Guitar Hero

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Chris, as he imagines himself to look
Chris, as he is in reality

Guitar Hero is a rhythm action video game where one uses a guitar-shaped controller to activate the notes of a song as they scroll up the screen, similar to Dance Dance Revolution and its dance pad controller.


Chris owns a Dance Dance Revolution set-up, as well as other popular music games like SingStar. While DDR and even many Wii games would involve actual movement, possibly even vaguely resembling actual exercise, Guitar Hero remains the only game which Chris has mentioned using for exercise, despite the fact that DDR has an exercise mode. Specifically, Chris has stated several times that Guitar Hero is good for his health, because he has to stand up to play it.[1] Because standing still and pressing buttons on a plastic guitar is far less strenuous than singing, or jumping up and down on a dance pad, or even waving poorly painted controllers around, Chris has taken a particular liking to Guitar Hero, and has made references to it several times throughout his many works.

Data from his PlayStation Network account reveal that Chris has spent nearly $500 downloading new songs to play in various Guitar Hero games. By comparison, he's spent a little more than $50 on downloads for its closest rival in the music game market, Rock Band.

Chris appears to show some decent skill level in Guitar Hero games. Even when rivals poke fun at conspiracies behind mysterious orange notes (if you catch their drift), Chris has been able to survive songs on hard difficulty, as shown in the videos. Sneakily enough, he just says the expert difficulty "is good"[2] — so far, we don't know if he routinely plays on expert or not.


Here in the real world, people think Guitar Hero is the most awesome music game ever, one that really makes you feel like a rock star... until they play it, at which point they realize that they're mashing buttons on a plastic guitar. Actual guitarists have said that Guitar Hero doesn't help you learn to play guitar, and have themselves struggled playing the game — they said they needed to first forget everything about how to play guitar. Even the most oblivious people should see that a guitar fretboard looks nothing like the guitar controller's buttons.

Chris, however, seems to believe that playing Guitar Hero is a feat on par with playing a real guitar. For example, in Sonichu 10, Chris takes his PS3 and Gitar of Fail with him on his band tour. During Sonichu 8, he also explains that Blanca plays the Guitar Hero for Jiggliami's band, which implies that the band only performs covers of songs from the games. In the SingStar Challenge, Chris specifically forbade the use of real instruments as well as Guitar Hero guitars.

We can only wonder what exactly was going through his head when he shredded with mad apathy in the notorious music video, and wonder whether or not he can tell his "guitar" doesn't actually make any sounds besides clacking of plastic in "Don't Laugh at Me".

Sonichu and Chris Chan in Guitar Hero World Tour

On 27 October 2008, Chris uploaded a video showing off the custom Sonichu crap that he added to the game. As in his comics, he portrays himself as thin and fit. While this is partly due to the fact that that game doesn't have an "unpleasant, fat" character model, it would still be possible for Chris to give his in-game self some degree of huskiness if he had any sense of his personal appearance.

I've created the Sonichu Band Icon from scratch, as well as my Character and Guitar. Enjoy the further testaments of my capabilities and creativity in tune to Pat Benatar's "Heartbreaker." Also, I am up in the "Auditions" on; please Vote for my Rockin' Picture to get me as a Playable Character with Sonichu & Rosechu in my Band in a Future Guitar Hero Game.


—Original video description, 27 October 2008


Music is just another way to get china for Chris
See also: CWCRockin4Way.jpg

Video games are no longer the passive form of entertainment they used to be — they're also a breeding ground for the creativity of the gamers. Like all enthusiastic gamers, Chris unleashes the full force of his creativity and puts a lot of thought into his video game play to get maximum satisfaction out of these games.

Unfortunately, this is obviously not going to work as well as it does for some other, more gifted people.

Guitar Hero games allow great degree of fun but ultimately useless fiddling that doesn't actually help the game, such as creating virtual band members. In yet another feeble attempt to prove he's not a homo, Chris's bandmates are all women, because what girl wouldn't want to jam with the artistic genius that is CWC? He also picked some very odd names for these characters, with the black one oddly getting a Jewish surname.

Though this might not seem too ridiculous at first glance, two facts make it worse. First, the first we heard of these bandmates was through a leaked Rule 34 picture. Among fiction writers, blatantly pornographic imagery is hardly considered the best way to introduce new characters to the world (though some may argue it's probably the most profitable). Chris drew himself having sex with these virtual women, and proceeded to make a video about it, announcing it as a testament to his straightness.

Secondly, he seems to be a little bit too preoccupied with the idea, to the point that people are starting to think he really believes he bonked these nonexistent chicks.

Would I be having sex with THREE WOMEN?!
Chris, forgetting Guitar Hero is a video game and those women are fictional

See also


External links