I am devoted to My Sweetest Ivy

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I am devoted to My Sweetest Ivy is a video made by Chris on 17 April 2009, wherein he apologizes to Ivy for various reasons via one of his blow-up dolls.


I am devoted to My Sweetest Ivy
Direct link YouTube, archive
Stardate 17 April 2009
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy
Saga IvyIvy Ivy
Shirt Vert RedVert Red Vertical Red
April 16 Fetish Vids
Matthew 5:27, CWC Confessions

I promise you my heart, my soul, even my virginity...


Ivy, I’m sorry I’ve made some mis-, I’m sorry I’ve made the mistakes of showing your picture off to some, to a few, trusted individuals in real life, and I’m sorry about'ta other mistakes I’ve made like, I've should have been drawing the comic, but I got caught up with other things from real life.

Ivy, I promise you, I promise you my undying love and devotion, I promise you my heart, my soul, even my virginity, and all my romantic ways and all my emotions, my undying emotions. They belong only to you.

I swear in the name of my lord and savior Jesus Christ (maybe?) [Chris blatantly gropes Kimmivy's left breast], I will never, ever, leave you. You have my undying devotion. I'm all yours, and I hope that you fee-, mmh, I know that you feel samely about me. So, let’s just try to keep it that way and Ivy, I love you so much. [Creepy french kissing with Kimmi]

Never leave me, Ivy. And I will never leave you. I love you too much.

April 16 Fetish Vids Chris's videos Matthew 5:27, CWC Confessions