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These are livestreams filmed by Chris in [[June 2024]], influenced by [[Praetor]].
One livestream was filmed by Chris in [[June 2024]], influenced by [[Praetor]].

==Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft==
==Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft==
'''Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft''' is a livestream which took place on 30 [[June 2024]]. This is Chris's first livestream since he stopped doing them semi-regularly in [[March 2024]]. Chris teased the stream 2 weeks prior on 16 [[June 2024]].<ref>[[June 2024 social media posts#Minecraft stream announcement]]</ref>
'''Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft''' is a livestream which took place on 30 [[June 2024]]. This is Chris's first livestream since he stopped doing them semi-regularly in [[March 2024]]. Chris teased the stream 2 weeks prior on 16 [[June 2024]].<ref>[[June 2024 social media posts#Minecraft stream announcement]]</ref>

Chris plays on a [[Minecraft]] Realm that he used to share with people "a few years ago". Chris changed the name of a sign in-game to hide a person's identity.
Chris plays on a [[Minecraft]] Realm that he used to share with people "a few years ago." He changed the name of a sign in-game to hide a person's identity.  He wanders around the game world doing some achievement hunting and sitting through long mine cart rides.  All the while, the chat is a constant stream of [[ween]] comments, which Chris completely ignores.  He stays mostly focused on the game, only pausing occasionally to catch up on addressing the Superchat questions from his donors. Paid videos via Media Share were disabled during the stream.

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| shirt          =  
| shirt          =  
| previous      = [[Sightings (2024)#Dallas Airport|Chris Chan in Dallas Texas]]
| previous      = [[Sightings (2024)#Dallas Airport|Chris Chan in Dallas Texas]]
| next          =  
| next          = [[ITS DA BUTTON]]
{{quote|Well, I'm sorry, but I like [[Niggos|black people]].|Chris}}
{{quote|Well, I'm sorry, but I like [[Niggos|black people]].|Chris}}
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*'''6:25:''' Chris talks about having recently seen ''Inside Out 2'' and liking it, describing the depictions of the new emotion characters as "decently accurate" and expressing appreciation for the [[Random-access humor|"sar-chasm" pun.]]
*'''9:35:''' Chris sings an autistic little song about how [[Nombie-zazis]] are stupid.
*'''11:22:''' Showing off some video game related signs.
*'''13:25:''' The first glimpse of the giant Sonichu and Rosechu statues.
*'''17:12:''' While swimming underwater, Chris does brief but dreadful impressions of Squidward and Spongebob Squarepants, then sings a bit of the theme song from the old TV show "Flipper."
*'''26:05:''' Chris mentions having watched up to "a little bit into Season 4" of Regular Show.
*'''30:21:''' Chris says "Null was cool, but he did me wrong, I mean, yeah, y'knowwhat?  So. As I crash into the cold dark waters of the Atlantic, I realized a few things: (A) I know where I'm going, but I don't exactly know how to get there.  (B) Salt water stings.  And (C) I shouldn't have been in jail, but I was.  Why? Because they betrayed me! [''shrieks''] THEEEEY betrayed me!  And yet, I wonder whether [[Null|Joshua Moon]] was a [[Homos|better kisser]] than [[Messiah complex|Juda Sicariot]].  But! I'm cool!  There's a [[HippoOnYourHead|hippo on my head]]!  [''indecipherable''] I wasn't gonna be able to do this on my own.  But.  [''sings'']  I get by with a little help from my friends." This is likely a reference to [[Praetor_Jail_Art#"An_Atlantic_Dip"_,_dated_06/24/2022|an art work]] he made in [[jail]].
*'''31:35:''' Null can "[[Wikipedia:Hatsune Miku|Miku-Miku-Miku]]" as much as he wants to, even though he don't want to, but still, it's a good music rhythm game.
*'''33:33:''' Chris blesses someone's friend named Xavier, and makes a reference to "Xavier: Renegade Angel" though he calls it "Xavier: Fallen Angel."
*'''34:12:''' Chris explains that the [[Honor Roll|sun rises in the east and sets in the west]].
*'''35:05:''' Chris mentions seeing [[PewDiePie]] playing Minecraft a day or two ago, then rambles some more about Nombie-zazis.
*'''38:45:''' Chris dismisses claims of any cursed Sonichu [[medallions]] that were made by him. Any not from him or the [[Etsy#Praetor's shop|Etsy store]] are not blessed, because Chris has the touch and the aura, and anyone with a bad affliction should have counted their blessings.  The ends justify the means.  Meditate on that.
*'''40:31:''' The best armor Chris currently has is diamond.  He has heard there is Nether armor but hasn't yet learned how to make it, nor has he entered the Ender Realm or encountered the Ender Dragon.
*'''41:25:''' Chris rides his in-game horse, named [[My Little Pony|Diamond Dash]].
*'''44:25:''' Chris shows us all [[CADD|how a lever works]].
*'''48:00:''' Chris has a brain fart.  "Go ahead and meme that up all over the place."
*'''49:32:''' From this point onward, an annoying in-game sound effect plays every few seconds.  Chris calls it the "popcorn sound" and claims it is soothing to the [[Autism|autistic mind]].
*'''50:10:''' Chris will soon announce rules and boundaries for people he invites into his Realm.  He asks people to not [[Trolls|destroy anything he has already put together]], and says they are welcome to build houses in another part of his world but to [[Naive|treat what he has built with kindness and respect]].  Also, when you DM Chris in-game he has your gamertag, so "Go ahead, [[dox]] yourselves, have fun."
*'''53:05:''' Chris finally explains the "60" in the title of the video, saying it's the 60th version of the file.
