what you knew about their discussion. This is them talking about the alleged leak after KND asked about it.
Expand#findings (Second Layer, The Place)
He leaked shit about the watchmen and myself early on, to a man on the farms who anon said might be connected to the "mkr's bloody chunks" "delightful children" set of failtrolls
We're all ideas in the grand lore of things.
Why not set up a Lainchu account on discord that we can all share to Interact with Chris and have a CWCki account set up as well?
Anon told him to stop but I suspect he's still in cahoots with them as well as possibly Praetor. He always popped up specifically when we started speaking about them and attempted to downplay their actions, or steer the conversation away from them
That was pretty suspicious.
We can't take any chances
Especially on one we know was a former mole
20 February 2021
Summary: The source shares Naught's comments about me, claiming in both layers of the Place that I had told the WCT to add to MKR's Kiwi Farms thread.
Naught's lie is debunked here.
Comment from 2nd layer
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
Fuck anaxis, no sense of humour and he told @Kat to add to @MKR thread
From CWC layer
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
[Quoting "What did Lainchu do to be kicked out?]
@Sonichu982 Lainchu tried to get @Kat too [sic] add to @MKR thread during the Vaughn incident,
The WCT Wants to Take Over the Lainchu Role
20 February 2021
Summary: The WCT floats the idea of himself taking over the Lainchu role, claiming that he is fit for the role since neither Klop nor Naught want to do it. Naught appears to agree.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The latest.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
There's talk in this server about me potentially replacing Anaxis as Lainchu.
Seems like a natural progression
CatLoPez says he doesn't want to do it, and other than you, I think people in here I might be the next best thing.
Nova, MKR, I, and maybe you if you're interested are going to have an emergency VC meeting at 5 PM Pacific tomorrow night. (edited)
Chris Inquires About My Ban
20 February 2021
Summary: Chris asks about why I was banned in the first layer of the Place, and Nova claims that I was "unproductive at times," which Chris states is not a valid reason. Nova then says that I was a poor researcher, and when Chris asks what I was researching, Nova states that it was on "malevolent people" and that I was invariably "behind." Chris defends me, asking that Nova cut me some slack, but Nova insists that my banning was the right thing to do. Chris signs off by asking Nova to reconsider his decision.
Nova's lies are debunked here.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
Chris (as Sonichu)
What did Lainchu do to be kicked out?
I just found them unproductive at times.
If someone can be kept at a distance, as per their function, it would seem more apt to do so.
If you want something out, it'll be out, meantime, I'm personally none too sure.
Chris (as Sonichu)
At this point, especially with Lainchu's role, and compared to how often I type something on this server, being "unproductive at times" is not a valid reason.
Sporadically useful, they're a poor researcher and aren't to [sic] sure on their own ethical obligations considering.
Chris (as Sonichu)
What were you having them research?
And surely they could research other things as well.
General information on keeping abreast of whatever malevolent people were trying.
They were invariably a week behind anything I could prove and about a month behind on what I could hedge against.
Chris (as Sonichu)
They do work very hard on that research, and beyond the abuse upon Chris and I. There is a whole lot of effort that goes into waiting and observing input from others online of them being abused by some Hater or really bad individual.
Cut him a bit of slack, since I have been more focused locally and keeping private lately.
Plus, the freaking pandemic and shit.
All the better, his obligation to editorial standards mean that either reporting directly to him, or clearing information for use allows better security.
Chris (as Sonichu)
At the moment, I continue to work on the recovery of this body and brain from the recent realization of lack of cuddling and such, and even further its healing and re-energizing. And I'm fixing to hit the hay for the night (regardless of witching hours affecting this body, which during the time before falling asleep, I meditate).
Please consider letting Lainchu back into the server, Kyle.
Consider sure, as close as we can find advisable is a restricted role.
So, knowing what I know, say that.
Also: "Hi."
New Lainchu
21 February 2021
Summary: The source reports that there is a new Lainchu in the first layer, one which I knew was being puppeted by the WCT.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
They have a new Lainchu in CWC layer.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
[Quoting "What did Lainchu do to be kicked out?]
@Sonichu982 Lainchu tried to get @Kat too [sic] add to @MKR thread during the Vaughn incident,
He turned out to not be a very nice guy. But we have a new channler [sic] in place to communicate with the true oc lainchu and resume function of the job.
It's regrettable, but we don't want people saying mean things behind our backs on the farms and leaking sensitive information shared in confidence here.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Hey @Sonichu982 , I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay. If you need anything, I'll be in DMs since I don't got much going on for me. 😇
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
23 February 2021
Summary: The Watchmen comment on Chris's tweet promoting Praetor's golden medallions and their Golden Church Discord server. The poster (whose username was cut off but I suspect was the WCT) insults the medallions' design, while Nova states that Praetor "really burnt the candle at both ends." Naught asks about the Golden Church server, and Nova clarifies that it comes with the medallions.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Yeah, this is all they've commented so far.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
Unclear Speaker (maybe WCT)
[Link to a tweet by Chris, reading "Own today the rarest run of Medallions to date, and get access to the Glorious Golden Church of Sonichu. Join our discord to aid in projects, hear Words of Wisdom from our Goddess, and gain membership into the Church itself."
Picture of Praetor's golden medallion.]
The Fake and Phony Medallions are back on sale.
I can't bare to look at them, they're far worse than Chris's original design. (edited)
Wow, really burnt the candle at both ends.
And of course they all sell out in an hour.
What's the server they linked?
Comes with their BS gold medallions.
March 2021
MKR's Tweet and the Watchmen's Morale
5-6 March 2021
Summary: I ask for the source's perspective on MKR's recent tweet which implies she had quit the Watchmen and abandoned Chris over his association with Praetor. The source reports that MKR is still in the Place, though the Watchmen are demoralized over Praetor and unsure of their next move.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
[Link to a tweet by MKR, reading "You know what, I'm done. Fuck you, I'm not going to pretend anymore and I'm not going to sit by while you play with stun guns and these dumb teens. Have fun babysitting yourself. I doubt you'll even care."]
What do you make of this?
Hmm. MKR's still in The Place. They're demoralized, talking about how Praetor's winning over Chris, and say their relationship with Chris is strained because of the Praetor situation. They're not sure what to do.
The Watchmen Try to Guilt-Trip Chris
6 March 2021
Summary: The Watchmen attempt to guilt-trip Chris into coming by the Place more often. The Impostor Lainchu informs him about a couple of members leaving the server because he didn't stop by as often (which may have been a lie). Chris explains that the break he was taking was due to the Watchmen's recent behavior, specifically citing them banning and attempting to replace me, as well as picking on others.
Chris posted to The Place. Here are the messages
Expand#general (First Layer, The Place)
Hey, @everyone.
I do sincerely apologize for not checking in with all of you for a while.
The resyncing with my body has been difficult, but progressive.
It might feel more heartfelt without a reason, giving a reason and no explanation just sounds like another way to shut things down.
Well, I have been sensing and feeling massively strong energies and events, and it's been difficult to think clearly at times.
So, to give an explanation is a bit much at the moment.
Especially with the heavy energies I have felt today that left my body quaking quite a bit.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I'm glad you're still around. We were getting sick and worried about you.
[Replying to "Especially with the heavy energies I have felt today that left my body quaking q..."]
is it painful?
Mildly; more of an annoyance.
I've seen people who kind of act like that, not distinctively narcissistic, but has some
comparable elements.
Narcissism is fine as long as you win.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Replying to "Mildly; more of an annoyance."]
it could be worse, but I'm relieved you're doing fine for the most part. (just promise to keep in touch with us, ok?)
