December 2018 videos

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This page contains Chris's videos from December 2018.

Why did you interrupt my video, Barbara?

Chris says it's snowing, then grumbles at his mother for interrupting the video.

Why did you interrupt my video, Barbara?
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Stardate 5 December 2018
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png
Performance Style ComedyComedy Comedy, RageRage Rage
Shrek Retold
Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 1


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow! For tomorrow, it melts, or I end up shoveling some of it. 😊



Hey, everybody. It's snowing here in 1218, Virginia. Why did you interrupt my video, Barbara? There's a joke. Have a good day.

Address to FunkO's Cereal

In this video (awkwardly cut into two parts), Chris extols the virtues of "FunkO's", a brand of generic sugary cereal sold by Funko as a specialty item with the marketing gimmick of including a Funko toy figurine. He completely misses the point of this business strategy and suggests that the cereal should be sold in big-box stores without the toy so that he can buy more of it with his limited financial means.

Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 1

Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 1
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Stardate 5 December 2018
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Why did you interrupt my video, Barbara?
Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 2

Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 2

Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 2
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Stardate 5 December 2018
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 1
Supportive message for Gracie


Hey, @OriginalFunko, how about making the Funko’s Cereal available in all cereal aisles in random colours and a random figure Optionally available in the boxes, please? 😊 Your multigrain cereal is Really Good! I would buy a 20oz box, just for the cereal, at $4.99.


[Part 1]

Hey, everybody! Just wanted to offer a little voluntary... individ- opinion about [holds up FunkO's box to camera] Funko brand's FunkO's cereal! But just the cereal though, I mean, because having all the pictures and the figures in them is good and all, but the cereal is really good. I mean, various colors therein, but I mean, hey, Funko company, you know what you could do with the cereal? Actually put it in the grocery stores and in the cereal aisles of the Wal-Marts, the Targets, and everywhere, all the actual cereal aisle, instead of just making it a "specialty food item available only in certain places", you could make it available with, or without, the included toy! and actually put more of the cereal in the box, like you know, make it a family-size box of FunkO's! FunkO's!

Because that berry flavor is totally awesome, and it's a multi-grain cereal, so, it's definitely... a good part of a balanced breakfast. So anyway, hey Funko, let's get the act together, let's put your cereal in the act- in all the cereal aisles. Okay? And you could just put various... pictures on the front, like, or even just, just even, just Social Time Freddy, just on the front cover, enjoying the cereal, and just... put FunkO's on the top part. FunkO's! FunkO's! And this is a really good cereal. Let's have... cereal in the cereal aisles, mmkay?

I had other thoughts that are escaping me, but - oh, not only that, but you could also just, in the bowl, yac'put various, you could make it like, eh, sections like, individual colors, just like, you know, rainbow from red to purple. From red to violet. Aaand, yac'put... all, uh, all of them in each box, just put a random color in each of them, so like, you know, in one... neutral type of FunkO's box, could be red, anurr one could be yellow, anurr one could be orange!, anurr one could be blue, anurr one could be... purple, youguyshavefunwidda-

[Part 2, picking up near the end of Part 1]

... eh, sections like, individual colors, just like, you know, rainbow from red to purple. From red to violet. Aaand, yac'put... all, uh, all of them in each box, just put a random color in each of them, so like, you know, in one, neutral type of FunkO's box, could be red, anurr one could be yellow, anurr one could be orange!, anurr one could be blue, anurr one could be... purple, youguyshavefunwiddat, 'cause the cereal is really good, so, Funko, let's get in on that, so then... I don't have to pay eight bucks for... this awesome cereal. Every time. [sets down cereal box] Pay like, four, five bucks for... bigger box of just the cereal, because... it really is good, and... at... two thumbs up. Okay? [holds up right thumb] Here's one, [holds up same thumb again] and here's another, because... my other thumb's holding the camera, hehe. Alright. Thank you, Funko company!

Supportive message for Gracie

Chris records a message for Gracie, after her father had tweeted:

Hello my Twitter friends. This is my daughter Gracie whos getting Bullied and picked on at school. Being told shes Ugly and Fat and looks like a boy all the usual stuff. Can she get some love we've told her how Beautiful she is Love you Gracie❤❤❤

The father's tweet had been retweeted by Tara Strong, who said:

Hello beautiful. Please tell her she’s awesome & bullies suck & I’m happy to send her a special voice recording & I 💜 her?

