Jail Saga

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The things described in this article are still happening, or are still being looked into. As a result, it may be subject to frequent change, and the information provided may not be entirely reliable.
Chris's mugshot for his incest charge, Henrico County Sheriff's Office.
I am Chris-Chan Sonichu, your goddess Blue Heart, and I continue to stand strong, and I maintain everything with CWCVille and my Sonichus and Rosechus and everybody. I keep in good faith that everything is going to work out.
Chris's far cry villian speech, while being arrested in front of his motel.[1]

Following July allegations and eventual confirmation that Chris had committed incest with Barb, hundreds of people contacted the police, and authorities conducted a welfare check, issuing an Emergency Protective Order on Chris the following day (essentially a temporary week-long restraining order). Chris was made temporarily homeless, and stayed at the Regency Inn Richmond for the meantime. Chris was arrested on 1 August 2021, outside of the Inn. The arrest was captured live on stream by both Ethan Ralph and an anonymous onlooker. Surprisingly, given Chris's past history with the law, he made no attempt to resist arrest, and was cooperative with police.

As of writing, Chris is currently being held at the Central Virginia Regional Jail and is currently awaiting trial for the charge of incest, as well as further charges yet to be identified. He was arraigned on 5 August 2021 and held without bond pending a mental health evaluation until 16 September, likely making matters worse by interrupting the court proceedings to beg for his toys, and stamping his feet.


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"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him."

Following Chris's expulsion from his home, Son-chu was located at the Regency Inn in Richmond, confirming that Chris was in the city and that he would be spending time in a motel.[2]. The next day (1 August), a number of people attempted, or said they would attempt, to contact Chris there. The most significant was YouTuber Ethan Ralph who, along with his fiancée and some friends, livestreamed themselves driving to the motel to meet Chris. They ordered a pizza in the hopes of luring him out and went about knocking on every door on the second floor. Chris did not answer the door and the group was told to leave by a motel employee. They went to Regency Mall (of bear fame) across the street, while still streaming, to wait around and because it was suspected that Chris might be there if not in his room.

Later that afternoon, they were tipped off that four police cars had shown up at the motel and arrived back in time to see two Henrico County police officers perp-walking Chris down from his room. Ralph continued to film for a live audience of over 3,000 viewers while the police talked to Chris, occasionally yelling comments himself which Chris sometimes responded to. Unlike Chris's previous run-ins with the law, he remained mostly calm and compliant during the arrest, though he rambled about the Dimensional Merge to both the police and Ralph's crew. The police then loaded Chris into a squad car and left without answering Ralph's questions.[3] An additional PoV shot was filmed by an anonymous onlooker, showing Chris climbing directly into the cop car.


Chris-Chan Arrested
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 1st August 2021
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga IncestIncest Incest

Orbiter WaveOrbiter Wave Post-Merge JailJail Jail


[Video begins with a shot of a neighboring car. A woman gets out of it with her phone. Loud music plays in background.]

Girl: Oh my god!

Ralph: They're arresting her!

[Ralph gets out of the car and walks toward the fence. The woman from earlier is know kneeling with her phone pointing at the motel. Ralph walks past her.]

Ralph: Sorry.

[Camera zooms in on the motel, focusing on the second floor, where the police officers are walking Chris]

Girl in background: Oh my god!

Ralph: Yeah, they're arresting Chris Chan here at the hotel.

[Indistinct yelling in the background]

Ralph (yelling): Chris Chan, what's up! Killstream, baby! When you get out, let's do the Killstream! Look me up!

Guy in background: Let the charges drop! It's all about Joshua Connor Moon!

Ralph: Tell 'em all about Josh Moon, that's who they want!

[Bystanders start yelling]

Girl in background: Give it up, Chris Chan!

Guy in background: (Indistinct)...save yourself, girl!

Another guy in background: Magi-Chan will help you!

Third guy in background: You're beautiful!

Ralph: Look up Ethan Ralph, Killstream! I live here in Richmond, buddy!

Girl in background: Go to church!

Ralph: No, come to...come to the Killstream first!