*'''54:07:''' Chris tells about a time at [[Mal-Wart|Walmart]] where they were out of the zero-sugar ginger ale so he had to get the kind [[Obesity|with sugar]] instead.  He then launches into an impression of the Anxiety character from ''Inside Out 2'' and talks a bit more about the film.  Out of the new characters, he liked Embarrassment best because they were kind and reserved.  Chris is looking forward to buying the film on Blu-Ray and digital combo pack.
*'''57:00:''' More Nombi-zazis, but Chris "didn't take as much damage, thanks to [''[[BILLY MAYS|commercial voice]]''] diamond armor and lovely enchantments, brought to you by Procter and Gamble. [''normal voice''] I've actually heard there's like a product [?] called Procter and Gamble.  Anyway, yeah.  This is the village."
*'''1:05:55:''' In response to a question, Chris shares some [[Chris and race|thoughts on black people]]: "Well, I'm sorry, but I like [[Niggos|black people]].  They're very soulful, and they've had their past, but that's who their ancestors and possibly... [[Slow-in-the-minds|can't remember any details]], but.  I'm a fan of the black people!  At least good folk people.  I like them, I can associate well."
*'''1:06:40:''' Answering another question, Chris acknowledges his long bangs, explaining that he likes [[Hair#Hair loss|having some of his forehead covered]].
*'''1:06:57:''' Chris does not yet have a VR headset.
*'''1:09:39:''' Chris sings "[[I Got A Fish]]" in response to a donor's username.
*'''1:11:25:''' Chris sings the theme song to the TV show "Mr. Ed" and does an impression of the title character.
*'''1:18:47:''' Chris is asked about the YouTube channel @cwcvilleguardian2009.  He plays a bit of a clip before declaring it fake, reporting it and asking everyone else to do so as well.
*'''1:22:32:''' The [[Dimensional Merge]] is happening, it's just not obvious.  But those of us who are able to can see dimensional rips and tears in the sky and all around us.  Chris has seen them, and is seeing them.
*'''1:24:05:''' Chris catches a llama, mentions the Dalai Lama and Argentinian actor Fernando Lamas, then uses his giant Sonichu and Rosechu statues to find his way back to his base.
*'''1:26:00:''' Chris is aware of the upcoming movie ''Beetlejuice Beetlejuice''.
*'''1:26:46:''' Chris references a specific episode of ''Regular Show''.
*'''1:36:00:''' Chris says the Bedrock version of Minecraft is better than Java.  Also, at this point the game's background music is loud enough to make Chris's voice a bit hard to hear.
*'''1:38:25:''' Chris tells viewers, "Stop trolling me with comments like that.  You know I'm real."
*'''1:49:50:''' Chris sings about resources before declaring that [[Excel Saga|Il Palazzo]] is a dumbass.
*'''1:52:17:''' Chris belches and then immediately chugs a bunch of liquid.
*'''2:08:50:''' "And, boom goes the dynamite."
*'''2:20:03:''' Chris dies in-game just as the chat gets flooded with [[BlueSpike#Julie|​​JUUULLAAAYY]] weenery.
*'''2:40:19:''' Responding to a question, Chris talks about his pronunciation of Jesus as "Hey-Zeus":  "I think it's like [[Chris and Spanish|Spanish, or Español]]."
*'''2:43:15:''' Chris ends the game session and goes into full-screen chat mode, but his microphone has switched off and he ends up spending a couple of minutes talking inaudibly before giving up and ending the stream.

====Raw captions====
====Raw captions====
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{{collapsible|Text from YouTube's captions|e
e e
okay just check the
mic got a little more F access here make
sure we're good to go I'll get the
stream right on down here
TR the number
key time for
delay okay yeah looks like we're good
all right hey everybody me once again
Jesus Christ te Western Channel S Prime
and today on our stream for after such a
long after bival uh break I mean where
have I been would y'all like to know I
might have been hanging out with ay for
a while oh wait he was over at mad
munchin's wedding saw live stream by the
way it was really good anyway so yeah
today we're going to be playing some
Minecraft let yall have a good look at
the OG updated Minecraft world I've made
like once upon a
time once upon a time
anyway so yeah just a classic skin let
yall enjoy that okay and we got a little
bit of an up there updated
details out here so I got my iPad going
so I can read my comments off here
obviously I'm not able to see the
comments I got the thing y'all able to
see everything that pops up on the
screen there uh Media Share is temporary
disabled for this stream we're looking
we're working on improving that but
anyway so without further
Ado I got I got it all uploaded on my
own Realms and invied a few to do their
own thing and whatnot and join
themselves okay I heard change so I'll
be seeing that message in a moment
oh oh
night noing noing
noing anyway thank you for
that got anyway yeah welcome to my old
Minecraft world that was like started
many many years ago I forget which year
exactly but yeah this is the inside
inside of my house inside my house ah
okay the
weekend I don't sure who or what the
weekend is I have a feeling it might be
talking about a newspaper or a tabloid
anyway so yeah I'm I'm got some few
details I had like a few books that were
like publish in 2014 but I managed to do
well with those and just what was on the
internet so we got pictures we got this
table just very chest what not but yeah
obviously the one that's the best and
one where I'll go to let y'all just
enjoy within the moments you can screen
cap it later have a look but yeah just
just my go
floor s delay again so with each
donation super chat message I'll still
get those just to be a little delay so
just be patient me I will at least I
have more time to be able to read them
they won't disappear on me right away
really quick H anyway so oh that's my
little joke even like you know space g
reference he's like is this
mine is it mine or is it
yours classic humor
classic H anyway I'd say on see when I 7
half I'd say um whatever the weekend is
they exist okay so I got the I got the
second message yes thank you very much I
am having a good day anyway so
yeah essentially got a little L that
goes down into the first m i story got
long way and then I got a couple more
stories this lovely place we'll take a
look the inside real
quick oh yeah I got a little
organization I got WS of all
colors and yes I spell it with you I
that I like it and up here we got like
our own little Enchanted
library books books books books
and play laas Lai and cow leather
and sugar flant C able to make some high
