Lolcow Live

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Lolcow Live is a podcast series which premiered in November 2023, and as of December 2023 is hosted by Boogie2988, Wings of Redemption, and TommyC.

Chris was contacted by the podcast, but hesitated to appear, claiming that he is not a lolcow and demanding to be considered as more mature.


Lolcow Live producer KEEMSTAR reached out to Chris over Twitter on 28 November 2023, tagging his account and writing, "Yo Chris Chan @CPU_CWCSonichu, we have you scheduled as our honorary guest on @lolcowlive podcast this week. Please Dm me or @nicholasdeorio so we can set this up for you!! Ps. Sonichu is awesome!".[1]

Chris's response, sent to Nicholas, was read on an episode of Lolcow Live on 3 December 2023,[2] with some screenshots shown in a short on 6 December.[3]

I am not the "Lolcow" that I was mislabeled as back in the late 2000s, and I do not identify as such. We all have our respective situations that should be appreciated and accepted with kindness and understanding.

I am to be appreciated and understood as the more mature individual that I have become and shall maintain from my further soul searching. literal meditations, and even my psychic connections with literally everything there is, was, and shall be.

Should you and your crew feel unable to understand and appreciate that, then we are likely on an impasse.

There are that which goes deeper than the physical and surface levels. The sparks from authentic mutual spiritual attraction and destined situations in soul bonding between individuals and friends is real. If you do not appreciate or have been able to be open soul, open heart, and open-Minded for that, much less experienced it for yourself, that’s more pity I feel for you.

Please feel free to share all that I have told you with your group.


On 29 November 2023, a day after KEEMSTAR's invite tweet, Chris tweeted a message with some of the excerpts from his reply, though did not mention Lolcow Live by name.[4]

Further mention

In the 14 December 2023 livestream Fan Mail and Cwcville Autobots, a fan asked Chris if he'd be going on "that podcast." Chris, who assumed it was a reference to Lolcow Live, called it a possibility that he was still meditating on. Chris also said, "I am aware about their history but I have also made set boundaries" for if he goes on the podcast, wanting it to be "positive and more focused on my present and future tense."


    Chats and calls