November 2023 livestreams
These are livestreams filmed by Chris in November 2023, influenced by Praetor.
The weens become even more prominent than usual in these streams, with the amount becoming almost overwhelming, and stream donors send constant messages about Chris's motherfucking. Notably, some of these streams are named "The Return of Jesus Christ Chan Sonichu Prime" whilst streaming, but are quickly renamed upon the video ending.
Medallion Moulding Q&A
Medallion Moulding Q&A is a livestream where Chris makes some Medallions while reading some questions in the chat. The stream made over $600 from donors, although the actual amount may be lower due to donations being refunded or charged back by donors.
Medallion Moulding Q&A | |
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Stardate | 3 November 2023 |
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previous Reading Chaos Crystal Control Act 4 |
next Simple Existential Q&A |
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9:13 Chris leaves a door open which shows through the green screen (later the doorknob is found to be similar to a doorknob at a house in Big Island, lending proof to him streaming from that location).
10:09: Chris gets upset over a green screen error saying it bugs his OCD.
13:40: Chris loses it over getting called Ian, fueling the weens in the chat.
25:50: Chris confirms he still hates MLP G5 and will not watch the movie until G4 Season 14 Ep 26 is aired.
28:32: Chris tells the audience that Jacob Sockness is dead after a ween pretends to be him.
29:08: Chris gives a blessing to fellow lolcow Daniel Larson.
34:25: Chris comments that he was in Gateway after jail.
1:04:55: Chris shouts out a fake sponsorship from Welches fruit snacks as there is no chance he would ever get a real sponsorship.
1:14:42: Chris does an abysmal impression of Big Smoke from GTA San Andreas.
1:22:41 A donor asks Chris was a women is and Chris replies, "A woman is the opposite of a man but really a woman is more superior because the woman is not mutated with the overgrown private."
1:36:42: Chris does an abysmal Cartman impression, nearing the level of horrible to his infamous Donald Duck impression.
1:41:35: Chris struggles to remember Cryzel Rosechu's age and goes through mental gymnastics to say she's over 20 when according to Chris was 14 when he got "married" to her.
1:50:40: Chris becomes silent and looks very uncomfortable when a ween donor accuses him of raping Barb.
Raw captions
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everybody Prime here got any one thing it's a million things why is this thing who my what is that no I don't think so it had to do with this audio set up oh gra oh great now my body is partially transparent that's funny anyway Hello everybody welcome to this uh what is going on with the okay this got bu My OC this is my bu my OCD unless I do something what is that okay let's do I know what to do that's a little better I yeah yeah we're working on my moderations and modifiers and all that in regards to uh certain comments that's another detail I got this thing three most important people in my life you know what um um past tense as opposed to present tense I am going to say I am going to say uh Mom and Dad count them as one individual and uh let's see um um I guess yeah Tiffany and I will eventually be open for commissions but that'll be but I will make the announcement officially when I am ready to do commissions every nobody needs to be condemned I'm so gonna have to figure this out that's another detail I'm trying to get to that I'm trying to say Here There Will no be there will be absolutely no shout outs any more during any streams or in general you want to know why because I am aware I am aware that some of these people that I've been asked to shout out to have quite the CRI criminal pass so it's like shoot you want ask me to give a shout out for if you want to ask me to give me a I'm shoot if I'm gonna give a shot to anybody at this point I might as well give a shout out to Tom crate Y2K despite what he did over I mean just what he did over five years ago now there that's the only one you'll get from me for this time all right anyway details is e closer but yeah what we are doing tonight addition to uh q q and a in addition to just the q& a details I'm going to be molding the do [Music] stes okay yeah make control comment on all that yada yada oh well blers blunders and live stream just why not it's okay it's all right anyway there is no Ian there will be no addressing of anybody by the name of Ian because there is no Ian here period all right anyway got do something green screen detail anyway anyway so excuse me one right later okay all right but anyway yeah this video is mainly uh I'd have to say it's uh I had to say within the within Malachi and the revelations just uh both of those books entirely no just no no anyway I'm not going to acknowledge every single uh paid comment especially those that are bad I have made myself very clear on that anyway I'm going to go take safe for work wow even a clay I'm using is transparent happy birthday there that's all you get I'm not I'm sticking with my boundaries on everything anyway so as you can another time not right now maybe I'll do a stream where I do watch that but obviously will not be right now okay but for tonight I'm doing qu q&as so I'm taking questions and answers you're welcome anyway and just I'm mainly doing paid questions and paid questions I'll be answering those and I might tell a St I might tell a random story or two just whatever I have feeling oh yeah I've heard 19989 album from ter ter it's it is really good I like it anyway so right anyway with the medallions there were I made that very clear and I'm saying this once as I have said before it's in the record straight that never ever happened earrings all right just I three piercings simple piercings ah my day has been very good thank you Austin Austin Austin Austin Austin house I give you that one because that was funny and cute anyway um so um I'll have to meditate get back to you on that but right right now we are doing things right you're call him no Trump is evil he's pure evil he goes down like Donald Trump period oh and oh I see what you're good at that in reference to uh yeah the war between Palestine the only one delusional one here is you pretend to be my half brother in New York City City that's to be confirmed uh that's uh another detail sort out later but anyway so anyway so I'm molding the medallions in these lovely molds that were made this one is made of this Medallion and they I have the other mode which the other medallions do which you'll get to see the results of these moldings at least the outline all consider yeah I'm not doing shout outs I'll give you a happy birthday at the same time as whatever name appears on the screen there but that's about it um no just no uh how I give me some more brain bending brain teasing type of questions are I already said once I'm not repeating to myself never happened it never happened okay anyway anyway so I will respond I will not be responding to some commentary just regards to their content all right thank you thank you Ma see something like that that was nice that was positive long nose long big nose oh yeah I watched your oh yeah I like your channel I like your channel dude yeah I mean d what um DM DM me on Twitter and we'll see what we can be arrange because I do appreciate you and uh and your friends ining uh the one that the one that voices uh the one that originally originally voiced tails in your channel and of course I love Sona and the group really good stuff slop okay that's actually that's just stupid that's just dumb funny dumb funny how dumb was it it was so dumb well that'll be conf that'll be confirmed if then when it does happen I shall uh find out for myself in whatever video if it's officially on the consoles nope I never heard that individual fun thing it's like as if the clay is shiny shiny that's funny I can do that yes bless you Luke you are good individual continue to follow life power righteousness and good happy birthday happy birthday to you happy birthday fos oh that reminds me just I love that random thing I did in that one video I did just boobydoo boobydoo random thing [Music] random I thought I forgot something I forgot the Rings for these I'll be right back one second um yeah good series good video game yeah okay I got the Rings the male rings that go into the medallions these particular medallions H obviously I don't dedicate all my time to but when I do I definitely get in on painting the wow how transparent his skin let me see if I can do something about that um wa let me try um a little bit Ah okay perfect that's a little that's a lot better okay where did the things go where the where's the history where did all that go what the freak happened here something H hang on one second let me check a detail five okay here we go um well I will not say I will not be calling out any names but um this guy here that was whose name just appeared on the screen and that ah spiritually connected on one day to another eventually yes because I personally blessed these medallions even the one that I I do put I do personally paint a lot of these and yet um there's outreaching and going on and yeah I like us may too she's very she's very cool let me try turn that light down and oh you know what I can answer that by way really quick web bam well best as you can see it despite the green screen yeah here it is yeah cursed words are not great um I don't know what tnd D is just I don't know what TD is anyway so I finish my D is made to go into this melt tin and I warm up in the uh oven maybe after I I'll give it some thought and consideration but that's a whole different thing right there it's a whole different thing anyway so that being said um I don't typically watch hockey so I'm not consciously aware of hockey players the only one I'm really aware of is Wayne Gretzky H all right Barbara's doing okay Safe Life well and healthy back at the old place wherever that is wherever as opposed to wherever I am anyway anyway really using the traditional clay this is not Model Magic we're not using that on these no absolutely not G4 I'm not watching anything G5 until after myo P friendship is Magic season 14 episode 26 is aired period uh favorite song Still Sonic Boom Sega CD long version at the end credits I like that all time I'm working these here there you tell me look good how about um eat a bun H I'll post it soon enough I just haven't got around to it yet I've been really busy and I just been drained by lots of things in the metaphysical my metaphysical workings and everything oh no nobody actually visited me in jail at all on that note period so you can put that rumor like to rest you can lay that rumor to rest thank you but I'm afraid I can only appreciate you as a kind individual and platonically okay unfortunately this is why listen do this guy talk yeah okay this is why I got do five five anyway working on me and I'll take I'm taking the questions and I'm just doing as I feel I told you what it was I told you the truth nothing happened period um I have not I don't know what that is consciously I do not consciously know what that is yeah um we have more we have every single individual in a variety of music between both halves of our Earth NOP you're dead you're gone you're dead period bye-bye clean goodbye you're long dead I'm never saying your name not even in justest Period never even say I'm never saying that name again you're dead that guy's dead anyway oh yeah I've uh yeah I've I've uh down I've I've tone down the number of my friends on my game there I say PR to this guy for that guy faster than light in time anyway there's no Curtis here anyway there you go you see the other Med mode now I can appreciate that these get moded and under my approval as well you're welcome um anyway ah the extra extraterrestrial individuals from throughout the cosmos the space um they're just about as good as good of individuals and creatures as any other really you know what speak for yourself guy just simply speak for yourself thank you that is none of your business about where I live I'm keeping that Offline that is strictly personal well that's to be confirmed uh you just uh we take we'll take applications uh later when I make when I we'll take applications through the Gmail I'm G put that in the queue for later that thought I just had anyway thank you Kimba thank you Kima I mean Simba happy happy birthday you are very blessed yes you are oh um yeah we're working on that just that's another detail we got multiple multiple details sorting out um yeah yeah just well when we get around to actually further doing on the Minecraft everybody will be brought in and to work now we have a lot we have received very good responses to that I am very grateful I let the snow lights out the Pokeball and it's a shiny snor lats snor lats you think I you think I actually left reality no it's just what is reality anyway I mean you never really thought about it personally um yeah no comment all those that submit their submit their responses to their Minecraft server we'll be we'll get response soon enough we've just been busy with many many other things you will find life you will live find love someday in some like guy dark B you will you just got to follow light power path and uh [Music] everything anyway I I am somewhere safe everything is good you do I'm not going to be any more specific than that and if you don't see my car in Ruckersville that means I'm not there so that's to whole two plus two half problem you know what I will say one thing so you know what it's like that one it's like I'm making a reference here to a certain uh MLP fan F fan fan animation on that's on YouTube just like you know it's as if Celestia had banished B banished rainbow and Pinkie Pie to the Moon in favor of prince in favor of her in favor of Luna answering questions you know what this Rainbow's response just it's similar to my response h jok's on you it's safer in here good luck with the comment section yeah that's another detail play random mat memory yeah I go out of jail I made it to Gateway it took y'all literally a whole month before actually taking any pictures of me and I've actually been to a couple of places before Rashi revealed myself to the individuals there you know just I I mean just telling them who I telling them who I was it's like nobody it's like nobody actually that's and that's another detail entirely right there you couldn't have just approach me say hello kindly you had to really take pictures without my permission or consent whatsoever and do that thank you just thank you anyway I still laugh that fact took all month before y'all even did that that was a dumb thing yeah no I don't know I don't know them I don't know you so I you yes I already did say a prayer to him for him working on this Medallion oh yeah I have seen the second Side movie I thought it was pretty good quite decent uh of course you know I L really like from the first movie just so as I crash question of cold dark wats the Pacific I realized a few things I back that I'll come back to that question m a i had no idea where I'm going B soft water stings c i shouldn't even be here right now but I am why because you shot me I'll take down to consideration you sh I'm I'm going there's a fish on my head and clearly on the get just done on my own I am not I am not Liberty to State specifically where or what I am but just know I'm safe alive and well and everything otherwise I would not be doing this live stream right now I played some side Frontiers just have not played completely through even the fir even the the the original game I've been busy with a whole M other details some things me ah I like oh Scotland's pretty Scotland is a cool country I give you that but anyway I'd like to visit uh London England no none I get all the I get all the donations and just they really needed considering what I need to have done like I I mean I I I want to get more traditional frames and they get my eyes real check um well I would sample your music at least um that's a question I gota come back to and also I got D I have D work I need to get taken care of so that's well think all right so first off music dra genre I like all kinds of music really but um I guess if anything I like uh I really like just pop music just something with a really good beat that I can dance to and like and