spells of State for the Nostalgia okay
uh well got Sol start date uh 0630
2024 today just been having a poed
Sunday um oh I recently saw inside out
too which was quite good I feel like the
I feel like the portray of anxiety
embarrassment on wi and envy I'd say
decently accurate at least R's doing
pretty good and just that was a long
track to the back of her mind
sarcasm and flooding memories flooding
memories okay well that guy just dos
themselves their gamertag but yeah I did
share this share this online R long time
ago on the Java version ver with a
friend but they had put their name on
here but as to not to do them I just
changed them to a close friend I'm this
they if they are watching this right now
I pray that they are safe and well I'd
like to hear from them once again it's
been such a long time anyway so as you
see I do have Glow Block so I have been
to the nether Adventure I just I don't
fully know all the updated facts of
Minecraft I haven't played in like a few
years I finally got back into this like
uh within the past month or so but I
didn't man get to know the uh little
grinder here I've been working on the
achievements and so right now on the PC
I got like 50 of
them and I ended up uh you know long
time ago I made this contraption I
forget what it does if anybody wants to
like give me a pay comment tell me what
this thing
is that's a more than welcome bit of
help right there I think it's like I
dropped something up in here
I think this uh lovely thing was talked
about within the books I had it was a
publishing Smiles Ms yes thank you very
much little trip
yeah and then yeah just uh up on the
third floor yeah well CL the floor for a
roof and
yeah close the door yep built all that
that's a lot of colored glay we'll see
you for the front in a little while
he'll be good times good fun but yeah
just lots of
roof I do still have Guitar Hero guitar
though not my PS2 version I have my PS3
and I also have a PS4 guitar they just a
view so this is just the local area oh
there's a Wandering
traveler yep there like part my thing
I'm going to do to get some more animals
but if you look down I got some herds
going on there's some pigs there's some
chickens sheep of all colors there's
some horses cows there's a wheat field
pumpkins watermelon there's some
potatoes and got some beets I got an arm
going over there it's a really nice
view anyway oh Sun's going down down so
I'll take a nap a a while but yeah just
that's every day to the West this
everything and then we got some deserts
that's like for quite a bit to the north
North and to Northwest then lots of land
yeah yeah we'll take a quick
nap let the sun pass no sense in laying
in the N zis interrupt n n zis are
stupid so is the El Super beasto movie
but yet the Robby Comics were decent for
what they were
worth stupid joke stupid
joke anyway so yeah yeah I got my
diamond stuff an enchanted
Shield so yeah have been good I got
night fish I make night I make potions I
got my potions I know to use Redstone to
make them go for a longer time
yes all
right um okay so we got to fix the my
comment apparently I think we're coming
out still good waiting for the sun to
set so we can just uh get to the night
and not have to worry about any zombies
for right now there we
go yeah so I give you a little load down
of some of the things I've actually
match the m so let's take a look from
the outside this building it's just
essentially yeah there we go you like
this Soul Sand lots of Soul Sand and
then it's like partial half block combo
Stone you're not going to walk up those
steps unless you jump no zombies
will yep just basic Cobblestone this
inside looks nice enough and then yeah
lots of
animals oh here's some fun references I
did these oh and just right up here
above this Jacko Lantern enchant room
books time story sit mat level yeah
that's my house main house I got more in
one house yeah I'll check this out let
yall just read those fre and your own
yep there you go have fun with that good
stuff cuz we are manifesting and
everything's a good
sign oh and yeah I did the I got the whs
pig flies that shap me so there's a
saddle still on that one
Pig leaving it there my friend uh did
the mine then this one and we have
a one of my portals power just right
here it's like if I feel like a little
there we'll go into The Nether take a
little brief tour but yeah uh we got
some nether seeds right here to help
with the
potions yeah we got to go across this
bridge cuz that was like the first
closest Village uh
just when I started this ring this thing
way back in the old
Java but yeah got lots of obsidian uh
fire and lava in my right to make a
bunch of these things unfortunately this
thing this Village just the villagers
last some time ago but i' like to bring
some villagers back but those I'm
bringing on that
uh maybe we'll help out bit could bring
some villagers back yep made some oh
there's a sign I was looking for yeah
that's like times 9 low level um
favorite switch game I got the question
I'll have to get back to you on that i'
say pres tent um yeah I like anim across
the New Horizons it's nice anyway times
18 mid level it's just that depends on
like you know the amount obsidian and
the amount of books you have that's how
you adjust your levels just I mean it's
on the Internet it's in P it's a
published published
literature doesn't take much to find out
what it is here's an NRE one it's like a
high level but match level at oh which
is I think it's more of we need the
number of books and yeah obsidian if I
remember correctly but oh yeah there you
go that's the statues the big tall
statues let yall get a good pan View and
yeah if you see them at night uh they're
just well lit I took be quite a while
col the clay get some glass col the
glass put some torches on there make
them look
nice just good stuff very nice stuff uh
just extra Fields oh yeah carrots Wheats
oh and over there to the right behind
the sonin Ros iide the statues here I
have like a carrot wheat additional
wheat carrot and potato Fields there's
also some cat I also some cat D
resources yeah oh I'm going to go ahead
and armor
up just to be
safe maybe take the shield off let y all
enjoy the view for a little
while good on that yeah all right her n
time we get that message shortly enough
on the
iPad I know message
delay well can't be helped right now
there's a technical
difficulty but yeah old file we did
update it obviously for Bedrock we're
playing off of Bedrock this is really
good I like Bedrock you can do mean
everybody that's I'm able I'm able to
enlist to help me just uh update this
