Chris and pornography

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A small selection of Chris's pornography collection

Pornography is sexual media content. Like with many other things, Chris has developed a fixation over porn, to the extent that he views it as educational[1]. He has made many different pieces of porn and viewed plenty as well.


I am Not ashamed to tell you I enjoyed a number of the screen caps on, and when I feel like totally grossed out with even an image of a penis, and recalling and focusing on a vagina image in my mind usually works, but when it doesn't, I turned on W.L.T. and focus on those images.
Chris, September 2017[2]

Chris's favorite lesbian porn website is, mentioning it in conversations from May 2015[3] and September 2017.[2] Chris wrote that the site "really thrills me", although added that he is not a member and just likes to browse the free samples.[3] He also used it as a coping mechanism for when he saw imagery of a penis - Chris's usual technique for this emergency was to imagine vaginas. For times when this was not enough, he turned to browsing for an added boost.[2]

Effects of pornography on Chris's beliefs

Chris's consumption of pornography has engendered many false beliefs about sex in him, which he sticks to religiously. His sex chat logs are a prime example of this – Chris's fantasies are merely recreations of what he's seen in pornos, rather than plausible sexual experiences. For example, he believed that Kacey would welcome a brutal tit-fucking followed by load after load of navy to the face.[4]

Other examples of Chris's crude misconceptions about sex abound. He mimics female porn stars' sex positions, spreads an imaginary vagina a yard across, and believes that electric shocks to the vagina are pleasurable.

See also


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