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[[File:WantWoman.jpg|thumb|left|140px|You know he's [[straight]] because his [[bra]] says so.]]
[[Image:Fa5 2colorlogo.jpg|150px|center]]
[[Image:Fa5 2colorlogo.jpg|thumb|200px|Chris's new [[attraction Location|prowling ground]]]]
'''Fridays After Five''' is a large block party/concert series that takes place in [[Charlottesville]] from spring until fall. In [[June 2010]] [[Chris]] was video recorded there, [[C-Ya Later|enjoying real life for once]].

Chris first mentioned Fridays After Five in a [[6 June 2010|video]] explaining his near hit-and-run on [[Michael Snyder]]. Based upon this knowledge, the manchild has been attending the event since at least 4 June 2010. Chris first alludes to his knowledge of Fridays after Five in the video [[Rollin' and Trollin']], in which he stands outside the Charlottesville Pavilion and mentions how [[Christian and the Hedgehog Boys]] play there every Friday night.  
{{Quote|they've found me in R. Life to catch footage of me for their gross, uncool amusement.|Chris, referring to the trolls at FA5.}}

==June 18th Sighting==
[[File:WantWoman.jpg|thumb|150px|You know he's [[straight]] because his [[bra]] says so.]]
[[Image:Chrisgirl1.jpg|thumb|left|Chris trying to pick up a [[boyfriend-free girl]].]]

On 18 June 2010, Chris went to one of these events and a good samaritan ([[YouTube]] name [http://www.youtube.com/user/0ArchieBunker0 0ArchieBunker0]) took these videos and pictures of him out in public.  
'''Fridays After Five''' is a large block party/concert series that takes place in [[Charlottesville]], [[Virginia]] and Owensboro, [[Clyde Cash the kid video|Kentucky]] from spring until fall. In [[June 2010]], [[Christian Weston Chandler|Chris]] was recorded there, [[C-Ya Later|enjoying real life for once]].

According to the author, Chris wore a T-shirt that says "I Enjoy [[Vagina]]" and was wearing a "[[gay]] circular thing" on his hip which is most likely his [[PokeWalker of Fail|PokéWalker]]. At some point Chris pulled back his crude shirt to reveal his [[obesity|flabby gut]] and [[muscle bra|female support wear]], which he had apparently seen fit to write "[[Love Quest|WANT WOMAN!]]" on with permanent marker. Note the apparent, inexplicable (knowing Chris) absence of the [[Medallion_of_Fail|Medallion of Fail]] - although it could have been removed just temporarily in order to simplify the (probably planned) act of pulling back the shirt.
Chris first mentioned Fridays After Five in a [[6 June 2010|video]] explaining his near hit-and-run on [[Michael Snyder]]. Based upon this knowledge, Chris has attended the event since at least 4 June 2010. Chris first alludes to his knowledge of Fridays After Five in the 2009 video "[[Rollin' and Trollin']]", in which he stands outside the Charlottesville Pavilion and mentions how [[Christian and the Hedgehog Boys]] play there every Friday night.

Chris's clothing indicates he is looking to put a new twist on his [[Love_Quest|old tricks]]. Like the [[Attraction_sign|attraction sign]], Chris is shown making a point to display the writing on his clothing, declaring that he "enjoys vagina" and "wants woman". This is yet another example that this [[autistic]] man-child does not learn from the mistakes of his past. Also, the videos filmed at this event mostly showed the back of Chris's head, which shows a small but emerging [[bald]] spot.
== 18 June Sighting==
[[Image:Chrisgirl1.jpg|thumb|left|Chris trying to pick up a [[boyfriend-free girl]].]]
[[Image:Dancing.gif|thumb|185px|right|Chris <s>exhibiting elbow spasms</s> attempting to dance. Note the man on the bottom-right shaking his head in disbelief.]]