further make it
better it's playable through the Bedrock
they're playable on game consoles the
modern day consoles if you don't have a
console you don't have Bedrock well that
might be a little bit HCK I have tried
between both so I just I feel better
bedrock anyway so we're going to one
distant Village it's like essentially uh
the first distant Village I found when I
started but yeah just back in Java this
thing was like uh a whole bunch of sand
that stretched to the north but then
with the with the update to the software
that was used look we got some chopped
now we got some ocean biome
F ocean biome I need some
car so we got to do a little swimming
it's just too bad I lost some railroad
truck that went that way oh wait is that
that's a little bit experience points
experience okay anyway so let me just uh
see if I can get some swimming going on
I know it's like
uh Perfect Stranger how perfect is the
stranger maybe was the right shift that
oops that's not what I
wanted I was looking to make it make my
make my character
swim easier to do on the uh
console version it's like it's just a
click of
R3 I do have a controller but I prefer
using the keyboard and obviously I could
do it updating my keyboard knowledge
which shortcut key does that mean it's
like I know it's like a shift key that U
did something I have and right
click and I know I have swimming
yeah but yeah you can see yeah ocean
biome we have some dolphins in this
short bit of
ocean and
fish a dolphin swim around is there a
dolphin nearby dolphin
dolphin want to make a
reference that's right there some squid
word there's a ref Square word square
word [ __ ] do this
time oh well just do they call him
flipper oh yeah
uh the some Perfect Stranger some rat
and lucky luckily man it's like I don't
do too many shout outs especially to
those I don't know who they are for risk
of uh just like you
know I might just say something wrong
and I don't want to be one that does
anyway this just taking a long walk long
walk to find the old desert village
yeah just to the West a little
bit Sprint
Sprint oh yes life has been going very
well thank you just been finding myself
in soul searching and whatnot
yeah it's been very good not Liberty to
discuss all details but I feel lots
better I mean just uh those that can
actually authentically feel real read
energy and vibrations and yeah there got
it's a bit more
accurate but I leave it up to intuition
and uh let y'all speculate or even just
like accidentally discover what the
truth is in your own way ah yes there's
the village
stepping down on these Sandy
Hills good thing I have my armor
Enchanted yeah we had villagers in this
Village too but just like you know n NES
zies are stupid they go B to the
villagers and we lose them until I find
them another
Village I feel like I kind of like
exhausted that option we'll take a look
in there in a
moment oh another bit of experience I
missed stup
[ __ ] it's like recently I managed to
make it up to level 50 and I just used
that for well more
magic yeah I like this little village oh
that's a h that happened when I updated
this thing the candles that were
attached to that wool just another off
to the side that's a fashionably fun
thing but I did recently put a bed in
each of these
houses so prly we'll be able to M remap
this villagers or bring new ones
in h but yeah just obviously lot of
update all right sun sign so we won't
necessarily takeing that but we'll take
shortcut take a shortcut I mean just as
if it wasn't obvious if you're not
looking through the window of this
door some water break little
water what's H me what's H me what's H
me what's hitting me oh that Nabbit how
I end up outside this thing
again that
Nabbit unfortunately I
got ah fine I'll deal with you guys D
Dam it D Dam it I hate you all I if
those zombie pig people were not bad
enough I got to deal with you
guys at least I don't have to worry
about them if I don't oh a ghast I'm a
oh this might
help clim a bunch of
lobs that sh I Venture all the rest in
Minecraft all I better eat some
food eat me food I get I'm hungry I am
full I go home
now DT phone
home all
right just a simple little hop
up I got keep moving forward all
right another one of these little guys
there we go Magma Cream is very good and
helpful for getting all those porns out
of the way
safe hang on to this
fish it's like a nice little
shortcut not as much to Walker
Trever it's like I'm temped to take this
shortcut but you be we go back to it
that's another house didn't want to show
but but yall should see the one that's
closest to my
home one that we the place that we
started out
from yeah I know maybe some Cobblestone
stairs to update this little bit that's
a thought that's a
thought yeah I don't just go
Minecraft yeah here we
are so yeah just yeah definitely the way
this the port that goes to it's just the
for closest the
house windows Cobblestone no flames of a
gas will be able to penetrate these
stones and a button door for in case
those suddenly G becomes smart big
people decide they want just uh might in
no and I put another portal down down
there down that
few that's well some let's do a better
few ah the turn to Sender I've already
earned that sheev but y there you go
caught on
Michael anyways Bible book
Revelations and uh that last book of uh
the original
first anyway that's another portal down
there goes to somewhere
juste all
right how about that hey are to for
one and I like that they don't attack
you unless you attack them oh you know
what I'm going to just
uh do a little mending here just
well what H me
uh yeah there you go yeah out here go
somewhere else go buy some zombie
pigs zombie zombie zy pigs all over the
freaking I didn't put a button out here
why do I not have a button out here H
maybe the gas burned it that's okay okay
there's another way
in I'd be stupid if I didn't have more
than one way to get
in okay not that way other side the
house there's a door door I have more
than one door oh not another one hit the
stones three for three
that's a real Triple
Play yeah
boy oh I've also been watching a Regular
Show I'm up to about a little bit into
season 4 I like it it's pretty good oh I
better make a little I better just add a
bit of cobblestone make a bit of a
staircase yeah
oh yeah
um friend got ped for a
yeah all right yeah let's take you back
I'll show you I'll show you my the
house and uh those I invite to uh play
on this on this lovely world as well to
the realm thing it'll be pretty
good he okay cool nice I just got that
little little Super
Chat so nice I catch you with the super