[As the cops walk Chris down the stairs, there is more yelling]

Person below: (Unintelligible)

Ralph: YEEEAH! What kind of shit is this? Holy shit! Oh my god, thank you!

[The cops are now walking Chris past the motel entrance]

Guy in background: Got a (indistinct) here!

Girl in background: Christian Weston Chandler, right here being...

[Camera turns past a nearby building as Ralph runs toward the motel parking lot]

Ralph: Oh, shit, oh! You better hurry Jesse, you're missing out!

[The camera now zooms in on Chris and three police officers, now standing outside a police car]

Police officer:...oh no, (indistinct) transport in the front...

[A police officer facing Chris says something that cannot be heard, presumably asking Chris his name]

Chris:...Chris Chan, or Sonichu, as they know...

'[Camera freezes for a couple seconds]'

Girl in background:...Chris. (indistinct) Bring 'em...

[A fourth officer gets out of one of the police cars]

Ralph: Hey, officers, how's it going?

Police officer: How you doing? I just saw you.

Ralph: Yeah, that's right! That's you, oh my god!

Person in background: Sorry about that, guys.

Ralph: I told you!

Chris: (indistinct) flying (?)...

Girl in background: (To Ralph) Is the car unlocked?

Chris: (indistinct) I am good like this!

Guy in background: (To Chris) You are, you absolutely are!

Ralph: Yeah, I think so. (To Chris) Yeah, you appear to be compliant.

Chris: I am Chris-Chan Sonichu, your goddess Blue Heart, and I continue to stand strong, and I maintain everything with CWCVille and my Sonichus and Rosechus and everybody. I keep in good faith that everything is going to work out.

Ralph: Yeah, you're live to about 3,000 people right now, Christian!

Guy in background: How do you plead?

Ralph: Well don't...you're taking everything in stride, you said you're doing good?

Chris : Yeah. I keep a good faith everything is going to work out.

Ralph: Doing good, feeling good?

Chris : Yep.

Ralph: How's the last few been? I know it's been pretty stressful.

Chris : It's stressful, but...I've taken it one moment at a time and...I've got my...I've got my loves.

Ralph: Well that's good.

Guy in background: Do you like, Josh Moon, like, did you dirty?

[An officer begins frisking Chris, and apparently finds something on his waistband]

Chris: (To officer) Oh, well, that's just the one thing, that's a pin. Feel free, just go ahead and take it out, it's a picture of Muffins from My Little Pony.

Guy in background: Your Love Quest is over, Chris!

Chris: (To officer) I promise like...I was not (indistinct)...it fell off my bag, I did not want to lose it. And please, I would like that...(indistinct)

Jesse: Hey, Ethan!

Ralph: What's up, Jesse?

Jesse: How you doing?

Ralph: Boy we almost missed it, huh?

[Ralph and Jesse laugh]

Jesse: I was wandering around the mall.

[The cop starts searching Chris's left side]

Chris: (indistinct)...options there...

Girl in background: I literally ran out to get that (chuckles). This is nuts.

[Someone makes a noise in the background]

Jesse: Christine, this man does want to help you.

Ralph: Yeah, we were trying to get you on the show, but...look, when you get out, look me up, Killstream. I don't know if you know who I am or not.

Girl in background: We're here to help you!

[Indistinct yelling in background]

Ralph: We saw what Josh was doing to you, so we wanted to come try to talk to you.

[The cop finishes his search]

Police officer: (To Chris) Do you have anything else on you?

Chris: I have nothing else on me.

[The police officer says something to Chris]

Chris: I understand. I have no weed, I have no drugs on (indistinct)...like I said, frisk me, there you go! (chuckles)

Ralph: (Chuckles)

Chris: That felt good!

Ralph: (Laughs loudly)

Police officer: Alright, let's have a seat.

Jesse: Christine, is the merge coming?

Ralph: Aight...

Chris: It's happening now, it's on the verge (indistinct)

Ralph: (talking over Chris) The Merge, it's happening right now, isn't it?

Girl in background: It's happening right now, it is.

Chris: We're living it!

