Kiwi Farms posts (Null)

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This page is an archive of Null's key posts about Chris on the online forum, Kiwi Farms. Posts are sorted by date.

Closure of CWCki Forums Private Board

5 November 2014[1]

The CWCki Forums had a private discussion board that only people with VIP status can access. This is sort of a personal catharsis that I feel should be shared with the general public.

I've removed names and gender-specific pronouns from the post, except those relating to Chris. Some of the things I'm talking about aren't public yet. Hopefully it can still be understood.

Edit: This does not mean I'm closing the forum. Just a small board that was inhabited by like 5 people and the staff.


After my last thread, I've had some talks with at least half a dozen different people regarding this board. Between staff, users not in the know, and a VIP, the ultimate conclusion was that Private Discussion should be closed by January 2015.

There's there's three things I'd like to cover in this post.

  • A review of what has been accomplished here.
  • An understanding of why this conclusion was reached.
  • What happens after the board is closed.

So, lets start with a review.

At some point, early on when I started hosting, I thought it would be a good idea to open a board for Marvin and Alec to communicate with staff. They, for the entirety of this board's existence, have kept their own plans, personas, and goals a secret from everyone I know of. There were some very light interactions, but nothing serious happened. This changed with ████████.

When I first saw Chris talking about his Highschool Reunion, my immediate thought was "someone is going to impersonate Chris's friends". And that happened. Up until I got ████████ PMs, I thought for sure anyone caught fucking around with the reunion and impersonating people would be banned, that changed when [they] had success.

See, ████████ got involved during the slowest period of Chris' history since his discovery. There was no information from Chris, no information from third parties, Facebook updates were months apart, and what we got when he did post was random bullshit that meant nothing. In fact, when this started, we didn't have an Update board because there were so few updates to report on, it was pointless. I had the idea of an update board for a long time before it was added, but people told me it was just wishful thinking on my part that Chris would ever be as loud as he is now again.

[Their] work with the impersonations became such a massive web, most people stopped following it. For a while, even I didn't keep in touch. There were too many people, too much going on, and too many "forwarded emails" to keep straight. After the house fire, there was an email sent as the injured firefighter. At this point, I asked [them] to stop. For whatever reason, probably a combination of feeling discouraged and being swamped by [real-life work], ████████ went quiet for a long time. [They] kept to [one of their identities] only, which hampered [their] ability to get content, but it felt better.

████████ entered the picture some time later. It started very innocuously with some drive-by pictures of Chris' house. In fact, IIRC, the first series of pictures was taken from a moving vehicle going too fast for any of the pictures to develop properly. This evolved to curb-side photography, and then eventually we started seeing papers from what had been thrown out. At some point this began to alarm community members. It didn't strike me as anything particularly offensive, though. This also changed when we started seeing pictures of the rental house. I don't know how ████████ got them. I'm assuming [they] saw them on the road and followed them home. All know is that it made me, and other staff, uncomfortable.

Around this time I ducked the forums for about a month. When I started appearing again, KatsuKitty informed me that ████████ wanted ████████ to have access to the Private Board. I didn't understand why, but I later found out [they were] a new galpal. ████████, I believe, has been the most tame out of all 5 of the VIPs. [They were] certainly the least involved, [they] played by many of the rules set out by previous Chris trolls, and I get the idea that a lot of this isn't wholly [their] idea.

This leads us up to today. We've seen the first video of Chris in a year. We've had the first audio of Chris since the Emily date. We've seen pictures, letters, and drawings we've never seen before.

So it would seem there's been peaks of success. A lot of new information. Why the decision?

The cost of this information is too high.

In the last video, Chris is so fucking pathetic and broken it hurts. He's desperately clinging to a relationship that borders on emotionally abusive. [They've] had [their] gifts of affection stolen from the person [they]'s given them to. He still clings to the idea of a reunion, even though he thinks that all of the people he used to know ridicule him. His mother is slowly dying, his family has ostracized him, he's had trolls pose as his very young cousin just to call him weird, he's thousands of dollars in debt and losing 30 fucking dollars from a single PayPal case can throw off his entire month's budget. It goes on, and on, and on.

And the worst part is, all of the intrapersonal problems I just mentioned are made up. ████████? Fake. Highschool friends? Fake. ████████? Fake. ████████? Fake. Every person he knows is us. I'm not okay with this.

I mean, compare Chris' energy in these two videos:

Null linked to two YouTube videos which have since been terminated.

He's completely drained. There's no fight there. Even the posture is different. He's sitting the, legs clasp together, hands laying limp in his lap. He's fucking burnt.

In short, the decision was reached for one big reason: We're not comfortable with this anymore. Trolling Chris isn't the same was it was 5 years ago. This is the closest thing to gangstalking that has ever existed, and the target is someone who is literally retarded.

But before anyone gets defensive, and I know it sounds like I'm blaming everyone, but the blame is on me. I made the board. I encouraged ████████. I encouraged ████████. I invited ████████. I did all of this so that I would have a say so that I would be in the know, so that I would be important without even doing anything. And it worked, I mean -- I guess I'm "inner circle" now. I know more than 99% of people, but at what cost?

I glorified obsessive behavior, I gave people badges and gold names for it, I built an echo chamber that caused a mentality to grow in people which was not healthy. I feel like I'm fucking evil for this shit.

Now what?

One of the biggest reasons I was able to mentally justify the continued existence of this board was this: "If I shut it down, they will take their work and move it elsewhere. Then, I don't have a say at all."