chat right here that works better oh new
live concert H well it depends on the
what concerts I may attend in the future
that's to be determined and to be
confirmed but yeah we'll go through this
port I'll let yall see the files my
friend built
terrain oh the lovely
terrains all right where's the door
doors over here doors over
there yeah my friend used actually
smelted the uh cobblestones made lovely
STS and uh yeah that's my room they back
me oh I am aware of the X Y and Z's is
like you know there's like a y equals
zero made all the way I I got to M this
all the way down there five down the
zero and then I real I know there's a
minus 64 which that's where the new
lowest level rocks were
made all right but yeah ENT that's one
part of mine down that
way before we go kill this knight uh
this my friend was more organized they
had two cabinets and managed to put the
on the chest
pinals wood planks Trunks and
saplings it was like an inventory in
room just labeled everything it good
look at all these furnaces it's a lot of
furnaces go ahead keep doing yourselves
by inviting me through your gamer
tag purple carpet are they missing one
here anyway nice lovely room what take a
spend the
night stay the night stay the night
embarrassment anyway Let's uh take a
look so they did their own crops and
caught some her some animals here too I
think I just picked up some eggs but I
add the carpet cuz I aware
just you can't jump with for fences but
if you put a little bit of carpet on it
you can that's s for optional gate
oh but yeah just something else fun I
will Lov the updates just going from old
Java to bedrock up there in the
world I went
west I might just pick up a sapling
right anyway I took a little wrong way
cuz I would have just gone like through
the back door the uh house there to get
my way but yeah yeah it's like you can
see it from a
distance I picked up a horse recently I
tamed a horse and had to make this
little Bridge oh
oh also could I verify an
amulet um no was cool but he did me
wrong I mean yeah you know what
so as I crashed the cold dark Waters of
the Atlantic I realized a few things hey
I know where I'm going but I don't
exactly know how I get there b saw water
stings and c I shouldn't have been in
jail but I was why because they betrayed
me they betrayed me and yet I wonder if
Joshua moon was a better kisser than
Judas a cariot I wa I'm gold there's a
hippo on my head and clearly I was be
able to do this on my
own but I'll get bye With a Little Help
from My
Friends yeah just y'all saw it a little
bit from a distance but it's like you
guys see what I managed to do up close
but yeah look at that you got some wild
west uphills on top of that thing and
yeah I saw it was exposed the Mater the
minerals and resources that were on the
side while I D mov up and collected them
made my own little maze on the side
looks like a little amp f Farm that's
what my friend said that's what one
friend said that's what three friends
said yeah but essentially just uh
no know I wonder I feel like it's safe
um okay um well you know what I'm going
to take him off a little bit but he can
M M M as much as he wants to even know
if you don't want to but still it's a
good music rhythm game
they just leave it at
that although I will make this little
reference all right but
yeah H there's the back of the house and
I put an arm Golem
here hey I plan this say on multiple
platforms I actually was playing it more
on my PS4 earn learned a lot of the
PlayStation trophies through that I mean
I hey but you just look at my
PlayStation Network and see the trophies
there earned a few more recently when I
got back up but yeah it turns out you're
going set the achievements on the Xbox
you're going set these achievements on
the switch and of course on the PC why
am I doing going this way especially
since there's like uh no door no gate
door that gets me to that lovely little
mine car
bridge and to these little pumpkin
lanterns yeah there's a mine cart
there's a trail a rail that goes all the
way to my place from
here oh but we are I am very thankful
for all the
donations oh wait did I see oh wait oh
oh wait was this recently oh
oh I missed this one
um sorry I missed it but your friend
Xavier is
blessed and in no relation
to Xavier fallen angel I believe was the
title of that anime on on that show on
Adult Swim why did I say it was an anime
mer I
know I don't know what's up with that
anyway oh actually um I don't have any
Le but yeah I was going to get some I
was going to hurt some llama oh that's
right uh I ought to refill this glass
bottle with water make another B fire
potion fire
resistance there an easy easy walk to
these lovely lovely fields that were
just west of the house Rises the sun
rises from the East sets in the west so
of course that's how I know which way
is in Minecraft and explain that for and
I'll let you know what that is I'll tell
you what that is in the
moment I'll be going that general
anyway yeah it's like you oh by the way
so I did managed to uh figure this out
so I mean I've ridden on I've traveled
on horse and I've TR on I've traveled on
mine cart I find uh traveling on a horse
if you could do it if you got the horse
you got the saddle it's more quick it's
B more efficient but you got to have a
fence post with you so you can tie your
horse down or otherwise that H going to
away oh yeah uh you know what the name
little name drop yeah I saw PewDiePie
playing Minecraft uh couple about a day
or two
ago wow he really decided to go
treehouse on this place that's fun
that's cool at least his way from all
the n zis on the
ground I know he's like oh bye gosh
you're going to hate talk me oh they
it's like it's Z there're zombies but
they're not Nazis just like say they L
is right you know what I purposely just
funnily like calling them NBI zis just
swapping the sea in the end what's the
big deal don't hate y all did your own
workpl before back when you were a kids
so nobody going to judge you and I
certainly won't anyhoo
so you know what I'm going to completely
repair that crossbow let me just some
more these away I this egg and there's
spot for the
egg that button was on the outside of
the house
M okay do I know okay do know that I'm
going to have to figure that out all
right at least I found a button that's
the button that goes to that
house just found the button of the
house okay all gunpowder here let's see
where I put the rest of the gunpowder
other storage
food okay there we go oh I pick up some
Soul Sand I'm just going to pop that
right there there we go put the sapling