Besides exposing his covered bosom to potential [[sweetheart]]s - mostly [[pedofork|severely underage]] - Chris spent his time at the event [[Flipnote Hatena|drawing flipnotes]] on his [[Nintendo]] DSi, and trying to dance with a disturbing mix of Chicken Dance and [[autism]] - with all the grace and skill of [[CWC Fighter]].
On 18 June 2010, Chris went to one of these events and a [[trolls|good Samaritan]] ([[YouTube]] name [https://web.archive.org/web/20100623080602/https://www.youtube.com/user/0ArchieBunker0 0ArchieBunker0]) took these videos and pictures of him out in public.  

It is unlikely that Chris was aware of being photographed, which proves that all these actions are Chris's idea of being normal. When Chris eventually realized (or it seemed so) he was being observed, he suddenly disappeared like Batman.
According to the author, Chris wore a T-shirt that says "I Enjoy [[China|Vagina]]" and was wearing a "[[homos|gay]] circular thing" on his hip which is most likely his [[PokeWalker of Fail|PokéWalker]]. At some point, Chris pulled back his crude shirt to reveal his [[obesity|flabby gut]] and [[muscle bra]], which he had apparently seen fit to write [[Love Quest|"WANT WOMAN!"]] on with permanent marker. Note the apparent, inexplicable (knowing Chris) absence of the [[Medallion of Fail]] - although it could have been removed just temporarily in order to simplify the (probably planned) act of pulling back the shirt.

== July 4th Sighting ==
Chris's clothing indicates he is looking to put a new twist on his [[Love Quest|old tricks]]. Like the [[attraction sign]], Chris is shown making a point to display the writing on his clothing, declaring that he "enjoys vagina" and "wants woman." This is yet another example that this [[autistic]] man-child does not learn from the mistakes of his past. Also, the videos filmed at this event mostly showed the back of Chris's head, which shows a small but emerging [[hair|bald]] spot.
[[File:CWC Pokemon.png|thumb|Artist's conception of Chris using the attraction rock of fail.]]
[[File:Disco duck.png|thumb|What the note probably said.]]
[[File:Zoom_lens_for_DSi.jpg|thumb|The "zoom lens" as aforementioned. Apparently it acts as a sort of optic enhancement by adding a binocular zoom]]

On 4 July a [[troll]] reported that they had spotted Chris at the Independence Day celebrations held at [[McIntire Park]] on 4 July. Chris allegedly wore relatively normal clothing, indicating that perhaps he had realized how retarded he looked on his previous outing.  
Besides exposing his covered bosom to potential [[sweetheart]]s - mostly [[pedofork|severely underage]] - Chris spent his time at the event [[Flipnote Hatena|drawing Flipnotes]] on his [[Nintendo]] DSi, and trying to dance with his famous Autistic Chicken Dance - with all the grace and skill of [[CWC Fighter]].

The troll reported that Chris had what appeared to be a large camera lens attached to the front of his DSi, and was presumably using it to survey the area for [[boyfriend-free girl]]s.  
It is unlikely that Chris was aware of being photographed, which proves that all these actions are Chris's idea of being normal. When Chris eventually realized (or it seemed so) he was being observed, he suddenly disappeared like [[Prank calls#Batman Call|Batman]].

Interestingly, the troll also reported that Chris scribbled a note onto something, wrapped it around a rock, and chucked it at a woman in what would appear to be a more aggressive and direct twist to the [[Red String of Fate]] tactic. Whatever was written on that note currently remains a mystery.
== 9 July Sighting ==
[[File:FAF-06092010.jpg|thumb|right|Tell me why I'm stuck in a sad lonely cage...]]
On 9 July, the troll who spotted Chris on [[McIntire Park#Independence Day Sighting|Independence Day]] spotted him again. According to the troll, Chris had unscrewed the zoom lens from his DSi and was using it as a rudimentary telescope by pressing it up to his eye.

