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:Furthermore, I think that the CWCki will become somewhat stale if all other articles are written in the same spirit as the current introductory paragraph. While I'm not saying we should adopt ED practices and write against the truth if it provides more lulz, I also think we shouldn't emulate wikipedia's NPOV policy. Instead, we should go for a for a rule saying that when writing about Chris once should only stick to facts and observation which can be agreed by all reasonable and informed people - with the occasional snarky comment. [[User:NegaCWC|NegaCWC]] 10:09, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
:Furthermore, I think that the CWCki will become somewhat stale if all other articles are written in the same spirit as the current introductory paragraph. While I'm not saying we should adopt ED practices and write against the truth if it provides more lulz, I also think we shouldn't emulate wikipedia's NPOV policy. Instead, we should go for a for a rule saying that when writing about Chris once should only stick to facts and observation which can be agreed by all reasonable and informed people - with the occasional snarky comment. [[User:NegaCWC|NegaCWC]] 10:09, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
:: To put in my two cents here, I'd say I think everything is fine the way it is as long as it's simply about the facts (or any assumptions are stated as such). If someone stole stuff all the time, you'd call them a thief...you wouldn't sugar coat it (and in reality you couldn't). Chris is a lot of things, most of those things are backed up by examples Chris himself have given people to view. Telling someone Chris is a man-child and giving them examples of said man-child tendencies is no different, in my opinion, as if we'd just given them the examples and they came up with the same conclusion. Most people have brains and use them, if we tell them Chris is racist and then give them examples of said behavior, they can still disagree if they feel the evidence is not conclusive. As for the problem with making "transvestite" or "homosexual" seem like something bad, all I can say is that it's how you read it. I've read almost every article in this CWCki and I don't feel like it's "dissing" or "hating on" anyone that is of any sort of religions, race, gender, or sexuality. It's simply showing what Chris is and how he acts. Straight-out calling Chris a transvestite (Noun: A person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes appropriate to the opposite sex), isn't too far from the truth, but at the same time, it's not insulting transexuals as a whole. Using that type of logic (meaning you're insulting a group of people if they are in some way associated with what Chris does) would mean that all men, all virgins, all autistics, and all humans are bad/horrible people because they are in the "same group" as Chris. --[[User:4Macie|4Macie]] 12:33, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
:: To put in my two cents here, I'd say I think everything is fine the way it is as long as it's simply about the facts (or any assumptions are stated as such). If someone stole stuff all the time, you'd call them a thief...you wouldn't sugar coat it (and in reality you couldn't). Chris is a lot of things, most of those things are backed up by examples Chris himself have given people to view. Telling someone Chris is a man-child and giving them examples of said man-child tendencies is no different, in my opinion, as if we'd just given them the examples and they came up with the same conclusion. Most people have brains and use them, if we tell them Chris is racist and then give them examples of said behavior, they can still disagree if they feel the evidence is not conclusive. As for the problem with making "transvestite" or "homosexual" seem like something bad, all I can say is that it's how you read it. I've read almost every article in this CWCki and I don't feel like it's "dissing" or "hating on" anyone that is of any sort of religions, race, gender, or sexuality. It's simply showing what Chris is and how he acts. Straight-out calling Chris a transvestite (Noun: A person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes appropriate to the opposite sex), isn't too far from the truth, but at the same time, it's not insulting transexuals as a whole. Using that type of logic (meaning you're insulting a group of people if they are in some way associated with what Chris does) would mean that all men, all virgins, all autistics, and all humans are bad/horrible people because they are in the "same group" as Chris. --[[User:4Macie|4Macie]] 12:33, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
::I wasn't a huge fan of the intro as it was.  I prefer more subtle jabs; I think that it can be pretty funny to throw in a dig here or there, but a long (entirely piped) list of 'OMG HOMOS' is just... meh.  I don't agree with some of the overzealous insult (and humor) purging that has hit some articles, but this I can agree with. [[User:Dude|Dude]] 17:41, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
== August 2011? ==
The events so far of August 2011 appear to be missing. The most recent entries relate only to the Tomgirl forums. --[[User:IwegalBadnik|IwegalBadnik]] 12:56, 13 August 2011 (PDT)
Yeah, the part saying he hasn't made any new videos should be updated [[User:Martymoinklers|Martymoinklers]] 17:16, 1 September 2011 (PDT)
I did it --[[User:ThatPianoGuy|ThatPianoGuy]] 21:05, 8 September 2011 (PDT)
==Chris as a troll==
Not sure why the category has been deleted multiple times. Chris has been (if not currently) a troll, in his career. Most notably, to [[Alec Benson Leary]] during the Asperchu saga, especially during the [[Alec Benson Leary calls|phone calls]]. He's also been Evan's to some extent, i.e. plagiarism [[May 2014 Facebook Posts|which still hasn't been reverted]]. And, of course, the infamous [[Rollin' and Trollin']]. [[User:Boomhauer|Boomhauer]] ([[User talk:Boomhauer|talk]]) 2:18, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
Just because there's some trolls you dislike doesn't mean Chris is a troll to his trolls. [[User:Alan Pardew|Alan Pardew]] ([[User talk:Alan Pardew|talk]]) 07:44, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
What? First off, I never said I disliked any trolls; I'm not trying to bias this. Secondly, Chris has fully admitted to being a 'troll' in the past. As for being a literal troll, like I said, the [[Asperchu]] saga says it all; his constant insulting and mocking of the 'Asperchu Four' along with his disregard for other's work is the clean-cut definition of a troll. [[User:Boomhauer|Boomhauer]] ([[User talk:Boomhauer|talk]]) 10:31, 11 September 2014 (UTC)
So let me get this straight in summary.
1. Chris said that he's a troll so therefore he's a troll.
2. A troll's definition is to mock someone else's work.
If these are what you are pointing out, no. [[User:Alan Pardew|Alan Pardew]] ([[User talk:Alan Pardew|talk]]) 11:26, 14 September 2014 (UTC)
So by that, no trolls listed in the wiki are actually trolls? I mean, even Liquid isn't regarded as a troll by some, and all he did was mock. Even Alec's called Chris a troll, and that was one of, if not the, most eventful sagas to date. [[User:Boomhauer|Boomhauer]] ([[User talk:Boomhauer|talk]]) 11:48, 14 September 2014 (UTC)
So? [[User:Alan Pardew|Alan Pardew]] ([[User talk:Alan Pardew|talk]]) 15:40, 14 September 2014 (UTC)
== Chris on happy tree friends ==
I don't really know if he likes happy tree friends, and it is probably for the best...unless of course he fucks up and adds sonichu as a happy tree friend OC.
== Changing the top image to modern CWC ==
I was wondering if the image in the "Chandler Family" box should be replaced with an image of today's 30+ y/o CWC, instead of classic CWC. ED did it, so why not here? I get that it's probably ''the'' most recognizable pic of CWC, but I'd feel it would be more appropriate, especially when the info in the same box is constantly updating. [[User:CWCFlick|CWCFlick]]
== Pronouns ==
00dani‎ changed all the pronouns in this article to female, to suit Chris's gender choice. I think an edit of that magnitude should be discussed first, so I undid the edits.
Should the pronouns be changed to female?
* I'm voting no. This wiki is primarily about classic Chris, so the gender pronouns should reflect that. A sweeping change of "him" to "her" doesn't make sense, since, for instance, the early life section would get changed as well, and Chris identified as a male for most of his life. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 06:06, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
