(Uncensoring Fiona's name; will keep references to "Suitress" where appropriate as a unifying pseudonym)
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This page is a collection of long chat transcriptions from within the Watchmen Discord server '''the Knights of CWC'''. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for [[User:Anaxis/The Lainchu Manifesto|The Lainchu Manifesto]], and store the raw text of chats that are too long to upload the content of in screenshot form to this wiki.
This page is a collection of long chat transcriptions from within the Watchmen Discord server '''the Knights of CWC'''. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for [[User:Anaxis/The Lainchu Manifesto|The Lainchu Manifesto]], and store the raw text of chats that are too long to upload the content of in screenshot form to this wiki.
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{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 07:20 PM|According to the Weston family tree, Harriet and Madeline should be switched. Also, a lot of these people are referred to by their middle names by Chris rather than their legal first names. A quirk of Barb's, perhaps?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 07:20 PM|According to the Weston family tree, Harriet and Madeline should be switched. Also, a lot of these people are referred to by their middle names by Chris rather than their legal first names. A quirk of Barb's, perhaps?}}
===First Incest Call Leaks===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> I share with the Knights the [[Incest Call#Original leak|first leaked audio]] in which Chris admits to having had sex with his mother, expressing a hesitant hope that it's fake. The WCT immediately asserts that it definitely is fake, and would share it with Chris for his amusement. Another Knight expresses doubts and suggests that Chris make a statement addressing the audio, despite skepticism over whether Chris really would have sex with Barb. WCT and the Fool both acknowledge that the audio had been heavily edited, and I address that this is true, but the audio was still of Chris's real voice.
I post the [[Incest Call#Second leak|nine-minute version]] of the audio, which included Chris talking with an unknown individual about sex acts with Barb. Silvia suggests that the previously-mentioned "lady friend" was actually referring to Barb, which we both hope is not the case. I note that someone named "Fiona" is mentioned in the call (the real name of the Suitress, as we would later find out), and could be the identity of the "lady friend." I begin sharing transcripts of the call that were being created by users on the CWCki Server.
I post a screenshot of Null talking about his theories about what is going on, one being that the audio is old and from the Joshua Wise days. Silvia inquires about this, and I clarify that Null is talking about the past coercion of the Idea Guys, and the audio might be a result of that. I post another screenshot of Null explaining a theory that Chris is trying to cover something up with a really bad lie, and ask about its likelihood. The mention of a convention by Chris in the audio makes us wonder if there was a convention that occurred during the Idea Guys saga that he was referring to, as opposed to the then-upcoming Everfree Northwest convention.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:31 AM|This is definitely fake...right?
''[Defunct YouTube link to "Chris Chan Admits to having sex with his Mother" by EllDudeRocks]''
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:16 AM|A good chunk of it to cause confusion.
I’ll ask Chris tomorrow about the call.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:16 AM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/356560502077390850/870578960667385856/voice-changer-2021-07-30-01-09_1.mp3 Download link for the nine-minute version of the incest call.]]''
The full clip has been released
Haven't gotten a chance to listen to it all the way through, but it doesn't sound good
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:20 AM|magichan<ref name = "magichan">[https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/860995623318061106.png Emote of Magi-Chan's face, with a stern/disgusted expression.]</ref>}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:21 AM|That's what people are saying
Could be the name of the lady friend}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:22 AM|I’ll give it a listen myself.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:22 AM|The girl he was talking to apparently said that he was dating "Fiona" and asked if Barb was okay with it
I'm lifting transcriptions from users on cwcki server, it's going nuts over there
{{quotebox|background = #000000|color = white|one minute into the call:
Chris: Um, yeah, so she’s got really- [‘’unintelligible’’] g-bot- g-spot, cuz apparently I don’t believe her- I don’t believe he- Mr. C, any of her past boyfriends, ex-husbands- they haven’t really reached in her g-spot with their dicks.
Woman: [‘’terrible audio quality’’] Right. Right.
Chris: They haven’t- they haven’t ha- they were focused on pleasuring [‘’woman coughs’’] themselves really, as opposed to focusing on her, which that’s my focus.
Woman: Right [‘’unintelligible’’] yeah, true- um, before- like, the convention, be sure to have- uh, a lot of fun wi- make sure to have a- push [‘’censored’’] fun with her, right? Because, um-
Chris: Obviously.
Woman: Yeah, because now you’re doing this for your mom- yeah, ju- make sure- I’ll be there- I’ll be there watching you guys making sure that nobody is tryna’- [‘’cough’’]- sorry, my throat- nobody’s tryna’ hurt you or do anything, I’ll take photos of you two- a dance would be awesome. We could take turns, I’d like to dance with her too-
Chris: Yeah.
Woman: And then you guys could take the slow dance.}}
Who is the mystery caller?}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:24 AM|Obviously a troll
Maybe someone we knew
I was thinking Meghan or the [[Helena Fiorenza|pickchu girl]]. But then again that’s all the girls I know.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:26 AM|''[[https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/729264279395631154/870597815531896862/Screenshot_20210730-032448_Samsung_Internet.jpg Screenshot of a post by Null on Kiwi Farms, positing his theories about what's going on.]]''}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:35 AM|They influenced him to say a bunch of weird shit and permanently affect his comic
They're basically the reason he is the way he is today
With all the goddess delusions}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:36 AM|Ahhhh makes sense. I vaguely remember the talk about how they made him believe he’s trans and a cpu correct. From the neptunia games}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:36 AM|Nah, trans was before the idea guys. Neptunia was their doing, tho
''[[https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/729264279395631154/870600210580135946/Screenshot_20210730-033406_Samsung_Internet.jpg Screenshot of a post by Null on Kiwi Farms, explaining his theory that Chris is trying to cover something up with a really bad lie.]]''
You suppose this is the opposite of the shecameforcwc situation?
He's lying about Barb to cover up the existence of his lady friend?}}
Chris: My mom and all the other uh- [‘’unintelligible’’]
Woman: Yeah.
Chris: [‘’unintelligible’’] before the convention as well.
Woman: Right. Well, how are you feeling, Christine? How are you feeling? Because I know there’s been a lot of societal pressure on you about, like, um- this thing with Barbra. A lot of societal pressure, a lot of people- you know- consciously- who would ju- like, who would judge, and you know there’s a lot of eyes on you. That must be very stressful.
Chris: Yeah, it is.
Woman: Yeah, I can imagine.
Chris: [‘’unintelligible’’]
Woman: I’m so sorry about all that stuff. Yeah.
Chris: Well, still, bu- [‘’unintelligible over the woman’s coughs’’] we’ll still have Magi-Chan and [‘’unintelligible. Cryztel?’’] to dance with.
Woman: You’ll always have them [‘’unintelligible’’]
Chris: [‘’unintelligible’’]- incest fan-fics coming true and shit.
Woman: I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I didn’t even know there was incest fan-fics. Were they about you and Barbra, I can’t believe that. I didn’t even think that- I- I knew that you guys had a good relationship, but I always thought that- cuz I’m not huge on Christory, and you know, whatever- I just thought that the whole Sonichu franchise was very interesting, and that’s how I- um, got into you.}}}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:38 AM|This is so weird. How they mention convention. This upcoming convention?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:39 AM|Idk, maybe there was one that lined up with the idea guys saga?
I'd look it up, but obviously can't because the cwcki is down}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:40 AM|Wait when was the idea guys doing their thing. Bc I go to pony cons and can see which ones were in the year}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:40 AM|Ok so not bronycon 2019}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 05:40 AM|Magfest was during the IG saga.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:41 AM|I know chris went to one soon after the idea guys because there's a picture of him at one in the gopnik outfit}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:41 AM|''[Replying to "Magfest was during the IG saga."]''
What do you think about the theory that he's covering his ass about the lady friend in the worst possible way?
Although, wasn't she mentioned? Unless Fiona is someone else?
This whole thing gives me a headache lol}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:42 AM|Is barbs middle name Fiona?}}
That would imply that we don't trust him at his word}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:47 AM|Yea that’s why I said never mind}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:47 AM|Also, he wouldn't even tell us the name of his lady friend}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:47 AM|Exactly that raises red flags in my brain.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 05:49 AM|It's all really strange. I don't think Chris would be that dumb to cover it up with screwing his mom.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:50 AM|No but it’s also a immoral thing to do. So maybe shame
Kids make up stories to hide sweets from their parents}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:51 AM|''[Replying to "It's all really strange. I don't think Chris would be that dumb to cover it up with screwing his mom."]''
Wouldn't be the first time he covers up something dumb with something even dumber (edited)
Woman: But I had- I had- I didn’t have any idea that Barbra was- um- that Barbra and you had a sexual relationship, I never got any of those vibes. But- um, how did you approach her?
Chris: I approached her with care and caution.
Woman: [‘’weird sound, it can be presumed she starts masturbating at this moment’’]
Chris: And it was a- it was a timed approach, so I just gave her comfort and talked with her and just branched out slow and steady and then I- then I encourage- encouraged her positively and let her make the first move cuz she wanted to do it-
Woman: Oh she did? Really, she made the first move?
Chris: Yeah.
Woman: [‘’in a tone denoting that she derives some sort of sick sexual pleasure from that information’’] Oh. Oh ‘’really?’’ Wowww, Barbra! [‘’laughs’’] How- how did she do it if you don’t mind me asking- what was the first move?
Chris: Ugh, uuuh, I don’t remember exactly. Um. Well that was her move but my approach was… I forgot}}}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:53 AM|This is like a fever dream}}
Chris: I forgot exactly what ter- what terminology of the approach I used, right. I approached with care and caution.
Woman: That’s good.
Chris: Then I was mostly- then I was directly upfront with her for the most part.
Woman: That’s good. And how did she respond when you- um, when you approached her. What’d she say?
Chris: I don’t- I don’t remember exactly what she said, but it was kinda- it was- I think she was partially confused at one point, but- but then she came around obviously- with more approaching- with more approaching her that I was doing along the way.
Woman: Right. So she- so she got into it. How was- how was the first kiss- [‘’presumably masturbates furiously at the thought’’] when you kissed her, how did that feel- having known this woman for your whole life- how did that feel?
Chris: Oh yeah, I mean it was simple- uhh, lip- lip-lock, lip-to-lip kiss contact. But yeah, actually it felt right.}}
===Discussing Snoo's Involvement, Chris is Served an EPO===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> A member of the server notes that somebody named "Snoo" was involved in the situation, and might be the same person as Fiona. Recognizing that name, I explain to WCT (who is in shock over the news of the call spreading like wildfire across the Internet) who Snoo is and her past history obsessing over Chris and getting into conflicts with the Watchmen. WCT questions if she was actually the leaker, and I express uncertainty. WCT then states that Fiona was already in the Knights server, which I express confusion over, mistakenly believing that Bella and the "an0nym0us" account were two different individuals who had joined the server. WCT goes to check again, and states that he was wrong (in reality, he wasn't).
At this point, we learn that Chris had been kicked out of his house and served an emergency protective order keeping him away from Barb, and that Bella was the one who Chris had confided his secret to.
In an "emergency call" hosted by WCT, we discuss what we knew about the situation. I focus on Snoo and her involvement, noting that she may be the key to all of this. We all have differing opinions over how Chris will be treated by the law and how likely it is that he actually did commit the crime. We listen to the leaked audio again together and comment on it, and I share a video I was given of Snoo cosplaying as Classic Chris and reenacting one of his old trolling videos.
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 11:55 AM|Apparently someone named Snoo is involved, who's known for wanting to have sex with Chris or something. Chris also mentioned a Fiona in the call and that's supposedly Snoo's name.
Someone posted this cap in the CWCki Server, about Snoo editing the call.
''[Broken image attachment]''}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 01:07 PM|''[Replying to "Broken image attachment"]''
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 01:42 PM|PIKCHU NUMBER 2
Fucking Helena copycat lol}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:11 PM|Oh no
Not Snoo}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:11 PM|did chris fuck his mom
sorry jusf woke up
towelsweat<ref name = "towelsweat">[https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/864796314076577793.png Emote of sweating emoji with a towel on its head.]</ref>}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:12 PM|That's what the entire internet is currently saying
The cwcki server is going nuts rn
Has Chris said anything?}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:14 PM|Only put out a tweet asking people to withdraw from gossip/rumors.
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:14 PM|i thought there was a recording}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:15 PM|He means that this is the only public statement that Chris has made since the recording came out
And it's just another tarot reading}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:16 PM|i'm gonna be honest right now:}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:16 PM|''[Defunct YouTube link to "Chris Chan Admits to having sex with his Mother" by EllDudeRocks]''}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:17 PM|Apparently there's a social worker at Chris's house. Someone photographed a car there.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 02:17 PM|chris is pretty dismissive of gossip around him in general, so I don't think he's in a rush to deny it}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:17 PM|''[Replying to "i'm gonna be honest right now:"]''
I wouldn't be surprised if more VCs have yet to be leaked.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:18 PM|ok so he did
he says it himself}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:19 PM|HOLY SHIT
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/870732269722157066/download.png Cropped screenshot of the title of a YouTube video, reading "Chris Chan Admits to having sex with his Mother."]]''
and its trending on Twitter too. lol}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:21 PM|could be faked the audio is edited}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:22 PM|there is a full version.
holy shit, people have been bombarding my Discord DMs about Chris.
me hearing the news after I just got out of bed. -
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/870733424736997426/image0.png Picture of a character from Thomas and Friends, partially in his pajamas with an annoyed/disgusted look on his face.]]''}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:23 PM|Apparently Snoo and Fiona are the same person
This is bad}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:24 PM|''[Replying to "This is bad"]''
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:24 PM|Apparently she was the one who leaked all of this}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:25 PM|do we know anything about her?
and what the motives are?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:26 PM|She's this crazy girl who is obsessed with Chris
''[1 sonichudizzy<ref name = "SonichuDizzy" /> reaction]''
Like, wants to fuck him obsessed
Idk if you remember, but the first time that Val got banned from the cwcki server was because he doxed her YT channel of her, I think imitating the YandereDev "drink from the cum chalice" thing?
And that was because she texted Chris and made that fact known on one of his livestreams
After she was banned from the cwcki server, she seemed to get more and more obsessed after the fact, to the point where she would make tik toks dressing up as classic chris and dancing}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:29 PM|''[Replying to "After she was banned from the cwcki server, she seemed to get more and more obsessed after the fact, to the point where she would make tik toks dressing up as classic chris and dancing"]''
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/870733424736997426/image0.png Picture of a character from Thomas and Friends, partially in his pajamas with an annoyed/disgusted look on his face.]]''
And she leaks shit because Chris won't fuck her?}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 02:30 PM|is she hot}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:31 PM|https://kiwifarms.net/threads/chris-chan-incest-leak-chris-has-been-removed-from-14-branchland-court.96559/}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:31 PM|''[Replying to "And she leaks shit because Chris won't fuck her?"]''
I'm not certain. If she is Fiona, and they're supposedly planning to share a hotel room together?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:32 PM|''[Replying to "is she hot"]''
Not in my opinion}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:32 PM|''[Replying to "https://kiwifarms.net/threads/chris-chan-incest-leak-chris-has-been-removed-from-14-branchland-court.96559/"]''
Oh no}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 02:32 PM|okay then i don't care}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:33 PM|''[Replying to "I'm not certain. If she is Fiona, and they're supposedly planning to share a hotel room together?"]''
uh oh.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:33 PM|Well, if Chris gets arrested, that may not even come to pass}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:33 PM|Isn't Fiona in this server right now?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:34 PM|let me check my DMs.
I might be wrong.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:35 PM|That would be an insane coincidence if they were the same person, so I'm thinking they aren't}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:35 PM|ew he ate out his mom?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:36 PM|We're not certain of anything at this point except that Chris has been arrested}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:36 PM|''[Replying to "I might be wrong."]''
yeah I'm wrong.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 02:36 PM|not arrested, just kicked out of his house}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:36 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/870736733778628628/df043001-5334-4c43-b973-196511ae7017.png Cropped screenshot of a post by Null on Kiwi Farms, mentioning Bella and Chris's Emergency Protective Order that bars him from his house.]]''}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:39 PM|Where is he being kept then?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:41 PM|no idea.
Looks like Bella has some explaining to do.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:46 PM|Well guys.
safe to say we didn't see that one coming. }}
''NOTE: A call took place between myself and the other Knights and was not recorded, so the only evidence I have of it taking place are these chat transcripts of myself and others who didn't have their mics turned on, reacting to external audio and video. Keep this in mind when trying to evaluate context.''
{{collapsible|private-voice-chat (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:57 PM|Emergency call. @everyone}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 02:58 PM|do you have anything important to say or should I continue eating my sandwich and watching minecraft videos}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:58 PM|I woke up and the cwcki server was going batshit}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:09 PM|chris RAPES his mom}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:09 PM|We need to ask questions about Snoo once he gets back
''[1 sonichuthink<ref name = "sonichuthink" /> reaction]''
She might be the key to all of this
Doesn't shock me
He's apathetic, I guess}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:11 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858363511691018260/870745411881689088/85e56ec7-094a-4dc4-93a4-0ff54f6d7b64.png Screenshot of a post on Kiwi Farms by user DawnDusk, expressing a belief that Chris's story is too complex and detailed to be made up.]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 03:13 PM|come on if chris got a real fuckbuddy he would not be able to not talk about it, unless it was his mom}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:16 PM|''[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OeiymfweViM YouTube link to "leaked chris chan: admits rapng his mother [FULL AUDIO<nowiki>]</nowiki>" by Dr. Retard]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 03:17 PM|I'm sure the case will entirely ride on barb's inspection and testimony to the hospital and if they find nothing I'm sure they'll drop it}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:21 PM|shes encouraging it
who is this whore
"incest fanfics have come true"
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858363511691018260/870748486172311573/1627666556397m-jpg.png Picture of the "Who need they pussy ate" meme, modified so the man is Chris and the woman is Barb, with the man's dialogue altered to read "Who needs their Barbussy ate?"]]''}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:23 PM|Found the infamous video of Snoo
''[Defunct video attachment]''
''[2 sonichudizzy<ref name = "SonichuDizzy" /> reactions]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 03:24 PM|oh yeah that isn't attractive
would not have sex with}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:24 PM|is that a guy}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:24 PM|No, it's a girl}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 03:24 PM|autistic women look like men}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:25 PM|has a man jaw}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:25 PM|She's just got really short hair}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:25 PM|no "she" looks like an asian male
"it took a few tries"
oh my fucking god}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:25 PM|''[Replying to "Defunct video attachment"]''
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/858363511691018260/870748954831228998/18.jpg Picture of a crested duck.]]''}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:29 PM|they go to mcdonalds
shes egging him on
shes acting as if its a good THING}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:30 PM|The speaker is probably the one who leaked it if this is a one-on-one call}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:33 PM|what happened there
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:34 PM|At least he didn't record himself doing the deed}}
===The WCT's Lost Chat With Chris===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> The WCT shares that Chris had DMed him, something which surprises me as I had believed Chris's phone had been taken away. WCT asks him about his plans and what had happened, and then asks who he had been talking to in the audio. Chris confirms that he had been talking to Bella, which we react to with astonishment and confusion. Silvia and I are still under the mistaken belief that she was acting on behalf of Praetor and that she was the leaker, so I question her motivations. When WCT asks if Chris did the deed to Barb, he confirms it and justifies his reasons, to our collective shock. Silvia states that Bella should leave the server, but I insist that she stay so that we could inquire further about what happened.
I request that WCT ask about Fiona, and Chris finally confirms that she is the same person as ScootalooSister/Fifi Vixenhart/Snoo by identifying her as the woman in the video clip. WCT then asks Chris if the previously-mentioned "lady friend" was actually referring to Barb, and Chris confirms that it was, to our disbelief. Upon Chris's request, WCT begins deleting messages from his side of their conversation, and Chris assumedly does the same with his own messages.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:09 PM|Chris DM'd me.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:11 PM|he doesn't have a desktop.
he still has his phone from what I know.
I asked Chris to give me his side of the story.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 05:13 PM|did josh tell him he can potentially get put on ice for a year for this (not that I expect that to happen, the court never does anything to chris lol) (edited)}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:15 PM|[[File:ChrisWCTLostChat1.png]]
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:19 PM|Any word on whether he claims the allegations are true or not?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:19 PM|I'm asking him that right now.
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 05:25 PM|''[Replying to "The other in an0nym0us"]''
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:25 PM|Bella is the person, and Chris is confirming it's real}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 05:25 PM|he's not denying it}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:25 PM|This is bad}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 05:40 PM|right now it's up to investigators to look into this, and they're probably waiting on the hospital to check barb
right now all the police are doing is enforcing the court order to stay away from the house}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:40 PM|[[File:ChrisWCTLostChat6.png]]}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:42 PM|[[File:ChrisWCTLostChat7.png]]}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:42 PM|Send the videos of Snoo, ask if she's Bella's roommate
Or just if she looks familiar
Oh, I see, they're two different people
M42 and Bella's roommate}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 05:44 PM|so, since this is a misdemeanor, he's not going to get his SSI taken away, right? that only happens if you commit a felony yes?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 05:45 PM|Well, he could get convicted of a felony at this point
It's only a matter of time before Barb's medical examination reveals the obvious}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:45 PM|@Lainchu the crazy chick is Fiona.
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 05:47 PM|doesnt barb have to consent to a medical examination}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 05:47 PM|she's probably demented as shit by now lol
if she was fucking chris}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 05:47 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/870784743778709524/image0.jpg Modification of the "Who need they pussy ate" meme, this time using real photos of Chris and Barb with different text.]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 05:47 PM|I'm guessing she doesn't even know where she is right now
anyone know the penalty of elder abuse in virginia?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:49 PM|[[File:ChrisWCTLostChat8.png]]
this is the last message sent before we ended our convo.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 05:53 PM|So this is what happens after I wrecked the Watchmen. lol}}
===Chris's Final Messages in the Knights Server===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> Chris sends what would be his final messages in the Knights server, requesting donations to his PayPal account, which he wants to be kept confidential. The Knights write lightly positive messages in response. Chris later shares that he had been "revoked" from Everfree Northwest, to which WCT asks how it happened and I ask how he is currently doing. Chris answers neither of us and instead states that he will go "radio silent" for a while.
{{collapsible|#general (First Layer)|
{{quotebox|speaker = Chris|time = 06:13 PM|Hey, @everyone. Due to present circumstances that I am not a liberty to talk about as much. And I do need some help at the present. Gonna need some funds for a motel room, if possible. So, I’m looking to y’all for help. Direct donations to my PayPal, hopefully exceeding $100 to cover me at least for tonight.
And This does not leave this server at all. Strictly Confidential. Thank you all.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:14 PM|yes.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 06:14 PM|Please be safe.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 06:15 PM|Take care. We are all praying for you.}}
{{quotebox|speaker = Chris|time = 10:13 PM|Not gonna go to EFNW; I got revoked.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 10:15 PM|''[Replying to "Not gonna go to EFNW; I got revoked."]''
how did it happen?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 10:15 PM|How are you doing currently?}}
{{quotebox|speaker = Chris|time = 10:16 PM|Also, gonna go radio silent for a while. Know that I am well-guided, safe and well, and I have y’all to thank in part for that as well.
''[2 ℹ️ reactions]''}}
===The WCT Interrogates Bella===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> WCT interrogates Bella in DMs over her involvement in the leaked calls and shares their messages with the rest of us. Bella (in very poor grammar and spelling) immediately blames two other individuals for "hacking" Chris's Internet, which WCT and the Fool privately call bullshit on. WCT keeps asking her questions but Bella continues to give him the runaround, stating that Chris had raped his mother and condemning WCT for "supporting" him. Bella insists that WCT make a group chat so that she can explain everything, and he obliges, adding me, the Fool, Para, Silvia, and himself into it along with Bella.
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:25 PM|I can barely understand what she wrote but that sounds like bullshit}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:25 PM|I don't buy this.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:26 PM|I've never in my life heard someone working for an ISP "hacking your modem"
there's not even a reason to do that
intercept the packets at the provider's servers if you work there
ask her to clarify}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:32 PM|[[File:WCTBellaInterrogation2.png]]}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:32 PM|unless she just doesn't understand the technical details of whoever is telling her that stuff, she's lying
I hope that oswald guy replaced his blinker fluid before he hacked that modem}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 06:36 PM|Who is Avery Oswald?}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:36 PM|I'm going to guess made-up}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:37 PM|''[Replying to "Who is Avery Oswald?"]''
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/870797320076271616/lee-harvey-oswald-9430309-1-402.jpg Mugshot of Lee Harvey Oswald.]]''}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:39 PM|''[Replying to "Wrong guy"]''
i'm just joking. lol}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:39 PM|why don't you ask her to just be honest and that you don't really give a shit who did what anyway}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:41 PM|[[File:WCTBellaInterrogation3.png]]}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 06:41 PM|ask them for the video}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:42 PM|[[File:WCTBellaInterrogation4.png]]}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 06:46 PM|She’s being a little bitch dangling the answer in front of your face.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:46 PM|''[Replying to "She’s being a little bitch dangling the answer in front of your face."]''
oh I forgot you.
give me a sec.}}
''At this point, The WCT had created the group chat "Regarding Chris" and invited Bella and everyone participating in this conversation to it.''
===Reacting to Bella's Lies in Regarding Chris===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> Having listened to Bella in the "Regarding Chris" group chat, I express my doubts about how truthful Bella is being, noting that she claimed Snoo was not the same person as Fiona, which contradicted Chris's claim. The Fool states his inclination to believe her more now, though I point out that we're taking Bella's word on everything without further evidence.
''NOTE: Context for these reactions can be found [[User:Anaxis/Regarding Chris Chats#About the Suitress|here]] and [[User:Anaxis/Regarding Chris Chats#"BDSM Stuff"|here]].''
I'm confused. Chris confirmed that Snoo is Fiona but Bella thinks they aren't the same person?
How much do you think of what she's saying is true? A lot of it sounds a bit fanciful, even for Chris.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 07:14 PM|I'm inclined to believe it now, especially because he says it's "completely mutual", I'm sure as fuck it was not
he probably was threatening her and interpreted her compliance with mutuality}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 07:15 PM|Well, we're taking it at her word without any additional evidence}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 07:15 PM|she sounds pretty mad about it}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 07:28 PM|Really not sure what to make of all this}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 07:29 PM|chris fucked his mom and then told people about it
the end}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 07:29 PM|I guess that's the short version}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 07:30 PM|I'll have catharsis after knowing what state barb is in}}
===The WCT on Leaking===
30 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> After the group interrogation of Bella is finished for the night, WCT shares a tweet by [[GiBi]] where he states that Chris had confessed to having sex with Barb to an ex-Watchman and to [[Dillin Thomas]], and that the public should accept what happened. I ask if we should share what we know considering all that has happened, and WCT states that he intends on doing more leaks if Chris is arrested and charged for incest. I ask who the ex-Watchman GiBi referred to was, and WCT states that it was himself.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 08:11 PM|''<nowiki>[</nowiki>[https://twitter.com/GiBi_Devon/status/1421261183840145409 A tweet] by [[GiBi]] that reads:''
''An hour and a half ago Chris confessed his guilt to an ex member of the watchmen. ''
''He also confessed to [[Dillin Thomas]] when asked. ''
''I think it's time we accept what happened.]''}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 08:12 PM|I thought we didn’t like Dillin}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 08:14 PM|yeah but Dilin blew the whistle.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 08:19 PM|''[Replying to "if we get word that Chris has been arrested or charged for incest, I intend on leaking."]''
Makes sense I guess. Although he already admitted it to your face.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 08:19 PM|oh god yeah, I'd be shocked if any con let him in now, lol
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> The Fool questions the fate of the Knights should Chris turn out to be guilty, and then he and Para both express their utter disbelief over the events that had transpired.
Having resumed interrogating Bella, who at this point had claimed Chris was [[User:Anaxis/Regarding Chris Chats#"BDSM Stuff"|withholding food from Barb and did "BDSM stuff" with her]], Para asks WCT if he is going to release that information, which the Fool cautions against since there was no proof, only Bella's claims. He then comments on why she would stay on the call for 4 hours (as she claimed).
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 08:01 AM|Bella's not getting shit lol}}
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871027935606370314/image0.png Another meme of Chris and Barb that implies the sex was nonconsensual.]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 09:54 AM|it really is unreal}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 09:56 AM|are you going to release info on what bella told us? @Neko
she said chris tied up barb
and all that
bdsm stuff
do you believe that}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 09:57 AM|I think she was making assumptions/paraphrasing, she quoted specifically what chris said after that and she just said that he fucked barb and then later said he had to take her to a back doctor}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 09:58 AM|yeah but what about
withholding food unless she sucked his dick}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 10:01 AM|we can quote bella but I don't think we should treat that as fact until we like, get more info. I mean I totally believe it, we should just not work on baseless gossip if we're publishing this shit to the cwcki and stuff}}
because she didnt realize what she was getting herself into
dumb bitch}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 10:04 AM|I have no idea why she even stayed in that call for 4 hours lol
I legit would have bailed
I wouldn't even have talked to chris I just would have hung up
>hey bella what did you do today
>oh you know just listened to a man talk about raping his mom for four hours, the usual
I tell you man chess players are an extra level of fucked up}}
===Null Cuts Off Chris, The WCT & Chris Discuss Bella===
31 July 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> The Fool shares a Tweet with screenshots of a post by Null on Kiwi Farms, where he talks about Chris taking money out of Barb's account for his own benefit, which was an apparent violation of his EPO, causing Null to finally block Chris. The Fool wonders what will happen next, and I express incredulity over even Null cutting Chris off.
WCT shares more DMs he had with Chris, where they talk about Bella and how Chris was too trusting of her, and Chris lamenting his aunt and uncle turning him away from their home. WCT also reiterates his intention to leak more information if Chris is charged with incest.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 10:58 AM|''[[https://twitter.com/IrckM/status/1421483086190161930?s=19 A tweet that reads "So the Chris Chan thing, turns out he took his mother's money a few hours ago as well.😐" with attached screenshots of Null's post summarizing the situation on Kiwi Farms, and Null's last DMs with Chris before blocking and reporting him.]]''
well, now it's even worse
also lol I think josh blocked chris}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 11:18 AM|I wonder what kat's gonna do about all this
I'm not so sure I want to talk to chris anymore now either lol
I mean there's entertainment and then there's just, this sick shit
but god I can't believe josh blocked chris}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 01:21 PM|If even Josh cut chris off at this point...}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 01:40 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871084920850755694/image0.png Screenshot of a message from Chris to WCT, summarizing his night in the hotel and speaking about Bella.]]''
@everyone to anybody wondering: I plan on leaking the information in the event that Chris is charged for the crime that he committed. (edited)}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:28 PM|''[[https://twitter.com/GiBi_Devon/status/1421552549623181318 A tweet by GiBi reading "Re Null: the "50s" age woman Chris told null he was sleeping with was barb. He was loose with the truth so that null didn't get suspicious."]]''
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871113757579935774/image0.png Continuation of the conversation between WCT and Chris in DMs, with WCT agreeing with Null's assertion that Chris is too trusting of women and Chris lamenting the situation with his aunt and uncle.]]''
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871114063562805278/image0.png Continuation of the same conversation.]]''{{refn|group="footnote"|The full conversation between Chris and the WCT about the incest fallout can be read [[WCT DMs#Discussing the incest fallout|here]].}}}}
==August 2021==
===WCT Speaks to Lavenderbonez, Chats Between Bella and the Suitress===
31 July - 1 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> A member of the Knights server who is also in the CWCki Server manages to acquire the account information of Lavenderbonez, a user who had spoken to Snoo/the Suitress about the leaked incest call, and passes it on to WCT since he was still involved with Chris, stating that Lavenderbonez had claimed there was a 3 hour version of the call (similarly to Bella). WCT states that he would talk to her. Hours later, WCT posts leaked chats between Bella and the Suitress, of the two of them gossiping over the supposed things Barb and Chris did to each other (most of which is unverified). It's implied, though not confirmed, that WCT received these chats from Lavenderbonez.
