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And by the way, that is not Crystal whose eyes are censored; that is Megan!
Chris's second message
"Your sister has cum for me"

ShecameforCWC.JPG is a Rule 34 picture that Chris drew as part of a campaign to fight Encyclopedia Dramatica by "replacing negativity with positivity".[1] Arguably the most scandalous of all of Chris's artistic canon, this single image managed to invoke much drama. It put an end to the closest relationship Chris ever had with a non-family member - his friendship with Megan Schroeder - and the consequences of uploading it online have continued to face him for years afterwards.

At first, people believed the picture to be of his imaginary twin sister Crystal. In order to defend his fictional sister's honor, Chris edited the article to confirm that it was in fact Megan.[2] He also angrily decried these scurrilous rumors in the Madman Rising video, shouting that it was Megan. While this is less disturbing than Chris wanting to have an incestuous relation with his own fictitious twin sister, it is notably creepy that it is of his only friend, with whom he had no romantic or sexual relationship (no matter how much he tried, anyway).


When Chris first discovered the ED page, he was disturbed by the number of pickles on the site. Using his powers of autistic logic, Chris decided that the best response would be to replace these images with images of things that Chris likes, hence "replacing negativity with positivity." He also believed the "information overload" would be too much for the trolls to bear and would scare them into deleting the thread.

On 11 November 2007, Chris uploaded several new, original images to ED, including ShecameforCWC.JPG. All were varying degrees of horrifying, but ShecameforCWC.JPG proved to be the most appalling, leaving trolls in total shock. If Chris was trying to overload the trolls with information about what an exceptional individual he was, it certainly worked, as he would soon find out in the aftermath...


Anatomical analysis

The drawing fails in so many ways that it manages to capture the true essence of fail that is Chris:

  • Chris demonstrates the artistic skills of an 8-year-old; depth perception and proportion are nonexistent. Megan looks as flat as the paper she was drawn on.
  • He also shows a complete unfamiliarity with the female anatomy. The vagina is not one long hole and you could never do that sort of thing with a real vagina, looking like that.
  • Megan's body lacks any curves whatsoever. Chris should probably start paying better attention to women in porn, as then he would know that girls' hips become more pronounced, thus making it appear as if their waists nip in, instead of being straight up and down like a little boy.
  • He also shows unfamiliarity with human anatomy in general. Megan's legs seem to start right at the groin while her hips are directly behind them. Her right hand seems to be permanently stuck doing the Vulcan salute from Star Trek. Also, it looks like neither Chris nor Megan have elbows, joints or even bones for that matter. What is supposed to be her foot looks like a deformed flipper. The lack of any elbows on Chris's arms provides credence to the following piece of analysis:
    • Chris is somehow reaching over his left shoulder with his right hand despite the fact that his elbow remains near his side, creating an effect straight out of M. C. Escher's darkest nightmares. Due to the perspective of Chris's forearm, his forearm is either very floppy and bent backwards towards Megan, or Chris's hand is actually nowhere near his partner's parts.
    • Chris's right forearm is also horribly elongated in comparison to his left - If this version of Chris were to be viewed from the front, his right arm would probably drag along the ground.
  • Megan's right nipple looks at first to be a sixth finger, suggesting that Chris messed up (more than usual) while drawing the hand and decided to turn it into a nipple.
  • The vagina in question appears to be either glowing or shooting out a powerful gust of wind. Chris probably meant to convey that Megan was "wet" and/or "squirtin'," but due to his own stupidity he drew her "cum" around and outside the vagina instead of coming from inside it, leading to the "Glowing Ethereal Cunt of the Ages" effect shown in the picture. Also, vaginal fluid is not blue.
  • Megan's pubic hair, which was probably supposed to be a landing strip, in this drawing bears a slight resemblance to Hitler's mustache (coincidentally, Megan had a fetish for German soldiers). It is also quite far up on her body, and looks like some kind of messed-up happy trail instead of pubic hair.
  • Chris pays close attention to the parts that interest him, namely genitalia and breasts, yet had to squeeze in a tiny head, most likely because he started with the former and realized "Oh, she needs a face." He also shows clear attention to his Medallion of Fail, his heterochromia, etc.
  • Note the retarded pun, a reinforcement of Chris's narcissism, that when a woman orgasms, it's for his sake and not her own pleasure (as he titled it "ShecameForCWC", emphasis added). Plus, a smug look on his face as he gives a thumbs up while fingering her seals the deal.
  • He's wearing his Sonichu medallion while fingering a woman. He stated that ideally, he'd like to be wearing his medallion for his first time.[3]
  • Chris's head is deformed and oval-shaped, and his eyes appear to be set very far up his skull, being where most people's hairlines or eyebrows should be. This can be ascertained with the fact that Chris appears to have drawn himself hastily - Even in some of Chris's earlier artworks, he depicted himself with something resembling an actual jawline, but not here.
  • There is the fact that the girl in the drawing is his best and only friend, Megan, and he sees nothing wrong with it other than the fact that it's on the Internet where she can see it.


