Chris and race

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Chris's racist tendencies can be traced at least partially to his southern heritage, but certain other factors seem to imply that the rest of Chris's worldview on race comes from stereotypes depicted by popular culture. In some cases, however, he seems to be completely unfamiliar with even the stereotypes, opting to make up a bunch of bullshit off the top of his head.


Main article: Niggos

Chris's hatred of African Americans dates back to at least the early days of his Love Quest, where he specifically listed "blacks" under people who he would not be interested in dating.


Main article: Punchy Sonichu

In the comics, people of Asian descent are depicted with pale yellow skin and slanty eyes. Such depiction was common in old Bugs Bunny cartoons during World War II, but was eventually phased out when American society became more tolerant of the Japanese.

On another note, Chris thinks that Japan is famous for Kung-Fu, when in reality, Kung-Fu originated in China.

Native Americans

Main article: Cherokian Clan

As stated in the main article, despite claiming to have at least one Cherokee ancestor, Chris is completely ignorant of Native American culture.


Main article: Christmas

In A Sonichu and Rosechu Christmas, Chris describes how Jews living in CWCville celebrate Hannukah. On December 12 members of the CWCville Jewish diaspora set up "Menorah candles" (the "Haunaka" Menorah candelabrum has 7 candles in it, while the traditional Menorah used on Hanukkah IRL has 9) instead of Christmas Trees, with dreidels lying under them. Since the candle-related symbolism is very much present in the RL Hanukkah rituals, it's in good taste to give CWCville Jews anything candle-related as a gift. E.g., when Sonichu's daughter Cerah Rosey baked cookies for her friends, she decided to make her Jewish friend Kevin a candle-shaped one. Because Jews surely love to be distinguished from other people on any occasions based solely on their faith, and would take deep offense in receiving a normal nothing-special-shaped cookie as a gift!

The interesting moment is that there actually is a tradition of eating specially baked foods on Hanukkah, and vanilla is one of the allowed ingredients used in making them. Not that Chris knows anything about this, mind you.

Chris and...

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