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The first drawing Alec sent Chris.

This article discusses the award winning comic series Asperchu and its relationship with Chris. For information about the Asperchu series itself, please see Fan:Asperchu.

Asperchu is a popular award-winning comic series created by Alec Benson Leary. His deft artwork, gripping stories, and excellent characterization has resulted in the series gaining hundreds of fans in the few short months since its inception. Many of these fans were discontented followers of the Sonichu comics, which have recently become exponentially more disturbing.

Similarities to Chris

While Alec has stated that Asperchu is not a Parody of Chris, there are many similarities between the two. Both of them are overweight, bespectacled, naïve individuals who find themselves somewhat out of place in the world. They both address the masses through youtube videos, and both are preoccupied with finding a boyfriend-free girl to make into a sweetheart.

These similarities between the two characters has resulted in no shortage of rage from Chris. He seems to feel that the only reason Asperchu exists is to poke fun at him. He also takes serious offense at the idea of a Sonichu who suffers from Aspergers, for some reason.

Chris on Asperchu

Die, you son of a bitch! Alec... Die.
Chris on Asperchu - Down With Asperchu
The second drawing Alec sent Chris.

It's no secret that Chris hates Aspergers (and presumably everybody that suffers from it), due to some misguided sense of competition between Aspergers syndrome and other disorders on the autism spectrum. The knowledge that someone had created a series about an Electric Hedgehog Pokemon who suffered from the affliction did not sit well with him. He became even worse when the creator of the series himself started sending him e-mails.

The first recorded communication we have between Alec and Chris implies that Alec had been in contact with him multiple times outside of the public view and that Chris had responded to these communications negatively. Chris didn't respond any better on his public mailbag, claiming that Alec was jealous of him and alleging that the included fanart of Asperchu and Sonichu implied homosexuality.

Upset that Chris would jump to such conclusions, Alec sent him another letter, depicting Sonichu and Asperchu having good, masculine straight fun. This letter was even more poorly received.

Undaunted, Alec continued to send letters to Chris's mailbag, thinking that perhaps the man he respected so much really just misunderstood him. A few of these letters were ignored, some were coldly dismissed, but Chris's most notable responses were were explosive outbursts of anger and hatred. Eventually, Chris began refusing to respond to Alec's correspondence, or deleting his messages outright.

In Asperchu Issue C (or 0C), Chris made an appearance asking for help from the characters to save Asperchu. Later, he and CChanSonichuCWC met up with each other, leading to a standoff where Chris tried to shoot him. Chris responded to the comic, mentioning that he was set on fire in the comic. He didn't seem to notice that he was also called by the name Ian Brandon Anderson, nor did he notice the appearance of Liquid Chris.

Since the Asperchu saga started really taking off, Chris's schedule for his own comic has dropped drastically.

Beyond this, Chris made clear that he also hates the comic because of its "uncensored pictures" and "low resolution and blocky pictures". Here, we see Chris's hypocrisy in action. The "uncensored pictures" he's all up in arms over are just minor posters hung up mostly in Asperchu's room and even so, they are mostly hidden away by the character's heads. Chris's "uncensored pictures" are done by the main characters in full view, despite the fact that Sonichu is supposed to be a kids' comic. As for the "low resolution and blocky pictures", the artwork is done through an art program (presumably Photoshop, if one of Alec's correspondences to Chris is correct), thus it does seem a bit blocky. Of course, compared to Chris's art, it's the fucking Mona Lisa. It also helps that Alec is humble and doesn't try to act like his artwork is amazing and worthy of being hung in a museum.


Mao, rockin' sunglasses
Clearly Asperchu is pure evil.

After finishing the first three issues of his comic, Alec Benson Leary set up his own Mediawiki website where one could read all existing comics, as well as a number of articles about the world of Asperchu, and read fan mail answered by Mr. Leary. Soon afterward, portals were added to the site for other notable comics, such as Evan's Simonchu, and Sonichu is Dead creator Sean August Watley's latest project, Moon-Pals. In February 2010, more comics were added, including Alec's Sonichu Revolution, Sean's Sonichu is Dead and Sonichu is Gay, and Isabel Monday's Capering Berries.

Jack Thaddeus, recognizing the incredible profit potential of Asperchu, immediately began advertising the new website on the CWCipedia. Chris responded to these new ads, and his newfound knowledge of Alec's website with a series of increasingly disturbing videos[1] where he made his opinions on the matter quite clear.

Alec, being a gentle soul has not directly responded to any of Chris's offensive videos. When asked by a concerned fan, he outlined his planned course of action as one of peace, citing his personal hero, Mahatma Gandhi. His webmaster, Mao "Bamboo" Ling has opted for a more direct approach, speaking to Chris directly in 2 short YouTube videos.

The large banner ad for Asperpedia was replaced by a link to information on the US government's efforts to help the victims of the earthquake in Haiti, because Alec cares about the plight of his fellow man.

The 19 January Demands

On 19 January 2010, Chris uploaded 12 new pages of Sonichu 10, which are centered mostly around Asperchu and the Asperpedia. Ever the heroic savior, Chris pictures himself, along with Ultra Sonichu, destroying the slanderous Asperpedia and saving Alec's characters from their terrible affliction, with Asperchu himself getting an EXTREME ELECTRIC MAKEOVER and becoming "Mitch Sonichu".