The troll's account in full:
Sorry for not adding more with the pictures, but I did notice that Chris had taken his DSi zoom lense(thanks for clarifying that up for me, guys) off his DSi and was using it as a telescope. He had it pressed up against his eye and was constantly watching around him with it for awhile. He also had this habit of taking off and putting on his sunglasses within seconds of each other. It seemed like he paid more attention to what was going on around him than what was happening at the concert. At one point, I noticed a girl, who looked like she was probably still in highschool, jump up on the ledge beside Chris to join a group of friends who happened to be stationed behind the manbaby. In the process, Chris turned to her and it looked like he said something to her, because immediately her facial expression changed from a legit happy one to a forced smile one. She joined up with her friends and they immediately huddled up together, whispering about something. At the same time they all looked up at Chris, and laughed. I can only imagine what he had said to the poor girl. A few moments later, one of the guys in the group picked up his cell phone and snapped a picture of Chris from behind. Maybe he's aware of who Chris is and will share his story somewhere. At that point, whether or not Chris realized they were making fun of him, he picked up his stuff and switched seating spots. I chose to take my leave at that point.}}

{{quotebox|I have followed the Chris trolling for a while, because who could resist reading about some guy who lived in the same city as you? Though I never would have expected to run into the elusive manchild, that is, until July 4th. Every year, McIntire Park shoots off fireworks for the July 4th. Many families come out to watch, despite the decline in quality each year due to money problems. So imagine my surprise when I see the internet sensation himself. I had to do a double take to make sure. No, he wasn't wearing anything outrageous like in Friday's After 5 footage. No Sonichu medallion. I guess he really has given up on Sonichu.
This time, the troll managed to take a picture of Chris, who appears to be wearing three [[Pokéwalker of Fail|Pokéwalkers of Fail]]. Two are red and white, and a custom painted one is barely visible underneath his arm. He also has what looks like a small bottle of hand sanitizer tucked into his belt. Chris [[The GAMe PLACe|has been known]] to immediately follow up any handshake with using hand sanitizer on himself. Chris is also holding a [[Attraction Sign|small piece of paper]] between his legs in both photographs, proving even further that he hasn't learned a single thing in the past seven years.
I didn't stalk him the entire time he was there, but kept tabs every once in a while. He spent a lot of time near the baseball field. At one point I noticed he pulled out his DSi, with something odd attached to the front of it. It looked like a zoom lense. But do they make zoom lenses for the DSi? I thought the camera quality was already shit. He seemed to use his DSi and what I think is the zoom lense looking at the people around here, presumably women, considering the creepy person he is. A little while later I noticed he had gotten up and started to walk, to where, I don't know. Then he stopped. Now, I don't know how to make of this...I saw him scribble on something, wrap it around what I think he picked up was a rock, and threw it at this woman. I don't think it hit her, but she seemed startled. She picked up whatever he threw, opened up the paper he had written on, looked at him, and shook her head. She then turned and went on her way.<br>
At that point, I decided to leave it at that and go back to hanging out with my friends. I didn't see him after that point. I assume he decided to change where he was sitting or people were just blocking my view, because as it got darker it got incredibly more busy.}}

== July 9th Sighting ==
Chris's response to this sighting, delusional as always:<ref>[[Jackie E-mails 3]]: E-mails sent around the time of the FAF sightings</ref>
{{quoteboxred|I lured out one last Friday at the Pavillion ''[sic]'', obviously. I SHOULD have gone after him in pursuit, but the only plan I had programmed in my head in response is take their picture with my DSi. I have reprogrammed my mind to pursue after lure, yell for a policeman, and have him arrested for Taking Photographs at the Pavillion ''[sic]'' during Fridays After 5. On their Triangular, Red Column, they have a rules list, which includes, "No Cameras or Videotaping are Permitted". I am positive I'll lure out the same guy from Last Friday; I only got a brief look at his face, but I am positive I'd [[Blanca Weiss|recognize him on future sight]].}}
Note how he says he's going to have the troll arrested for taking photographs, while [[Chris and reality|in the same sentence]] noting how he had[[Chris and hypocrisy| been taking pictures himself]] the whole time.

