Table template:
{| class="wikitable sortable"
! Card
! Name
! Type
! Symbol
! Effect
! Description
! Date published
Tips on creating tables:
*To start a table, type "{|". To end a table, type "|}"
*"|-" signifies the creation of a new row
*"! " signifies the creation of a new column
Table Set-Up and Example
The tables consist of 7 colums:
Card - An image of the card itself
Name - The name of the character or thing from the card
Type - The type of card (Usually Pony or Goal), these are found on the side of the card's image
Symbol - The one or two symbol(s) on the top-left corner of the image
Effect - The bolded text on the card
Description - The text below the Effect text on the card
Date Published - The date the card was released on the Internet publically (Day Month Year)
Phantom Horn
Male, Unicorn
The Horn Is There! (Special): You may draw 2 cards from the Ship and/or Pony deck.
(14) - While recovering, P.H. was feeling more magic in his aura and seeing mild sparks flying off of his forehead. After returning to Equestria, it became more obvious. He removed the paper tube and found in its place a light teal-coloured functional horn. He was simply elated. But old habits die hard as he, for a while, still had the idea others still thought of him as an Earth Pony (Nobody saw him as such after this). When his horn glows, it gets a temporary transparent appearance, but functions normal and well.
3 October 2019[1]
To Be Split
Note: Be sure to split cards into groups of 10.
A Deity's Hard Work
Win this Goal when: Six Ponies with the Villian keyword have been discarded and/ or removed from the grid in a single turn.
A momentous epic battle between a dragonized Akan and our CPU Blue Heart: Chris Chan Sonichu
13 June 2022
A Fresh New Face
Win this Goal when: R. Righteous is shipped with the Righteousdermis.
Into the new decade, R. Righteous has crafted a fresh new face to fulfill his desired beauty...
13 June 2022
A Moment of Privacy, Please
Win this Goal when: A Start card presently on the shipping grid is not shipped with anyone (this Goal cannot be earned during the first round of the game).
Magi-Chan was using the restroom when Helena walked it; it surprised her, too.
13 June 2022
A Successful Date...
Win this Goal when: A Chris Chan or Christine Chan (that is not a Start card) has a full set of Ships around them.
Neither Chris Chan nor Christine Chan had any good luck with dating; they usually didn't end well. One example being a Troll, Hannah, who was working at a Starbucks Kiosk (between both Dimensions 1218 and C-197), asked us to chill and talk with them. Turns out Hannah was playing us for saps and fools; Stringing Us Along. She was not sincere or fully intentional. It would not be until around 2014 when both of the C. Chans would respectively succeed in a Good and Valid First Date, EVER.
13 June 2022
A Wild Sighting
Win this Goal when: Wild is shipped with four other Pony cards. This goal is worth 3 points if one of the four cards is Simonla.
Magi-Chan had called for Wild and Sandy to meet him at Helena's to examine the surroundings for portal energy from C-197 into 1218.
13 June 2022
Aether in the Goddess's Ring
Win this Goal when: you change five Villains to Heroes (including adding the Hero Keyword) with Keyword Changes in a single turn.
Throughout it all, despite the experiences further shaping me, the gorified turmoil was simply shaming and degrading; trying to keep up to resolve it all was epically difficult and tough. If I had it all to do all over again, I would have never given IdeaGuy a penny. I had the overpower and will all along, and I needed to learn that. And in the end, aside from the key events that would have happened anyway, I undid His Corruptions! -Chris Chan Sonichu
13 June 2022
Anniversarious Relationship
Win this Goal when: 3 ♂/♀ Ships have been played in a single turn.
Bubbles celebrates Blake's Awakening Day (aka Birthday from being Cloned). The two of them have been secretly dating for a while before March, 21, 2008. - "Sonichu" book #8
13 June 2022
Art Appreciation
Win this Goal when: There are at least ten card face-up on the Shipping grid, and/ or amongst the Goals, features art from the same artist.
Magi-Chan takes a meditation moment in Helena's backyard by an inspirational art on the nearby table.
13 June 2022
Bitter Rivalry
Win this Goal when: Two Start cards are Shipped together on the Shipping Grid.
