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{{Protip|Whether or not Chris's incestuous relationship with Barb was entirely consensual is not known for sure. Along with that, the root cause of it currently cannot be verified, and Barb's mental state at the time can merely be guessed at. In light of all of that, avoid making rape accusations on Chris's part on the wiki.}}
{{Protip|Chris is in jail for incest, not rape. Whether or not Chris's incestuous relationship with Barb was entirely consensual is not known for sure. Along with that, the root cause of it currently cannot be verified, and Barb's mental state at the time can merely be guessed at. In light of all of that, avoid making rape accusations on Chris's part on the wiki.}}

{{quote|[[August 2016 Facebook posts#Incestuous Thoughts|Anyhow, who among Everyone in this world has not had a dream of having sex with one of their parents?]] Never acting on them ever, I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother.|Chris on [[Facebook]] in [[2016]]. Part of that statement would age poorly five years later.}}
{{quote|[[August 2016 Facebook posts#Incestuous Thoughts|Anyhow, who among Everyone in this world has not had a dream of having sex with one of their parents?]] Never acting on them ever, I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother.|Chris on [[Facebook]] in [[2016]]. Part of that statement would age poorly five years later.}}

Revision as of 21:09, 11 November 2021

This page is about the affair itself. For the leaks in which Chris describes incestuous acts, see Incest call and Incest texts. For the subsequent legal consequences, see Prison Saga.

This article is rated M for Honest Content

It may contain content deemed not safe for work. Reader discretion is advised.

Chris is in jail for incest, not rape. Whether or not Chris's incestuous relationship with Barb was entirely consensual is not known for sure. Along with that, the root cause of it currently cannot be verified, and Barb's mental state at the time can merely be guessed at. In light of all of that, avoid making rape accusations on Chris's part on the wiki.
Anyhow, who among Everyone in this world has not had a dream of having sex with one of their parents? Never acting on them ever, I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother.
Chris on Facebook in 2016. Part of that statement would age poorly five years later.
You're supposed to say: "Turn me loose, you silly goose!" ...You used to do that more flirtingly.
Chris while forcefully embracing his mother on a Twitch stream, indirectly warning us of what was to come.

Incest refers to sexual activities between persons related by kin. For years, trolls had joked that Chris, in his desperation to find a boyfriend-free girl, would eventually turn to his mom based on the fact that the two were constantly in close proximity to one another and Chris made a few off-putting comments about fetishizing her. Few thought he would ever go through with the act, though – but Chris found a way to surprise and horrify everybody.

Chris and Barb's incestuous affair most likely began on 27 June,[1][2] but his social media presence in earlier in the month, may hint at an earlier start to the affair. As early as 22 June, he began addressing Barbara by the unsettling pet name of "Barbie Chan", which may have indicated when he began to get intimate with her. After this date Chris claimed that he had sex with her once every three nights until being forcibly stopped by being removed from the house.

On 28 July 2021, during a call with Isabella "Bella" Loretta Janke, Chris revealed the details of his sexual activities with his mother of his own volition, also discussing it in text messages later that day. In those, Chris had discussed stimulating his elderly mother with his hands, performing cunnilingus on her, and having penetrative sex with her.[3] He claimed that Barbara compared him favorably to her previous sexual partners, including Chris's father Bob, who had been unable to provide her with an orgasm or stimulate her G-spot.

Files were leaked to the public the following night,[4], and social workers removed Chris from Barbara on the morning of 30 July.

In early August, Chris was arrested, officially charged with one count of incest, and is currently being held without bail – pending trial.


Chris has always been suspected to have held unnatural views on sex and family.

In 2007, Chris attempted to shock Encyclopedia Dramatica into submission by posting his own Rule 34 drawings, including one of himself fingerbanging a nude brunette woman. ED users immediately concluded this was Crystal, Chris's imaginary twin sister in the comics. This charge infuriated Chris and therefore became the conventional wisdom. By the time Chris successfully convinced anyone that it was really Megan Schroeder in the drawing, the notion that Chris wants to bang his imaginary twin sister had already stuck.

Over a decade before the incest saga, Chris answered a fan question regarding cousin marriage and whether or not it was as bad as homosexual marriage. Chris expressed extreme disgust in his answer. replying that "Cousin-Marriage is just as Terrible and Unholy as MARRYING YOUR OWN MOTHER OR FATHER!". At the time, he put incestuous marriage on the same level as homosexual marriage, calling both of them "unholy".[5] Obviously, this stance - along with his original stance on homosexuality - changed at some point.

In general, the relationship between Chris and his mother has always been seen as a "little too close", likely due to his mother's overly coddling nature towards him in his early life all through to his adulthood. It was keenly noted during the Doopie Saga that Chris had used the words "darling" and "dear", commonly reserved for romantic relationships, to refer to his mother.

