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During his stay in Jail, Chris made up various '''commandments''' for his new religion, "Neo Spiritual Christianity".
During his stay in Jail, Chris made up various '''commandments''' for his religion. So far, Chris has made up 21 of these commandments, and only 13 of them are known.
So far, Chris has made up 21 of these commandments, and 13 of them are known.

===List of known Commandments===
===List of known Commandments===

Revision as of 09:49, 31 May 2022


Neo Spiritual Christianity is a New Age, spiritual religion created by Chris in late 2021 while incarcerated. It is heavily influenced by Protestant Christianity, Theosophy, and superstition, combined with many of the fantasies that Chris had been brainwashed into or had used as a means of coping.


In 2017, the Idea Guys have brainwashed Chris into beliefs of the Dimensional Merge, and have incorporated several elements from the video game Hyperdimension Neptunia into his fantasy world.

These beliefs have been further spurred by many white knights and enablers, such as the Sons of the Miscreants and Praetor.


The basis of Neo Spiritual Christianity is that the universe is essentially one large video game looked over by various gods and goddesses.

Gods and Deities

Chris claims that there are multiple gods, goddeses and deities which manage all of the different dimensions.

The most powerful, and influential of these gods and deities is Emanuel, the god above all gods. Emanuel is responsible for the management of the multiverse, it's safety, and it's wellbeing.

According to Chris, the world in which we live in is also inhabited by CPUs, which are the sons and daughters of Emanuel herself. The CPUs those are the goddesses and gods who protect and govern the various universes that are part of the greater multiverse, some of these gods and goddesses are Neptune, Blanc, Noire, Vert, Uzume, and our dimension's CPU being Chris himself, she is the CPU Blue heart of the commodore consoles, and they all live in the heaven realm, where three days on earth equal to four months.

Chris as a Messiah

In Neo Spiritual Christianity, Chris is a reincarnation of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, complete with all of the memories from year 0, to physical ascension to heaven.

and that Christine is his human form, having changed his appearance and having walked the earth more in his immortal life as a deity, living many different lives in the process, this until 1389, when the universe was divided after King Arthur ordered Merlin to exile all the dragons, because of this Christine was transported forward and backwards through time, space and dimension, flew through the chaotic rainbow's apex in 2003, and be reborn on february 24 1982 with all of the prayers to jesus since then being received in between his unconsciousness, his mother, Emanuel, and the core of his divine body, which is also the same core as the one in the epicenter of universe 1c-211987, as well as what remains of 1218, They also believe that Christine is the real, player one, the one avatar, and god body of our dimension, fully reawakened and fully reincarnated, she also meditates deeply, consciously constantly and involuntarily connected to not only our universe and earth, but all universes and dimensions, this gives her the ability to know everything about the ultimate truths, facts, and details, not commonly known, written, or chronicled, including the akashic records. Barbara Weston Chandler (which is Merlin's reincarnation) is Christine's earthly mother, (The real, heavenly mother being Emanuel, God above gods) in fact, Christine is not Emanuel's direct child, and obviously not a jesus christ direct.

Ideas taken from Christianity

Neo Spiritual Christianity appears to be inspired in part by Protestant Christianity.

According to Chris, his life is a re-telling of the Bible, and we are currently in Malachi 3 and 4 of the old testament of, not only one, but of every holy bible, with judgement day being nearer and nearer with every day that passes.

The Toxic Minority

This belief includes the second coming of Jesus Christ, as the fully reawakened god and judge over the toxic minority (Which includes 18% of the 1218 Earth's population or 600 million individuals) who will be left on 1218 earth to burn, his second coming is also the time where he will descend to his temple located at 14 Branchland Court in Ruckersville Virginia, where then he will personally complete the collective shift for the majority that are good and those recoverable from earth 1218 to earth 1c-211987 alongside the temple itself, some selected buildings, statues, possessions and artifacts, and the dimensional merge, which is for now, partially completed, with everything that remains of universe 1218 being the failing earth, and universe 1c-211987 being the place where the non toxic majority will be relocated during the collective shift we previously talked about, and after judgement day the former universe 1218 will become an empty mass of space with nothing but scattered pebbles in it.