I ask for opinions on who leaked the call, and WCT states that Lavenderbonez claimed it was Bella. I inquire about Lavenderbonez's relationship to Bella and the Suitress, and she apparently denies any relation to them, making me then question how she has the information she has. Para states that it's because all of the individuals involved are afraid of getting in trouble or getting attention, and don't want credit for their "wrongdoing," pointing out how selective Bella is when it comes to the information she releases. WCT states that he will ask Lavenderbonez about her connection to Bella and the Suitress, but never gets back to us with the answer.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
31 July 2021
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 09:49 PM|one of the [CWCki Server] users provided me with the @ to the lavenderbonez person
and said she wants to talk and claimed there's a 3 hour clip of the audio
so I took this to Neko since I know he was still around the cwc scene
and here we are}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 10:05 PM|''[Replying to "so I took this to Neko since I know he was still around the cwc scene"]''
I will talk to her after she's done with her shift. (edited)}}
1 August 2021
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:16 AM|Bella - Red
Snoo - Blue
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:16 AM|[[File:BellaSuitressChat2.png]]
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:17 AM|Who do we think leaked? Bella or Fiona?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:17 AM|Lav told me its Bella.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:18 AM|barb is a sick fuck
if this is true}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:19 AM|''[Replying to "Lav told me its Bella."]''
What is Lav's relationship to them?
She another Praetor?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:20 AM|''[Replying to "She another Praetor?"]''
i'm about to find out.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:21 AM|''[Replying to "She another Praetor?"]''
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:22 AM|''[Replying to "nope"]''
Then what's her relationship to Bella and Fiona?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:24 AM|''[Replying to "Then what's her relationship to Bella and Fiona?"]''
she denies she has any relations with them.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:24 AM|''[Replying to "she denies she has any relations with them."]''
I don't understand, how does she have all of this information then?}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:24 AM|they are afraid of getting in trouble or being on the cwcki or in the next geno samuel video
and they dont want any credit for their wrongdoing
so that is why bella is VERY selective on what she releases}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:24 AM|''[Replying to "^"]''
i'm asking her that right now.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:24 AM|lavender said she wants to talk}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:26 AM|man i'd be surprised if you're ever gonna hear the full recording (edited)}}
===Fala Scott Stalks Chris to His Motel===
1 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> A server member reports to WCT that a user in the CWCki Server was attempting to stalk Chris to his motel. They post screenshots of the user, named Fala Scott, loitering around the [[Regency Square Mall]] and reporting what he sees. Eventually, he makes his way to Chris's motel and sends a picture of the back of Chris's car and his distinctive SONICHU license plate. WCT asks if Fala Scott will be banned, and later declares him to be a complete idiot.
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:47 AM|of the highest order to be exact.
shitty optics.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:47 AM|if he moved closer would be ban
luckily he claimed to have gone home}}
===WCT Continues Interrogating Bella===
1 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> WCT continues his [[User:Anaxis/Regarding Chris Chats#WCT Gives Bella Advice, Bella and WCT's Leak Argument|interrogation of Bella in the Regarding Chris chat]] and posts screenshots of their interaction, showcasing her attempt to convince him to release a 14-minute version of the incest call. WCT requests access to the 3-4 hour-long call that allegedly exists, and Bella claims that she only has 45 minutes because of her recording software randomly shutting off. WCT requests that call instead, but Bella refuses, claiming that it's irrelevant and has the Suitress's personal information in it (at this point, Bella had already tricked WCT into throwing the Suitress under the bus on Kiwi Farms). WCT presses, but Bella refuses to budge.
The Knights comment on Bella's strange behavior, and I suggest that she knows how much trouble she's in and is trying to cover up her involvement by confusing everybody. I also suggest that she's perhaps hiding something incriminating in the call, or just doesn't want her personal information exposed. We have a discussion about whether or not Chris did the deed with Barb, and if he was coerced into it, or perhaps tricked into thinking he did it. I also continue to question Bella's motives, still under the mistaken belief that she's working directly for Praetor.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:36 AM|X to doubt?
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:36 AM|tell her to sesnd it}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:37 AM|she wants to protect herself}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:41 AM|[[File:WCTBellaInterrogation6.png]]}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:49 AM|Bella’s acting strange. Why is she being selective.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:50 AM|''[Replying to "Bella’s acting strange. Why is she being selective."]''
i'm getting sus. lol}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:50 AM|Now it makes me wonder about some things.
What’s she’s being honest about and what’s not}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:51 AM|''[Replying to "Bella’s acting strange. Why is she being selective."]''
I think she knows how much shit she's in after the fact and is trying to cover up her involvement by confusing everyone
''[3 ✅ reactions]''}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:51 AM|''[Replying to "I think she knows how much shit she's in after the fact and is trying to cover up her involvement by confusing everyone"]''
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:51 AM|what does she have to hide?}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:51 AM|thats what we have to find out}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:51 AM|Like I said I think she’s fucking with us.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 02:52 AM|did you not hear the original 9 minutes
she seemed to encourage his shitty behavior (edited)
it might be even worse we don't know}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:52 AM|''[Replying to "what does she have to hide?"]''
Now that the shit has hit the fan, she wants to slink back into the shadows before the Kiwis unearth anymore info about her (edited)
''[3 thistbh<ref name = "thistbh">[https://cdn.discordapp.com/emojis/832137313948663818.png Emote that simply read "this tbh" in red letters.]</ref> reactions]}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:53 AM|''[Replying to "Now that the shit has hit the fan, she wants to slink back into the shadows before the Kiwis unearth anymore info about her (edited)"]''
If you're going to blow the whistle on anything Chris related, you have to expect nothing but the worse. And Bella so far hasn't handled things well.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:53 AM|if bella encouraged him to have sex}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:53 AM|She said she said no but I feel like I’m the call ''[sic]'' she was laughing and giggling like a girl who gossips in school}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:53 AM|It's possible she's also hiding something incriminating within the call. Coercion, or maybe she just doesn't want personal info exposed.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:53 AM|then it can be a case of manipulation
and since chris is a diagnosed autist}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:53 AM|''[Replying to "If you're going to blow the whistle on anything Chris related, you have to expect nothing but the worse. And Bella so far hasn't handled things well."]''
So you think she did it? Or did Fiona?}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:53 AM|he might have a chance in court}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:54 AM|I think both were in cahoots}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:54 AM|[[File:WCTBellaInterrogation7.png]]}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:54 AM|It’s all unsettling}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:54 AM|''[Replying to "he might have a chance in court"]''
don't get my hopes up. lol}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:55 AM|still a chance
but its better than nothing}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 02:55 AM|I'm still awaiting that DNA test.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:55 AM|Bc technically Bella could be in big shit}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:55 AM|Not sure how much of the text receipts would be considered admissible evidence in court}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:55 AM|''[Replying to "Not sure how much of the text receipts would be considered admissible evidence in court"]''
Depends on the state}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:55 AM|Rape kit results may be different, though}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 02:55 AM|we could narrow in on snoo
ill see what i can do}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:56 AM|What if there is no evidence in barb}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 02:56 AM|Given the amount of buzz this generated, I think there may still be an investigation of some kind
I doubt the police would just hand her back to Chris and they resume living together like nothing happened}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 02:57 AM|Yea but it’d be really fucked up if this was all like idea guy level shit ya know?}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:05 AM|her motivation would be to get information
thats what i'd think}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:05 AM|She made the animation for him, and was a part of Praetor, who wanted to do business with him. Did she just decide to turn troll one day for some reason?}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:05 AM|she didn't make chris fuck his mom it probably genuinely came to her as a surprise}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:05 AM|Speaking of, has Praetor has said anything about this on any of their social media accounts?}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:05 AM|so to get him talking more she probably acted as if it were a positive
trolling didn't cause chris to do this
chris did}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:06 AM|''[Defunct YouTube link to "The Full Unedited Chris Chan phonecall" by Ternary Mercury]''}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:06 AM|yeah i heard that}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:06 AM|I don't believe that she was capable of convincing Chris to fuck Barb}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:06 AM|i am saying this chick did not force chris's hand}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:07 AM|But I think someone might have been capable of convincing Chris that he thought he did}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:07 AM|if the DNA results come back as Negative, then its possible Chris was manipulated into thinking he did it.
but if its positive though, he was manipulated into fucking her.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:08 AM|Or he decided to do it on his own}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:08 AM|''[Replying to "Or he decided to do it on his own"]''
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:08 AM|you guys actually think he was manipulated into fucking his mom
he was BRAGGING about fucking his mom
and having his schizo cartoons around him as he did it}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 03:08 AM|that would be the middle case scenario imo.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:08 AM|dude he fucked his mom on his own
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:08 AM|''[Replying to "and having his schizo cartoons around him as he did it"]''
that's what makes me think he's imagining it up}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:09 AM|you think it didn't happen?}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:09 AM|If the rape kit comes back positive, I think it's more likely that he made the decision himself}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:09 AM|man that'd be something
if nothing happened why is barb still in the hospital}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:09 AM|If negative, then I think he might've been manipulated into thinking that he did}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:09 AM|it probably happened but till I see results from the rape kit I'll be scpetical}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:09 AM|He's delusional. He thinks his characters are real in another dimension.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:09 AM|''[Replying to "if nothing happened why is barb still in the hospital"]''
procedures are a pain
and the kit takes a while to come back}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:10 AM|Imagining this scenario is something he would do}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:10 AM|its a glorified dna test}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:10 AM|Especially considering the dreams he's described in the past
His grip on reality is slipping}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:11 AM|man i didn't consider that}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:11 AM|As for Barb, they have to do a full check up on her, so I don't think it'll be over quick.}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:11 AM|it also involves a psych evalve}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:12 AM|And even if she does return home before Chris does, he'd have no way of knowing that (because he can't contact her), and therefore, neither would we (edited)}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:12 AM|and since cops sent them on there's a shit ton of legal procedures}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:12 AM|medical evaluations tend to go quickly
probably not psych though
those take time}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 03:12 AM|rape kits take time
they have to swab that vagina
and considering the last time it was used (if Chris didn't Rape her)
they're probably just done removing the cobwebs}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 03:14 AM|''[Replying to "probably not psych though"]''
Psych evaluations can take up to three weeks. Depending on how severe the case is and how many other drs have to evaluate it.}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 03:17 AM|''[Replying to "Speaking of, has Praetor has said anything about this on any of their social media accounts?"]''
I haven’t seen any updates on their Instagram. Also it’s weird how Bella said praetor is stupid and all. I thought she worked for them}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 03:18 AM|It's all very bizarre}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 03:18 AM|look the problem i am having
is that she is unwilling to release more of the call
''[1 💯 reaction]''
that she has
she is clearly paranoid and disavowing praetor
i am inclined to think this is real}}
{{quoteboxpurple|speaker = Silvia|time = 03:20 AM|I mean if there is nothing to hide why hide it anyway.
That’s what making me scratch my head}}
===Monitoring Chris's Stalkers===
1 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> A server member starts posting videos and ongoing livestreams of different individuals attempting to stalk Chris at his motel, linking Fala Scott's Twitch account and supposedly his Instagram account as well, and a video someone took of Chris leaving his motel room. The server member and the Fool both comment on whether Chris or his weens are more insane, then the former shares Null's news on Kiwi Farms that Chris had spent nearly all of the money he had left in his bank account. They later share a screenshot of another post by Null, calculating how much Chris must have spent in order to wind up with almost no money.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 12:34 PM|''[Link to Fala Scott's Twitch account]''
this motherfucker
is going to go search chris and stream it
''[Video attachment of someone in their car in the parking lot of the motel Chris is staying in, filming Chris leaving his motel room.]''
this video was deleted by the uploader luckily i saved it}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 12:36 PM|based
man I hate to sound like a reddit normie woman, but, this is legit like a black mirror episode
it's uncanny and honestly scary whats happening, both from chris and from his stalkers
🤡 🌎}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 12:46 PM|''[Link to Fala Scott's alleged Instagram account]''
hes streaming here}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 12:50 PM|tell me what happens because I genuinely do have better things to do}}
apparently he said on stream he doesnt care if he gets doxxed
"dude definitely thinks he’s a hero, he was talking about how he doesn’t care if the kiwi farms doxxes him and then he was going off about he doesn’t care if they shoot or kill him"
who are more insane
chris or the weens}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:05 PM|I mean, it doesn't really matter, there are so many doxxed chris stalkers he would be a drop in the bucket
chris is more like a hostile living plant
weens are actually scary}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:05 PM|what does he think hes achieving by following an autist around lmao}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:22 PM|''[[https://twitter.com/ExtacyOfThinkin/status/1421869295806648321?s=19 Link to a Tweet of someone reposting the parking lot stalker's video of Chris and commenting on it.]]''
also the moron found chris
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871443482164723752/image0.png Meme of Chris and Barb in the "Gigachud and Enbie" template.]]''
''[Screenshot of Fala Scott's livestream which briefly shows his face and some of the comments.]''
this is the guy streaming}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:32 PM|yeah I'd say that's pretty FAS}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:35 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871446166368297051/unknown.png Screenshot of a post by Null on Kiwi Farms, revealing that Chris had spent all of his remaining money in 2 days, with only $1.03 left in his bank account.]]''
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:40 PM|wow that was quick
I knew he wouldn't last until the 5th but that is impressive}}
''[Screenshot of Fala Scott's livestream of him attempting to find Chris at the nearby Regency Square Mall.]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:43 PM|god that is depressing}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:44 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871448242599120986/unknown.png Screenshot of a Kiwi Farms post by Null, calculating how Chris must have spent his remaining money.]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:44 PM|good thing we hate chris now or kat would be in stop-the-stalker panic mode right now
yeah I assumed it would be something like that
seriously don't underestimate how quickly chris can make cash disappear
you know those mr beast videos "spend a million you keep it all!"}}
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871448696733188096/1627741604009.png Screenshot of Chris's final exchange with Null before the latter blocked him.]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:46 PM|yeah, I was assuming he was talking about the fundraiser money}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:46 PM|that was 5k wasnt it}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:46 PM|yeah}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:46 PM|but that didnt get sent did it}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:46 PM|nope, josh refunded it}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 01:47 PM|''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871449071175471104/unknown.png A picture of a police car, allegedly outside of Chris's motel.]]''
apparently theres cops at the hotel
''[[https://twitter.com/GiBi_Devon/status/1421889556673146886?s=20 Link to a Tweet by GiBi, reposting the above photo with the writing "Police presence confirmed"]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:48 PM|yeah eyewitnesses have already said there are more than usual}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 01:49 PM|''[[https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/862240557001343000/869361135609065482/popcorn_2.gif GIF of Stephen Colbert wearing 3D glasses and eating popcorn]]''}}
===Watching Chris's Arrest===
1 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> I link [[Ethan Ralph]]'s livestream in which he and his friends attempt to stalk and find Chris. We comment on what's happening on the stream in real time, first noting Ethan's attempt to lure Chris out of his room with pizza. I note that Ethan is getting very close and WCT states that Chris is online. I ask if he plans to warn Chris about Ethan, but WCT finally decides to let Chris fend for himself in this situation. Later, after Ethan's attempt to find Chris at the nearby mall, he returns to the motel upon hearing a tip that the police were there, just in time to capture Chris's arrest on video. I report this, and we speculate on why exactly he was being arrested, with the most obvious reasons being violation of the EPO or Barb's rape kit coming back positive (or both). After Chris is taken away by police, WCT announces that he will remove Chris and the "others" (referring to Bella and the Suitress) from the server.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 04:08 PM|''[Defunct YouTube link to "#Killstream MIRROR: Chris Chan Search Party" by Chillstream More]''}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 04:08 PM|bruh
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 04:29 PM|these people are scum}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 04:30 PM|They found his car
They're in the parking lot rn
Deciding "what to do"}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 04:30 PM|yell julaaay}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 04:32 PM|They're considering ordering pizza to the door or something
Real original shit}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 04:32 PM|this might be the biggest gay op I've ever seen. (edited)}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 04:51 PM|Chris is online.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 04:51 PM|Should he be warned?
Or do you think Josh will cave?}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 04:51 PM|honestly, I'm letting Chris fend for himself.
this is his fight.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 04:52 PM|Yeah, probably for the best
Ethan is scum but Chris has made his bed at this point}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 04:55 PM|HOLY SHIT
they're going to start knocking on doors!
I hear sirens.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 04:57 PM|''[[https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/862240557001343000/869361135609065482/popcorn_2.gif GIF of Stephen Colbert wearing 3D glasses and eating popcorn]]''}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 04:57 PM|Imagine if the cops pull up}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 04:58 PM|theres already cops around
all it would take is one astute officer or a hotel employee who's actually doing their job}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 05:34 PM|they are still streaming
why do they think chris is at the mall is car is at the motel}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:33 PM|you think they found something?}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 06:34 PM|why is he getting arrested}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:34 PM|unless some ween said he's got a bomb or something, then it's either the protective order violation and/or they found some damning evidence on barb}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:34 PM|''[Replying to "why is he getting arrested"]''
either 2 things:
Violated the EPO or the Rape Kits came back positive.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:35 PM|lets hope it's both
''[[https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/857519937686208512/871521737202876466/mega_popcorn.gif GIF of a man eating from a giant bag of popcorn.]]''}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:41 PM|should have gotten some last time I was at the market
I'm getting pizza soon anyway}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 06:42 PM|@everyone after careful consideration:
I decided to remove Chris from the server.
and the others.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:42 PM|that's it then lol}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 06:42 PM|Probably for the best}}
===Bella's Doxing, WCT's Intentions For the Knights Server===
1 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> I share the Kiwi Farms thread which thoroughly doxes Bella, noting the timing (it had been posted shortly before Chris's arrest). WCT announces his intentions for the Knights server, stating that he will archive everything locally and then delete the first layer, though I tell him not to jump the gun just yet, still thinking we might find out more.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:43 PM|so, what now, are we just a group of autists laughing at chris?}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:51 PM|yeah they still don't know who's who}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 06:53 PM|''[Replying to "I'm archiving everything locally."]''
so, uh, I asked are you blocking chris or are you going to retain contact with him on the chance he gets his phone back}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 06:58 PM|keep in contact}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 06:59 PM|I'm not optimistic, but we might be getting answers soon}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 07:01 PM|@everyone general in the first layer will be archived, and then deleted.
actually, first layer as a whole will be deleted.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 07:01 PM|does it even matter if we're kind of useless now}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Lainchu (Anaxis)|time = 07:01 PM|I wouldn't jump the gun just yet
There might still be more to learn}}
===The WCT is Doxed Again===
4 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> The WCT reports to the Knights server that he had been doxed again (on Kiwi Farms). Para insists that WCT will be fine, and states that the Bella thread had gotten out of hand, and that users were associating WCT with some furry artist affiliated with Bella because they both share the same first name. WCT responds that that has nothing to do with him, and says that Farms users are hitting dead ends. Para points out how they try to look for evidence that doesn't add up and force it to add up.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 10:24 AM|@everyone looks I've been doxed again.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 10:24 AM|ur a young guy neko ur all good}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 10:24 AM|Not really surprising, but this was to be expected.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 10:25 AM|null might be mad for some reason but i didnt really look at what cat was linking}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 10:26 AM|i think that bella thread has gotten out of hand
so heres the thing cat pointed out
fiona or bella or something made some furry art that had a dog with the name sean on in it
so retards thinks shes referring to you}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 10:27 AM|that literally has nothing to do with me.
And why the hell would I fuck with her? lol.
they're literally hitting dead ends.}}
{{quoteboxonion|speaker = Para|time = 10:28 AM|i dont know because kiwis seem to search for anything and everything that doesn't add up and they force it to add up}}
===Closure/Abandonment of the Knights of CWC Server===
5 August 2021
<u>'''Summary:'''</u> After having been doxed on Kiwi Farms again and [[User:Anaxis/DMs With Sean Walker#Convincing Sean to Step Away|I had convinced him to step away for a little while]], WCT announces his intention to close down the Knights server, claiming that he is doing it "for the best of all of us." We all say our goodbyes, and then the server is seemingly deleted. However, given WCT's habits, it's possible that he just kicked out everyone in the server besides himself.
{{collapsible|#cwc-general (Second Layer)|
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 08:38 AM|@everyone an important announcement to make:
after careful consideration, I decided that the time has come for this server to close.
I've been accused left and right for things that I didn't do or intend on causing, and I am sorry if any of you have been stressed out by the recent situation that's probably not going to end for a while.
I'll continue to keep in touch with all of you privately, but I won't be as public as I used to be in any Discord servers as I used to be.
I'm not doing this because Chris is gone, I'm doing this for the best of all of us.
you guys have anything else to say, time is now.}}
{{quoteboxgreen|speaker = Anaxis|time = 08:45 AM|It's been an interesting journey, but I agree that it's time for it to come to an end. Thank you guys for making it interesting, and may we all find some peace despite the recent circumstances.}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 08:50 AM|Let it be known:
things will get worse before they get better.
I don't know when this storm will come to past, but as long as its a relevant topic, it will continue to persist. And because of that, its best that all of us step away for good.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 08:54 AM|aw okay :/
I was considering leaving anyway lol, considering like, things seem to be over now
I hope we can find an excuse to get together in the future
I'll just leave now, if you change your mind then invite me back}}
{{quoteboxwhite|speaker = [REDACTED]|time = 08:55 AM|ping me when were breaking cwc out of jail}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 08:55 AM|I'll continue to keep in touch with all of you privately like I said.}}
{{quoteboxkiwi|speaker = The Fool|time = 08:55 AM|yea
k bye 👋}}
{{quoteboxorange|speaker = The WCT|time = 08:55 AM|Farewell man.}}
''NOTE: At this point, either the Knights of CWC server was deleted, or WCT kicked out everyone besides himself.''
Latest revision as of 03:28, 23 October 2023
This page is a collection of long chat transcriptions from within the Watchmen Discord server the Knights of CWC. Its main purpose is to serve as a reference for The Lainchu Manifesto, and store the raw text of chats that are too long to upload the content of in screenshot form to this wiki.
Any case of text or usernames being censored is due to them being irrelevant to the main topic of each section.
Editors can feel free to use to this page as a resource. Enjoy.
This was the server formed by The WCT after stealing Chris away from the previous iteration of the Watchmen, led by Naught, NovaKyle, and MKR. Within it were two layers of channels: one which was visible to Chris and everybody else, and a second which was visible to everybody excluding Chris, as well as any "untrusted guests," namely Bella and the Suitress.
The selected chats date from the server's creation in June 2021 to its abandonment in August 2021.
June 2021
Knights Server Intro
24-28 June 2021
Summary: Members of the Knights of CWC begin joining the WCT's new server, as well as Chris. In the first layer, Chris acknowledges the events that led to the server's creation, and leaves some Merge-related wisdom about improving one's own enlightenment. WCT and myself acknowledge this, and the Fool posts a comic layout guide for Chris, commenting that it might be interesting even though Chris doesn't draw comics anymore. WCT sets a new server icon, and Chris responds to the Fool, stating that he does still draw comics and had drawn over 100 while "in Sonichu's body," and that we would see them upon completion of the Merge. WCT then writes a message intended to inspire everyone, emphasizing moving forward and providing Chris with a safe space. He addresses Chris with male pronouns initially, but edits them to female after I remind him to in the second layer.
In the second layer, WCT explains to the Fool his reasons for splintering from the Watchmen in depth, detailing the poor behavior of the various members, and I chime in every so often to reinforce some of what he is saying about them. WCT expresses eagerness at inviting in other members of the Watchmen not loyal to the "toxic trio," but I urge him to wait and see where everyone's loyalties wind up. He later posts a link to the now-live lolcow.org thread on Naught, which he had collaborated on with user Arm Pit Cream. WCT uses this moment to announce that "the Coup d'etat is underway" and he and the Fool begin posting screenshots of the Watchmen's messages, and Chris's final message from within the Place.
#general (First Layer)
25 June 2021
Chris10:26 PM
Joined the server.
The WCT11:00 PM
For now on. Only decent human beings in here.
The Fool11:04 PM
Joined the server.
whats wrong with the place?
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:44 AM
Joined the server.
Hello there.
The Fool01:47 AM
dunno if conner's on but eventually he has something to say or something
26 June 2021
Chris06:39 PM
Hey, @everyone. For starters, in light of the recent events @Neko has been through, and the light shedding on the toxic trio, an announcement with care for now:
To all of you in my flock, I highly encourage each of you to begin and continue your own individual self-work in enlightenment. For amongst you all, as the Dimension Merge/Collective Shift draws closer upon the main event with the removal of the veil between our universe halves, each of you has your own inner potential and strength. We have no need for war or quarrel at all with the OCs and individuals of C-197, as I state to all of those individuals in regard to us of 1218.
Unity and a greater strength for our combined Earth and galaxies is at hand. Need not take arms, but be open for the good in each other.
All superheroes and deities, myself included, and other individuals of military strengths and powers, and the leaders of each nation and countries; on both halves of this whole Earth, we maintain wisdom and peace for the greater whole as best as we are capable of.
It is not perfect, but we are most appreciative and grateful for the understanding and compassion of the general public and flocks there of that we each help, work with, and defend, during these times at hand.
And to you all until my next announcement or insight, I state in positive encouragement to you all: Be safe and well with lots of love. Thank you.
The WCT06:40 PM
Thank you Chris.
we appreciate it.
Lainchu (Anaxis)06:40 PM
The Fool09:59 PM
guess chris doesn't draw comics anymore but I thought this might be interesting regardless
I was assuming you'd use a sonichu or rosechu but it works
The WCT01:57 AM
its Chris Chan Sonichu.
The Fool01:57 AM
I mean the character sonichu
oh I guess I put "a" in front of that
Chris12:47 PM
[Replying to "guess chris doesn't draw comics anymore but I thought this might be interesting regardless"]
I do still draw and write my books and whatnot. I have done a whole bunch during my time in Sonichu’s body; made it beyond book 100. But, for them to be appreciated at this point, the veil is being removed and the merge completing.
28 June 2021
The WCT01:52 AM
My friends: As painful as the events of the last few days may have been. Let me assure you that while things may look uncertain, I wanted to let you all know that this is a new beginning. It is true that certain people that we've connected with for a while now have turned out to be bad apples, but we should see this as a chance to clean out the more negative parts of the old group along with no longer being a group that recruits people just to backstab them in the end. We are not like that, and we'll do our best to be better than the Watchmen. We won't be perfect, we won't always agree with everything we say with each other, but we will be better. And we will do our part in providing Chris a safe place to hang out and chill. She is our friend, and she is what brings us together. (edited)
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
24 June 2021
The WCT03:20 PM
For now on. Only decent people will be spectating Chris from the Front Row.
25 June 2021
The WCT11:07 PM
I had enough of the Watchmen. @The Fool
this is a coup.
Keep this between us alright?
The Fool11:08 PM
got it 👍
don't worry this is far too autistic for me to care about
I just want to shitpost about chris
oh, but what's wrong with the watchment anyway?
The WCT11:11 PM
[Replying to "oh, but what's wrong with the watchment anyway?"]
I was doxed and they're lying about it.
The Fool11:11 PM
The WCT11:11 PM
You'll see it soon man.
The Fool11:12 PM
what are they saying?
The WCT11:12 PM
APC will tell you everything.
The Fool11:12 PM
in the naught OP?
The WCT11:12 PM
[Replying to "in the naught OP?"]
The Fool11:12 PM
can't wait for it
The WCT11:13 PM
he's asking me for a voice clip.
The Fool11:20 PM
so what's Chris' opinion on all this? what's your plan to make him hush up about this/stay loyal to you and not the watchmen?
The WCT11:21 PM
[Replying to "so what's Chris' opinion on all this? what's your plan to make him hush up about this/stay loyal to you and not the watchmen?"]
I recorded a whole VC with him.
he's on our side.
The Fool11:21 PM
I hope, you know how easy he is to manipulate 😔
The WCT11:21 PM
I know that.
however, I showed him all the evidence.
Naught only has words to back himself up.
The Fool11:22 PM
only takes roleplaying with him to change his convictions regardless of evidence
The WCT11:22 PM
Chris has been having some rifts lately with Nova and MKR so things aren't what they used to be.
And I even told them about Anni being shitted on and he got angry.
The Fool11:23 PM
rifts with MKR? I thought she was so nice tho
The WCT11:23 PM
[Replying to "rifts with MKR? I thought she was so nice tho"]
you don't know the real Meghan.
The Fool11:23 PM
no and I don't care to
I'm sure we're all amazingly fucked up
The WCT11:23 PM
I'm trying to get Anaxis (Lainchu) to join, and he'll tell you everything.
he hates Meghan.
26 June 2021
The WCT01:48 AM
Welcome @Lainchu
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:49 AM
The WCT01:49 AM
I made this server because I wanted to gather the decent people from the place.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:50 AM
Must've been a short list, lol
The WCT01:50 AM
[Replying to "Must've been a short list, lol"]
[REDACTED] has yet to join.
Should I get Marvin?
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:50 AM
[Replying to "[REDACTED] has yet to join."]
I sent him the invite. Idk if he wants to get involved.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:51 AM
[Replying to "Should I get Marvin?"]
Probably should ask [REDACTED] about that one.
The WCT01:51 AM
[Replying to "I sent him the invite. Idk if he wants to get involved."]
I told him he can wait until its all over.
The Fool01:51 AM
he probably should if he's as invested in this dumb shit as he says he is
stay on top of everything, you know
The WCT01:52 AM
I don't know how things will play out, but if all goes as I hope they do, this server will become basically the new place.
should I also invite Para? @The Fool
maybe I should wait.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:53 AM
The coming rift will bring out everyone's true loyalties. Probably best to wait.
The WCT01:53 AM
[Replying to "The coming rift will bring out everyone's true loyalties. Probably best to wait."]
Silvia's on my side, so we already know that.
oh, and I almost forgot.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:54 AM
You know them better than I do.
The Fool01:54 AM
well like I said when I joined the place, I'm just here for the show
The WCT01:54 AM
Unlike the original Watchmen, I won't allow this group to be known to the public in any circumstances.
The Fool01:55 AM
good idea
knowledge is power
The WCT01:55 AM
If Chris has anything interesting to say, he can tell it to you in DMs. @Lainchu
The Fool01:55 AM
the greatest threat is one you don't know about
The WCT01:55 AM
otherwise, I want this server to be a nice place to hang out in.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:55 AM
[Replying to "If Chris has anything interesting to say, he can tell it to you in DMs. @Lainchu"]
Sure. Although I think he prefers speaking to the group in general.
The WCT01:56 AM
[Replying to "Sure. Although I think he prefers speaking to the group in general."]
like I said, the Fool is a member of Kiwi Farms. (or formerly)
he got banned by Null.
nowadays, he's on a obscure site known as lolcow.org.
The Fool01:58 AM
I'm a Buddhist so I have a vow of honesty so you can trust me.
I know this aint his first rodeo with internet tardhandlers
and I know they all had infighting too
and despite his inability to stop himself, I know he's incredibly weary of online communities
The WCT03:27 AM
my strategy for Chris is this:
let him be Chris.
The Fool03:28 AM
I think thats what most people have tried, maybe you should be more specific
The WCT03:29 AM
like don't intervene in the things he takes part in.
The Fool03:29 AM
from what I understand, it's a full-time job to keep him entertained and making sure he doesn't look for enablers elsewhere to manipulate him
The WCT03:29 AM
[Replying to "from what I understand, it's a full-time job to keep him entertained and making sure he doesn't look for enablers elsewhere to manipulate him"]
i don't care anymore tbh.
Chris is an internet person like all of us.
The Fool03:30 AM
that's probably the best choice, just don't be too broken up when he's told to turn against you
but he's really not worth the time and effort he's demanding
The WCT03:31 AM
According to APC, Naught's dox might've been discovered.
