CWC is Angry

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Revision as of 06:11, 3 September 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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After losing the PaRappa contest, though disappointed by his loss, Chris decided to be a good sport and made a video to congratulate Adam on his victory. It should be noted he said afterward that the fans should leave him alone and he was forgiven.

This video was believed to be lost forever by the trolling community for some time, but it turned up again in April 2009. Note the Aqua Teen Hunger Force episode playing in the background. Interestingly, the Blake medallion can be seen around his neck at the very end of the video, though rather blurred.



[Most of the video is Chris shooting a photo of Adam Stackhouse with some sort of Transformers gun.]

And that... is how angry I am at [reading offscreen] Adam Stackhouse, A. Prelewsky, Brudell, and Surya Buchwald! They shou-ah been disqualified 'cause they had music and more than one person in their freakazoid videos!