Is Bismuth still on? I don't see his name on the online/offline list, or did he change it again?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
he changes his name in here every once in a while.
and only appears offline.
Val left. Don't know if you'd noticed.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Replying to "Val left. Don't know if you'd noticed."]
Nigel's also gone.
Just look over what led to it. Pity is useless on it's own.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
you were gone for so long that they assumed you'd never return.
so they quit.
That is a bad assumption to make.
I'm an asshole, but I'm at least affable enough that nobody cares.
Yep, the paradigm shift did not work favourably here.
Hi Chris! glad to see you back here.
You didn't ask, but it's obvious to say I'm cross too.
I get it, I should have checked in sooner. Between the events that have been happening and being sensed and all, and frankly, having to reconsider y'all's recent behaviours and whatnot, and looking further into the future and the present to analyze everyone and everything, I had felt it best to take the break.
It was nothing personal.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I heard MKR got angry at you for a bit, are you two fine now?
your absence dealt an amount of stress on her.
I mean, Bismuth's leak has been forgiven, but then y'all ditched Anaxis and replaced him, and then there's the bro-ish habit of picking on others in jest that can be misinterpreted; I felt uncertain.
I have talked with Meghan.
And I have apologized to her.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I am attempting to practice better selection and analysis of individuals as friends, so it can remain that such things as what happened with Vaughn be the very last that happens with me, or Sonichu in that case.
[Replying to "I mean, Bismuth's leak has been forgiven, but then y'all ditched Anaxis and repl..."]
I have no qualms with anybody you're choosing to befriend. You're an adult, and can choose who you want to associate yourself with.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Replying to "I am attempting to practice better selection and analysis of individuals as frien..."]
better to be safe than sorry.
Life is loud, the only option there is is asking questions and if people want to offer meaningful advice.
A lot easier to know someone is lying with facts, but you don't need much.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
look at their body language and listen to the tone of their voice.
that's where liars can be exposed.
[Replying to "look at their body language and listen to the tone of their voice."]
Harder to do that through the Internet. But my abilities to read others' auras and intentions through electronic messages has improved. (edited)
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
how long did it take you to improve?
It's a soulful ability, and I was able to practice it on the one hand while I was in Sonichu's body. And on the other hand, with my body, Sonichu was able to tap into it and learn it's better uses not only for himself, but for the mental record of my body.
Not really a testable concept.
And regardless it's not a standard of evidence acceptable by anyone else.
I think that's part of why there are biblical standards for prophets.
[Replying to "Not really a testable concept."]
Says the cynical brainiac who continues to over think math details based on local physics, when the need for that is null, since it is multi-dimensional.
If it physically exists, physics applies.
I'm an optimist, just that cynicism is how you stay an optimist.
Not really, the way to optimism is to look and count the positive blessings in everything.
Half Full, or Half Empty with you?
[Replying to "Not really, the way to optimism is to look and count the positive blessings in ev..."]
I think that way as well.
anything good that happens, be grateful for it.
[1 👍 reaction, likely from Chris]
Even if you count both by measuring the full, and then measuring the empty space that has the potential to be filled.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
sup Bis.
No, just correct, optimism is useless in an investigation.
The perfect optimist or cynic would probably have died very young.
[Replying to "No, just correct, optimism is useless in an investigation."]
I could argue that in certain situations, the combined viewpoints of optimism and pessimism can still be very useful in an investigation.
Just saying something in the middle isn't really a point of argument.
It's not a riddle without the middle.
There's really no way to overthink, assuming the validity of the rationale.
And it's a poor excuse when things go wrong.
On when things go wrong, or the result is a loop, there is opportunity to learn, revise, and find the conclusion. (edited)
Easy to just say these things. (edited)
Better to say when not offending than to keep quiet and not be heard.
It's been a long day for me, and I'll be breaking for supper shortly. I will check y'all again in the near future.
"Anaxis Bird"
13 March 2021
Summary: Chris states his intentions to write an Affirmations List, which Naught comments is good. Chris then hints that the Watchmen may have heard about it from an "Anaxis Bird," implying that I might have already told the Watchmen about Chris's idea. Someone (probably Naught) reacts to this message with an emote.
Further context can be found here.
Expand#general (First Layer, The Place)
I will be writing out a list of my past and lingering self-criticisms and judgments, as well as a counter-list of affirmations to better motivate and remind my body and brain that it is safe to utilize its powers and abilities.
Perhaps you all may have heard how I came onto this from an Anaxis bird.
[1 emote reaction, possibly from Naught]
The Watchmen Discuss Me and Lainchu
15 March 2021
Summary: The Watchmen have a discussion about me, in which they believe that I'm still giving Chris ideas. Nova and WCT discuss ways of trying to sway Chris back to them and their Lainchu.
Further context can be found here.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Watchmen were discussing you more today.
Expand#findings (Second Layer, The Place)
Anaxis is still giving Chris ideas.
How do we know this.
Chris conatantly [sic] mentions it.
Is Anaxis still Lainchu to Chris?
He's always referred to him as Anaxis. So there's that.
great, there's a dispute over the identity of Lainchu.
I'm the true and honest Lainchu.
We can use the SD thing.
As something only the real Lainchu would know.
Chris gave me a dimension because I asked.
Canonically we can place them there, whatever, basically a blank slate for the lore other than that I run it and it's for basically dimensional refugees.
So everybody in here but Chris recognizes me as Lainchu?
Chris tentatively does, eventually still will.
he's coming around (as seen in the previous chat we had).
Just that he's receptive to Anaxis manipulating him on some pretense that he's sorry.
Anaxis got him to do the list he made recently.
If you get it, don't share it, I don't think Chris marked it, but I said he should, because Anaxis will eventually.
This Lainchu crisis is like the shit over who the real president of Venezuela is.
what will happen if Anaxis shares it? (edited)
Chris will be able to ID the leaker.
And Anaxis is finished?
I haven't gotten anything from Anaxis in nearly a month now. he either now knows that I've replaced him as Lainchu or he believes I've withdrew or something. lol
that's all.
The Watchmen Discuss Brainwashing Chris
17-18 March 2021
Summary: The Watchmen are informed about me posting A Medium's Guidance to the CWCki, and react with anger and annoyance. Nova begins coming up with ideas to convince Chris that their Lainchu is the true one, and the WCT plots with him. This leads to the two of them scheming for over three hours about how to best brainwash Chris into siding with them, with the WCT alternating between using his main account and the Impostor Lainchu account.
Further context can be found here.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
Except he's no longer recognized by the Watchmen as "Lainchu".
This kind of states otherwise, makes me wonder what Anaxis has been saying outside of this.
Basically, but Chris will obviously gravitate to the bigger simp, or possibly the one that at least tells the biggest line about FATED shit.
If we wanted to use this to break 2 lies at once. Did you bring up the SD-49 thing yet?
Basically, a whole "I believe you've been fooled by people misrepresenting themselves as my true host, Lainchu is currently in SD-49 and it could serve as a means of positive identification going forward."
But this psychic medium shit, Chris has wasted at least 70 dollars so far...
Wait, 125.
It's ambiguous in terms of the format.
One of the two.
this looks so obviously edited that Its sad to look at.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I think that was a the [sic] message he allegedly sent to someone else to post, i.e. himself.
bold text
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
So does my predecessor have another Discord account called "Lainchu"?
It's the one he used, so, ya.
Lore reason, he's bitter that he was found to be unsuitable as a host.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
that might explain a lot.
Now it makes more sense to me why Chris talks to Anaxis still.
And to be honest, I don't blame him at all.
