I like Mary Poppins
I like Mary Poppins is a video Chris uploaded on 2 October 2010, presumably because he thought Jackie would find it cute. In it, Chris dons his PaRappa the Rapper hat and dances around the room, apparently in the fashion of the chimney sweeps singing "Step In Time" in Mary Poppins. As usual, Chris mangles the tune so that it barely resembles anything from the film.
I like Mary Poppins | |
Direct link | YouTube, archive |
Stardate | 2 October 2010 |
Subject Matter | ![]() |
Performance Style | ![]() |
Saga | ![]() |
Shirt | ![]() |
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“ | I'm just a chimney sweep on shore leave. | ” |
Chris, who thinks chimney sweeps work at sea |
[0.00 - 0.07. Chris strikes a rather camp attitude, and brandishes the Guitar of Fail, possibly to represent a chimney sweep's brush. He delivers his few spoken lines in this video in what may, just possibly, be an attempt at a Cockney accent.]
Yo, guv'nor, don't mind me much; I'm just a chimney sweep on shore leave. [he tosses the guitar aside]
[aimlessly waving his arms and head] Dun dun duuuh duh!
[0:08 - 0:16. he begins vigorously dancing, looking somewhat like an ill-assembled puppet attempting a hornpipe]
Step in time, step in time,
Step in time, step in time,
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme,
Step in time, step in time...
[trails off]
[0:17 - 0:23. He raises his finger aloft, then resumes flailing, this time in profile while mugging at the camera. He is becoming somewhat more exhausted by now.]
Kick your knees up!
Kick your knees up, step in time
Kick your knees up, step in time
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme
Kick your knees up, step in time.
[0:24 - 0.30. There is a pause for a second as he positions himself for the next verse. Then he begins circling something just below shot, probably the vacuum cleaner from Lars is Jivin'.]
Round the chimney!
Round the chimney, step in time,
Round the chimney, step in time,
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme
Round the chimney, step in time.
[0.31 - 0.40. Another pause, in which Chris audibly pants. He then climbs over the object he was just circling while 'singing' the next verse. Needless to say, his actions bear no relation to the pace of the music. At the end of the verse, he hops around the hitherto-unseen nozzle of his vacuum cleaner for a second before discarding it, and does a double take when it thuds to the ground.]
Over the railing!
Over the railing, step in time
Over the railing, step in time
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme
Don't need to be a good jumper, step in time.
[0.41 - 0.49. On the first three lines of this new, made-up verse, he salutes and takes a step backwards. After this point, the complexity of this choreography becomes too much for him and he returns to a jaunty bounce to and fro while swinging his arms back and forth. At the end, he pauses for thought.]
Enjoying Mary Poppins!
Enjoying Mary Poppins, step in time
Enjoying Mary Poppins, step er-n time
Never need a reason,
Never need a rhyme,
Favorite movie of all time!
[0:50 - 1.04. Regaining his composure with a couple more 'Step in times', Chris commands us all to link our elbows, imperiously spreading his arms. He then adopts an ape-like pose with his arms akimbo and gyrates roughly in time to his song. At the end, both song and rotation increase in pace until one final, glorious 'Link your elbows!'. The frenetic sequence at an end, Chris switches off the camera. He is visibly and audibly fatigued by the excitement and less than a minute of moderate exercise.]
Step in time, step in time.
Liiink your elbows!
Link your elbows, step in time,
link your elbows, step in time,
link your elbows, link your elbows, link your elbows
Link your elbooooows!
G'day guv'n- [cuts himself off mid-word.]
⇐ 100 2261.MOV | Chris's videos | 100 2265 ⇒ |