all that yeah I'm not I'm not saying much more than what I've already said about her period I mean she has a right to her own privacy in life as well period oh thank you anyway oh favorite color Barry charge blue I've mentioned that before my favorite color and shade is battery charged blue in particular it's the shade of my san form's preferred color no and while I was in jail I was segregated from the other prisoners so I didn't really have a so much of a social life inside jail but at least the details and all that were fair I I enjoyed the kosher tray and I actually did very well on the kosher tray I enjoyed fish on Friday that was good that was a good deal and I really like tofu I know personally I prefer the white tofu a lot better than a brown tofu despite me me knowing that the white tofu is supposed to be reminiscent of chicken and the brown tofu is reminiscent of beef but yeah I like tofu excuse me one second I gotta warm up some more some more clay for these Medallion I'll be right back after these massages and we're back everybody and gamble because they did a thing joke [Music] anyway I'm holding the sign you a figure right right here and we have this little lovely PR one right here as well an ominous individual oh turn the mic up turn the mic up turn the mic up darn I'll fix that later turn the mic let me see no the mic okay the mic volume is okay check in the mic check in the mic one two one two okay check in the mic check in the mic one two one two check in the mic check in the mic all right anyway all right so everybody can sing and dance for Christmas about that we have confirmed the might still works all right all right anyway um next one yeah well we are working on the Minecraft server we just like I said we've been really really busy lately another detail another thing everybody likes to sing anyway right when I oh drawing in email I don't have Splatoon three I may consider it I just haven't got amount to that point yet eras I don't know what Aras is consciously and I would believe yes it did happen okay yes and yes and not right now they're working out on the B but savann rosu is here in the room with me I would say she her with respect and kindness like you would Dr Wolf's wife his lovely lady okay but anyway just everybody to their own individual details and all that I read a little bit of it I read a little bit of it I haven't read the entire thing yeah the race cars are yeah the race cars are pretty cool my earlier thought that's GNA to get fits later Soder Soder is there Cherry Soder on that Soder Island oh yeah I have tried makeup before and just it it tends to yeah blue eyes Shadow I've actually done that before it's really good I have done fingernail polish and coloring my nails before but I do so much physical work it just it sends slip up all the time hello there I say hello to that guy's friend without being too specific okie dokie have a good night everybody yeah oh up all up against need not we have exping experience levels and we will pick up on those that have the best vibration and authenticity within themselves uh that's to be confirmed uh has not been decided just yet uh likely it'll be private at first and then made public later the only Electronics I had in jail was an amfm radio and it was a j wind brand it looked like an iPod of all time Sonic CD thank you um presently I'm uh doing work in amimal Crossing New Horizons and I have played some psych superstars in recent days I also enjoy I also enjoyed life of strange True Colors it certainly will not be drump he's staying in jail forever period oh first day I got out um I adjusted to my new life where I was at the time everybody is already in the on the scene 97 half whether it be through their self-c counterparts or from their from their former self-c counterparts that were alive there that are living here ah oh yes there will be more and more other individuals but Le s he lived back in the days he was born in uh uh I'm trying to remember it counts backwards uh phos name Le is really really really really old he was born within the 300s BC within that century and he lived for happy birthday happy birthday happy [Music] birthday and he lived for hundreds of years within his uh with his in this Village that was not far from the ultimate Emerald Shrine thank thank you very much and he was and he was uh my he was my friend and and on Earth's metaphysical guide on Earth as in addition to uh you know Emanuel and all the other gods and guyses uh back when I was Hy Christ back when my brain my brain trying to blank out on me good grief anyway um but yeah he essentially had the closest links to the uh everything that there there is and was and would have been back time no kameha there you go there's no cursing because I know that draw it does like draw back on me there yeah only plays there you go yeah there you go that guy [Music] yeah yeah uh I do not know who that is and it sounds like that would not be too great of a resulting time and considering the alternate timelines yeah oh we have a poot set up I will reveal that later on on my I reveal that later on when we are when we are ready to do so yeah yeah they've already done that for me and I I don't have to stream them but yeah I mean empathy in itself is a superpower period anyway H where was I bring oh yeah Lees uh but yeah he's really really old he uh end up moving forward uh after uh a while after my resurrection back when I jus back when I was Jesus Christ and all that you're acknowledged guy you're acknowledged anyway he was really really connect he was very very connected with everything metaphysical she says hello she says hello back to you Hello darling yeah anyway that'll be the PO boot which I will reveal later on thank you thank you very much you yeah I mean but still I mean the the similarities and differences are obvious between the two mods but still oh yeah just okay but I mean that's all right he's from verse yeah well that's funny I can't remember what you did to me either Anan I don't know about your game I don't know about your game as opposed to other games that have been bought to my conscious attention in this timeline and all the others that are in my unconsciousness that would take a long way oh hey I'll definitely take that in consideration yes thank you very much y'all have pretty good fun shows here watch [Music] um yes yes he has been re he has been he had been reincarnated and he's actually on the side of good right now and I sh I forgot the other question um I have not been play many xbot games recently and I've been have not been much on the PlayStation 4 I've been really very busy with life and everything yes yes it is why why not I mean there's a lot more I have so much more document about me as a as a as opposed to my past self that H as Jus Christ yeah well the Call's coming in from inside your house house um at at this point no but just she had she's safe she's uh managing and now she getting to know her neighbors a little better back at the old place I've actually been feeling pretty good more positive and more spir and more spiritually satisfied and everything it has been working out for the more positive I really it's like you know I should the old place some time ago I mean just like everybody I can't really say not on top of my head there's a variety of Music aside from Terror Swift it will take me a while it would take me a while to actually meditate on that actually remembered that yeah stop pretending to be my dad he's alive on the se7 half as a s sh physically and you are not him so stop pretending stop pretending okay well you're saying it it's funny made me it made me laugh inside a little bit can we please get this guy out here anyway um see I believe I talked about quite a bit I mean I feel like I covered that PL enough I mean just that'll do for now um but yeah what else is on my mind what else is coming into my mind I'm thinking I'm thinking okay maybe later I'll check maybe later I'll check it outram well that's to be confirmed um send me the uh send the link to my Gmail and I'll give it a look later no comment not quite all right still this do do yes more than times I've been I've literally been throughout the Multiverse the point is to Cal down and not be so high in stress so then Focus can be better achieved yes thank you very much thank you your closest best friends are blessed you want sure M I'm working on it um I believe I already did I already told you my favorite song of on time of all time I guess you want to do a song for me go with uh liby Newton John's twist of fate hello h hello hello hello B Lassie and all the Irish Adent um that's to be confirmed um that would count as a commission really but that's when I open up for commissions I will take that make that an option happy happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy happy birthday happy birthday yeah will you pleas not pretend to be Mr C you're not him go somewhere else faker yeah I've heard that guy he's actually decent I'd consider it yeah I hav't I don't know about that show but thank you anyway oh yes um well we're working on that later there will be collab projects to be revealed and participating in later on it just hasn't been huh hanging their names on the Christmas tree evolving as they can see yeah well don't pretend to be me but you are blessed as well anyway oh boy all right I gotta make I got to warm some more clay I'll be right back following this lovely massage and we're back everybody so now we bring you another sponsor of our lovely show watch is fruit snacks really really good fruit snacks these are they're they're chopped full of vitamins a c and e and just 10 pieces of these fruit snacks is 25% of your daily value of vitamins AC c and e really really good available your local jail commentary and stores everywhere and about the much enough few I I open this bag there we go yeah I know who that is and just that's a whole different kill of fish right there absolutely not he changed his ways he saw the error of his ways I mentioned it earlier I enjoy all genres except heavy metal and there's one exception from that which would be death clock's Thunder horse and that's on my playlist there was no replacing me period the one that's been replaced by anybody is you by your own perspective and perception of yourself Toyota Tacoma 2009 yada yada yada um that's I'm not sure I'd have to reread that and think about that I'll read it later happy happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy happy birthday happy birthday happy happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday happy happy birthday anyway oh um I'm not picky but I'd say blue fruit snacks are pretty good cuz then they could be blueberry flavored oh he has many times before and I have seen the episode ohy poopy Butthead got whole expansion of his character revealed in that show oh we yeah yeah the yeah Karma and everything good and light power and righteous is already given them their D okay I'll give you that I'll try to give you that one if I can't I mean just essentially I'm doing the molding on the the in the mold plate y just y my brain just went somewhere else why am my brain go somewhere [Music] else very good yep you are blessed you are blessed anyway what I dressed up in a fun Sonic costume for a little bit just for a little bit that's yeah that depends on how open he would be for the light powered and righteousness and good anyway here's another one be oh oh big is my head oh big is my head I got news for you it's wider these days because my psychic powers are really developing I mean look at this see this groove that's a big Groove and what did you say really quick oh I'll have to reread that one later but um just pretty much going with the flow right here happy happy birthday to that guy [Music] L Jenkins there's your word association right there just felt appropriate just felt very appropriate right there that worked out yeah I like the out house it's a good show I love the Good Ship there nope nope I disagree I respectfully disagree there's a lot there were a lot of demons and Devils influence in the palines [Music] all that good light powered and righteous positivity and flow the cosmos metaphysical [Music] everything you are blessed it wasn't just a night he redeemed himself he repented for his misdeeds and crimes and sins and he was cleansed that never happened I say it before it Still Remains true it never happened period if I say yes will the question not be [Music] repeated [Music] spee been thinking about so for happy happy birthday happy birthday cave Hogs why don't they just share a cave well no more no different than from those that were others everybody else that were featured in said movie why don't you go play Persona five Now featuring The Joker and that stupid beem I have two number NES a number nine large a number six and extra dip a number seven he shall take his time to recover but he does need to lay off that night [Music] qu yeah ai's been around for a lot lot longer time than that so it's nothing new it's artificial intelligence and in Japan it's also known this love yeah I have they're a decent Bunch but not perfect stupid dog you made me look B bo bo bo happy happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday birthday happy happy [Music] [Music] birthday uh it's I believe it's available I mean I believe I posted it on TW I posted on the Twitter when I announced the request for M for the Minecraft modders yeah I'm aware of too good to be true deals I'm just yeah [Music] we are keeping personal details of the public life for the time being but when it comes to the details of which we can actually trust the personal details with that be a whole different cish only with them there is no no there's no local successor but Lal um a few but I have to get back to you on that yes Israel is the Holy One it's the holy country zapping it [Music] up I have B feelings about that um I will for [Music] bling that's to be confirmed the holiday ornaments as to be confirmed I can't say for positive yet for the most part and latter yes all my chakras have been aligned I've connected with everything so yes once we get everything sorted out yes that will be an option but that's to be confirmed later on okay okay okay [Music] okay so yeah I definitely need to be away from everything and everyone as I did in J during the time I was in jail serving the time for everybody's sins and regrets Pro of my power you have to believe got to have faith possibly but I don't know those individuals consciously in this timeline maybe and if I do maybe I will show it off but that's a whole different Kettle fishing to be confirmed I do read it but as I said earlier I'm not doing the shoutouts yeah no can you please stop pretending to be somebody else well that doesn't surprise me but they don't sound anything like me just like that guy that tried to be my voice on that episode smiling don't forget about me Greece I could done it did you do it oh I toally could have no that don't sound me and all forget about me gree I could have done it did you do it uh well I mean no but toally could have a stupid thing to say and shoot um darn it I got so focused and making that CL up up up down up down up down why am I an elevator my got blump in this one um no I have not heard of it I've been to an alternate Dimension where it's all 100% hello and why bad time for that to happen because I've been in an alternate Dimension where it's literally just without Conant says Set set set set all the time and so much BDSM there just no nothing ever got done there so forgive yep what you said not your name um just talk with your mom and uh give her love and appreciation regardless and I mean that platonically just and great great thanks great apape I lost my train of thought he's been dealing with them for years if he hasn't F bet by himself right now he needs to learn more oh oh thank you there you go hard lumps in this one space look at all these [Music] lumps yes I have fans all around the world so that's not hardly worth that's hardly a question and don't fit SES on my breast eyes up here eyes up here you know what that's okay if he wants to be a low cow go ahead he wants to be low cal go ahead what was up with the whole thing with the loow anyway I'm not doing jups but I got want some more clay I'll be right back following this and we are back and Now for Something Completely Different how about we push a little stress out there be so much funnier this