Orbiter Wave

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Heart15.jpg This article is too large or off-topic. It has been suggested that we smash its Heart level
down to 15% and split off the pieces into their own article. Discuss on the talk page.

This page is up for deletion, because Deletion will likely occur after the split, but it's because the term will be repurposed..
Every ounce of it will be shot to the moon unless a convincing case for its preservation is made on its talk page.

Soon after chunks of the incest call were leaked on 30 July 2021, the affair became the 4th trending hashtag on Twitter. As a result of this and the following mainstream media coverage, thousands of people were exposed to Chris for the first time. Out of this new infamy an orbiter wave arose. It is dubbed as such due to the sheer volume of new people following Chris's life story. These people can be roughly broken down into three groups:

  • Those who were curious to see what went wrong in his life leading up to the alleged fucking of his own mother.
  • Those who saw him as nothing more than another deranged sex pest, blissfully unaware of Christory.

This page will primarily focus on the more notable examples of these people, most of whom either wanted to take full advantage of the growing awareness of Chris and his life story and used their platform to attempt to profit off of it, or indirectly found themselves involved in Christory through their actions, all of whom do not have enough material for their own article otherwise.

The Players


Cory Allison, more often known as coryiodine on social media


Main article: Fan visits#e1ectricthunder
Party on, Garth!

e1ectricthunder is a young woman who posted a very brief video of her and an unknown accomplice interacting with Barb. The two of them went to the Chandler home, claimed to be friends of Chris's looking to get in touch with them, and were met only by a very confused-sounding Barb. Their visit was not well-received, especially on the Kiwi Farms, where this was viewed as the harassment of an elderly woman, who was a subject of sexual abuse from her own son, for Internet clout, which lead to her doxing.

Eels and the Egg-man

"You summoned us we came for cwc."

Eels and the Egg-man (@EelsandtheEgman) is a Twitter user who is internet friends with Helena Fiorenza and Kenneth Engelhardt. Because Eels lives in the United States and Helena does not, he has sent and received correspondence to/from Chris at Central Virginia Regional Jail on Helena's behalf, thereby saving Chris the inconvenience of sending mail internationally. Eels also posts the letters to Twitter, though he will sometimes choose to summarize the contents instead of releasing the full letters.[1]

Eels made the following tweet on 10 July 2022:

Mission statement:

If chris ever tells me something illegal/or too juicy (i.e. "hey Eels you know how I said I didn't fuck barb, well I lied I really did it!") in his letters and tells me not to publish them, I will publish it regardless of chris' request


Indy Nerd Culture

Indy Nerd Culture is a Youtuber user who creates Chris-related content, most typically providing commentary on recent happenings regarding Chris's case of incest, as well as interviews with prevalent Chris orbiters such as Kenneth Engelhardt and Helena Fiorenza.


Incest saga icon.png Jail Saga NuthouseSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisDavid HeilbergPraetorKenneth EngelhardtBarbara ChandlerHelena FiorenzaEels and the Egg-manFlutterSpamton G. SpamtonZomboCory AllisonThe CrusaderBizarre BazaarCelestiaMichael AfghaniJacob Sockness

Places Misc Jail Communications:
Coinciding Sagas: Praetor