** First off, good on you for fixing that awful edit. Second, I'm going to weigh in and say that even if Chris did legitimately suffer from dysphoria, changing his pronouns on the wiki would be the wrong course of action. I didn't push for my point of view strongly enough the first time it came up. The point of pronouns isn't to do with the feelings of what someone ''believes'' himself to be, it's to make discussion of what a person really ''is'' clearer. Enabling delusional thinking by giving people whatever pronouns they ask for muddies up the already-difficult art of communication. Once they invent a form of gender reassignment surgery that produces reproductively viable results in the end, then we can ''consider and discuss'' the merits that maybe giving people pronouns correlating to their new reproductive organs instead of those they were born with. Until then, Chris is just a man who hates [[JERKS]] and wants [[china]], regardless of if he has a professional surgeon give him an Un-Clit 3.0 and removes his much-hated [[duck]] ([[Chris and money|which he won't]]). [[User:Nate-Kar Sonichu|Nathan]] ([[User talk:Nate-Kar Sonichu|talk]]) 20:22, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
*** Kudos to Nate for that epic comment. I 100% agree. If we were going to give any credence to Chris's ludicrous assertion of self-femininity, we might as well also accommodate for his belief that CWCville actually exists as a tangible place. Besides—providing that Chris lives long enough—I believe the tomgirl saga will eventually come to an end.--[[User:Galilean|Galilean]] ([[User talk:Galilean|talk]]) 21:23, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
* Correct pronouns aren't a reward for good behaviour - Christine is an Awful Person™, certainly, but she is not a man and has specifically requested she/her pronouns. Please correctly gender all trans people, including while speaking about them historically (for example, [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebecca_Heineman Rebecca Heineman is correctly gendered throughout her Wikipedia article]). [[User:00dani|00dani]] ([[User talk:00dani|talk]]) 22:30, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
* Chris is a man who likes applying feminine traits to himself. It's biologically impossible for a man to be a woman, or vice versa.<br>I disagree with Wikipedia's policy on applying pronouns from transgenderism throughout an article since it distorts the depiction of events. For instance, this [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caitlyn_Jenner#/media/File:Jenner_on_Wheaties_cereal_box.jpg Wikipedia image of Bruce Jenner] has a caption referring to "she," even though the person depicted in the image is male. Like I said earlier, making a sweeping change to Chris's pronouns in this article would affect the early life section and render it inaccurate.<br>And suppose that we adapt this policy - we would need to rewrite every article on this wiki to match. The problem with that is there are many pages about Chris's ideas on sex and gender that would be rendered nonsensical by switching the pronouns. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 05:37, 9 January 2017 (UTC)
* Trans women are women, good lord. Caitlyn Jenner isn't male, and unless she says otherwise, neither is Christine. [[User:00dani|00dani]] ([[User talk:00dani|talk]]) 02:52, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* Jenner sired multiple children. One needs to be male in order to do that. As for Chris, he's made many comments, even as a Tomgirl, about how he dislikes his male genitals, so he is also a male. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 05:19, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* For heaven's sake, it's 2017, let's get this cleared up. Some men have vulvae and some women have penises. The shape of a person's genitals does not determine their identity - what that person ''tells'' you determines their identity. Caitlyn is openly and proudly a woman, regardless of her history. Christine expressing a dislike for her genitals is a classic example of gender dysphoria, which almost always indicates a person is trans, and almost ''never'' indicates a person is cis. Trans men are men, trans women are women. It's not hard. [[User:00dani|00dani]] ([[User talk:00dani|talk]]) 07:06, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* I don't agree, but we're starting to repeat our points. The CWCki isn't here to be respectful towards Chris - its purpose is to document his life, flaws and all. We're not obligated to indulge in his ideas about himself, whether he thinks he's the Mayor of CWCville or a lesbian transwoman. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 08:31, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* There's a very important difference between CWCville and trans women, which is that trans women ''actually exist''. Heck, I should know, since I [https://keybase.io/00dani ''am'' one]. It's true that the CWCki is under no obligation to respect Christine's fictitious mayorhood, but refusing to respect her gender is hurtful not only to her but to ''all'' trans women. Indeed, you've made abundantly clear that you've no respect for us, given your completely unnecessary deadnaming and misgendering of Caitlyn. [[User:00dani|00dani]] ([[User talk:00dani|talk]]) 12:53, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* Whether or not a concept is real isn't relevant to my point about the CWCki. As another example, Chris believes he is descended from royalty. Royalty is an existing concept, but this Wiki isn't obligated to write about Chris as if he were royalty.<br>As for my opinions, you've set up your side of the discussion so that there doesn't seem to be a way for me to discuss my perspective without you interpreting it as disrespectful. I consider Chris to be a man and use male terms, but you interpret that as hurtful. I don't see a good alternative. I could use female pronouns to talk about Chris, but it would be self-defeating since I'm arguing that this Wiki should consider him to be male. Jenner is a public figure, and I only brought him up as a counter to a point you made about Wikipedia's coverage on Heineman. Also, it's irrelevant for you to mention that you are also trans, as you are not the subject of this discussion. Anyway, there doesn't seem to be a point in continuing this debate since no one else has weighed in lately, and you and I haven't budged from our positions. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 20:02, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* The reason you can't discuss your perspective without it being interpreted as disrespectful is that ''your perspective is disrespectful''. Trans women are women. We are not men, nor are we male. Caitlyn isn't a useful counterexample to Rebecca's article, since Caitlyn's Wikipedia article does exactly the same thing: use her correct pronouns and gender. Your continual misgendering of her speaks only to your own bigotry, not to any practical consideration for wiki editors. [[User:00dani|00dani]] ([[User talk:00dani|talk]]) 21:12, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* Even though I'm neutral to this whole debate (I don't care which direction this wiki goes, if it's all female, all male, or female post-Tomgirl), but here's a suggestion for you 00dani: Give Up. It's obvious at this point that the CWCki will not change their minds about this whole debate. You. Lost. I suggest you give up and move on, since I'm pretty sure that the admins like Canine are QUICKLY losing their patience with you. Plus, the CWCki isn't really for such a debate anyway. If you really want to debate if we should now use feminine pronouns with Chris, head to the Kiwi Farms (be forewarned, you'll probably be insta-banned and mocked every way to Sunday). --[[User:Windows OS|Windows OS]] ([[User talk:Windows OS|talk]]) 23:01, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
* Right, you definitely sound 100% neutral on this debate and not at ''all'' transphobic. Honestly, I'm not surprised a community founded on mocking autistic people refuses to afford basic respect to trans folk - feel free to keep peddling your toxic attitudes toward anyone who isn't exactly like you. I'm out. [[User:00dani|00dani]] ([[User talk:00dani|talk]]) 21:30, 12 January 2017 (UTC)
== Rename ==
This article refers to Chris as Christian, but that hasn't been his name for years - his current legal name is Christine. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 06:27, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
* No because if we change it we would have to change all of his names to Christine which will put stress so definitely not agreeing with this. [[User:PG Andre YT|PG Andre YT]] ([[User talk:PG Andre YT|talk]])  24 February 2022
**I don't think we would be obligated to change names elsewhere on the CWCki. He's referred to as Chris for the most part, which can be shorthand for both Christian and Christine. Some older articles still use Christian but those are pre-name change anyway. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 13:36, 24 February 2022 (UTC)
* We've always known Chris as Christian. Changing it would just cause confusion and drama. I think it's best not to. [[User:Fiddy|Fiddy]] ([[User talk:Fiddy|talk]]) 08:13, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
* I think we should definitely start using Chris more often. I have thought Chris to be a middle ground since we have female personalities named Chris, and male personalities named Chris. --[[User:Little Owl|Little Owl]] ([[User talk:Little Owl|talk]]) 10:16, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