During the Pride Festival of Cwcville in 2009, Naitsirhc looked up Christine Chan and spoke his mind off to her. Later, Graduon summoned Naitsirhc to enlist him into his forces. Naitsirhc returns with a bunch of Jerkops and Janekops backing him up. He pushes Christine Chan into his sub-dimensions and attempts to overpower her, while the heroes, Sonichus and Rosechus, stay behind to fend off the squad of Jerkops. -"Sonichu" book 12.
30 June 2022
Black Hole
Win this Goal when: You discard 3 Pony cards in a single turn.
A vast nothingness that absorbs everything that goes into it. What a way to be Shipped; being sucked into one of these.
30 June 2022
Boss Fight!
Win this Goal when: Chris Chan or Christine Chan is Shipped with Walsh or Graduon.
30 June 2022
Calling Out The Boss
Win this Goal when: There is more than one Start card on the grid.
I called Eggman out on his name, as it spelled backwards sounds like "Nah, I'm Gay", and Bowser was a witness and laughed at him. He should have stayed with "Robotnik"; "Kintobor" sounds more sophisticated.
30 June 2022
Chaotic Rainbow's Children
Win this Goal when: There are at least ten Sonichu and/or Rosechu with the Special Keyword on the grid. This Goal is worth Four points if the ten Pony cards are each of different names.
On February 1, 2003, after being hit by Perfect Chaos, Super Sonic collided with a Pikachu, manifesting a powerful rainbow that spanned hundreds of miles onto a Raichu, not only transforming the two Pokemon into Sonichu and Rosechu but from the arch, outwards, thousands of Sonee and Rosey eggs flew out into around the world with within and beyond the reaches of time, space and dimensions.
30 June 2022
Chrys-Chan Pure
You win this goal when: Christine Chan Sonichu and Crystalina Rosechu (both in their Sonichu and Rosechu forms) are shipped together.
"I am the Soldier of Love and Honesty: Christine Chan Sonichu." "I am the Soldier of Soul and Heart: Crystalina Rosechu." "We are Crys-Chan Pure!" -Christine Chan Sonichu & Crystalina Rosechu
30 June 2022
Closing a Dimensional Tear
Win the Goal When: After a set of five shipped ⌛ Pony cards on the grid are discarded from the grid.
Magi-Chan had become heavily emotionally upset after I was hitting it off well in my ship with 5pb., and he was feeling strong loving emotions for me. He became feeling soo upset that a dimensional tear in the Noosphere above Cwcville was created. Come March 19, 2018, I powered up into my Super Angelic Evolved Form with a combination of my own emotions, soul power, prophecy and CPU-link and the seven Chaos Emeralds; I closed the tear up completely. -Awakening of a CPU
30 June 2022
Combined Efforts
Win this Goal when: A Pony card on the shipping grid is fully shipped with four other Pony cards.
Combiner Transformers tend to get the upper hand in Teamwork Abilities, not to mention standing taller even than a Tall non-titan Transformer.
30 June 2022
Combined Forces of Unity
Win this Goal when: R.Righteous is shipped with Christine Chan or Chris Chan
With their combined strength, the CPU Goddess-- Mother of the Sonichus and her blessed apprentice, R. Righteous, brings forth the great DIMENSIONAL MERGE.
30 June 2022
Crash and Dash Diet
Win this Goal when: More than 10 Pony cards have been discarded or removed from the Shipping grid in the same turn.
Thanks to a motivated Rosey Rosechu to lose the weight, and help from a very enthuiastic Cera Rosechu, after she had freaked out over how her mother enjoyed being lazy and fat, Rosey got back into her mach-speed running routines and lost the weight ver quickly. -"Sonichu" book #12
30 June 2022
Cwcville Saga - Game Over Screen... Continue?
Win this Goal when: After any Chris Chan or Christine Chan is sent to the Pony discard pile, during the same turn, that card is put into your hand and then added back onto the shipping grid.
"GAME OVER! Continue? 10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1..."
30 June 2022
Devil Troll Sympathy
Win this Goal when: A Villain and a Devil, with the Troll keyword, are shipped together on the shipping grid.
Inspire others. Don't judge them.
30 June 2022
In-Between Factions
Win this Goal when: A Pony card without any Keywords (other than its name) is shipped in a chain between an Autobot and a Decepticon.
Punch is one to remain on the side of good and justice, but his acting in his alt-mode as Counterpunch does get confusing. Fortunately, he has found an in-between form when he can be neither one or the other for a while and be just himself.
