Says the troll who spends their day making a fake account to bully me on the internet. I might live with My Mother, but you probably do too.
Chris, blasting Desiree's third sock account.[1]
Desiree Delightful is an enabler and ween known for harassing Chris on Twitter from summer 2017 through spring 2018. Desiree was also a member of the white-knight hashtag group CWCProtectSquad.
The Twitter account Desiree used, created 26 August 2017, was rebooted multiple times. Other names it went under include MissLadyLikely, BarbAChandler, SaraHeartsSonic and PollyAnnPikachu
Desiree made 993 tweets to Chris and orbiters as MissLadyLikely (Desiree Delightful) and BarbAChandler.[2] During the Idea Guy saga, in December 2017, Desiree decided to experiment by copying Idea Guy's shtick and role-playing as an alternate dimension Barb. It resulted in Chris angrily reporting the account and unfriending it.[3]
Desiree did not stop trying to get Chris's attention. The account's tweets were purged and it was later rebooted as SaraHeartsSonic. After a string of messages tagging Chris,[4] he decided to re-follow the account, apparently unaware of its history. SaraHeartsSonic would go on to make 862 tweets by 4 May 2018.[5] For the most part she would play along with Chris's delusions and "support" his insane ideas, but would occasionally cross into criticizing him.
On 4 May 2018, Chris began to realize the Sara account was not a legitimate fan.
Chris, i'm fucking done. If you take make believe that far, then grow the fuck up and devote 100% of your time creating (and improving, your work has charm but for god's sake take a drawing class) and stop wasting money on children's toys and video games. OR ELSE!
Another user, who also has autism, joined in the thread and showed off her artwork to SaraHeartsSonic.
This single drawing contains a more interesting story and character than the entire Sonichu canon.
This caused Chris to flip his lid:
You Rotton Troll! So, you show your True Colours, @SaraHeartsSonic .
Sara then backpedaled:
How have I trolled you? All I want is to help you do better. You've helped me indirectly, just want to repay the favor. Take an art class, there have to be some in your area. I'll help you look. I bet that the class is probably 99% female. So your art can improve, and your chances of finding a girlfriend go up. I'm helping you here! You need to spend your money on this instead of children's toys and vapid video games. This would be money well spent instead of wasted, an investment in your future. It's not too late Chris. #DontStopBelievin
Chris did not unfollow the account.
On 7 May, after Chris called out the CWCProtectSquad group, as well as Sara for being trolls, he blocked Sara. Naturally, this prompted the ween behind the account to delete all tweets and reboot it yet again, as PollyAnnPikachu, with a persona of a sexy Pikachu cosplayer, making 26 tweets.[6] Of course, Chris quickly followed the account, despite warnings from other orbiters of the account's true nature. He eventually listened to reason and unfollowed it the next day.
In December 2017, Desiree added some Twitter DMs with Chris to the CWCki.[7] Occurring from September and October 2017, Chris discussed his method for recuperating whenever he sees pickles and explained why he signed up to Kiwi Farms.
[13 September 2017]
I am Not ashamed to tell you I enjoyed a number of the screen caps on welivetogether.com, and when I feel like totally grossed out with even an image of a penis, and recalling and focusing on a vagina image in my mind usually works, but when it doesn't, I turned on W.L.T. and focus on those images.
[30 September 2017]
Actually, it's fair game until when I have my Official new shop pages and merchandise and so forth. Stay tuned.
[2 October 2017]
[4 October 2017]
Hey. STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. Firstly, Yes, That Was Me on their Kiwi Farms forum, starting that thread; that will be the ONLY Post from me on there, Period. Second, I am mainly facing them personally, because not only was I going to eventually, but I mainly want them to Stop Contacting or Harassing, especially my Sweetheart, and my friends, family and associates. Mainly, as a group, they all want details about me, so I figured if I answer their questions up to when they run out, they will back off of her. But she doesn't see it that way, and has become upset with me. She mainly wants me to distance myself from the trolls (I Want to distance myself from them very much too), and she's viewing their forum often in looking out for me, for Her and I. And she feels like I'm ignoring her suggestion and running away from her to them. But I am Not running away from her. And I am not running to them or their side. I am Trying My Best to better protect her, protect US (her and I) by facing the trolls and taking them head on as I had done before and should have done a lot sooner, but I was naive way back when. Anvhow, I pray she recovers over this very soon, that They Stop contacting and harassing Her, and Everybody Else in my circle, so we all can move forward and feel more happy, safe and comfortable. And as much as I wish I could Just Ignore Them, they Will continue on here and there until they get their questions answered from me directly. I was damned if I didn't damned if I did. I'd sooner rather face them and end this mess sooner than let it linger on.
External links
Immediate family
Desired acquaintanceships
Collaborators (creators Chris promoted)
Women (cut ties with Chris)
Defense lawyers
Fantasy enablers
Catfishers (Internet/phone only)
Catfishers (met with Chris)
Trolls (internet-only)
Trolls (internet-only, impersonating celebrities)
Trolls (met with Chris)
Media personalities
In media
Chats and calls