The Fool03:31 AM
shame I can't get him to read The Courage to be Disliked (I haven't tried to get him to but I know he won't), might make him feel less need to be manipulated
The WCT03:31 AM
this is it.
The Fool03:32 AM
he did a great OP btw
but yeah I would invite Marvin and [REDACTED], even if they don't accept, you know, at least be open with them so they're not worried about failtrolling
But I don't know why they wouldn't accept when you have Chris' blessing
course it's up to you, just giving my two thunderbolt emoji blue heart emoji thunderbolt emoji
The WCT03:36 AM
All I need is [REDACTED] and Marvin.
maybe Para as well, but that's it.
The Fool03:36 AM
not even sure who para is
lol the thread got featured
like, the first featured thread? I don't remember a thread ever getting featured
that para dude's got almost no chat messages in the place but I see they drink so thats based
The WCT03:54 AM
[Replying to "that para dude's got almost no chat messages in the place but I see they drink so thats based"]
I might invite, but i'll wait.
The WCT11:07 AM
welcome @Marvin
Marvin11:09 AM
Howdy. I'm away going shooting in VA. Won't have consistent internet for the weekend
The WCT11:09 AM
[Replying to "Howdy. I'm away going shooting in VA. Won't have consistent internet for the weekend"]
its fine.
if you want an explanation on what happened, let me know.
Lainchu (Anaxis)12:10 PM
Hello Marvin
The WCT12:10 PM
now all we need is [REDACTED] and this place is good. lol
again, I'll ask Para but future circumstances will decide her place in here.
The Fool12:23 PM
oh yeah you wanna set up that tweet bot?
I don't use twitter
The WCT12:29 PM
[Replying to "oh yeah you wanna set up that tweet bot?"]
he lives in Ferndown in the United Kingdom. (edited)
born in 1997.
The WCT08:43 PM
Nova realizing that something is wrong.
The Fool08:43 PM
>he doesn't know
I'm so tempted to tease him but I don't want to touch the poop
28 June 2021
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:48 AM
@Neko change chris's pronouns
In your message
The WCT01:53 AM
[Replying to "@Neko change chris's pronouns"]
oh yeah that's right I forgot.
The WCT is Banned from the Place & Chris Leaves, The Fool Messes With the Watchmen, WCT Gloats
27-28 June 2021
Summary: WCT announces in the second layer that he has been banned from the Place, and Chris leaves shortly thereafter. The Fool decides to play dumb and mess with the Watchmen, posting screenshots of their interactions. WCT comments on them, self-aggrandizing and gloating about the Watchmen's failure and his success. Several times in this discussion, he recaps what had happened (to the Fool and I, people who already knew the full situation) and emphasizes his superior moral position when considering the Watchmen's previous actions. He also expresses an interest in inviting Null into the server, something which the Fool and I both discourage on the grounds that Null is not the most sympathetic towards enablers. MKR attempts to contact WCT for answers, but he chooses to ignore her.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
27 June 2021
The WCT01:39 AM
And I've been banned from the place.
The Fool01:41 AM
how'd they find out?
The WCT01:41 AM
[Replying to "how'd they find out?"]
they were probably notified.
The Fool01:41 AM
by who?
The WCT01:42 AM
probably Naught.
The Fool01:42 AM
how would he know?
The WCT01:42 AM
[Replying to "how would he know?"]
because he's a cow man.
if you're still there, make sure to take screenshots.
The Fool01:43 AM
I am yeah
no new messages got posted since that last screenshot you took
[Quoting "And Catherine is put off by me due to how I feel about topless men? Uh... I don't know what to think or say in response to that. She means the world to me, but then I feel strongly towards the cause."]
just so many hidden gems in stuff chris said in the past that I forgot about
@here if the drama ends along with me getting out alive, this place will become a chill place to talk Chris and anything that you want to talk about as well. (I wouldn't recommend politics though. lol)
The Fool10:17 PM
guess I gotta reel a little more
I just want to know if they know that I know you included me in this lol
The WCT10:26 PM
[Replying to "I just want to know if they know that I know you included me in this lol"]
Meghan and Kyle?
The Fool10:27 PM
The WCT10:27 PM
they don't from what i know.
but if they kick you out, that's a signal that they do know.
The Fool10:27 PM
yea so I wanna maintain that
so I can watch as much funny as possible
The WCT10:28 PM
oh, and I brought in Para.
The Fool10:28 PM
yea I saw
The WCT10:28 PM
we basically got all the good people here except for [REDACTED].
(he told me he'll remain in the place until all is certain)
I wouldn't rely too much on Josh seeing the good in our cause. Just because he doesn't like Naught and the others doesn't mean he does like us.
To him, we're just a different set of retards to the last one
The WCT11:11 PM
Josh would probably not care.
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:11 PM
Best not to give him a reason to care
The Fool11:11 PM
don't vote me out don't vote me out i'm not sus I'M NOT SUS
The WCT11:11 PM
uh oh.
he's gonna ban you too. lol (edited)
@Lainchu When Marvin and [REDACTED] are online, I could maybe have either of them talk to Josh about what happened to me.
and from there, Josh will probably ignore Kyle. (edited)
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:13 PM
I just wouldn't involve Josh at all unless it's absolutely necessary
Ask Marvin or [REDACTED] for advice, sure, but I don't think it's a good idea to get them to speak to him on our behalf
Because I don't think he's gonna be sympathetic
The Fool11:14 PM
yeah he's not very trustworthy
The WCT11:14 PM
the best case scenario is for Josh not to care.
I love how Kyle also predicts this server will also collapse because of how APC is "using me". lol
The Fool11:15 PM
he only cares is chris is getting fucked and I'm sure chris is telling him all he needs to hear
The WCT11:16 PM
I do honestly wish Josh was still on Discord so he could join this server.
i'd be willing to show him everything if he wishes to know.
Here's the reality:
I'm not here to make Chris my pet lolcow.
I'm not going to monopolize my power over everybody in this server.
and I'm only doing this because its right.
funny how Kyle claims I'm trying to take power when in reality he's the one who has more lust for it.
The Fool11:18 PM
The WCT11:18 PM
the amount of bullshit in this is hilarious.
The Fool11:19 PM
but who bullshits the bullshitters
I shouldn't say I'm a Buddhist on the internet because I'm too efficient at lying
The WCT11:20 PM
"as per what Chris said last".
I did nothing. I was literally doxed and this is payback for everything I've endured for the past 2 years. They deserve to lose Chris.
The Fool11:21 PM
yeah you know the "I found the toxic people in my life, there will be fighting amonst the groups" or whatever
The WCT11:21 PM
And why would this whole thing collapse?
we will have disagreements.
But we're not an echo chamber.
The Fool11:22 PM
bruh don't take it so seriously, we're using a tranny grooming chat service to play make believe with an autistic 40 year old man who thinks cartoons are having sex with him
The WCT11:22 PM
pardon me but the amount of BS coming out of Kyle's mouth is total cringe.
And do they believe for some reason that Naught is still innocent of doxing me?
The Fool11:24 PM
I doubt it's a matter of belief, I think they just ride naught's dick out of friendship regardless of who's right
The WCT11:24 PM
Nova also gave out some important info about Naught hiding.
that speaks volumes.
The Fool11:37 PM
definitely right about the seething part they were probably doing
The WCT11:37 PM
[Audio attachment]
The WCT11:38 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
Kyle needs to understand that Chris doesn't like him. And this was the last straw.
I literally gave the guy one more chance to redeem himself by recognizing Naught's betrayal. And he failed.
Kyle has nobody but to blame himself for not thinking for himself. And for not considering all the evidence I had presented on lolcow.org.
Did I manipulate Chris? maybe. But I did it because I had to.
I had no other choice.
The Fool11:40 PM
manipulating someone with facts is called telling the truth
The WCT11:40 PM
If they want to make amends, they need to admit that Naught lied all along and that he did dox me.
The Fool11:41 PM
I would just forget about them
you know what they're like
The WCT11:41 PM
that's the best case scenario.
If I get the chance to talk to Chris again, I'll warn him that Meghan and Kyle will try to fuck with his head.
The Fool11:42 PM
I've lost friends before, and I'm a better person because of it
The WCT11:42 PM
if you talked to Chris, its obvious how he feels about me.
we're pretty damn close emotionally.
And if I was upset or something, he'd know.
fact is: they're never getting Chris back and its best that he'd distance himself away from them.
The Fool11:44 PM
That's good
just don't let your guard down
The WCT11:45 PM
oh I won't.
I know how that trio plays.
@Lainchu if I get the chance to talk to Caden, I'll apologize to him.
for all the trouble my group caused him.
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:48 PM
Praetor? I don't talk to them.
Almost did, though. I friended them but never sent a message. They assumed I was one of their golden medallion customers.
The WCT11:48 PM
I'll speak to Chris letting him know that I want to speak with Caden privately.
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:49 PM
If you want, although idk what that will accomplish.
The WCT11:49 PM
its out of guilt.
The Fool11:49 PM
what is this cute shit? "I never wanted to lie to Chris"? He a-logs him behind his back for every single tweet he makes
The WCT11:49 PM
[Replying to "what is this cute shit? "I never wanted to lie to Chris"? He a-logs him behind his back for every single tweet he makes"]
The WCT11:49 PM
[Replying to "its out of guilt."]
I was on the side of Kyle and Meghan at the time when the whole Praetor thing was going down.
I want to apologize to Caden because I feel like I further enabled those two. (edited)
I also love he talks about not letting another "idea guy" happen.
He's literally trying to be an Idea Guy himself.
total hypocrisy.
The Fool11:52 PM
didn't praetor try to get chris to taze himself?
The WCT11:52 PM
[Replying to "didn't praetor try to get chris to taze himself?"]
looking back now? idk.
maybe they did, maybe it was for something else? idk.
i'm conflicted in that regard.
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:53 PM
Releasing that clip out of context was what caused the public to believe that Praetor was gonna go through with it.
The Fool11:53 PM
yeah I was going to ask if that was just like, propaganda
The WCT11:53 PM
Meghan just DM'd me.
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:53 PM
It certainly framed Praetor as the bad guys.
The WCT11:54 PM
[Replying to "Meghan just DM'd me."]
"Wth is going on?".
The Fool11:54 PM
but either way I'd be careful of other groups, like, don't risk chris because you feel guilty or spited
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:54 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:55 PM
[Replying to ""Wth is going on?"."]
You gonna answer her?
The WCT11:55 PM
i'm very conflicted.
Should I bother or nah?
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:56 PM
I wouldn't
Nothing will be accomplished
The WCT11:56 PM
they're not banned yet in the other server I own.
The Fool11:57 PM
act innocent, silence only criminalizes you, knowledge is power
do something funny
The WCT11:58 PM
she believes the lie.
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:58 PM
Of course she does
I mean, play dumb if you want, just don't let slip any info she could make use of
The WCT11:59 PM
I could easily try explaining to her that this is because Naught doxed me, but even then she'll think I'm bullshitting. (edited)
Lainchu (Anaxis)11:59 PM
Yeah, she will. That's why I think it's a fruitless effort.
Unless you're doing it for the LULZ
28 June 2021
The WCT12:00 AM
I'm not looking for any lulz. I'm taking Chris away from them and thats that.
they can fuck off.
The Fool12:00 AM
if you only answer in questions, it'll destroy any logic system. keep asking her why she believes various things until she breaks down and blocks you lol
Lainchu (Anaxis)12:00 AM
Up to you. I've stated my opinion, what happens next is your choice.
The WCT12:01 AM
i'm not going to bother replying.
she should've known why I did this.
Literally 2-3 days late!
The Fool12:03 AM
many such cases!
The WCT12:03 AM
if you want, you can link her the thread.
The WCT Continues Self-Aggrandizing
28 June 2021
Summary: A former Watchman still in the Place reports a reaction that Nova has to a recent Chris tweet hinting at the fall of the Watchmen, and WCT responds to this with more gloating and self-aggrandizing, going over (again) the reasons why he did what he did.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
in all seriousness, why can't they understand by now why I actually did it?
Its literally simple why I went through with this:
1. Naught doxed me.
2. Meghan and Kyle are both bullies.
and 3. They talk shit behind Chris's back.
If they still believe that Naught is innocent despite all the concrete evidence being provided in the lolcow.org thread, I can't help them.
They can cry to Josh all they want, but even he will call them out for their BS.
Silvia Arrives, The WCT Continues Talking About Naught, Para Complains About Chris Discourse
28 June 2021
Summary: Silvia arrives in the server, and WCT welcomes her in. He then continues to rant about Naught, claiming that he will never recover from his lolcow.org thread. Silvia responds positively to this. The Fool joins the conversation and he and Silvia make their introductions, and WCT corrects her when she mistakenly refers to the Fool as Lainchu. Para jumps into the conversation and begins complaining about discourse around Chris and the way he's talked about behind the scenes, pointing out the hypocrisy in WCT's complaints about Nova and MKR's treatment of him. This sparks a brief debate, as Para (somewhat confrontationally) introduces herself to Silvia.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Silvia05:01 PM
The WCT05:04 PM
[Replying to "Lol"]
Silvia05:04 PM
Howdy hey!
The WCT05:05 PM
Safe to say that the Watchmen has been cleansed of its negative energy. (edited)
Silvia05:05 PM
Thats amazing.
I’m catching up in this channel.
The WCT05:05 PM
they literally believe that I collaborated with Praetor to take them down.
Silvia05:05 PM
The WCT05:06 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
@silvia/emily ^
its this one. lol
Silvia05:06 PM
Oh nuuu your reign is over
She’s so mean
The WCT05:07 PM
Kyle and Meghan literally believe that I collaborated with Praetor. lol
but everybody in this server knows the real reason why I pulled off the coup.
Kyle seems to have read the thread on Naught, but he sounds confused af.
looks like ken wants to recruit our undesirable users (or user, singular)
Para06:12 PM
Dont you ever get tired
of drama
The Fool06:13 PM
only when I'm invested, but I'm just an observer lol
Para06:13 PM
saying that nova and mkr talked shit about chris behind his back
dude everyone talks shit behind chris's back
there are no good actors here
i feel sad for chris but seriously what good is there to be said about chris
if he is human he is also flawed and open to criticism and ridicule
The Fool06:14 PM
well, we mean a-logging, of course we're going to criticize chris behind his back but kyle was hanging on to his every tweet saying how retarded he is which gets old quick
Para06:14 PM
Silvia06:14 PM
If I may ask who are u
Para06:14 PM
who are you
some furry
am i supposed to know you
i am just pointing out inconsistencies
The Fool06:15 PM
well at the end of the day this whole thing really is just because kat has a personal vandetta against kyle, mkr and naught
Para06:16 PM
yeah i am just saying if its because of some higher value
its not
i like kat he's okay
hes not a bad guy
but to say its to treat chris as a human
its not
everyone in that other server talked shit about chris
Silvia06:16 PM
I’m a former watchmen. Im Silvia or spunky. I left bc mkr and naught bullied me.
Para06:17 PM
i am kats or nekos buddy
Silvia06:17 PM
I never talked bad about Christine you can ask Kat. But I can understand how you could not believe me.
Para06:17 PM
well i mean
people think instinctively negative things about chris
The WCT06:18 PM
I've known Para since Late last year. We used to be hostile towards each other, but since February we've been on good terms.
Para06:18 PM
because he is a very sad guy who gets shit on by retards
Silvia06:18 PM
I just want folks safe. And I agree para.
Para06:18 PM
because he is retarded
he is a retarded flawed child
The WCT06:18 PM
unfortunately, that's true.
Para06:19 PM
its cringe that people shit on christine as much as they do
it'll never change him
it'll never be a good thing
The WCT06:19 PM
Why help Chris when its better to let him do his thing?
Silvia06:19 PM
I don’t think he is. He’s just unique. He has his quirks
Everyone does.
Para06:19 PM
well it doesn't help chris it just causes micro trauma and excuses and shit
at this point i think people should be nice to chris
dont get me wrong
The Fool06:19 PM
I'm just interested in psychoanalyzing chris since he's such a psychological tirefire. But yeah there's no helping him and he is fundamentally unlovable.
[2 💯 reactions]
The WCT06:20 PM
[Replying to "at this point i think people should be nice to chris"]
in this room, we completely are.
Para06:20 PM
yeah i agree
yes i agree with being nice to chris
Silvia06:20 PM
We r not the watchmen. Those people were cruel and cloutchasers
The Fool06:20 PM
nice insofar as giving respect to a disabled person rather than actually seeking redeeming qualities in someone
Para06:20 PM
i guess it is kind of tiring to ridicule his actions because he's barely aware of himself
The WCT06:21 PM
[Replying to "We r not the watchmen. Those people were cruel and cloutchasers"]
The Watchmen are dead.
good riddance.
Silvia06:21 PM
That’s understandable
The WCT06:21 PM
you're all lucky to be in the same server as Chris.
enjoy it while it lasts. lol
Silvia06:22 PM
Fair enough
MKR Tries Provoking WCT & AquaDiamond8 Discussion
29-30 June 2021
Summary: MKR attempts to provoke WCT into messaging her, first trying to guilt him, then attempting to insult him. WCT muses that he could consider allowing MKR into the first layer of the new server if she cuts ties with Nova and Naught, but would not extend the same opportunity to Nova. Silvia and the Fool both argue against this idea, with the latter pointing out that MKR is trying to manipulate WCT. WCT agrees, and the Fool encourages him to move on, though he also (somewhat jokingly) floats inviting her to the server just to bully her, something which Para aggressively responds against.
MKR continues to message WCT, while the Fool and Silvia continue mocking her attempts to manipulate him. Eventually, WCT sends her a link to "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley, and a picture of a group of young men with their arms in the air, before blocking her. Later, WCT posts a group of tweets by MKR, where she accuses him of wanting Chris to kill himself in a similar manner to Randy Stair and says that WCT is working with Praetor. Silvia mocks this, and WCT floats the idea of inviting former Watchman AquaDiamond8 to the server, and mentions wanting to get into contact with her.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
29 June 2021
The WCT11:10 PM
you made your bed, now lie in it.
The WCT11:24 PM
Silvia11:33 PM
Damn she wish washy
The WCT11:36 PM
[Replying to "Damn she wish washy"]
She's trying to get me to feel guilty about ending her reign because it means that she'll lose Chris as well.
Silvia11:37 PM
[Replying to "She's trying to get me to feel guilty about ending her reign because it means that she'll lose Chris as well."]
The WCT11:37 PM
she never cared about me.
she only wants Chris.
Silvia11:38 PM
She doesn’t care about anyone
The WCT11:39 PM
[Replying to "She doesn’t care about anyone"]
she wants the clout. lol
Silvia11:39 PM
Exactly. She’s had him in her grasp for so long it’s like an addiction
The WCT11:40 PM
If Meghan wants to make amends, she needs recognize that Naught is fucked up. lol
Silvia11:40 PM
She has made her bed
The WCT11:41 PM
I could allow her into this place, but she'll only be allowed to see the 1st layer and not the 2nd. As for Kyle, fuck him.
He's getting nothing.
I'm done with that dickbag.
Silvia11:42 PM
Don’t let her in. Let her prove to herself that she really is gonna be nice and not be talking behind others back or go off to naught.
The WCT11:43 PM
until she cuts ties with both Kyle and Naught, she ain't getting jack shit. (edited)
if they both want to complain about me, they can go to the house with no doors server that me and Naught made prior to our split.
The Fool11:51 PM
yeah what spunk said, she's only trying to manipulate you
just ignore her
Para11:51 PM
The Fool11:52 PM
it's unfortunate if she really does feel betrayed, but you can't make an omelette without breaking a few eggs
The WCT11:52 PM
its a very difficult decision on my part.
however, I agree with spunk.
The WCT11:53 PM
[Replying to "yeah what spunk said, she's only trying to manipulate you"]
she only wants to suck my dick because Chris is in here.
and not there.
The Fool11:54 PM
just forget it ever happened a move on
remember Adlerian psychology
if you feel a sense of guilt or longing it's because you're making yourself feel it
but for real, nobody who genuinely considers someone a friend says "I thought you were my friend but I guess you're really A BAD GUY!"
The WCT11:57 PM
Naught prepared me for this moment.
this was his way to hand me power. lol
The Fool11:58 PM
also mkr is ugly and a lesbian and I would not have sex with her
although if you want you could invite her and bully her
just be a total dick
I would
(although they'd see I'm here and kick me from the place)
(this is of no consequence whatsoever)
make a fake CaF server and invite her in
"Chris has gone rogue, he's bigger than all of us, nobody can contain him anymore, I tried, and look at the mess left behind"
30 June 2021
Para12:08 AM
whats the point in being an attention seeking faggot
that attempt at Twitter Cancel Culture was also hilarious as fuck.
people will give it a few likes, but otherwise it won't do shit.
Silvia03:48 AM
Many already know mkr involvement with Christine. They know she inabled and just overall used Christine
The WCT03:49 AM
I'll try hitting up as many people who liked the tweet. (if their DMs are open that is)
Silvia03:49 AM
Good luck.
The WCT03:50 AM
I seriously hope Aqua is willing to chat.
update: the file is almost done.
Silvia03:50 AM
Nice. And we can only hope.
The WCT03:51 AM
I want to bring back as many of the good people as possible and keep out the bad apples.
Silvia03:51 AM
I feel like there was another person who was nice. They were an artist of sorts.
WCT's Twitter DMs With Helena Fiorenza
30 June 2021
Summary: WCT shares an exchange he had with enabler Helena Fiorenza over Twitter DMs. He informs her that the Watchmen were "under [his] control now" and that while he thought Helena was cringe, he didn't care what she did so long as she didn't harm Chris. Helena insists that she's aware of being cringe, and WCT goes on to explain that unlike Naught, he was willing to give a chance to anyone who befriends Chris unless it becomes clear that they have bad intentions. She details her plans to create visual novel games with people in the Sonichu fandom, and WCT expresses his doubts but wishes her luck regardless.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT11:39 AM
oh, and btw. - Helena has DM'd me:
I think you handled that well.
The WCT11:54 AM
[Replying to "I think you handled that well."]
here's the last bit for now.
Posting the Full Taser Discussion, More Watchmen & Praetor Discussion
30 June 2021
Summary: A member of the server with a CWCki and Kiwi Farms account talks about the best ways to publicize the full Taser Discussion after WCT had leaked it, acknowledging a desire for caution in the wake of MKR's accusations towards WCT about wanting to kill Chris. I offer to post it to the CWCki instead, and WCT helps the other member identify which speaker was which in the Taser Discussion.
While this is happening, WCT talks more about the Watchmen and Praetor, glorifying his own position as superior to that of the former Watchmen members. The Fool continues to mess with Kyle and MKR and shares these interactions, which continues to serve as a launching point for WCT to gloat and demonize them.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Well, she did publicly ragequit on chris after the Praetor Taser incident
The WCT01:06 PM
you got WCT'eed.
The Fool01:06 PM
hahaha wow she's very mad
she's really cementing her fall here
The WCT01:10 PM
I'm still going to be honest with Caden and tell him directly that he's cringe, but I will let him know that I don't care what he does as long as he doesn't get Chris hurt IRL. (edited)
The Fool01:11 PM
I'd like to help her and give her a copy of The Courage to be Disliked but it probably wouldn't do anything, this is her karma
we're all cringe down here
The WCT01:15 PM
If Caden wants to have peace with me, he needs to contact me at least every once a month or so to give me an update on his dealings with Chris.
if he can do that, him and I will have no problem.
I'm thinking I might make an alt account to post the Praetor chat video to KF. If I do it with [REDACTED], The Place will know I've been talking with you. Or I could ask someone at KF who has no connections to either The Place or you to post, but that would be asking them to take on the risk of being targeted by the Watchmen.
The Fool01:17 PM
Kat doesn't have an account?
I'd do it if I wasn't banned
The WCT01:17 PM
[Replying to "I'm thinking I might make an alt account to post the Praetor chat video to KF. If I do it with [REDACTED], The Place will know I've been talking with you. Or I could ask someone at KF who has no connections to either The Place or you to post, but that would be asking them to take on the risk of being targeted by the Watchmen."]
I'm the Watchmen now.
they're just a rebel group.
The Fool01:18 PM
yeah really the old watchmen is just Kyle and MKR now
The WCT01:18 PM
Naught is long gone.
Kyle and MKR don't have the same balls of steel that Naught had.
The WCT01:18 PM
[Replying to "Kat doesn't have an account?"]
I have two.
but everybody already knows I'm those two accounts.
The Fool01:19 PM
I mean they're probably going to find out [REDACTED] is here sooner or later anyway
there's nothing worthwhile going on in the place server
it's probably fine to just post it under [REDACTED]'s account unless he really doesn't want to lose access to it
chris is gone, so, it's totally dead
The WCT01:20 PM
With all the screenshots taken from there, they're completely fucked.
if anything, it will only further justify my reasoning for getting Chris away from them.
I'm just trying to be cautious. Don't want to get caught up in MKR's wild accusations. I mean, she's accusing Neko of wanting to kill Chris.
The WCT01:21 PM
me? kill chris?
The Fool01:22 PM
yeah I know lol. I wouldn't worry, she's obviously losing it and not even chris is falling for her shenanigans anymore, you have way more clout than she ever will
The WCT01:23 PM
As leader of the Watchmen, I sentence Meghan Kathleen Ringo to the Shadow Realm.
And I pardon Silvia and Lainchu (Anaxis) of treason.
The Fool01:28 PM
I'm gonna poke the nest lol, since you posted her tweet on LC so I have reason to have seen it
The WCT01:30 PM
[Replying to "I'm gonna poke the nest lol, since you posted her tweet on LC so I have reason to have seen it"]
here we go.
The Fool01:33 PM
The WCT01:37 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
Mad at the Internet
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:42 PM
[Replying to "I'm thinking I might make an alt account to post the Praetor chat video to KF. If I do it with [REDACTED], The Place will know I've been talking with you. Or I could ask someone at KF who has no connections to either The Place or you to post, but that would be asking them to take on the risk of being targeted by the Watchmen."]
I could post the call to the cwcki if you'd like. Then it'd be public information and you'd just be acknowledging it.
The Fool01:43 PM
good idea
The WCT01:43 PM
[Replying to "I could post the call to the cwcki if you'd like. Then it'd be public information and you'd just be acknowledging it."]
will you guys incorporate parts of the lolcow.org thread?
like the screenshots that prove Naught was the doxer?
The Fool01:43 PM
I wouldn't, josh is extremely scared of LC and censors even indirect mention to it
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:44 PM
Idk. Doesn't have a ton to do with chris, it's more personal drama between the two of you.
The WCT01:44 PM
[Replying to "I wouldn't, josh is extremely scared of LC and censors even indirect mention to it"]
the screenshots, not the posts.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:48 PM
I'm not exactly trying to stay on MKR's good side
I'll post it in a bit
The WCT01:49 PM
[Replying to "I'm not exactly trying to stay on MKR's good side"]
have you long awaited this moment?
4 months in the making?
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:50 PM
Haven't really been thinking about it, but I guess it's good that the full recording is being released
The WCT01:51 PM
[Replying to "Haven't really been thinking about it, but I guess it's good that the full recording is being released"]
not really that, but the fact that you'll finally have real closure with Meghan? (edited)
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:51 PM
Lol, closure?
I don't think that's what this is, but sure
The WCT01:52 PM
Lainchu's revenge. lol
The Fool01:52 PM
made her calm down lol
"come on dude show SOME dignity to this brainless retard"
really does talk like a middleschool bully
The WCT01:54 PM
he's an asshole.
glad I won't bring him back.
The Fool01:55 PM
anyway out of a sense of moral obligation I'm telling MKR to calm down and approach chris in a nicer fashion so be aware of that
just make sure chris doesn't fall for it
The WCT01:56 PM
I'll tell Chris that he can still be friends with Meghan, but she's not welcomed in this server.
but even then, I don't know if he'll even consider that option considering all the terrible things I've shown him.
Not to mention that even Josh gave me additional support.
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:00 PM
Probably not a good idea to have her continuing to whisper in his ear
The WCT02:01 PM
[Replying to "Probably not a good idea to have her continuing to whisper in his ear"]
eh...good point.
I forgot that June 21st call exists.
Nova be like: "burden of proof! okay?"
The Fool02:03 PM
yeah I honestly wouldn't trust her
kyle, mkr and naught are extremely manipulative people
I'm at least trying to get mkr to see how dumb this all is but I'm not optimistic for any of them
[Replying to "I'm at least trying to get mkr to see how dumb this all is but I'm not optimistic for any of them"]
that's because they're lolcows.
lolcows have no optimism.
The Fool02:09 PM
everyone capable of speech is capable of being taught, it's the teacher's job to find the right words. sometimes it's very very hard, but it's always possible.
So [REDACTED] i'll help you identify each person with the Praetor call. The guy at 0:35 is Kyle, dude at 0:40 is Caden, woman at 2:12 is Meghan, I'm at 7:40, Naught is at 8:53, 10:01 is Val.
but out of respect for Val, I request that he'd be kept Anonymous.
Him and I were talking a lot last night and he asked me privately to withhold his name.
Been skimming the YouTube auto transcript, don't think it looks great for Praetor. Their line about how they want to give Chris the taser to help him experiment with unlocking the Merge is really dumb. At least they didn't want him to tase himself like the Watchmen claimed.
[Replying to "So [REDACTED] i'll help you identify each person with the Praetor call. The guy at 0:35 is Kyle, dude at 0:40 is Caden, woman at 2:12 is Meghan, I'm at 7:40, Naught is at 8:53, 10:01 is Val."]
Awesome, thanks.
[Replying to "but out of respect for Val, I request that he'd be kept Anonymous."]
Sure, it can be written as Anonymous in the CWCki.
The WCT02:31 PM
[Replying to "Been skimming the YouTube auto transcript, don't think it looks great for Praetor. Their line about how they want to give Chris the taser to help him experiment with unlocking the Merge is really dumb. At least they didn't want him to tase himself like the Watchmen claimed."]
like I said before, people will stink they're cringe but it will be left at that.
The Fool02:31 PM
make sure you emphasize that this is not a partnership with praetor
The WCT02:31 PM
The Fool02:31 PM
you're just letting people know the truth instead of what the autistic illuminati manufactured
Alright if I share the link with another CWCki editor? Maybe he could help write up a summary. I still don't have a chance to listen to the video itself.
The WCT02:32 PM
Caden to me was just a numbskull that didn't understand what he was getting himself into.
I always ignored that thread because chris' orbiters are boring lol
The WCT03:14 PM
This is the thread that drove Smoky Chris out of the CWC Sphere.
that was basically the peak of the Watchmen's reign of terror.
Silvia03:18 PM
Wheeze I just woke up and oml mkr is having a cow
The WCT03:19 PM
[Replying to "Wheeze I just woke up and oml mkr is having a cow"]
*being a cow
Silvia03:20 PM
Either way she’s being cringy as all hell.
The WCT03:20 PM
[Replying to "Either way she’s being cringy as all hell."]
its only going to get worse.
the CWCki and the Kiwi Farms have now been completely restored.
Silvia03:21 PM
That’s good. But now I see mkrs true face. The drugs are gone so she’s having a withdrawal. Also how did aqua convo go
The WCT03:21 PM
[Replying to "That’s good. But now I see mkrs true face. The drugs are gone so she’s having a withdrawal. Also how did aqua convo go"]
I've been unable to contact her.
so far, she still seems to believe the lie.
Silvia03:22 PM
Damn. Oh well.
Discussing Naught and Lolcow.org
30 June 2021
Summary: The Fool comments on Lolcow.org admin Cjocker replacing a thread of Naught's with his own, and the WCT responds positively to this news, stating that Naught's "legacy" on the site was being erased.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The Fool10:05 PM
hahahaha cjocker replaced naught's OP of the null thread with his own
that was the biggest thread on LC and he doesn't even have that anymore
The WCT10:20 PM
Get rekt.