[[File:FAF-06092010.jpg|thumb|right|Chris sat on his fat ass - a truly rare sight.]]
==16 July Sighting==
On 9 July, the above mentioned troll spotted Chris once again, purely by chance, while attending Fridays After Five. According to the troll, Chris had unscrewed the zoom lens from his DSi and was using it as a rudimentary telescope by pressing it up to his eye.
[[File:Manzone.jpg|thumb|right|Something like this.]]
On 16 July, a different troll managed to spot Chris at the park. While no photos were taken, the description given paints a very...''unusual'' picture.

The troll goes on to report that Chris appeared to creep out a nearby high school girl by turning to her and saying something. This resulted in the girl huddling up with a group of her friends, who all proceeded to laugh at Chris. He probably never realized that the girls were laughing at him, not with him.
{{quotebox|This probably isn't a big surprise to anyone, but Chris was also at Fridays After Five on July 16th. No pictures, I'm afraid. He was wearing a bright orange sleeveless shirt with what looked like a beer logo on the back and holding a Budweiser aluminum bottle, a little mini fan made to look like an iPod, and a hula hoop for some reason. Most importantly he had a sort of basic attraction sign with him, nothing elaborate or directly sexual but it said something like "Friendly and Flirty Man Zone" or something similar to that and with more smaller text under that I couldn't make out. He was sitting on the back grass part and left a few minutes before the music was over. I would have loved to catch Chris's attempts at using the hula hoop, I bet that was funny as hell.}}

This time the troll managed to take a picture of Chris, who appears to be wearing three [[Pokéwalker of Fail|Pokéwalkers of Fail]]. Two are red and white, and a custom painted one is barely visible underneath his arm. He also has what looks like a small bottle of hand sanitizer tucked into his belt. Chris [[The_GAMe_PLACe|has been known]] to immediately follow up any handshake with using hand sanitizer on himself. Chris is also holding a [[Attraction Sign|small piece of paper]] between his legs in both photographs, proving even further that he hasn't learned a single thing in the past seven years.
While the initial footage from June introduced the "WANT WOMAN!" bra as a sort of makeshift attraction sign, the most recent sighting reports a full-fledged return of an actual [[attraction sign]], albeit a very basic one.

The troll's report in full:
The hula hoop is more puzzling. It's entirely possible that Chris brought it to add to the dance moves seen on this very page, but given Chris's [[Sonichu's Edge|abysmally low stamina]], [[obesity|corpulent physique]], and total lack of coordination or dancing ability, this seems like a very unusual choice. Another theory is that he used it to mark the boundaries of his "Friendly and Flirty Man Zone". He can be seen at the end of one of the videos "dancing", apparently looking at and drifting towards a girl using two hula hoops near the stage; whether this inspired him to bring one himself or not is a matter of speculation.

Sorry for not adding more with the pictures, but I did notice that Chris had taken his DSi zoom lense(thanks for clarifying that up for me, guys) off his DSi and was using it as a telescope. He had it pressed up against his eye and was constantly watching around him with it for awhile. He also had this habit of taking off and putting on his sunglasses within seconds of each other. It seemed like he paid more attention to what was going on around him than what was happening at the concert. At one point, I noticed a girl, who looked like she was probably still in highschool, jump up on the ledge beside Chris to join a group of friends who happened to be stationed behind the manbaby. In the process, Chris turned to her and it looked like he said something to her, because immediately her facial expression changed from a legit happy one to a forced smile one. She joined up with her friends and they immediately huddled up together, whispering about something. At the same time they all looked up at Chris, and laughed. I can only imagine what he had said to the poor girl. A few moments later, one of the guys in the group picked up his cell phone and snapped a picture of Chris from behind. Maybe he's aware of who Chris is and will share his story somewhere. At that point, whether or not Chris realized they were making fun of him, he picked up his stuff and switched seating spots. I chose to take my leave at that point.}}
As of [[September 2015]], no further sightings of Chris at the event have been reported, and it is likely that he stopped attending out of fear of being recorded. Instead he began hanging out at [[Cville Pride]], [[Impulse Gay Social Club]] and various [[conventions]].