30 June 2022
Devilish Trolling
Win this Goal when: A Pony card with the Devil and Troll keywords is shipped, fully, with four Pony cards without the Villain keyword and not ⌛.
Minionesque, Devilish, Trollish; these Tricksters just really piss a lot of individuals off.
30 June 2022
Do Not Call Me Gay!
Win this Goal when: 3 ♂/♂ Ships have been played in a single turn.
"I was misquoted, wrongfully, by a man in a college somewhere in an essay promoting the gay lifestyle, which was wrong, because I am, again, being wrongfully mislabeled as a gay. And they're dedication a float of me in their Pride Parade! I feel very upset having been misrepresented," -Sonichu
"Being Labeled by other people is not cool. Allow us, each, to truly figure out and find ourselves. Do not call anyone anything until after we call ourselves something. -Chris Chan Sonichu, "Sonichu" book #9
30 June 2022
Don't Mislabel Us!!!
Win this Goal when: 3 ♀/♀ Ships have been played in a single turn.
"I almost feel like crying that game as well. But thank God for blessing me with a healthy set of womanly parts. How dare they portray me otherwise, those Monsters?!" -Rosey Rosechu, -"Sonichu" book #8
30 June 2022
Electrifying Magics
Win this Goal when: 3 🦄/🦄 Ships are on the grid. 🦄 count as 🦄 for this Goal.
Most Sonichus and Rosechus are Electric-Typing, Only a FEW are not electric in typing (either by genetics, or for being amongst the Specials whose specialty was unable to have electricity in addition to its other abilities and typings).
30 June 2022
Fulfilling The Prophecy
Win this Goal when: Sonichu with the Prime keyword is shipped with Chris Chan or Christine Chan.
"It was prophecised by the anchient masters that the reincarnation of our leader will take pen in hand to combine a mouse and a hedgehog, and give give birth to a new electric creature." -Cave Keeper - "Sonichu" Book #2
30 June 2022
Go Play With Your Pickle
Win this Goal when: Rosechu is shipped with a Villain.
P-Pipe down Silvana! And stop teasing, it's a secret and I could get in trouble if the Mayor finds out. -Rosechu
30 June 2022
Harmony Blitzes
Win this Goal when: You break up a Ship between a Pony card with the Villain keyword and Jamsta or Lolisa.
We are Prideful, we've got Love is Love, we're not steppin' down, we've got heart, we've got soul, no Trollin' Bully's gonna tell us "You've Been Pwned!"
30 June 2022
Helping A Cybertronian
Win this Goal when: You add an Autobot or Decepticon from the Pony discard pile into your hand, and then immediately added it onto the shipping grid.
A weakened Starscream sought aid after being abused by Megatron too many times to count, and solved his ways in sound mind and energon care. MKR, the CPU Magenta Heart, came to his aid, and he was very grateful.
30 June 2022
I Am Grateful For My Mentor
Win this Goal when: Magi-Chan is Shipped with Mewtwo.
Magi-Chan Sonichu had been mentored by the one Mewtwo that was cloned by Team Rocket. After learning about EVERYTHING, he developed an appreciation, and then an attraction with, Mewtwo. The feeling was appreciated and mutual in kindness.
30 June 2022
In-Flight Shipping
Win this Goal when: Nightstar and Kun are shipped together.
Nightstar and Kun share a fly together, and as they do, it is always epically magical, especially when it's just the two of them.
30 June 2022
Knocking Out a Trained Legendary
Win this Goal when: Sonichu with the Prime keyword is shipped with a Human with the Villain keyword.
Unable to use her attacks at the time, Rosey was caught in the clutches of Naitsirhc's Zapdos. Sonichu fought hard to disable the electric bird of Team Rocket, pull Rosey out of its claws, and then knock it out with an overpowered Thunder attack that bypassed the Zapdos' electric typing. -"Sonichu" book #0, #15, Rosechu's Story
30 June 2022
Legendary Park Encounter
With this Goal when: Mewtwo is shipped with four Pony cards. This Goal is worth 3 points if one of the cards if Magi-Chan, Cryzel, Sylvana, or Chris Chan
To me, when I find a Mewtwo card (regular, Mega, EX, GX, Tag Team, V, VMax, or what have you) in any Pokemon TCG pack, it is a better than good day. Especially since I always see the one-and-only Mewtwo most everyday." -Chris Chan Sonichu.
