Chris Chan Sonichu Expansion Pack

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I am a Special Half-Human, Half-Sonichu, and I am the CPU Blue Heart of the Commodore Consoles, and I have established friendships and allyships with the other deities. One might complain that I am over-powered, and they'd be right. But we have over-powered villains as well, and I can't take them down alone.

And now, you wield a huge sample of my psychic powers and abilities in your hands in this play on the Shipping Grid. How will my power be served to better help Everyone? This aspect is up to you, and I shall do my best. Zap It Up!

TSSSF Core Deck or Sonichu Deck are required for playing the game with this Expansion Pack. This pack contains 40 cards.

Cost: $36.00[1]


Card Name Type Icon Effect Description Date published
ClassicShirtCard.jpg Classic Iconic Shirt Pony Male or Female This Card has no Race.
Ralph Lauren Style (Draw): You may draw 1 card from your Pony or Ship deck.
A lovely aged classic attire favored by Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu for decades; a Ralph Lauren brand shirt, size Large; Red, White and Blue in colour; no more than three sets of stripes down the shirt, complete with the Ralph Lauren crest on the lapel. It had mostly survived the house fire of Janurary [sic], 2014; it has been repaired and is still wearable. 24 November 2019
Colebloodedcard.jpg Cole Blooded Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: 10 Pony cards with the Human keyword are shipped in a chain. N/A 24 November 2019
BatteryChargeHeartCard.jpg CPU Battery-Charge Blue Heart Pony Female, Alicorn Heavy Defensives(Protection): All Pony cards shipped with this one cannot be discarded from the grid. This power cannot be copied. The CPU of the Nation of Cwcville, and the Smach Z handheld gaming console, Sabrina goes all out in defense of the Nation and cities within, and remains very agile, swift and strong against her foes. She launches exploding S-Chu balls from her arm launcher, weilds a heavy-duty lightning blade, and a heavy-duty shield on her other arm. She is a high level of CPU strength and endurance. 24 November 2019
Patreoncard1.jpg Original Creator of Sonichu, Christine W Chandler Sonichu Start Female, Alicorn N/A Place this card in the center of the table at the start of the game. This card cannot be moved or removed from the grid. When this card is shipped with Magi-Chan, Cryzel, Sylvana, and Mewtwo, you may take on active Goal card that is three points or less. This power cannot be copied. 6 October 2019
Pushcartcard.jpg Musical Push-Cart Ship Heart N/A N/A 24 November 2019
Thankyoucard.jpg Thank You For Your Kindness Ship Heart N/A Aqua had helped me out a major jam while fighting a giant robot that; I had trouble taking it out and finding its weak spot. I got knocked off and [Crash into slumber|momentarily dazed]]. Aqua rushed to my side and helped me back up. Then with her help, we destroyed this bot quick. She sought my approval; I smiled and thanked her for her help and kindness. 21 November 2019[2]
Concernscard.jpg Growing Concerns Goal Checkmark Win this Goal when: You break up Chris Chan or Christine Chan with another Pony card three times in the same turn (Swapping counts as breaking up a ship). This Goal is worth 3 Points if at least one of the other Pony cards has the Villain or Kidasuna keyword. Magi-Chan Sonichu and Aqua grow concerned as Chris Chan continues to block Bad Trolls, even if they have concerns for her. But Chris Chan knows the hatred in their intentions make blocking them most appropriate. 21 November 2019[2]
Chillaxingcard.jpg Chillaxing Ship Heart N/A Chris Chan, Aqua, Nightvee and MKR enjoy chillaxing together in one of their personal subspaces to get away and just hang and talk for a while. 21 November 2019[2]


BenSaintIcon.png Secret Shipfic Saga BenSaintIcon.png
The Players

People: ChrisBen SaintProjectSNTOpuscon789Jacob SocknessSarah and SteveHelena FiorenzaThe Sergeant at ArmsMultidimensional White KnightsMKRNightVeeNaughtGeno Samuel
Fictional Characters: OCs (NightVeeStrawberry Milk and Phantom HornPickchuWild Sonirisu)

The Games
TSSSF Packs: ArizonaSlimeBlessed Wares and Extra CreditChris Chan Sonichu Expansion PackHangin' With Magi-ChanIdeaGuy CorruptionsNightstar & FriendsNightvee & the Warriors For AndromedaProjectSNT and FriendsA Righteous RisingSamurai Pizza BotsSonichu/Rosechu OC Expansion PackSonichu & RosechuSonichu DeckSonichu PromoSonichu VillainsSuper/Mega FormsYES to MLPFiMSeasons10to14
TSSSF: Ben Saint: Dungeons and Dragons/ProjectSNT:

Coinciding Sagas
Watchmen, Jacob