“They’re picking apart my posts!”
The Fool10:22 PM
I was the one who said they should do that but I didn't really expect them to actually do it
The WCT10:22 PM
Naught just can’t stop taking Ls.
They’re really erasing his legacy on the whole site. lol
Commentary on the Watchmen's Behavior in the Taser Discussion
1 July 2021
Summary: Silvia inquires about the Watchmen's behavior in the Taser Discussion with Praetor, pointing out how scattershot their discussion was. WCT talks about it with her, stating that while both sides were bad, the Watchmen were worse and had no plan. He states that Praetor was a "necessary evil" who did spur Chris into doing something productive, and that he would allow anyone wanting to do business with Chris as long as they aren't doing anything illegal. WCT then speaks more about his philosophy of non-interference, then discussion turns to further bashing of the other Watchmen who stayed loyal to Naught.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Silvia12:46 AM
So i listened to the whole praetor video and I’m quite confused.
I wouldn't count Tiffany completely because I never actually saw her IRL.
Silvia01:12 AM
Well the point it it was the opposite sex lol
The WCT01:12 AM
I still kinda cope about her. If she and I were still a thing she would probably be in this server right now.
Silvia01:13 AM
I understand….I’ve been there trust me.
The WCT01:13 AM
she loved the attention she got from me and she probably would've taken advantage of me taking power rn. lol (edited)
Silvia01:26 AM
Kyle sperged a lot
The WCT01:26 AM
Pluto/Val agreed with my choice to not bring him back.
he always thought of him as somebody that just can't connect with Chris.
Silvia01:26 AM
Who Kyle?
The Fool01:27 AM
yeah he actively just wants to mock chris
The WCT01:27 AM
[Replying to "Who Kyle?"]
Silvia01:27 AM
He was very rude to her but rude to everyone. I never understood why he was there
The WCT01:27 AM
they have too many disagreements with each other and Kyle seems to be more of a troll to him than a friend.
The WCT01:27 AM
[Replying to "He was very rude to her but rude to everyone. I never understood why he was there"]
Ask Naught that question. lol
so incompetent.
The Fool01:27 AM
even MKR I give the benefit of the doubt and maybe she has the capacity to mesh with this group, but Kyle is very active about mocking him
The WCT01:27 AM
Meghan can actually get along with Chris.
Kyle just wants to fuck with him.
The Fool01:28 AM
The WCT01:28 AM
Naught was also a retard for giving him ownership of the place.
like dude, why?
The Fool01:28 AM
that said I trust mkr as far as I can throw her (and thats a lot to throw)
Silvia01:28 AM
I’ve never had any ill will against mkr but I won’t tolerating her being rude to others.
The WCT01:29 AM
Naught made a big mistake not giving me the place.
Silvia01:29 AM
Tolerate gods I can’t spell
The WCT01:29 AM
[Replying to "Naught made a big mistake not giving me the place."]
looking back though, he knew what i'd do if I took power. (edited)
The Fool01:30 AM
I'm pretty sure him calling you a faggot and telling his friends to call you a faggot and gaslighting you and telling his friends to gaslight you had something to do with him actively deciding not to hand you ownership of the server, but thats just my theory
The WCT01:30 AM
[Replying to "looking back though, he knew what i'd do if I took power. (edited)"]
If there was a time for him to give me the place, it was February 2021 when our conflict with Praetor reached its peak. That and his crayhans got banned in April.
The WCT01:31 AM
[Replying to "I'm pretty sure him calling you a faggot and telling his friends to call you a faggot and gaslighting you and telling his friends to gaslight you had something to do with him actively deciding not to hand you ownership of the server, but thats just my theory"]
the only I was taking power was in a coup.
there was no other option.
The Fool01:31 AM
all's fair in autism and war
The WCT01:31 AM
him doxing me backfired because most don't really care who I am IRL, along with further justifying my cause.
Naught essentially handed me the keys on a silver platter.
The Fool Acts as a Double Agent, The WCT Creates a Kiwi Farms Post, MKR's Texts With Chris Are Leaked
1 July 2021
Summary: The Fool shares some information from within the Place, first showcasing Nova's long commentary on Chris's tweets, then continuing to play dumb with the Watchmen while giving MKR advice on how to win Chris back. He later shares text messages sent between MKR and Chris, where MKR follows the Fool's advice and tries to guilt Chris, but he refuses her attempts in response.
Meanwhile, WCT asks for feedback on a Kiwi Farms post he is drafting, wherein he explains that he is not working with Praetor and that Nova and MKR are attempting to manipulate public opinion against him in order to get Chris to come back. I advise him to stay out of the spotlight, and he asks if I've written anything about the Watchmen's breakup for the CWCki, to which I tell him I can't because of periodic downtime. He then spends the rest of the conversation bashing the "Toxic Trio" with the Fool and Silvia.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
I'd just re-enforce his idea that he foreseen all this to keep him confident in his decision
so they don't draw him back in
I also just suggested to them that they prevent an evil OC is taking them over (I feel like if I offer them suggestions then I can tell you that they might plan to do that), so maybe warn Chris about that
The WCT10:19 PM
[Replying to "so they don't draw him back in"]
they will fail spectacularly.
The Fool10:20 PM
Don't let your guard down anyway
@Neko Someone posted MKR's tweet accusing you to KF.
[Broken image attachment]
The WCT10:21 PM
[Replying to "[Broken image attachment]"]
should I reply?
The Fool10:21 PM
yeah, tell them you have nothing to do with praetor and this is them trying to manipulate chris/people
Say that the whole reason you took Chris away from MKR and Kyle is specifically because they're this conniving and sleezy and don't have the best intentions for Chris, they're not better than Praetor.
I'll be honest, associating myself with Chris is kinda embarrassing.
but on the other hand, I do see it as a way for me to do some good.
However, I won't be as forceful on him as the others were. (edited)
The Fool10:47 PM
she's taking my advice to be short and sweet and stop threatening him
make sure chris is aware this is a manipulation tactic
The WCT10:48 PM
>I don't know why this happened.
Your buddy doxed me and you sided with him. LOL
If Meghan had recognized the reality that Naught had been responsible for my doxing, she wouldn't have lost Chris.
In fact, I was hopeful that MKR and Kyle would realize this and turn against him.
My original plan was to have those two by my side instead of the opposite.
The Fool10:50 PM
Chris said it best, Kyle is a fucking snake
The WCT10:50 PM
Why do so many people believe Naught word for word?
The Fool10:51 PM
I guess he's decently charismatic
The WCT10:51 PM
jfc, make him show the evidence to defend himself.
The WCT10:51 PM
[Replying to "I guess he's decently charismatic"]
I believe its his tone.
And if you heard the voice clips, Naught clearly didn't give a fuck.
He was guilty.
The Fool10:57 PM
I wish I could tell Chris I'm giving MKR orders for his protection but that would involve telling him that he can be manipulated when he thinks he's omniscient
I guess I could tell him MKR is asking me what to say because she's too dishonest to say nice things by herself
Which is true.
The WCT11:06 PM
[Replying to "I guess I could tell him MKR is asking me what to say because she's too dishonest to say nice things by herself"]
Meghan needs some ammo.
and she clearly has none.
The Fool11:08 PM
I'm her ammo supplier and all I'm giving her are those gag guns that eject a flag that says "bang!" on it when you pull the trigger
the only call where chris was the retarded one was the father call
Silvia11:43 PM
Jesus I just caught up
I’m just floored at christines response. And Meghans. She’s doing what I call tug o warring. She’s being mean about loosing Christine then try to sound sad like I’m sorry I’ll miss u
The WCT11:45 PM
[Replying to "I’m just floored at christines response. And Meghans. She’s doing what I call tug o warring. She’s being mean about loosing Christine then try to sound sad like I’m sorry I’ll miss u"]
she's a true blue moron.
one moment she sounds like the person that I depicted to Chris, and one moment sounds nice.
this is embarrassingly bad.
The Fool11:46 PM
[Replying to "I’m just floored at christines response. And Meghans. She’s doing what I call tug o warring. She’s being mean about loosing Christine then try to sound sad like I’m sorry I’ll miss u"]
I'm specifically telling MKR to say that because I feel too bad watching her slip on the same banana peel over and over
The WCT11:47 PM
concern trolling. lol
Silvia11:47 PM
[Replying to "I'm specifically telling MKR to say that because I feel too bad watching her slip on the same banana peel over and over"]
Ahhhh makes sense.
The WCT11:48 PM
I warned Chris she would do this.
The Fool11:48 PM
you mean Chris foresaw all of this
Silvia11:49 PM
Either way she’s done. Christine closed the window on the buzzard that is she
The WCT11:49 PM
Chris will be fine without her.
The Fool11:49 PM
Like I told Kat, don't let your guard down.
The WCT11:49 PM
[Replying to "you mean Chris foresaw all of this"]
Silvia11:50 PM
[Replying to "Like I told Kat, don't let your guard down."]
Nope not for a moment. She could try anything
The Fool11:50 PM
fortunately she seems keen with sharing whatever she's trying with kyle and I in the old server
so I can leak here
Silvia11:50 PM
That’s good. Like I said she’s just shooting herself in the foot
The WCT11:50 PM
I'll give Kyle some kudos.
he pretty much conceded.
Silvia11:51 PM
Kyle quit
The Fool11:51 PM
I mean he did say "yeah I'll try to pester chris too"
The WCT11:51 PM
Meghan's been spamming my DMs while Kyle hasn't.
he just said one thing to me and that was it.
The WCT11:51 PM
[Replying to "I mean he did say "yeah I'll try to pester chris too""]
that's him giving up. lol
Silvia11:52 PM
Jesus with what nonsense now. And I figured bc he never cared for Christine
The Fool11:52 PM
maybe he's realizing he doesn't need to babysit chris to a-log him
The WCT11:52 PM
Kyle should be grateful that I've allowed him to be the A-Log that he is without worrying about Chris shitting on him. (edited)
The Fool11:53 PM
I also told MKR to not bother Chris too much since he gets irritated by that (he does) so she might try a slow-and-steady approach
The WCT on Being Honest With Chris
2 July 2021
Summary: The Fool posts comments by Nova and MKR where they state that WCT has lied to Chris and has said worse things than they had, and that they could probably find evidence of that in the Place. WCT then asks if he should just be honest with Chris, and shares the uncut VC he had with Chris where he talks about Naught's behavior, noting his confidence that he has convinced Chris to follow him due to "tell[ing] him everything."
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The Fool02:53 PM
you know I really feel like I'm watching a bunch of cartoon villains fumble around with some ridiculous evil plan
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:58 PM
With the watchmen, it's always been that way lol
The WCT03:04 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
should I just be honest with Chris?
Chris has always praised me for my honesty towards him.
The Fool03:05 PM
yeah, I feel like Chris knows when someone is being honest and he appreciates it, but, I'm not claiming to be an expert
I plan on telling him I'm keeping an eye on MKR and Kyle for his protection (and that he foresaw all this and blah blah blah just that you can't be too careful and we just care about him etc)
The WCT03:07 PM
I'm confident that tonight's VC with Chris will further cement my victory. lol
if you listen closely to the VC, I literally broke it down with Chris.
The Fool03:08 PM
I'm not listening to two hours of that
The WCT03:08 PM
skip to 30 minutes.
its where I tell him everything.
@The Fool if Kyle and Meghan have anyone to blame, they shouldn't blame me.
they blame Naught.
the end.
More Double Agent Reporting
3 July 2021
Summary: The Fool shares more text messages between MKR and Chris that the former posted in the Place, and that he attempted to give MKR advice on what to say to Chris (knowing that it wouldn't work). WCT expresses disbelief at her desperation, and both he and the Fool mock her for it. Para asks why the Watchmen want Chris, and WCT and the Fool respond that it comes down to their insecurity.
The Fool then continues sharing more schemes by Nova and MKR, with WCT condemning their decision to stay with Naught, and Para argues against his reasoning. Silvia later joins the conversation, where WCT and the Fool summarize their feelings about the situation to her.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The Fool02:52 PM
chris to mkr again
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:53 PM
How are you seeing their messages?
The Fool02:54 PM
mkr is posting them
The WCT02:56 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
Chris is clearly ready to move on.
but she just won't let go.
The Fool02:57 PM
and again make sure chris knows I'm telling her to say all this
I'm planning on telling him that when we call
he must not believe her
The WCT02:58 PM
[Replying to "and again make sure chris knows I'm telling her to say all this"]
I can't believe this.
is she this desperate?
The Fool02:58 PM
The WCT02:59 PM
And she needs someone else to do the talking?
she's almost 30 years old and should be able to do stuff by herself.
This is embarrassing.
The Fool02:59 PM
like I said, she was screaming nonstop to chris "enjoy getting used idiot!!!" and, like, I just couldn't stand there and watch her do that, it was too much, like, oh my god how are you this bad at manipulating someone
The WCT03:00 PM
what is your ultimate goal with this?
The Fool03:00 PM
The WCT03:00 PM
The Fool03:00 PM
don't worry I'm on your side, I'm not leaking anything to them
and I am worried about what they're trying to do to get chris back
like I said, never let your guard down
The WCT03:01 PM
I'll keep reminding Chris why he had to leave them.
Para03:01 PM
why do they want chris
The Fool03:01 PM
when we call I'll tell chris I told mkr to say all that shit
The WCT03:01 PM
[Replying to "why do they want chris"]
they need a pet cow.
and someone they can use as bait to dox other people. lol
The Fool03:02 PM
you know how school bullies keep around someone dumber than them to feel better about themselves?
The WCT03:02 PM
[Replying to "you know how school bullies keep around someone dumber than them to feel better about themselves?"]
The Fool03:02 PM
they don't directly torment them or anything, they just pretend to be their friend
Para03:02 PM
The Fool03:02 PM
because they're insecure
The WCT03:03 PM
Everything that the Fool is putting out right now is part of the reason why I carried out this coup d'etat.
The Fool03:22 PM
The WCT03:23 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
If you stopped being an asshole, along with recognizing Naught's betrayal, you wouldn't be in this situation right now. Its not that hard to understand.
The Fool03:24 PM
he doesn't know you did tell chris lol
The WCT03:25 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
I don't want to act too braggy, but I've become more powerful than any of them.
And if they're so keen on getting Chris back, why don't they admit to me that Naught is a traitor?
I didn't betray them, it was Naught.
Para03:26 PM
i dont think kyle thinks naught did that
The WCT03:26 PM
because he's in cope mode.
Para03:26 PM
yeah i just dont think youre gonna get what you want because some people actually dont think that happened
The WCT03:26 PM
he doesn't want to believe his best friend caused the destruction of their group.
Para03:26 PM
i listened to the call the other day it seems like he doesnt think that happened
The WCT03:27 PM
[Replying to "i listened to the call the other day it seems like he doesnt think that happened"]
that was before the thread went up.
4 days prior.
Para03:27 PM
he wanted people to just get along
well his attitude still
The WCT03:27 PM
Para03:27 PM
he just wants people to shut up
The WCT03:27 PM
Kyle was clearly trying to derail the conversation.
and there's a possibility that Naught told him to shut me up.
Para03:27 PM
yeah but i dont think hes a bad guy
nah i dont think so
The WCT03:27 PM
I disagree.
Para03:27 PM
he seems kind of depressed and has his own issues
The WCT03:27 PM
you can tell in his voice that it was carefully planned.
Para03:28 PM
i dont think so
but i dont know
i dont know these people
The WCT03:28 PM
Josh said it was Naught.
the screenshots make it clearly obvious.
and most that I've talked to who knew Naught well mostly agree that it was him.
And his silence on these matters also proves his guilt.
Even if Naught apologizes to me, he's gonna have to do more than that. (edited)
He needs to delete my dox on Lolcow.org and order Nova to hand me ownership of the place...which won't happen.
Para03:30 PM
i dont feel that nova is a bad guy is all
josh is kind of biased against naught did he provide you proof
The WCT03:31 PM
i'm sorry to say this, but I disagree. But that guy's an asshole with some major problems in the head. I tried to do all I could to get along with him and Meghan, but they clearly hated my guts. lol
Para03:31 PM
i am not trying to undermine your experience its important that people who help you are also doing it
out of good will
The WCT03:31 PM
[Replying to "josh is kind of biased against naught did he provide you proof"]
yes he did.
Para03:31 PM
okay that’s good
i think hes doing that as a defense mechanism if hes an asshole
men are assholes to eachother
The Fool03:32 PM
not that I have any plan or intention of taking over whatsoever, but I think it's cute how little suspicion I have, if they knew my role here they'd probably think I'm the number one guy who would take over (not like anyone's taking this from kat to begin with)
The WCT03:32 PM
We had a short but detailed conversation, and got a bit annoyed when I kept showing him screenshots.
mkr and kyle think they have an ace up their sleeve
The WCT04:09 PM
Para's back, and MKR/Nova are planning gay ops.
The Fool04:09 PM
Silvia04:09 PM
Oofarooni on them thinking.
The WCT04:09 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
dudes, stop planning gay ops that will fail. You already lost, just move on.
Silvia04:09 PM
Wtf with oc lore
Or Chris lore
The Fool04:10 PM
they're projecting by thinking kat is being just as manipulative and lying as them
The WCT04:10 PM
uh...where did I lie? lol.
The Fool04:11 PM
they don't know, they just keep assuming you said some sort of lie to chris
Silvia04:11 PM
What does owning a vagina have to do with anything. Be glad u own a dick and won’t suffer periods.
The WCT04:11 PM
[Replying to "What does owning a vagina have to do with anything. Be glad u own a dick and won’t suffer periods."]
they think Chris will only listen to women.
The Fool04:11 PM
but if you have a vagina you can maniplate chirs!!!
Silvia04:12 PM
But I don’t want to manipulate lol. And also bc you can’t draw doesn’t mean anything. She draws art like mid 2000s anime. Which is long overdue
Expand your drawing capacity. Try different styles
The Fool04:13 PM
like I said she's projecting
The WCT04:13 PM
you know, the fact that Naught is silent on everything right now speaks volumes.
Silvia04:13 PM
The WCT04:13 PM
its almost like he wants me in control.
The Fool04:14 PM
the dude really should have just gone with the punches and owned up to being a fag, I mean fuck, look at opee, if you're shameless nobody can hate you
but no he has to hide like a bitch
The WCT04:14 PM
[Replying to "the dude really should have just gone with the punches and owned up to being a fag, I mean fuck, look at opee, if you're shameless nobody can hate you"]
there were moments were he was becoming more open about his true self, but he's a little too egotistical.
The WCT Reflects on Watchmen Drama & His Dox, More MKR Text Leaks
3 July 2021
Summary: WCT reflects on the Watchmen drama and his dox, as well as his plans going forward when it comes to his online presence. He later brags about how good his relationship is with Chris and how happy Chris currently is. Para and Silvia then have a discussion about the state of Chris's life and his happiness, which then transitions into WCT comparing CWCville to Afghanistan by stating that he's the real leader while Chris is a figurehead. He then seems to compare himself to the presence of the Taliban in Afghanistan by stating that he has provided hope and stability to the fictional city.
While this discussion is happening, the Fool shares more text exchanges between Chris and MKR, in which Chris essentially rejects her attempt to guilt him into coming back to her. WCT, of course, gloats about this and credits himself for this turn of events.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT04:27 PM
don't overthink.
I tend to do this a lot and it doesn't work out. lol
Silvia04:27 PM
The WCT04:27 PM
based on how things are looking now, I think the worst of the drama between me and the old Watchmen are over.
so in a couple days, I'll try resuming my production of my documentaries.
ngl, getting doxed sucks but at least that part is over.
Para04:31 PM
did they dox your location
what was doxed
i mean it doesnt matter probably would call the local pd if your shit is out there
id be afraid of swatting
The WCT04:32 PM
my real name, hometown, my face, facebook (idk why I still had that).
Para04:32 PM
its good its not your exact location then
The WCT04:32 PM
I hope Naught didn't uncover any of my family members.
because if he did, I'll be contacting California authorities.
Para04:32 PM
that is still bad (edited)
The WCT04:33 PM
[Replying to "its good its not your exact location then"]
there is good news though:
i'm moving.
And unlike where I am now, I intend on using a VPN whenever I use sites like the Farms or lolcow.org.
but for the most part, I plan on taking a step back once my move is done.
Para04:34 PM
like what
The WCT04:34 PM
publicly, I won't be as active in the lolcow circles.
privately though, complete opposite with Chris and stuff.
Unlike the old Watchmen, I intend on not making anything public unless he says otherwise.
so far, most of the things we've discussed are personal stuff that he himself would never leak.
Para04:36 PM
it should be like that anyways
The WCT04:36 PM
when you're friends with somebody, you gotta have trust.
and it shouldn't be anybody's personal entertainment. (edited)
Para04:37 PM
it’d probably help chris if you did that anyways
he probably likes the attention on some level from people who view him as entertaining
but i am sure that shit grinds itself down eventually
hes like 40 now
The WCT04:38 PM
Looking back: Meghan and Kyle have always feared the day I'd rise to power. Simply because even they know that the relationship between me and Chris is really good.
Kyle's relations with Chris is terrible. Meghan's is not as bad, but Chris mostly ignores her.
As for me though, we get along very well.
Para04:39 PM
chris has always said he prefers female attention but if you express that you arent interested i am sure he doesnt have much use for you
The WCT04:39 PM
behind the scenes though, it may not matter anymore. 🙂
I won't disclose anything because he even requested me to keep this info private.
But Chris is doing very well right now.
I'd say this is the happiest he's been in a long time.
Silvia04:41 PM
Para04:42 PM
he is as happy as a delusional 40 year old tranny can be
Silvia04:43 PM
But if she’s living her life without the full gatekeeping like the past has. Then that’s a step up in my book
Para04:44 PM
i mean to me chris will never be a complete person
but if they kind some level of “happiness” thats better than nothjng
Silvia04:44 PM
Exactly on point para
Para04:45 PM
i think the way he lives is overall so toxic for a human that itd be impossible for a regular person to be happy
living with no intrinsic goals or no ambitions
so why bother him as much as people do
its really sad
Silvia04:46 PM
Well her “goal” is to be a goddess. So it’s better than nothing. Not exactly a healthy thing but it’s better then doing nothing
But then again I could be wrong. Idk.
The WCT04:48 PM
[Replying to "But if she’s living her life without the full gatekeeping like the past has. Then that’s a step up in my book"]
now that I'm in charge, Chris has been set freed. For better or worse. (edited)
Silvia04:49 PM
I feel like we r the passengers of a Rickity old ship. It’s worn it’s shitty but it’s homey
And Christine is the captain and Neko is first in command.
The WCT04:49 PM
I don't like to think of it as a ship.
think about CWCVille.
That place is literally Afghanistan.
Silvia04:50 PM
?????? I don’t see how elaborate
The WCT04:50 PM
think of it this way:
Chris is like the symbolic leader.
I'm the real one.
The Fool04:50 PM
its like that tim and eric skit about the universe. "the universe is like, if, uh, you put it in a paper bag and, uh, um..."
Silvia04:51 PM
Like Britain? The queen is for show?
The WCT04:51 PM
[Replying to "Like Britain? The queen is for show?"]
in a way yes.
A constitutional monarchy.
i'm like the benevolent dictator.
Para04:52 PM
i am not sure if encouraging chris in his quest to be a goddess is overall the best idea
The WCT04:52 PM
CWCVille just like Afghanistan is a place that has longed for some form of stability after being caught in the cross hairs of countless clout chasers.
Para04:52 PM
but there is no alternative
The Fool04:52 PM
Para04:52 PM
The Fool04:52 PM
Para04:53 PM
better than nothing
The Fool04:53 PM
chris just told mkr to fuck off lol
Silvia04:53 PM
[Replying to "i am not sure if encouraging chris in his quest to be a goddess is overall the best idea"]
No not saying encouraging just saying it’s her personal goal.
Para04:53 PM
people have tried to hit chris with reality and it doesnt work
[Replying to "CWCVille just like Afghanistan is a place that has longed for some form of stability after being caught in the cross hairs of countless clout chasers."]
And the person that ends up providing the hope and stability that it desperately needs arrives in the form of myself. (just like Afghanistan and the Taliban)
The Fool04:55 PM
kat going kengle mode
The WCT04:56 PM
now i need to lose an eye. lol
Watchmen Gossip, More Complaining About Naught's Behavior, WCT & MKR's DMs
3 July 2021
Summary: The Knights have a discussion where they gossip about the Watchmen, and MKR's behavior and mental state in the face of rejection from Chris. Naturally, WCT manages to eventually return to the topic of Naught's behavior and how Nova and MKR failed to turn against him. He then shares DMs he had with MKR, where the two of them speculate on who doxed him, with MKR shifting blame to other individuals when WCT insists that it must have been Naught. Everyone in this discussion makes fun of her while WCT is sharing these DMs.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT05:02 PM
@The Fool how are they reacting to the screenshots?
I haven’t read any by them yet but I’ve heard of them too
The Fool05:02 PM
they haven't said anything yet, mkr just said "well fuck you too chris"
Silvia05:02 PM
Oh really?! Rude
The WCT05:02 PM
[Replying to "they haven't said anything yet, mkr just said "well fuck you too chris""]
gimme screenshot.
The Fool05:02 PM
also this is my favorite hanh book
Silvia05:02 PM
I’ll read it 🙂
The Fool05:03 PM
nice, yeah this book changed my life
The WCT05:03 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
Was is she helping me win????
this is fucking embarrassing.
Silvia05:04 PM
She needs some anger management
The Fool05:04 PM
I can't lie, part of me wanted to help her and tell her how to properly talk to chris just for the joy of watching her fall flat on her face and ignore my advice
Silvia05:05 PM
It’s odd bc I’m Egyptian polytheistic but I enjoy buddist teachings
The WCT05:05 PM
the fact that Meghan needs Chris in her life speaks volumes about herself.
and not in a good way.
Its a very bad one.
Silvia05:05 PM
The WCT05:06 PM
I don't need Chris in my life tbh.
but him and I have gotten along so well that it doesn't matter. lol
Meghan isn't the prettiest, but if she at least fixed her personality, I can easily chill with her. But she also a major problem of thinking for herself.
And is very hypocritical on many issues.
Silvia05:11 PM
[Replying to "Meghan isn't the prettiest, but if she at least fixed her personality, I can easily chill with her. But she also a major problem of thinking for herself."]
Silvia05:11 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
Also I love lucky star
The WCT05:11 PM
If you're friends with somebody who has obviously backstabbed one of your friends, you need to speak up for what is right.
if you can't do that, you're a failure as a human being.
even if you’re friends with someone you should call them out on their shit
[1 👆 reaction]
or else they cant evolve
The WCT05:13 PM
Just because Naught is your friend of a few years doesn't mean shit. If you let your biases overshadow you, you'll lose more than you'll think.
If Meghan and Kyle had recognized the reality that I was presenting to them, I wouldn't have needed to make this server or even be at war with them right now. (edited)
All I wanted in the end was for them to turn against Naught and throw him out.
But they didn't.
Silvia05:14 PM
But apparently reality doesn’t sit well with these ppl
The Fool05:14 PM
yeah but can you give them lolicon?
The WCT05:14 PM
lel no.
i'm not a pedo like Naught is.
next time he tries talking with you, spam this in his DMs.
I think that what’s scares me the most about naught that he likes that stuff
The WCT05:15 PM
if people ask me how I was able to endure him for two years, its because I thought he was my friend. But he just dumped me when he didn't need me anymore. lol
Silvia05:16 PM
Same Neko
The WCT05:16 PM
the man literally asked me if I could let him use my Kiwi Farms account for gay ops.
and I said: No.
Silvia05:16 PM
Sadly I fell for it and said yes.
The WCT05:16 PM
And I was getting sick and tired of all the crusades he was dragging me into.
like dude, let me rest or do it yourself. lol
The WCT05:17 PM
[Replying to "Sadly I fell for it and said yes."]
should've changed that password.
Para05:17 PM
i think they couldn’t accept it
because itd cause more trouble
and i think they didnt want that
The WCT05:17 PM
Para05:17 PM
then why it is messy wrong and complicated
The WCT05:18 PM
if they realized what he had done and kicked him out, almost everything we're dealing with now would be mostly swept under the rug. (edited)
I was hoping they would look at the facts.
but they didn't.
The Fool05:18 PM
it really is for the best, kyle and mkr are not very nice people
"oh, I didn't create another server! I swear I didn't!"
Para05:28 PM
whats the point of all this drama
why is it just hard to apologize
The WCT05:28 PM
[Replying to "whats the point of all this drama"]
ask Naught.
this is all his fault.
The Fool05:28 PM
[Replying to "whats the point of all this drama"]
this is how emotionally mature they are
The WCT05:29 PM
[Replying to "why is it just hard to apologize"]
he's not going to, he hates me. lol
he literally believes that I was a part of this irrelevant troll group known as Plate Gang.
The WCT05:36 PM
The Fool05:38 PM
she's such a bully lol
The WCT05:38 PM
I still hope I can talk with Caden.
The WCT05:39 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
"git in nigger."
that's the sound of somebody doing a gay op.
Silvia05:43 PM
[Replying to "she's such a bully lol"]
She’s always been a bully
The WCT05:43 PM
[Replying to "She’s always been a bully"]
she got WCT'eed.
Scheduling a Group Voice Chat
5 July 2021
Summary: The Knights schedule a group voice chat with Chris, which would take place later that night.
#general (First Layer)
The Fool04:14 PM
so we good for the call today or was it rescheduled?
Chris04:15 PM
For tonight, yes.
The WCT04:15 PM
[Replying to "For tonight, yes."]
sup Chris!
hope you're having a great day.
The Fool04:15 PM
nice, what time?
Chris04:16 PM
Going good. Making another commentary Tweet on something Don reminded me of in the book.
The Fool04:16 PM
Silvia05:53 PM
[Replying to "so we good for the call today or was it rescheduled?"]
730 I’m guessing
The WCT06:02 PM
[Replying to "730 I’m guessing"]
Silvia06:03 PM
Chris07:28 PM
Silvia07:29 PM
Hello I’m hopping in call now
The "Older Lady Friend" Call
5 July 2021
Summary: The scheduled call with Chris takes place. Most of it is mundane, discussing the Watchmen and their suspicions around me and Praetor, as well as Funko and the Matrix franchise. WCT continues self-aggrandizing, and I request (again, in vain) that Chris answer the Q&A questions I've provided him with. However, the most notable aspect of this call is Chris mentioning having an "older lady friend" who he has supposedly been having regular sex with. The Knights congratulate him on this and ask some minor questions, though Chris divulges little.
After this call ends, a second one starts in the second layer, where the Knights discuss the call, and speculate on the identity of this supposed mystery woman and why she had stuck around Chris.
The next day, in the second layer, WCT summarizes the lesser aspects of the call to another user, and again discusses the flaws in the Watchmen.
NOTE: This call with Chris and the subsequent private one without him were unfortunately not recorded, so the only evidence I have of them taking place are these chat transcripts of myself and others who didn't have their mics turned on, reacting to the call. Keep this in mind when trying to evaluate context.
NOTE: At this point, Chris is maintaining a cover story that his sex partner is simply an older woman.
#voice-chat (First Layer)
Lainchu (Anaxis)08:37 PM
Hello everyone
Sorry, I've got a bad mic. I'm just going to hang out if you don't mind.
They didn't trust me for some reason. They were paranoid that I was some sort of double agent of Praetor.
MKR believed I was part of some trolling group too
It was all very bizarre
Any sneak peaks [sic] on what your next joint business venture is?
I was trying to get the others to negotiate with Praetor and come to a compromise
We don't need to dwell on the old group's mistakes
That sounds awesome, chris!
