Jessie Ruddy

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The image of Jessie showcased in CWC "Boyfriend"
Chris, trying to convince Jessie that he's straight
Holy fucking shit, Crumpet was right.
CWCki admin Champthom after the CWC "Boyfriend" video is released

Jessica "Jessie" Ruddy is an obscure troll persona made by Crumpet, a member of the Encyclopedia Dramatica forums. Jessie contacted Chris on Skype from September to October of 2008, right in the middle of the Blanca Saga, acting as a 19-year old boyfriend-free girl to possibly become Chris's heartsweet.

After revealing himself, Crumpet posted these chatlogs on the ED forums, but due to the lack of proof and the absurdity of Chris's messages, most believed these to be fake chats. Crumpet was also known for spreading misinformation regarding Chloe, leading to him being generally untrusted by members of ED.

Jessie remained forgotten for almost an year, until 25 July 2009, where Chris was coerced by Jack Thaddeus into making CWC "Boyfriend", a music video depicting several women in Chris's life. The third woman showcased is Jessie Ruddy herself, which most who didn't know Jessie were confused by. CWCki admin Champthom, who had seen the ED post an year ago, dug up the chatlogs and posted them on a CWCki talk page

Television Discussion


Chris greets Jessie, and they start engaging in friendly conversation. They start talking about Seinfield, and their favorite characters from the show. Jessie says her favorite show is Scrubs, which Chris says he doesn't watch, leading to Jessie rambling about it for a bit. Eventually the conversation turns to 17 sexy pictures that Chris plans to send Jessie for her to mass debate to. Jessie asks Chris if he has a car, which he says he does, and mentions a crash that he got into one day, which gave him a 'manly emotional scar'. Chris also asks Jessie to change her Skype avatar, comparing looking at it 'getting a toothache after eating too much sugary candy'. Chris mentions feeling tired, and says that he's going to rest a bit before sending Jessie the 'teasing, pleasing pics' for her. It is unknown if these were ever sent.


