
From CWCki
< Template:Saga
Revision as of 22:02, 14 March 2025 by PsychoNerd054 (talk | contribs) (I personally think the icon for Everfree should be both Bella and Fiona, who are equally important to the saga, but I gotta figure out how to get that to work. For now, I'll just use Bella.)
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Template documentation (for the template shown above, sometimes hidden or invisible)

This template should not be used directly. Please use {{saga}} (Usage) instead.

Usage in other templates


Syntax Example
{{saga/core|color|saga name}} #cc9966
{{saga/core|icon|saga name}} Hill saga.png
{{saga/core|link|saga name}} Jimmy Hill
{{saga/core|nav|saga name}} {{JimmyHillSaga}} (Usage)
{{saga/core|text|saga name}} Jimmy Hill


Syntax icon link text
{{saga/core|…|lovequest}} Galpals.png Love Quest Love Quest
{{saga/core|…|transgender}} Tomgirl saga.png Transgender Transgender
{{saga/core|…|business}} Businessicon1.png Chris and business Business
{{saga/core|…|financhu}} Financhu2.png Financhu Crisis Financhu Crisis
{{saga/core|…|roleplay}} Comics.png Chris and coping Roleplay
{{saga/core|…|merge}} Merge Saga.png Dimensional Merge Dimensional Merge