Oof, take care of yourself
Stay safe
It was envy
They were competition for your attention
It was Val, actually
No, he hated me
I mean, [Klop] gave me the invite initially
But Val sent the actual link
He's washed his hands of the watchmen
She might be too loyal to MKR
Josh's discord account was banned too
I think he's got his hands full
He's got bigger problems than discord lol
He's ambivalent
And after years, I don't blame him
By the way, chris, I know I sound like a broken record, but if you have the time, I'd really appreciate it if you can answer the questions! When you've got the time of course.
But yeah, the animatrix is really cool. Guy who made Aeon Flux did one of the shorts.
I had a great time chatting, Chris!
Even tho I technically can only type, lol
The Defenders!
The CWCville Order
Nah, leave the old ways behind
I've been calling it the Protectorate
Thanks for coming by!
Have a good night!
#private-voice-chat (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Lainchu (Anaxis)09:15 PM
Remember, more people there are, the harder secrecy and order will be to maintain.
Yeah, the sex thing surprised me
I wonder who this mystery woman is
I don't think he's gonna be able to keep the secret for long, especially if they get more "serious"
For Chris's standards at least
She's definitely gonna get that
Without a shadow of a doubt
Maybe she already knows and doesn't care
Para09:19 PM
The WCT09:20 PM
you wanna join private vc? @Para
Lainchu (Anaxis)09:20 PM
I think she might be more put off by potential harassment
Subtlety has never been Chris's strong suit (edited)
6 July 2021
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
How'd the call go?
The WCT01:21 AM
[Replying to "How'd the call go?"]
it went well.
I chose not to record it (probably for the best) but it sounds like Chris is done with Meghan and Kyle.
And despite whatever they might be planning on, it won't end well.
The WCT01:22 AM
Chris told me that Caden is gonna help him buy a PC so that he can do more streams and such with the money they've earned from the partnership they've been having for a while now. (edited)
If Caden actually goes through with that, he will have earned my respect.
Silvia01:23 AM
Hear hear.
Baby steps with Caden
The WCT01:23 AM
like I said previously, I want to talk with him first.
giving him a second chance.
[Replying to "Chris told me that Caden is gonna help him buy a PC so that he can do more streams and such with the money they've earned from the partnership they've been having for a while now. (edited)"]
Did he say what kind of streams?
The WCT01:25 AM
[Replying to "Did he say what kind of streams?"]
not really, but I wouldn't be surprised if it were the kind that he did last year.
Silvia01:25 AM
Probably reading
The WCT01:25 AM
MLP and Red vs Blue reactions, or Dmensional Merge stuff.
I really wished the Watchmen did listen to Anaxis's suggestion of coming up with a compromise with Praetor so that there wouldn't be any beef between us.
looking back though, it was probably based on jealousy. lol
Silvia01:27 AM
I think that’s their core flaw. Jealous
The WCT01:28 AM
Jealousy and lack of control.
The Fool02:58 PM
you when chris was like "you ever sit in your room and just feel wavy? thats the merge" and I was just saying to myself "no thats diabetes dude"
he knows he's mortal, just remind him the merge hasn't completed yet and he hasn't fully merged with his immortal body
so he should be mindful to take care of his body while it's still mortal
he already had to save his alt-universe counterparts (edited)
cuz like legit I'm surprised he hasn't had a stroke
The WCT03:06 PM
I don't know if he'll live to be 50.
The Fool03:07 PM
he is 50 in chris-chan years
the body is very durable, when it shits out then it really shits out
The WCT's YouTube Channel Gets a Strike
6-7 July 2021
Summary: The WCT reports in the first layer that his YouTube channel had gotten a strike for harassment on an episode of his Randy Stair series, sharing the automated messages he received and his attempted appeal of the decision. Despite this, he manages to reupload all of his content to a second channel.
In the second layer, WCT speculates that Naught was responsible for flagging his videos, which leads to WCT privating all of his channel content. He then shares a slapfight he had with Naught over the strikes in a different server they shared, then a discussion he had with Chris in DMs about it, and finally an attempt by MKR to provoke him in another server.
The next day, WCT shares that his appeal had been rejected by YouTube, then calls the Watchmen leaders "pathetic" and "salty" over losing Chris.
#general (First Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
a server that me and Naught used to co-admin together.
The WCT04:20 AM
appeal has been rejected.
That sucks.
The WCT06:18 AM
[Replying to "That sucks."]
It’s so pathetic.
They’re literally this salty about Losing Chris.
The WCT & Naught Have a Slapfight Over the YouTube Strikes
8-9 July 2021
Summary: The slapfight between Naught and WCT continues, with the latter goading the former into posting his "big boy dox" in a server they both share. I warn WCT that provoking Naught will only escalate the situation, but the Fool insists that it would also be funny. WCT then shares some reactions of other users towards Naught's behavior, as well as a mod warning the two of them to be civil in their server. Para later states that Naught's statements didn't admit guilt, but WCT still insists that Naught is responsible.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
He’s kinda like me but explains things in a much weirder way.
The WCT's Interview & Argument Over Praetor Joining the Server
12 July 2021
Summary: The WCT shares a link to an interview he had with a CWCki editor about what had happened with the Watchmen, and the Fool remarks on how WCT had lied about being in contact with Chris, which he later confirms is meant to keep the Knights server a secret. The WCT and the Fool criticize the Watchmen for failing to stay secret, then WCT pivots to state his interest in inviting Caden of Praetor into the server. Para questions why WCT would bother with this, which triggers an argument where Para gradually gets more aggressive in her disagreements with WCT and the Fool's logic. The two of them take the position that Chris being exploited is inevitable, so the best they can do is remain friendly with him in the hope that Chris becomes more likely to take their advice over that of others.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
ah, are you lying about being in contact with chris to keep this place secret?
it's pretty cool to be in on a conspiracy lol
this must be what obama felt like
The WCT12:20 AM
[Replying to "ah, are you lying about being in contact with chris to keep this place secret?"]
one thing is a fact:
The Watchmen are dead.
The Fool12:21 AM
you're executing all this incredibly smoothly
The WCT12:22 AM
The Knights of CWC though are like a secret society. lol
The WCT12:23 AM
[Replying to "this must be what obama felt like"]
The Watchmen were originally intended on being kept a secret.
but somebody got a little too e-fame happy.
The Fool12:24 AM
yeah, like I mentioned several times, I was kind of blown away naught just invited me in there after barely knowing him
The WCT12:24 AM
looking back that helped kill the group. lol
we currently have around 8 members in this new server, and I have room for at least 1-2 more people.
The Fool12:25 AM
not even the best, the only defense is being unknown. If you're known, it's only a matter of time until the enemy whittles away your defenses.
The WCT12:25 AM
[Replying to "we currently have around 8 members in this new server, and I have room for at least 1-2 more people."]
And Praetor would be one of them.
The Fool12:26 AM
yeah they should be here since they're essentially us
how's getting them in here going?
The WCT12:29 AM
[Replying to "how's getting them in here going?"]
Chris sent them an invite, but they haven't budged yet.
I told Chris that I'd be interested in talking with Caden privately so I could form a compromise with him. (something that Lainchu proposed to the Watchmen back in February) (edited)
Para12:29 AM
whos caden
The WCT12:30 AM
[Replying to "whos caden"]
leader of Praetor.
The Fool12:30 AM
caden suck these nuts #ligmad
The WCT12:30 AM
a group of Gen Z grifters. lel
Para12:35 AM
why do you want that
The WCT12:36 AM
[Replying to "why do you want that"]
a compromise?
its to ensure that all goes well between the both of us.
The Fool12:37 AM
chris insists on being their friends anyway so it would be for the best
Para12:37 AM
why bother with clout chasing grifting zoomers
The WCT12:37 AM
They're free to grift off Chris, as long as they don't do anything that might actually hurt him physically. (hence the Taser discussion)
Para12:37 AM
isnt that something youd not want to do
The WCT12:38 AM
[Replying to "why bother with clout chasing grifting zoomers"]
they don't have to speak with me, but I'd rather have a word with them to make sure that they aren't going to do anything that does cause them issues.
The WCT12:38 AM
[Replying to "isnt that something youd not want to do"]
for the most part, this is all Chris's responsibility and not ours.
should anything happen to him, it will most likely be of his own doing.
The WCT12:38 AM
[Replying to "chris insists on being their friends anyway so it would be for the best"]
Para12:39 AM
i mean he seems loke an attention seeking retard
why do zoomers care about chris and chase clout involvinf him
The WCT12:40 AM
aren't they all? LOL.
Para12:40 AM
its just bizarre
The WCT12:40 AM
[Replying to "why do zoomers care about chris and chase clout involvinf him"]
and so far they're succeeding in doing just that despite the Watchmen's efforts to get rid of them.
amazing isn't it?
Para12:43 AM
yeah then why enable them
also its just weird how they take pictures with chris and make efforts fl meet irl
where are these zoomers parents
just weird
The Fool12:44 AM
like we said, we can't get rid of them, so it's better to be their friend
Para12:44 AM
why do you need zoomers that exploit chris here
The Fool12:44 AM
the worst case scenario is if chris was forced to side with them or us
Para12:44 AM
i disagree
you dont have to be their friend or suck their dick
The Fool12:45 AM
no, but we need to come to an understanding and open communications between us
they're unpredictable
so if they want to communicate with us what their intentions are, that would be great
again, they're not going away
this is just the sort of compromising you have to do when dealing with something that's barely sentient
Para12:49 AM
they want a foot in the door
to enable their cancer
if ur complaining about how people got too thirsty for efame just u wait till u allow thirsty clout chasing zoomers in ur space
theyll act like they respect you but later on will not
idc i am just a bystander but if you do that you’re setting yourself up to be replaced
The Fool12:51 AM
it'll also look better in chris' eyes, if he sees we're friendly and compliant and respectful of his wishes he'll side with us quicker over them
Para12:51 AM
this server will be discarded
no thats bullshit
i am sure chris
doesnt care
The Fool12:52 AM
it's already been demonstrated over the watchmen thing
chris chose kat over mkr
he chose real friendship over pussy
as barely cognizant as chris is, he does seem vaguely aware of intent and honesty in people, probably after a decade and a half of being manipulated
the only thing we can really do is respect his wishes, doing otherwise will make him think we're just using him. Kat is very vocal about treating chris as an adult even if he isn't one.
Para12:56 AM
kat isnt chris’s real friend
none of you faggots are his real friend let’s not kid ourselves
you just want to be in control in some way so chris wont do more stupid shit
The Fool12:57 AM
of course
well I don't know kat's reasoning, I'm just here for fun
Para12:57 AM
so inviting zoomers to shit that exploit chris in the first place how does that help that
The WCT12:57 AM
[Replying to "none of you faggots are his real friend let’s not kid ourselves"]
chill. lol
Para12:58 AM
u can kick me idc
i am just putting my pov out there
The WCT12:58 AM
you were invited in here to provide balance.
we're not an echo chamber.
Para12:58 AM
chris is kind of doomed to be manipulated by zoomers
The Fool12:59 AM
I think I explained things well enough, it's not an ideal solution but this is the reality of things
chris is a child and we have to handle him as such
The WCT12:59 AM
Here's my prediction:
somewhere down the line, Praetor will come and go like everybody else before them.
It will happen.
I tried telling Meghan and Kyle this, but they refused to listen and were impatient as fuck.
I always keep warning people countless times to not do business with Chris because we all know how it would usually end. If they chose to listen to me, good. But if not, they'll have to face some pretty negative consequences.
The Fool01:01 AM
we know where you're coming from para but there really is nothing we can do
all we can do is soften the blow
this is strategy
The WCT01:02 AM
Playing the long game is always the best way to deal with a difficult group of people.
The Fool01:03 AM
I get it's frustrating but the only alternative is to scream at chris until he gets sick of us and then leaves, like he did with watchmen
The WCT01:03 AM
And the thing is, if Chris alerts on something happening, that's where we can come in and provide him support. (just like Sockness)
If Chris doesn't ask for help or what, its not our problem then.
We were successful in getting rid of Sockness mainly because Chris requested us to stop him.
The Fool01:04 AM
chris is going to get into fucked up situations, it's what he does best, literally all we can do is be friendly enough to the point where he hopefully takes out advice and doesn't stay in it.
but he's a literal child so yelling at him just makes it way worse
The WCT01:06 AM
This is how the Watchmen lost him.
The Fool01:06 AM
The WCT01:06 AM
I would say it was because of the Watchmen's issues with Praetor did the Watchmen lose Chris's heart and soul. (edited)
The Fool01:07 AM
yeah, like I said, chris is actually aware of intention now, at least vaguely. if you're trying to control him, he is at least somewhat aware of it or can reflect on it to verify.
just being cool and being there for him without any stress or drama is the only thing that's sure to keep him
The WCT01:08 AM
it really depends on the situation as a whole.
If Chris is about to do something that could potentially harm him physically, that's where we can try convincing him to not go down these foolish roads.
And based on what he's been telling us so far, Caden has successfully won Chris's heart and it appears that he has no intention of screwing him over unless for dumb reason they do. lol
The Fool01:10 AM
like for the taser thing, I forget if I mentioned this, I probably did, but I'd tell him he hasn't fully merged with his goddess body yet and still has limits like not being able to fly so electricity could still harm him and it's better to not risk it
The WCT01:11 AM
playing the long game is the best overall solution with Chris at the end of the day. I mean look at Josh.
he's done this shit for nearly 10 years now, and his patience is unbelievable.
Attempting to Thwart Sockness, Discussions About Kyle, Praetor, & Chris's Future
12-13 July 2021
Summary: NovaKyle informs WCT of Jacob Sockness's intentions to go to Everfree Northwest and meet with Chris, and WCT warns Chris about this in turn. The Fool states that Chris should have bodyguards at the convention and WCT agrees, sparking a discussion on strategies to keep Chris safe. WCT soon decides to reach out to the convention and warn them about Sockness as well, though I take the position that he should inform Null first. Para later takes the position that Nova isn't a bad guy and points out how the Knights aren't much different from the Watchmen. WCT mostly agrees with the latter opinion but disagrees strongly with the former, citing Nova deciding to side with Naught (again).
WCT later shares DMs he had with Chris, where the latter states that he had informed Null about Sockness and that Sockness couldn't take his "new virginity" because he had been having sex with his "lady friend." WCT and Para shit-talk Sockness for a while, then Para bashes Praetor some more. The final topic of discussion is Chris's future, and how the WCT believes that Chris's story will end when Barb passes away.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
this isn't even about chris' mental faculties this is about a stalker
The WCT04:48 AM
[Replying to "this isn't even about chris' mental faculties this is about a stalker"]
I agree with Kyle on this.
Sockness needs to be stopped and Chris needs to avoid him at all costs.
Tell Null about it too since he's helping Chris with the trip.
The WCT05:10 AM
Of course.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:02 PM
Well, at least we know that Kyle still cares somewhat for Chris's wellbeing that he was willing to put aside his animosity for you to warn you about Sockness
The WCT01:27 PM
[Replying to "Well, at least we know that Kyle still cares somewhat for Chris's wellbeing that he was willing to put aside his animosity for you to warn you about Sockness"]
Because we both despise Sockness.
That’s what originally brought us together 2 years ago.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:28 PM
I guess shared hatred really does bring people together
Silvia01:53 PM
Ewwwww sockness
The Fool02:02 PM
okay now that I'm sober
can you call the convention and tell them about sockness?
Silvia02:02 PM
This lol
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:04 PM
I feel like bringing attention to Sockness will simultaneously bring attention to Chris
And may cause a preemptive ban for both of them
But I think the decision on how to move forward on this should be Null's, since he's the organizer of this whole shebang
Silvia02:06 PM
I hope they will at least tell bull
The Fool02:26 PM
sockness is dangerous in general, you can call them and not make it about chris
Silvia02:26 PM
The Fool02:26 PM
just sound really sincere about your concern of this person being dangerous to certain con goers
show them anything incriminating he has, I don't really follow him so I don't know what he does besides post shoops of ghost portals or something
The WCT03:22 PM
ok people, what should I do:
A. Contact Chris and Warn Him.
B. Contact Null.
C. DM the Convention on Twitter about Sockness.
Or D. Stand back and do nothing.
The Fool03:23 PM
all three
just make sure not to directly mention chris
just say he's a dangerous man in general
show them some evidence
maybe do C first and if they don't say anything then contact chris and josh
The WCT03:25 PM
The Fool03:26 PM
if they ban him then it's a non-issue but if not then chris deserves to know and maybe josh can set him up with some guards
The WCT03:29 PM
I just DM'd Chris.
and knowing him, he'll probably listen to me.
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:29 PM
Well, I was gonna suggest telling Josh before reaching out to the convention, but I guess it's too late now
The Fool03:30 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:30 PM
Because Josh is the one coming up with all the plans
The Fool03:30 PM
removing the threat of sockness being there entirely would be the best outcome
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:31 PM
Yeah, I know. But having Null be the one to tell the convention or get chris bodyguards would be the best solution, I think, since he's got so many connections.
The Fool03:31 PM
for the bodyguards yeah
but I think if we can just get sockness to fuck off ourselves then we wouldn't have to bother josh about it
and if we can't then maybe he can
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:32 PM
Well, I'm always more of a fan of the hands-off, indirect approach
Have Josh do the dirty work rather than us
The Fool03:33 PM
same but kat seems pretty eager to take initiative
I'm just throwing suggestions out there
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:33 PM
Well, that's up to him
The Fool03:33 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:33 PM
Was just putting my opinion out there as well
The WCT03:42 PM
If people ask me what's the difference between the Praetor group and Sockness, I'll tell them this:
One grifts, the other stalks.
We all know who the lesser evil in this is.
Para05:29 PM
why are you acting as if kyle stopped caring
nothing changed
you guys decided to pull away because somehow this group which is kind of samey is “different”
The WCT05:34 PM
[Replying to "you guys decided to pull away because somehow this group which is kind of samey is “different”"]
There is mostly no difference other than the fact that Meghan and Kyle aren’t here anymore.
The Fool05:36 PM
here comes para to save the day telling us what we already know in this most pessimistic way possible
The Knights of CWC is overall the same thing as the Watchmen except we don’t have the “toxic trio” as Chris describes. lol
The Fool05:37 PM
we don't discriminate over which of each other's dicks we jerk off
The WCT05:38 PM
And we also aren’t as controlling of Chris’s actions as the old Watchmen were. We’ll only intervene when Chris’s physical safety is at stake.
The financial and legal issues are mostly up to Null.
Para05:47 PM
anyways i am not being a downer its better than being delusional kyle isnt a bad guy
The Fool05:48 PM
no we're all very well aware kyle is irredeemable
it's just interesting how he sort of, I dunno, broke character like that?
Para05:48 PM
is this just larping (edited)
The Fool05:49 PM
I dunno ask kat
The WCT05:52 PM
[Replying to "anyways i am not being a downer its better than being delusional kyle isnt a bad guy"]
Kyle sided with the man who doxed me and treated me like shit.
If he wants to give me some helpful advice, it would be great. But I won’t tolerate endless hostilities.
The WCT05:53 PM
[Replying to "it's just interesting how he sort of, I dunno, broke character like that?"]
It’s good, nothing wrong with that.
The Fool05:53 PM
he's a big fat meanie face and I don't like him
The WCT05:54 PM
Kyle needs to lay down the bottle and rethink his morals.
Para06:05 PM
then its a question of who sided with who not really one of principles
or personal actions
i unno
The WCT06:10 PM
Like I said, I’m willing to listen to him if it’s something that’s helpful.
But he has to understand that any relationship between us at this point is nothing more than the occasional team up.
Para06:15 PM
i feel like
if you guys wouldve just handled your shit
between eachother
it wouldve been fine
but the internet makes the most simplest of shit so gay
The WCT06:17 PM
[Replying to "between eachother"]
the problem though was Naught was not willing to cooperate with me.
and he successfully manipulated those two.
The Fool06:17 PM
yeah dude naught's gone totally silent
I keep saying he should have just rolled with the punches and took the L but he's cowering like a baby over dumb internet shit
The WCT06:18 PM
If Naught had been able to prove his innocence to me in any possible way, along with not being so hostile as he was in those recordings (along with making that thread about me on the ALog Cow board), we might all still be in the place today.
@Para Barb passing away will be the moment Chris’s story ends imo.
Josh will make sure that he goes somewhere that nobody will bother him again.
And long before the Watchman broke up, I went through over states across the country with Kyle to see where we can have Chris move to.
Para01:05 PM
probably should set up a situation where people can visit hjm in some way just not predatory dicks
cause its nice to know that people care
jersh should do that
The WCT01:06 PM
I think Chris should live in either a Rural area or a Suburb.
We already figured out that he wouldn’t like the big city.
Para01:06 PM
i think hes too attached to ruckersville/charlottesville
The WCT01:07 PM
He could remain in the Charlottesville area.
Or maybe we can have him move to Richmond, Virginia.
He went to High School there.
Or maybe have him move to another state with a similar vibe like North Carolina
More Planning to Stop Sockness
13 July 2021
Summary: The WCT shares (passive-aggressive) discussions he had with Nova over how to prevent Sockness from attending Everfree, including his idea to stop Sockness from coming with a similar strategy the Watchmen had used previously, where Chris would create a clip to inform the public about Sockness's intentions, which would inform the convention in turn. A server member expresses doubts about this idea, but WCT still defends it. Silvia shares her experiences with convention security, and since she is in Everfree's Discord server, WCT asks her to contact their staff since they hadn't responded to him on Twitter.
The WCT then shares a DM with Chris where the latter rejects the clip idea, and states that Bella is going to attend the convention with him and would be a "bodyguard."
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
[Replying to "How would a clip help in this case?"]
the public would contact the convention.
and letting them know about Jacob's past attempts to fuck with Chris.
The Fool02:42 PM
I'd help with that but I don't know how to use twitter and my twitter language is set to japanese so I can't really understand anything
Maybe it could work though that approach doesn't work when weens do it to Chris.
The WCT02:48 PM
[Replying to "Maybe it could work though that approach doesn't work when weens do it to Chris."]
It worked 2 years ago, just saying. We can try it again.
Wasn't that from Sockness realizing Chris would turn him away? But he could freely go to the convention or even just to the hotel.
The WCT02:50 PM
[Replying to "Wasn't that from Sockness realizing Chris would turn him away? But he could freely go to the convention or even just to the hotel."]
In this case, the Convention would be put under pressure to ban Sockness.
Para02:50 PM
maybe security will beat the shit out of him
The WCT02:50 PM
oh they will. lol
we also have plenty of time to prevent this from happening.
1 month that is.
Even if they do listen to Twitter, and Sockness could probably deny the allegations, there's also the hotel itself.
The WCT02:52 PM
there's little we can do in regards to the Hotel.
and you know, there's a possibility that Sockness might be fucking with us just so he can get some free clout.
The Fool02:52 PM
the con is more of a concern because sockness is going to be disguised in a costume, I don't know what the policy is for hotels if you're walking around in a costume
Could Chris recognize Sockness if he came up to him without costume? What with the facial blindness?
The WCT02:55 PM
I'll give him a picture to refresh his memory.
The Fool02:55 PM
more reason to have a bodyguard I guess lol
Silvia02:56 PM
As someone who’s been to cons I can say that once you point out someone to security, they will be on high maintenance. You would need to show him his face though so security can be on a lookout
I’ve had to ban a stalker of mine at bronycon 2019
The WCT02:57 PM
Sockness will immediately be escorted out of the convention once he gets caught.
so either way, he will not succeed in his current mission to assault Chris.
Silvia02:58 PM
Also if your in the discord message one of the board members they will definitely tell
I believe I’m in the everfree discord
The WCT02:59 PM
I think the organizers are there.
Silvia02:59 PM
These are the brony cons I’m in
[Screenshot of the Discord servers that Silvia was in.]
The WCT02:59 PM
so maybe they might stop him ahead of time.
Silvia02:59 PM
They should.
The WCT03:06 PM
I mean, you're in Everfree right?
Silvia03:06 PM
Yes I’m in the server
The WCT03:06 PM
they have a channel where you can chat with staff.
Silvia03:07 PM
The WCT03:08 PM
ask efnw staff is what its called.
Silvia03:08 PM
The WCT03:10 PM
TaikoDragon is one of the people you can speak to.
Silvia03:10 PM
Ok well if u guys need me to I will tho I thought u guys had it
The WCT03:12 PM
I DM'd them already on Twitter and I have no response.
Chris claims to me that Josh is already taking action.
Silvia03:12 PM
Ok that’s good.
They’re extremely busy with con and vip guests and all so I’m sure they’ll reply soon if not I’ll message one.
Tho it’s odd to me bc most con staff at least reply by the end of the day
Its good that we're building up our defenses already 1 month prior.
I'm confident that Sockness won't stand a chance.
The WCT Can Upload Again & Chris Congratulates Him
13 July 2021
Summary: The WCT announces in the first layer that he can upload to his YouTube channel once again, and Chris comes into the chat to congratulate WCT on this turn of events. Silvia talks about the weather in her area and hopes that Chris is doing alright where he is, to which Chris responds that he currently is but needs to check his weather app.
#general (First Layer)
The WCT05:06 PM
Good News: I can upload and post stuff again to the WCT today.
[1 💙 reaction, likely from Chris]
Strike is still there for 3 months, but I will intend on making a video discussing the state of my channel and also letting people know how I'm dealing with my catalog of vids. (edited)
Chris05:07 PM
Awesome job and recovery.
The WCT05:08 PM
Hey Chris!
Chris05:08 PM
I’m presently doing my drawings for the day, but got the notification and wanted to offer the congrats to you, Leo. 😊⚡️💙⚡️
The WCT05:09 PM
[Replying to "I’m presently doing my drawings for the day, but got the notification and wanted to offer the congrats to you, Leo. 😊⚡️💙⚡️"]
thank you.
I will make the video today, and will redirect people to the site that I'll be posting my content on until the strike is removed in October.
[Replying to "I’m presently doing my drawings for the day, but got the notification and wanted to offer the congrats to you, Leo. 😊⚡️💙⚡️"]
Hope your well today. It’s storming here and whole power is In and out.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:46 PM
Congratulations! Glad that your channel is back.
The WCT05:49 PM
[Replying to "Congratulations! Glad that your channel is back."]
I still won't make the vids public for a while, gotta wait 3 months. (edited)
but I will upload everything to an alt site ran by some friends of mine. (edited)
Chris06:12 PM
[Replying to "Hope your well today. It’s storming here and whole power is In and out."]
Oh, my goodness, Emily. Strikes a thought into my noggin to check the radar on the Weather Channel app at present. But, I’m okay and well, thank you. 😊⚡️💙⚡️ (edited)
Silvia06:13 PM
[Replying to "Oh, my goodness, Emily. Strikes a thought into my noggin to check the radar on the Weather Channel app at present. But, I’m okay and well, thank you. 😊⚡️💙⚡️ (edited)"]
Lol I’m glad!
Chris & The WCT's Security Discussion, Questions about Ember's Ghost Squad
14 July 2021
Summary: The WCT posts a discussion he had with Chris about security at Everfree, in which Chris brings up the Randy Stair (Ember's Ghost Squad) lore that he learned of from WCT. Silvia inquires about EGS, which WCT summarizes, and the Fool blames the Idea Guys for Chris's interest in the subject. The WCT sheepishly admits his involvement in getting Chris to parrot Stair's lore, which Silvia lightly shames him for. He then explains the history of Stair and EGS further, and dismisses MKR's belief that Chris would try to kill himself due to WCT's series on Stair, which Silvia agrees with.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Haha. No I don’t actually like them like how some chicks mail them and shit.
Chris Describes His Lady Friend to the WCT
14-15 July 2021
Summary: Chris describes vague physical details about his "lady friend" to WCT in DMs, namely that she is in her 70s, has gray hair, is shorter than he is, and has blue eyes. WCT comments that her age is very close to that of Chris's mother. The Fool remarks that Chris has found his "replacement Barb" and Silvia states her hope that it isn't actually Barb, considering Chris's Oedipus Complex. WCT states his intention to never let these details leak out, and Silvia expresses concern at such an elderly person having sex. WCT nicknames her "Step Barb," and Silvia wonders if this woman is one of Barb's friends. The WCT caps off this discussion by stating his confident belief that Chris will be "fine" after their talk.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
NOTE: At this point, Chris is maintaining a cover story that his sex partner is simply an older woman.
And most escorts and all don’t continue their work in their 50s or 60s
The Fool12:01 AM
barb is older than 50
Silvia12:01 AM
Does she have blue eyes or anything
Or green
The WCT12:01 AM
at least Chris got what he wanted.
a mommy girlfriend.
or actually...
a granny girlfriend.
Silvia12:02 AM
Mommmy kink (??)
Silvia12:02 AM
[Replying to "at least Chris got what he wanted."]
Yea I agree Neko
What worries me is her older age. Do people normally have sex at this age? And if so you would have to be extremely careful
The WCT12:04 AM
[Replying to "What worries me is her older age. Do people normally have sex at this age? And if so you would have to be extremely careful"]
its not impossible.
for her, it can be problematic.
For Chris though, it doesn't matter.
Silvia12:05 AM
Yea that’s what I’m worried. She could hurt herself
The WCT12:05 AM
Guess we can codename her...
Step Barb
Silvia12:06 AM
Noice. Did Christine ever tell u how they met?
The WCT12:06 AM
I believe so.
they met up somewhere I think.
Maybe the next time we VC him he can explain.
Silvia12:07 AM
I don’t think she told me. Alrighty.
I wonder how barb thinks about it all
I wonder if it’s one of barbs friends
The Fool12:08 AM
I hear from people working in homes that old people jerk off all day
I dunno if that applies to women
Silvia12:10 AM
My mom used to work at a retirement house and it was mostly the men bc of easier access. Women were more settled down. But I wouldn’t be surprised
The Fool12:11 AM
when you're that lonely I can't imagine what else you can do
for some reason old people have nothing to do
I can only assume they spent their whole life playing hoop-stick and now that they can't they simply jerk off and sleep
The WCT12:13 AM
after talking to Chris, I'm confident that he'll be fine.
More Kyle Provocation, The WCT Comments on the Knights' Success
15 July 2021
Summary: NovaKyle attempts to provoke WCT in DMs again, leading to the WCT arguing (in the Knights server) against the belief that destroying the Watchmen will cause harm to Chris in real life. He then proclaims the Knights group to be a success, and that even Val agreed with their hands-off approach to Chris.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Kyle believes for some reason that by destroying the Watchmen will Chris be fucked IRL.
and that I'll get fucked by OP.
I don't think he knows what's really going on then.
the only lolcow.org people in this group is the Fool and me. (edited)
Silvia12:15 AM
I don’t think he realizes that Christine is more healthy with what we’ve accomplished
The WCT12:16 AM
I haven't been the leader for like a whole month, and the Knights of CWC are already a success.
the hands off approach is working.
Hell, even Pluto/Val says that this what we should be doing instead of acting like his babysitters.
Silvia12:20 AM
The WCT12:22 AM
This group will not last forever, but I want it to set an example.
Controlling Chris is a waste of time.
Just have fun with him.
Silvia12:24 AM
Let Christine live her life in peace.
More of Naught's History
15-16 July 2021
Summary: The WCT uncovers an old message by Naught where he posts a picture of text that says "KYS ANIME PFP," which matches the profile picture of the "Nightmare" account on Kiwi Farms, the one WCT had claimed belonged to Naught. He then shares more posts by an account belonging to Naught on lolcow.org, including one where he defends doxing a 13-year old for contacting Chris and reposts their information. I comment in disgust of his actions, and WCT reiterates that Naught is pyschopathic and "needs to be stopped." He also claims that Naught's real first name is Dominik, and that he also lives in California (same as WCT).
We discuss a bit more of his history, and eventually bring up Joseph Draft, with WCT claiming that Naught had threatened to dox Draft, causing him to do the deed himself.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
15 July 2021
The WCT04:36 AM
I just found this in the old house with no doors archives.
[Screenshot of "ColourTheory" posting a response to a post by Arm Pit Cream about him, as well as the dox information of the 13-year old.]