** That's usually how it's done on the site, but this article is an exception as the title specifically calls him by his full name. [[User:Fiddy|Fiddy]] ([[User talk:Fiddy|talk]]) 10:32, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
** During the epoch for which Chris is the most internet-famous, and from which newcomers are to recognise him, he was known as Christian Weston Chandler. His legal tomgirl name is included in the article's first sentence proper as well as the infobox. I second Fiddy; keep the GodBear-given title. [[User:ChanOfTartary|ChanOfTartary]] ([[User talk:ChanOfTartary|talk]]) 20:07, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
** On the subject of recognition, all of Chris's social media refers to him as Christine, so newcomers to CWC will be familiar with that name. Of the 13 years he's been internet-famous, he was known as Christian for 8 and Christine for 5. He'll eventually be more active as Christine. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 20:37, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
*** Newcomers are more likely to discover Chris from some YouTube celebrity reporting on Classic Chris. Kiwi Farms also names Chris's section traditionally, and the rest of this wiki, including its title bar (both the link to the article and the picture), uses Christian as his full forename. [[User:ChanOfTartary|ChanOfTartary]] ([[User talk:ChanOfTartary|talk]]) 20:58, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
*I still think the page should be renamed. Continuing to use Christian results in inconsistencies in the article text. The lead lists the Christine name first yet the infobox uses Christian and an old photo of him from over a decade ago. ChanOfTartary noted above that many people find out about Chris through YouTubers covering the days when he was named Christian. While that may have been true for a while, the incest news has upended that, as media and court records refer to him as his current Christine name. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 08:29, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
** I was also thinking about the future of Chris’s current name and pronouns before the events of 30 July 2021 upended everything. At the time I was thinking about the inevitability that the transgender era is here to stay, and the CWCki will eventually have to come to terms with the change, no matter what the fans of the classic era think. --[[User:Little Owl|Little Owl]] ([[User talk:Little Owl|talk]]) 14:03, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
** I'm going to dissent, as I think that the name should stay the way it is. Chris-Chan has been far more often associated with the Christian Weston Chandler name than anything else, given that (at least up until the incest incident) that's when he got the most attention online. The best compromise that I think we could go with if we do rename the article is to rename the article "Chris-Chan", which is how most people refer to Chris regardless of the gender debate anyways. I don't think that telling editors to redirect to the feminine name while sticking to male pronouns (which is what we're sticking to for the sake of consistency) makes a whole lot of sense. Plus, the general news flashpoint where the Christine Weston Chandler name was highly publicized was when Chris got arrested; people aren't really paying attention now that Chris has been in the slammer for a few months. [[User:KingClark|KingClark]] ([[User talk:KingClark|talk]]) 01:07, 4 February 2022 (UTC)
***Changing the title to match his current name wouldn't erase his history as Christian, the name would still be preserved in the article text. Editors could use the [[Chris]] redirect to link to this page. I don't think the article being named to Christine would affect the pronoun policy - Chris is still biologically a male. The jail custody record for example puts his name as Christine Weston Chandler and his gender as male. On the compromise of the Chris Chan stage name/nickname, I think it wouldn't match with articles about the rest of the Chandlers, like [[Bob Chandler]], [[Barbara Chandler]], which use their full names. [[User:Hurtful Truth Level|Hurtful Truth Level]] ([[User talk:Hurtful Truth Level|talk]]) 07:36, 4 February 2022 (UTC)
* Since we're split I think it might be worth looking at [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Article_titles/ Wikipedia guidelines for article titles] particularly [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia:Article_titles#Name_changes/ its section on name changes]. The guild states: "'' If the reliable sources written after the change is announced routinely use the new name, Wikipedia should follow suit and change relevant titles to match. If, on the other hand, reliable sources written after the name change is announced continue to use the established name, Wikipedia should continue to do so as well''" so if we go by this and we need to establish what is a "reliable source" in the context of this wiki, forum discussions, news articles, or Chris himself. The article also highlight five key characteristics of a good title: recognizability, naturalness, precision, concision, consistency which gives us five questions to ask:
**What is Chris's most recognizable name among readers both new and old?
**What are people most likley to search for?
**What name "unambiguously identifies the article's subject and distinguishes it from other subjects"?
**What name is no longer than necessary? (this one isn't that important, there's no way we're going to use Chris's full title)
**What name is consistent with the rest of the wiki?
:I could go ether way but I am leaning more towards keeping the name as is for the sake of consistency but I hope this guild might help make a final decision. [[User:Finnegan|Finnegan]] ([[User talk:Finnegan|talk]]) 17:28, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
*My vote is for renaming the article to just "Chris-Chan", using "Christopher, "Christian" and "Christine" as chronologically relevant throughout the article; I think this would be the best compromise between keeping things accurate in a legal sense and making it easy for people to find the article. I don't think it's necessary to edit other articles to reflect this. That being said, as a counter-argument to the original point, Chris's gender on his driver's license is listed as F (as can be seen in the background of Chris showing off his "woman card") and there's little support if any to change that. [[User:Cottonmather|Cottonmather]] ([[User talk:Cottonmather|talk]]) 11:15, 12 April 2022 (UTC)
== Rename to Chris Chan? ==
This is probably a bit of a controversial idea, since the name of this page has been 'Christian Weston Chandler' since the start of the CWCki, but I really do think it would be a good change. Chris hasn't been Christian for years upon years by now, which makes this feel title feel dated. I also don't think a change to 'Christine Weston Chandler' would be good, because in the most cherished part of his history he was known as 'Christian'. I propose a rename to 'Chris Chan', which encompasses all Sagas in Chris's life, and is also the most popular thing to call him. The ED page is called 'Chris-chan', the Reddit page is called 'r/ChrisChanSonichu', and almost every social media post referring to him calls him 'Chris Chan'. [[User:Cereally|Cereally]] ([[User talk:Cereally|talk]]) 19:43, 6 August 2023 (EDT)
:As pointed out above, it seems like we're sticking with CWC's GodBear-given name for the main space. I do think that other pages, like the one for Chris Chan Sonichu, need to be updated to be consistent with how his name is written elsewhere on this wiki. [[User:KingClark|KingClark]] ([[User talk:KingClark|talk]]) 23:19, 6 August 2023 (EDT)
== Spanish Translation ==
I have created a Spanish language translation of Chris' article here:
Does anyone object to the creation of a small box around the beginning of this article in Spanish, advising a translation is available, accurate up to (insert date of revision taken as source material)?
[[User:Dormiebasne|Dormiebasne]] ([[User talk:Dormiebasne|talk]]) 09:13, 2 March 2024 (EST)
== Rolling Infobox Image ==
I think it's worth discussing whether it might be a good idea to implement a rolling infobox image of Chris, like is standard on other Wikis and Wikipedia. What this would mean is displaying [Http://www.sonichu.com/cwcki/File:Chris_with_his_100k_YouTube_Play_Button.jpg the most recent high-quality portrait photo of Chris] in the infobox, rather than the iconic photo of him wearing The Classic. I'd propose instead showing said photo at the start of the Overview section. [[User:Cottonmather|Cottonmather]] ([[User talk:Cottonmather|talk]]) 12:19, 11 September 2024 (EDT)
:I think the current image should be kept. I think the image does a good job of encapsulating golden age Chris and Chris posts high quality portraits inconsistently. [[User:BaboonRancher23|BaboonRancher23]] ([[User talk:BaboonRancher23|talk]]) 13:19, 11 September 2024 (EDT)
:I'm sorry, but the golden age was 15 years ago and the perception that Chris has never left the golden age is seriously hurting everybody. Just look at the sales of the items on the Etsy store, do you think anyone on here even know what Praetor is? I think we should move on with the times and treat Chris like what he now is, a lolcow well past his prime.