Unknown Date

[12:35:20 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: Hey, Jessica. how are you?
[12:35:28 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Pretty good
[12:35:30 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: You?
[12:35:36 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I'm good too.
[12:35:47 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: That's good XD
[12:35:54 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: how was your day?
[12:36:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: It was alright
[12:36:12 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Just played Video games all day
[12:36:21 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: Team Fortress 2?
[12:36:33 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: That and Half life 2 ep 2
[12:36:40 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: okay.
[12:37:02 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I've been chatting with Blanca for a while.
[12:37:14 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Cool, what about?
[12:38:01 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: her day; my day; this and that; good "yada, yada, yada"
[12:38:07 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: :)
[12:38:20 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: that's cool
[12:38:57 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I realized the definition of the "yada, yada, yada" term in a conversational sense from an episode of Sienfeld.
[12:39:16 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Ah
[12:39:41 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Sienfeld is ok
[12:40:06 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I like Jerry; he's a funny comedian.
[12:40:22 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: I like Kramer
[12:40:28 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: lol
[12:40:30 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Sliding through doors and such
[12:40:33 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: he is WILD.
[12:40:40 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: indeed
[12:40:51 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: what a crazy kook. lol
[12:41:02 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: but sometimes, he does make sense.
[12:41:13 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Yeah
[12:41:42 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: what's your favorite TV show?
[12:41:56 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Scrubs
[12:42:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: How about you?
[12:42:12 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I have heard of that show, but I don't regularly watch it.
[12:42:35 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: how do you enjoy it?
[12:42:50 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Enjoy Scrubs?
[12:42:56 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: yes.
[12:43:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: How can't someone enjoy it?
[12:43:19 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: if that some has not watched it.
[12:43:49 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I meant what is your impression of the show; how would you describe in your own words?
[12:44:05 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Well it's real funny and accurate
[12:44:20 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: what's it about?
[12:44:30 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: It's a medical Comedy
[12:45:06 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I did notice that it took place in a hospital.
[12:45:13 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Yeah
[12:46:43 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: It's about a medical doctor called JD, a female medical doctor called Ellot, a Surgen named Chris Turk, a nurse called Carla, the chief of medician Bob Kelso, Dr Cox, and the janitor
[12:46:57 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: They are all the main characters
[12:47:04 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: But they have many many minor characters
[12:48:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Real good show
[12:48:10 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: So what's your fave show?
[12:48:12 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I'll have to sample it for myself.
[12:48:47 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Also, how's the pictures coming along?
[12:49:08 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I like Family Guy. I took a few today.
[12:49:26 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Cool :P
[12:49:38 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: So you will have them tomorrow?
[12:49:46 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: Yes I will.
[12:50:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: yay
[12:50:16 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: 17 good teaser pics for you to get wet over.
[12:50:28 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: I cannot wait
[12:51:09 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: I'll tell you a secret, ever since you told me they'll be ready in four days, I stopped touching myself, and I told myself to wait those four days :P
[12:51:23 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: Damn, girl.
[12:51:25 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: lol
[12:51:27 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: :P
[12:52:02 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: This is gonna be so fun
[12:52:14 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I'll try not to disappoint you.
[12:52:21 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Lol ok
[12:53:33 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: So can you get them to me any eariler :P
[12:53:52 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: not tonight.
[12:54:11 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Ok :C
[12:55:40 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: So what else did you do today?
[12:56:40 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Also do you own a car?
[12:58:31 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I did a few things; went to DQ for a free Blizzard, picked up some cans of tea, and other things.
[12:58:42 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: Yes, I own a 92 ford escort.
[12:58:54 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Cool :P
[12:59:13 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: How long have you been driving?
[12:59:37 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: since 18
[1:00:10 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Lucky
[1:00:16 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: I might get mine soon
[1:00:24 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: you're 19, right?
[1:00:27 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Ever had any crashes?
[1:00:33 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Yeah I am
[1:00:41 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: ONE
[1:00:46 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: just ONE
[1:00:48 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: :O
[1:00:52 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: What happened?
[1:01:48 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I got distracted doing math in my head, and I missed seeing the stopped car ahead of me; WHAM! I don't like to think or talk about it.
[1:02:13 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Ah ok, sorry to hear that
[1:02:19 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: it's alright.
[1:02:19 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Least you're alright
[1:02:24 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: yes, I am safe.
[1:02:43 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: but that was a moment that laid another life scar on me.
[1:02:56 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: and I have a number of manly emotional scars.
[1:03:10 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Wanna tell me some?
[1:03:18 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Cause I'm willing to listen
[1:03:19 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: not right now.
[1:03:22 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: but thank you. :)
[1:03:24 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Ah.
[1:03:28 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: no problem
[1:04:13 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I know that you've had a few emotional scars from the guys being frightened of your open kindess.
[1:04:37 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: just a bunch of Really Shy Guys.
[1:04:38 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Yeah
[1:04:43 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Yep :P
[1:05:09 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: all you can do is move on until you find the not-so-shy guy who will treat you right.
[1:05:33 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Hope he's around the corner :P
[1:05:49 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: there's always something just around the corner or riverbend.
[1:06:48 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: BTW, would you change your Skype avitar, please? I like it, I do, but I'm getting tired of looking at it, like getting a toothache after eating too much sugary candy.
[1:08:05 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Ok, what should I change it to?
[1:08:19 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I like your "JR1" pic.
[1:09:24 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: thank you.
[1:09:29 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: that's better
[1:09:30 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: :)
[1:09:31 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: no problem
[1:11:07 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I'm feeling a bit tired from sitting in
front of the computer for a long while; I'm going to rest up a bit and finish taking those teasing, pleasing pics for you. :)
[1:11:32 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Thank you :P
[1:11:44 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Remember, sexy clothes :P
[1:12:08 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I will have them for you before 10:00 PM tomorrow.
[1:12:20 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I understand.
[1:12:30 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: "too sexy for my shirt."
[1:12:45 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: lol
[1:12:46 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: you take care and stay safe.
[1:13:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: You too
[1:13:06 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: good night.
[1:13:13 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Night


Unknown Date

[12:02:33 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says:You should trade your Hexbox in for a PS3, they're better you know, and the owner isn't a money hungry monster
[12:02:34 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: and we could play together on TF2 :)
[12:02:37 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Wow, you're such a fanboy
[12:02:38 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: :P
[12:02:41 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I AM NOT A FANBOY
[12:02:44 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: I just like Nintendo and Sony so much, that's all.
[12:02:45 PM] Christian Weston Chandler: says: It's like you and shopping.