Not content with this, Chris then issued an ultimatum to Alec through a blog post:

Although within Alec's Hands, Asperchu IS a horrific joke, not only because of the uncensored nudity, wrongful character usage and all that, but also because the whole thing is drawn in a c***py Blocky and Low Resolution way.

I still have NO association with Alec Benson Leary OR HIS Asperchu character Whatsoever, but I will forgive Alec for his error if he FOLLOWS from my new plot and Extreme Electric Makeover as a template. He is no longer "Asperchu", just call him Mitch Sonichu.

Chris's featured quote on 19 January 2010

Alec didn't listen to Chris's demands, instead keeping everyone there and just introducing Mitch Sonichu as simply "Mitch Chu", who appears to be a gay stylist, as well as Whisp Sonichu as the character Whispy Sonichu, Punchy's slow-in-the-mind cousin.


In a video Chris has finally admitted that Asperchu is not a parody of himself or his original creation, Sonichu, and is instead a completely original character. He also apologizes for spreading lies about Alec, such as suggesting that he only responds to fanmail that puts him in a positive light, and for the constant death threats against him. He also apologizes for trying to commandeer Evan's Simonchu character (though tactfully avoids mentioning his blatant ripoff, Simonla).

However, Chris's real motivations quickly become obvious as he proceeds to beg Alec and Evan to help him take down the Cwcipedia ads, which have becoming increasingly homoerotic and insulting to Chris.

A few days later, Chris made another video fully apologizing for his threats towards the four, decides to give up Simonla and delivers a half-assed Forgiveness Blessing to Mao, hopefully to finally remove the ads (which also included a parody of ShecameforCWC.JPG involving him and his mom and an obituary for Chris.)

On 25 February 2010, Chris released the last pages of Sonichu 10, in which he does kill Simonla... but turns around and kills the "Asperchu Four". It remains to be seen as to what happens.

Phone calls

Main article: Alec Benson Leary calls
Encourage the fans that were originally my fans to come back to me.

On 9 February 2010 Mao sent Evan and Sean a series of seven phone conversations between Alec Benson Leary and Chris. While these conversations were meant to stay between the Asperpedia staff, they were eventually leaked by Mao for the world to hear. An eighth and ninth phone call between Chris and Alec followed on 18 February and 25 February, respectively.

Trial and execution of Asperpedia staff (in Sonichu)

We can't be consumed by our petty differences anymore.
Chris, Sonichu 10

Despite Alec attempting to help Chris out several times during the phonecalls, Chris would involve Alec, along with Mao, Sean and Evan, in the penultimate pages of Sonichu 10. They are portrayed as stupid, murderous characters, who are tried by Cwcville's Court for the murder of Simonla, as well as the theft and mockery of several citizens of Cwcville. After a rather one-sided trial (in Cwcville's favor, of course), Alec and co. are sentenced to death, Alec specifically in a "ten-button Electric chair". He is electrocuted to death by various characters that were "misrepresented" in Asperchu, including Sonichu, who states that he is "not gay" as he jointly ends Alec's life. Chris himself also joins in on the fun, and ironically states that Alec is a "d*** lunatic", after which he helps fry him to a crisp and breaks all of Mao's bones using telekinesis. Evan is horribly mutilated by Sandy Rosechu whilst chained to a wall, and Sean is used as target practice by Bill the Scientist, Kel and Allison.

During this brutality, Chris also apologizes for some of his own wrongdoings towards the Asperchu Four, as well as his fans.

Sonichu Revolution

When the CWCipedia was taken down during the Simonchu dispute, it appeared Chris was not going to budge and would possibly set up shop elsewhere. Considering Chris's laziness, how long that would take was anyone's guess. The possibility that no new comics would appear for days, weeks, or even months was likely, and this didn't take into account how often Chris's new digs would get hacked. Fortunately Alec, being the nice guy that he is, decided Sonichu fans should not be deprived of the promised reboot. He took it upon himself to not only deliver fans new pages through Chris's site, but to also take care of the looming copyright issues that Chris had been unwilling to tackle. All while still uploading new Asperchu comics.

Chris, of course, took this in entirely the wrong way. In the eighth phone call, he accused Alec of stealing his work and attempting to impersonate him. Also, while he expressed offense at the violence of some of the Sonichu Revolution strips, he showed no signs of grasping the way Alec's comic mocks the unoriginality, moral hypocrisy, sexual degeneracy, and generally warped outlook of Chris's original Sonichu stories.

Sonichu Revolution Gallery

CWCipedia advertisements

The ad in question.

Shortly after 110MB returned from what may be its billionth outage, a large Asperchu ad appeared at the top of every article, depicting Sonichu shooting Chris Ian in the calves (sound familiar?) while calling him a "fat little son of a bitch". Chris claimed that he won't let the ad get to him, but as anyone who has heard a lulzcow claim this before knows, this implies that he could possibly be one good push away from an explosion. Either that, or he failed to grasp this ad like the ShecameforCWC.jpg ad parody.

The (other) ad in question.

Eventually, the ad was taken down, although it was quickly replaced with another, smaller one featuring a callback to the scene of Evan's cold-blooded torture from Sonichu 10. Chris has yet to respond to this, most likely because he's too busy bitching about being not being unbanned from The GAMe PLACe.

Yet another ad was put up a few days later, this time depicting Sonichu killing Ian Brandon Anderson once and for all. It's tagline was, "The truth behind Sonichu and his creator. The sad truth."


See also

External links