Latest revision as of 15:28, 11 September 2024

...Okay, is it just me, or does Chrissy look drastically different when he's wearing his glasses compared to when he's not? Like, I almost can't believe it's the same person. I mean, I can, since no one else could possibly be that much of a fucktard, but he just looks really different. Or am I imagining it? Ayvuir

To do

  • pics of Chris, especially young Chris and the funny ones
  • life history
  • brief outline of his views
  • his future outlook

I'll do what I can to help this page along. I'm a wiki noob, learning as I go here. So, it won't look the best... MajorIronwood

We should add a sentence or two on the fact that he thinks he can call himself Christopher, just because it share the same abbreviation as Christian.~gourmetpickle

Christopher WAS his name, until he changed to Christian when he was 12.--UncleBastard 20:43, 10 March 2009 (CET)
Boy, do I feel stupid. But then again, if he changed his name, he should have to pick or the other.~gourmetpickle
That reminds me, we should add a few sentences about why he changed his name - I forget where but he had some story (maybe it was in the DVD slideshow) where he says how some teacher kept calling him "Christian" and the name "had a ring to it" so he changed it. --Champthom 16:52, 17 March 2009 (CET)
In addition, from El PokéSite 2, Christian considers his Spanish name to be Ricardo - Likely named after the Ricky Ricardo character from I Love Lucy. Realistic equivalents might be found in Cris, Cristián, or Cristóbal, but clearly these were not featured in the television shows he had watched prior to his High School Spanish classes. Mall Conductor Bear 09:25, 12 May 2009 (CEST)
To be fair, one's "Spanish name" need not be the same as their real name. For example, in 7th grade my Spanish name was Jose, though my name isn't Joseph, and in 10th grade I was Che, even though I'm not Argentinian. --Champthom 06:02, 1 June 2009 (CEST)
More Name Crap: "-Chan" suffix is generally used for a little girl in Japanese. Chris is possibly too dense to realize this, and enjoys the similar pronunciation to 'Christian'. In doing so, there was no need to create a word jumble of existing letters, as that convention was given to his more open alter-ago. LBearington 05:25, 1 June 2009 (CEST)

Racism and Noviophobia

Evidence of it goes back further than was previously thought. Read the notice to guys on this sign from when he was 21. "(and to all MEN with girlfriends, except marrieds and blacks, go jump off a cliff)". Where the white women at? --Tumbleweed 04:10, 26 March 2009 (CET)

  • I don't think that's racism though, because he's saying EXCEPT blacks. I think maybe he's paranoid about telling black people to jump off a cliff, because otherwise that's a hate crime. Sorta like when he made that post on his MySpace "I Respect the African American People." --Champthom 04:12, 26 March 2009 (CET)
  • Possibly, but since he's already stated that he simply doesn't like black people, I don't think it's likely. And besides, I don't think it would make much sense to make a special exception to black people unless you were hyper PC or just afraid of black people. (not to mention that he explicitly asks for only white women in later requests / demands / whines) --Tumbleweed 09:48, 26 March 2009 (CET)
  • Yeah, it's racism. He's saying "Blacks don't need to jump off a cliff, because I'm using my outdated and quriky view that blacks stick with blacks relationship wise, and the same is true for whites. So, I don't worry about blacks impeding on my 'love quest.'" However, I don't think Chris would be able to articulate that well. --Tregnier2795
  • Just a thought, should there be a separate article that would count how many times he's been racist other than his views of niggos? --AntonImausMk2 04:29, 3 November 2009 (CET)

Mr. Darcy is much better than Chris, y'hear.

I had it noted, along with a picture of Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy to compare the two, that Mr. Darcy and Chris are in no way similar. This came about from the cliche "Well, he's no Mr. Darcy..."

I think it's a good visual aid. --Tregnier2795

Let me tell you about this page

It's great. It's fantastic. I read it for the first time in a while and I think it's the perfect, concise intro to Chris. The ED article on Chris sucks because it's so all over the place. True, we have the luxury of being a devoted wiki that instead of having to go into depth about Sonichu, we can just link to the article. The ED article is shit because it goes over the place, it's a bit out of date, and it picks poor samples of Chris's videos like just highlighting the "gaybian" vid. This is a fantastic article and this is why people come to us. --Champthom 10:03, 1 December 2009 (CET)

Since there's no actual "Chris and..." page

I hope it's okay to discuss it here. I was wondering if a "Chris and Intelligence" page can be of any use. Some things to cover are his 1) logic, 2) academics and 3) philosophy (to cover his stupid quotes and advice). --AntonImausMk2 09:56, 7 December 2009 (CET)

  • That's sorta what honor roll is at the moment, though it really should be expanded to that as opposed to the focus on art (which really isn't what honor roll is about). Why I suggest honor roll because Chris will say something like "I'm smart, I was on honor roll." "I know math, I was on honor roll for the love of God!," etc. --Champthom 10:07, 7 December 2009 (CET)

We need a "Chris and Aspergers Syndrome" page. --Cody

CWC split?