16 July 2021
Lainchu (Anaxis)09:55 PM
He put [REDACTED]'s dox info in that. He really is vile, isn't he?
The WCT09:58 PM
[Replying to "He put [REDACTED]'s dox info in that. He really is vile, isn't he?"]
this is why he's gotta go.
Dominik is one of the most psychopathic people i've ever met during my time on the Internet. (edited)
The guy literally has no remorse for his wrongdoings, and he puts on a nice guy face to lure people into his trap. He will be friends with you one day, but when it doesn't benefit him anymore, he will crush you.
he needs to be stopped, and I hope he'll get whats coming to him soon.
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:02 PM
Dominik? That's his name?
The WCT10:02 PM
the troll group that gone after him since last month has already found his first name.
I am aware that he does live in Yuba City, California. (which is a 2-3 hour drive from where I live)
And from what I also understand, he still lives with his family. (which is also why they haven't been able to figure out his surname)
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:05 PM
What troll group went after him?
The WCT10:05 PM
the plate gang
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:05 PM
The one he accused you of being part of?
The WCT10:05 PM
yes, that one.
he made an awful OP on them and they were not happy about it.
they came to the server that him and I have co-owned and he got shit scared for some dumb reason.
From there, he assumed I was working for them so that's why he doxed me.
And recently, I also have been talking to a couple old friends of his ([REDACTED] and [REDACTED]), and they told me that he had been a lost cause for 2 years now when he lost his shit on Joseph Draft (also known as French in these circles).
And yes, I'm talking about the same Joseph Draft that tried making a film on Chris.
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:09 PM
[REDACTED] actually talked to me a while back
Mentioned knowing Joseph Draft
But for some reason, he told Joseph that he was talking to me
And Joseph got really angry with him and cut him off
Deleted all of his DMs with [REDACTED], even
The WCT10:10 PM
Joseph is a bit inmature tbh.
he ended up doxing himself on Kiwi Farms after Naught threatened to do just that to him. (edited)
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:13 PM
That was after Naught threatened him?
That's interesting
The WCT10:13 PM
[Replying to "That was after Naught threatened him?"]
Draft just wanted to get it over with. lol
and with Naught and the Watchmen now out of power, I honestly wouldn't be too surprised if these stories began to go public.
If people who had trouble with this crew ask me if its okay to blow the whistle, I'll grant them the green light to do just that.
Arrival of the Suitress
19 July 2021
Summary: The Suitress (@ScootalooSister) arrives in the server's first layer, where the WCT, the Fool, and I introduce ourselves. Chris vouches for her and states that she will also be attending Everfree Northwest with him. WCT chats with the Suitress, bringing up the Watchmen and how they "would have never given [her] a chance" and that they "had to go." The Suitress asks a few questions about them, and WCT brings up his gripes with Naught and how he "overthrew" him. After they discuss this for a little while, Chris returns to the chat and writes an extremely long rambling textwall about past convention experiences, mixed with some of his delusional beliefs.
In the second layer, the WCT states that he is inviting in Bella on Chris's request, a move that I question but do not push back on. He expresses a hope to coordinate with Praetor on Chris's security at the convention. When ScootalooSister joins, WCT confirms that she is "Fifi" and not Bella, then states that she is autistic and describes her physical appearance. I warn WCT about sharing too much information with the Suitress, concerns that he largely dismisses. Later, I remark on how long Chris's textwall is getting, and how Twitter's short-form posts aren't really suited to his needs.
I modeled this server after the one that Me and Chris used to be in a while back.
The Fool01:21 PM
yeah we're not here to turn chris into a zoo exhibit lol
just a small friend chat
Chris01:25 PM
Hey, @everyone. I trust you all to be kind and guiding to @ScootalooSister; she and her convention buddy are part of my convention weekend posse, at least for Friday afternoon and the Saturday.
[Replying to "Hey, @everyone. I trust you all to be kind and guiding to @ScootalooSister; she and her convention buddy are part of my convention weekend posse, at least for Friday afternoon and the Saturday."]
bringing them in here is a good thing.
The Suitress01:26 PM
[Replying to "Hey, @everyone. I trust you all to be kind and guiding to @ScootalooSister; she and her convention buddy are part of my convention weekend posse, at least for Friday afternoon and the Saturday."]
Thank you, Christine
The WCT01:26 PM
[Replying to "Thank you, Christine"]
hopefully we can become good friends on the way while you're here.
The old group would have never given you a chance. 😅
The Suitress01:27 PM
[Replying to "The old group would have never given you a chance. 😅"]
There was an old group?
The WCT01:27 PM
[Replying to "There was an old group?"]
its a long story.
I used to be a part of it until I decided that it had to go. (it was bad)
The Fool01:28 PM
it was run by some jokers with the mentality of middleschool bullies
The Suitress01:28 PM
Was it irl?
The WCT01:28 PM
The Fool01:28 PM
it was the watchmen, they have a cwcki article
The Suitress01:28 PM
I heard of them
Didn't they get busted?
The WCT01:29 PM
[Replying to "I used to be a part of it until I decided that it had to go. (it was bad)"]
I overthrew its leader (his name was Naught) who recently decided for no reason whatsoever to dox me.
The Suitress01:29 PM
I'm sure he couldn't dig up much dirt
The WCT01:29 PM
I knew the guy for 2 years and he just does that out of the blue.
The Fool01:29 PM
he had a reason it was just really petty and stupid, he was just seeking validation from his peers because, again, he's a middleschool bully in a grown man's body
The WCT01:30 PM
[Replying to "I'm sure he couldn't dig up much dirt"]
again, its a long story. But he's long gone now and so are his disciples that were there.
The Suitress01:30 PM
Oh ok
Chris01:37 PM
I will offer a nugget of wisdom that @ScootalooSister brought up with me earlier when were talking of past convention first impressions. Like me, hers was an anime convention. I’ll let her share the rest of that store should she wish.
The differences are in the vibes and energy of the convention that does make or break it, and I know this from experiences.
Now, with the Brony/Pegasister conventions, their mindset is more focused on the values of Friendship, Kindness, and even Compassion. So, when people are gathered together in such the heavily secured convention with the visual inspirations and cues from MLP, it does inspire that same vibe.
When it comes to other conventions that focuses on one genre (albeit video games and anime, to name a couple), it still is a larger umbrella category for all of the various media and chroniclings within. And when you have such a cacophony of media and OC personality inspiration, the vibe and intention can become Really Mixed, to the point of confusion to a few to some. (edited)
I am not saying that those are bad things, necessarily.
But when you have OCs that can inspire a warrior mindset, a violent mindset, or even a narcissistic mindset from the few within those chronicled media, and they have a clash with the genuine kind and spiritual and even youthful individuals within, it can potentially cause an unsure or insecure feeling within them, if they are not yet strong enough or accustomed to it.
As I have mentioned in my tweet set on the subject, it is on the vibrations of the collective within that one building that can make or break the experience.
At the Anime Mid-Atlantic, the very first convention I sampled that one Saturday; my main focus was meeting and spending a bit of time with Monica Rial.
In that day, everything else, to me, was rather passé, to say the least. I still observed and enjoyed the arts and fun as best as I could then, but that was among the years I was not yet totally conscious of everything, and I was still subconsciously soul-searching for myself.
But I attended more various anime and game conventions since then, and I was able to become more accustomed to the great mixture of vibrations.
And when I attended BronyCon in 2017, with its central focus being on the values of friendship and kindness, to also include the other mixed and various mindsets and emotions within, I felt at a better home and place during that time.
Hell, had it been a Care Bear convention, in the alternate universe and timeline where Care Bears did a turn around like MLP did in story context and variety of individuals, I likely would have felt a similar friendship and kind vibe that would have been welcoming.
And that’s my two bolts and a heart on the vibes in conventions from my perspective. ⚡️💙⚡️
@The Fool I'm hopeful that the Praetor kids will coordinate with us to ensure Chris's physical safety at Everfree NW.
The Fool01:23 PM
so is scoot bella or fifi
The WCT01:23 PM
[Replying to "so is scoot bella or fifi"]
Chris told me it was Fifi.
I'm confident Bella will also end up joining, but I hope Caden follows.
Para01:32 PM
they both got onlyfans?
The WCT01:33 PM
The Fool01:33 PM
aw damn I wanted to see if I could jerk off to her or not
The WCT01:33 PM
Bella and Fifi from what I know aren't like Anni. lol
The Fool01:33 PM
thats weird, bella is such an e-girl name
The WCT01:34 PM
Fifi is autistic according to Chris.
The Fool01:34 PM
there was an extremely high chance of that
Para01:35 PM
probably a larp or a troon
The WCT01:35 PM
Chris gave me a picture of her.
The Fool01:35 PM
there's no way a girl can be autistic
girls cannot be autistic and never poop
The WCT01:36 PM
[Replying to "Chris gave me a picture of her."]
its a woman without question.
she looks thin and has pink hair.
(cue SJW memes)
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:36 PM
Be wary of telling this new person too much right out the gate
The Fool01:36 PM
no shit
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:36 PM
She needs to know only the basics, she doesn't need to know everything
The Fool01:37 PM
I only speak in public information outside of here
Para01:37 PM
The WCT01:37 PM
[Replying to "She needs to know only the basics, she doesn't need to know everything"]
the Watchmen breaking apart is public knowledge.
The Fool01:38 PM
thats why I said there's a cwcki article on them
The WCT01:38 PM
unless you're talking about something else.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:38 PM
I know, but the treatment of Praetor within said group isn't
The WCT01:38 PM
oh okay.
Lainchu (Anaxis)01:38 PM
Aside from the one info release about the taser
The Fool01:39 PM
if chris knows about it then it's probably safe to assume his other friends/contacts do as well, except for the shit he explicitly told us to keep to ourselves
The WCT01:39 PM
The Praetor folks also know. lol
The WCT01:46 PM
that's a lot of writing chris.
This is definitely the place 2.0.
The Fool01:49 PM
I really wish I set up a XLnet bot so I could have it summarize that shit lol
Then again, Twitter is definitely the platform where he gets the most attention (and validation)
Bella Arrives, How Bella Knows Chris, Intentions, Convention Plans
19 July 2021
Summary: Bella (@an0nym0us) joins the server, and we all introduce ourselves to her. WCT (once again) brings up that he is an ex-Watchman and that the group had been replaced by the Knights. The Fool tries to confirm that Bella is a member of Praetor, and WCT asks her to reach out to other members of the group so they can join the Knights server and he can apologize to them. However, she insists that Praetor's members are just acquaintances and that she had only done the animation on their behalf, and that they weren't the nicest people.
WCT and Bella talk about summer classes, then they quiz each other on their respective histories with Chris, with WCT continuing to demonize the Watchmen leaders for doxing him. Bella claims to have ensured her own online anonymity by citing something nonsensical about "wired logs and audits" and "reverse address engineering," and requests to be kept anonymous by us, terms that WCT agrees to. They talk briefly about the troll Larry Vaughn, and WCT reiterates the importance of security for Chris, especially given Jacob Sockness's intent to attend the convention as well.
WCT eventually introduces several members of the server to Bella, including Marvin, who Bella seems enthusiastic about meeting. She then invites us to a server of hers that she intends for Chris to join as well, and WCT accepts the invite.
In the second layer, I ask who the new person is and WCT confirms that it's Bella. The Fool makes fun of Bella's Pepe the Frog avatar, sarcastically remarking on his certainty that "she's a very mature and well-adjusted member of society." Para questions why "zoomers" care about Chris, to which WCT states is because COVID gave them a lot of time to kill.
[Replying to "oh yes that's right, @an0nym0us I used to be one of the Old Watchmen."]
oh i lost my phone and lost their number and access to my instagram authentacion until recently so i couldnt contact them for a while
The WCT04:01 PM
[Replying to "i'm this guy."]
I was Bismuth's heir.
Bella04:01 PM
but i still can now if you need me to help you out
yeah i heard of them i beleive i think they told me about them
The Fool04:02 PM
yeah we're just trying to get them to know they're welcome here and we'd like to keep steady contact with them so we all know what each other are doing and stuff, you know, being open and everything
The WCT04:02 PM
[Replying to "yeah i heard of them i beleive i think they told me about them"]
well, that group no longer exists.
most of the good people from the old group have been brought over here.
Bella04:03 PM
[Replying to "yeah we're just trying to get them to know they're welcome here and we'd like to keep steady contact with them so we all know what each other are doing and stuff, you know, being open and everything"]
i can reply to their texts and dms and tell them if youd like
Bella04:04 PM
[Replying to "most of the good people from the old group have been brought over here."]
oh i see. ive been out of the loop for a while lol
The Fool04:04 PM
it'd probably be easier if we had some of their core members in here
Bella04:08 PM
ok i can invite after i finish this test
The WCT04:10 PM
[Replying to "ok i can invite after i finish this test"]
do you know anybody that's a part of Praetor that's also on Discord?
and sure, invite more of the group. We should get acquainted with each other.
Bella04:10 PM
yeah i had them in my old discord before i delted it but i still have the discord invite in my chat logs somehwere
sure ill get on that once i buckle up and do this stupid test
The WCT04:11 PM
you still in school?
is it a summer class?
Bella04:12 PM
college class yeah
The WCT04:12 PM
god damn.
I hate Summer Classes.
Bella04:13 PM
r u in college too?
it wouldnt be so bad if i didnt have work as well le sigh
The WCT04:14 PM
not at the moment, but I did summer classes last year. Wasn't a fan. 👎
I'd rather get everything done in either Spring or Fall semester and be done with it.
Bella04:14 PM
i see what u mean but at least the classes are only a month
The WCT04:15 PM
the big problem is that you get more homework, like a shit ton.
Bella04:16 PM
oh fs thats why all my pals in the class share them togther lmaoo
the teacher doesnt even question it
The WCT04:26 PM
so question for you:
how long have you known Christine?
how did you meet her?
Bella04:27 PM
oh i made the animation for her
i met her through praector
The WCT04:27 PM
sorry. lol
Bella04:27 PM
quite a while ago, nearly a year
lol my grammar is awful i dont bother correcting it
The WCT04:28 PM
was it before or after COVID put us all under house arrest? (edited)
Bella04:28 PM
i think it was last fall?
i was still doing in person classes and working in person
The WCT04:28 PM
so 2019?
Bella04:28 PM
no 2020
The WCT04:29 PM
oh, so between September and November 2020. (edited)
Bella04:29 PM
yeah about that
The WCT04:29 PM
I've known Christine since 2019.
The Watchmen at the time had just came under Bismuth's control after he ousted Ryan.
MKRNightVee, NovaKyle, Silvia, Aqua, Lainchu and etc had all joined thanks to him.
There were like 3-4 variants of the Watchmen. (edited)
Bella04:31 PM
you were a big part of history then wow
The Fool04:31 PM
I lost it when chris said "fuck bismuth"
The WCT04:31 PM
[Replying to "you were a big part of history then wow"]
so around September 2019, I was recruited by Bismuth.
Bella04:32 PM
[Replying to "I lost it when chris said "fuck bismuth""]
The WCT04:32 PM
Kyle and Meghan didn't really like me, but we worked together for 2 years up until last month when they refused to recognize the reality that Bismuth had doxed me despite the overwhelming evidence against him. (edited)
Bella04:32 PM
oh what kind of person was meghan im curious
was she actually as intolerable as i hear?
The WCT04:33 PM
MKRNightVee (or Meghan) was very troublesome.
she was a bully.
Many of her followers (who are LGBT or politically Left-Wing) would be shocked to know who'd she actually is.
The Fool04:33 PM
she was really just using chris to "feel better about herself in comparison", she never said that but it was really obvious behavior.
all of them were like that
Bella04:34 PM
yeah alot of people take advantage of her
sadly alot of praector did and i had to try and get christine to not participate in certain things
The WCT04:34 PM
oh, and I owe you and the rest of your friends an apology. @an0nym0us
Bella04:34 PM
The WCT04:35 PM
Rather it be you, Caden, Owen, or Anni. I sincerely apologize for taking part in anything we've done against you guys.
Bella04:35 PM
oh no dont apologize lol!
theyre aquaintences
i didnt particpate much but they involved me in everything i just wouldnt engage
a few of them werent the nicest
The WCT04:36 PM
The Watchmen (mainly Kyle and Meghan) thought you guys were like some fail trolls trying to murder Christine with a taser. lol
Bella04:36 PM
oh yeah i remember someone saying that
The WCT04:37 PM
I was there. They were on the full assault against you guys. Like using whatever means possible to get you away from Christine. (doxing was mostly what they did)
Bella04:37 PM
they wouldnt invite me to the watchman server bc they said i would be targeted despite being anonymous online lol i didnt beleive it but i disnt really care
The Fool04:37 PM
they're pretty vicious, they tried doxxing kat for no good reason
Bella04:37 PM
[Replying to "I was there. They were on the full assault against you guys. Like using whatever means possible to get you away from Christine. (doxing was mostly what they did)"]
oh wow really? i was MIA when i lost my phone for a little bit so im very out of the loop
[Replying to "they're pretty vicious, they tried doxxing kat for no good reason"
what dicks (edited)
but then again, preactor had some dicks too
The WCT04:38 PM
[Replying to "they're pretty vicious, they tried doxxing kat for no good reason"]
they did succeed in knowing my real name, but the problem is that nobody cares who I am.
The Fool04:38 PM
yeah, naught was a member of kiwifarms and lolcow.org until that, that was the final straw and what made us soft-ban him from there
Bella04:38 PM
some were nice and some were manipulative
The WCT04:39 PM
If Meghan and Kyle have anybody to blame for the Watchmen's fall, its Bismuth. He destroyed the group by turning against me. lol (edited)
The Fool04:39 PM
the admin of lcorg was even like "naught unironically makes me angry" and he isn't even invested in chris/watchmen
he's just that shitty
Bella04:39 PM
i made 100% sure im anonymous online and have wired logs and audits if anyone ries to access any account or even refrences it, it also does reverse adress engineering so i would work in my favor if tehy did
The Fool04:40 PM
damn, nice
I need to be that prepared
Bella04:40 PM
if anyone tries to doxx u i can find whoever attempted it and give u their number
The Fool04:40 PM
I'm semi-doxxable if you know where to look
The WCT04:40 PM
[Replying to "i made 100% sure im anonymous online and have wired logs and audits if anyone ries to access any account or even refrences it, it also does reverse adress engineering so i would work in my favor if tehy did"]
no wonder why we couldn't find you. lol
Bella04:40 PM
good haha
The WCT04:40 PM
Caden and Annabelle were not so lucky.
but nobody on the Farms seemed to have cared about them.
Bella04:41 PM
keep my name private please, i trust u guys but if u refer to me outside just call me anonymous or 10anon or whatever
The WCT04:41 PM
[Replying to "keep my name private please, i trust u guys but if u refer to me outside just call me anonymous or 10anon or whatever"]
The Fool04:41 PM
(I got here like a month ago so I wasn't here for any of this doxxing shit)
Bella04:41 PM
[Replying to "Caden and Annabelle were not so lucky."]
even annabelle? she harldy participated
she never repsonded at all
thanks guys
The WCT04:41 PM
You should've seen the shit amount of conspiracy theories they came up with regarding me, her, and Caden.
Bella04:41 PM
caden makes sense
do u remember that one guy tried to doxx christine and i found his name and number and such? that "cult organization"
[Replying to "as long as your intentions are good, you'll be fine. I'm willing to give anybody a chance as long as they don't have malicious intentions."]
thanks! i promise they are
The WCT04:44 PM
So tell me, are you going with CWC to Seattle? @an0nym0us
Bella04:44 PM
[Replying to "uh, I think chris is already thoroughly doxxed 🤔"]
yeah ik lol thats y this guy had a negative iq
yeah ill do my best too
trying to coordinate
but i think i can
The Fool04:45 PM
"14 branchland court ruckersville virginia" is basically a meme at this point
The WCT04:45 PM
If you go, that would be great. I'll be in Indiana at that time so I can't really do too much.
Bella04:45 PM
ill take photos for u and keep u updated if i go
The WCT04:46 PM
Christine needs to be safe from a man who lives not far from me. (I'm talking about Jacob Sockness)
Bella04:46 PM
ill be her bodyguard
The WCT04:46 PM
if you see him trying to do anything, don't hesitate to call security at the convention.
The Fool04:46 PM
The WCT04:46 PM
and if things get really hairy, call the Seattle Police.
The Fool04:47 PM
sockness said he would be in a disguise, like a full-suited costume, so keep your eyes out
Bella04:47 PM
ofc, ill be very paranoid at all times
The WCT04:47 PM
Sockness is mostly probably trying to seek attention, but he's also a real threat physically. So don't let your guard down.
[Replying to "ofc, ill be very paranoid at all times"]
be in the middle, try having a good time.
The Fool04:48 PM
just make sure chris doesn't get near anyone in a full suit costume or anything I guess
Bella04:48 PM
yeah it will be fun as long as nobody tries to do anything crazy
[Replying to "just make sure chris doesn't get near anyone in a full suit costume or anything I guess"]
stay away from furries got it lol
The WCT04:48 PM
knowing what I know atm, things are looking good for Chris security wise.
at this point, Jacob will only try to mess with Chris for e-fame. (which is dumb)
Para04:50 PM
i doubt sockness is brave enough to try anything
but he wants his clout
[1 💯 reaction]
hes just a leech
The WCT04:50 PM
Sockness hasn't been really relevant since September 2019 when I helped stopped him.
Bella04:50 PM
theyre proboly bs what happens like usual
The WCT04:51 PM
if you end up enjoying this convention, you should come down to BABScon next year. (if COVID is gone that is)
The WCT04:52 PM
[Replying to "theyre proboly bs what happens like usual"]
we'll just have to wait and see, but I'm confident that Christine will head home knowing she had fun.
Bella04:56 PM
[Replying to "if you end up enjoying this convention, you should come down to BABScon next year. (if COVID is gone that is)"]
sure! if i have the time i would
[Replying to "we'll just have to wait and see, but I'm confident that Christine will head home knowing she had fun."]
ill make sure of it, ill bring games we can play in the hotel
The WCT04:56 PM
now if you're not familiar with the other members in this server. I'll introduce you to them:
Lainchu (also known as Anaxis) is an editor for the CWCki and like me was a part of the Watchmen.
Marvin (aka the Man in the Pickle Suit) is the owner of the CWCki and a member of Kiwi Farms
Hedgehog is also a CWCki editor and Kiwi Farms member
And Silvia is another former Watchmen member that brought in because she was of the nicest people from the group while I was there.
Bella04:58 PM
[Replying to "Marvin (aka the Man in the Pickle Suit) is the owner of the CWCki and a member of Kiwi Farms"]
damn what a legend!
thanks, im excited to meet them
The WCT04:59 PM
don't expect Marvin to really be active in this server though, he's just here to lurk and that's it.
Bella04:59 PM
btw, i wanted to invite christine into a server with some of my friends who dont know who she is and are evry nice but just want to play, if you would like to join please go ahead
i didnt add the chess bot yet lol
The WCT05:00 PM
[Replying to "don't expect Marvin to really be active in this server though, he's just here to lurk and that's it."]
and like Marvin and Hedgehog, I'm also a member of the Kiwi Farms. The Fool used to be a Kiwi until Joshua Moon (Null) banned him. He's now a member of lolcow.org where him and I hang out.
Bella05:00 PM
[Replying to "don't expect Marvin to really be active in this server though, he's just here to lurk and that's it."]
thats cool i can respect that
[Discord invite link]
The WCT05:00 PM
[Replying to "[Discord invite link]"]
yeah, i'll go in. Thanks for the invite. 🙂
Bella05:01 PM
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:26 PM
Who's the new guy?
The Fool02:28 PM
tumblr actually has a twitter integration so all new posts automatically get tweeted
The WCT02:36 PM
[Replying to "Who's the new guy?"]
Chris told me its Bella.
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:36 PM
The Fool02:37 PM
I'm sure she's a very mature and well-adjusted member of society[footnote 13]
If there was no COVID, I don't think Praetor would be here right now.
Cards for Null, Convention Details, The Fate of Snoopy-Doo, Care Bears
19 July 2021
Summary: Chris posts three TSSSF cards he had drawn, with the intent to show them to Null. Two of them featured Null's ponysona "KiwiMac" and the third referenced Everfree Northwest. The WCT, the Fool, Bella, and the Suitress all praise Chris's drawings and state that Null would also like them. Chris posts a set of messages he had sent to Null, one of which mentions the WCT, and then states his intention to distribute the cards among the congoers, which the others express concern over due to the negative reputation of Kiwi Farms. Chris then expresses a hope for Null to attend the convention as well, then posts a pair of drawings he had created that featured him wearing a Kiwi Farms T-shirt, which the others in the chat praise.
A brief conversation about tall people occurs, during which Chris brings up the recently-deceased Snoopy, detailing what he believes to be the dog's fate in C-197. Discussion then turns to Rick and Morty and the Care Bears, where Chris and the other server members reminisce about the characters in the latter.
I have had something that I have proposed to Josh Moon, aka NULL, in light of him helping me get to Washington for Everfree Northwest. Three drawings (one everyone has seen, plus two more that have not been uploaded publicly yet).
Now, Finally, I have made them into three new Twilight Sparkle’s Secret Shipfic Folder cards. Check it out.
The WCT09:25 PM
Josh would be awed by that Chris.
he thinks its cute.
Chris09:26 PM
I just shared this news with him on Signal as well. And I have ordered seven sets of six of each of these cards from MakePlayingCards.
[3 🥝 reactions]
The Fool09:26 PM
He better buy one of each from you
Chris09:27 PM
I even had consulted with him on the flavour texts on the pony card.
Bella09:27 PM
yeah that was very nice of you to do theyre lovley
Chris09:27 PM
Bella09:27 PM
you always go all out on thought and effort, it tuned out very cute!
The WCT09:27 PM
knowing how grouchy Josh can be nowadays, I'm glad you made those for him.
Chris09:28 PM
For him and everyone, in general. At least I can spread a few copies of these cards around the convention.
The Suitress09:28 PM
Which cards?
Oh the shipfic
How much would they cost?
The Fool09:29 PM
🤔 would that be a good idea? I mean, I think some people who would go to cons would be the type to get very uncomfortable when you mention kiwifarms
Bella09:29 PM
that could be true
The Suitress09:29 PM
I'm sure some congoers are Kiwi Farms members
The Fool09:29 PM
no doubt lol
The Suitress09:29 PM
We don't know for sure
The Fool09:29 PM
in fact I know some are
Chris09:29 PM
I’m also going to copy the bleed card files onto five flash drives, organized by deck and expansion packs, and look for those who still print the cards who can print them for less than I can.
That does not surprise me at all
The WCT09:29 PM
[Replying to "I'm sure some congoers are Kiwi Farms members"]
they're the fans. lol
Chris09:30 PM
In fact, it is expected
The Suitress09:30 PM
I hear Josh would be there
Chris09:30 PM
[Replying to "I hear Josh would be there"]
I’m only optimistic he will be there, and I am praying he is.
The WCT09:30 PM
I wouldn't be surprised if Chris going to Everfree NW helped boost attendance.
Chris09:30 PM
He is returning to the states very shortly.
The Suitress09:30 PM
[Replying to "I’m only optimistic he will be there, and I am praying he is."]
You know I'll be checked in to the hotel at 4:00pm
Bella09:30 PM
i didnt think he got involved as much as he used to
Chris09:31 PM
The Fool09:31 PM
josh is never going to be out of the game because he's burdened with a deep sense of guilt for being responsible in christine's trolling
The WCT09:31 PM
[Replying to "josh is never going to be out of the game because he's burdened with a deep sense of guilt for being responsible in christine's trolling"]
he's repaying his debt to Chris.
Without Chris, there's no Kiwi Farms.
The Fool09:32 PM
or maybe that
Chris09:32 PM
Y’all want to see two really fun drawings out of yesterday’s commissions that I feel are appropriate? One of them actually requested me with a certain logo.
The Fool09:32 PM
I don't remember his wording perfectly
Bella09:32 PM
id love too!
The Fool09:32 PM
The Suitress09:32 PM
[Replying to "Y’all want to see two really fun drawings out of yesterday’s commissions that I feel are appropriate? One of them actually requested me with a certain logo."]
Yeah definitely
Chris09:33 PM
These do not go public for now, not until when I get the t-shirt for real, at least.
The Fool09:33 PM
these are really good
Chris09:33 PM
I was like “East Side, Dude!” In the first one.
Bella09:33 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
haha i love that u added the jewlery
Bella09:34 PM
[Replying to "I was like “East Side, Dude!” In the first one."]
Chris09:34 PM
It’s the finer details that contribute well.
The Suitress09:34 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
That's the drawing you told me about the giant!
Chris09:35 PM
Yeah, the last request of yesterday was just me with my arm around a tall guy with long hair and a mustache, so I had fun with one of my favourite things to think when I see anyone taller than me.
The Suitress09:35 PM
[Replying to "Yeah, the last request of yesterday was just me with my arm around a tall guy with long hair and a mustache, so I had fun with one of my favourite things to think when I see anyone taller than me."]
Sadly I'm shorter than you lol
I'm 5'6"
Chris09:35 PM
That’s not too much short; only five inches.
Bella09:36 PM
did u draw chest hair on him hahah
Chris09:36 PM
Bella09:36 PM
i love it! 😂
The WCT09:36 PM
[Replying to "I'm 5'6""]
Chris09:36 PM
I opted to go for a biker style, and something along the lines of him having been out in the sun for a while.
Bella09:37 PM
[Replying to "5'8"]
me 2
The Suitress09:37 PM
[Replying to "I opted to go for a biker style, and something along the lines of him having been out in the sun for a while."]
Those tan lines
Bella09:37 PM
[Replying to "I opted to go for a biker style, and something along the lines of him having been out in the sun for a while."]
biker hulk hogan with long hair
seems like a cool dude
Chris09:37 PM
Y’all know Ash Coyote on YouTube; she is 6’1”.
Bella09:37 PM
[3 😄 reactions]
i wonder if its too late for me to grow
The Suitress09:38 PM
[Replying to "Y’all know Ash Coyote on YouTube; she is 6’1”."]
My friend James likes her, too!
Chris09:38 PM
Snoopy-Doo ended up adding two feet of height onto his self-counterpart’s body when the two merged last week.
The Fool09:40 PM
where's snoopy living in cwcville now? he got his own place?
Chris09:41 PM
Actually, his variant was working out in the UK; he has been really working out and loves to do so. He even likes wearing metal armour to limit himself so he can be even stronger without the armour.
Magi-Chan had to teleport the merged Snoopy-Doo to Cwcville to brief him better.
The Fool09:42 PM
ooh, thats really cool. I would have thought he'd be in cwcville given he lived in the temple
why the UK?
Chris09:46 PM
[Replying to "ooh, thats really cool. I would have thought he'd be in cwcville given he lived in the temple"]
Okay, here is the thing on that: the Snoopy-Doo and Clover-Doo of C-197 are anthromorphic dogs. Christine Chan’s Barbara actually passed away within the past couple of years, in clearing the paradox between her and Barbie, here. And with that, Christine Chan allowed Snoopy and Clover to be free and find themselves, and so they did. And Snoopy-Doo traveled to the UK, because in his warrior mentality and interests, Knights were among his inspirational imagery. So, he went to there to bask and be enarmoured for his chiseled abs and great beagle physique.
I will have to get back to you on what Clover-Doo, there, is presently up to.
Also, we watched the new Rick and Morty last night on the Adult Swim app; did Anyone else get reminded from the hellspawn of Beastly from the Care Bears series?
The WCT09:48 PM
[Replying to "Also, we watched the new Rick and Morty last night on the Adult Swim app; did Anyone else get reminded from the hellspawn of Beastly from the Care Bears series?"]
“Oh! Being good is bad. But being bad is good. So, doing good hurts, which is bad, so it does us good…”
The Fool09:49 PM
I don't watch much R&M but I know about Beastly because my baby niece is addicted to Care Bares lol
Chris09:49 PM
Gen 1 or present gen Care Bears?