thing wasn't green screen yeah yeah just everybody can imagine what this could be but yeah no it's screen it's lumpy it's a pickle I'm squeezing a stress pickle that's made out of foam Ah that's funny where do my eyes go ah continue being yourselves continue love and appreciate yourself and your soul searching and be kind to yourself with yourself and everyone and anybody that uh wants to give you bad details and talk and just uh don't worry about them and know I'm going just like there goes that pickle and now back to this nope stop pretending to be criselle I wish you people would stop pretending to be those that I know are not within the stream right now okay uh nope Karma already bit him down and out so yeah Q Farms that's dead de dead unform not dead Antichrist it dead fornite is actually an in between Dimension outside of either 12 outside of either 128 or c19 72 there you go you are blessed you are blessed I went down to The Zo okay that's a date no oh yeah no nope nice try happy happy birthday happy birthday no it's not me more for for everything it's literal it's physical he shall have the blessings as he needs to upon his journey [Music] a prayer has been said for Clark uh nope and don't pretend to be my attorney oh it's doing good in fact it's doing just as good as Hyrule since they are in the same neck of the woods [Music] period I don't have anything against him but it just depends on how open he is to good light power and righteousness and I'm just trying to keep from uh giving shout outs like I said no female pronouns period they them is also acceptable by I prefer female she her the prayer has been said and he shall be blessed as he shall be yes you have yes you are blessed during your Tri triy during a bunch of events that are tried emotional hard and everything [Music] I'm not putting the camera down any lower nobody's getting any crotch shots and eyes up here more um I like I like the Sally Acorn mod for Sonic one and Sonic 2 and S 3 H I'm sorry to hear that hey look pickle pick me up and de pickle me I don't [Music] know I'd say speak for yourself there is no delusions here period the only delusion around here are those that call themselves neurotypical the only ones that are really quote crazy are the neurotypicals where they do not see within the Multiverse and everything that is deeper metaphysical oh yeah um either way is good Chris or Christine or Jesus Christ and Christ Chan Christ Chan take your pick it's all good you are blessed your friend is blessed thank you there is no lying only truth is spoken I have hardly any need to since I am married so therefore I'm spoking for yeah we'll talk about that later but we don't need there's no need for Rush especially considering times of details godam it K guys I'm going count your blessings address put your money to other things that do not involve the habit of which you are trying to alleviate yourself from and follow like powers and righteous individuals that's right because most of the world are not neurotypical they may think they are but they are not oh yes everything does yes everything has been shifting and is continuing on in this process within the ending steps of the dimension merge and the ultimate miracle and fut Tri and everything yes yes yes yes yes yes yes to all only truth is spoken and there never ever was any sets between Barbara and I period nope you are blessed nope the fact that they said that they don't they don't understand what I mean they don't understand definition of the word neurotypical he shall see the error of his ways and recover on his own time and Accord 2009 tacle edit I don't know about that but I your wishes with my taco flavor KES Tac taco you know what for that individual that keeps bringing it up why don't you just go bring it up with the alternate distant timeline that never is anything related to or close to this one period oh I do have music playing in the background I have a I have an oh my brain went blank on the word the day there but anyway I have a binero beat playing in the background off screen I look at my phone and look at the video it look at the track I'm playing right now it's playing in the background yeah it's a b narrow beat from Heavenly eyes Scyther and [Music] sneez Magic chance a prime criselle Ros Prime sylvana Rosie Prime and the prime of all meww period dro the piece my bring went blank on give me a moment ah she is physically quite all she is physically um she is mentally and physically well over 20 years old rain blink but she has been actually been to the Future developed many many years physically and then came back it was a slow progression upon realizing my my true gender and identity and everything uh the try came around during the year 2014 [Music] goty penis monsters got nope there there's your stupid meme right there yeah I said it hey get back here on this boat and you know what I'm just gonna ignore anybody with this word in their name period I'm just gonna ignore everybody period nope one moment at a time one moment at a time take deep Rifts count your blessings follow that which is good light powered and righteous within your intuition as opposed to Temptations and all that you can bear yourself in that way dude meditate on all that and everything and all metaphysical connections but your self-c counterparts out the Multiverse and everything everything everywhere all at [Music] once and day Chistmas jingle bell jingle B Jingle Bells um I have considered Tik Tock um but it's not in my present plan at this time although I do have one that is on observation alone I'm not mainly going to be using that as a video streaming service or platform so don't expect any videos from me on Tik Tok Hy doie spy I want to be [Music] [Music] [Music] bestch yes I did I gotta go War some more clay for this last set of four medallions um now these will be painted off stream this is a whole special thing but these are painted you will see the final results when they are delivered to the individuals that they go end up going going out to later we certainly got to get that turn yes we shall consider that thank you anyway I'll be right back I got to go War some more Cay and welcome back to the [Music] [Music] show all right anyway let's do some more I got four more Medallion I got the last four CU I'm making I was making 20 in all so I give you all this time I'm TI looking at blank eyes so let's do the oh I'll watch this guy because it's on him now oh y one hard piece that was a oh yeah it's a really good show I've watched both seasons so far oh but I I don't care too much about the chaos Sonic in that one that was really dumb that was just oh um how much talking about really I just uh don't know too much personally but he's a good individual for the ladder he is a good individual nobody's making comments about that because this is an SF this is a safe for work Channel this is a safe for work thing and we are keeping things safe for work oh yeah I've watched uh some of the some of the episodes of the metal ocalypse but I have not seen the movie I felt like uh it was just a bit too much I mean story I just didn't really just didn't find be long term oh yeah because Satan has been trolling has been bugging a whole lots a whole lot of individuals including those are fighting between Israel and Palestine right now but yeah Israel shall succeed they shall last longer that is foreing prophesized and forn ah but he is is cleansed and blessed all he needs to do is to stay on light power path of goodness [Music] any we think what else what else what else which yall see that's just the whole oh oh I think you're referring to L bin the one that misheard by name is uh when I told him my name was Christopher he misheard it call me Christian that inspired the name change yeah that is a thought I still need to catch up I had the last episode I saw was yes go ahead and make the jokes the last episode of J Samuel series I saw was episode 69 I told you shout [Music] outs what I say my brain oh great thanks for making me lose my thought train yeah I mean just essentially you already are whether I drew you in or wrote you in or not period I told you I'm not doing shout outs I'm staying with that I'm sticking with that here here's your stupid New Meme right now I'm not doing any shout outs and I'm sticking with that there stupid thing stupid stupid thing you made that's me you this why you think me St dog oh by the way I'm betting on Courage cowardly dog in the Scooby-Doo versus courage death battle you tell with a lot worse than Scooby did oh the original version without as much details and definitely the one that have more accurate details when I read when I redo it into the HD version which will have absolutely no NSFW content in it whatsoever despite the circumstances and details that came about from all of that everybody sing a song bra is trying to remember what I was talking about earlier it's been the first it's SP the first time to have awkward moments within it and I do not speak of personal details on my own part period that's enough of that that's enough it just spit the awkwardness and roll with it well he shall progress and heal as best as he can but I'm that's just a whole mess of details on that part I don't want to go too much into without uh causing Fe causing deeper emotions anyway oh um I I have help in those I have a little I get by a Little Help from My Friends in in regards to my emails but I see some of them I am aware of them I do get them and we are sorting through them that's a whole different Gall of fish right there my head went somewhere else why did my head go somewhere else as long as she sees life power and good and continues forward with that she shall no longer be sad there are no Ducks here whatsoever period that's enough said please refrain from asking that question there shall be no more talk about that it's a poison no subject and I will no longer be the victim of circumstances I gota be careful with when I snap my fingers because they do manifest I don't need to say anything but I will clear the room of all darkness and bad Tidings I know yes that's the detail we're working on we're trying to sort that out I know look at this whes by's transparent nopar oh thank you very much thank you very much yes note yeah that one's regular Sonu but he's doing okay they're doing okay I'm trying to do things they are they are blessed oh pardon me that just felt good that was a soul belt just in a whole mess of bad vibes just a mess of energy just went out of me and I got a little bit of a cleans from that so take that as a good [Music] sign my sing but I'll tell you what if I upon reaching 100,000 subscribers and getting a silver YouTube button I will be very thankful for the blessing it shall be very good time I'm doing the Press PR lunges and presses up up up up there's your joke uh actually yes that is [Laughter] true cool thanks that's a fetish cool than that's a fetish that was funny um I guess if anybody a Goan I don't I never really went to in the expansive detail Digimon dig digit Monsters Digimon are real stupid Pokemon Pock the monsters Pokemon are the champions like why nope I will not be I will not be saying things out loud like loudly like that because that would just bring on manifestation that I am not looking to manifest yeah Karma will see him fall very harshly he shall reveal himself to be not when you shall have your your period when the time is right I need not s my fingers for it no that was a long time ago I have progressed further matured since then and we are taking things in a more positive and safer work direction from now on period on the one hand yes since it is also my my fur my furco or my sry form so I'd say interpret whatever meaning you will from the calmness and bless of this I'll tell you what here's a suggestion holy blue flame leave it on that you can meditate on that take your time on that anyway one more one more [Music] time one more time I like to sing song ah H I will speak this for for that one religious aspect as well as all religious aspects the correct religion is all good religions none the satanic ones only those are positive lifeart and righteousness and of course that does include Christianity Islamic Buddhism methodism and so forth the zodiac signs Chinese calendar all that they're all just individual pieces of the bigger greater puzzle put them all together find the yeah prise me as Jesus or H is Christ Chan or Christ Chan or CHR take your pick it is good yeah we broke up a long time ago and you are dead you get no that guy gets no acknowledgement from me anymore period give it time and and his faith shall be renewed within his vision and eyes and sight physically tangibly everything it shall be so it is D the friend there is blessed the not sure I could say say same about you with the with such a screen name as that one zap to the ex stream zap it up to the stream we Zing up to this stream no [Music] oh has to be or not to be a now I have not played that game within this timeline I am aware of the Guilty Gear series though and it is quite decent and good yes I am opening for collaborations and further and it shall be as as I mentioned on the previous stream it shall be a consider it shall be a Happ sance of don't call us we'll call you situation and just pretty much like that and it shall be a whole pick and shoose and we shall pick those that VI good and well with us but anyway that's Medallion number 20 as I have uh made the bow and promise to do so I am so this is it for this little lovely little Q&A I pray that you all were able to enjoy and everything so before I close I there shall be no commentary about that the details had to be said in the past tense to manifest what needed to be because I did not want to be attacked by anybody that would have happened had actually been able to make it to that convention in that year matter was from that him that who name shall not be mentioned again period or Joshua moon or Isabella anyway let's clear the air [Music] nope stop pretending anyway I do thank you all for your continued patronage and everything I shall see you all again next stream yall take care and have a blessed and safe day and that'll be the last one I respond to everybody have a good safe day or night depending on which part of the |
Simple Existential Q&A
Simple Existential Q&A is a livestream in which Chris primarily focuses on responding to paid messages from donators. The stream is moderated, with messages chiding weens to use their inside voice.
Simple Existential Q&A | |
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Stardate | 10 November 2023 |
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7:42: Chris claims to have eaten an apple, banana, and 2 oranges for breakfast. He also states he is not a fan of mayonnaise because it is fatty.
8:33: Chris claims that his autism "has been cured" through meditations and affirmations.
9:27: Chris sings and dances about Christmas.
10:06: Chris predicts the team that will win the Super Bowl will be the team that has earned it.
10:20: Chris claims to be unaware of the infamous Rainbow Dash jar.
12:22: Chris begins to ramble about how he did not have sex with his mother, saying (at 13:42) he accessed the memories of a self counterpart in a distant alternate timeline to ensure he went to jail in Virginia and not Washington.
16:57: Chris says that everyone in Palestine has fallen to the wiles of Demons and Devils.
17:52: Says he did not make up the story about having sex with his mom.
18:48: Chris mentions Megan Schroeder, saying that: "She was not a toxic hater."
19:34: Everyone in Palestine has been blessed by Chris
23:03: When asked about starting an OnlyFans, Chris claims to not know what that is but it is a possibility in the future.
25:42: Claims there are a few Non-binary Sonichu characters (there is no mention of which characters) but the majority stick with their birth gender.
25:26: According to Chris, George Floyd ended up in C-197 after his death
37:16: Chris sings "I've got a fish would you like to make a wish?"
41:52: Chris says those who want to cosplay as Barbara should cosplay as her when she was "nicer and more successful". He does not refer to her as his mom.
46:05: Chris reminds everyone he is already God so he doesn't need to also be the president
52:38: "Cutting your grass is not murder."
54:29: Chris Chan prophesized Covid-19 in Sonichu 10. This is specifically referring to plotline where the Homo Vaccine was created to cure Homosexuality.