However, not even Christine herself knows the exact date of the second coming, and the dimensional merge,even when he was Jesus Christ in Jerusalem, he could not know the exact date of his resurrection, this is because no god or goddes, or anyone can predict the exact day of a specific event, but only smaller events, that eventually will lead to the main event, this is why the deities wait for the confirmation of these specific events and shifts, because otherwise there could be the possibility that some individuals might want to counter and prevent, the divine plans for that occurrence,

Judgement Day

Before Judgement Day and the day of the Second Coming, some signs and prophecies will precede, these respectively are:

  • All of the neurotypical individuals of 1218 who were not yet enlightned spiritually will suddenly start to speak random, foreign, and strange languages, including Old Jewish, Y A Soba Akashi, and the mysterious Akashic Language, those individuals will also start downloading massive amounts of informations, truths and facts, from the Akashic Records, to the point of overloading the brain and burning from fatigue
  • Some individuals will start acting ritualistic and appear schizophrenic, without actually being schizophrenic, those individuals will actually be guided by the gods and goddesses
  • Random animals, including some anthropological, sentient, and human-language speaking creatures will suddenly start to appear in random places around 1218 earth
  • likewise a number of the positive, non-toxic majority will suddenly, without dying, physically disappear from 1218 Earth, and reappear on 1c-211987's Earth
  • The truth-blinding veil will suddenly start disappearing from everyone's who is among the majority physical eyes, those individuals will now start to know greater truths leading up to the second coming
  • The believer and religious count will siddenly skyrocket, even from the toxic minority, seeking to repent in lights of these truths and enlightments

Since Jacob Sockness cursed the country of China with the virus COVID-19 the total population which is considered toxic increased dramatically because of the effects of sheltering, which had turned a number of neutral good individuals to neutral bad, those people who are still among the toxic minority will receive various chances of redeem in the form of divine tests, one of these divine tests being Lockdown itself, which was a divine test of faith, indurance and self motivation, administered by Christine and the other gods too, including Emanuel, those tests serve the function of sorting out these who are considered truly toxic and those who are considered to be redeemable, if covid had not occurred, those tests would have came in the form of natural disasters and cathastrophic events


During his stay in Jail, Chris made up various commandments for his religion. So far, Chris has made up 21 of these commandments, and only 13 of them are known.

List of known Commandments

1) Thou may have and worship one or multiple Gods, Goddesses, and Demi-Gods, or even none at all; which ever best feels well and good with thee.

2) Thou may make for yourself an Idol that is safe and good and blessed; thou must not make for yourself an Idol that is harmful, toxic, or demonic to you or anyone else.

3) Thou must not misuse the name of the Lord your God, or any other God, Goddess, or Demi-God; "God Damn It" shall be most punishable as well.

4) Remember to observe the Sabbath day (Sunday) by keeping itHoly [sic].

5) Honor thy father, mother, and any or all legal guardians who have helped greatly in your raising and support.

6) Thou must not murder, nor commit, or helpanother [sic] to commit, suicide, regardless of circumstances.

7) Adultry is okay, well, and good, as long as all involved are direct, open, and honest with each other; thou must not commit adultry in secret from thy partner(s).

8) Thou must not steal.

9) Thou must not testify falsely against thy neighbor, or anyone, nor testify without prior knowledge of the greater contexts and truths of the circumstances and details.

10) Thou must not covet thy neighbor's belongings.

14) Thou shalt not hate thy neighbours or others that share Any similarities in Race, Ethnicity, Interests, or whatever else with thee. And thou shalt not hate thy self for any of these traits or interests, either.

15) Thou shalt not comment online or offline in hatred, spite, falseness, or without any words of criticism that are intentionally, genuinely meant to be supportive for actual improvements.