File:100 0669.JPG|The return of the King.
File:100 0669.JPG|The return of the King.
File:100 0670.JPG|[[100 2178|All alone.]]
File:100 0670.JPG|[[100 2178|All alone.]]
File:100 0671.JPG|Fuck yeah! A [[gal-pal]]!
File:100 0671.JPG|Preparing to put the moves on a [[gal-pal]].
File:100 0673.JPG|The gal pal's gone...
File:100 0673.JPG|The gal-pal's gone...
File:100 0674.JPG|Oh! Potential new gal-pals!
File:100 0674.JPG|Oh! Potential new gal-pals!
File:100 0676.JPG|Creepy...
File:100 0676.JPG|Creepy...
Line 65: Line 64:
File:100 0681.JPG|Eventually, an urgent need to [[Flipnote Hatena|DRAW SOME SHIT]] prevails.
File:100 0681.JPG|Eventually, an urgent need to [[Flipnote Hatena|DRAW SOME SHIT]] prevails.
File:100 0682.JPG|Chris enjoying the real world. Also, DAT ASSCRACK.
File:100 0682.JPG|Chris enjoying the real world. Also, DAT ASSCRACK.
File:100 0683.JPG|Chris has a deep conversation with an 8 year old.
File:100 0683.JPG|Chris has a deep conversation with an 8-year-old.
File:100 0693.JPG|A wide shot.
File:100 0693.JPG|A wide shot.
File:100 0694.JPG|A close-up of Chris. Notice that he hasn't bothered to fully remove his shirt.
File:100 0694.JPG|A close-up of Chris. Notice that he hasn't bothered to fully remove his shirt.
File:100 0695.JPG|Chris showing off his muscular bosom.
File:100 0695.JPG|Chris showing off his muscular bosom.
File:100_0697.JPG|Chris trying to look sexy for Da Ladies.
File:100_0697.JPG|Chris trying to look sexy for Da Ladies.
File:Fridayafterplan.png|CWC's plan B.
File:Fridayafterplan.png|CWC's Plan B.
File:FAF-06092010.jpg|From autistic trucker to dorkish plumber.
File:FAF-06092010.jpg|From autistic trucker to dorkish plumber.
File:WantMan.jpg|CWC's [[Homos|Plan C]].
File:Hulahoop.png|Chris and the hula hoop.
|Videos of Chris in a public place, a rare sight.
| name          = manchild
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|J4dib0pmpjE}}
| Stardate      = 18 June 2010
| Maker          = [http://www.youtube.com/user/0ArchieBunker0 0ArchieBunker0]
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =
| name          = 100_0690.MOV
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|tbU7ao0i-Ew}}
| Stardate      = 19 June 2010
| Maker          = [http://www.youtube.com/user/0ArchieBunker0 0ArchieBunker0]
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =
| name          = 100_0691.MOV
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|dDlJ-ZY5Opk}}
| Stardate      = 19 June 2010
| Maker          = [http://www.youtube.com/user/0ArchieBunker0 0ArchieBunker0]
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =
| name          = 100_0692.MOV
| video          = {{#ev:youtube|vdibt4Ll2gs}}
| Stardate      = 19 June 2010
| Maker          = [http://www.youtube.com/user/0ArchieBunker0 0ArchieBunker0]
| Subject        =
| Video Type    =
| Other Info    =

==See also==
==See also==
*[[Flipnote Hatena]]
* [[Flipnote Hatena]]
*[[Love Quest]]
* [[Love Quest]]
*[[Rollin' and Trollin']]
* [[Rollin' and Trollin']]
* [[Pedofork]]