When you have multiple Lainchus in your DMs, you'll be left confused as fuck. lol
Maybe change the screenname to Lainchu (Current Host)?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
or maybe, Lainchu (SD-49)?
But then Chris'll say its an alternate version.
Even if I can point out later that it's technically not possible for that to be true
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
The Lainchu he's talking to in DMs when compared to the Lainchu he's speaking to in the place are completely different people.
I feel like part of the reason why Chris hasn't completely caught on to mine is because he knows that other Lainchu a lot longer.
it may sound obvious, but Chris might have some sort of emotional connection with Anaxis.
Chris uses it because it's an in to Anaxis. He's shit at relationships, so the fact that Anaxis is barely there and basically gone, that's why he wants me to bring him back.
They're still discussing, I'll come back later.
Holy shit, these people spent three hours brainstorming how to manipulate Chris back into their favor.
Back into their favor? From who, me or Praetor?
DMing him to feed him lore about how your Lainchu is fake.
Hm, that's no good
I'll cap it all, there's a bunch of screenshots from them too.
Just finished. 39 images. Uploading the zip.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
Chris uses it because it's an in to Anaxis. He's shit at relationships, so the fact that Anaxis is barely there and basically gone, that's why he wants me to bring him back.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
He's still in the CWCki Server, but he's not as frequent as he used to be.
I think he's in the process of trying to come up with more stuff for my section?
I'll wait till he does something I can act morally outraged at.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
How long has Anaxis claimed the title of Lainchu?
Since [Klop] quit the role, maybe 6 months?
Caught Anaxis in a lie.
Least in terms of "I was instructed to chronicle the following message, so I present The Chroniclings of Chris Chan: A Medium's Guidance."
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
God willing, I will outlast both of them.
this is only my 1st month.
So if we want to prove you're the real one, we can use SD-49.
Prompt with how the real Lainchu would be able to accurately recall information about it because they're currently there.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Should I change my handle regardless?
Would help, and labeling yourself as the real one in a passive way would make it feel less confronational.
And Chris would be less confused.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Should I tell Chris:
"Chris, that Lainchu is an imposter and has no direct relation to the real one."
"I'm its only true descendent."
Was the host but currently is no longer, there is only ever one true host.
You can verify my integrity by confirming with someone at my present location SD-49 information relating to the general state currently.
An imposter wouldn't be able to accurately recall current information.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Should I copy and paste that to him?
Ya, that works.
And ask him to ask you anything about current information about SD-49 confirming with a source, I don't know if I should be named as that or not directly.
But there is the chance he'll try and duck that to "confirm" it on his own.
Post any questions he asks and I'll on the spot come up with something that's now canon.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I'll give it a shot.
Don't outright say to ask Anaxis these things yet, wait a while first.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
why not just let Chris find out himself?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
It's not really an A-class lore dimension, really most aren't in CWC dimension lore.
Mostly C-197 and C-1218 are the only ones he goes on about, he rarely comes up with lore for the other ones.
But in the event of Chris being able to verify the lore, he'll just say that you're wrong.
By having me confirm, I can give you the correct answer ahead of time.
And invariably Anaxis is wrong regardless of Chris' bias to see him as right.
It's the whole "ask me something only the real Lainchu would know." bit.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
So ask Chris that.
I'd recommend having it be more implied than direct, but implication doesn't really meet Chris' level of suspicion.
I just don't like where this is going given how many people Anaxis has lied to, and he also didn't DM me despite Chris asking.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript: Chris. - The Lainchu you're giving information to is an imposter with no direct relation to the original host at all in any capacity. It is true that individual was the host at one time, but nowadays no longer has my powers or abilities.
You can verify my integrity by confirming with someone at my present location SD-49 information relating to the general state currently.
An imposter wouldn't be able to accurately recall current information.]
i'm not done yet.
Ya, I'd like to be more sure he'll try and use me to confirm facts.
I guess it makes sense for Lainchu to name me as a valid confirmation.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
wait a minute...
I got an idea.
Remember how you talked about how Chris wanted "Lainchu" to chat with you?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
what if I gave him things from you first hand?
I'm trying to think of how that would look, give an example?
lets wind things back a bit to the original DMs.
If you need a prompt, you can just say something like the current population.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript can be found here.]
take a look at the bottom.
or near the bottom.
Ya, Anaxis never did that, already pointed it out.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
lets take advantage of that.
I can point out all the lies, but Chris tends to shut down in the face of negative evidence.
If I point out that Lainchu didn't share anything, he'll be losing an OC friend. If you provide proof you know about the SD-49 lore, you can prove that you're the real Lainchu.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
why not go around that and say that it was an imposter?
Because Chris doesn't like being left with less evidence of the merge stuff.
It's more about increasing your credibility as Lainchu.
The other option just reduces Anaxis', which makes it less likely to work.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Should we go with the SD-49 story?
I think I should directly name you as a source.
Ya, I'd rather not take it on faith that Chris'll not default to just making shit up.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript: Chris. - The Lainchu you're giving information to is an imposter with no direct relation to the original host at all in any capacity. It is true that this individual was the host at one time, but has since then lost the ability to utilize my powers.
You can verify my integrity by confirming with Kyle at my present location SD-49 information relating to the general state currently.
An imposter wouldn't be able to accurately recall current information.]
made some changes, I will continue to edit until it looks convincing enough.
Seems good enough, being too wordy makes it look forced. (edited)
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
What should I keep and remove?
I think it's fine right now.
If you want to verify integrity from the start, say the current population is 46194.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I'm not going to get my hopes up knowing how Chris has become so attached to Anaxis's Lainchu.
It's why the negative evidence won't work, I feel.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
like I stated in the past, Lainchu the 3rd (Anaxis) has been the character the longest.
And Chris is used to him.
So the question is how used is he to that particular Lainchu.
Kind of a way for Chris to overcompensate for the current walkouts.
imagine if Chris blocks my Lainchu.
its a scary scenario, but I had to bring that up.
If he does read it at all.
Chris is really bad at discord DMs.
i'm just saying, if such a thing happens, you guys can consider doxing Anaxis.
or just flat out kill the Lainchu character. lol
Won't really help, Chris never kills off characters.
Lainchu is Christory's Q.
If he comes back later, mention for him to check.
yeah, I'll tell him to talk with you.
I mean later on, Chris doesn't really check DMs.
Chris is online.
this is my chance.
Birthday sonichu, or something.
Either way just try and mention the DMs.
[Image transcript of Chris's response to The WCT's message: Ah, but if one were genuinely wanting to identify themselves in confirmation, and since our multi-dimensional ally, the actual Lainchu, of whom you'd be channeling, generally knows for facts that their actions would be and have been genuinely proven over a facet amount of time, or valuable amount of information. In other words, confident in themselves to be the legitimate one-and-only, and that feeling being illuminated from their energies and aura. On that, there would be no need to find confirmation from a neutral party who would possibly favour one or the other, regardless, with possible intentions.
Therefore, in your insistence of proving yourself through such an outside individual, you have, in fact, outted yourself as the impostor, because you know internally that you are not genuine, as exemplified through, again, your energies and aura.]
(Interesting that Chris didn't know about this till later, leads me to believe the church server isn't containing Chris.)
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript: Plus, to a multi-dimensional individual who can take possession of one in this universe, a host is a host, unless that host has proven loyal to them in genuine self-actions, outside of possession.]
Not what a neutral party means...
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image attachment that reads: Yeah, didn't really sense Lainchu in you, dude.]
now I'm offended. lol
Thinking of how to get around this.
Maybe bring out how Anaxis lied about the leaks?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
give me something that I can copy and paste to him.