"CWC" should redirect here, but I'm thinking maybe we should make a page devoted to Chris's initials. He uses them a lot, they're a recurring motif in his work, and we can even keep track of when he uses them as a pun (like "A CWC Audition"). Thoughts? --Champthom 10:09, 7 December 2009 (CET)

Page Needed

Chris and Reliability - Cody

cleaned-up, needs to be expanded/updated

--Sonijew 22:29, 29 December 2009 (CET)

Contact information?

Okay. I realise I will be stepping into what can only be described as but a cat's whisker from the maw of hell- but I would like to talk to Christian Weston Chandler. I have a great deal of things to discuss with him and, rest assured, there will be luls. What is the best way to get in touch with him these days? I tried Facebook, but he doesn't seem to be checking it very often (I'm guessing he has a lot of trolls talk to him). I've also taken to staking out his AIM, but I'm guessing he doesn't use that either due to people spamming him with JULAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY. Ronichu 02:26, 30 March 2010 (UTC)

Are you a licensed therapist or religious official? Because I think a team of a shrink, a priest, and a journalist would be needed at this point. Vivian Gee tried to get through to him, Lord love her, but she's not a doctor--didn't even finish high school, I do believe. Look...I've had my share of problems growing up, and I know no one can compliment you and make you feel like a turd all at the same time like a school admin. I've got a kid brother who is an unrepentant drug addict and thief, who probably could have been reached if we'd gotten to him sooner. He's now a burned-out piece of crap who is on his third (maybe fourth, I've lost count) jail term. He's about Chris-Chan's age. I say someone better do something or else Chris'll be in jail or an institution before he's thirty, and then he'll be the taxpayer's problem. What will they do when his folks croak off? He's got a couple of half-siblings, but they've got their own lives to lead; they don't need a man-child with a lukewarm I.Q. underfoot. Could we live with ourselves if he flips out and kills a bunch of people in a mall or a campus somewhere, and maybe we could have done something if we'd been proactive five or three, or even just a year ago, to prevent it? The Iconoclast 19:37, 28 January 2011 (PST)
Although it pains me to have to use the phrase, the CWCki is not a forum. Take shit like this elsewhere. Also, you're responding to a 10-month-old comment. Freecell 20:27, 28 January 2011 (PST)

I don't own a PS3 so somehow contacting him via the Playstation Network is also out. I live in Australia, so this makes things difficult. Thoughts? Suggestions? Ronichu 14:20, 29 March 2010 (UTC)

It's pointless to try and talk to Chris, as he will just ignore you. --BreadGod 14:42, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
Alec knows his personal phone number. I think that if you ask him nicely he might tell you. He certainly dosn't owe Chris anything. His Asperpedia account is ALBASPERCHU and his email is albasperchu(at)live.com --Edward 15:40, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
  • 1) please sign your comments (it's four tildas [~] in a row). 2) Chris's contact info should be in 14 Branchland Court, 3) if it isn't, it should be there. I think Cogs didn't want it with the logic is that if you have to ask for Chris's phone number and can't find it yourself when he's mentioned it frequently, you really shouldn't be trolling Chris. However, people asking for it all the time is annoying and it defeats the purpose of CWCki being an open source of information.
    • Actually, I tried calling that number but either I fucked up international dialing (entirely possible) or it was disconnected (which is what I thought it said). Ronichu 02:26, 30 March 2010 (UTC)
That aside, I can guarantee that Chris will not listen to your call.--Champthom 16:26, 29 March 2010 (UTC)
I know he'll ignore me, but at least it'll be funny. I'm not attempting to, directly, help him. Ronichu 02:26, 30 March 2010 (UTC)
CWCki is not a place to discuss how to troll or help Chris, if you want to contact Chris, do it, it won't have any effect on him whatsoever.Basgon 03:21, 30 March 2010 (UTC)
  • I'd actually love to know if there's some online contact information at all. Inquiring minds need to know, since he evidently doesn't go on IRC anymore. anyone know where he can regularly be found? Boop 05:29, 18 April 2010 (UTC)
    • I've yet to be able to find anything besides an AOL address. Does he still use that account? PrimeMinisterStephanHarper 17:26, 27 September 2010 (PDT)

Misapplication of social rules

Maybe this comment should go under the Autism page or the Honesty page but it seems like Chris's view of "Honesty" is likely influenced by an unspoken rule amongst nerdier internet communities where being extremely, unnecessarily open in private, especially with things verifiable by a third party, is seen as a way to build trust, due to the fact it is difficult if not impossible to establish it otherwise. My point being, he may have picked this sort of 'honesty' up from a geeky community somewhere. Insidious611 05:06, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

I will note said openness doesn't USUALLY extend to ones bowel issues or other information nobody in their right mind would want to know. But it may extend to relationships and especially trouble therein. Insidious611 05:07, 12 April 2010 (UTC)

You forgot to mention...

Christian Weston Chandler (born Christopher Weston Chandler on 24 February 1982) is a perverse, narcissistic, homophobic, sexist, racist, overweight, delusional "high-functioning autistic" virgin etc. etc.

What about "uncultured" (as shown by his not knowing the story of To Kill a Mockingbird'' and thinking Molvania is a real place) and "tone deaf" (his so called "album", need I say more?)Knucklechu 10:20, 30 April 2010 (UTC)

If the purpose of this article was to make a list of all the negative adjectives that could be applied to Chris, it would be 20 pages long.--Beat 11:53, 30 April 2010 (UTC)
    • Oh, er... I just got done adding a bunch of those. This is going to be the first sentence of the first page that a lot of people are going to look at. If there's this really stupid, unwieldy list of all the totally horrible, totally accurate descriptors, they'll be like, "No way, no one can be that bad." But they'll... y'know... —Thepicklesuitintheman 03:40, 6 July 2010 (UTC)

Anagram crackers

Interestingly, "clownish tender anarchist" is a perfect anagram of Chris' full name.

So is "antichrist enhances world". The Iconoclast 06:56, 13 March 2011 (PDT)

On the removal of a large chunk of the intro

Someone posted the other day how they objected to "transvestite" listed to the intro, saying it's made it seems like being a transvestite is a bad thing and that really got me thinking. As elaborated elsewhere, the CWCki doesn't really try to beat in an idea of Chris. It tends to be critical, nothing wrong with that, but it tries to at least aim for NPOV at least as it pertains to our context. I think starting off the article with "Chris is a bad guy who's a whole bunch of unflattering personal characteristics" is going to leave the reader with a negative impression from the get go - of course you're not going to like this guy, you've had it drilled into your head he's a bunch of unpleasant things like "stubborn," "racist," etc. But what should happen is someone reads this article, like "Okay, this guy is a bit off" and then let them decide that based on the facts, whether or not he's really fucked up. If you're going to say Chris is fucked up, let the facts about Chris speak for themselves, you shouldn't need to lead the reader into this.