56:50: Sonichu sides with Israel
Transcript |
[sonic doing sick flips with text "Jesus Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu Prime STREAM COMING SOON!"] 3:16: [Stream Begins] Hey everybody [claps] yay and merily [points up to our lord and savior] [adjust in seat, heavy breathing] Right so tonight is a simple uh Q&A and live stream. I'll be responding to uh... mainly the uh paid questions that pop up... and uh during which I'll be signing these uh [raises illegible paper to camera] lovely certificates of authenticity and hey look at that IT'S Not transparent hehe [shows off medallion] and neither is this. So we got that sorted out [adjust hair, pit sweat non-existent] Briefly, everybody is able to hear me okay thROUGH THE MICROPHONE? [adjust mic] IS IT LOUD ENOUGH? Is it loud enough? You better sing a song about it cuz it might be loud enough... huh [heavy breathing] Anyway [long sigh] so anyway with that being said uh... [heavy breathing while leaning to grap book] I'm gonna grab a book to get st- to get one of these certificate of authenticity to uh... get going... [lots of adjusting] get going on that. Anyway let's see today is uh... the 10th of November. Anyway [pops pen cap] just get my thoughts together and everything [deep sigh] as we vibe out with positive good vibes and everything it's so good... [responding to the few positive comments] oh well thank you very much for... amazing day... anyway... [comments pouring in saying "Mic Muted"] do do do doo... [sighs] what do you mean huh... wait what mic muted? let me look. Check the audio on that... [stares at computer] TESTING ONE TWO THREE NOPE IT's Not muted. 4:50: [A Wonderful Galaxy: do you like Fluttershy?] yes I like Fluttershy, she's a nice- she's a lovely nice kind Pony... she's a lovely nice and kind Pegasus. Anyway let me think [touches forhead] dut du du duu. ummm thinking about alls those things I could talk about hmm [sticks tongue out] but yeah among all the uh details of which uh... I have... thought about and further meditated upon while was- during my time in jail I've also expanded on the Autobot team of CWCville which y'all will remember uh good old Autobot Son-Chu... and Excelina and Prowler of course Bumble-Lumba and Armoraxe. They were the uh main five. Then we got four more cuz we had combiner team as well and three of them had human- had human partners aside from uh Son-Chu and Chris there. So yeah that's a whole mess of uh other details going on. Anyway let's see... can we please get some paid commentary? At least we got that sorted out... [making noises] Anyway chill vibe and stream bring on positivity. Everybody... [waves had in blessing] bless all of you. It is good... Anyway let me think what else is on my mind. [mumbles something while writing] 6:18 [fearshighted [Sophie Sixx] just subscribed!] Well there you go the first activity of the night... right there as far as the... [continues writing] Anyway let me think. Think [exasperated sigh] my brain just feels like freezing up all of a sudden 6:18 [AustinAustin donated $2! Hey Christine! Did you have a good day today? :)] hu oh yes [wiggles pen around] I did have a good day today thank you very much actually you know what that's a good point, I can talk about my day today just a little bit but not in too much detail. So essentially today was just uh [scratches back revealing minor pit sweat] kind of a busy... simple day mmmm... got up with- I got up in the morning uh listening to one of my favorite tracks as well as uh Olivia Newton-John's Twist of Fate. Really good- really good song by the way. After all this time it still is. 7:03 [average will wood fan donated $4.99 through super chat! can you send me a sample of your semen?] [Chris leans in to read] [looks away in disappointed disbelief] Anyways so is anyway going on my day just to essentially um my brain just blanked out little bit uh so I had some breakfast. I had some uh fruit. 7:18 [Clement Eli Gooseman donated ₱249 through super chat! Hey Sonichu Prime pls give a shoutout to Michael Rapaport] [leans in to read] hu okay good. that's good that that worked out a little bit. Anyway so I have my breakfast had some fruit and uh made- I made an omelette this morning... 7:33 [Rotten Waifu donated ARS 200 through super chat!] [long pause] yeah just this uh spicy omelette with some salt and pepper. I had an apple... banana and two oranges.. and uh talk to my friends. Everything's been going good... 7:48 [Vanilluxe TV donated $2 through super chat! Chris, what is your opinion on mayonnaise?] [leans in to read] uh yeah mayonnaise just I'm not totally a big fan of mayonnaise... on that part... 8:03 [Isrulius donated $1.99 through super chat! Christine can you bless with a prophecy?] [leans in, continues talking about mayo] I try to avoid it because it's fa- [finishes reading, stops talking about mayo] mmm well... prophecy will come about uh naturally through me just [pats head] um my thought process I'm connected with everything so that's just a whole... thing 8:18 [Armonia donated £4.99 through super chat! Good day Jesus! Out of curiosity what is your favorite all time Sonichu issue you've ever made? Also did you read much Archie sonic?] [makes donor popup larger] oh hum I have read Archies C- the Archie Sonic long time ago I had it- I had like most of the books but not all of them. 8:33 [eUTXO_Pro donated £2 through super chat! Ignore haters! As jesus did you cure your autism?] [smirk] yeah my autism for the most part has been cured just through meditation and affirmations... Just everything has been uh decent good about that |
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hey everybody yay and
merily right so tonight is a simple uh Q&A live stream I'll be responding to uh mainly the uh paid questions that pop up and during which I'll be signing these lovely certificates to authenticity and hey look at that it's not transparent and neither is this so we got that sorted out pray everybody is able to hear me okay through the microphone is it loud enough is it loud enough you better sing a song about it because it might be loud enough anyway so anyway with that being said uh I'm and I grab a book to get get one of these certificate of authenticity to uh get going getting on on that any let's see today is uh the 10th of November anyway just get my thoughts together and everything as We Vibe out with positive Good Vibes and everything it's so good oh well thank you very much for amazing day anyway what do you mean what mic muted let me look check the audio then testing one two three nope it's not muted yes I like Fluttershy she's a nice she's a lovely nice kind Pony she's a lovely nice and kind Pegasus anyway let me think think I'm thinking about all those things I could talk about but yeah among all the details of which uh I have thought about in further meditate upon while was during my time in jail I've also expanded on the autobot team of quickfi which y'all remember uh good old Autobot Sanu and that's Elena and Prowler of course Bumble lumba and amarat they were the main five then we got four more cuz we have combiner team as well and three of them at human at human Partners aside from Sonu and Chris there so yeah that's a whole mess of other details going on anyway let's see can we please get some B commentary at least we got that sorted out just anyway chill VI and stream bring BR on positivity everybody bless all of you it is good anyway let me think what else is on my mind well there you go the first activity of the night right there as far as the anyway let me think my brain just feels like freezing up all of a sudden oh oh yes I did have a good day today thank you very much actually you know what that's a good thing I can talk about my day today just a little bit but not in too much detail so ually today was just a kind of a busy simple day got up with I got up in the morning listening to one of my favorite tracks as was uh Olivia Newton John swis of Fate really good really good song by the way after all this time it still is anyway so it's going on my day just essentially um to blank down a little bit uh so I had some breakfast I had some uh fruit okay good justed that work down a little bit anyway so I have my breakfast add some fruit and made I made an omelette this morning yeah this is a spicy omelette with some salt and pepper I had an apple banana and two oranges and uh talk to my friends everything's been going good uh yeah mayonnaise just I'm not totally a big fan of mayonnaise on that part I try to avoid it because it's fat well prophecy will come about naturally through me just one my thought process I'm connected with everything so that's just the whole thing oh um I have read Archie the Archie Sonic long time ago I had I had like most of the books but not all of them yeah my autism for the most part has been cured this through meditation and affirmations just everything has been decent good about that hly somebody had a rough day themselves I mean well you care about your day we'll care about our day and everybody car about their day in their own way it's a good day anyway we think oh right my day oh M Christmas f is nov yay so I just heard we had to go s D it for Christmas wait oh do we do let's go sing in Dan for Christmas Jesus is coming back Jesus is coming back I am right here yay okay that was the first justen I was in front oh oh yes it was good to meet you that day too why is my head behind the uh deal art Bon Sy this the team that wins the Super Bowl shall be the team that has earned it it has been predetermined by Divine fate and goodness Rainbow Dash jar I don't consciously know that what that is but it sounds like it could be a jar with a picture of Rainbow Dash on it oh that makes sense ah because because PayPal was taking a piece of the donation for themselves so it's just essentially to be sure I get some just to be make sure we get a good we get a good amount so just suffice to say sorry the minimum has been raised but it's the way it is with PayPal how taking a cut it's like YouTube they take they want to cut of they want their cut money anyway happy birthday to you thank you for your support it is very good you are kind yay it is good h any let me just think my dat um we'll do a stream one day in regards to am Crossing New Horizons but that's to be confirmed another day another time Mom and Dad is mine in between and all that good stuff and let me think just um all right so I was talking about my day so I have my breakfast and and uh after that I uh sign I signed and add line art onto the number of medallions which of course they're all have mail by the way the medallions they're back in they're back in restart fully on the Etsy store I will answer that question once and I will not answer it again upon repeat but essentially I'll get back to that question question it's a duly noted question but anyway it was essentially to get my it essentially under one hand in preparation of getting myself to avoid having to anything to do with getting with where I was going to be in the first place because had I gone to everfree Northwest I would have been really interpretated by uh Isabella and I would let me in jail over there in Washington state or some or something they okay here we go that was a good talk anyway let's back to on that all right all right so just essentially there's that detail and of course no would have uh St me in the back one way or another as he did with refunding everybody when he did not have to we had the pictures and everything so there's that detail or of course you know uh his name who will not be mentioned who lives on Turk Street yeah he would have just uh been really really beyond evil made things a lot worse at at that point so yeah it was just better that I just let fate Divine planning happening so I just pretty much went with an alternate a distant alternate timeline and accessing the memories of that self counterart of mine and just yep going through that I did what I did get myself so I'll get back to that question in a moment essentially just make just accepting the fate and let myself be in be my jail for a couple of times to get through all that he hey good guy I remember you you're a good man you're all right anyway so uh yeah essentially when it comes to jail it's just essentially I was segregated from all the other prisoners so essentially just treat me like a neut a just a neutral type of feeling I didn't have to worry about being uh bo by too many other prisoners I was in my own cell I was mostly in the medic I was mostly in the medical Wing just that was a whole which that was a thing so I didn't have to worry too much I could meditate find my comol for a few months I was in a different sale with a bunch of other noisy neighbors within uh the booking so just that's the whole thing there you're W you are very welcome so as for the uh the St the gravel and stones from the old from the old from the old from the old s Temple and the uh other stones and the other stones of course I'm not ening the question I'm going to answer that question in a moment it just essentially you got you get a piece of energy from the old San temple with everything in regards to the metaphysical energy the portals and everything and all that so you get you get a blessing for yourself in that as essentially and a piece of the energy all this good stuff thanks you may me forget the other previous big question no I am not disclosing where I am period and that is none of your business my brain were blank then the other question tell about different oh boy if in order for me to do that that would be just a whole lot time to think about just essentially yeah anyway how do I good grief okay oh actually yes there's some positivity going around I'm I'm trying to in I'm inspiring that may I'm just trying to find a previous question everybody is H yeah just essentially those that are in Palestine they have fallen to the Ws of the demons and Devils so they'll mainly be they're mainly blessed they follow the light light power and all that but can't really save everybody because it's by Divine premonition we're sorting out rooting out every single toxic individual getting and leaving them behind now if I can just remember what the other question was I'm trying to find how do I access the Super Chat history on this thing how do I access super chats oh you it was pretty good just uh and I was not in prison I was in jail there's a difference big difference no prison just jail Central Virginia Regional Jail Orange County I did not make it happened well if you want to say I made it up that's fine but but that's not the case but hey would you would you rather want to end up being in jail in a nurse date if you're going to end up a jail anyway one way or another hey at least I took it by the horns I suffer for for all y'all sins in that part and aspect I'll everything happen there will be no comments in regards to flutter and when she and I and when she and I started talking and everything that's of your business I do not pretend I am I have talked about this before and you should and you should know this very well and seriously now I can only oh them no excuse me a second now um Megan was not totally a hotk hater but she she was she was not exactly right in everything she did and just yeah that's a whole different kale fish with those that have blocked me on social media because here's a detail which I feel like should be explained yeah of course I know Mighty and Ray they're cool guys but anyway yeah about those that bought me that bought me on the internet just essentially everybody everybody is blessed and everybody has has died of the Palestine shall be regu res situated as they are and all that is good will be with between the 1218 and c197 Hales anyway do question mark do thanks a lot for distract me there's uh just whichever team wins is going to win all right because that cuz after all it's it's a foot it's a football game happy happy birthday happy birthday I mean also it's just a nerd if only I could actually get the if only I can only happy birthday happy birthday anyway good grief yes between magican criselle Savana and Mewtwo I have found my true on sweetheart there I just answered that question in advance anyway I wish it was like a i an I wish I was like wa where how do I access the history chandelian um I don't consciously know what that is but I'm certain that I'm certain they're like good and kind supporters and individuals in their own right and way okay please I'm not son I'm not Sonu I'm Jesus Christ Chan Sonu Prime I'm you call me Jesus Christine I'm not by swapped with I'm not by swapped with Sonu he's back in his body I've been we've been back up back our respected bu since February 2021 okay anyway oh yeah I heard okay see ah Scientology um in regards to zenu and S in Scientology that is just one interpretation of of the greater details but it's not necessarily going to be totally in regards to the uh other planetary species and the flying saucers not everything that that guy got in that book was totally correct okay well I don't know who Aon Aaron is but please feel better you are blessed but essentially as going back to the but all but all religions that are that promote goodness light power and everything are good and just the majority of them are the bigger piece of the just a piece of the bigger of the bigger Ultimate Picture which is why I'm I identify as multi-religious and I'm open for the the positive interpretations enlightenments from everybody and everything part me Lassie I don't know about I don't know what only fans is but it's a possibility that's to be determined later on anyway let me think to remember yeah I'm not going to answer everybody on just uh it's a lot of details and I got my things going on and everything I'm trying to remember oh oh okay yeah hey copper I do remember you I'm glad to see you're doing very well on YouTube uh we we'll we might do a collab sometime but that's that's to be confirmed I got a whole bunch of other plans going on as well there that I'm not going to going through right now this guy that guy anyway not everybody can be forgiven and just Donald Trump is Unforgiven I know that one is ironic yeah tell you what that is a detail I would only do in person cuz likely that one is just pretending to be Megan so she actually wants to reconcile and everything well find each other in person that's a whole different kill of fish we're really really got the priorities set and we're not we're keeping our distance away from the fakers in that if my bra remember the previous questions how can I answer wish I could have ACC to all the history of those questions oh oh nine non-binary ah you mean know that I don't that don't identify as either gender um yeah there's like a few but obviously stick with their birth gender and whatnot the majority of them do um well George Floyd he ended up on the c197 half through his count through his counterparts body so that was just the thing of course Jason David Davis Jason David Frank I really Li to him as you know Green Ranger he end up in his self counterpart so he's literally the uh present he's literally present Power Ranger Iration that Tommy end up [Music] being you are blessed you are blessed last wait okay obviously it's not good time to be doing these keep um I don't know about that but there are there are functional toilets in the bathrooms over there on the SE i7 have just like yeah Cole is not a toxic hater he just had like some really bad rough times with his uh family which G pal I mean I just uh one answer is obvious although I'm opting rather or not to say her name or not because I don't want to I don't want to have anybody trying to bug her or anything but yeah do I do have one in mind all right well you just pretty much shied out for yourself hey good luck on your shiny on your Shiny Pokemon hunting happy birthday happy birthday