all right let's just uh take these
crossbows to the
grindstone oh look at that it's
raining at least you're not B up a storm
there we
go and we got a few work cross bows ch
ch and yes I do have some arrows but
just I haven't really felt like using
that to long distance take out
anybody let's see rain do I want to use
door I got multiple ways that go into
that lovely I got multiple local portals
that take me to the same destination
might going to go use this one again H
let's put this button back in
place regardless of where the gas is
going to send it a blaze again or
not there's got to be a better way like
maybe there's like a metal button that
can be
made as opposed to like a wooden button
that would be a lot easier that's a and
also just why is
glass it's still not flame it's going to
be something put
that all
right oh
okay press the for button to uh
oh okay oh take out this guy come here
ah hey
go that was
easy okie dokie take SC of
that oh what's this rators 3D
printed that depends I don't know
specifically who that oh
wait okay I am a whereare the individual
that like uh said that this famous
person had a medallion I was like uh
supposedly came from me and they said
like quote it was cursed none absolutely
none of the medallions I've made are
period and just that's enough said but
I'll tell you what including Gino
Samuel's 3D printed medes any that does
not come from me or here or the Etsy
store I have been promoting which you'll
find a link to it uh down description
below I think somewhere on the was it on
somewhere on here on the screen you're
watching right now but anyway uh Etsy
store my Etsy store
just only those they're blessed but just
from anybody else not so blessed it's
like I've Got The
Touch and I got the aura if it hasn't
been in my field of
Rage not so blessed so there they're
blessed not cursed if you have actually
had like a bad Affliction then you
should have actually counted the
blessings that resulted after the fat it
goes with the edge the ends justify the
means okay so you think about that you
Med on
that this oh that's a
bonus oh that's another detail I'm kind
of like uh asking I'll probably I'll
probably just find this like uh on a
video or somewhere else on the internet
but yeah the nether armor just the
toughest I have is Diamond I don't I've
heard there's nether armor but it's like
I haven't learned yet just I don't
consciously know how to make the armor
what the steps are nor if I have the
right tools on the third floor which I
just went through to put it all it's
just or finding the resources in the ne
realm just to do that oh and I have not
entered the entered Ender realm either
so I've not encountered the Ender Dragon
yet just just let y all know all
right anyway I'm just going to spend the
night oh yeah oh I got to get a lead I
got to get lead a lead on things there
go okay so we're going to hop on my
horse and uh between the consoles I've
made a few
Ms yeah here we go Diamond Dash yes
because because the Diamond Armor All
right back fearsome on
indigogo okay I don't know who that is
but just all right that's your choice
you're going to support
them okay Castle
group all of you are blessed in your own
way stay that anyway so just originally
so to this place we are going to along
the railway system it's like I say cross
Atlantic but even though we're going
south but yeah there's like a goes to an
island I made from the bottom up but
yeah you'll see in a little bit we're
just going to gallop it's like from the
island all the way back here I made this
very very
long bridge with all this Cobblestone
all this red stone with all these gold
rails and all these rails so yeah I know
what to do there's levers there like uh
switches and obviously I have to collect
more resources from the mines that were
underneath that I made even sometimes
find a ways to the uh underground rail
system I have underneath here I got some
fence there for host and obviously if I
if I wanted to stop here leave that turn
L these rails off otherwise just I could
just leave on I zoom right on
by if I I wish I could be reading those
comments live right now but again you
know what on the screen they were too
small but right here just seeing it on
my iPad right here just I feel a little
better it's bit
larger oh there's a dolphin and they
call him flipper cuz he's an idiot and
he has flippers that was my stupid thing
yeah I might just uh over that way and
there I also really like Bedrock just
the way up there cuz so much more loads
at least on the PC version
there's okay Dash
go oh door fine Island and yes I'm
actually seing like uh point that out a
little bit as
well okay there's another Island I mind
with you can see the bridge that goes
all the way over there yep there's an
underwater Atlantis realm right
there there's an underwat
Castle haven't done anything with
haven't not I have not done much with
that yet but it's there
and yeah levers
just I know you can click a lever and be
like goes that way now goes this way
goes that way and
yep oh yeah just I put that right there
to remember me yeah there's that
underwater Castle right there I might I
might eventually get to craft and get to
mine a resource that's still for me to
deter at least I have the underwater
night vision potions do that
like see the way all right but oh but
going back to my earlier comment just
that guys that video was
fake yeah obviously if that guy had
actually purchased a medallion from the
Etsy store then yeah but just I'd say
that was just photoshopped all right
anyway oh need my
lead chill out to you
dash but yeah just using the mine cart
system and all that there's a portal
right here it goes to another one that's
in the nether but yeah this is an island
I built this island house from
scratch and you know I didn't I did not
get here above land no you see this
lovely though thing get to that but yeah
there's a butt door it's just
simple two story house with roof on this
island simple enough but it serves its
purpose and still is kind of because
yeah there's more M more Rail and then
oh where's all this
going with a lot of lit pths lot of gold
stone how much did I get from the nether
realamp a
lot oh and uh what's over
there look at all those glow stones and
walls and uh looks like uh the water's
not level
there goodbye volcano oh high okay I do
see that um well not right now but
perhaps another time but
yeah there's underwater Castle I've
resourced in
mind yeah I was like going go through
the whole process of where I just drain
the water dra the totality of all this
water out as you can see I made some