I also had issue with the linking. For instance, take - "racist" linking to Chris and race. As you can see on the talk page of that article, there was some debate whether it should be "Chris and racism" versus "Chris and race." I argued for "Chris and race" as it's more neutral and whether or not Chris is racist should be left up to the reader. Yet having "racism" link is going to have the reader read that article expecting Chris to be racist. Once again, let the facts speak for themselves - let known facts about Chris's relationships and comments on certain races allow the reader to determine for his or her own self whether Chris is a racist or not. Hopefully these articles don't insinuate Chris is a certain thing, in which case I need to go through and review some of these articles carefully.

So what did I leave? I left high functioning autistic (why was it in quotations? The autism article makes a strong case that he is autistic) because this is what Chris describes himself as. Also, he's a virgin - once again, his own description. I was very generous with leaving "man child," which I would say is leading the reader but this seems to be a most popular characterization of Chris.

If you'd like to debate it, you're more than welcome to here. Sorry to take advantage of editing it when the page is locked, I think I'll change it so only new users are blocked from editing the page for the week. --Champthom 05:38, 26 July 2011 (PDT)

  • That's a long explaination there boss. You could have just said "You don't need to call Chris a faggot in an article. That's obvious enough", and it would have been just as effective. --Old meme 06:45, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
I beg to differ. Chris is not the only one who uploads/uploaded shitty comics of his recolors yiffing each other. What sets him apart from others in that category is him being a major jerk as well, and the previous introduction had links to the articles which dealt with those significant aspects of his personality. The current introduction does not capture the full essence of Christian Weston Chandler.
It seems to me that the rule of thumb on this wiki is that you can write from non neutral POV if what you're adding to the articles are reasonable observation which will be met with agreement by all sensible people who are properly informed regarding the matter involved. For example, outright saying that Chris is an extremely egotistical person goes against Wikipedia's NPOV policy, yet we do outright call him as such - in fact we have two articles dedicated just for that purpose. Why? Because once a sensible person sees all the facts those articles gather, he cannot reasonably argue that Chris is not an extremely egotistical man. There's no point in having this article refrain from calling Chris narcissistic, homophobic, transvestite, racist, overweight, delusional, or hypocritical when other articles on this Wiki do just that.
With the exception perhaps of the first five (and even here I'm not sure), I think it is firmly established that Chris deserves most of the unsavory qualities which were mentioned in the previous revision. His homphobia, semen drinking and transvestism (if one takes the word to mean cross-dressing) are self admitted; his obesity is evident in the pictures taken of him and the rest of the linked articles all make a compelling case for Chris being racist, egotistical, hypocritical, untalented and so on.
Furthermore, I think that the CWCki will become somewhat stale if all other articles are written in the same spirit as the current introductory paragraph. While I'm not saying we should adopt ED practices and write against the truth if it provides more lulz, I also think we shouldn't emulate wikipedia's NPOV policy. Instead, we should go for a for a rule saying that when writing about Chris once should only stick to facts and observation which can be agreed by all reasonable and informed people - with the occasional snarky comment. NegaCWC 10:09, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
To put in my two cents here, I'd say I think everything is fine the way it is as long as it's simply about the facts (or any assumptions are stated as such). If someone stole stuff all the time, you'd call them a thief...you wouldn't sugar coat it (and in reality you couldn't). Chris is a lot of things, most of those things are backed up by examples Chris himself have given people to view. Telling someone Chris is a man-child and giving them examples of said man-child tendencies is no different, in my opinion, as if we'd just given them the examples and they came up with the same conclusion. Most people have brains and use them, if we tell them Chris is racist and then give them examples of said behavior, they can still disagree if they feel the evidence is not conclusive. As for the problem with making "transvestite" or "homosexual" seem like something bad, all I can say is that it's how you read it. I've read almost every article in this CWCki and I don't feel like it's "dissing" or "hating on" anyone that is of any sort of religions, race, gender, or sexuality. It's simply showing what Chris is and how he acts. Straight-out calling Chris a transvestite (Noun: A person, typically a man, who derives pleasure from dressing in clothes appropriate to the opposite sex), isn't too far from the truth, but at the same time, it's not insulting transexuals as a whole. Using that type of logic (meaning you're insulting a group of people if they are in some way associated with what Chris does) would mean that all men, all virgins, all autistics, and all humans are bad/horrible people because they are in the "same group" as Chris. --4Macie 12:33, 26 July 2011 (PDT)
I wasn't a huge fan of the intro as it was. I prefer more subtle jabs; I think that it can be pretty funny to throw in a dig here or there, but a long (entirely piped) list of 'OMG HOMOS' is just... meh. I don't agree with some of the overzealous insult (and humor) purging that has hit some articles, but this I can agree with. Dude 17:41, 26 July 2011 (PDT)

August 2011?

The events so far of August 2011 appear to be missing. The most recent entries relate only to the Tomgirl forums. --IwegalBadnik 12:56, 13 August 2011 (PDT)

Yeah, the part saying he hasn't made any new videos should be updated Martymoinklers 17:16, 1 September 2011 (PDT) I did it --ThatPianoGuy 21:05, 8 September 2011 (PDT)

Chris as a troll

Not sure why the category has been deleted multiple times. Chris has been (if not currently) a troll, in his career. Most notably, to Alec Benson Leary during the Asperchu saga, especially during the phone calls. He's also been Evan's to some extent, i.e. plagiarism which still hasn't been reverted. And, of course, the infamous Rollin' and Trollin'. Boomhauer (talk) 2:18, 11 September 2014 (UTC)

Just because there's some trolls you dislike doesn't mean Chris is a troll to his trolls. Alan Pardew (talk) 07:44, 11 September 2014 (UTC)

What? First off, I never said I disliked any trolls; I'm not trying to bias this. Secondly, Chris has fully admitted to being a 'troll' in the past. As for being a literal troll, like I said, the Asperchu saga says it all; his constant insulting and mocking of the 'Asperchu Four' along with his disregard for other's work is the clean-cut definition of a troll. Boomhauer (talk) 10:31, 11 September 2014 (UTC)

So let me get this straight in summary.

1. Chris said that he's a troll so therefore he's a troll.

2. A troll's definition is to mock someone else's work.

If these are what you are pointing out, no. Alan Pardew (talk) 11:26, 14 September 2014 (UTC)

So by that, no trolls listed in the wiki are actually trolls? I mean, even Liquid isn't regarded as a troll by some, and all he did was mock. Even Alec's called Chris a troll, and that was one of, if not the, most eventful sagas to date. Boomhauer (talk) 11:48, 14 September 2014 (UTC)

So? Alan Pardew (talk) 15:40, 14 September 2014 (UTC)

Chris on happy tree friends

I don't really know if he likes happy tree friends, and it is probably for the best...unless of course he fucks up and adds sonichu as a happy tree friend OC.