This was just the easiest way to verify authenticity. I am genuine.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
maybe you should chat with him in DMs yourself.
Then it just looks like I did it.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
well then...
I don't know what else to say.
Say that this conduit is genuine and this is the best way to prove it.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
so just tell him that?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
wrong pic.
this is the one.
we good?
Maybe say "demonstrate it to you."
Instead of proof.
And capitalize the first leter.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image includes Chris's full message to The WCT's Lainchu, plus The WCT's drafted response that reads "This conduit is genuine and this is the best way demonstrate it to you."]
maybe replace "is" with "was".
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
And that's it?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
he'll likely still believe I'm the imposter
Yes, but at least he might be a bit more skeptical.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
he's slowly coming around, but as long as Anaxis keeps him hooked, he'll think I'm the imposter. lol
Ya, more about building up your image in a verifiable way.
IDK, maybe say you saw this coming?
I have no clue, Chris is the worst debater ever.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript: Well then, demonstrate.
Tell me about the present and recent general state, and nothing I've posted or tweeted about.]
let's do this Nova.
Give me what you got.
Current population: 46194
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
what is that referring to?
It's a sancuary planet.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
you got to be detailed and specific as possible.
For the OCs in danger in native dimensions.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
which planet?
I just decided to rename it.
Formally there is no recognition of independent nations yet.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Should I say: "I come from the planet of Sanctuarion, it has a population of 46,194, and is home to the OCs that are in danger in their respective dimensions."
Lainchu currently resides on Sanctuarion.
The de facto capitol is called Ecumenopolis, named after a philosophical concept of a city that encompasses an entire planet or is almost entirely vertical.
And as a somewhat ironic joke.
Current comparisons in conventional technology are about 1950s level, industry is still expanding and we're using the skillsets of those from other dimensions to bring about this.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript of The WCT's drafted reply: As of right now, I currently reside on the planet Sanctuarion, where it has a population of 46,194 OCs who that are currently in danger in their respective dimensions. The capital is called Ecumenopolis, named after a philosophical concept of a city that encompasses an entire planet or is almost entirely vertical.
Current comparisons in conventional technology are about 1950s level, industry is still expanding and we're using the skillsets of those from other dimensions to bring about this.]
i'm still trying to piece the reply better.
We're largely self sufficient owing to your initial resources and staffing given.
Generally everything is going well and we're working on future efforts to decide how to start ramping up operations.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript of The WCT's drafted reply: As of right now, I currently reside on the planet Sanctuarion, where it has a population of 46,194 OCs that are currently on the run or threatened by the chaos from their respective dimensions. Its capital is Ecumenopolis, named after a philosophical concept of a city that encompasses an entire planet or is almost entirely vertical.
The technology is around 1950s level, industry is still expanding and we're using the skillsets of those from other dimensions to bring about this. We're largely self-sufficient owing to your initial resources and staffing given. So far, everything is going well and we're working on future efforts to decide how to start ramping up operations.]
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
should I send?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
if this thing works out, we should expand on it.
might as well become the "good" Idea Guys.
It's something nice where Chris doesn't have to pretend so hard.
He's given up on his "half the world needs to die" fascination over the last year or so.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I think it was Wise and his crew that made him think that way.
That and Infinity War.
If you need a current work item for Lainchu to be focused on, she's working on refining the dimensional travel system and a way of evaluating who comes over based on a grading system.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
should I maybe tell Chris that as well?
Yes, just trying to think of what to call it, Chris loves proper nouns.
Imperativeness coefficient?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
Some way of evaluating which people are of the highest priority to bring back first.
Maintain our ability to function and maximize the effectiveness of saving OCs.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript of The WCT's drafted reply: And since last year, I myself have been helping out the people by engineering a system that would allow any being to travel between Dimensions.]
Add, "to here" on the end.
We're trying to maintain isolation as much as is practical when you're dealing with dimension hopping.
Also don't capitalize Dimensions
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I kinda want to mention the COVID-19 pandemic in this.
Eh, that's ground Chris has already made impassioned claims on.
So I don't want to risk that.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript of The WCT's drafted reply: And since the second half of 2020, I myself have been helping out the people by engineering a system that would allow any being to travel between dimensions to here. So at the moment, we're trying to maintain isolation as much as is practical when you're dealing with dimension hopping.]
Does it go back that far?
I prefer to maintain an active or slightly past tense when lorebuilding.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
maybe I should change it to: "for a while now"?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
[Image transcript of The WCT's drafted reply: And for a while now, I myself have been helping out the people of Sanctuarion by engineering a system that would allow anybody to travel between dimensions to here. So at the moment, we're trying to maintain isolation as much as is practical when you're dealing with dimension hopping]
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
got any predictions for his reply?
Might ask for how successful it is with magical terms?
Either way, he hasn't denied anything yet.
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
i'm not holding my breath.
does Lainchu have an Origin Story btw?
Impostor Lainchu (The WCT)
I've watched Lain more than enough to know how Lain Iwakura herself was created.
The WCT's Roleplay With Chris
18 March 2021
Summary: After failing to convince Chris of the Impostor Lainchu's veracity, the WCT starts roleplaying with Chris on his own account, claiming to hail from a dimension similar to that of 1218, with some minor changes to perhaps make it more appealing to him. Notably, the WCT seems to be buttering up Chris, stating that a bronze statue of him in his "Classic" form was there and that his face was on the 1 Peso note.
Further context can be found here.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
Now Chris, have you been communicating with anybody lately?
both in this dimension and other dimensions?
And, on the spiritual realms, I've really expanded with my body's conduit part; I've got over 574 Million Souls, Spirits and Entities taking refuge within my oversized sub-dimension.
And those who do have free will to leave and return as they will. Most of them stick around, though.
Even have my late Aunt Corina Inge in this thing.
She lives in you.
The community there has become rather united and civil. Not In me, per se; I don't get possessed, unless I personally agree to give them a moment or so to do it. But this sub-dimension realm is linked with a piece of my body's core.
And I can project it all around me.
I also got a lot of souls that live within my dimension.
In my dimension, Catalonia is actually a state.
I simply meditate.
Tell you what, perhaps you can astral project yourself and have a look at this joint.
It's essentially an infinitely tall and wide Uber-fancy hotel with all of the trimmings.
With a bit of city streets and a few buildings for them to commune and to go to, or whatever.
My dimension (W-2000) is in many ways similar to C-1218, but its considerably more violent. (edited)
and because of that, many beings there are more defensive.
if not hostile.
My realm is more filled with a calming to neutral vibe; it's actually a good place to chill.
They vent at times, there, but the repairs and restorations are quick like lightning.
If you challenge somebody to a fight in W-2000, you might still win, but it will be more difficult.
The beings there are Warriors. (edited)
Just learned the number of mine: 4C-211987 (edited)
Is that your sub dimension?
The place I was just telling you about.
oh okay.
The one thing I will say about W-2000 is that CWCVille is there.
I just had a visionary look into W-2000; you are not kidding. (edited)
No, it isn't. If anything, that's an alternate-dimension version of it.
that's correct.
And the difference between the one there and the one here is that its a lot bigger and more influential.
I sense you have a few hundred to a few thousand souls there.
again, that's correct.
Whoo, my brain is on a roll!
Also, Bruce Lee is still alive there. 😄
It's upping my body's self-confidence in it's manifested abilities.
Now there's someone who you'd want to pick a fight with or beat up.
And when he's not acting, he's taken on the role of being the Grand Master of our dimension. (edited)
He's getting a little old, but thankfully his son (who died in our dimension) is already prepared.
"Yo, it was self-defense on my part, but I stand my ground and don't let them get to me."