I’m actually attracted to Gen 2 Care Bears when they were more active and individualistic.
The Suitress09:49 PM
[Replying to "“Oh! Being good is bad. But being bad is good. So, doing good hurts, which is bad, so it does us good…”"]
"Be cruel to be kind" --Shakespeare
[3 👍 reactions]
Chris09:50 PM
Especially Champ Bear.
The Suitress09:50 PM
That's what it reminded me of
The Fool09:50 PM
Care Bares & Cousins, actually. I haven't seen any other series. But it's very cute for a kid's show
Chris09:51 PM
Even Lightning Bliss raged about Beastly on that clumsy chatter during that stream video of her playing Among Us with Maddy, Dr. Wolf, and the others (the video is on Mad Munchkin’s channel).
[Replying to "Care Bares & Cousins, actually. I haven't seen any other series. But it's very cute for a kid's show"]
You ought to get the DVD set of Gen 2; Worth.
The Fool09:52 PM
maybe I'll look into it, I'm not usually into kid's shows but sometimes they're fun lol
not saying they're below me or anything
Chris09:52 PM
The Fool09:52 PM
I usually watch minecraft lets plays lol
so it's not far off
Bella09:52 PM
oh care baresss
i remember them
grumpy bear and maple syrup was my favorite
nono the girl with the star on her stomach who ha dteh movie about her was my favorite
The Fool09:53 PM
you never see what their powers are in CB&C but I heard Grumpy is basically Weather Report from jojo
Bella09:54 PM
i dont remember he had powers lollll
The Fool09:54 PM
belly badge powers
Bella09:54 PM
damn weather report manipualted weather right
or the atmosphere
The Fool09:55 PM
I mean they show the cousin's powers but the Cousins show isn't really about, like, helping kids in trouble or anything, it's just a slice of life thing showing the care bares living their normal lives
Bella09:55 PM
what was maple syrup girls power
Chris09:55 PM
[Replying to "nono the girl with the star on her stomach who ha dteh movie about her was my favorite"]
I think that was Care Bears the Movie II, A New Generation, with that song in the end credits, “Forever Young”.
The Fool09:55 PM
I actually bought a Brightheart plushie just because I've seen that show so much because my sister is playing it nonstop for my niece lol
Chris09:56 PM
The only Care Bear plushes I Still have are Swift Heart Rabbit and Lotsa Heart Elephant.
The Fool09:56 PM
I love Lotsa
my sister doesn't like her
Bella09:57 PM
Chris09:57 PM
Too slow?
The Fool09:57 PM
not sure, maybe their personalities just clash
Chris09:57 PM
The Fool09:57 PM
I dunno who her favorite is but my niece's favorite is Beastly, probably my sister's favorite too
Chris09:58 PM
At least it is not Shrieky.
The Fool09:58 PM
I like Bright Heart (even though he gives me uncomfortable memoryes of Huey Emmrich)
[Replying to "I have my appointment with my physician tomorrow morning for my checkup and test. I’ll check you all later."]
good luck
The WCT Discusses Giving AquaDiamond8 a Chance
20 July 2021
Summary: Upon being informed about a recent tweet of Chris's where he attempts to get back into contact with former Watchman AquaDiamond8, The WCT states his desire to give her a chance to "change sides," which I protest against since she had been friends with MKR. WCT still expresses an intent to try, and attempts to reassure me by stating that Aqua would initially only be allowed in the server's first layer.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Chris is trying to get back in contact with Aquadiamond.
[Replying to "Chris is trying to get back in contact with Aquadiamond."]
I'll give her a chance.
she doesn't know the truth.
I will do my hardest to tell Aqua everything and convince her to change sides. But it won't be easy.
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:03 AM
I don't know her, but if she was friends with MKR, then idk if it's worth it
The WCT03:04 AM
[Replying to "I don't know her, but if she was friends with MKR, then idk if it's worth it"]
I'd try having a talk with her in VC like we did before.
and for cautionary measures, i'd only allow her to be in First Layer before she can go any further.
"The Last Supper" Replication
22 July 2021
Summary: Chris shares a replication he made of The Last Supper as well as a tweet he had made sharing the drawing and a picture of his memoji blowing a kiss. The Fool and I compliment his work.
Summary: Chris shares a YouTube video which announces that certain bronies will be in attendance at Everfree Northwest, with him stating that three of them were his favorites and that he "foresaw" their likely attendance.
#general (First Layer)
Chris11:32 AM
Hey, everyone. Nothing too big, but significant enough, I feel, to share with you all: three more of my favourite Bronies will be attending Everfree as well.
I foresaw as much when I sensed Emily, Will and Joey would likely be in attendance as well.
Delightful. 🌈⚡️💙⚡️
[2 ☺️ reactions]
Triggered by MLP G5 Toys
27 July 2021
Summary: The WCT shares Chris's then-recent YouTube video to the second layer, in which Chris angrily demands the cancellation of MLP G5 and resuming of G4, claiming that not doing so will throw the current "timeline" into chaos. The Fool and Silvia remark on the state of the wall seen behind Chris in the video, noting that Chris must have punched it. The WCT shares DMs of him reaching out to Chris and expressing concern for Chris's wellbeing, with Chris responding that he won't hurt himself and reiterating that G5 is supposed to be canceled. WCT expresses sympathy towards Chris's position and then asks about the wall, and Chris states that he had been punching it to practice breaking down the "Iron Curtain" separating dimensions.
At this point, Chris posts a large textwall in the first layer explaining his actions and motivations, which were apparently driven by anger towards seeing G5 toys in a store, and had snapped his fingers to make them "[phase] out of existence." Chris expresses to everyone the apparent seriousness of the situation, and both WCT and the Fool agree with him. Chris then explains what happened to the wall and states again that he does not intend to hurt himself.
The Knights react to Chris's messages in the second layer, with the Fool commenting on Chris's consumerist mindset and myself expressing concern over the "punching holes in the wall" debacle. WCT shares another DM with Chris where the latter requests that the former make an anti-G5 video on his YouTube channel. A discussion sparks about Chris's delusions and coping methods, and then Chris's past criminal history when it comes to his behavior in stores.
Hey, @everyone. With all of you, I wish to go ahead and clear the air in regards to the video I have uploaded earlier today.
The preface: I did not get today's set of commissions to draw from Josh, so I chose to make a day off out of it, and go to the book store and read and highlight my copy of "Warhol/Chris Chan" some more.
After leaving the book store, I went to Kroger for groceries (ham, turkey, a block of cheese, also needed some more orange Crush, Pepsi, and a case of water.
Kroger wasn't keen on the orange soda, and their stock of bottled water was low, so I ended up going to Wal-Mart for the soda and water.
After getting the soda and water, I took a lap around the store as I like to do. Then, looking in the toy aisle where the My Little Pony toys were normally, I saw the sign that I was not looking forward to find. A handful of figures of the magic-less unicorn from G5. Needless to say, I was triggered, but I had known what I was to do in this event.
I literally snapped my fingers, and these particular figures literally phased out of existence from the store. With that in mind, I opted to check Target as well. I found four figures of the orange G5 pony, and I repeated the process with that bunch of figures.
I knew after I had got home, it was the time to take the more direct, and compassion-filled approach, so I recorded myself with the lights above the lavatory mirror, and said directly, straightforward, and to the point what I said in the video.
I tell you all, as I have stated time and again, and even a while ago with @Neko:
This has absolutely nothing to do with the trivial details of the show, or the visuals of the leaks. The impact of G5 being aired prematurely will literally do a heavy Metaphysical amount of damage to our very Timeline, here.
[1 🤔 reaction]
The WCT08:44 PM
Should’ve been 14.
Chris08:46 PM
Because by continuing with this trend, unless Hasbro Cancels G5 and resume G4 for five more animated seasons, the forced decrease in magic in Equestria, in counter with our increase in magic in 1218 as it and C-197 come back together, it will cause great tidal waves of catastrophe and chaos for not only Equestria, but for everyone of the 1218 half as well. Worst things can and will happen if this is left unchecked.
But, as I have reflected in the video earlier, and consistently right at this moment, I am very serious.
The WCT08:48 PM
I’m glad you’re pointing it out though Chris. The situation looks dire and by not giving G4 a proper ending with no planned smooth transition to G5, it will be a disaster for everybody.
They’re clearly just rushing things without any consideration.
Chris08:48 PM
Worse than trivial and fashion choices.
Yes, but I am looking ahead at the grander picture of the consequences from among mine, Magi-Chan’s, and everyone’s visions and knowledge of ALL foreseen possibilities for this timeline of ours.
Also, as I have told @Neko, and given him permission to share publicly on the Kiwi,
The holes on the bathroom wall were made by my hands, but it was for past event reasons that involved me physically practicing in breaking the iron curtain veil.
[1 ℹ️ reaction]
And I have no intentions of hurting or killing myself at all.
The Fool08:51 PM
Thank you for your hard work chris, we believe in you and we know you'll get the power to stop this mess Hasbro's wrought
The WCT08:52 PM
[Replying to "And I have no intentions of hurting or killing myself at all."]
Again, I’m glad you cleared that up.
Chris08:53 PM
Not just Hasbro, but there are manipulative demons behind the decisions as well. I only pray and can affirm that the executives there will Listen and Sense the Danger if they do not heed my warning.
I’m taking a break at the moment after the earlier events.
I’m also still waiting to talk with @an0nym0us about another topic that only she can help by listening very well.
What we in the mental health case call retard strength
The WCT06:25 PM
guess he's better off without the Watchmen after all. lol
The Fool06:26 PM
my idiot retard brain is thinking "well maybe he was just trying to crush a bug but is too stupid to do it properly" but I'm fully aware he intentionally is hitting his wall out of rage
Don't see that as an illogical thought process for chris
The Fool07:06 PM
behind his door, yeah
thats not behind his door but w/e
reminds me of that twilight zone episode where a family found a weird portal on the wall under their child's bed that you could expand the size of with chalk
At least it was just the wall he damaged and not part of his body like the taint wound.
Too bad he doesn't want therapy for his delusions.
NOTE: The following conversation took place after Chris had begun explaining his actions in the #general channel of the Knights of CWC.
lol, triggered by the toy aisle. Blarms all over again...
Think snapping his fingers to vanish the toys is CPU-speak for moving the toys around to hide them?
The Fool08:48 PM
can you imagine being chris in that moment
he's in a store, the church of consumerism, the place he feels the safest, and then there's something that reminds him of change
I can see why he defaced the xbox and sonic boom displays lol
I guess he finally learned he can't do that so he just pretends the offending item doesn't exist anymore
I’m glad he came here to vent, but it seems like he’s in complete denial over the ending of G4.
Yeah. lol, Wikipedia says G5 starts Sept 24 with a Netflix special.
Synopsis for it says, "Set years after the events of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic, the film will center on Sunny Starscout, an outcast and young activist earth pony who still sees hope in Equestria where Twilight Sparkle's teachings on friendship and harmony have been replaced with paranoia and mistrust, and where all three species of ponies live segregated from one another."
He's gonna be so pissed when watching that.
The WCT09:02 PM
Sounds incredibly racist.
Yeah I can see why Chris will complain.
The Fool09:37 PM
lol maybe he will hate it
if it's about that
Lainchu (Anaxis)09:55 PM
I'm a little disturbed about the "punching holes in the walls" thing
Even if he isn't hurting himself, he's still doing structural damage to an already decaying home
The Fool09:56 PM
I'm sure he was drunk
Lainchu (Anaxis)09:56 PM
In no way is that a reassurance lol
The Fool09:56 PM
I dunno how much he drinks, I heard it's more than usual now
Lainchu (Anaxis)09:56 PM
Ironic, considering his hardline sobriety of years past
But I guess that could be said about a lot of facets of Chris's life at this point
The Fool09:57 PM
even in the "classic" era he abandoned that and started drinking lol
I'm surprised he cared at all given his parents drank like a fish
but he certainly stopped caring after he went to a bar and got that "long island iced tea"
then he started putting sugar in his beer
but apparently recently-ish he's started drinking a lot and even doing weed (at least he did with the teen troon squad)
honestly surprised it took him this long to start abusing, but, not surprised he's abusing now
tbh I would consider it a reassurance that he's only punching drywall from being drunk, at least then it's because of a substance and not because he wholeheartedly believes he should be shoving his fist into the wall
if he was doing that shit sober then I'd actually be very worried
like I keep saying, he has no reason not to be delusional
there's nothing in his life forcing him to be sane
also he is amazing at believing his own lies, so it's almost like a proto-delusion
he can still be snapped out of it, he just doesn't want to
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:09 PM
Is he expecting you to parrot his beliefs about G5?
If only he was half as passionate about his own comics as he is with this, Christ
Silvia05:27 PM
It’s a little scary how much they want this mlp to stop……I mean I’m a brony but g4 is over. Nothing can change that lol
They’re only gonna hurt themselves with this. I wouldn’t even be surprised if they get kicked out of a store for trying to throw away merch or throw a fit. Also worries me bc the con is coming up and I’m sure they’re are g5 vendors and all.
The WCT05:34 PM
[Replying to "Is he expecting you to parrot his beliefs about G5?"]
because I'm a Youtuber with 3k subs, yes.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:34 PM
He wants you, as his loyal disciple, to spread his gospel
Although there's no better mouthpiece for chris than chris himself. He does have over 50k subs on YT...
The WCT05:35 PM
[Replying to "Although there's no better mouthpiece for chris than chris himself. He does have over 50k subs on YT..."]
he literally doesn't need me.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:35 PM
Getting people to take it seriously is the issue, I guess
But nobody would parrot chris unironically about this issue
Not the way he's been going about it, at least
Silvia05:36 PM
True boycott on hasbro is to not watch it lol. Not buy the merch lol.
The WCT05:37 PM
I might do a watch party here.
where we can pick it apart. lol
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:37 PM
Won't that just piss him off more?
The WCT05:37 PM
oh wait that's right.
he's trying to stop it from even being released.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:38 PM
When it inevitably does, he'll probably just say that it actually doesn't exist because he thanos-snapped it out of existence, or whatever he said with the toys of G5 he saw at the store the other day
Ohhhhhh! I thought it was bc he hit the dude micheal before then. Yea him
I didn’t know he got arrested for the sonic boom thing
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:40 PM
Hopefully this won't escalate to sonic boom protest levels
Because it'd be Chris's third strike
The WCT05:41 PM
how long before I get blamed? lol.
Silvia05:41 PM
Wait I thought he got removed from the GameStop for pepper spraying not arrested
The WCT05:41 PM
fortunately, nobody on Kiwi knows I'm the new head guy.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:41 PM
[Replying to "Wait I thought he got removed from the GameStop for pepper spraying not arrested"]
It was both
[1 ✅ reaction]
He got banned and arrested
Silvia05:42 PM
Oh damn.
What happens if it happens a third time
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:43 PM
Idk, but something tells me the court system might not go as easy on him as they have in the past once this looks like a behavioral pattern
But who knows. Chris has a remarkable talent for escaping consequences.
The WCT05:43 PM
he's like DSP.
Silvia05:44 PM
Fair.They probably see him as a mental case and let him go most likely. But if it’s reaccuring then they may put him in a week long mental hospital
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:45 PM
They have given him counseling before, and it obviously didn't work...
The WCT05:46 PM
Here's what I believe:
If the courts feel that Chris doesn't pose as an actual physical threat to anybody, they'll let him go.
if they believe the opposite, he'll be put on probation.
Silvia05:49 PM
I don’t think he will be put on probation. Personally. Unless he like throws a fit and ruin someone’s g5 vending or something
Para06:40 PM
hes a large man he kind of presents a physical threat with his tantrums
The WCT06:42 PM
[Replying to "hes a large man he kind of presents a physical threat with his tantrums"]
do you think the solution is institutionalization?
Para06:45 PM
The WCT06:49 PM
I think a group home is the best solution for Chris.
but that will only come Post-Barb's death.
The WCT and Silvia's Chats With Chris
29 July 2021
Summary: The WCT shares that he had just spoken to Chris, who had been thinking of MKR lately, and that WCT had shared more of the "Toxic Trio's" bullying in response to confirm that they are irredeemable. Silvia then shares a text exchange she had with Chris, where she asks for a copy of some of Chris's TSSSF cards, and Chris insists on sending them to her for free. Silvia and the Fool remark that this may be a positive development for Chris.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT03:48 PM
Just had a lengthy talk with Chris.
He thought a bit of Meghan today after looking at the Magenta Heart card, and I had to show him some more screenshots of the trio bullying me in the place as a way of letting him know that they were not redeemable in anyway. (edited)
Silvia05:19 PM
The Fool05:22 PM
and the babysitting begins
I know there's nothing else to say on the matter but god I can't get over chris punching his wall
I just can't get it off my mind lol
Silvia05:23 PM
Today’s little checkup with Chris.
The Fool05:24 PM
wow he doesn't want free money, that's new
Silvia05:24 PM
Yea I was surprised.
The Fool05:25 PM
who is that and what did they do with the real chris
Silvia05:26 PM
I thought it was a sweet guesture
The Fool05:28 PM
he really is maturing, in his own way
Silvia05:28 PM
Weston Haiku
29 July 2021
Summary: Chris comes into the server to share a Haiku that he had written to remember the birth order of Barb and her seven siblings. I comment on how many there are.
In the second layer, I note that Chris had swapped the positions of Harriet and Madeline according to the Weston family tree, and that Chris had referred to many of the siblings by their middle names rather than their first names. I speculate that this might have been a quirk of Barb's that Chris had picked up on.
Good morning, everyone. I have an inspired bit of poetry to share.
I am reminded of Barbara’s big family, as she is child number five out of eight children of the Weston household from Red Oak, Virginia.
The oldest to youngest are as follows: Edna, Stanley, Corina, Leroy, Barbara, Harriet, Madeline, and Wayne.
And to also help remember this very order, I am inspired to manifest a Haiku.
Every Sketch is Cleansed
Lovely waves of Barley oats
How Media Works
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:18 PM
That's a lot of siblings!
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:20 PM
According to the Weston family tree, Harriet and Madeline should be switched. Also, a lot of these people are referred to by their middle names by Chris rather than their legal first names. A quirk of Barb's, perhaps?
First Incest Call Leaks
30 July 2021
Summary: I share with the Knights the first leaked audio in which Chris admits to having had sex with his mother, expressing a hesitant hope that it's fake. The WCT immediately asserts that it definitely is fake, and would share it with Chris for his amusement. Another Knight expresses doubts and suggests that Chris make a statement addressing the audio, despite skepticism over whether Chris really would have sex with Barb. WCT and the Fool both acknowledge that the audio had been heavily edited, and I address that this is true, but the audio was still of Chris's real voice.
I post the nine-minute version of the audio, which included Chris talking with an unknown individual about sex acts with Barb. Silvia suggests that the previously-mentioned "lady friend" was actually referring to Barb, which we both hope is not the case. I note that someone named "Fiona" is mentioned in the call (the real name of the Suitress, as we would later find out), and could be the identity of the "lady friend." I begin sharing transcripts of the call that were being created by users on the CWCki Server.
I post a screenshot of Null talking about his theories about what is going on, one being that the audio is old and from the Joshua Wise days. Silvia inquires about this, and I clarify that Null is talking about the past coercion of the Idea Guys, and the audio might be a result of that. I post another screenshot of Null explaining a theory that Chris is trying to cover something up with a really bad lie, and ask about its likelihood. The mention of a convention by Chris in the audio makes us wonder if there was a convention that occurred during the Idea Guys saga that he was referring to, as opposed to the then-upcoming Everfree Northwest convention.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:31 AM
This is definitely fake...right?
[Defunct YouTube link to "Chris Chan Admits to having sex with his Mother" by EllDudeRocks]
The girl he was talking to apparently said that he was dating "Fiona" and asked if Barb was okay with it
I'm lifting transcriptions from users on cwcki server, it's going nuts over there
one minute into the call:
Chris: Um, yeah, so she’s got really- [‘’unintelligible’’] g-bot- g-spot, cuz apparently I don’t believe her- I don’t believe he- Mr. C, any of her past boyfriends, ex-husbands- they haven’t really reached in her g-spot with their dicks.
Woman: [‘’terrible audio quality’’] Right. Right.
Chris: They haven’t- they haven’t ha- they were focused on pleasuring [‘’woman coughs’’] themselves really, as opposed to focusing on her, which that’s my focus.
Woman: Right [‘’unintelligible’’] yeah, true- um, before- like, the convention, be sure to have- uh, a lot of fun wi- make sure to have a- push [‘’censored’’] fun with her, right? Because, um-
Chris: Obviously.
Woman: Yeah, because now you’re doing this for your mom- yeah, ju- make sure- I’ll be there- I’ll be there watching you guys making sure that nobody is tryna’- [‘’cough’’]- sorry, my throat- nobody’s tryna’ hurt you or do anything, I’ll take photos of you two- a dance would be awesome. We could take turns, I’d like to dance with her too-
Chris: Yeah.
Woman: And then you guys could take the slow dance.
Who is the mystery caller?
Silvia05:24 AM
Obviously a troll
Maybe someone we knew
I was thinking Meghan or the pickchu girl. But then again that’s all the girls I know.
You suppose this is the opposite of the shecameforcwc situation?
He's lying about Barb to cover up the existence of his lady friend?
Silvia05:37 AM
????? Please explain
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:37 AM
Chris: My mom and all the other uh- [‘’unintelligible’’]
Woman: Yeah.
Chris: [‘’unintelligible’’] before the convention as well.
Woman: Right. Well, how are you feeling, Christine? How are you feeling? Because I know there’s been a lot of societal pressure on you about, like, um- this thing with Barbra. A lot of societal pressure, a lot of people- you know- consciously- who would ju- like, who would judge, and you know there’s a lot of eyes on you. That must be very stressful.
Chris: Yeah, it is.
Woman: Yeah, I can imagine.
Chris: [‘’unintelligible’’]
Woman: I’m so sorry about all that stuff. Yeah.
Chris: Well, still, bu- [‘’unintelligible over the woman’s coughs’’] we’ll still have Magi-Chan and [‘’unintelligible. Cryztel?’’] to dance with.
Woman: You’ll always have them [‘’unintelligible’’]
Chris: [‘’unintelligible’’]- incest fan-fics coming true and shit.
Woman: I didn’t even know there was such a thing. I didn’t even know there was incest fan-fics. Were they about you and Barbra, I can’t believe that. I didn’t even think that- I- I knew that you guys had a good relationship, but I always thought that- cuz I’m not huge on Christory, and you know, whatever- I just thought that the whole Sonichu franchise was very interesting, and that’s how I- um, got into you.
Silvia05:38 AM
This is so weird. How they mention convention. This upcoming convention?
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:39 AM
Idk, maybe there was one that lined up with the idea guys saga?
I'd look it up, but obviously can't because the cwcki is down
Silvia05:40 AM
Wait when was the idea guys doing their thing. Bc I go to pony cons and can see which ones were in the year
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:40 AM
Silvia05:40 AM
Ok so not bronycon 2019
Magfest was during the IG saga.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:41 AM
I know chris went to one soon after the idea guys because there's a picture of him at one in the gopnik outfit
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:41 AM
[Replying to "Magfest was during the IG saga."]
What do you think about the theory that he's covering his ass about the lady friend in the worst possible way?
Although, wasn't she mentioned? Unless Fiona is someone else?
This whole thing gives me a headache lol
Silvia05:42 AM
Is barbs middle name Fiona?
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:42 AM
No, it's Anne
Silvia05:42 AM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:43 AM
Nobody in Chris's family/life has the name Fiona
Until now
Silvia05:44 AM
Hmmm……I’d say check the phone records to see if Christine had any recent phone calls
But idk if that’s possible. I’d feel like that would be wrong
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:46 AM
What would be?
Silvia05:46 AM
If we asked for phone records
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:46 AM
That would imply that we don't trust him at his word
Silvia05:47 AM
Yea that’s why I said never mind
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:47 AM
Also, he wouldn't even tell us the name of his lady friend
Silvia05:47 AM
Exactly that raises red flags in my brain.
It's all really strange. I don't think Chris would be that dumb to cover it up with screwing his mom.
Silvia05:50 AM
No but it’s also a immoral thing to do. So maybe shame
Kids make up stories to hide sweets from their parents
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:51 AM
[Replying to "It's all really strange. I don't think Chris would be that dumb to cover it up with screwing his mom."]
Wouldn't be the first time he covers up something dumb with something even dumber (edited)
Woman: But I had- I had- I didn’t have any idea that Barbra was- um- that Barbra and you had a sexual relationship, I never got any of those vibes. But- um, how did you approach her?
Chris: I approached her with care and caution.
Woman: [‘’weird sound, it can be presumed she starts masturbating at this moment’’]
Chris: And it was a- it was a timed approach, so I just gave her comfort and talked with her and just branched out slow and steady and then I- then I encourage- encouraged her positively and let her make the first move cuz she wanted to do it-
Woman: Oh she did? Really, she made the first move?
Chris: Yeah.
Woman: [‘’in a tone denoting that she derives some sort of sick sexual pleasure from that information’’] Oh. Oh ‘’really?’’ Wowww, Barbra! [‘’laughs’’] How- how did she do it if you don’t mind me asking- what was the first move?
Chris: Ugh, uuuh, I don’t remember exactly. Um. Well that was her move but my approach was… I forgot
Silvia05:53 AM
This is like a fever dream
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:54 AM
You're telling me
Silvia05:55 AM
Wait so the woman is getting off on this?
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:56 AM
That's the transcriber's interpretation
Silvia05:58 AM
Oh ok I was about to say
Lainchu (Anaxis)06:04 AM
Chris: I forgot exactly what ter- what terminology of the approach I used, right. I approached with care and caution.
Woman: That’s good.
Chris: Then I was mostly- then I was directly upfront with her for the most part.
Woman: That’s good. And how did she respond when you- um, when you approached her. What’d she say?
Chris: I don’t- I don’t remember exactly what she said, but it was kinda- it was- I think she was partially confused at one point, but- but then she came around obviously- with more approaching- with more approaching her that I was doing along the way.
Woman: Right. So she- so she got into it. How was- how was the first kiss- [‘’presumably masturbates furiously at the thought’’] when you kissed her, how did that feel- having known this woman for your whole life- how did that feel?
Chris: Oh yeah, I mean it was simple- uhh, lip- lip-lock, lip-to-lip kiss contact. But yeah, actually it felt right.
Transcriber is having fun with it
Silvia06:05 AM
Oh Jheez
Discussing Snoo's Involvement, Chris is Served an EPO
30 July 2021
Summary: A member of the server notes that somebody named "Snoo" was involved in the situation, and might be the same person as Fiona. Recognizing that name, I explain to WCT (who is in shock over the news of the call spreading like wildfire across the Internet) who Snoo is and her past history obsessing over Chris and getting into conflicts with the Watchmen. WCT questions if she was actually the leaker, and I express uncertainty. WCT then states that Fiona was already in the Knights server, which I express confusion over, mistakenly believing that Bella and the "an0nym0us" account were two different individuals who had joined the server. WCT goes to check again, and states that he was wrong (in reality, he wasn't).
At this point, we learn that Chris had been kicked out of his house and served an emergency protective order keeping him away from Barb, and that Bella was the one who Chris had confided his secret to.
In an "emergency call" hosted by WCT, we discuss what we knew about the situation. I focus on Snoo and her involvement, noting that she may be the key to all of this. We all have differing opinions over how Chris will be treated by the law and how likely it is that he actually did commit the crime. We listen to the leaked audio again together and comment on it, and I share a video I was given of Snoo cosplaying as Classic Chris and reenacting one of his old trolling videos.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Silvia07:48 AM
Any news?
I feel like it could be a member of praetor
Apparently someone named Snoo is involved, who's known for wanting to have sex with Chris or something. Chris also mentioned a Fiona in the call and that's supposedly Snoo's name.
Someone posted this cap in the CWCki Server, about Snoo editing the call.
Idk if you remember, but the first time that Val got banned from the cwcki server was because he doxed her YT channel of her, I think imitating the YandereDev "drink from the cum chalice" thing?
And that was because she texted Chris and made that fact known on one of his livestreams
After she was banned from the cwcki server, she seemed to get more and more obsessed after the fact, to the point where she would make tik toks dressing up as classic chris and dancing
The WCT02:29 PM
[Replying to "After she was banned from the cwcki server, she seemed to get more and more obsessed after the fact, to the point where she would make tik toks dressing up as classic chris and dancing"]
NOTE: A call took place between myself and the other Knights and was not recorded, so the only evidence I have of it taking place are these chat transcripts of myself and others who didn't have their mics turned on, reacting to external audio and video. Keep this in mind when trying to evaluate context.
private-voice-chat (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT02:57 PM
Emergency call. @everyone
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:57 PM
This has been a day
I don't think anyone did
The Fool02:58 PM
do you have anything important to say or should I continue eating my sandwich and watching minecraft videos
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:58 PM
I woke up and the cwcki server was going batshit
Para02:58 PM
i cant talk atm
so they don't want responsibility
but they want to cause shit
they are scumbags
it sounds like he was encouraged to fuck his mom
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:01 PM
It's legit in the sense that Chris is the one saying the words
His intent however, is a different beast entirely
Kicking them out won't accomplish anything
If they're here, we can keep an eye on them
Has Chris ever mentioned someone named Snoo before?
Hopefully there will be a next time
Para03:04 PM
i dont think they can just arrest him with no evidence
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:04 PM
You think he's still gonna try and go to Ponycon after this?
Para03:04 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:04 PM
Or would the police interpret it as him fleeing the state?
The Fool03:05 PM
for a misdominer with a max of 1 year? lol
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:07 PM
Yeah, this is biggest spike in traffic the server has ever gotten
Especially since the cwcki is down from a huge spike of traffic as well
So they have nowhere else to go but here
Para03:08 PM
this is like the 9/11 of christory
but he says it himself
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:08 PM
On the plus side, we reached level 3
Para03:08 PM
is the real kicker
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:08 PM
We're officially discord.gg/sonichu
Para03:09 PM
chris RAPES his mom
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:09 PM
We need to ask questions about Snoo once he gets back
The speaker is probably the one who leaked it if this is a one-on-one call
Para03:33 PM
what happened there
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:34 PM
At least he didn't record himself doing the deed
The WCT's Lost Chat With Chris
30 July 2021
Summary: The WCT shares that Chris had DMed him, something which surprises me as I had believed Chris's phone had been taken away. WCT asks him about his plans and what had happened, and then asks who he had been talking to in the audio. Chris confirms that he had been talking to Bella, which we react to with astonishment and confusion. Silvia and I are still under the mistaken belief that she was acting on behalf of Praetor and that she was the leaker, so I question her motivations. When WCT asks if Chris did the deed to Barb, he confirms it and justifies his reasons, to our collective shock. Silvia states that Bella should leave the server, but I insist that she stay so that we could inquire further about what happened.
I request that WCT ask about Fiona, and Chris finally confirms that she is the same person as ScootalooSister/Fifi Vixenhart/Snoo by identifying her as the woman in the video clip. WCT then asks Chris if the previously-mentioned "lady friend" was actually referring to Barb, and Chris confirms that it was, to our disbelief. Upon Chris's request, WCT begins deleting messages from his side of their conversation, and Chris assumedly does the same with his own messages.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT05:09 PM
Chris DM'd me.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:11 PM
What did he say?
I assumed he got his phone taken away from him
The WCT05:11 PM
he doesn't have a desktop.
he still has his phone from what I know.
I asked Chris to give me his side of the story.
The Fool05:13 PM
did josh tell him he can potentially get put on ice for a year for this (not that I expect that to happen, the court never does anything to chris lol) (edited)
The WCT05:15 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:19 PM
Any word on whether he claims the allegations are true or not?
The WCT05:19 PM
I'm asking him that right now.
