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{{quote|EID, PMURT, EID|[[Chris]] on [[Pmurt|Trump]].}}
{{quote|EID, PMURT, EID|[[Chris]] on [[Pmurt|Trump]].}}
[[File:Something Completely Different - A few Transformers Jokes, a.mp400001.png|thumb|Chris, discussing his political opinions]]

In recent years, Chris has been quite vocal about his political support. He was once a moderate, then shifted left. During the [[Tomgirl Saga]], he shifted further left. His support of LGBT may have been why he has been more vocal about politics.
In recent years, Chris has been quite vocal about his political support. He was once a moderate, then shifted left. During the [[Tomgirl Saga]], he shifted further left. His support of LGBT may have been why he has been more vocal about politics.

Revision as of 05:40, 19 November 2016

Chris on Trump.
Chris, discussing his political opinions

In recent years, Chris has been quite vocal about his political support. He was once a moderate, then shifted left. During the Tomgirl Saga, he shifted further left. His support of LGBT may have been why he has been more vocal about politics.



Chris has voted in multiple US presidential elections. However, his understanding of politics is highly superficial.

In 2008, he decided to vote for Barack Obama. His main reason for doing so is that he had watched a set of documentaries on both Obama and his opponent, John McCain. Chris, in True and Honest form, said he voted against a war hero because he couldn’t identify with him on a personal level. In December 2008, he stated[1]:

I saw more of myself in Obama when I watched his A&E Biography, than in McCain's A&E Biography; both downloaded from the Playstation Store.

Who would you vote for; a war hero that you couldn't feel that much for, or the guy who you feel like is similar to you in social dilemmas?

Chris elaborated further in 2014, during a date with Catherine:

I kind of felt like um, with my mental stabil-, with my mental problems and whatnot, I felt like I could similarly relate to him? I felt more related, felt more relatable to him in that sense than McCain was. As he was the, uh, prisoner in that other country he insisted, he did not want to be released early. He wanted to go out with the r-, with as s-, at the same time as errybody else. Uh I mean, that is, that is admirable [he pronounces this word all wrong].

Chris also stated that he voted for Obama twice, because he personally identified with him, saying, “I felt like I wanted to make sure that I had good reason to decide from the change and having a first black president. Aside from that, cause if I had done that, if I had done it on just that alone, that would have been racist.”


Chris, after casting his vote for Hillary Clinton
Chris, after learning of the election results

Chris repeatedly made clear his preference for Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton. His main reason for choosing her is that she is a woman. In February 2016, Chris said, "I feel like American [sic] needs a woman's touch finally after all these years"[2] as a reason for why he wanted Hillary Clinton to become president.

Chris slightly developed his political views from the Obama era. Instead of just voting for Clinton because she reminds him of himself, he read up on the issues. Unfortunately, this consisted of skimming clickbait articles written by LGBT activists. He also cited an episode of The Simpsons as one of his major sources for being opposed to Clinton’s opponent, Donald Trump[3].

When a fan asked him for reasons for vote for Clinton, he responded[4]:

  • Hillary will Tax the Fat Cats and fill the middle class and lower and get the country less in debt.
  • She is PRO-LGBTQ and Immigrants
  • She is more beneficial for EVERYONE in General.
  • AND, this country is long Overdue for a Woman's touch.

Chris has also given many reasons for opposing Trump.

On democracy

On 9 November 2016, Chris reacted to news of Donald Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton by throwing a days-long temper tantrum. During that time, he:

  • Asked someone to kill Trump with “a sniper rifle”
  • Made videos and Facebook posts depicting the President-elect, and later the Vice President-elect, being murdered in effigy, using Transformers and Legos
  • Posted to the comments section of a LGBT Facebook page and asked its readers to pray for Trump’s death

He also signed an online petition asking the Electoral College to disregard the results of the 2016 election and install Clinton into the presidency.

Chris has refused to recognize Pmurt as his president, saying, “Trump is Not president, mayor, or Anything in Cwcville.[5]

Social issues

On 15 November 2015, Chris wrote a piece on the ISIS attacks in France.

He demonstrated a very simplistic notion of ISIS, comparing it to a cartoon villain “looking to gather energies and power for themselves.”

He also tried to understand the motives of the terrorists by using his own life experiences against trolls, saying “I feel the terrorists, regardless of country, are misguided with paranoia and fear of others.”

His solution for world peace is simply to “stand together, combining our hearts and souls in the efforts to share the lights of friendship and love.” This ignores all underlying motives for sociopolitical tensions, and is a solution more fitting for a fight among small children.

What makes a patriot?

In the 2009 Father Call, Matthew called out Chris on his lack of patriotism, for making Twin Falling Towers, saying, “Don't tell me you're an American.” Chris took it literally, responding with “I was born in America, I was raised in America my whole life, I never left the United States of America.”

See also


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