I would also have to add that Dimension W-2000 (despite being violent and more fight happy) is considerably more Asian than Western.
people here still mainly speak English, but the culture feels more eastern. Fortunately, it has worked out well enough to maintain stability.
The influences of both genres are ever present.
In dimension W-2000, the West adopts the Oriental (China, Japan, and Korea) way of life. (edited)
We have LGBT rights still, but society would prefer it to be kept private rather than discussing it frequently.
(probably for the best)
The Middle East is still violent, but unlike C1218, the Governments in W-2000 are competent.
And when they trouble, they'll crush it immediately even if people get mad at them for being too harsh.
btw, MLP G4 never ends in W-2000.
They just expand upon it knowing that it was so successful.
I was just force-projected there; two of your occupants had managed to construct a couple of dimension-barrier-breaking swords. I had to sort that problem out before they could, make an escape. I closed the slashes they had made; not too big.
NOTE: There is a brief gap in messages here, which my sources did not send me.
[Replying to Chris's message: "And in my mind, the statue was an oversized bust statue."]
In W2000 CWCVille, there's a huge bronze statue of you (from 2009) wearing your classic shirt and medallion.
Its located in the city square.
And is around 60 feet tall.
btw don't worry, its well protected from vandals. 🙂
The bust I was looking at was some bald, rich-looking dude with a monocle, and a pipe in his mouth. (edited)
In Catalonia (the country that refers to me), we have a currency that has many Internet Figures from this dimension that are on the bank notes.
You're on the 1 Peso note Chris.
May as well put me on a Nickel.
They're still talking.
I'm leaving soon, will check back later tonight.
One more thing before I go, looks like he's buttering up Chris. He's telling Chris about how there's a statue of Classic Chris in his dimension.
The WCT's Explanation and Defense
18 March 2021
Summary: Upon inquiry as to what he was doing with his roleplay, the WCT states that he is expanding upon the lore he introduced to Chris through EGS, since his Lainchu was not convincing Chris. When concerns are raised about Chris's declining grip on reality, the WCT defends himself by saying that "Chris is so far gone that you might as well just have fun." The other Watchmen comment but don't push back against this statement. WCT laments that they can't do more and that Chris won't listen to them when it comes to Praetor.
Further context can be found here.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
What's with the role-playing in General?
@[REDACTED] long story short:
its to keep Chris intrigued to this place.
Bashar is now canon in Sonichu. 😬
[Replying to "Bashar?"]
Syria's current dictator.
[Replying to "And this W2000?"]
I came up with it.
Chris was not liking my Lainchu so I decided to further expand on the EGS with a whole new universe.
Give it some time, as always.
Chris just likes to be egotistical
That was a long conversation... Well done I guess cx
Anaxis is a dumbfuck.
I intentionally made W2000 more authoritarian.
And I think Chris liked that.
[replying to a message I sent] Sounds good.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
I worry about Chris's grip on reality sometimes. You're sure this won't have any adverse effects?
Not like Chris really goes into politics.
I don't think you understand.
Chris is so far gone that you might as well just have fun.
It maybe wasn't the best thing to do but it kept him here for awhile anyway
I'm not going to make regrets over Chris's take on reality.
What is reality to Chris anymore?
dude is almost 40 and should've gotten help a long time ago.
Chris like any other child likes being told some very interesting fairytales.
Well, I suppose so. It's all a cope to him anyway.
I wish we could do so much more.
but knowing his mental state along with his refusal to listen to any of us regarding Praetor, we might as well just watch it all crumble.
We're here to prevent the worst of all possible outcomes.
I've kept telling people this and I will say it again: Anybody who does business with Chris are going to end up getting the worst end of things in the end.
Praetor is no different.
Chris's Psychic Detective Roleplay
22 March 2021
Summary: Chris roleplays as a psychic detective trying to solve a murder, while also bringing up Sockness's lore. He names several potential victims: MKR, Helena Fiorenza, somebody named Emily (likely not that one), Annibelle from Praetor, Bella, Naught, WCT, or me. However, he follows this up by stating that the people he named are most likely safe.
The source reports that the Watchmen are unsure if this indicates that Chris is speaking to Sockness again or just reusing his lore.
Weird update from CWC in The Place.
He's role-playing as a psychic detective trying to solve a murder. He's also bringing up Sockness's lore.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
I was just telling Bismuth about finding the beginning clue within myself to prevent a murder from happening in the near future.
Yeah, preventing this particular, specific murder would be most helpful in maintaining the order within these events.
Tbh I really liked the trial pages of the sonichu comics. I found them to be sort of therapeutic. Lol
Oh really?
[1 ✅ reaction, likely from Chris]
Whose murder?
I'm not sure.
I could list a bunch of names: you, Meghan, Helena, Emily, Annibelle, Bella, and so on.
Even Bismuth, Neko or Anaxis.
But, at this point, if I'm naming them, they are highly likely safe and not on the block. (edited)
So, the solution is to look online at the various walls of young(ish) adults who may be on [cutoff]
Watchmen aren't sure if he's talking to Sockness again or just reusing his lore.
Chris Complains About Nova, Jahans Setup
24 March 2021
Summary: Chris complains that Nova isn't roleplaying enough, and criticizes him for "overthinking." The source then reports that the Watchmen are trying to get Chris to talk to fellow lolcow Alexander Jahans (a.k.a. Farshnuke) for some reason. I am then sent search results for "jahans" and "farshnuke" in the Place.
Chris is bitching that Nova isn't playing make believe enough.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
False leads would be useless at any level of organizational structure.
I would feel really pissed if we ended up stuck in a Time Loop, because Kyle doesn't chill with the overthinking and actually use the available resources and online allies and examine all possibilities within the possible individuals that fit the criteria that are Woke on the verge of becoming Enlightened in the near future, as well as Pay Attention to the Signs presented To and Around you, Kyle.
What's the fascination with "overthinking"
I can find someone who qualifies.
Feeling or sensing any Deja Vu moments at this instance?
But how specific do you want?
MKR rejoined Twitter, and the Watchmen are trying to set Chris to chat with another lolcow for some reason.
Expand#findings (Second Layer, The Place)
btw, nice to see you back on Twitter.
why did you come back?
I just wanted to watch people closer
I'm snoopy and too lazy to make a new one
@[Naught] we have the go ahead from cwc, now we just need to get jahans in.
This cannot end well.
If he even decides to join, jahans is paranoid af
And Chris has demonstrated great ability to discriminate information into a useful means...
It'll just be two tards playing pretend in a controlled environment. Neither having any means of getting to the other physically.
ExpandSearch results for "jahans" in The Place
41 Results
I will get Jahans into the lore, lain is there and wasn't even trying
I've been reading about the multiverse & the Farshnuke via Jahans great stuff
Jahans yells too much for Chris.
Or set cwc up with Jahans
This guy. [Link to Jahans's Kiwi Farms thread.]
ExpandSearch results for "farshnuke" in The Place
8 Results
[Replying to "Get the farshnuke. I feel he could help."]
If you feel it so, call on your Farshnuke. I am actually encouraging you to do so, Meghan.
Get the farshnuke. I feel he could help.
The Farshnuke may aid us in our quest. Time will tell.
More Psychic Detective Roleplay
24 March 2021
Summary: Chris's psychic detective roleplay continues, with him giving extremely vague clues as to the supposed victim's identity.