progress after stealing it off from the
rest of the
ocean and having these obsidian here
just to wall off so it's like I have a
way down there like a staircase that
down there's another nether
portal and there's like another Village
that had villagers just distant off that
way but I was and I'm was thinking about
making a uh another Trail like this that
goes all the way over there but it's
like I had to I I check I Scout so it's
like going from one Island to
another uh and then it's just further
walking so on the one hand yeah that is
an option I may do that or I might let
one of my associates that I'll be
bringing in to help me out with all this
world later on but that's still to be
confirmed ah confirmed Ed there you go
yes I just said that confirmed yes I can
say words I just had a little brain
fart there I made that joke go ahead
mean that up all over the
place me
okay anyway so look at all this
just oh wait so oh shift yeah there we
go look all this all the way pretty spot
down just more down
yeah this is one
oh M rail it's like a I put a rest up
here but yeah just further down this
mine rail if we took the mine cart way
here we'll be going down to that distant
Village I mentioned might uh go back up
take take a cart and go fill it you know
what checken these yeah we'll do that
let yall see that
too but yeah I worked a lot this was a
lot of hours quite number bir days
making the underground mine cart
system and all this look at all the
resources look at all this work I
did yeah the
old popcorn sound it's soothing to the
autistic mind yes but yeah this is one
thing I killed some killed some time
with and just
uh I'll make this uh clear so let's see
Mark this video's time at uh what mark
this is um post edit or I'll just mark
it but yeah I'm going to have some rules
and boundaries set for those I for just
everybody I'm going to have uh inviting
into the realm what was I doing oh yeah
C all right anyway oh I should check
that as well
anyway just obviously do not D do not uh
anything that everything I had already
together and played up and played with
oh great now I'm getting DMS through the
game through the gamertag whoopy
do that's one way to do that all right
go ahead DOD yourself have
anyway yeah just obviously just if I was
in your Realms I treat y'all with the
same kindness and respect not destroy
anything yours I might I mean yes I
might build my own my own a little place
there like you know I was there
whatnot here you go here's your mine
right yeah just stat the same respect I
do I let y'all build uh those I buy into
my world to the realm option and let
yall build your houses respectively
where you'd like uh near my house in
another part of the world or just
anywhere else you'd like whatever but
yeah treat kindness and respect and um
yes I'm thinking Metropolis but further
details will not be disclosed right
now but yeah we are definitely talking
with those that have previously applied
with us months ago we had this idea but
obviously we did not have the data for
this good old world of mine just yet
we're waiting to get my lap get my
computer back that had the OG data so we
can bring it to this levely this
computer we have
here tag
tag yeah doopy doy yeah essentially this
is just a a couple of minutes M carart
down there way but it would been a lot
longer have we uh just uh gone all the
way from point A to point B and I know a
bit short have we taken the ne a another
realm shortcut I also formulate because
I do have portal over that Village as
well okay I definitely got this no
cobstone generator that would be that
would be that's one good idea yes but
we'll need that for those of which I
have chosen to help me out on the server
so that could be confirmed that is to be
confirmed on a future let's play to my
own to my Minecraft world oh and
actually yeah this obviously as the
title of the video implies this was like
yeah number
60 of all the uh previous versions of
file just check my phone real quick
okay okay okay we're
anyway obviously I'm not able to read
the nonp comments which you know what
those sets and taking in that amount of
hatred Fruit Splash this actually pretty
good ginger ale zero
sugar I've been enjoying it without
sugar okay this was like one okay yeah
but there was a point where at my local
Walmart there R out the zero sugar
ginger ale so I had to get B the one
with sugar that's okay just a little
bit I I could say that's definitely a
lot easier still compared to the five
energy drinks anxiety drink and at one
scene and inside out
too that was much
energy too much too
much but actually you know out of the
new uh emotions I like embarrassment
just you know at least they were kind
reserved and very helpful I'm not going
to give you all too much SP but yeah I
feel like you know just
pitar they did top themselves as
compared to the first Inside Out
movie so I'll definitely look forward to
get this on Blu-ray and
dig Blu-ray and digital combo
pack all
right oh
Bo how much this mine did I actually go
all the way down this was a fun fun
project just to go and at one point I
did actually put this uh put this world
into creative so I can see so I could
find at least this other Village that
we're going to end up that in a little
bit but yeah I I did want I want to go
back to earning achievements so I did
make the edits to reset that count to
Hero which is doable I up online oh so I
read all
my how did I miss a how did I miss a lot
I've actually re I actually read every
single Super Chat
that have come up so let's see yeah all
right but yeah there's some that
obviously have gone unread I've I heard
more of those just they're slow to come
up before they appear on my iPad but
yeah I suppose I can come back in any I
missed I'll be sure check read those
my history and
just that was yeah I miss super chats I
will catch I will catch up on those ah
here we
are yeah just staircase up and
you make some stairs go
upstairs oh it looks like it might be
night that's okay why not I take on a
few more
Shield I'll spend the night in the house
okay oh free shovel let's get some
more I ain't afraid though n zies
n are
stupid oh and yeah a
creeper you're just a floating creep
didn't take as much damage thanks to
Diamond Armor and lovely lovely
enchantments brought to you by proor and
gamble I've actually heard there like a
pro recall proor gamble anyway yeah this
is the
village there's like some pumpkins
nearby yeah there's like a few there's
like a few extra wheat fields around
here the well and yeah there's like that
thing got put up a bunch of doors so
yeah I put up a bunch of