==External links==
==External links==
*[http://www.mediafire.com/?nkhrmmtjymg Download the videos]
* [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1B1tpwlfKHz8yrG6zPL7Trt1TLcC9Eoiv?usp=sharing Download the Videos]
*[http://www.charlottesvillepavilion.com/fridaysafterfive/ Fridays After Five at the Charlottesville Pavilion]
* [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_rPqlYqWV4&list=PL1FubDWhRfPpNtU4GFh60yOQHtXJbosaw Watch them on YouTube]
* [http://www.sprintpavilion.com/events-tickets/fridays-after-five-line-up Fridays After Five at the Sprint Pavilion]
== Sources ==
<references />

[[Category:Social life]]
[[Category:Social life]]
[[Category:Outdoor videos]]
[[Category:Chris-chan videos, June 2010| 2010-06-18]]
[[Category:Field agent videos| 2010-06-18]]
[[Category:Eyewitness Accounts]]

Revision as of 22:10, 26 October 2022

Fa5 2colorlogo.jpg
they've found me in R. Life to catch footage of me for their gross, uncool amusement.
Chris, referring to the trolls at FA5.
You know he's straight because his bra says so.

Fridays After Five is a large block party/concert series that takes place in Charlottesville, Virginia and Owensboro, Kentucky from spring until fall. In June 2010, Chris was recorded there, enjoying real life for once.

Chris first mentioned Fridays After Five in a video explaining his near hit-and-run on Michael Snyder. Based upon this knowledge, Chris has attended the event since at least 4 June 2010. Chris first alludes to his knowledge of Fridays After Five in the 2009 video "Rollin' and Trollin'", in which he stands outside the Charlottesville Pavilion and mentions how Christian and the Hedgehog Boys play there every Friday night.

18 June Sighting

Chris trying to pick up a boyfriend-free girl.
Chris exhibiting elbow spasms attempting to dance. Note the man on the bottom-right shaking his head in disbelief.

On 18 June 2010, Chris went to one of these events and a good Samaritan (YouTube name 0ArchieBunker0) took these videos and pictures of him out in public.

According to the author, Chris wore a T-shirt that says "I Enjoy Vagina" and was wearing a "gay circular thing" on his hip which is most likely his PokéWalker. At some point, Chris pulled back his crude shirt to reveal his flabby gut and muscle bra, which he had apparently seen fit to write "WANT WOMAN!" on with permanent marker. Note the apparent, inexplicable (knowing Chris) absence of the Medallion of Fail - although it could have been removed just temporarily in order to simplify the (probably planned) act of pulling back the shirt.

Chris's clothing indicates he is looking to put a new twist on his old tricks. Like the attraction sign, Chris is shown making a point to display the writing on his clothing, declaring that he "enjoys vagina" and "wants woman." This is yet another example that this autistic man-child does not learn from the mistakes of his past. Also, the videos filmed at this event mostly showed the back of Chris's head, which shows a small but emerging bald spot.

Besides exposing his covered bosom to potential sweethearts - mostly severely underage - Chris spent his time at the event drawing Flipnotes on his Nintendo DSi, and trying to dance with his famous Autistic Chicken Dance - with all the grace and skill of CWC Fighter.

It is unlikely that Chris was aware of being photographed, which proves that all these actions are Chris's idea of being normal. When Chris eventually realized (or it seemed so) he was being observed, he suddenly disappeared like Batman.

9 July Sighting

Tell me why I'm stuck in a sad lonely cage...

On 9 July, the troll who spotted Chris on Independence Day spotted him again. According to the troll, Chris had unscrewed the zoom lens from his DSi and was using it as a rudimentary telescope by pressing it up to his eye.