Chris is still playing psychic detective.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
@everyone, Your Next Clue (and forgive the Vagueness, but, Again, I am not at liberty to be Too Specific in detail (goes similar to how everyone is not to know the exact Hour a specific event will happen):
This individual may or may not be one of my many, many followers, even former or present ally, friend, or nemesis. They either follow and read my commentaries directly through an account of their own, or indirectly through fake account(s). They may or may not frequent Kiwi Farms, 4chan, or the like, OR they may be offline recluses, due to feeling overwhelmed by the mixed commentaries of the online populace. There is a chance they may or may not be directly or indirectly (in)famous by association to myself.
Also, this person may or may not be considering a cross-country trip.
The WCT's Lore Plotting
25 March 2021
Summary: In the second layer of the Place, the WCT plots to feed more lore to Chris. He proposes telling Chris about a dimension where he is still in his "Classic" form and is more powerful there, as well as his W-2000 dimension having completed its dimensional merge. He then suggests trying to use this idea to grant his Lainchu more legitimacy. WCT states that W-2000 was a test to see how Chris would react to the implementation of Islamic mythology into the lore, and when MKR questions why, he responds that the point is that it's supposed to be bad, because that was the sort of thing that Chris likes.
Nova objects to WCT's ideas at the very end of the conversation, stating that "the lore is really the only thing [Chris] has left."
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Neko's plotting more lore to feed Chris.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
maybe the next time Chris comes to the place, I feel like lore sharing.
Even if Chris was a magical anime, he'd still just sit on his ass all day.
i dont hate chris and i dont think it does any good to bully him
its like hitting a brick wall
(idea guy mode activated)
I got this idea of telling Chris about a dimension where he retains his Classic Form.
and how more powerful that variant of Chris is.
I'll also tell him about W-2000 finally having its dimensional merge.
Doesn't W-2000 suck though?
it does.
but that's the point.
That could work, I might give him the whole "don't crap where you eat" thing on trying to be less of an entitled prick for online dating.
Maybe I could have W-2000 merging with the Universe where the New Lainchu is.
SD-49, that's the sanctuary one, IDK, the lore would be kind of messy if we're going by actual standards of plot consistency.
maybe I could create a whole new dimension.
Something like that, using more original characters I think is better lore.
how does he keep track of this shit
Mostly doesn't, why he never really wants to talk about it.
W-2000 was a test to see how Chris would react to me implementing more Islamic Mythology into the lore.
Why islamic?
That's kinda gae
that's the point.
it needs to be so bad that Chris will like it.
Chris likes shit.
shitty shit shit.
Chris sounded a bit baffled when I mentioned Bashar, but at the end was kinda hooked.
If Assad somehow becomes Sonichu canon, I will not only be eternally be banned from Syria, but cursed.
Don't do it, the lore is really the only thing he has left.
Chris Brings Up Megan
25 March 2021
Summary: Still roleplaying as a psychic detective, Chris brings up Megan Schroeder, stating that she will need "extra defense," and asks the Watchmen to inform Null about this information. Nova and MKR quickly pivot away from Megan, with Nova stating that she is fine alone, and MKR reminding Chris that she has a gun and knows how to defend herself.
LOL. He brought up Megan again.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
I'm not finalized which of the two, but the victim is either in California or Virginia.
And, Megan Schroeder, in Virginia, here, is one who will (also) need some extra defense on her part during this present time as well.
You may relay this info to Josh Moon as well; I've also briefed him the few days ago as I did with you all.
Um, I think she's more than fine well enough alone.
Megan has a gun and knows how to defend herself. I'm sure she'll be alright. Maybe the victim is someone else?
Ya, that's the long and short of that line of reasoning.
The victim might be someone we don't know personally. I'll meditate on this
30 March 2021
Summary: Naught shares a DM he had with Chris to the second layer of the Place, in which Chris confirms that he had been influenced by Molly the Medium in the past several weeks, and that only I had known this beforehand (this is technically untrue; while Chris had told me about seeing a medium previously, he never stated that it was Molly). Sharing this with the other Watchmen, Naught declares there to be "fuckery afoot" and MKR says that I should kill myself (in Minecraft, of course). Nova states that I will leak Chris's messages when I get bored, and MKR claims that I was part of "the gd cwcrebellion." WCT says that I was "too soft" for the Place and would not be "here forever," ending his statement by calling me a fail troll.
So Chris DM'd this to Bismuth yesterday.
ExpandChris and Naught's DMs
I'm going to swear you into Full, Strictest Confidentiality with what I am about to you, and you alone right now.
Promise me the following info does not go public at all.
All right.
Although, there is one other person who knows about this, and that is Anaxis. So, unless he told others outside of our group, we're safe.
Molly the Medium.
I got a tarot reading from her a few weeks ago.
I foresaw long before then that she was genuine and would be of big help to our cause, and in confirming the details to my body's consciousness.
The Dimension Merge is popularly also known in this universe amongst the few who are high-level psychic/enlightened as a Collective Shift.
Anyway, it was thanks to Molly's reading and her relay of what I, Magi-Chan and the others have been trying to tell my body and brain to do for quite some time: Write out the Lists.
About the self-criticisms, judgments and blockages (to burn that list and set them free into the nothingness).
About the longer list of affirmations and positives to keep.
And about what it is that we want to feel in a relationship with someone else.
I helped by relaying what specific feelings Magi-Chan, Cryzel, Sylvana and Mewtwo have opened me to realize.
This is what they're saying about it. Just the standard shit-talking.
ExpandSecond Layer, The Place
[Screenshot of Naught and Chris's latest DMs]
Molly the medium does live streams on Instagram
The only people who are aware of this is anaxis and cwc now me
[Posts an emote]
Fuckery afoot
So much fuckery
Anaxis needs to go
And possibly become really good friends with a noose
In minecraft of course
He'll leak Chris messages when he gets bored.
He sure eill
He was part of the gd cwcrebellion
I know he was
Anaxis was too soft for the place.
And don't worry, he won't be here forever.
Like every fail troll in the past, he will go.
April 2021
Chris Texts MKR About His Fender-Bender
1 April 2021
Summary: Chris texts MKR about the accident he had recently gotten into, and these texts were apparently shared in the Place, though they only showed Chris's side of the conversation.
lol, Chris texted MKR and told her about his week.
He had another fender bender and fucked up his car.
ExpandText Messages Chris Sent to MKR
I'm feeling well, good, and definitely in tune with everything.
How are you enjoying Balan so far?
My week has been crazy, yet very progressive. This is also a week of transformation for my body and I.
Long story short:
Sunday, I backed the van into a truck trailer's butt, dented the van door and smashed the rear windshield. Rushed to Lowe's for plastic and duct tape to cover the window.
Monday, went with mom on errands to get price quotes from the local body shop; they'd need to have the van on for a few days, so we checked the rent-a-car place for prices.
Also tried to get mom yet another title loan, but a VA law smashed that idea to dust.
The alternator failed and the battery died on the way back home; had to get towed to the garage, and driven back home in their courier van.
Body shop called yesterday and told us it'll be 2 or 3 weeks before they'll be ready to change the door on the van.
So, since the original temp plan was a one-week rental, we returned the car, and I got my remainder and deposit back.
So, at this time, playing it by ear and going with the flow to see what happens next. I May end up with at least ¿20K [sic] in order to buy a new car, but that's still up in the air at present.
At least the affirmations, including the abundance ones, I've been reading and affirming online lately have been helping out a lot the past month.
Counting our blessings each moment.
Creation of WCT's Thread on Onion Farms
3 April 2021
Summary: The source reports that somebody had made a thread on the WCT on Onion Farms and had found a photo of him. I ask who the thread creator was and where some screenshots attached to the original post came from, but the source doesn't know. They report that WCT was unconcerned with the thread, believing it to be dead on arrival, and was even interacting with it despite the warnings of the other Watchmen.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Someone made an Onion Farms thread on Neko, he found a photo of him.