Chris apparently thought that uploading pictures of him fingering chinas would counter-act the homosexuality prevalent on the ED page.[4] He posted pornographic drawings of several shippings from the comics, which happened to include him and Megan. He and Megan had some sort of self-fulfillment relationship in the comics, so we can assume Chris was imagining this from the very beginning.


With ED

When Chris first uploaded the image to ED, he captioned it "Your sister has cum for me." Exactly what he meant here is disputed, but it had the unintended effect of leading ED's users to widely conclude that the picture represented Chris's sister, the fictional character Crystal. (Given the nature of Chris’s artwork, any two females with long brown hair are easily mistaken for each other.)

Over the next few months, the image was removed and replaced a few times over the course of Chris's simmering edit war against ED. It didn’t become a serious hot potato until March 2008, however, when Megan discovered the picture and learned that it was meant to be a picture of her. (Chris, not realizing that it would probably be better to cut his losses and let the trolls believe that he wanted to screw his imaginary sister, spilled the beans himself.) In between bombarding Megan with apologies via e-mail, he went on a desperate campaign to remove the image from his ED page.

Chris spent most of a week trying to remove the image, trying to delete references to Megan from the article, trying to erase random bits of the article in order to camouflage his real intentions, and otherwise failing to realize that once something goes up on a wiki, you can’t make it come back down. Amazingly, he even tried to replace the image with a cropped version which just involved the vagina, as though Megan were only angry about her and Chris's facial features being depicted and would be satisfied if the image just showed his hand disappearing up her radiant quim. ED admins quickly reverted his edits and eventually protected the page once it was obvious that Chris was up to something.

On 18 March, Chris admitted defeat in his own disturbing way, and edited the image’s caption — as well as several other captions around the article — to make it clear that the woman depicted is Megan, not Crystal. Over the next few days, he made a number of other self-deprecating and self-pitying changes and additions to the page series of images, before giving up on editing ED for six months.

With Megan

By 12 March 2008, Megan had discovered the full extent of what Chris had written and drawn about her around the Internet, and particularly the fact that she'd starred in his cartoon fantasy porn. While failing to get the image off the ED page over the next several days, Chris sent her a series of messages trying to put out the fire.

Some of his attempts to "explain" the image to Megan are downright bizarre. It's hard to do justice to the original e-mails. At one point, he seemed to think Megan was offended because she didn't understand the act on display, and went off on a frighteningly awkward explanation of what a handjob is. In another e-mail, Chris confirmed the suspicion of many trolls — that he had entertained thoughts of sexually assaulting Megan.