The Betrayal


This chat takes place after Crumpet reveals himself as a troll. Chris tries to outsmart him by saying that he could also be a troll, impersonating himself. After Crumpet refuses to believe this, Chris makes bizarre statements like 'BA DERP A DERP A TEEDILY DUM-DUM, YOU TROLLING DUMM-DUMM.'. After Crumpet tells him that Blanca was a troll, Chris says that he knows, a stark contrast to his videos, where he still believes she's real. Chris also says he doesnt care that Blanca destroyed his medallion, and that his real powers are stored in his Amnyfest Ring. Crumpet reverts to the classic trolling strategy, and starts calling Chris gay, referencing the pictures of him in bra and panties. Chris says that a lot of people 'try on underwear of their opposites'. Crumpet continues, saying that Chris likes pickles up his asshole, which makes Chris even more angry. He demonstrates his straightness by typing 'I WANT VAGINA ON MY NOSE', 'I WANT BREASTS ON MY ASS' and 'I HAVE WOMAN'S TOUNGE IN MY MOUTH.' along with other absurd phrases. Eventually, Crumpet calls Chris the n word and leaves the chat.


23 October 2008[1]

[8:52:27 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: are you sure?
[8:52:49 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I could have just copied them from other websites and pasted them to make them look like mine.
[8:52:57 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: and I could have lied to you for all you know.
[8:53:04 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: and I can be Trolling YOU.
[8:53:07 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Nop
[8:53:11 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Tell you why?
[8:53:25 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: no, but I can TELL YOU WHY.
[8:53:26 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: cuz i trool u
[8:53:27 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: For the LULZ
[8:53:32 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: HUR DUR
[8:53:42 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: DERP A DERP A DUR
[8:54:24 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Notice this chirs
[8:54:26 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: *chris
[8:54:34 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: I has 7 proxies
[8:54:40 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Good bye for now
[8:54:43 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: One more thing
[8:54:48 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Women can be trolls too
[8:54:52 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: well, 7 proxies mean nothing to me.
[8:55:01 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: so whoop-de-freaking-doo-doo
[8:55:22 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Also blanca was a troll
[8:55:26 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I know.
[8:55:27 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: She has your medallion
[8:55:30 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: She destroied it
[8:55:31 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: You failed
[8:55:33 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: who cares.
[8:55:34 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: They win
[8:55:40 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Now I shall leave you
[8:55:43 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: On a lighter note
[8:55:46 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I may have only appeared to have failed.
[8:56:03 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: but I have my High School Ring, with my REAL POWERS of Chris Chan Sonichu!
[8:56:08 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: No
[8:56:10 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: So, who's the REAL WINNER HERE?
[8:56:13 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: ME
[8:56:16 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: That's the power of your gay
[8:56:23 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Enjoy shoving pickles up your asshole
[8:56:27 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: That's the POWER OF MY STRAIGHT>
[8:56:44 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: You're not straight chirssy
[8:56:48 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I AM,
[8:56:57 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: THese pictures of you in a bra and panies say otherwise
[8:57:05 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Also so i herd u liek pickles up ur asshole
[8:57:15 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: A lot of people try on underwear of their opposites.
[8:57:21 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I DO NOT.
[8:57:31 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: YOU LOVE THE COCK
[8:57:47 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: no, I LOVE VAGINA.
[8:57:49 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: No
[8:57:53 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I WANT VAGINA ON MY NOSE
[8:57:54 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Vagina doesnt love you
[8:57:59 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I WANT BREASTS ON MY ASS
[8:58:02 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Infact you'll never have a child
[8:58:10 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I WANT LONG HAIR STROKING MY BACK.
[8:58:20 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: God is the troll hered
[8:58:22 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: *here
[8:58:31 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: I HAVE WOMAN'S TOUNGE IN MY MOUTH.
[8:58:39 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: and I HAVE MINE IN HERS.
[8:58:51 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: So, TA TA.
[8:58:53 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: That's your fathers toung
[8:58:57 PM] Christopher C.W.C:. says: or, TIT TIT
[8:59:02 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: HUR DUR
[8:59:03 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Nigger
[8:59:20 PM] Jessie Ruddy: says: Enjoy your fucking fat mother and ancient father

Blanca saga.png Blanca Saga Blanca saga.png
The Players: The Games: The Prizes:
Coinciding Sagas: Jimmy Hill, PandaHalo