This continues to be true, but I am now at a point where I believe even that would be better. There's a reason why most staff don't post here: because they're not okay with it. Even the ones that do have raised issues.

I don't control what you guys do, but I would implore you to stop. Chris isn't a good guy, and I know his attitude and behavior goes a long way in not caring about what happens to him. However, I would still ask you all to consider what holding this much power and influence over a single person does to him, and does to you. Is Chris really being trolled anymore? Is this level of military grade effort warranted? Have what we gotten from it satisfied the "Effort to Reaction" rule of trolling?

Marvin has offered to host these discussions elsewhere, and I know there's a good chance you guys will pick up and move to a different place with him, but if that is the case I sincerely hope what I've said will at least resonate.

With that said, I would like you all to come up with a timeline of how you want to wind down activity. What information should be released, when should it be released? I think January 2015 is a generous allotment of time, and there's many weeks to work with in terms of either shutting down efforts or getting set up with Marvin.

I sincerely appreciate the amount of time people have invested into what I've created. Ultimately, and sadly, I believe the fun period of messing with Chris is now over forever. I have seen for my own eyes what even the most ambitious of efforts can bring about, and I don't think it's a good idea to encourage it anymore.

Confirming LegendaryChristorian

4 October 2017[2]

Null confirmed that the LegendaryChristorian user is Chris.

In response to a user's comment, "Is Null pulling a prank here or is this legit? I cannot tell anymore.":

His email address is the one he's used for 10 years and his IP address is a mobile device from Ruckersville, Virginia.

Dead Cow

23 January 2018[3]

In response to a user's comment, "Now, that aside: we do need some sort of organized policy for the future.":

There will be no such thing. This is a dead cow and I want everyone who sticks their fingers in the pie to be known to their family and friends as the disgusting fuckhead that made a mentally challenged dragqueen do the nazi salute for money like some sort of circus monkey dancing for peanuts.

Decline of Trolling

16 June 2018[4]

In response to a user asking, "Uhm, yes, but...

And if that is the case, why did you build and maintain a pretty public forum that records and discusses every move Chandler makes..?

I just don't understand it (and I'm glad I don't have to).":

I started hosting the CWCki Forums in 2013. Before Bob died, trolling Chris was particularly funny, but after Bob has died, it has become less funny and more miserable every goddamn year.

Your brain is straining to process that there is even a line to even cross, that there is one bridge too far. You literally cannot understand the difference between the 2006 Chris screaming in his room in a safe and secure environment, and the 2018 Chris who can actually lose his estate because of his mother's unchecked spending and the psychopaths coaxing him into doing shit that jeopardizes his financial security.

That's the line. Fuck these people and fuck people who think Chris is some sort of jointly owned punching bag anyone can just scream at when they're bored. The fact a lot of these fucking animals don't even hide who they are just goes to prove my point. They feel so secure in their actions, so sure Chris cannot retaliate in any way, they don't even fucking bother using a fake email.

Legit Emails

17 June 2018[5]

In response to a user asking, "@Null have you seen any actual good emails in that inbox? Like emails you let Chris see? Or have they all been shit tier quality?":

Someone offered to pay him for the rights to use old Sonichu art as his album art and followed through. A bunch of people sent in information regarding the C64 that was actually useful. TooManyGames also reached out to him and we got in touch with an event coordinator. He should be able to go. The guy was a bit frustrated Chris waited to the very last second but he thinks he can make it happen.

I'm good at this, ok

Edit: Oh also, Hirtes, stop trying to scare TMG. It's not going to work. Chris doesn't carry a baseball bat and you know it. Hang yourself you fleabitten parasite.

The Chris-Chan Extortionists

Main article: The Chris-Chan Extortionists

11 July 2018

Null posted a thread describing the Idea Guys's manipulation over Chris.

Chris's Beliefs

13 July 2018[6]

In response to a user's comment, "Does Chris believe these characters are real entities?":

He is utterly convinced. I can't approach the topic with him at all. The first thing he asked me when we started talking was if I believed in the alternate dimensions and I said no. He got very mad, started describing his adventures, and I had to walk it back by saying "I can only speak on experience".

Stan Smith

14 July 2018[7]

In response to a user's comment, "which I assume was part of what drove Null and co to investigate":


The Captain knows someone Chris has met in real life who became concerned about Chris, but Chris wouldn't say much about it. Captain was the one who had bought Chris's class ring and wanting to know more told Chris the thing said he was in trouble during the night. Chris believed this and opened up. The Captain realized the extend of the trolling was criminal in nature and then alerted Marvin and I basically like this.

Null linked to a reaction video.

Unrelated, but when Chris first started messaging me he said that Stan Smith from American Dad said I was somehow affiliated with the FBI/CIA, which I think is entirely his head canon. If you wonder why I'm a big softy with Chris, there's a good example.

Sad About Chris's Roleplaying

25 August 2019[8]

Chris just sent me some shit out of the blue and he immediately got upset and shut up after I addressed him as "Chris" instead of Magichan. Every single time I see this ludicrous faggot shit he's doing it's like losing Terry again. It makes me so fucking sad.

Not Dealing with Sockness

3 November 2019[9]

In response to a user's comment, "I’m sorry this happened to you @Null and I hope you can intervene with Sockness.":

I'm not doing shit. Stop tagging me into the Chris board. I don't care.