Syntax color icon link nav text
{{saga/core|…|childhood}} #8CBD04 Early Childhood saga icon.png Chris#Childhood and Adolescence {{ChildhoodSaga}} (Usage) Early Childhood
{{saga/core|…|greene}} #93C572 Saga icon PVCC.png Nathanael Greene Elementary School {{GreeneSaga}} (Usage) Nathaniel Greene
{{saga/core|…|bearstein}} #A8A8A8 Saga icon PVCC.png Christopher's name change {{BearsteinSaga}} (Usage) Leonard Bearstein
{{saga/core|…|highschool}} #FF9900 Saga icon PVCC.png Manchester High School {{HighSchoolSaga}} (Usage) High School
{{saga/core|…|pvcc}} #961B3D MLWIcon.png Piedmont Virginia Community College {{PVCCSaga}} (Usage) PVCC
{{saga/core|…|megan}} #8601AF MeganNoBG.png Megan Schroeder {{MeganSaga}} (Usage) Megan
{{saga/core|…|stackhouse}} #A2AD9C Stackhouse saga.png Adam Stackhouse {{StackhouseSaga}} (Usage) Stackhouse
{{saga/core|…|ed}} #000 Ed saga.png Encyclopedia Dramatica {{EDSaga}} (Usage) ED
{{saga/core|…|blanca}} #40E0D0 Blanca saga.png Blanca Weiss {{BlancaSaga}} (Usage) Blanca
{{saga/core|…|gameplace}} #228B22 Game place saga.png The GAMe PLACe {{GamePlaceSaga}} (Usage) GAMePLACe
{{saga/core|…|hill}} #cc9966 Hill saga.png Jimmy Hill {{JimmyHillSaga}} (Usage) Jimmy Hill
{{saga/core|…|clyde}} #FF0000 Clyde saga.png Clyde Cash {{ClydeCashSaga}} (Usage) Clyde Cash
{{saga/core|…|panda}} #8CFBFF Panda saga.png PandaHalo {{PandaSaga}} (Usage) PandaHalo
{{saga/core|…|miyamoto}} #C70011 Miyamoto saga.png Shigeru Miyamoto {{MiyamotoSaga}} (Usage) Miyamoto
{{saga/core|…|julie}} #0000FF Julie saga.png BlueSpike {{JulieSaga}} (Usage) Julie
{{saga/core|…|ps3}} #00B3EB PS3Test.png PlayStation 3 {{PS3Saga}} (Usage) PSN Hacking
{{saga/core|…|emily}} #00FF00 MITPS.png Emily {{EmilySaga}} (Usage) Emily
{{saga/core|…|ivy}} #5ABD96 Ivy saga.png Ivy {{IvySaga}} (Usage) Ivy
{{saga/core|…|vanessa}} #362419 JoshMart.png Vanessa Hudgens {{VanessaSaga}} (Usage) Vanessa
{{saga/core|…|cwcipedia}} #FFF CWCipedia logo.png CWCipedia {{CWCipediaSaga}} (Usage) CWCipedia
{{saga/core|…|liquid}} #8b4513 Liquid saga.png Liquid Chris {{LiquidSaga}} (Usage) Liquid
{{saga/core|…|asperchu}} #FFFF00 Asperchu saga2.png Asperchu {{AsperchuSaga}} (Usage) Asperchu
{{saga/core|…|tito}} #ff4500 Surfshacktito saga.png Surfshack Tito (troll) {{TitoSaga}} (Usage) Tito
{{saga/core|…|firstexile}} #8b7c6b Ed saga.png Saga#First Exile (20 March 2010 - 29 August 2010) {{FirstExile}} (Usage) First Exile
{{saga/core|…|jackie}} #008080 Jackie saga.png Jackie {{JackieSaga}} (Usage) Jackie
{{saga/core|…|callingout}} #565656 Calling out.png Calling Out {{CallingOutSaga}} (Usage) Calling Out
{{saga/core|…|secondexile}} #939db8 SecondExileIcon.png Saga#Second Exile (6 September 2011 - 9 July 2014) {{SecondExile}} (Usage) Second Exile
{{saga/core|…|catherine}} #4b0082 Catherine Saga.png Catherine {{CatherineSaga}} (Usage) Catherine
{{saga/core|…|sonicboom}} #0645ad Boomsaga.png Sonic Boom Protests {{SonicBoomSaga}} (Usage) Sonic Boom
{{saga/core|…|lady}} #A95C68 Lady Managers icon.png Saga#Lady Managers Saga (17 November 2015 - July 2016) {{LadySaga}} (Usage) Lady Managers
#ffbe42 Pmurt Saga Icon.png Pmurt {{PmurtSaga}} (Usage) Pmurt
{{saga/core|…|doopie}} #f9f792 DoopieIcon.png DoopieDoOver {{DoopieSaga}} (Usage) Doopie
{{saga/core|…|quinn}} #801200 QuinnSaga.png Jessica Quinn {{QuinnSaga}} (Usage) Quinn
{{saga/core|…|ideaguy}} #dcd0ff Idea guy saga.png Idea Guys {{IdeaGuySaga}} (Usage) Idea Guy
{{saga/core|…|prequel}} #c0e9db Bryanfrogboy.jpg Bryanfrogboy {{PrequelComicSaga}} (Usage) Prequel Comic
{{saga/core|…|guarddog}} #cad626 Guard Dog.png Guard Dogs {{GuardDogSaga}} (Usage) Guard Dog
{{saga/core|…|tts}} #e8adaa Teen Troon Squad Saga.png Teen Troon Squad {{TTSSaga}} (Usage) TTS
{{saga/core|…|gopony}} #FFC0CB G5placeholder.png My Little Pony Protests {{GOPonySaga}} (Usage) GOPony
{{saga/core|…|jacob}} #FF00FF JacobSaga.png Jacob Sockness {{JacobSaga}} (Usage) Jacob
#c68120 Softexile.png TF2 Analysis {{SoftExileSaga}} (Usage) TF2 Analysis
{{saga/core|…|shipfic}} #5D3FD3 BenSaintIcon.png Twilight Sparkle's Secret Shipfic Folder {{ShipficSaga}} (Usage) Secret Shipfic
{{saga/core|…|watchmen}} #F3D64F Watchmens.png Watchmen {{WatchmenSaga}} (Usage) Watchmen
{{saga/core|…|lainchu}} #bf00ff LainchuSaga.png Lainchu {{LainchuSaga}} (Usage) Lainchu
{{saga/core|…|crystalgate}} #002244 NaughtIcon.png Taser {{CrystalgateSaga}} (Usage) Crystalgate
{{saga/core|…|warhol}} #f36a3c Warhol Chris Chan book cover.jpg Warhol / Chris Chan {{WarholSaga}} (Usage) Warhol
{{saga/core|…|everfree}} #636B2F BellaSagaIcon.png Everfree Northwest {{EverfreeSaga}} (Usage) Everfree
{{saga/core|…|incest}} #FF8AAB IncestSagaIcon.png Affair with Mother {{IncestSaga}} (Usage) Incest
{{saga/core|…|jail}} #D3D3D3 Incest saga icon.png Jail Saga {{PrisonSaga}} (Usage) Jail
{{saga/core|…|thirdexile}} #a7ccd2 PostJail2.png Post-Jail Sightings (2023) {{ThirdExile}} (Usage) Third Exile
{{saga/core|…|praetor}} #950101 PraetorIcon.png Praetor {{PraetorSaga}} (Usage) Praetor
{{saga/core|…|rev}} #b84250 Revelationsicon.png Post-Jail Sightings (2023) {{RevelationsSaga}} (Usage) Revelations

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