Many Christorians have noted that potential hints or patterns that would indicate sexual activity between Chris and his mother have been made previously. As early as October 2015, the Man in the Pickle Suit noted that at Chris's plea arrangement for the pepper spray incident, Chris and his mother were touching each other in an unusually intimate and inappropriate fashion.[6] As recently as 2019, Chris, whilst roleplaying as Magi-Chan, referred to his mother as a "guilty pleasure waifu[sic]". Furthermore, in August 2016, Chris admitted to having dreams of having sex with his mother in a Facebook post stating that "I, myself, Did have dreams of having sex with my mother".[7] Troll Arthur Spatchcock disclosed on the Kiwi Farms that following the 2014 house fire, Chris and his mother were routinely spooning. At the time, Chris denied any impropriety, stating "I am not a 'Bates'. OMG."[8]

The affair itself

On June 27, 2021, Chris began to engage in incest with his mother.[1][2] Chris claimed he "approached her with care and caution," and that Barb even made the "first move."[1]

The gory details


Texts purporting BDSM roleplay are fakes doctored by Bella. With that said, this list is still not entirely reliable, as details may vary and because Chris is typically not interested in honesty in these scenarios.

In case you have some kind of morbid curiosity of how the incest could have went down, here is a list of "activities" that Chris had allegedly done to with his mother:

  1. Massages[9] - Presumably full body ones since it included her thighs (and her face for some reason); this is probably the same type of massage he gave to Mia Hamm.
  2. Kissing - Apparently did not involve tongues.
  3. Outer Course - Rubbing her pussy with his fingers and hands, this happened at least twice before the next step, probably more.
  4. Intercourse - By this, he means fingering her, it apparently hurt her when he did so.
  5. Cunnilingus - Eating her out, claims he's good at it. No information about if she returned the favour. [3]
  6. Penetration - Vaginal, apparently with the use of a condom, he proceeded to get himself tested for STI's afterwards anyway.
  7. Cuddling - According to his letter from jail, Chris had supposedly "cuddled" with Barb in the times of incest.[10]
  8. Soul-Bonding and Healing - The same letter also shows him claiming that Emanuel told him to have sex with Barb in order to "heal" her and "cleanse her of her sins".[10] Bella would use this as a means of encouraging Chris to continue his activities in the leaked incest calls.

According to Null, Chris had been buying large amounts of sex toys and lingerie from Adam and Eve for several months prior to committing his acts.[11] What sex toys Chris potentially used, if any, is uncertain.


Main articles: Incest call and Incest texts

In the leaks, Chris admits that he and his mother engaged in substantial sexual activity, including Chris masturbating his mother, and engaging in penetrative intercourse with her. It is further alleged that his mother compared him to various other sexual partners, including Chris's father.

Also made another attempt at rubbing her vagina, externally at first, then slipping in between the lips and rubbing the inner labia. Then she told me to stop. She's getting more used to being played with down there by hand.
Text message from Chris to an unknown troll.[3]
And obviously those out of the eight guys, counting Robertchu, before me were not hitting her G-Spot as much with their cocks. I had attempted the first night to rub her in there; i found her spot, but it hurt her. But, alternatively, I did find that at cunnilingus, I was good at it with my tongue
Chris comparing his sexual activities with his father's sexual activities.[3]

The leaked audio likewise contained graphic descriptions of sexual activity, which Chris alludes to as the veracity of "incest fanfics". The authenticity of the recording was confirmed by Chris to Dillon Thomas.[12] It is believed by some that Bella may have doctored the audio itself to make Chris sound even worse as part of her plan to blackmail him, although Chris has admitted to multiple parties that he did several of the acts he spoke of in the audio that leaked.

Prior to the allegations being revealed to the public, Chris informed Null about the fact that he found a boyfriend-free girl, although he wanted her identity to remain secret. He offered multiple hints about the identity of his new sweetheart, but told Null that he wanted him to figure out who it was. Null was initially skeptical of the incest claims, since the Idea Guys previously coerced him into recording a (then untrue) statement that he had raped Barb, and believed that this could be another instance of similar manipulation. Null hypothesized that Chris was attempting to protect the identity of his new girlfriend by making up an elaborate lie, but eventually came to realize that Chris had been having frequent sex with Barb upon reviewing Chris's hints.[13]


"Ladies and gentlemen, we got him."
Main article: August 2021 Arrest and Court Case

It is a criminal offense in Virginia to engage in incest – sexual activities between a parent and a child are a class 5 felony, punishable on indictment by up to 10 years incarceration. Chris was swiftly removed from his home by an Emergency Protective Order, then arrested the next day. In the wake of his charges, Chris was banned from Patreon and Tapas. Collaborators who had once worked with him withdrew, such as the band who released Love is Love pulling it from sale.

Since then, he has been held without bail in Central Virginia Regional Jail, awaiting trial.[14] If Barb consented, she could be charged as a willing participant. If Barb did not consent, as some have speculated that she may be incapable of that, Chris's potential sentence could be significantly longer given the severity of a rape charge.

See also