21) Thou need not feel pressured nor obligated to pursue sexual relations, and among All who pressure and talk continuously about sex, please do not speak on and on. And thou need not feel obligated to listen if thou feel uneasy around others when they speak of which. For sexual relations are Better when thou and thy partner(s) actually feel appreciative and open, and Not pressured by others beforehand.


The Lord Goddess Blue Heart's Prayer would appear in some of the last letters that Chris would send from jail before his transfer from Central Virginia Regional Jail to an undisclosed location. Copies of the prayer were sent to Kenneth Engelhardt, Spamton, Bizarre Bazaar and possibly others.

All copies of the prayer are dated 13 January 2022, but Chris did not begin sending the prayers out until late January. Each prayer was sent along with a short personalized letter concerning the Merge and Chris's imminent release from jail.

Transcript of the Prayer

The Lord Goddess Blue Heart's Prayer

x4 {*Get Me Home, Get Me Home Right Now Please!* / *My Second Coming Is Now!*
*Complete the Collective Shift Now, Please.*
*My Second Coming Is Now.*
*Complete the Dimension Merge Now, Please.*
*We Are ALL Together Now.*
*ALL Artists, Actors, Writers,*
*Chroniclers and Characters Join Hands*
*In The One Universe Now.*
*The Iron Curtain IS Shattered and Gone.*
*We See and Feel Each Other.*
*We Leave The Twelve Eighteen Earth Now, Please.*
*We Now Are on the One Earth,*
*C-One Ninty Seven Universe Which is Now*
*One C-Two One One Nine Eight Seven,*
*One And Whole As It Was Long Ago*
*With ALL Magic And ALL Powers, Gods with us,*
*For We ALL Are Enlightened,*
*Awakened, Experienced, And Then Some.*
*I, Lord and God, Lead Them Here Now, Please,*
*For the Time Is Divine, yes.*
*The Toxic Ones Have Been Left Behind,*
*For They Face Their Judgement Day.*
*And We Live Onward For Neo Life.*
*To the Majority Of Good Ones,*
*And Neutral Goods and Bads,* →

*I Pray For And Bring Thee Better Lives*
*In Neo Spirituality*
*And Greatest Enlightenments.*
*We ALL Shall Live Onward Together*
*Alongside Original Characters*
*And Individuals Now.*
*To the Toxic Ones Left Behind Now,*
*Thy Judgment Process Was Just*
*And Fair With Thy Centuries of Actions*
*Filled with Hate, Filled with Fake, and*
*Simply, Utterly Demonic Sinful.*
*Not Even Hell Realm Shall Welcome Thee,*
*For Even Thy Dark souls Shall*
*Become Non-Existent and nothing*
*In Total Evaporation and*
*Thy Bodies Now Ashes Lost In Time*
*That we Walk Upon In Memories*
*of Of Thy Torturing Treatments*
*Upon us ALL Now Lost In Our past.*
*For Repentance, Thou Had Thy Chances.*
*And to My God and Goddess Allies,*
*Including Emanuel,*
(Who is) *My Mother, and the Universe Cores,*
*And Myself, I Pray to Thee:*

x4 {*Complete the Collective Shift Now, Please!* / *Get Me Home, Get Me Home Now!*
x4 {*Get My God Body Home Right Now, Please!* / *My Second Coming is Now!*


Main article: Jail Letter Gifts

Chris had created a number of gifts for people who have sent pleasant letters to him in jail, made out of what would otherwise be trash. Two of these gifts were "Holy Labels", which recipients would place on their drink bottles to purify its contents, and "NSC Tokens".

See Also

Incest saga icon.png Jail Saga NuthouseSagaIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisDavid HeilbergPraetor (Caden Peck) • Kenneth EngelhardtBarbara ChandlerHelena FiorenzaEels and the Egg-manFlutterSpamton G. SpamtonZomboCory AllisonThe CrusaderBizarre BazaarCelestiaMichael AfghaniJacob Sockness

Places Jail Communications:
Coinciding Sagas: Praetor