Changing the top image to modern CWC

I was wondering if the image in the "Chandler Family" box should be replaced with an image of today's 30+ y/o CWC, instead of classic CWC. ED did it, so why not here? I get that it's probably the most recognizable pic of CWC, but I'd feel it would be more appropriate, especially when the info in the same box is constantly updating. CWCFlick


00dani‎ changed all the pronouns in this article to female, to suit Chris's gender choice. I think an edit of that magnitude should be discussed first, so I undid the edits.

Should the pronouns be changed to female?

  • I'm voting no. This wiki is primarily about classic Chris, so the gender pronouns should reflect that. A sweeping change of "him" to "her" doesn't make sense, since, for instance, the early life section would get changed as well, and Chris identified as a male for most of his life. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 06:06, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
    • First off, good on you for fixing that awful edit. Second, I'm going to weigh in and say that even if Chris did legitimately suffer from dysphoria, changing his pronouns on the wiki would be the wrong course of action. I didn't push for my point of view strongly enough the first time it came up. The point of pronouns isn't to do with the feelings of what someone believes himself to be, it's to make discussion of what a person really is clearer. Enabling delusional thinking by giving people whatever pronouns they ask for muddies up the already-difficult art of communication. Once they invent a form of gender reassignment surgery that produces reproductively viable results in the end, then we can consider and discuss the merits that maybe giving people pronouns correlating to their new reproductive organs instead of those they were born with. Until then, Chris is just a man who hates JERKS and wants china, regardless of if he has a professional surgeon give him an Un-Clit 3.0 and removes his much-hated duck (which he won't). Nathan (talk) 20:22, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
      • Kudos to Nate for that epic comment. I 100% agree. If we were going to give any credence to Chris's ludicrous assertion of self-femininity, we might as well also accommodate for his belief that CWCville actually exists as a tangible place. Besides—providing that Chris lives long enough—I believe the tomgirl saga will eventually come to an end.--Galilean (talk) 21:23, 8 January 2017 (UTC)
  • Chris is a man who likes applying feminine traits to himself. It's biologically impossible for a man to be a woman, or vice versa.
    I disagree with Wikipedia's policy on applying pronouns from transgenderism throughout an article since it distorts the depiction of events. For instance, this Wikipedia image of Bruce Jenner has a caption referring to "she," even though the person depicted in the image is male. Like I said earlier, making a sweeping change to Chris's pronouns in this article would affect the early life section and render it inaccurate.
    And suppose that we adapt this policy - we would need to rewrite every article on this wiki to match. The problem with that is there are many pages about Chris's ideas on sex and gender that would be rendered nonsensical by switching the pronouns. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 05:37, 9 January 2017 (UTC)
  • Trans women are women, good lord. Caitlyn Jenner isn't male, and unless she says otherwise, neither is Christine. 00dani (talk) 02:52, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • Jenner sired multiple children. One needs to be male in order to do that. As for Chris, he's made many comments, even as a Tomgirl, about how he dislikes his male genitals, so he is also a male. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 05:19, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • For heaven's sake, it's 2017, let's get this cleared up. Some men have vulvae and some women have penises. The shape of a person's genitals does not determine their identity - what that person tells you determines their identity. Caitlyn is openly and proudly a woman, regardless of her history. Christine expressing a dislike for her genitals is a classic example of gender dysphoria, which almost always indicates a person is trans, and almost never indicates a person is cis. Trans men are men, trans women are women. It's not hard. 00dani (talk) 07:06, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • I don't agree, but we're starting to repeat our points. The CWCki isn't here to be respectful towards Chris - its purpose is to document his life, flaws and all. We're not obligated to indulge in his ideas about himself, whether he thinks he's the Mayor of CWCville or a lesbian transwoman. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 08:31, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • There's a very important difference between CWCville and trans women, which is that trans women actually exist. Heck, I should know, since I am one. It's true that the CWCki is under no obligation to respect Christine's fictitious mayorhood, but refusing to respect her gender is hurtful not only to her but to all trans women. Indeed, you've made abundantly clear that you've no respect for us, given your completely unnecessary deadnaming and misgendering of Caitlyn. 00dani (talk) 12:53, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • Whether or not a concept is real isn't relevant to my point about the CWCki. As another example, Chris believes he is descended from royalty. Royalty is an existing concept, but this Wiki isn't obligated to write about Chris as if he were royalty.
    As for my opinions, you've set up your side of the discussion so that there doesn't seem to be a way for me to discuss my perspective without you interpreting it as disrespectful. I consider Chris to be a man and use male terms, but you interpret that as hurtful. I don't see a good alternative. I could use female pronouns to talk about Chris, but it would be self-defeating since I'm arguing that this Wiki should consider him to be male. Jenner is a public figure, and I only brought him up as a counter to a point you made about Wikipedia's coverage on Heineman. Also, it's irrelevant for you to mention that you are also trans, as you are not the subject of this discussion. Anyway, there doesn't seem to be a point in continuing this debate since no one else has weighed in lately, and you and I haven't budged from our positions. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 20:02, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • The reason you can't discuss your perspective without it being interpreted as disrespectful is that your perspective is disrespectful. Trans women are women. We are not men, nor are we male. Caitlyn isn't a useful counterexample to Rebecca's article, since Caitlyn's Wikipedia article does exactly the same thing: use her correct pronouns and gender. Your continual misgendering of her speaks only to your own bigotry, not to any practical consideration for wiki editors. 00dani (talk) 21:12, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • Even though I'm neutral to this whole debate (I don't care which direction this wiki goes, if it's all female, all male, or female post-Tomgirl), but here's a suggestion for you 00dani: Give Up. It's obvious at this point that the CWCki will not change their minds about this whole debate. You. Lost. I suggest you give up and move on, since I'm pretty sure that the admins like Canine are QUICKLY losing their patience with you. Plus, the CWCki isn't really for such a debate anyway. If you really want to debate if we should now use feminine pronouns with Chris, head to the Kiwi Farms (be forewarned, you'll probably be insta-banned and mocked every way to Sunday). --Windows OS (talk) 23:01, 11 January 2017 (UTC)
  • Right, you definitely sound 100% neutral on this debate and not at all transphobic. Honestly, I'm not surprised a community founded on mocking autistic people refuses to afford basic respect to trans folk - feel free to keep peddling your toxic attitudes toward anyone who isn't exactly like you. I'm out. 00dani (talk) 21:30, 12 January 2017 (UTC)


This article refers to Chris as Christian, but that hasn't been his name for years - his current legal name is Christine. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 06:27, 2 February 2020 (UTC)