Silvia05:25 PM
[Replying to "The other in an0nym0us"]
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:25 PM
Bella is the person, and Chris is confirming it's real
The Fool05:25 PM
he's not denying it
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:25 PM
This is bad
Silvia05:26 PM
I knew it. I had a feeling this is praetor
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:27 PM
This doesn't make any sense though. What motivation does she have to leak this information?
If chris gets put away, their business goes down the drain
The WCT05:27 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:28 PM
Fuck no
Oh god
Silvia05:28 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:28 PM
Don't do it
Para05:28 PM
knew it
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:28 PM
We need to ask her questions
Para05:28 PM
bella egged on chris
Silvia05:28 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:28 PM
[Replying to "WHY WOULD YOU DO THIS????"]
Ask if she's the secret lady friend
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:29 PM
If she leaves, we lose a link to any more information about this
Silvia05:29 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:29 PM
That's what I want to know
Silvia05:30 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:30 PM
The WCT05:30 PM
The Fool05:31 PM
I wasn't there in the call but do we even know that she made chris do it, or simply encouraged him?
there's a significant difference there, even if what she did was still wrong
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:32 PM
We don't know because we're missing the context
She also released the recording
Maybe she thought she was doing the right thing, but if that were the case, why not just call the police instead of posting it online?
Para05:33 PM
she didnt make chris do it
she encouraged it
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:33 PM
Maybe she thought it was funny. I don't think she was trying to get chris jailed.
Para05:33 PM
but he did it on his own
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:33 PM
Because this has blown massively out of proportion
Silvia05:33 PM
It is but we need to get a handle on this quick. Chris cannot handle jail
Para05:33 PM
why would you morons be convinced she made him do it
he massages his mom and ate her out
and fucked her
The Fool05:34 PM
I don't know what we can even do lol
Para05:34 PM
chris has to take personal responsibility
Silvia05:34 PM
I believe he is by telling Neko.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:35 PM
[Replying to "why would you morons be convinced she made him do it"]
I'm not convinced that she coerced him
Para05:35 PM
chris sees nothing weong with it
he thinks fucking his mom is good
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:35 PM
@Neko any more updates?
The WCT05:36 PM
[Replying to "@Neko any more updates?"]
give me a few moments.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:37 PM
He barely even seems to care
Ask about Fiona
Silvia05:37 PM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
Oh gods…..
The WCT05:37 PM
[Replying to "Ask about Fiona"]
what should I ask him specifically?
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:38 PM
Just mention that a Fiona is alluded to in the call and ask who that is
Silvia05:39 PM
Can we contact the police themselves and speak to them
Para05:39 PM
thats not how that works
the police arent lawyers
The Fool05:40 PM
yeah lol
Para05:40 PM
they just enforce the law
Silvia05:40 PM
The Fool05:40 PM
right now it's up to investigators to look into this, and they're probably waiting on the hospital to check barb
right now all the police are doing is enforcing the court order to stay away from the house
The WCT05:40 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:41 PM
Scootaloo sister?
Isn't she also a Praetor?
The WCT05:42 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:42 PM
Send the videos of Snoo, ask if she's Bella's roommate
Or just if she looks familiar
Oh, I see, they're two different people
M42 and Bella's roommate
The Fool05:44 PM
so, since this is a misdemeanor, he's not going to get his SSI taken away, right? that only happens if you commit a felony yes?
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:45 PM
Well, he could get convicted of a felony at this point
It's only a matter of time before Barb's medical examination reveals the obvious
The WCT05:45 PM
@Lainchu the crazy chick is Fiona.
the one in the tik tok clips.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:45 PM
So it's confirmed, then?
Fiona is Snoo?
Para05:47 PM
doesnt barb have to consent to a medical examination
I'm guessing she doesn't even know where she is right now
anyone know the penalty of elder abuse in virginia?
The WCT05:49 PM
this is the last message sent before we ended our convo.
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:49 PM
The Fool05:49 PM
I have chills
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:50 PM
I think we joked about this after that call happened too
This is...unbelievable
The Fool05:50 PM
yeah honestly I think I'm still in shell shock
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:51 PM
[Replying to "@Lainchu the crazy chick is Fiona."]
Was it chris who confirmed this?
The WCT05:51 PM
[Replying to "Was it chris who confirmed this?"]
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:51 PM
Not that I don't believe you, but can I see what he wrote?
The WCT05:51 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)05:52 PM
God damn
Once the truth gets out...it's over for chris
It's only a matter of time
The WCT05:53 PM
So this is what happens after I wrecked the Watchmen. lol
Chris's Final Messages in the Knights Server
30 July 2021
Summary: Chris sends what would be his final messages in the Knights server, requesting donations to his PayPal account, which he wants to be kept confidential. The Knights write lightly positive messages in response. Chris later shares that he had been "revoked" from Everfree Northwest, to which WCT asks how it happened and I ask how he is currently doing. Chris answers neither of us and instead states that he will go "radio silent" for a while.
#general (First Layer)
Chris06:13 PM
Hey, @everyone. Due to present circumstances that I am not a liberty to talk about as much. And I do need some help at the present. Gonna need some funds for a motel room, if possible. So, I’m looking to y’all for help. Direct donations to my PayPal, hopefully exceeding $100 to cover me at least for tonight.
And This does not leave this server at all. Strictly Confidential. Thank you all.
The WCT06:14 PM
Silvia06:14 PM
Please be safe.
Lainchu (Anaxis)06:15 PM
Take care. We are all praying for you.
Chris10:13 PM
Not gonna go to EFNW; I got revoked.
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:14 PM
Oh no!
The WCT10:15 PM
[Replying to "Not gonna go to EFNW; I got revoked."]
how did it happen?
Lainchu (Anaxis)10:15 PM
How are you doing currently?
Chris10:16 PM
Also, gonna go radio silent for a while. Know that I am well-guided, safe and well, and I have y’all to thank in part for that as well.
[2 ℹ️ reactions]
The WCT Interrogates Bella
30 July 2021
Summary: WCT interrogates Bella in DMs over her involvement in the leaked calls and shares their messages with the rest of us. Bella (in very poor grammar and spelling) immediately blames two other individuals for "hacking" Chris's Internet, which WCT and the Fool privately call bullshit on. WCT keeps asking her questions but Bella continues to give him the runaround, stating that Chris had raped his mother and condemning WCT for "supporting" him. Bella insists that WCT make a group chat so that she can explain everything, and he obliges, adding me, the Fool, Para, Silvia, and himself into it along with Bella.
why don't you ask her to just be honest and that you don't really give a shit who did what anyway
The WCT06:41 PM
Para06:41 PM
ask them for the video
The WCT06:42 PM
Silvia06:46 PM
She’s being a little bitch dangling the answer in front of your face.
The WCT06:46 PM
[Replying to "She’s being a little bitch dangling the answer in front of your face."]
oh I forgot you.
give me a sec.
At this point, The WCT had created the group chat "Regarding Chris" and invited Bella and everyone participating in this conversation to it.
Reacting to Bella's Lies in Regarding Chris
30 July 2021
Summary: Having listened to Bella in the "Regarding Chris" group chat, I express my doubts about how truthful Bella is being, noting that she claimed Snoo was not the same person as Fiona, which contradicted Chris's claim. The Fool states his inclination to believe her more now, though I point out that we're taking Bella's word on everything without further evidence.
NOTE: Context for these reactions can be found here and here.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:08 PM
I'm confused. Chris confirmed that Snoo is Fiona but Bella thinks they aren't the same person?
How much do you think of what she's saying is true? A lot of it sounds a bit fanciful, even for Chris.
The Fool07:14 PM
I'm inclined to believe it now, especially because he says it's "completely mutual", I'm sure as fuck it was not
he probably was threatening her and interpreted her compliance with mutuality
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:15 PM
Well, we're taking it at her word without any additional evidence
The Fool07:15 PM
she sounds pretty mad about it
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:15 PM
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:28 PM
Really not sure what to make of all this
The Fool07:29 PM
chris fucked his mom and then told people about it
the end
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:29 PM
I guess that's the short version
The Fool07:30 PM
I'll have catharsis after knowing what state barb is in
The WCT on Leaking
30 July 2021
Summary: After the group interrogation of Bella is finished for the night, WCT shares a tweet by GiBi where he states that Chris had confessed to having sex with Barb to an ex-Watchman and to Dillin Thomas, and that the public should accept what happened. I ask if we should share what we know considering all that has happened, and WCT states that he intends on doing more leaks if Chris is arrested and charged for incest. I ask who the ex-Watchman GiBi referred to was, and WCT states that it was himself.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
[Replying to "if we get word that Chris has been arrested or charged for incest, I intend on leaking."]
Makes sense I guess. Although he already admitted it to your face.
The Fool08:19 PM
oh god yeah, I'd be shocked if any con let him in now, lol
he's gonna be so mad about that
Lainchu (Anaxis)08:20 PM
More than anything else probably
Next Actions and Bella's "Info"
31 July 2021
Summary: The Fool questions the fate of the Knights should Chris turn out to be guilty, and then he and Para both express their utter disbelief over the events that had transpired.
Having resumed interrogating Bella, who at this point had claimed Chris was withholding food from Barb and did "BDSM stuff" with her, Para asks WCT if he is going to release that information, which the Fool cautions against since there was no proof, only Bella's claims. He then comments on why she would stay on the call for 4 hours (as she claimed).
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The Fool08:01 AM
Bella's not getting shit lol
Silvia08:01 AM
The Fool08:01 AM
but it's funny how josh's optics are even worse now
The Fool09:17 AM
so boys (and emily) what do we do if chris is guilty
Silvia09:17 AM
I have no clue.
The Fool09:18 AM
I honestly never expected chris to be a criminal, always thought we'd get the homeless saga
which, I guess we are, just, it's not as innocent
Para09:45 AM
i cant believe he can even get a boner
for his mom
its an achievement
The Fool09:51 AM
I still can't process this and it's honestly kind of dumb
are you going to release info on what bella told us? @Neko
she said chris tied up barb
and all that
bdsm stuff
do you believe that
The Fool09:57 AM
I think she was making assumptions/paraphrasing, she quoted specifically what chris said after that and she just said that he fucked barb and then later said he had to take her to a back doctor
Para09:58 AM
yeah but what about
withholding food unless she sucked his dick
The Fool10:01 AM
we can quote bella but I don't think we should treat that as fact until we like, get more info. I mean I totally believe it, we should just not work on baseless gossip if we're publishing this shit to the cwcki and stuff
Para10:02 AM
bella seemed stressed
because she didnt realize what she was getting herself into
dumb bitch
The Fool10:04 AM
I have no idea why she even stayed in that call for 4 hours lol
I legit would have bailed
I wouldn't even have talked to chris I just would have hung up
>hey bella what did you do today
>oh you know just listened to a man talk about raping his mom for four hours, the usual
I tell you man chess players are an extra level of fucked up
Null Cuts Off Chris, The WCT & Chris Discuss Bella
31 July 2021
Summary: The Fool shares a Tweet with screenshots of a post by Null on Kiwi Farms, where he talks about Chris taking money out of Barb's account for his own benefit, which was an apparent violation of his EPO, causing Null to finally block Chris. The Fool wonders what will happen next, and I express incredulity over even Null cutting Chris off.
WCT shares more DMs he had with Chris, where they talk about Bella and how Chris was too trusting of her, and Chris lamenting his aunt and uncle turning him away from their home. WCT also reiterates his intention to leak more information if Chris is charged with incest.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
WCT Speaks to Lavenderbonez, Chats Between Bella and the Suitress
31 July - 1 August 2021
Summary: A member of the Knights server who is also in the CWCki Server manages to acquire the account information of Lavenderbonez, a user who had spoken to Snoo/the Suitress about the leaked incest call, and passes it on to WCT since he was still involved with Chris, stating that Lavenderbonez had claimed there was a 3 hour version of the call (similarly to Bella). WCT states that he would talk to her. Hours later, WCT posts leaked chats between Bella and the Suitress, of the two of them gossiping over the supposed things Barb and Chris did to each other (most of which is unverified). It's implied, though not confirmed, that WCT received these chats from Lavenderbonez.
I ask for opinions on who leaked the call, and WCT states that Lavenderbonez claimed it was Bella. I inquire about Lavenderbonez's relationship to Bella and the Suitress, and she apparently denies any relation to them, making me then question how she has the information she has. Para states that it's because all of the individuals involved are afraid of getting in trouble or getting attention, and don't want credit for their "wrongdoing," pointing out how selective Bella is when it comes to the information she releases. WCT states that he will ask Lavenderbonez about her connection to Bella and the Suitress, but never gets back to us with the answer.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
31 July 2021
one of the [CWCki Server] users provided me with the @ to the lavenderbonez person
and said she wants to talk and claimed there's a 3 hour clip of the audio
so I took this to Neko since I know he was still around the cwc scene
and here we are
The WCT10:05 PM
[Replying to "so I took this to Neko since I know he was still around the cwc scene"]
I will talk to her after she's done with her shift. (edited)
1 August 2021
The WCT02:16 AM
Bella - Red
Snoo - Blue
The WCT02:16 AM
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:17 AM
Who do we think leaked? Bella or Fiona?
The WCT02:17 AM
Lav told me its Bella.
Para02:18 AM
barb is a sick fuck
if this is true
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:19 AM
[Replying to "Lav told me its Bella."]
What is Lav's relationship to them?
She another Praetor?
The WCT02:20 AM
[Replying to "She another Praetor?"]
i'm about to find out.
The WCT02:21 AM
[Replying to "She another Praetor?"]
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:22 AM
[Replying to "nope"]
Then what's her relationship to Bella and Fiona?
The WCT02:24 AM
[Replying to "Then what's her relationship to Bella and Fiona?"]
she denies she has any relations with them.
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:24 AM
[Replying to "she denies she has any relations with them."]
I don't understand, how does she have all of this information then?
Para02:24 AM
they are afraid of getting in trouble or being on the cwcki or in the next geno samuel video
and they dont want any credit for their wrongdoing
so that is why bella is VERY selective on what she releases
The WCT02:24 AM
[Replying to "^"]
i'm asking her that right now.
lavender said she wants to talk
Para02:26 AM
man i'd be surprised if you're ever gonna hear the full recording (edited)
Fala Scott Stalks Chris to His Motel
1 August 2021
Summary: A server member reports to WCT that a user in the CWCki Server was attempting to stalk Chris to his motel. They post screenshots of the user, named Fala Scott, loitering around the Regency Square Mall and reporting what he sees. Eventually, he makes his way to Chris's motel and sends a picture of the back of Chris's car and his distinctive SONICHU license plate. WCT asks if Fala Scott will be banned, and later declares him to be a complete idiot.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
some guy in the cwcki server is outside the motel
The WCT02:14 AM
[Replying to "some guy in the cwcki server is outside the motel"]
The Fool02:14 AM
tell him to scream JULAY so everyone in the hotel hears it
Para02:15 AM
theres cops?
The Fool02:15 AM
Para02:15 AM
The Fool02:15 AM
no way they care this much
The WCT02:29 AM
[Replying to "Click to see attachment 🖼️"]
he getting banned?
if he continues
The WCT02:46 AM
This Fala Scott dude is an idiot.
The WCT02:47 AM
of the highest order to be exact.
shitty optics.
if he moved closer would be ban
luckily he claimed to have gone home
WCT Continues Interrogating Bella
1 August 2021
Summary: WCT continues his interrogation of Bella in the Regarding Chris chat and posts screenshots of their interaction, showcasing her attempt to convince him to release a 14-minute version of the incest call. WCT requests access to the 3-4 hour-long call that allegedly exists, and Bella claims that she only has 45 minutes because of her recording software randomly shutting off. WCT requests that call instead, but Bella refuses, claiming that it's irrelevant and has the Suitress's personal information in it (at this point, Bella had already tricked WCT into throwing the Suitress under the bus on Kiwi Farms). WCT presses, but Bella refuses to budge.
The Knights comment on Bella's strange behavior, and I suggest that she knows how much trouble she's in and is trying to cover up her involvement by confusing everybody. I also suggest that she's perhaps hiding something incriminating in the call, or just doesn't want her personal information exposed. We have a discussion about whether or not Chris did the deed with Barb, and if he was coerced into it, or perhaps tricked into thinking he did it. I also continue to question Bella's motives, still under the mistaken belief that she's working directly for Praetor.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT02:36 AM
X to doubt?
tell her to sesnd it
Para02:37 AM
she wants to protect herself
The WCT02:41 AM
Silvia02:49 AM
Bella’s acting strange. Why is she being selective.
The WCT02:50 AM
[Replying to "Bella’s acting strange. Why is she being selective."]
i'm getting sus. lol
Silvia02:50 AM
Now it makes me wonder about some things.
What’s she’s being honest about and what’s not
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:51 AM
[Replying to "Bella’s acting strange. Why is she being selective."]
I think she knows how much shit she's in after the fact and is trying to cover up her involvement by confusing everyone
[3 ✅ reactions]
Silvia02:51 AM
[Replying to "I think she knows how much shit she's in after the fact and is trying to cover up her involvement by confusing everyone"]
Para02:51 AM
i think shes hiding shit
[2 💯 reactions]
The WCT02:51 AM
what does she have to hide?
thats what we have to find out
Silvia02:51 AM
Like I said I think she’s fucking with us.
Para02:52 AM
did you not hear the original 9 minutes
she seemed to encourage his shitty behavior (edited)
it might be even worse we don't know
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:52 AM
[Replying to "what does she have to hide?"]
Now that the shit has hit the fan, she wants to slink back into the shadows before the Kiwis unearth anymore info about her (edited)
[Replying to "Now that the shit has hit the fan, she wants to slink back into the shadows before the Kiwis unearth anymore info about her (edited)"]
If you're going to blow the whistle on anything Chris related, you have to expect nothing but the worse. And Bella so far hasn't handled things well.
if bella encouraged him to have sex
Silvia02:53 AM
She said she said no but I feel like I’m the call [sic] she was laughing and giggling like a girl who gossips in school
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:53 AM
It's possible she's also hiding something incriminating within the call. Coercion, or maybe she just doesn't want personal info exposed.
then it can be a case of manipulation
and since chris is a diagnosed autist
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:53 AM
[Replying to "If you're going to blow the whistle on anything Chris related, you have to expect nothing but the worse. And Bella so far hasn't handled things well."]
So you think she did it? Or did Fiona?
he might have a chance in court
Silvia02:54 AM
I think both were in cahoots
The WCT02:54 AM
Silvia02:54 AM
It’s all unsettling
The WCT02:54 AM
[Replying to "he might have a chance in court"]
don't get my hopes up. lol
still a chance
but its better than nothing
The WCT02:55 AM
I'm still awaiting that DNA test.
Silvia02:55 AM
Bc technically Bella could be in big shit
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:55 AM
Not sure how much of the text receipts would be considered admissible evidence in court
Silvia02:55 AM
[Replying to "Not sure how much of the text receipts would be considered admissible evidence in court"]
Depends on the state
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:55 AM
Rape kit results may be different, though
we could narrow in on snoo
ill see what i can do
Silvia02:56 AM
What if there is no evidence in barb
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:56 AM
Given the amount of buzz this generated, I think there may still be an investigation of some kind
I doubt the police would just hand her back to Chris and they resume living together like nothing happened
Silvia02:57 AM
Yea but it’d be really fucked up if this was all like idea guy level shit ya know?
Para02:57 AM
chris raped his mom
Silvia02:58 AM
I’m not saying he didn’t. But I’m saying it’s still fucked up if it was all planned out by them
Like that’s some dark dark trolling
Lainchu (Anaxis)02:59 AM
It's fucked up either way
Silvia02:59 AM
Yes indeed
Para02:59 AM
i dont think they planned it out
i think they might have encouraged it
Silvia02:59 AM
They probably did sadly.
Para03:01 AM
they probably coaxed him into giving them more information through manipulating him (edited)
and thats what it looks like to me
but since they did it that way it makes them look really bad
because it looks like they are encouraging his bad behavior
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:03 AM
I still don't understand Bella's motivation
Para03:05 AM
her motivation would be to get information
thats what i'd think
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:05 AM
She made the animation for him, and was a part of Praetor, who wanted to do business with him. Did she just decide to turn troll one day for some reason?
Para03:05 AM
she didn't make chris fuck his mom it probably genuinely came to her as a surprise
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:05 AM
Speaking of, has Praetor has said anything about this on any of their social media accounts?
Para03:05 AM
so to get him talking more she probably acted as if it were a positive
trolling didn't cause chris to do this
chris did
The WCT03:06 AM
[Defunct YouTube link to "The Full Unedited Chris Chan phonecall" by Ternary Mercury]
Para03:06 AM
yeah i heard that
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:06 AM
I don't believe that she was capable of convincing Chris to fuck Barb
Para03:06 AM
i am saying this chick did not force chris's hand
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:07 AM
But I think someone might have been capable of convincing Chris that he thought he did
The WCT03:07 AM
if the DNA results come back as Negative, then its possible Chris was manipulated into thinking he did it.
but if its positive though, he was manipulated into fucking her.
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:08 AM
Or he decided to do it on his own
The WCT03:08 AM
[Replying to "Or he decided to do it on his own"]
Para03:08 AM
you guys actually think he was manipulated into fucking his mom
he was BRAGGING about fucking his mom
and having his schizo cartoons around him as he did it
The WCT03:08 AM
that would be the middle case scenario imo.
Para03:08 AM
dude he fucked his mom on his own
[Replying to "and having his schizo cartoons around him as he did it"]
that's what makes me think he's imagining it up
Para03:09 AM
you think it didn't happen?
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:09 AM
If the rape kit comes back positive, I think it's more likely that he made the decision himself
Para03:09 AM
man that'd be something
if nothing happened why is barb still in the hospital
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:09 AM
If negative, then I think he might've been manipulated into thinking that he did
Para03:09 AM
it probably happened but till I see results from the rape kit I'll be scpetical
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:09 AM
He's delusional. He thinks his characters are real in another dimension.
[Replying to "if nothing happened why is barb still in the hospital"]
procedures are a pain
and the kit takes a while to come back
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:10 AM
Imagining this scenario is something he would do
its a glorified dna test
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:10 AM
Especially considering the dreams he's described in the past
His grip on reality is slipping
Para03:11 AM
man i didn't consider that
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:11 AM
As for Barb, they have to do a full check up on her, so I don't think it'll be over quick.
it also involves a psych evalve
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:12 AM
And even if she does return home before Chris does, he'd have no way of knowing that (because he can't contact her), and therefore, neither would we (edited)
and since cops sent them on there's a shit ton of legal procedures
Para03:12 AM
medical evaluations tend to go quickly
probably not psych though
those take time
rape kits take time
they have to swab that vagina
and considering the last time it was used (if Chris didn't Rape her)
they're probably just done removing the cobwebs
Silvia03:14 AM
[Replying to "probably not psych though"]
Psych evaluations can take up to three weeks. Depending on how severe the case is and how many other drs have to evaluate it.
Silvia03:17 AM
[Replying to "Speaking of, has Praetor has said anything about this on any of their social media accounts?"]
I haven’t seen any updates on their Instagram. Also it’s weird how Bella said praetor is stupid and all. I thought she worked for them
Lainchu (Anaxis)03:18 AM
It's all very bizarre
Para03:18 AM
look the problem i am having
is that she is unwilling to release more of the call
[1 💯 reaction]
that she has
she is clearly paranoid and disavowing praetor
i am inclined to think this is real
Silvia03:20 AM
I mean if there is nothing to hide why hide it anyway.
That’s what making me scratch my head
Monitoring Chris's Stalkers
1 August 2021
Summary: A server member starts posting videos and ongoing livestreams of different individuals attempting to stalk Chris at his motel, linking Fala Scott's Twitch account and supposedly his Instagram account as well, and a video someone took of Chris leaving his motel room. The server member and the Fool both comment on whether Chris or his weens are more insane, then the former shares Null's news on Kiwi Farms that Chris had spent nearly all of the money he had left in his bank account. They later share a screenshot of another post by Null, calculating how much Chris must have spent in order to wind up with almost no money.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
[Link to Fala Scott's Twitch account]
this motherfucker
is going to go search chris and stream it
[Video attachment of someone in their car in the parking lot of the motel Chris is staying in, filming Chris leaving his motel room.]
this video was deleted by the uploader luckily i saved it
The Fool12:36 PM
man I hate to sound like a reddit normie woman, but, this is legit like a black mirror episode
it's uncanny and honestly scary whats happening, both from chris and from his stalkers
🤡 🌎
[Link to Fala Scott's alleged Instagram account]
hes streaming here
The Fool12:50 PM
tell me what happens because I genuinely do have better things to do
i asked a guy to record it and pm me later
The Fool12:50 PM
apparently he said on stream he doesnt care if he gets doxxed
"dude definitely thinks he’s a hero, he was talking about how he doesn’t care if the kiwi farms doxxes him and then he was going off about he doesn’t care if they shoot or kill him"
who are more insane
chris or the weens
The Fool01:05 PM
I mean, it doesn't really matter, there are so many doxxed chris stalkers he would be a drop in the bucket
chris is more like a hostile living plant
weens are actually scary
what does he think hes achieving by following an autist around lmao
Summary: I link Ethan Ralph's livestream in which he and his friends attempt to stalk and find Chris. We comment on what's happening on the stream in real time, first noting Ethan's attempt to lure Chris out of his room with pizza. I note that Ethan is getting very close and WCT states that Chris is online. I ask if he plans to warn Chris about Ethan, but WCT finally decides to let Chris fend for himself in this situation. Later, after Ethan's attempt to find Chris at the nearby mall, he returns to the motel upon hearing a tip that the police were there, just in time to capture Chris's arrest on video. I report this, and we speculate on why exactly he was being arrested, with the most obvious reasons being violation of the EPO or Barb's rape kit coming back positive (or both). After Chris is taken away by police, WCT announces that he will remove Chris and the "others" (referring to Bella and the Suitress) from the server.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
Lainchu (Anaxis)04:08 PM
[Defunct YouTube link to "#Killstream MIRROR: Chris Chan Search Party" by Chillstream More]
The WCT04:08 PM
Para04:29 PM
these people are scum
Lainchu (Anaxis)04:30 PM
They found his car
They're in the parking lot rn
Deciding "what to do"
The Fool04:30 PM
yell julaaay
Lainchu (Anaxis)04:32 PM
They're considering ordering pizza to the door or something
Real original shit
The WCT04:32 PM
this might be the biggest gay op I've ever seen. (edited)
Lainchu (Anaxis)04:51 PM
He's getting very, very close
The WCT04:51 PM
Chris is online.
Lainchu (Anaxis)04:51 PM
Should he be warned?
Or do you think Josh will cave?
The WCT04:51 PM
honestly, I'm letting Chris fend for himself.
this is his fight.
Lainchu (Anaxis)04:52 PM
Yeah, probably for the best
Ethan is scum but Chris has made his bed at this point
should have gotten some last time I was at the market
I'm getting pizza soon anyway
The WCT06:42 PM
@everyone after careful consideration:
I decided to remove Chris from the server.
and the others.
The Fool06:42 PM
that's it then lol
Lainchu (Anaxis)06:42 PM
Probably for the best
Bella's Doxing, WCT's Intentions For the Knights Server
1 August 2021
Summary: I share the Kiwi Farms thread which thoroughly doxes Bella, noting the timing (it had been posted shortly before Chris's arrest). WCT announces his intentions for the Knights server, stating that he will archive everything locally and then delete the first layer, though I tell him not to jump the gun just yet, still thinking we might find out more.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The Fool06:43 PM
so, what now, are we just a group of autists laughing at chris?
Para06:43 PM
The Fool06:44 PM
so, kat, what about contact with chris? did you block him?
Lainchu (Anaxis)06:44 PM
We were always that way
The WCT06:46 PM
[Replying to "so, kat, what about contact with chris? did you block him?"]
so, uh, I asked are you blocking chris or are you going to retain contact with him on the chance he gets his phone back
Para06:58 PM
keep in contact
Lainchu (Anaxis)06:59 PM
I'm not optimistic, but we might be getting answers soon
The WCT07:01 PM
@everyone general in the first layer will be archived, and then deleted.
actually, first layer as a whole will be deleted.
The Fool07:01 PM
does it even matter if we're kind of useless now
Lainchu (Anaxis)07:01 PM
I wouldn't jump the gun just yet
There might still be more to learn
The WCT is Doxed Again
4 August 2021
Summary: The WCT reports to the Knights server that he had been doxed again (on Kiwi Farms). Para insists that WCT will be fine, and states that the Bella thread had gotten out of hand, and that users were associating WCT with some furry artist affiliated with Bella because they both share the same first name. WCT responds that that has nothing to do with him, and says that Farms users are hitting dead ends. Para points out how they try to look for evidence that doesn't add up and force it to add up.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT10:24 AM
@everyone looks I've been doxed again.
Para10:24 AM
ur a young guy neko ur all good
The WCT10:24 AM
Not really surprising, but this was to be expected.
Para10:25 AM
null might be mad for some reason but i didnt really look at what cat was linking
Para10:26 AM
i think that bella thread has gotten out of hand
so heres the thing cat pointed out
fiona or bella or something made some furry art that had a dog with the name sean on in it
so retards thinks shes referring to you
The WCT10:27 AM
that literally has nothing to do with me.
And why the hell would I fuck with her? lol.
they're literally hitting dead ends.
Para10:28 AM
i dont know because kiwis seem to search for anything and everything that doesn't add up and they force it to add up
Closure/Abandonment of the Knights of CWC Server
5 August 2021
Summary: After having been doxed on Kiwi Farms again and I had convinced him to step away for a little while, WCT announces his intention to close down the Knights server, claiming that he is doing it "for the best of all of us." We all say our goodbyes, and then the server is seemingly deleted. However, given WCT's habits, it's possible that he just kicked out everyone in the server besides himself.
#cwc-general (Second Layer)
NOTE: Chris was not directly involved in this conversation.
The WCT08:38 AM
@everyone an important announcement to make:
after careful consideration, I decided that the time has come for this server to close.
I've been accused left and right for things that I didn't do or intend on causing, and I am sorry if any of you have been stressed out by the recent situation that's probably not going to end for a while.
I'll continue to keep in touch with all of you privately, but I won't be as public as I used to be in any Discord servers as I used to be.
I'm not doing this because Chris is gone, I'm doing this for the best of all of us.
you guys have anything else to say, time is now.
Anaxis08:45 AM
It's been an interesting journey, but I agree that it's time for it to come to an end. Thank you guys for making it interesting, and may we all find some peace despite the recent circumstances.
The WCT08:50 AM
Let it be known:
things will get worse before they get better.
I don't know when this storm will come to past, but as long as its a relevant topic, it will continue to persist. And because of that, its best that all of us step away for good.
The Fool08:54 AM
aw okay :/
I was considering leaving anyway lol, considering like, things seem to be over now
I hope we can find an excuse to get together in the future
I'll just leave now, if you change your mind then invite me back
ping me when were breaking cwc out of jail
The WCT08:55 AM
I'll continue to keep in touch with all of you privately like I said.
The Fool08:55 AM
k bye 👋
The WCT08:55 AM
Farewell man.
NOTE: At this point, either the Knights of CWC server was deleted, or WCT kicked out everyone besides himself.
↑All links to lolcow.org are currently defunct; however, an archive of this thread can be found here.
↑The text content of this screenshot and the WCT's response can be read here.
↑The full conversation that Chris had with Null, which was shared with the WCT, can be read here.
↑The Fool is incorrect; Chris had once claimed to have a heart attack, but it turned out to just be heartburn. His father Bob, however, had four recorded heart attacks and eventually died of heart failure, and given Chris's highly unhealthy lifestyle and genetic disposition, a heart attack is not impossible in Chris's future.
↑The transcript for this conversation between Chris and the WCT can be found here.
↑The interview has since been removed from this page and moved here.
↑The full conversation between WCT and Chris about Sockness can be read here.