If I didn't have the foresight to put my pent-up frustrations and feelings in the form of something, I might have become an abusive maniac...
Chris, e-mail to Megan, 18 March 2008

Generally, Chris's "apologies" are a classic display of his insensitivity and narcissism in action. He shows little remorse for creating and publishing the image while offering plenty of woe-is-me whining about the ED bullies. In a message from 18 March, he actually had the gall to tell Megan that no matter how bad she might be feeling, he himself has definitely got it worse.

After sending several messages and receiving little in the way of response from Megan, Chris appeared to have given up on winning back her trust, which coincided with the slackening of his campaign to remove the image from ED and the increasingly self-hating tone of his edits there. On 23 March, Megan finally sent him two brief replies to the effect of "leave me alone." Those mark the end of the active drama over the image. Chris stopped editing ED around the same time.

As a coda to the fiasco, Chris tried once more to repair his relationship with Megan about a month later, sending a message with a mix of everyday news and creepy stalkerish longing. Given some time to consider the implications of his earlier messages, especially the parts where he brought up the prospect of raping her, Megan slammed the door shut, saying "I'm afraid I can't trust you anymore." This remains their last known communication.

It is debatable how dramatic was the effect of ShecameforCWC on Chris's relationship with Megan. While it is beyond dispute that Megan severed all contact with Chris due to said image, it might be that she was already trying to avoid his presence prior to discovering he had drawn cartoon porn of her.

Mimms and Lucas's account of Chris's time at the The GAMe PLACe indicates that Megan was avoiding Chris before finding out about ShecameforCWC. According to Mimms "Megan would usually stand/hide behind me and Lucas to avoid [Chris], especially after the drawings of her got leaked [emphasis added]."[5] It's not exactly clear if by "leaked" Mimms refers to the drawing being uploaded online, the drawing being found by Megan or something else. Regardless, in the rest of their discussion of Megan Mimms and Lucas make no mentions of ShecameforCWC and seem to exclusively attribute Megan's withdrawal from Chris to his unwanted romantic advances.[6]


It was Wishful Thinking.
Chris, describing his motive for drawing ShecameforCWC, Rejected Mailbag
ShecameforCWC being discussed at the CWC panel at MAGfest.

Chris's remorse turned out, not surprisingly, to be fake as he went and reuploaded the picture for his sleazy Sonichu and Rosechu's Luv Shack, citing the fact he needed "sexy images".[7] The pain he caused a female friend means nothing compared to his lust for e-fame. The original drawing itself is said to be ripped up and stored in the Crumple-Lope.[8] Although Chris's scrapbook survived the Destruction of Chris's House, it is currently unknown as to whether the Crumple-Lope survived as well.

The envelope.

Years later, the consequences of creating the drawing are still being felt by Chris. In an e-mail sent to someone around October 2013 by a former high school gal-pal of Chris's, she revealed that she was so sickened and disgusted by the imagery (in particular, Chris's "thumbs up" gesture) that she had no desire to ever speak to Chris again, and noted that she was not the only one of Chris's former high school classmates who felt that way.[9]

The pieces of shecameforcwc.

On 4 November 2013, Chris put out a statement saying he regretted drawing ShecameforCWC.jpg, stating that he destroyed the original drawing and "do[es] not possess any image files of the thing". He also stated he forgave Megan, Snyder and Walsh.[10]

Prompted by reading a fancomic about him, in which a scene is devoted to Megan's reaction to ShecameforCWC, Chris commented:

How Could they have been mutual after that, Period?! And now, despite the Original Piece being Totally Torn apart, it still reappears to haunt me. When will that symbol of my sin of lust be long forgotten? Soon, I pray. I continue to Repent.
Chris, January 2018[11]

Due to the Financhu Crisis, Chris offered this and other porn artwork for sale for $1,000 in April 2018 on eBay, where the set quickly sold the next day.

See also

  • CWCRockin4Way.jpg - Chris graduates from a handjob to an all-out rockstar orgy. His drawing style hasn't improved.


MeganNoBG.png Megan Saga MeganNoBG.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Stackhouse, GAMePLACe, ED