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Walkin' my way back home. Du du du du du.
Walkin' my way back home. Du du du du du.

(?) cookies at the grocery. Bapada beep boop!
Gonna get bananas and cookies at the grocery. Bapada beep boop!

(''jump cut, Chris films some cars on the highway'')
(''jump cut, Chris films some cars on the highway'')

Revision as of 17:18, 23 February 2020

Chris actually getting some exercise.

On 30 July 2018, Chris tweeted a series of videos of himself walking to his local post office.[1] He requested his true and loyal fanbase to edit them together in a compliation to the song “I’m Walkin’” by Fats Domino. Using landmarks and street signs in Chris's videos, the exact walking route he took can reasonably be inferred. The entire trek was nearly three hours long as Chris walked 8 miles [12.9 km] to and from his destination.

According to his Fitbit, Chris accumulated 23,000 steps on this day. If true, it means he had walked just under 11 miles (18 km)[2]in total—which is quite possibly the most exercise Chris has gotten in his entire life.

Junction of Spring Hill and Cedar Grove.
Chris's Fitbit displaying his step count.

Walking to the post office

Notably, Chris smugly scoffs at drivers for not being able to appreciate the overgrown roadside like he can by walking (as opposed to driving); referring to them as "spoiled children". Chris finds a run-over stray dog, referring to it as "Street Pizza". Chris also points out the garage where he dropped off Son-Chu.

Chris Chan Walking
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Stardate 30 July 2018
Subject Matter MusicMusic Music, PowerPower Power
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy, SmugSmug Smug
Shirt BronyCon Shirt
Waiting for the tow truck
Chris at the post office


0:00 - 0:16 [Singing] I'm walkin'. Yes indeed I'm walkin'. By you and me, I'm walkin. Na-na-na na na na na na, dada-bum bada-bum bada-bum bada-bum. I'm walkin'. Yes indeed I'm walkin.' By you and me, I'm walkin. Na-na-na na na na na na! [Chris exhales sharply.]

0:28 - 2:09 [Numerous short clips of Chris walking on a pavement through various locales, including along a quiet main road, a suburban neigbourhood and on a grass verge next to light traffic. Chris belches at numerous points along the way.]

2:09 "Still walkin'."

4:11 - 4:17 "Walkin', you get to enjoy the scenery more than just drivin' on by. Spoiled children."

5:59 "Hey lil' doggy." (sad groan)

6:13 "Hmm. Did that thing have a tag I wonder?"

6:20 - 6:25 "Okay I'm just checkin' at the neck... Doesn't have a tag."

6:30 - 6:41 (sad groan) ..."Poor little animals just get turned in to Street Pizza. And that's where my car's been hangin' out thar." While the radiator had a hole in it!"

6:45 - 6:59 "I'm singin' in the rain, just singin' in the rain. What a glorious feeling and I'm haaappy again. Yaaaay!!!"

7:04 - 7:15 "It's raining, it's pouring, I'm enjoying it! In my face! In my faaaace! Yay!!"

Chris at the post office

Chris, though high-spirited, appears tired with heavy bags under his eyes, having finally arrived at the post office. He apparently mails out fan merchandise and picks up a package for himself.

Chris Chan (Post Office)
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Stardate 30 July 2018
Subject Matter PowerPower Power, MarketingMarketing Marketing
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Shirt BronyCon Shirt
Walking to the post office
Walking back


Hey everybody guess what. I made it to the post office at the quarter at the four. Pm!

It started raining when I was about half way through, but I made it.

I'm wet, I'm alive, ima enjoyin' the hi-drayson.” (Chris mispronounces hydration while adjusting his sonichu medallion, before awkwardly falling silent for a brief moment)

So, I'm shippin' a bunch of autographed photos out and I got a 'portan'(important) package ta pick up.”(video ends)

Note: At the time of this videos upload to twitter, Chris was selling “self-designed Autograph Cards” on Ebay for the “low price” of $24.99 with autograph, or $9.99 for just the card with no autograph.

There was also a unique “CHASE VARIANT” of the card for $50:00 in which Chris references “the pickle” and something Chris calls “BadBear”, which sold earlier that same day.

It is likely this is what Chris was bringing to the post office.

Walking back

Two brief videos of Chris walking back home.

Chris Chan Home 07302018
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Stardate 30 July 2018
Subject Matter PowerPower Power, MusicMusic Music
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Shirt BronyCon Shirt
Chris at the post office
Chris is back home


(Chris is leaving the post office and singing) Gray skies are gonna clear up... Put on a happy face.

(?) you and look around... Put on a happy face.

Walkin' my way back home. Du du du du du.

Gonna get bananas and cookies at the grocery. Bapada beep boop!

(jump cut, Chris films some cars on the highway)

Chris is back home

Chris returns triumphantly home. Lauding his accomplishment of this mild athletic feat, he shows off his tattered shoes and reminiscences about BronyCon. He also reveals that he stopped at Taco Bell on his way back.

Chris Chan Home 07302018
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Stardate 30 July 2018
Subject Matter PowerPower Power, ConventionsConventions Conventions
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Shirt BronyCon Shirt
Walking back
Intro to Shoe Colouring


Hey, everybody I juuuust made it hoooooome. I walked every single step. Though I stopped at Taco Bell for a... little fo- little edibles. A little filling. A little good stuff. But, anyway, I walked the entire 2+ mileeeeees. Ooh, let's check my FitBit. Da-da-da da da-da!

(jitters camera around before pointing at his watch)

Whoo! 23,000! (chuckles)

Yep. Anyway, it'll be worth it to definitely- when I get to walk up to the... (smiles creepily) garage which is not far from here, pick up my car soon. Hmm... Actually, I have something else. I have this bag, uh, pair of shoes here that I was going to wear to the Grand Gallopin' Gala but these were the things that, like, "Sorry, it's against the dress code". It's not even cosplay? I had cosplay. I mean, I had frillings, and horn, and ears, and my cutie mark... And also, I'm definitely going to be using part of the recent donations to get a new pair of shoes, 'cause my right shoe... (pan to his shoe which is falling apart)

Look at that. Look at that. (pan back to Chris) But these shoes are gonna be legendary because... they've been on my- off and on my feet for months, they've seen extensive walking and running... Oh yeah! So these will go down in history along with the iconic shirts and my Vinyl Scratch skirt. I don't necessarily have a pair of jeans picked out for it, but it's like, I have plenty of pairs of jeans on that and it's the complete set so this is like... One, two, three pieces of a complete outfit. The complete ensemble for legendary status. So take from that what you will, it's all... AWESOME AS WE WANNA BE! And I will definitely be wearing my backup pair of shoes here for when I take my walk to pick up my car later. But, aside from that, I do thank y'all so much for... donating to help me in this emergency situation. And... ya... The money will be spent... to pay for the car... as well. That's all very good. I'm not cheating anyone! Everyone should know that by now! I'm direct, I'm honest, I'm sincerely kind, I'm awesome to hang out with... OK? (blows into his hand)

I'll be taking a shower in a little while. III'm only a little bit tired. It's like, I could go on for a while longer than now. YAAAAAAAAAAY!! Alright, so, thank y'all for your continued support... I'll talk to y'all later.

Waiting for the tow truck Chris's videos Shoe Colouring
💪 💪 💪 Power videos 💪 💪 💪

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