The other Watchmen are trying to talk Neko out of engaging with the thread but he doesn't think it'll be an issue.
Why on Onion?
Who's the OP?
What Discord are those screenshots from?
Don't know either, they haven't said in The Place.
That OP must have something out for Neko
I only wonder what that is
And of course Neko is stupid enough to believe that engaging with the thread is a good idea
How long until this makes it to KF, you think? Or do you think it'd be DOA?
Neko thinks it won't make it there since not enough info.
There might be, if he keeps stirring the pot like this
Chris's Divination and DMs With WCT
13 April 2021
Summary: Chris attempts divining the futures of Naught and WCT. The source reports that the Watchmen apparently think this might be a sign that Chris was losing interest in Lainchu/me, but that might have been wishful thinking on their part.
Chris then DMs WCT to talk about his New Age beliefs and the details of the latter's future and role in Chris's lore. Chris also states the roles of other individuals in his lore, including his mother, and brings up adding another individual to his polyamorous marriage, this time somebody from the real world. The WCT asks for details on this, but Chris declines to share them, and WCT backs off.
Chris then starts being a bit creepy towards WCT, calling him "my lovely messenger lion." WCT inquires about Praetor, and Chris reveals that Caden had been dealing with a "virus" for the past few weeks, but was recovering, and that they would see each other soon.
A bit of news from The Place. Chris is divining people's futures or some such New Age stuff.
His report on Bismuth.
And his report on Neko.
Also, he DM'd Neko to talk about New Age/Merge stuff or something, I only skimmed it.
The Place thinks it's a sign that Chris is losing interest in Lainchu/you, but that might just be wishful thinking on their end.
ExpandChris and WCT's DMs
I looked into your future.
I'm still feeling mildly flabbergasted, but not a total surprise, that you have all that cosmic intelligence and whatnot inside you, too.
Not a shocker, since you can communicate interdimensionally and with the spirit realms.
do you know about my role in the Dimensional Merge between C-197 and C-1218?
Considering I pulled the Messenger card on the Outcome, that will be your role later on to help in restoring harmony amongst the masses between genders. (edited)
And what I do help resolve?
What are the masses between said genders?
The general groups of peoples between the two universes. You help in restoring harmony and order to their troubled minds by simply being there and shining your light power.
so a being of peace?
Yes, and I do realize the counter against the typical tough patterns you possess in this, but your influence remains quite astounding to say the least.
Like an intimidating Lion, your roar of light quells the fighting.
A Lion?
wow, that's even more powerful than I am now.
You will rise up to the challenge. But you will need to rest up and regain your energy and physical prowess, to say the least. There's an involuntary empathy ability within you that absorbs emotions from others; you will want to distance from aggressive talks during that time of rest and prep work for that moment ahead.
And I also realize the difficulty with the types of spirits in the typical chat list of yours.
But I have faith in you.
I would not have foreseen nor drawn these particular cards if you were not up for the task. But it was blind faith that I drew these, so even the other deities are having faith in you as well, Neko.
this is humbling.
I don't know what to think.
but if this is the person that I shall become, it is an honor to rise up to the challenge.
I am humbled and happy as well to hear that from you.
You have great and overpowered spirit and fight within you.
I have also done readings for a few others to get a better present conscious idea of their roles as well.
Josh, Bismuth, Meghan, Kyle, and even my mom.
Kyle will be with his Sanctuary construct in his dimension.
Josh/Null will lead his army of followers in the battles ahead.
Meghan is to find a new friend and inner revelations and recollections.
Bismuth will have his own inner power to unleash as well.
And my mom will be a Teacher, amongst the Wisest and Deepest in soul, who shares her knowledge from the universes and Cosmos from her perspective wi[th] everyone.
I've seen and know my farthest future, and I am working in the present with the events that continue to shape and improve me and my abilities.
My next event is finding my partner who is of this universe to add into our poly marriage down the road.
And I know their qualities.
I'll be attracting them by aura and vibes.
and has your partner been prophesied yet?
They have, yes. I have seen multiple possibilities, and I have had the blessing to choose one of three of them.
do you see anything?
I do.
But I keep that to myself until after the matter.
I am more than happy to have been able to utilize these Starseed Oracle cards to better understand the future for my consciousness.
whoever this person is, she has to be someone not just powerful.
but unmatched.
They can match wits up to Magi-Chan's levels, but not surpass. Suffice to say, very meta.
Speaking of,
I've recently had the pleasure of summoning and meeting Metatron, the chronicler of the deities who before his immortal ascension, he walked with everyone on this Earth.
I've also got acquainted with his cube and geometry.
what is that cube?
I'll look at it.
do you plan on sharing this knowledge with the others?
[Cutoff link]
Soon enough. But I have shared each reading with their respective individual.
Needless to say, my mom was feeling even more motivated with her results.
what's been going on with her?
She's been mostly keeping to herself in the bed, but she still does gets up and about.
Her mental abilities are improving as well.
that's great to hear. 🙂
I'll check you later, Neko. Feel free to save the photos for your affirmation and thought process.
Might I say, fellow Child of the Cosmos? 😉⚡
[Replying to "Might I say, fellow Child of the Cosmos?"]
how flattering. lol
take care Chris, and have a good night. 🙂
lol, Chris is being kinda creepy towards Neko.
ExpandChris and WCT's DMs
[Replying to "Click to see attachment"]
woah, what's this?
Showing you my first self-reading from yesterday.
I learned that I am moreover forging my own path instead of following, and that I have all the information I need inside of me.
But, yeah, I, too, drew Child of the Cosmos.
Hence why I called you my fellow CotC.
Just a let-you-know.
Anyway, I'm feeling well enough; mildly roughed up, but today is a self-love and healing day for me.
How about you, my lovely Messenger Lion?
[Replying to "Anyway, I'm feeling well enough; mildly roughed up, but today is a self-love and healing day for me."]
Mentally, Physically, or both?
[Replying to "How about you, my lovely Messenger Lion?"]
I'm doing okay. Me and Naught have been having our adventures throughout the cosmos. (edited)
Also Neko asked him about Praetor.
ExpandChris and WCT's DMs
As for with Caden, he's been having to deal with a virus over the past few weeks; recovered for the latter. I will be seeing him again soon enough in the near future. I may do a reading on him as well for my reference.
But my communication's been mostly on hold between while dealing with the van, and all of the other events and visions, and so on.
Chris Likes Espeon
22 April 2021
Summary: The source reports that Chris hadn't posted in the Place for a while, and had taken 5 days to reply one of WCT's DMs asking for his opinion on the Pokemon Espeon.
Chris hasn't posted in the place in a while. He commented about Pokemon to Neko in DMs. Took him 5 days to reply.
ExpandChris and WCT's DMs
17 April 2021
Hey Chris, what is your opinion on this Pokemon?: (edited)
[Picture of Espeon]
22 April 2021
"So Says the BullKyle"
24 April 2021
Summary: The source reports that Chris was posting in the Place again, dropping by to wish MKR a happy birthday and discussing more of his New Age beliefs. The tail end of that conversation is shared with me, with Chris rebuking a notion expressed by Naught and Nova that certain ideas were "made up" and calling Nova "BullKyle" in an apparent reference to the fact that Nova was a Taurus.
Chris is posting in The Place.
He dropped by to wish MKR a happy birthday. And he's discussing New Age stuff, astrology, numerology, etc.
These were his last comments in The Place. Wonder if he got triggered over the "made up" remark. Also "BullKyle" is a reference to Kyle telling him he's a Taurus.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
[Quoting "I just know a lot of Indian things are entirely made up, or incorrectly attributed in a monoregional way."]