F fos anyway D my brain just obviously this is not a good time to be signing all certific authenticity I'm trying at least I signed a few at least I'm signing a few of them just it's one thing to focus on these certificates authenticity while I'm focusing on the questions and everything oh um we'll get back to you on we'll see about that if you contacted us through the uh Gmail that was provided we'll let you know it just doesn't it's premature all right G5 is not meant to be existent yet and I'm not going to see it at all until after Generation 4 friendship is Magic season 14 episode 26 is made and aired and everything with all the other episodes beforehand and that just felt like a whole lot of words you I will not present any further details about uh what I we have in the process which uh will only go towards talking about with directly with Nintendo themselves that's a whole different thing anyway I'm not going to give anybody spoilers in the risk of any parodies or anything um no there is no sonichu the Werehog and quickfill period all right there you go you got they did that just good guy any just what was the routine I have no idea what you're talking about on a few of these a few all this oh I think you mean like uh fan you mean like fan art and all that um definitely we definitely got to put that PO boot that PO boot I have made available soon enough for like fan art and positive mail and uh obviously uh Digital Arts can be sent to the Gmail address that was provided anyway oh great apape it's hard to it's just try to focus on one thing or another and then it's like I got I don't know what a I don't know what that kind what that kind of toilet is I don't know what that kind of toilet is all right I mean I know what bday is one thing yeah son Frontiers is a good game I just haven't played through the entirety of it you're your uh partner shall come to you at the right time you can't rush it you are welcome anyway just I'm trying to remember my brain everywhere I give I can cure autism but the attention deficit disorder is just a bit still that's older to kill fish hello hey guys have as I mentioned earlier I am not single I married to Magic Chan criselle Sana meww Prime anyway good grief I thought focus on one thing and then my shift my f sh my focus shifts and then just I got put this back all the way down light part I'm not pretending I am I have literally meditated on this we have talked about this before it's hard to talk about Dragon Ball since I don't really watch too much of it but I am quite aware of it and I have seen some of it uh yeah I feel like he's quite decent I've heard the things he has done now if you're talking about redheaded individuals with red hair and freck red freckles they are individuals they are not necessarily a race of people and as I said before we're not really doing verbal shout outs at least not to the majority I'm just a oh there's that question that's been in the chat feed for a while finally came up no he can't too arrogant that guy he's just Donald Trump is just never Donald Trump is just not going to get he's going to get left behind with v Putin and everybody just going to fall the fire and brimstone with the red dragon that is Russia I mean Russia is L the country of Russia is literally the present day B Babylon I do not know who that is and I have certainly have not met him yes my mental health is quite well thank you very much for asking still not quite perfect I mean it goes along with they mainly the attention deficit disorder but then of course I'm linked with everything so obviously you going hear me speaking tongue and all that there are no Devil's worshippers in Ukraine and and there are there are only very few of them and essentially this individual that pretend to use the name of the guy that's literally going to be left behind worse and fallone in the fire Brimstone so yeah that's his old thing anyway I bless that I bless the gentleman whose name was mentioned in the in the feed just a moment ago thank you not viir Putin either no yep no he will fall he will die by his own sword literally anyway yes I have played son Frontiers some of it but not all of it I had not made it to the first island yet I've been so busy with a whole bunch of other details and things and everything I've been able to play that game that much oh that's another question yeah I don't know when I'm going to watch digital circus I mean that's to be confirmed and when I when I feel like watching it I'll watch it but I have I still have not watched it yet so yeah that was just yeah all right so that question came back [Music] finally all right you know what F wish wish there you go there's that there's your one reference to that oh my head is happy birthday dude happy birthday I'm trying to think my brain is just excuse me a second let me think all right anyway your friend is blessed and just essentially you know what a lot of autistic individuals they are blessed just hey you know what on that topic I mentioned uh your uncle is blessed anyway and I I rebuke wait I rebuke the AE there my brain just went blank thanks okay oh just like you know those guys are really epic stupid but they want believe that's their thing and it's just like so there's just l so stupid they believe that that they're stupid as they they go their stupid ideology and whatnot is fat when it's really not so yeah they're Lucid stupid that's the thing and plus it's a rhyme scheme you know Lucid stupid kind of rhymes okay the Poke all right so the poked entries for Rosie Rose Sho fosa son Sonu metonic and respectively is 978 979 980 981 982 and 983 and I'm not acknowledging that comment just now thank you very much thank you let's think about a long time ago some a long time ago in the galaxy far for away this thing I was um they areny drink I have not um I don't know who that is and the other question now lots of good assigned life updates and everything with the metaphysical details and locally just no tring find any on you know speaking of cosplays I'm just going to mention this right now so I have heard that some individuals we're cosplaying as Barbara which I really really really do not like that at all period just where my phone at where I oh there it is just essentially because the way you are all portraying her in your cosplay in the way of uh just essentially being a bad indivi being uh very being old old lady when y'all should know better she was more than now she's had quite the life in history working at uh working at first North American National Bank and everything I mean shoot you know I mean y'all don't know too much history about Barbara just uh just everything she left at and just run to I mean if y'all going to cosplay as Barbara I say dress up as her when she was something when she was a lot nicer and more more successful I mean there's a lovely old there's a nice lovely old picture of her all right if you want to cosplay as Barbara try to look like that it's a good outfit anyway just let y'all know about that and she was part she was part of a magic act also with her with her ex-husband that that's that's a different C fish but but she was quite the financial successful businesswoman working with the individuals and whatnot so yeah oh any actually yes we are bringing the custom amiibos around they'll be available soon enough we're working on 3D print options focus camera Focus why did I worry all of a sudden focus camera focus a there we go that's a little better thank you thank you very much focusing all right now oh actually yes but you want mainly buy The Medallion through the Etsy store and they'll and it connects with the PayPal feet and everything that's does the donations to the stream all talking about my day I did the medallions and I was like being focusing on all that and I play I'm of course I'm also playing amoc Crossing daily just actually yes I am very busy answering a lot of prayers I mean billions of prayers do you think about that you think I can answer them all at once no we have that's why we have many individuals doing that the merge will H merge is happening it's in progress to completion will happen shortly from now I believe you're talking about a video game a video game I've have heard a little bit about that it came up in my live stream I believe somebody among my subscriptions did live that that so but yeah I don't think I'm G to be playing that game yet I am I am doing that I'm doing that just I haven't really given it further conscious I've been so busy with a lot of other things I mean shoot you think this is this easy back in Jerusalem when I was Jesus Christ way back when now it's just hard it's hard it was hard to focus didn't think especially when finding myself and all and all that then everything else that goes on outside that and all throughout the multitude lives I had since then thank you very much thank you thank you anyway I me you think about the perfect life back then no you think that everything was so Punky do I me sh yeah just like no I'm not pretending we stuff that anyway just shoot it's not perfect as it says I mean yeah obviously the Bible is Holy and good but it's meant to be a basis it's meant to be a guide a guide a simp a simple guideline book essentially eventually everybody is meant to think outside that there is nothing there's no blasphemy and the ones that are far from Heaven would be those that are closed up close minded to the details and all that and as for all right so our commissions we're going to be getting those up soon enough just when I'm ready to actually do our commissions why do I have to be so busy making medallions all the time we're Outsourcing and everything all right you are blessed you are blessed okay I'm already a go I'm already God it's I kind of need to be president but I appreciate that the guy pretended to be Vladimir Putin just no don't just I mean I know you're not actually that guys is this yeah no you're not nope why do we have to have all these ow ah I see ah in reference yeah oh yeah essentially it's um all right let me answer one question at time I don't know this game I have not played it and I don't think I'm going to play it right now but anyway but yeah essentially it's like you know the gods and gods that people have been praying to they pray to them that are subsidiaries but they all breathe they all pray to one God one deity and that so God that was that exist through and Beyond the core and Matrix of our universe and timeline and I have the one that's direct connection to all that and then some maybe that's to be confirmed another day maybe question's coming in so fast so fast I'm trying to get my mind calm and everything hello anyway but yeah just being the one Avatar of all existence not easy I just answered that question we are going to be making the custom amiibos yes we're looking into that we it's spending on that when we have that perfected we will be adding them to the Etsy store soon enough well happy anniversary to you you're welcome I can't always I can't always always be in a positive state of mind or calm I can get overwhelmed just like every single other god and goddess can literally not perfect but still all right anyway gods and God we gods and goddesses are not perfect okay but we all work together as best we can we serve as best we can that's why yeah you know hey one God cannot literally do everybody around all the billions billions of people that's why we have like you know that's why there's like multiple gods and goddesses but there can only be one Avatar of all existence literally you know what I don't care really I'm GNA I am answering this question I don't really care low cal It's just hey if y'all want to laugh anybody at at their expens that's your thing but hey at least I don't have to worry about that well that's okay yes you may you may cosplay as me as I was in the old Ralph Lauren in the old Ralph Lauren short shirt or look alike that's okay it's good you both are blessed I mean shoot you think everything is um the comment section thankk you thany you guys are blessed try to focus how many times that question we got I already asked I already answered that question I said yes anyway oh my head anyway so anyway so I've been so I was looking forward to another Q&A session um so I thought I was going to be able to uh focus on science of type authenticity happy birthday thank you obviously obviously during live stream it's not the best time to be signed certificates authenticity but at least you know that I do personally sign them and [Music] that just feel like from now one in future streams I definitely need to have a better plan in advance for that oh cutting your grass is not murder it's like cutting hair all right you're just cutting hair of the earth it's okay to cut grass it's okay to M your l on I mean after all who wants uh tall tall grass blocking a path in the fields his soul and his children are are blessed and shall be guided better and well as they need to and self-defense and future I appreciate the compliment but uh I'm not going to exactly hook up so easily because I'm already taking and smoking [Music] [Music] for yes thank you very much I'm doing the best I can between metaphysic ality and right here on Earth and everything physically and everything everything everywhere I once yes we've already done that but we had just done that so many details many questions think our going oh ah my predictions have occur I mean you guys you mean just think about it there a lot of predictions have here I mean just while I prophesized in book 10 a lot of details have been manifested literally I mean oh yeah just look at this we actually did have a we did have a virus that we end and That vaccine was developed for it more recent years that end up going to the that end up going to the Future for to get the cure for and going back for the Cure with the Cure where to prevent that happening on the SE i7 half I'll definitely consider watching I'll definitely consider watching digital circus but that's a whole for cattle of fish right there upon when and what how and what feeling I'll have when I do L that's uh we are continuing on the Nan series we are going to we are doing the books and I'm working we're looking on we're expanding it's just a slow process I'm going to I'm going to Outsource and have other peoples we're g to have we're going to have cabs and everything but that's just the it's only with trusted individuals and that's to be confirmed the details that'll be revealed later on feel a little tired right now open oh boy that's a thing um they would work to get her Sonu and Goku I'm just going to go ahead and just go through the other Super Chat comments I'm sorry I just feel a little fatigued right now but I'm I'm okay but doing the best surviving move forward remain optimistic anyway so got happy birthday here happy birthday Tim just going to the Super Chat I feel like I just want to finish this early is right uh what um he's Soni Prime is neutral but we're signing with Israel really I don't know know I have I'm aware of Chainsaw man I just have not watched or SE seen it it's my it's personal choice all right my choice and just hey Jesus Jesus you know what I mean and all the other names and variation all the other names that means the same thing as I was way back when all right anyway I do appreciate all of you very much just and thank you all for coming we will have another Q&A stream soon enough or I'll just have another uh uh maybe maybe maybe next time I'll play some Anal Crossing news Horizons but that's to be confirmed anyway okay interpretation oh oh right right same individual same individual just different names all right right anyway same God it's different names happy birthday happy birthday all right anyway all of you all take care and thank you all very much for contined support and blessings and all of you all are [Music] blessed cuz Jesus Christ of Nazareth was the Avatar of all assistance and I am the one Avatar of all assistance literally anyway thank you all so much you and every one of y'all have a blessed and safe day thank you |
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First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream ⚡️💙⚡️
First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream ⚡️💙⚡️ is a livestream in which Chris answers questions and receives donations while playing a few different games on his Nintendo Switch:
Animal Crossing: New Horizons - Chris shows off his house and wanders around "CWC Island" gathering crafting materials, picking crops and digging for fossils (all things he would never do in real life). Later he talks to some NPCs, tries on outfits, places a few streetlamps, and finishes up by purchasing a bunch of in-game items (using in-game currency). Chris mentions that he feels AC:NH is an improvement on the prior games in the series, but neglects to provide any details.
Tetris 99 - Chris plays an online battle royale version of Tetris. He does quite well, placing 9th out of 100 in the first game (though he says 8th) and 3rd in the second game. He remains calm and focused throughout, even while answering questions. Notably, he has 999 tickets earned from completing daily challenges, which is the maximum. This is likely after he has already spent enough tickets to unlock everything in the game.
Sonic Superstars - He plays through a few levels as Sonic, taking quite a few hits, and refers to Dr. Robotnik/Eggman as "Namgge."
First JCWCSP Gaming Live Stream ⚡️💙⚡️ | |
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Stardate | 20 November 2023 |
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“ | You are blessed. I gotta focus on the game, though. | ” |
Chris, struggling to balance his goddess responsibilities with winning at Tetris. |
Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs] |
26:50: Chris mentions that he did not have his estrogen gel while in jail, but did have his estradiol and spironolactone (remarkably remembering their names).
30:32: How to become Chris's friend.
30:51: A donator asks what Chris has been doing with the OfficialCWCmart and stream money. Chris replies that the funds have been doing well and go towards investments in the house and food, and that a lot goes towards paying a mortgage.
35:52: Random autism noises.
41:50: In response to a donor's comment, Chris talks a bit about being forced out of his house in the wake of the Incest Call.
42:27 A donor asks Chris to add them on Discord and Chris replies "well yes that will be part of the plan with uh adding people on a private server on Discord but won't necessarily be just to play games with there will be collaborative works and efforts in the process."
43:27: When a donor inquires about his pronunciation of "Jesus," Chris quotes Shakespeare's "A rose by any other name" line, which he likely learned from voice actor Mike Pollock at TooManyGames in 2018.
44:19: Chris lists the components of the Thanksgiving dinner he just ate: "Turkey slices with gravy, green peas, mashed potatoes... and a Hot Pocket."
46:12: Chris talks briefly about the loss of his prior Medallions. Bluespike was a "whole different kettle of fish."
47:24: Chris expresses frustration at Ralph Lauren's failure to sell his favorite shirt anymore. Also, "a number of Australians will survive the Merge."
50:15: Chris's current grubby medallion stands the test of time, and will not be replaced.
53:21 A donor asks "what happened to Futter Cabbage" and Chris replies "just leave it a calling her Flutter for one thing please, but she's doing her own thing and we are living our lives at present and we sh- and that's a whole different thing, but we, but rather we are keeping touch and all that and all the other details is none your business"
54:00: The incest never happened, he appreciates Barb despite the abuse and sabotage to his life, and "Somebody touchda my spaghet!" All in the span of about 30 seconds.