Sorry for not adding more with the pictures, but I did notice that Chris had taken his DSi zoom lense(thanks for clarifying that up for me, guys) off his DSi and was using it as a telescope. He had it pressed up against his eye and was constantly watching around him with it for awhile. He also had this habit of taking off and putting on his sunglasses within seconds of each other. It seemed like he paid more attention to what was going on around him than what was happening at the concert. At one point, I noticed a girl, who looked like she was probably still in highschool, jump up on the ledge beside Chris to join a group of friends who happened to be stationed behind the manbaby. In the process, Chris turned to her and it looked like he said something to her, because immediately her facial expression changed from a legit happy one to a forced smile one. She joined up with her friends and they immediately huddled up together, whispering about something. At the same time they all looked up at Chris, and laughed. I can only imagine what he had said to the poor girl. A few moments later, one of the guys in the group picked up his cell phone and snapped a picture of Chris from behind. Maybe he's aware of who Chris is and will share his story somewhere. At that point, whether or not Chris realized they were making fun of him, he picked up his stuff and switched seating spots. I chose to take my leave at that point.

This time, the troll managed to take a picture of Chris, who appears to be wearing three Pokéwalkers of Fail. Two are red and white, and a custom painted one is barely visible underneath his arm. He also has what looks like a small bottle of hand sanitizer tucked into his belt. Chris has been known to immediately follow up any handshake with using hand sanitizer on himself. Chris is also holding a small piece of paper between his legs in both photographs, proving even further that he hasn't learned a single thing in the past seven years.

Chris's response to this sighting, delusional as always:[1]

I lured out one last Friday at the Pavillion [sic], obviously. I SHOULD have gone after him in pursuit, but the only plan I had programmed in my head in response is take their picture with my DSi. I have reprogrammed my mind to pursue after lure, yell for a policeman, and have him arrested for Taking Photographs at the Pavillion [sic] during Fridays After 5. On their Triangular, Red Column, they have a rules list, which includes, "No Cameras or Videotaping are Permitted". I am positive I'll lure out the same guy from Last Friday; I only got a brief look at his face, but I am positive I'd recognize him on future sight.

Note how he says he's going to have the troll arrested for taking photographs, while in the same sentence noting how he had been taking pictures himself the whole time.

16 July Sighting

Something like this.

On 16 July, a different troll managed to spot Chris at the park. While no photos were taken, the description given paints a very...unusual picture.

This probably isn't a big surprise to anyone, but Chris was also at Fridays After Five on July 16th. No pictures, I'm afraid. He was wearing a bright orange sleeveless shirt with what looked like a beer logo on the back and holding a Budweiser aluminum bottle, a little mini fan made to look like an iPod, and a hula hoop for some reason. Most importantly he had a sort of basic attraction sign with him, nothing elaborate or directly sexual but it said something like "Friendly and Flirty Man Zone" or something similar to that and with more smaller text under that I couldn't make out. He was sitting on the back grass part and left a few minutes before the music was over. I would have loved to catch Chris's attempts at using the hula hoop, I bet that was funny as hell.

While the initial footage from June introduced the "WANT WOMAN!" bra as a sort of makeshift attraction sign, the most recent sighting reports a full-fledged return of an actual attraction sign, albeit a very basic one.

The hula hoop is more puzzling. It's entirely possible that Chris brought it to add to the dance moves seen on this very page, but given Chris's abysmally low stamina, corpulent physique, and total lack of coordination or dancing ability, this seems like a very unusual choice. Another theory is that he used it to mark the boundaries of his "Friendly and Flirty Man Zone". He can be seen at the end of one of the videos "dancing", apparently looking at and drifting towards a girl using two hula hoops near the stage; whether this inspired him to bring one himself or not is a matter of speculation.


As of September 2015, no further sightings of Chris at the event have been reported, and it is likely that he stopped attending out of fear of being recorded. Instead he began hanging out at Cville Pride, Impulse Gay Social Club and various conventions.


See also

External links


  1. Jackie E-mails 3: E-mails sent around the time of the FAF sightings