@Nova everything is made up innit
A lot of etiological or origin mythos is blankspace.
What you considered "Made Up" in this universe is actually real and manifested in other alt-universes and timelines, in addition to the future moments in This universe, here, on its own time.
[1 reaction]
The dimension of the gas station Indian, at least something that broadly contradictory seems like it would have even less consistency and longevity.
So says the BullKyle.
Opee and WCT's Thread
25 April 2021
Summary: I am sent a friend request by a Discord user named "Opee," with whom I shared no servers but had two mutual friends: Naught and WCT. I share this information with the source, who states that this user was the person who created the (now-deleted) Onion Farms thread on WCT and was not in the Place. I decide to accept the request, then ask about what had happened to the thread. The source states that Naught had deleted it, since he was a mod on OF.
Full context can be found here.
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
This guy sent me a friend request. He look familiar to you?
He's not a part of the server, but look who our mutuals are.
I'm debating whether to accept it or not, because I'm curious. But I'm also in no rush to have another person affiliated with the watchmen hurl abuse at me for no reason again.
I think that's the guy who made the Neko thread at Onion Farms.
He's not in The Place.
Oh shit, what?
How the hell did he find me?
Wonder what he wants
I'm gonna accept. I've gotta know what this is now.
That thread got wiped, right? I clicked a link to it later on and found nothing there.
Yeah, Neko or someone in The Place said Naught deleted it. He's a mod there. (edited)
Molly's Grifting
30 April 2021
Summary: After Chris invites the Watchmen to attend Molly the Medium's "Virtual Healing Circle," WCT thanks Chris for the information, while Nova remarks sarcastically on the easy money Molly is about to make.
[replying to a message I sent] Maybe so.
Lol, Nova chimed in about Molly, pointing out the grifting. Kinda surprised he posted it to cwc layer.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
[Replying to "Should any or all of you be able to join us, I do believe all of you will not be disa..."]
Thanks for informing us Chris.
Hopefully you're having a good day.
I guess that's a decent price for salvation, not accounting for the fact that it's completely ethically bankrupt.
"My intention for this healing circle is to gather together and heal as a community." - Someone about to make at least 25 dollars
Not a bad haul for an hour of nothing much.
May 2021
Unknown Instagram DMs
16 May 2021
Summary: Chris shares with the Place some messages he had with someone else, on what appears to have been Instagram, regarding the Dimensional Merge. The source reports that the Watchmen were making few comments and that there was no discussion about it in the second layer.
Chris posted in The Place.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
Hey, @Nova, @MKR, @Kat, @naught. I have an important bit of information to share with you all, in particular, and @everyone on here that I will ask you to relay to the other psychics and enlightened of this universe.
Have the watchmen asked any questions?
That's pretty mysterious out of context
At least in terms of Chris and the way he presents information
One asked him if it was a message he got or something he wrote, two others just said, "thanks for the info." No one's discussing in 2nd layer.
June 2021
Everfree Northwest Announcement
6 June 2021
Summary: Chris announces his intention to attend Everfree Northwest to the Place, inviting MKR to attend as well, since it's apparently local to her.
Chris checked in with The Place.
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
Hey, @everyone
So sorry for not being on as much, but my interdimensional work and efforts, as y'all know, do weigh on me, but it is worth it.
Also, the self-healing and loving is progressing very well.
For the moment, @MKR, Meghan! ☺
You will have a Local Brony Convention you can personally attend.
It is in Washington State.
Bit short notice with me, But on the likelihood of abundances, I'll see if the trip will be possible.
Warhol Stress and Collections
22 June 2021
Summary: Chris shares with the Place an interaction he had with Helena Fiorenza on Twitter, trying to get Chris to help her recruit people to work on a dating sim. He then shares how reading a section from Warhol / Chris Chan caused him to be stressed and that he "crapped [his] panties" as a result, but didn't care if this information was shared on Kiwi Farms. Having brought up rescuing Sonic CD from the 2014 house fire, WCT then starts talking about precious items and collecting with Chris.
Chris shares a picture of his hand, wearing various rings that symbolize his "marriage," including Borb's wedding rings and a Nathan Drake replica ring. The WCT talks briefly about Uncharted 3, then asks what Praetor had been up to. Chris responds that they were "busy as usual."
I comment to the source that MKR probably hates the idea of working with Helena, and the source agrees, sharing a message from MKR in the second layer, where she expresses a wish to kill Helena (in Minecraft, of course).
ExpandFirst Layer, The Place
Hey, @everyone.
Just relaying a message for now: Helena is working on a Dating Sim game on top of an RPG, and she is requesting help.
[Replying to "Hey, @everyone."]
Hi Chris!
[Replying to "Click to see attachment"]
yeah this is going to be difficult knowing how many like to mess with Helena.
Just respond and help her any way y'all can, please.
Also, feeling a bit of mixed emotions after re-reading the first few pages of Chapter Five of "Warhol/Chris Chan". Suffice to say a whole bunch of insecure hyena-like laughter, and a personal commentary of, "With each of my games and consoles I sold, I lost a piece of myself, definitely. Even my OG Megazord, Dragonzord, and Titanus from the house fire of 2014. The only item I have left from the Shopping Spree of 1994 is my copy of Sonic CD for the Sega CD and its instruction booklet."
[1 reaction, likely from WCT]
Soo stressed, and I don't care if y'all share this on Kiwi or not, that in the van on the way back home from an errand, I crapped my panties; the pad took most of that damage.
Cherish that Sonic CD copy your entire life Chris.
[1 💙 reaction, likely from Chris]
You might've lost a lot during the fire, but anything you were able to save that still makes you happy is what matters.
[1 ☺ reaction, likely from Chris]
But the most important thing in recent events and present, in addition to completing the Dimension Merge, is my self-healing work and locating and accepting my remaining flaws and stresses.
When I left my childhood home not long ago. I was sad and I really miss living there everyday. But what keeps me in a good place is that I know that those days weren't wasted.
The Fool
We all lose things. Be happy you have the memory of them, that can never be destroyed :)
[Replying to "When I left my childhood home not long ago. I was sad and I really miss living there everyday. B..."]
I'm not sad that it ended, I'm happy that it happened. (edited)
I realize I still have a mental hangup between the Hoarding and Collecting; having had parents that were one of each is quite a combination.
is there anything from your parents that you cherish the most?
Their wedding rings, for one thing, and now they're a link between I and Magi-Chan and
Cryzel (both of which are white gold); the silverish ring on the middle finger is with Sylvana, and the Nathan Drake replica ring is with Mewtwo. (edited)
[Replying to "Their wedding rings, for one thing, and now they're a link between I and M..."]
those look nice.
the drake one especially is unique.
Came from the C.E. Box of one of the PS3 games; the third one, I believe.
I liked Uncharted 3.
because I'm a big Middle East history buff, it made me happy. lol
the other ones were also great.
So @CWCSonichu1982 what has Praetor been up to lately?
I'll be getting back to work on the book highlighting in a little while. I'm feeling better, but the laughing I did earlier upon fresh-reading, it would have given the Joker a run and laugh for his money.
[1 reaction, likely from WCT]
Busy as usual. Which reminds me, I need to check in with him about a detail.
Some interesting trivia. He does get a bit gross, though.
I'm sure MKR is seething at the idea of a collab with Helena
Yep, lol.
Expand#findings (Second Layer, The Place)
Fuck that bitch helena tho
I want to add her to my kill count (in minecraft of course)
- ↑ Naught's username in the Place at the time.