1:01:36: Chris shows off the Idea Book Case 2.0, a folder he made out of duct tape to hold his Nintendo Switch game cards.
1:05:15: A ween tells him that he is "Gay af." Chris then repeats it using the full term "gay as fuck" and then proceeds to pretend to suck his green pickle stress toy.
1:12:05: Chris states that he still does not have a PS5. "There, I said it, and that is fact."
1:12:48: Rambling about the off-brand instant coffee that was available to him in jail.
1:17:00: Chris does a terrible impression of Ice King from Adventure Time.
1:37:50: Chris says that during his stay at Central Virginia Regional Jail, he heard a baby being born at 5:00 AM on January 1st, noting how loud it had been.
Raw captions
Text from YouTube's captions |
hey everybody coming to you live from
their lovely Place once again okay this I might have to fit down a little bit white background that's an easy fits anyway for got my old arwing from starlink here I still have this thing also I do have this my controller I'm playing from this to got my joycons on here anyway so yeah we're doing the Q&A stuff let me just uh do system signs and change this from white to black see display display langu remember I'm only reading the positive comments where is that display change no that's display colors also screen colors where's the one that changes the background from white to black no perfect I Andes oh that's right steams here we go Ah that's better so yeah only responding to do positive comments that's what it says right there okay remember that oh I forgot I got the I got the inputs on so I got I forgot to put the headset on so yeah hey everybody sorry about that one reason why he's been quiet I switched the uh microphone input from that mic to this mic oh and uh got change the setting really quick put down headphones there we go all right anyway so yeah tonight uh I'm I'm taking q&as from the paid donations and I'm able to actually access the history behind of all that so that'll work out a lot easier and tonight we're going to be playing Trio of games she's at the old place simple as that she's still safe alive and well thank you for asking anyway so those of youall didn't see the dream code we're going to play some ammo Crossing thank you arwing I actually have the arm wi and I got this one it was brand new that was a long time ago as I mentioned before I'm not doing shout outs because consciously not aware of every single individual because I could be saying something to somebody bad but there you go shout out to you cuz PR his name never happened I'm always saying that once anyway so let's see so floating island un floating tree floating tree so subscriber anyway questions topics um any I've been having a good day so far just uh kind of a simple pleasant day doing my thing oh that's what I forgot um forgot to reset the clock guys it's like uh where I am it's 6 o' yep I did have a good day today just simple Pleasant though I did kind of sleep in I suddenly woke up about uh during the 3:00 hour last night after falling asleep in and being asleep for like about nearly 3 hours and just like you know I was psychically connected with everything 614 tell you that's what time it is where I am oh label no I have never watched that individual I don't know who they are but I have become aware of uh Mr Boogie lately and watch his documentary I appreciate him I feel sorry for what happened to him before but I am glad to see how he's progressed and is doing better now he found his own spiritual ways and I applaud that anyway so just yep I'd say that's an alternate timeline but we'll just leave it like you know you know what it is anyway just going to check my mail the low ordering for the look shopping okay there the lag is obvious cuz but yeah I'll show yall around my little island for those that haven't been to the dream code let this yep yesterday was Sunday I bought some turnips go look forward to that Prof but oh I like that we have a car in here look at this I can't get into it but it's there yes oh y hey thank you very much yes anyway all right anyway so thank you yes thank you very much anyway so I'm just going to show youall inside my house right now I found the Hello Kitty pack so I got all one of each of the lovely individual the lovely Hello Kitty furniture and stuff oh the drive board church history is all very good and holy as it was meant to be and served as it did but obviously we are meant to proceed through the vi to Bible and all that we're meant to think outside of that in our religion so right so Pokemon Yellow butw um I say just leave it as uh youw like with a capital M obviously but I suppose if you were to give it a nickname um i' say MBA or something like that um all right well I have to see the fin product but I'll look forward to seeing that all right so Thanksgiving plans um just keeping it simple here my friend and all that it's all good so bamboo shoot soup okay well you're saying that I did and oh you all notice look at this it's not red white blue but here's a rugby shirt I guess I better just uh put Safari in the storage so there's no I in here we have already discussed this anyway so this is my house got the uh thing there HGTV there put like a little something under like maybe a bookshelf happy belay birthday sorry we missed it but hey oh look at this so yeah we have a little Nintendo switch right there oh oh i' see it's i' see the regards to the psychedelics and and all that it's de say it's it's obviously as yall aware as some of you aware I did partake in weed once or twice but that's just the whole different kettle of fish leave that in a positive vibe there but yeah it opened me up spiritually further more more so than I was before it it helped them Mountain there so oh that's actually uh what we've been doing in the in regards to the mold with the Silicon mold but we're not but The Medallion are not made out of plastic but I have grateful that we do have the policy available in which uh we are able to replace the med to DB but of course the uh simply do you there miss I pray for your manifestation of your sweetheart to come along you shall prosper well any so that was the uh kitchen we just left and just back here is just uh simple kind of anra ex room for now I'm thinking about making it into like an entertainment room but I hadn't fully processed all that yet but it's like kind of a little mess anyway so yeah then look like we got this a a pudding table with pudding on top of it on yeah hallowe was recently so I did get these recipes to craft all this and Fortune ding kit your card is the Knight of Pentacles anyway so that's the back room faor band to the current moment oh uh stone roses that could be do um uh well that's to be determined I'll do friend requests later on on Discord but that's a whole different that's a whole different thing um but yeah I like uh uh what was her name again but yeah obviously this the uh bathroom right here but yeah I got a few uh new singers and uh bands I've recently become interested in thank you Amazon music but oh yeah I definitely love to appreciate next talki who did the theme song for uh Scott Pilgrim takes off speaking of witch half orange juice half cocacola celebration that's Scott Pilgrim streak did you know Sonic the head shot he had two cartoons way back in way back in the day they at the same time one was dark and Grim the other one was a comedy about chili dogs anyway that is a pretty good combination I do a test to that oh that's a washing machine right there that black thing that's the pie plant but yeah okay since yeah but obviously I got my house fully upgraded so just presly just this is the bedroom comy rainbow rainbow yellow key thing and just lovely little unicorn plush yay and hey Ran desk music a moss rug the app gave me this and hey drawing table to work on oh oh it lights up it's a lightboard I can't to draw I don't need a light board only if and when I'm tracing but that's a rare occasion yeah just a few toys there in the corner of lava lamp yeah it's not full of trash we're being more conservative but downstairs it's more or less like the room I'm in right now but we got a lovely little walls monitors art table stuff behind there it's a bit more pants but yeah there's your camera and computer and just in L of a green screen we got a Mossy wall that works out and that's just my house that's my house that's this little house on this lovely little island in the tropical Seas B the coconut cheese the air is freshh and the people are free but here in the mountains there's a freedom like that there's a man in jail and his name was hat yeah yeah just uh Little Island that's the house and rard still is frown upon but anyway so who's my next door neighbor mint yeah but yeah I have a couple of gyroids well that was a long time ago with the with the three youngsters at least they were good to me at the time uh uh I'm not going to I am not going to do them by name but y'all know them look don't anyway well I'm open for collabs but only with those are authentic takes so it looks like my shovel just broke so I got to go make another one it's time to craft a shovel speed up speed it up press say twice just speed it up yep oh and I got an invincibility Star right there got some Super Mario items pardon me yeah anyway so we right I do that see yeah I just answered that I just answered that question a little while ago but I guess uh no Brook is another good name for Mewtwo as opposed to what I said earlier well just suffice to say not revealing any specific addresses or locations but let's just say kind of a copy and paste I'm living somewhere in a lovely safe local anyway I'm just going to go around the island like do my usual look for fossils War my crops and all that um yeah we are still looking we are still looking over the applications and all that and getting things further sorted out and all the additional details but when we uh we call out for admins we will do so it be a little while blame that on the uh sealant that we used to keep the paint on the Medan from uh you know just molding off yeah but anyway just obviously with in transition after the uh all that stuff is dried up it might gets a little sticky so that's we apologize for that anyway so that's the reasoning behind that it's just a byproduct of the sealing we use anyways so let's see I'll just place my new gyroids over here just put them on the Rocks uh kind of a way it's like if I find any if I see any obvious doubles I'll definitely be able to pick them up and uh but and sell them ah well that's a good that's a decent question of which I have answered before essentially uh initially would be upon my discovery of son Prime Rosy Rose Prime that would be Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack they're both tied at the top is my favorite Pony but in the back with and I identify Princess Twilight Sparkle and then uh my favorite background p is muffins AKA Derpy alavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch I not heard of that Pro yet so there so I can't really answer that question as for so yeah uh in discovering science Prime I ended up uh having the art project back in back in my senior year of high school making a custom CD cover for a random album merry Merry Christmas F naad I'm still focusing on answering the question I will not be distracted but yeah it's like I wanted to do something original along with my uh Pokemon I end up making cards be before that at the time since the just the train card game was quite the good thing anyway I end up discovering Sonu Prime in my thought process and what to do with the CD cover and then uh a little bit further down the road I end up finding Rosy Rose CH Prime and then I connected ir dimensionally and everything onto the C1 i7 half the Earth discovered their but the remainder of their backstory over time so that's essentially the long and short of it and I end up just uh thank you for that and I end up just being uh uh at the time during the drawing during the writing and drawing the books I end up being more uh consciously thought process within the uh that old outdated love search thing which I did not need to do and I poor pipe I'm going to just I got four of them so I can go around the island if I wanted to anyway so that was like this the reasoning why on the one hand but then that all that did also happen to myself counterpart on the c1972 eventually maybe but that's uh to be confirmed and determined but I haven't really gotten a thought process yet just the only fans website web page I mean we may renew the patreon but that's also to be determined and confirmed anyway I let the war pipe distra me just a little bit I guess I show you all the rest of the town so yeah right in front of my place is the is a the cranny I put coins right there one else you money to go spend in there Museum right next door let none your business and there's the uh Town Hall Hall I forgot Theo so I can invite lovely random camper oh oh some floaty anyy I got the little balloon oh look there's bid doing Yogi yog Yogi yoga um no I have't play the pizza Tower Games I moves a bit more leisurely I've heard of it but that's not my present tense thing right now because present let's do a thing with label let's do a thing with Lael actually what I have in the closet hello [Music] hello I think it's when you say spad you mean like the card game that uses the typical playing card deck some formal clothing formal thank you very much thank you thank you Isaac anyway so something former formal formerly formal all right I just don't know what that wrong hi how can I help you I'm just going to go inside and change clothes meditate and uh do exercises workout and just take your time let say to spiritually open okay anyway thanks norble um no I do not have the estrogen gel and obviously I did not have that in jail but I did have my extra dial and I and my SP Napal and I took that let me see formal formal that me I guess maybe a good dress to do sometimes s but just like at least once a week still to be determined other details and facets formal formal think about formal okay that's actually funny oh I got end up with a superhero outfit looks like a Power Ranger that'll work but yeah no that's not formal yes eventually quickly enough we just been busy with a whole lot of other things to clean The Medallion making yeah I suppose for oh yeah career career skirt that's a good start find nice STP to go with that R codes too much four for actually yeah that'll work that's well that's formal Tire that'll work H wonder what I going do maybe for changing the head piece or different hat maybe too flashy that Co H pieing though I have it you know what let's go with the hard hair P that'll work YY sassy business form formal oh um see what I get from that balloon oh say that for lat I might end up uh finding the uh tree spot sweater vest anyway I get a few more Street lamps cuz I'll be going to be putting them in place a little bit uh I'm actually that one in advance oh I happened to Chuck-E-Cheese one time um but I did not necessarily see the animatronics but as for the question I just read in the chat feed that was a super chat how do I become your friend well for one thing I'm not pretending I meditated I know I'm him I'm the one Avatar of existence as he was it's a long detailed thing I outlined that further there's no blasphemy in all that period sb2 cart I think you mean Super Mario Kart but that's a whole different thing um well maybe I could maybe that that's that's an idea I could probably do little Co on their podcast but that's a whole different thing anyway answer the question there you go how do you become a friend meet me in person actually get to know me over like a while and actually be kind authentic honest with me without any deep-seated sending sinful dark intentions and maybe we can get along and been doing pretty well they' actually been going good in the in Investments for the house for the things and keep me stable and food fed everything and some and a bunch and a lot of it is actually going to the mortgage as well we're paying that off anyway yeah oh oh mushrooms oh yeah I guess top about the hous is here on the island so yeah you can see Master Leonard there oh weed weed yeah there's Leonardo's house I'll put a football in front of his name plate oh don't be a bone head sck up these bones let's answer that question ADV EV this the and amross New Horizons is an improvement in regards to the Past games I'd say it's good for what it is as a present tense Point well I have to take a look at my email but yeah so obviously I'm just going to go around and read the name plates so you got Agnes house right here there's benedit I definitely want be on the lookout for that for that message in the bottle on the shoreline that's Toby uh there's the uh Able Sisters Taylor and then right here we have at's house the elephant uh one way or the other I feel like it's a good Improvement upon the older games looks a bit better but yeah look I got a little Carnival right by the beach side oh there's the message in the final well that's a ship Shadow and Sonic itch itch itch oh cooking that's plain scones a 40 cups of coffee and a skun anyway just uh ship my focus back oh there's the money Stone but yeah you notice I put some fences around so I can actually do this without falling backwards to get all the goods from this jum don't yeah I put like a projector right that's to chill chimps I don't know what that is or what you mean by that unless you mean like chill chimps oh in today's weather forecast we have warming the South going the top and just joyful in the middle a pound that's a lot there that's thank you for that pound and yeah there's a spook oh I see um yeah maybe maybe not likely that was that probably be more like a PC download game and now I got this balloon to worry about this balloon I miss the balloon there you go so what we got this time I believe pstone okay