A Workout

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A Workout is a video Chris uploaded on 19 October 2010. In this video, Chris appears to have stuffed his muscle bra again and performs a workout routine to "Ass 'N' Titties" by DJ Assault, specifically a YouTube video which includes dancing by various World of Warcraft characters. Most would assume this is yet another attempt for Chris to prove that he is not obese and is actually very athletic, but his display is not very convincing.


A Workout
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 18 October 2010
Subject Matter PowerPower Power
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga JackieJackie Jackie
Shirt Grey Muscle BraGrey Muscle Bra Grey Muscle Bra
Pregnant Act

Feel her boobies!


0:00-0:10 Video starts with Chris putting on Ass 'n' Titties by DJ Assault. Chris faces the camera with his stuffed muscle bra and starts exercising by punching spastically in time to the beats.

0:11-0:24 He then begins doing his version of jumping jacks.

0:25-0:59 Chris starts swaying his hips from side to side before doing several Chun Li kicks. He noticeably begins to slow down here but continues on and adds spastic punches as well.

1:00-1:27 He starts twisting side to side with stuffed muscle bra in full view. Chris loses the beat of the track at this point.

1:28-1:54 Next up he starts stretching his arms to the ground and back up. Though he speeds up again for a few seconds, he goes back to slow relatively quickly.

1:55-2:11 Chris starts stretching his arms down each arm individually.

2:12-2:19 Here he stretches out his back with his fat autistic gut on display.

2:20-2:43 Next he begins twisting side to side again momentarily before doing jumping jacks again with poor posture.

2:44-3:05 Begins punching again, taking a brief look at his screen. Starts punching side to side.

3:06-3:23 Chris twists side to side again, this time with his arms open and being twice as slow as the rhythm.

3:24-3:29 Punches upwards and then back forwards. Music stops. Chris faces the camera and gropes his own man tits.

Feel her boobies!

External links

Pregnant Act Chris's videos SonichuBabies
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