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'''Fullhouse''' is a video where Chris sings the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_House|Full House] theme.  Well, he doesn't sing it so much as he slurs it to the point where it's hard to tell whether he even got the lyrics right or not (he probably didn't.)
'''Fullhouse''' is a video where Chris sings the [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Full_House Full House] theme.  Well, he doesn't sing it so much as he slurs it to the point where it's hard to tell whether he even got the lyrics right or not (he probably didn't.)


Revision as of 18:38, 25 October 2010

Fullhouse is a video where Chris sings the Full House theme. Well, he doesn't sing it so much as he slurs it to the point where it's hard to tell whether he even got the lyrics right or not (he probably didn't.)

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Stardate 25 October 2010
Subject Matter MusicMusic Music

Transcript Whatever happened to predictability The milkman, the paperboy, evenin geebee [incomprehensible] seven seas This whole world's confusin' meeeee

[incomprehensible] as mean as you've ever seen And a bird who knows you're too And a little boy sings [incomprehensible] you whisperin' Kids don't sell your dreams, don't sue

Everywhere you look There's a heart A...hand to hold on to

Everywhere you look There's...a face Of somebody who needs you

When you're lost out there and you're all alone ...waiting to carry you home

Everywhere you look

Everywhere you look

WeighIn Chris's videos current