I'll put some of those maker leaves I nutted to good use let's go look for some let's go for the remaining fossil and mushrooms all around the island this lovely little island in the tropical Seas I like to sing with you a leard gecko Leo Leopold Leonard there you go those a few good names yeah there's Capp fre it yeah so got this one place already I need a place CLE more these Street laps yeah that's okay oh right I suppose now is a good time is since um yeah after the stream I will post this on I'll post my Poots on Twitter she her and yeah that was past tense but since but ever after having been Jesus and going to the portal into my next form and then all and then among the future forms I did only the one Avatar of all assistance can really Ascend as high but for those that can Ascend and do very good like that is to be spiritually mentally and heartfelt deeply open honest and authentic I say that's uh strictly confidential I'm not going to comment on that question especially since I don't remember that right now level one Center left talk show on television right now really cable Our Lives cable our internet stream well maybe that's completed that uh no I have not totally completed the museum yet still some more fossils to dig up some more bugs to catch some more fish to catch some more slur zuren to bgen Nan that's what it's good at answerers fluger horn some more fluger horns to play yes we just answered that question a little while ago didn't we what was I doing oh one more Street Lamp place I don't foret well actually this is decent just you know being night time good time to actually place these Street l LS um I guess for now I just I guess I could place that last Street Lamp right here at least for the time being I did notice the uh golden hole over there I'll come back to that oh and made oh the certificate of authenticity I feel like is more overdone with the pieces that are not necessarily signed that is like um we didn't have enough for print I'm going to say we'll bring them up we'll add We'll add certificates authenticities to the medallions later on that's to be confirmed later on anyway but maybe we'll be able to preat to see if in is these for of mallion Elsewhere we'll just leave it at that elsewhere house whereare it's oh please I'm starting there are more talk shows that are more top rated than that it's certainly not number one first first anyway this K in place of a TK ton let's Bell that D no other trees nearby so this side grow okay oh where are my other crops that's around over here here's some more mushrooms oh some floaty fun that you can catch leaves like you can catch paper butterflies for a limited time only during this part of November nov and Z kind of compassionate Chine likes to roll her and even her hello hello hi I say hello to you Coury of your strawberry friend whether she make short Shortcakes or not that's another question no I would say but now I've ordered me away had the rumor not been found spread wide as it was and everybody needed to be tested anyway and I did need to be away from Barbara regardless but she is doing quite well yes that will be part of the plan with uh adding people on a private server on Discord but won't necessarily be just to play games with there will be collaborative works and efforts in the process uh yes Sarah interviews are part of the collab as collab idea and project as well but that's also to be confirmed wonder what Bon head left this here that was a pretty good one they keeping an orderly flashing of things yes I just said that flashion flashion there let that be your present tense mean flashion not C flashion it's pronounced in any way regardless of the way for what's a rose by for what's the name for a rose by any other name would still smell just as sweet and the Jesus or Jesus or whatever local country pronunciation of my old name be said it's still the same anyway oh get ready to laugh cuz we got something fun up here on this hill Oh I just had turkey meal with some I just had some turkey slices with gravy and green peas and mashed potatoes and a Hot Pocket it's not the statue [Music] but well we'll consider that Adam fridland show but that's to be confirmed later on we have other priorities in mind as well and it looks like Mr red is not visiting today of course not leel is in town leel leel La Bell La Bell I love the stick I miss the stick okay we got that stick all right oh and if you don't know you press C out to go into these options to look at all this and you can see what else you where else you can learn your Nook Mouse from these feature was like they were not doing diamond for sea creatures got couple stor oh we can talk to a couple more that'll work uh look Mouse oh yeah I suppose I got to do that she did not personally help with the tools of the stream but still good things happened hello Fe compos happy birthday happy happy birthday so let's see what Bone Heads we've dug up well the first Medallion happened it lost it got lost to Blan of ice and the whole dipped in pickle brine chopped up and burned into that and second Medallion was lost due to the events involving blue Spike that's a whole different kettal fish and number three lasted the longest time hang on I totally missed that one but fortunately I know how to look that up so three I guess I got hit F5 on this one I'm doing a thing where I'm looking up damn it damn it help map 25 that's to be confirmed and just everything's going to work out along the way yeah we're going to do certificate autic these I don't have a red blue polar from Ralph Laur and I have to replace it oh here we go lab record label I don't know about I don't know consciously know my night mode so I don't have a favorite release and I haven't been on Soundcloud that much yeah I just answered that question I don't have the red white polo that got lost I got to replace it if only Ral Lauren would actually bring that back then I'd buy like two of them yes the number of our joans Will Survive the merge so let see take close look oh something new for the collection right we will donate that so what's do Scoopy too or R mid-2000s want this mean back yes custom Mion would be an option would be a thing in the uh Etsy Mark if you want custom Medallion just um make a not of it when you purchase the purchase The Medallion that's made by me and we'll see and we'll have one craft Pally craft it in that sense I'll leave at that mealo mealo mealo Sol the right megao side megao oh we just completed the megalos yay we did thing everybody can learn from this here's your educational moment about a random dinosaur happy happy birthday happy birthday happy birthday F onos dear relative is the deer megalos it's a good way to pronounce it and actually one popular way as opposed to other ways of of saying Jesus Jesus hey Zeus same word let me I pronounce it's like tomato tomato potato potato let's Call the Whole Thing Off happy birthday happy birthday to your friend it is good the [Music] onion a dear with lur that work okay well that's one for you 10 feet that is quite the distance but 12 ft longer now it's the one that stands the test of time it's not g replaced and it did survive a fire so there the house fire 2014 anyway it's not get replaced especially the B Stone and everything spiritual and all the energy that's within this one we're keeping things positive like I said I'm only responding to the only responding to positive comments well restock certificate is authenticity and put them with Medallion in the future that'll be a thing later on but we can only do we can like we only had like certificates enough for at least the uh rocks and stones and the pictures can't necessarily do everything just couldn't have necessarily done everything just yet but we will get there let go with us we'll make it [Music] I'm sorry we we got the wrong side of the rec there what you heard was cl Williams famous the pearls famous the pearls oh thank you Mr C for that lovely little blooper reel I love that from the radio shout that was cute yes I am that is exciting and when that happens I can show it off on one video and we'll see that and that's definitely less than what I pay for those turn-ups on Sunday only if you really would like to get a shout of the Hedgehog attitude that is your choice and I would not discourage you from doing so if you really really want to but you should also be aware of those of the reasonings in behind the cost of having removing tattoos in case you ever change your mind about that later on so definitely meditate long and hard about that says a neurotypical that's not getting anywhere in life right there I'll take this speaker this amp Twinkies oh happy birthday yay twinky twinky sprinky minky sinky dinky [Music] poo I bless your friend he shall find His blessings shortly enough just leave it a calling her flutter for one thing please but she's doing her own thing and we are living our lives at present and we sh and that's a whole different thing but we but rather we are keeping touching that and all the other details is none your business I just totally missed that one okay F5 see oh watch this video as we have as I have stated earlier that never happened so I can talk about Barbara and I can talk about Barbara and Weston Chandler who is my mother of whom I appreciate much very much despite the abuse and what and and other sabotage she done in my life but that's whole everything somebody touched my spaghet yes that's a fun little Meme and a fun little cartoon past but yes spaghetti with meatballs are good and I also like it for cheese I can also appreciate hit the garlic hello I know you're your stupid me hello Ian why is your last name Brandon Anderson there it it itch we need the Poo we need the [Music] Poo was it the Poo that took a pee oh good graef South Park oh dear did I just miss that leaf oh well all right I'll go put all this away and save my game and then we'll move on to our next featured game of the day oh I am going to need to take a break at at that point as well anyway just get all this put away oh pardon me let's see go to storage go to storage go to storage probably I'll refresh my w regular wood let me take care of that really quick well I'm thinking about it to what all right save my game save the [Music] game oh no not fulltime but at least just like like once a week and just all the other things and details but moreover everything's going to be progressing and all that um I don't know what i f what I Funny is not consciously any anyway so yeah I do not have an account there anyway any further uh pay comments uh that may that may have been made up to this point that I have not caught just yet they will be addressed after our return from the short commercial okay the individual in question question it's helping me in one way or another but still none of your business anyway we'll be right back following this lovely but short massage and welcome back to the show yeah I just swapped the cartridge out anyway I'll show you this as well so I made this here's another lovely little creation I made out of that tape and paper in the ink it's based on my switch console control uh control split Control Pro that I painted and yeah obviously it's holding my cartridges in it that's a good way to store your cartridges I made the lovely pockets and I send it too anyway just that's cool any let me see any other ones I missed I miss anybody okay I did not miss anyone okay good all right anyway let's take a look at some let's play some Tetris for a little while and y'all can see how good I do I don't always get number one but when I do it's a good thing I think a lot of individuals be quite press hey I did want sh the D missions already completed two with them and yes I do very well at making the triples see my combo three and oh okay I was plan play a couple of times anyway so that'll work out all right let's load it up I have played Red Dead Redemption back on the PlayStation 3 and it was pretty good I heard a few trophies in that game uh let's see um it's not maror quality it's just that it's not supposed to exist in this timeline it's premature G4 is meant to continue on it's a whole metaphysical detail thing and if it does not get remedied it shall be forced in the manifestation there's still time [Music] anyway do this thing [Music] we go play I Love the Game Boy thing it's quite the classic [Music] aesthetic maybe but that's a whole different thing for right now oh darn I'm missing the I'm missing the boat all right let's get some tetrises going on and clean up combo [Music] breaker okay that's nice thank you for that hello few hello and all that [Music] play and y'all get to watch me play this Tess well you know what I buy I buy Seal so yes I am gay as thank you for noticing [Music] there go ahead mean that up uh no you'd have to be already my trust in order for that and I'm already spoken for so so [Music] there oh if you see Scott tell I change the locks and if you see Wallace remind him to change the [Music] locks I'd have to make myself consciously aware of that but met physically speaking that individual does not pose any threat oh Canadian money I like Canad I like Canada Oh Canada but don't blame Canada they have some pretty good animations going for [Music] [Music] them and then there were 57 wa while that might might be able to say they dead there were two um nope you're not stop pretending don't fake I could see through your FAA [Music] [Music] disguise um no actually I personally do know liquid Chris and he's definitely not had any set to change whatsoever he is [Music] blessed not sure making triples but I do that yet I can do that yeah so is the case with Tess 99 in the Battle Royale style speaking of which I go that thing again [Music] a reminder to everyone I respond only to positive commentary and such not to s papus or anything but I just accidentally slipped into that town not bad my [Music] bad yeah apple woohoo I me that was so much better than the redo felt more authentic I just don't know what went wrong and yes we do have the sensors in place to not promote any not safe for work conduct and actually yeah I did speak like that because I was having a thought and process while was many was many focus on the tetris here that was why they fell part you know what um I got to buy I got to buy CH the freaking T Monsters the why though but then I also like oh forget to bring a towel h you are blessed I got to focus on the game now focus on recovery moves focus on recovery don't do recover despite the lag this is actually decent I GL I use the joyc I tried using the uh I tried this earlier today using the uh wir controller did not quite work out so well those the lag was worse between the controller and the game itch you are blessed I grant you the blessing you shall do well in your next thing and your manifestation shall be blessed um steam deck I have heard of it it's okay it's uh just essentially your game your little thing where you can play your Steam games on the go it's decent for what it is for what it's worth PlayStation portal not so great I still do not have a PS5 there I said it and that is fact number eight one more time yeah one more time number eight you Gino would you like a cappuccino that reminds me oh now I remember so in jail they had they they had this uh offbrand coffee coffee grounds instant coffee I have for a lot of fun but you be safe and well anyway so they had this off brand coffee and that they offered to the Jail commissary and it had like a little fun play with it so it was so the wording was the name the brand name of the coffee was Cafe genial g e n i a l and then I knew what I and then I and I just saw it's and they what they were going for as opposed to capucino very clever oh but I want to watch my watch C build this week's out heard this week's episodes features a Monster based the bicycle chain I guess that gets the wheels turning puns I like puns puns in work play is so good anyway anyway [Music] oh yes people of oppos of opposite characteristics are tend to be drawn to each other and actually prove to be the best prove to be the best in relationships like you can have a one partner one be shy and one be outgoing and very a social butterfly and The Quiet One becomes more social and the more and the more outgoing one becomes more humble I mean classic example right there but yeah it does work obviously can ATT trap but things in common do make it better as [Music] well I mean but yeah definitely be careful on how on who you have your relationship with you definitely don't want to be having a relationship when so bonding with anybody that's really really epic Tas sick or bad because as I mentioned in as I mentioned from my meditations with the godess law Pages a good a good individual that so bonds with a really bad individual just would not actually heal them as much and it would just make the good individual feel further tired tired and slip towards the bad it's just that's qu totic relationship right there anyway listen [Applause] [Music] what's up guys welcome to the AR World well speaking of which I have heard of the former first lady passing recently that's just that's a [Music] shame yeah I think it was uh think she was Jimmy Carter's wife if I remember correctly I know her last's name is Carter anyway any wait that's another one that wi mate and and merge with her c197 self counterpart or otherwise uh she'll [Music] be reincarnated as a new individual G why you do steal my flies [Music] Frank G why did you steal my flies Fu cunter I mean go every right to party and have fun for himself when I s about to go disrupt Princess Bubble gun's party but Le Simon came around that's a good thing he came back around when he got that Crown off his head for a while I appreciate you very much my fellow trans individual I pray kindness and many blessings upon you as well continue to live on and prosper anyway let see oh please of all the pickles in the comments