Chris and copyright

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...anyone using my characters and all Without My Consent are Criminals, and such people should be reported to the Police immediately.
Chris, CWCipedia's Copyright page

Like with many things, Christian Weston Chandler has a very obscurred view of copyright. In his mind, he believes that if you were to take two very popular ficticious characters and mash them both together in a failtastic plot of psuedo-sciencefiction involving a rainbow and two incestous electric rodents , you would have a completely new thing and therefore are entitled to the rights of said "Original Characters" despite how crappy, unoriginal and disgusting they may be.

Chris is very paranoid regarding his pseudo-copyright, and will frequently hand out all of his personal information to complete strangers if he is contested about it.

Chris's views

Chris is VERY protective of his characters. Well, as protective as an autistic manchild could be to such unoriginal monstrosities. Chris believes that his characters are officially parodies, thus, he is allowed to create his multimedia empire. What Chris fails to realize that is that parodies are essentially just mockeries of something they're based off of, though done for laughs. "Weird Al" Yankovic's songs are considered parodies. Mel Brooks's works are considered parodies. Sonichu and Rosechu are NOT parodies - they are just shitty recolors.

In either case, Chris will go to great lengths to protect his work. Whenever Chris finds his work being used elsewhere without his permission, he ends up demanding that the offending work be taken down within 14 days or he will pursue legal action, sometimes accompanied by a picture of Chris and Sonichu glaring at the offender as if they can actually DO something.

See also

Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games