For Helena on this day, it was a regular Mewtwo of the wild, but she knew better than to disturb it, recklessly.
30 June 2022
Let's Fly!
Win this Goal when: 3 ໒꒱/໒꒱ Ships are on the grid. 🦄 count as ໒꒱ for this Goal.
Angelica Rosechu soars the skies to regal in the beauty of the landscapes, gardens and scenery that can only be enjoyed from above. -"Sonichu" book #3
30 June 2022
Meeting Nightstar
Win this Goal when: Nightstar is shipped with a Pony card with the #horsefamous keyword.
There's no need to be shy, Nightstar is an outgoing and social type of Unicorn and Sonichu; she will always be happy to greet you with a kind smile, regardless of a quick read of your aura.
30 June 2022
Win this Goal when: On the Shipping grid, a 3 X 3 Block of shipped Chris Chans and/ or Christine Chans has been created; 8 of them surrounding 1.
30 June 2022
New Shoes
Win this Goal when: 6 Ω/Ω Ships are on the grid.
The footwear of a typical Sonichu and Rosechu are made from tough soles on a Sonee or Rosie that only got tougher as they level up with experience. When one evolves, their footwear gets an upgrade with the shedding of the toughened skin on their soles, making the bottoms of the shoes, and the upper part is the original shoe, upgraded with the shedded skin from their feet. Their feet recover very quickly in less than a day, and their performance is not hindered.
30 June 2022
OK K.O.! Let's Zap It Up!
Win this Goal When: Chris Chan, with the Sonichu Keyword, is shipped with a ⌛ with the Villain keyword.
CPU Chris Chan Sonichu, The one-and-only Goddess-Level of all other-dimensional Chris Chan Sonichus, from Earth of Dimension 1218, she does her best for the Sonichu and Rosechu kind and Everyone, in general.
30 June 2022
Overpowering Mental Handicaps
Win this Goal when: An Autism Mii is discarded from the shipping grid.
Autism is a life-long mental problem, But when one knows how to work around their limits to make their own Limit Breaker towards being more socialable and functioning That Shows Inner Mental and Spiritual Strengths.
30 June 2022
Protecting The Innocent
Win this Goal when: There are 5 Autobots on the shipping grid.
During the month of November, 2017, the Nation of Lowee was under attack, and the troops were outnumbered and overwhelmed. So, Cwcville sent some of their troops, and Son-chu and his crew followed to help. Having the Autobots there really helped turn the tide that day for the safety of Lowee and its citizens.
30 June 2022
Rescued Crystalina
Win this Goal when: After Crystalina has been sent to the Pony discard pile, she is put back onto the Shipping Grid (by either a Play From Discard, Search, or similar card Power or Effect).
After powering up with the 7 Crystal S-Chu Balls, Christian Chan went back to the Mayoral Office to pull Crystalina out of the void she had been trapped in. - "Sonichu" book #10.
30 June 2022
Savior of OCs
Win this Goal when: Any Pony card with the OC keyword that has been sent to the Pony discard pile, they are put back onto the Shipping Grid (by either a Play From Discard, Search, or similar card Power or Effect.
From the abusive handling of Alec, Evan, Sean, Mao. Sonichu and Christian Chan motivate and set free all of the captive Sonichus an Rosechus from their grasps. -"Sonichu" book #10
30 June 2022
Scaled The 4Cent Garbage Building
Win this Goal when: Six Pon cards with the Villain keyword are shipped together in a chain.
While Sonichu and Rosey rode the elevator to the 72nd floor to meet with Jason Kendrick Howell III, Wild Sonichu searched the building for the next Crystal S-Chu Ball; he remained camouflaged as he scaled his way up with Vine Whips. He found the Crysal S-Chu Ball. - "Sonichu" book #8.
30 June 2022
Shipping the Primes
Win this Goal when: A Sonchu with the Prime keyword is shipped with the Prime keyword. The player who achieves this Goal increases their hand size by 1 for the rest of the game.
Rosey initiates the chat, "So, uh... What's your name?" "Sonichu", he replies. "My name's Rosechu, but you can call me anytime... Uh, I mean..." How about I call you Rosey?", he asks. "How smart of you! That's my nickname! How'd ya know?", she replies. "Epic Lucky Guess?", he says. "Sonichu" Book #0 and #15
30 June 2022
Expansion Packs