Upon seeing Strong's tweet, Chris recorded his own message.

Supportive message for Gracie
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Stardate 8 December 2018
Subject Matter OtherUnknownIcon.png
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Shirt The Manchild MeltdownManchildmeltdownicon.png The Manchild Meltdown
Address to FunkO's Cereal, Part 2
Barb confirms she isn't dead
you are beautiful, you are bright, and you definitely look very lovely, you look like a woman


Hi, Gracie. You are beautiful, and you certainly are not fat; those bullies can take their insults and Zap It Up theirs. Ignore them, and stay Awesome as you are, with Great Self-Esteem, girl. 😊 ⚡️💙⚡️


Hi Gracie, this is Christine Chandler, giving you a little support. I hear you're being bullied. [brushes hair back] Don't let the bullies bother you. I mean, I've been there with you. I was bullied in my childhood too. I was bullied for being different, because of my... autism. But that's a whole different ting, and I didn't let that stop me, and I was cyberbullied since 2007. Think I'd let that stop me? Nope. Nothing's stopping me. I continued on. I created, and I worked. And you can do the same, just... you are beautiful, you are bright, and you definitely look very lovely, you look like a woman, yes you do. [deep breath] And when somebody tells you otherwise, you can tell them that I said, [points at camera] they can take their insults and [thrusts hand upward] zap it up theirs. But seriously though, just tell everybody, tell- report them to your authorities, your principal, whoever's nearby, an adult. Okay? Alright. Good luck, Gracie. Stay awesome. Zap to the extreme!

Barb confirms she isn't dead

On 14 December 2018, the troll who had been leaking videos from the Idea Guys saga on Chris's Twitter logged in again, this time to post:

RIP Barbara Anne Weston Chandler 1941-2018 😇😇😇😭😭😭😢😢😢😢

About a minute later, the tweet was deleted by Chris. Three minutes after the tweet appeared, Chris uploaded this video as a rebuttal. He further claimed that he would increase his security measures to prevent being hacked again[1].

Barb confirms she isn't dead.
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Stardate 14 December 2018
Subject Matter RumorsRumors Rumors
Performance Style TragedyTragedy Tragedy, ReasonReason Reason
Saga Teen Troon Squad SagaTeen Troon Squad Saga Teen Troon Squad
Supportive message for Gracie


Does she look dead to you, damn Hacker!


Chris: Hey mom, say something.

Barb: My name is Barbara Chandler.

Chris: Are you dead right now?

Barb: No.

Chris: You're very much alive?

Barb: Yes

Chris: How strong do you feel?

Barb: Very strong.

Chris: Good, thank you.


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Stardate 16 December 2018
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Barb confirms she isn't dead
On mah Treadmill, dawgs!


But, for a good Twitter Feed Topper for a while, here’s a little bit of Sylvia. 😸


[Chris speaks in a baby voice as Sylvia leans on Chris's knee and licks herself and a high-pitched beep repeatedly sounds] Hello Sylvia, lookit you being so sweet, aww. [Unintelligible] because the big coincidence between-n dimensions... is you can start hanging out with me. You such a schweet, good little kitty. [Chris begins fondling Sylvia's head. She freezes.] Yesh you are. [Raising his voice to an alien-sounding tone] Yes you are, [Back to baby voice] so pretty, too. [Chris continues scratching, punctuated with incoherent cutesy noises. Sylvia wriggles her head. Chris switches to the alien tone.] I know you sho cute! [Chris brings the camera over to an aerial view of Sylvia and returns to the baby voice.] Aww. Thank you for being Your Schweetness. [Chris stops scratching and Sylvia contorts to look at him expectantly with a purr.]

On mah Treadmill, dawgs!