  • No because if we change it we would have to change all of his names to Christine which will put stress so definitely not agreeing with this. PG Andre YT (talk) 24 February 2022
    • I don't think we would be obligated to change names elsewhere on the CWCki. He's referred to as Chris for the most part, which can be shorthand for both Christian and Christine. Some older articles still use Christian but those are pre-name change anyway. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 13:36, 24 February 2022 (UTC)
  • We've always known Chris as Christian. Changing it would just cause confusion and drama. I think it's best not to. Fiddy (talk) 08:13, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
  • I think we should definitely start using Chris more often. I have thought Chris to be a middle ground since we have female personalities named Chris, and male personalities named Chris. --Little Owl (talk) 10:16, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
    • That's usually how it's done on the site, but this article is an exception as the title specifically calls him by his full name. Fiddy (talk) 10:32, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
    • During the epoch for which Chris is the most internet-famous, and from which newcomers are to recognise him, he was known as Christian Weston Chandler. His legal tomgirl name is included in the article's first sentence proper as well as the infobox. I second Fiddy; keep the GodBear-given title. ChanOfTartary (talk) 20:07, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
    • On the subject of recognition, all of Chris's social media refers to him as Christine, so newcomers to CWC will be familiar with that name. Of the 13 years he's been internet-famous, he was known as Christian for 8 and Christine for 5. He'll eventually be more active as Christine. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 20:37, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
      • Newcomers are more likely to discover Chris from some YouTube celebrity reporting on Classic Chris. Kiwi Farms also names Chris's section traditionally, and the rest of this wiki, including its title bar (both the link to the article and the picture), uses Christian as his full forename. ChanOfTartary (talk) 20:58, 2 February 2020 (UTC)
  • I still think the page should be renamed. Continuing to use Christian results in inconsistencies in the article text. The lead lists the Christine name first yet the infobox uses Christian and an old photo of him from over a decade ago. ChanOfTartary noted above that many people find out about Chris through YouTubers covering the days when he was named Christian. While that may have been true for a while, the incest news has upended that, as media and court records refer to him as his current Christine name. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 08:29, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
    • I was also thinking about the future of Chris’s current name and pronouns before the events of 30 July 2021 upended everything. At the time I was thinking about the inevitability that the transgender era is here to stay, and the CWCki will eventually have to come to terms with the change, no matter what the fans of the classic era think. --Little Owl (talk) 14:03, 3 February 2022 (UTC)
    • I'm going to dissent, as I think that the name should stay the way it is. Chris-Chan has been far more often associated with the Christian Weston Chandler name than anything else, given that (at least up until the incest incident) that's when he got the most attention online. The best compromise that I think we could go with if we do rename the article is to rename the article "Chris-Chan", which is how most people refer to Chris regardless of the gender debate anyways. I don't think that telling editors to redirect to the feminine name while sticking to male pronouns (which is what we're sticking to for the sake of consistency) makes a whole lot of sense. Plus, the general news flashpoint where the Christine Weston Chandler name was highly publicized was when Chris got arrested; people aren't really paying attention now that Chris has been in the slammer for a few months. KingClark (talk) 01:07, 4 February 2022 (UTC)
      • Changing the title to match his current name wouldn't erase his history as Christian, the name would still be preserved in the article text. Editors could use the Chris redirect to link to this page. I don't think the article being named to Christine would affect the pronoun policy - Chris is still biologically a male. The jail custody record for example puts his name as Christine Weston Chandler and his gender as male. On the compromise of the Chris Chan stage name/nickname, I think it wouldn't match with articles about the rest of the Chandlers, like Bob Chandler, Barbara Chandler, which use their full names. Hurtful Truth Level (talk) 07:36, 4 February 2022 (UTC)
  • Since we're split I think it might be worth looking at Wikipedia guidelines for article titles particularly its section on name changes. The guild states: " If the reliable sources written after the change is announced routinely use the new name, Wikipedia should follow suit and change relevant titles to match. If, on the other hand, reliable sources written after the name change is announced continue to use the established name, Wikipedia should continue to do so as well" so if we go by this and we need to establish what is a "reliable source" in the context of this wiki, forum discussions, news articles, or Chris himself. The article also highlight five key characteristics of a good title: recognizability, naturalness, precision, concision, consistency which gives us five questions to ask:
    • What is Chris's most recognizable name among readers both new and old?
    • What are people most likley to search for?
    • What name "unambiguously identifies the article's subject and distinguishes it from other subjects"?
    • What name is no longer than necessary? (this one isn't that important, there's no way we're going to use Chris's full title)
    • What name is consistent with the rest of the wiki?
I could go ether way but I am leaning more towards keeping the name as is for the sake of consistency but I hope this guild might help make a final decision. Finnegan (talk) 17:28, 7 February 2022 (UTC)
  • My vote is for renaming the article to just "Chris-Chan", using "Christopher, "Christian" and "Christine" as chronologically relevant throughout the article; I think this would be the best compromise between keeping things accurate in a legal sense and making it easy for people to find the article. I don't think it's necessary to edit other articles to reflect this. That being said, as a counter-argument to the original point, Chris's gender on his driver's license is listed as F (as can be seen in the background of Chris showing off his "woman card") and there's little support if any to change that. Cottonmather (talk) 11:15, 12 April 2022 (UTC)

Rename to Chris Chan?

This is probably a bit of a controversial idea, since the name of this page has been 'Christian Weston Chandler' since the start of the CWCki, but I really do think it would be a good change. Chris hasn't been Christian for years upon years by now, which makes this feel title feel dated. I also don't think a change to 'Christine Weston Chandler' would be good, because in the most cherished part of his history he was known as 'Christian'. I propose a rename to 'Chris Chan', which encompasses all Sagas in Chris's life, and is also the most popular thing to call him. The ED page is called 'Chris-chan', the Reddit page is called 'r/ChrisChanSonichu', and almost every social media post referring to him calls him 'Chris Chan'. Cereally (talk) 19:43, 6 August 2023 (EDT)

As pointed out above, it seems like we're sticking with CWC's GodBear-given name for the main space. I do think that other pages, like the one for Chris Chan Sonichu, need to be updated to be consistent with how his name is written elsewhere on this wiki. KingClark (talk) 23:19, 6 August 2023 (EDT)

Spanish Translation

I have created a Spanish language translation of Chris' article here: https://sonichu.com/cwcki/User:Dormiebasne/Christian_Weston_Chandler_(espa%C3%B1ol)

Does anyone object to the creation of a small box around the beginning of this article in Spanish, advising a translation is available, accurate up to (insert date of revision taken as source material)?

Dormiebasne (talk) 09:13, 2 March 2024 (EST)

Rolling Infobox Image

I think it's worth discussing whether it might be a good idea to implement a rolling infobox image of Chris, like is standard on other Wikis and Wikipedia. What this would mean is displaying the most recent high-quality portrait photo of Chris in the infobox, rather than the iconic photo of him wearing The Classic. I'd propose instead showing said photo at the start of the Overview section. Cottonmather (talk) 12:19, 11 September 2024 (EDT)

I think the current image should be kept. I think the image does a good job of encapsulating golden age Chris and Chris posts high quality portraits inconsistently. BaboonRancher23 (talk) 13:19, 11 September 2024 (EDT)
I'm sorry, but the golden age was 15 years ago and the perception that Chris has never left the golden age is seriously hurting everybody. Just look at the sales of the items on the Etsy store, do you think anyone on here even know what Praetor is? I think we should move on with the times and treat Chris like what he now is, a lolcow well past his prime.