right now here's another one despite the green screen doing its job you are blessed G why you steal my flies but it's okay I bless you anyway cuz you're a good [Music] guy and you're not a penguin oh we have our fun of delights despite it all just let my little Random Access humor work from time to time it's entertaining but can be quite annoying at times but when I embrace it it can be quite delightful delightful delicious but not Insidious or just whatever word play comes to mind there it's just a word play I meant nothing by it anyway so no it's question that'll be coming up momentarily but right now just those random things that pop up in my head let's see what else did I do in a cafe geni oh of course oh hey buddy we had some instant doodle Ramen that we could that we were able to offer for the Jail commissary apparently uh individuals like to just crunch on the dry noodles which that is an option but I like actually like having warm water and making actual soup with it and using the spices happy birthday happy birthday guy it is the no that was a good low random and speaking the advance for the uh PID one that just popped up in the chat we are not cursing anybody period That's to go ahead and answer that question answer that query the only ones that would end up being cursed are those that are close-minded and end up cursing themselves conspiracy theor is not all that great cuz a lot of times they're only half right half and then the then the rest of the time they're just making mainly invading privacy and whatnot they're worse than the ninja Paparazzi on on Sky Pilgrim takes off I loved episode three by the way I really loved just the coming around full circle making a m between Ramona and Roy that works really well anyway just really good times and also I love the uh Jam between Kim and knives just that was really good I like that knives end up becoming a member of sets bomb 1 2 three four hey and then there were two and then there were one and at the end of the day we had our fun yay that was a good couple of games anyway cling that up and for our final Feature Presentation in this lovely game should play some Sonic Superstars I actually have completed the main game but I could just but mainly I'll just uh speed through some levels I mean tripo trip story just it's decent this becomes a lovely powerful Dragon [Music] your girlfriend is blessed count your blessings the woman a woman is the opposite of a man but really a woman is more Superior because the woman is not mutated with the overgrown private kind of yes a hot dog can be considered a sandwich little old Tails opening animation Hy and a p hammer come rougher than the rest tougher the lever cloning process or multiversal counterparts manifested in this timeline Universe it's Knack the [Music] weasel I did not have any roommates though I did have uh mag Chan and the others come in from time to time to psychic Squad help to protecting me and keeping me safe there as well I'd say the uh best part of it was having the time away from technology being applied and making further progress and everything involving the S ru's NE I have not been able to catch up with Family Guy and I'm not necessarily particularly interested at the moment especially considering how worse Griffin is you know what just because Lego Sonic sh I didn't want to bring up Lego namay as well just because oh well now I loading loading loading now I got back up a bit anyway let's let's do Legos button oh have a little Lego fun cuz why not the wers needs a fruit to allow us access to the dorm behind it that's fun loading loading all the yellows oh you're welcome thank you very much happy birthday happy birthday guy you know what why not for the viewers at home we do one special stage w Sometimes the best way to get to something is to run away from it and go in the opposite direction and be it in the middle I told pass H off for the pass we headed them off at the B and we got some medals yay yes I like pineapples on pizza but my favorite pizza toing would have to be spitch of mushrooms oh lovely fruit and then aquamarine Sonic got that take this we got a few more ring ofing things am for Every Act cuz why not you are blessed so is your server and everything good there follow the light power path of everything that good and righteous I run as fast as you can oops I hurry up before that fish does a thing that fish did thing and I made time yes we made it we more 50 things just there yay de in the saw you and you walking in the rain the rain in Spain falls mainly in the plane you I say the bonus s since I got the flute that's a good combo combination orange juice and Coca-Cola drinking [Music] cocaa about the what about the daughter looking for the Yankee doll and all the other good stuff bed upon the from childhood that was old but still good okay looks like I might make that but that's all right we do it thing oops oh dear I send your friend Positive Vibes and blessings noooo is blushed and all the other no news like a blue blue in the snoo yes I said that that was a big to-do or was it not a big deal yep o a lovely s medals [Music] yay based on true events now because it related to something that happened in this timeline happy birthday may you be blessed any we'll do another act as we want to say n l um made some acquaintances with the with the staff there the more positive of the staff but not with too many other of the other inmates cuz I was segregated I was in the medical block and it was still good cuz I was able to think and be prosperous in that although for a few months because of a certain portal manifestation that the staff could not appreciate I end up spend a few months in booking and Ash was there when uh literally a baby was born in jail on January 1st so boy there you go that's aive born in jail that's one baby that's going to be feeling that later what was that that was a loud time at 5: in the morning I knew what time it was cuz I checked my amfm radio uh no click f is actually neutral and moreover we agree with Israel despite the lgbtq part of which the political parties of Israel shall come around and actually accept the LGBT qia much better and not blame them for anything well if you wish to invest some serious redit gold you may and if it is towards me it shall be put towards of sound good idea it shall be used well your friend is blessed oh look it's Lego num gay I thank you Sam I Am as opposed to guy am I you got feel sorry for guy am I but put up a Sam I Am and now we go super uh huh it's Lego Sonic but super form just goes back to regular regular what they could come up with Super Lego Des rese you are blessed oh and that would be the uh Lego back Lego Tech that Lego set was based off fun ni went back went back to Lego for being regular super I'm going to answer that question in the head since I just caught it in the uh chat section so all Lego OC's are within are existed within their respective Lego dimensions in the Lego Universe which is a separate Dimension away off of this one right here so they're not on the c197 half bionical included cuz bionico is definitely a whole other thing I feel like I know what all consider I feel like the scheme of bionico was actually similar to peace Wars oh I sense your friends and their marriage that relationship is possibly good but there is a chance of being on the bounce there on but I shall bless him none nonetheless with their with their relationship and Frid that actually ends up for the better but still it shall be as it will be your bical OC's are not in quickfill all right they are within the Lego Universe which is separate from here that's a whole different dimension of a different brick and yeah I know I know I'm playing Lego Sonic so I knew I was going to get a Lego question or two but that's all right oh yes I am still writing and drawing the comics and we are spending further on them and that should be part of the collab which evolves the artwork and further writings of the later books while I'm still working on the HD versions of the of some of the past books what you SM well for me did you buy a hat for you did you buy a hat for me what we doing buying hats that's a good question your friend is blessed Mr Darden is blessed and I'm trying to be like focusing on these vs and getting up in this detail and yeah go ahead make the joke up yours nope we're not upping anybody we're just trying to get up the Bine path s smile I what you smile the well for me for you are blessed smile I don't have to I'm not pretending I mean I'm not pretending to be an astronaut and I don't have to cuz I have traversed the Multiverse yeah at least I'm not lying around pretend to be an astronaut there you go we have said it and you are welcome to the meanful moment that came from that CU it's present TS as opposed to hey 26 called they want their my brain is trying to remember give me a moment yes you are Sarah you are blessed thank you very much oh that now I just remembered yeah hey 2007 call they want their kick the autistic game back there I said it I said govern I show some poke and the and the good show hey poke I said it there goes NE the weel flying off again at Sonic yes that was easy ah I don't really particularly have a favorite uh vuber but if I had to say let take a moment on that I trying to remember their names right now but oh actually now I can think of I can think of little fur actually yeah I like Tails and Sonic Pals Bumble Bunny and of course uh projectt you know I as go for that ring and of course uh Danger Dolan H but yeah obviously Fe tubers um yeah bran blanking out on her name at this moment I have been actually grooving with their video with her videos recently um I guess I can mention her Franco she's okay too OU Cho the dog girl that's the those the only Clues you'll get without my directly addressing her but yeah she's cool somebody will say it eventually and then they'll be like oh yeah and I'll be like oh yeah that's her name I have not watched that I have not been consciously made aware of that and for the record I still have not watched digital circus we are keeping contact information private but you may contact via email to my Gmail as previously described and talked about oh dear oh there is a bottom at these special stages [Music] though that's okay we'll move forward everybody sing everybody done is thinking we are thinking we are doing the thinging singing and round two of knack the weasel and I have played Sonic triple trouble back when it was in the game here good luck to you both you shall do very well in your college education especially you follow the light power path in intuition and righteousness and of course steady an alternative second language May beneficial for you both to appreciate as well to expand your mental abilities with pick a good language dual lingo can help you with that but if you want the lesson plans on conjugation you might want to look elsewhere on the internet maybe somebody did a speedrun in that language I mean not necessarily going to be a professora de espol but still decent I should do wish dingo would would uh take their app back to where they actually did have all the conjugation details within it like I noticed from that one guy that actually got to see got to read all that makes it a bit easier especially for those that don't understand conjugation as well oh oh well we have an infinite number of lives we have infinite chances which is spawn spawn back at the previous point Bo I'm definitely not going to spit for anybody but just I could appreciate just the concept of where where Scott was when he took off I feel like that was quite the experimental success that happened in that show quite the alternative take very good I still love episode three with Roxy and Ramona that was really good and that's actually a decent thing let Ramona change her hair C don't I feel sorry for the cat for the cat cuz the cat put up the smell of the bleach every time and I know for personal experience that bleach it smells it's sank never a smell to it but can't be helped but still I empathize with a [Music] cat yum yum yum yum yum y yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum yum Yow and there's your meow Ms go ahead mean that up meow meow here you go meow meow meow meow meow meow meow meow we're just having a little fun ah it's the timing of when Sonu Prime came about and it's and manifested all the eggs and everything past present and future and multi-dimensionally so it's not the matter of being the one in the assistance I'm or Chron chronologically wise but it's just like you know he was just the first one in all of existence as well as Rosie RI Prime being the very first one in all of existence in this timeline and throughout all the timelines and universes and dimensions otherwise in all the alternate universes alternate dimensions and Alternate timelines they're just called Sonu the first they're just called Sonu the first and the Rosy roseu the first or otherwise SAA SAU the first or Rosen rosu the first and it is he doesn't necessarily Rose R when you say rosson but still you know uh gender bend self counterparts he's really good it good oh boy you you guys are getting Crash Bandicoot Vibes with the dark levels and The Limited lighting those were fun levels and how about the extra hard level that came about thanks to the DLC in the insane Trilogy ow that was fun come on let's see we get a few more Ms in this special stage special yeah that's what S&A is special special also just because superal fragilistic espad docious super gistic ESP even though the sound of it is something quite atrocious if you say it enough you always [Applause] sound come on speak all oh man I couldn't get the ring no ring and I'll come up to that question when it comes to momentary that I just caught in the live chat it'll come up momentarily because it was paid and it would be a good question to answer but surpris to say I am all for progress and moving forward and most everybody should be too present T future T despite the appre and despite the goods the bads and the indifference and whatnot of past details anyway get good oh there we go yes so it's in the past I appreciate that happened I don't necessarily miss it but what's in the past is in the past and we'll just leave it at that cuz we are in the present and we are very progressional with these for Progress oh what fun is there making sense yes your dog will survive cuz your dog is good good dog oh you sure you are blessed follow the light power path in common sense and affirm that you are good affirm that you are well affirm that you are healthy and it shall be manifested so now mainly it's just the feature of these three games this time I'll be ending the stream a little bit after this level cuz I don't want to go too much but this has been good it is good actually I feel like this is not too bad I mean Q&A at the same time of playing video games and having one focus on the other yeah this works out spend Dash on the vine that's a moment that was mine hoay ho stretchy Vine Here Comes robot it's like do I want to lose a ring I don't want to lose a ring or I want to keep as many rings as possible so it's time to go super and I know that just I know the lay out of this thing can't do they hit it but this save's getting hit and I can likely very well likely have 100 frings by the end of this and there itch oh that worked yay oh I don't know I just might uh chill for a while collect my thoughts appreciate count my blessings and all the other good things oh Superman's going to survive the mer you don't need to worry about him as well as everybody on the Justice League everybody on the Avengers and so forth they all survive the ones are good those are right here hurting small animals is not good you can make aend to the animals stop hurting them and you can Pro and you can do promise do better by that you can even donate to your local P organization the protection protection of animals I know I sound a little bit like Tamela Anderson at the moment but why not I appreciate and support vegetarians and those that work to support and save the animals I three that's not bad likeo n and know his brick legs and his brick built jetpack yes all of them will survive the car Bears and the clouds she she rot on the other on the other on the other [Music] world and of course uh the P of course the ponies Equestria and the Equestria Girls on Earth everybody survives there res intense and so forth knock the weasel Phil for that trap trip is blushing I'll son you as gone super before Sonu OC's will actually be able to survive the merge for the latter especially those from this 128 half that merged with them though those that are regular s and Rose met Pro s and Rosies that are OC's they may not survive they end up merging with their 128 self counterparts here but the specialist are more immortal and we actually respawn so [Music] there anyway let me see I'm going to check the CU see if we have any more questions any more comments let's see all right well anyway I feel anyway so this was a pretty good experiment we'll consider doing this another time and maybe play another game in the future but that's to be confirmed but for right now this say is CHR te W Channel SII Prime I thank you all for joining me and I'll talk to y'all again another time oh and of course uh shortly a little while I'll post the PO box that y'all may send your physical fan art positive safer work fan art and kind intention gifts and Good Vibes and everything sagy Dy usagi dny usagi D it yes I just answered that question I guess I better double check this see any more details come around any more questions come NOP yeah that's it I think in the prevention of the one I know is coming up and you're not going to get refund so everybody don't stupidly do a thing but anyway I bless the Lumis he's a good that's a good individual all right y'all have a good safe blessed day thank you all very much |