On mah Treadmill, dawgs!
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Stardate 16 December 2018
Subject Matter PowerPower Power
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Shirt The Manchild MeltdownManchildmeltdownicon.png The Manchild Meltdown
Sylvia is playful


On mah Treadmill, dawgs! ⚡️💙⚡️


[Chris steps back from the camera and raises a finger. The camera waves around unsteadily through the video.] Hey errybody! Check it out. [Briefly flashes the medallion and tucks it back into his shirt.] Jus't'let you that it is me... I'm walkin'! [Chris activates his treadmill with a beep, clenches his fists in an attempt to assume a power stance and, moments later, the treadmill starts and he begins walking. The camera begins trembling. After a few seconds, he increases the speed.] I got [holds up four fingers] three miles an hour and countin', baby! Heh-heh! [Chris reaches for the camera to turn it off.]

Sylvia is playful

2018-12-19 Sylvia is playful as ever for her first Holiday Season! 😸
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Stardate 19 December 2018
Subject Matter Cats
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
On mah Treadmill, dawgs!
Chris with Teen Troon Squad


Sylvia is playful as ever for her first Holiday Season! 😸


[The video starts with a cut to Sylvia on Chris's bed. She is scratching the bed, trying to catch her tail. It seems she has been doing this for a bit until she finally gets hold of it, and gives it a few bites. She then shakes her head and backs off. She sits there in an awkward position, patting her tail, before slowly coming up to where she can sit comfortably.]

[She slowly reaches out to grab her tail, then launches into a manic spin, trying to catch her tail. After a couple of seconds, she abruptly stops.]

Chris: [chuckles]

[She tries to catch her tail again, this time more carefully. She bites at it while she waddles around trying to grab it. She then stops and puts a paw on Chris, who is sitting on the bed. He is most likely wearing his "Happy Hag" shirt and a pair of jeans. She sits there, fiddling with her claws while Chris shakes the camera around wildly.]

[Chris reaches over with his hand wearing a gym glove. When he tries to pet Sylvia, She flinches and tries to push him away, but almost immediately stops and lets Chris rub his fingers around her neck for a few seconds. Then she adjusts her licks in an attempt to push Chris's hand away. She then grasps her hands around the glove before crawling through an opening, escaping Chris.]

[Chris then moves his had over to where she moved, and she again grasps his hand with her arms and kicks with her legs. This time, however, she pounces away from the hand towards the end of the bed, instead of moving closer to Chris. Chris lifts his torso up to get a closer look, but she moves farther to his right. He then concedes and films her from where she is.]

[Chris reaches out and pets her head and she moves away. Chris rests his finger on his nose in an ill-fated attempt to "boop" her. She weasels out a very small "meow", and Chris moves the camera away. He chuckles again before ending the video.]

Video of Chris at Lukas's House (leaked)

Main article: Chris with Teen Troon Squad

Merry Gubmas!

Main article: Merry Gubmas!

Chris lost Crystal (leaked)

Main article: Chris lost Crystal

**Audio-Only furthering.

On New Years Eve, inspired by a video he saw, Chris tweeted:

To All of you Bad Trolls and Cyberbullies:

“Y’all got a dakimakura for Christmas! Only one with Waifu-Chan will do!” Hump the year away, Bullies!

(Inspired by @Fim_Keychi and @MLPSilverQuill’s vid; nothing against Firebrand (he is very cool, and not a troll) 😊

After the posting the video, Chris would post a disclaimer, fearing he may accidentally create an OC.

A Minor Disclaimer: there is no existing individual named “Waifu-Chan”; I used the term to make the joke Neutral to all people who are Bad Trolls and Cyberbullies. Thank you.
**Audio-Only furthering.
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Stardate 31 December 2018
Subject Matter TrollsTrolls Trolls MusicMusic Music
Performance Style ComedyComedy Comedy, SmugSmug Smug, CrazyCrazy Crazy
Other AudioAudio Audio
Chris lost Crystal
Jackson Dalton Interview


**Audio-Only furthering.


♪ Bum! Bum! Bum! Bum! Budumdumdum! Budum! ♪

♪ You've got a dakimakara for Christmaaas! ♪

♪ Only Waifu-Chan will dooo! ♪

♪ You've got a dakimakura for Christmaaas! ♪

♪ Only Waifu-Chan will dooo! ♪

Ha! take that you bad trolls

Shrek Retold
(November 2018)
Chris's videos January 2019 videos