[Chris turns says something indistinct to the police officers, then sits down as one of the officers points into the back of the police car]

Girl in background: It's happening right now.

Guy in a background: Merge the dimensions, Chris!

Ralph: Farewell, Chris Chan!

Girl in background: (indistinct) The Dimensional Merge is happening right now, August 1, 2021.

[Chris sits in the back of the police car]

Ralph: Well there goes Chris Chan into the Henrico County deputy's car here.

Guy in background: Don't let the boulder(?) hit you!

Ralph: I don't think they've had an...arrest like this.

Girl in background: No, don't think so.

Ralph: We just got here, too.

Guy in background: This is like the first time nobody's filming the police.

Girl in background: I know.

[Everyone laughs]]

Someone else in background: ...beginning of an era.

Another person in background: ...did you bring the wallet?

Guy in background: Which one of you wanted to ask questions?

Jesse: Oh I had a chance, but...

Ralph: Okay...

Guy in background: (To officers) Yeah, please do take like good care of her, she is like a good person.

Officer: I will. I treat everybody the same, man. Alright, y'all have a good day.

Ralph: Thank you, officers.

Guy in background: Thank you.

Ralph: I appreciate y'all taking enough time for me to get here, too.

[Camera turns away from the police cars]

Ralph: Woww! (breathing heavily) Was that...(camera turns to show Ralph's face)...was that a scoop or what, ladies and gentlemen? What the, what in the world? Oh as always, falling into my lap here!

Guy in background: (indistinct)...tell me I didn't make it happen, I told you it was gonna happen.

Girl in background: Dude...(indistinct)

Ralph: He did, he told me. I wasn't going to come out to all this, but...

Girl in background: I can't believe he stayed over here!

Ralph: We just got the f...

[Video ends]


Chris's second mugshot on 2 August when transferred to Central Virginia Regional Jail.

On arrest, Chris was briefly held without bail at Henrico County Jail West.[4] On 2 August 2021, the Charlottesville CBS affiliate, CBS 19, reported on the case, following the release of a press release from the Greene County Sheriff's Department indicating that Chris had been moved to Central Virginia Regional Jail, which serves several counties including Greene County.[5][6] Calls to the Sheriff's Office have confirmed that he is being held on a charge of incest. Originally, Chris was going to be transferred to a female prison (the Sheriff's Office website gives his gender as female), but after uproar from his new exposure, it was decided he would be tried as a male adult instead. It is noted that transgender inmates in Virginia are usually only placed in the prison of their identified gender if they have received sex-change surgery, which Chris has not.

Of note is that the charge against Chris is listed on the Henrico Sheriff's Office website as "incest with own child or grandchild", presumably because "incest with own parent" charges are too uncommon to warrant an option for them in the software.

First court appearance

On 5 August 2021, Chris appeared before the court for the beginning of his arraignment. The proceedings were documented by the Greene County Record newspaper.

According to the journalist, Charlottesville attorney David Heilberg was appointed Chris' public defender. The attorney representing Greene County asked presiding judge David M. Barredo to deny Chris bond out of concern for "the community's safety and Ms. Chandler's safety." Chris reportedly interrupted the proceedings multiple times. He was chided by his attorney for shouting "I'm famous on the internet." He was sworn in to state his case for bond, but wasted his opportunity to speak by demanding to be allowed to pick up personal possessions first.

Judge Barredo ordered Chris to be held without bond until the preliminary trial on 16 September, believing there was danger to both society and Chris. While Heilberg was informing the judge that he sought "evaluations" of Chris, Chris interrupted his own attorney by loudly stomping on the floor and demanding "to get everything back home,” also saying, "I won’t feel safe proceeding" until he could get the items back.

From Chris' reported behavior in the courtroom, it is easy to believe that Chris either does not fully understand or care about the seriousness of his charges and the possible consequences, or that he still expects to be saved by the Dimensional Merge. It remains to be known how he is coping in jail.

On 7 August 2021, Tucker Carlson briefly talked about Chris's case in a Fox News segment.[7]

Second court appearance

Chris's next court appearance is due on 16 September 2021.

See Also