doors I came back here I put a thought I
put a few beds in here recently I know
there's like
uh at least that one here didn't I come
back I thought I came back here and uh
put beds in these houses I may have to
make some more beds and come back
here okay that's a okay I'll put that my
to-do list uh
just come back put some beds in this
yeah but yeah from here I've um set up a
trail with the
Torches so I know where I'm going oh boy
all right come here creeper get away
from the village I'm not going to have
you blow up what is what was left here
all right guy there you go there go that
one I have to make shift staircase
you know what there some hey come
on not today which is an
achievement that a little fun
as well all right not
today Quin
color just get back in the safe Zone oh
I got a new
recipe well she's not Harley but that
Quinn is blessed
yes reference all right guy go ahead
boom when Bone Heads fly that's an
achievement or if it's you know
just all right go burn in Flames bone
hits okay I'm definitely going to be
to eat my
fish all okay there you go
waiting on you to just burn
up oh free
num num
n what using the
bed for minute I good for making potions
invisibility as well as go
carrots so that thing over there okay
that's just a mountain anyway all right
so with all that being said going to
take the mine cart back cuz I don't like
wasting a mine
cart it's don't want to leave my horse
on the
island okay we definitely catch up on
all the uh super chats that have yet to
have been revealed on my
iPad at the uh end of the
stream all
anyway oh look at all this loot look at
all this loot
yeah oh that tall uh just single
Cobblestone structure there yeah that
has a portal in
it so I didn't uh go into that
yep but as you can see even though I
have not earned all of the
achievements I'm quite
aware I do that um
ladders thinking I'm think I something
else right
now all right so we got free uh SP two
for the my
card Che something else here on my iPad
I might be a c let's see if I can catch
up on the uh super chats that came
in ow okay let's say goodbye for friends
have trans yeah okay do I not it uh
oh oh happy birthday ABI aqua
go oh wait minute
this okay what fifth column and what is
it on top of seriously I don't know what
you're referring to so I'm not going to
say it as you did I'm not going to be
that let's
see okay oh huh um yeah I did take a
look in at the skins in the Mario mash
up that's available only on Nintendo
Minecraft may s over email offer
oh okay yes I do remember oh yeah we do
remember you I thought that was taken
care of I to um I shall remind uh my
associates in regards to that but yeah
about the prizes from the art
right all right so we got all
right yeah oh boy Jake there's a
jake gu need Jak
I'll just
uh here there another
here that
D okay I'm just going to let's see what
else do we have here
well I'm sorry but I like black
people they're very
Soulful and they've had their past but
that's for their ancestors and possibly
even lingering details but Mo fa the
black people these good F people I like
them I can associate
well and after all considering those are
you know at the oldest you know spawning
from Africa there's a little bit black
in most everyone I mean check your 23 me
data or just your biolog data yada yada
yada let see what
okay all right let me
see oh yeah bangs over my forehead yeah
I can see that but I like having some my
I like having some of my forehead
covered see here
uh VR yeah I'm not one that I have not
used VR ched I don't have a VR headset
of my own
yet yeah
this I said refresh I didn't want you to
open the keyboard what are you
doing everybody gets love and
kindness yes I acknowledge the uh a Gort
key okay
they can okay clam the clam there's a
clam okay good we are caught up on all
the super chats
ah yep going up the stairs going up the
down going up stairs going down the
stairs I got the stream lapse app but
yet is not
perfect I see like the web browser a bit
more accurate I could hit F5 on that
yeah okie dokie here's my
horse ah what are you
doing Dash do mer
okay well
darn dagnab it okay good [ __ ]
grief na it
force all right got need Super Chat H if
I oh great babe I don't have oh there we
go all get here horse get over
here I'll come back for all this mine
this Cobblestone
later I've got a fish but you not to
make a wish I've got a fish put you not
to make a wish you can have another
fish would you like to make a wish but
don't wish for a side dish you're
already getting a side dish that's a
joke it's just a dumb silly joke okay I
got the horse I I
guy got the lead on this one yeah I'm
going to need the lead for those
llamas wa llamas Fernando
okay yeah the horse is definitely faster
than the
mcart but we don't have the on land
option to go all the way to that Village
we were just
at at least yet is this sun saying oh
okay sunting why is the
sunset sunrise
sunset well at least this path is very
lit we're not going to too many zombies
There's zombies zies
zombies yeah there is said
and anyway that's why you don't want
your horse going in the
water that is
annoying do I have to come back and mine
those Cobblestone pieces back
up I do that later on my own
time there's a horse oops mer
horse is a horse of course a course the
one can talk to a horse of course that
is a course the horse the famous Mr red
go to the source and that's the horse so
give me the answer that youor is always
on the city course the Mr
red hey I'm
classic I wonder what streaming service
if any have red ibly just on
YouTube and
iTunes and DVD oh I had a thing going
where I used that uh where those glow
stes are over there to the left I forget
what that was about now oh
yeah the
uh that's another Super
Chat okay it seems like hitting him five
on the web browsers is are
yeah I'm not reading that one but yeah
essentially Two achievements in this one
just you
knowth come let me just put this horse
and put my horse
away I mean just uh those that play
Minecraft don't know
just sky the limit
and we have a bottom
drop you know what do a bu do a bu I
feel like it's obvious
but sky's the limit and then the view is
good going up the
ladder one those
stars um
H maybe maybe not that's to be
determined or confirmed I probably have
some people help uh some Associates help
me out with any new websites I may end
up personally contributing
to with the latest news and updates and
actual safe for
work and non curse word worthy or cons
word curse word
contentful web page website
cck AIA stop with the stuff there's too
much bad stuff you don't need and at
this point you're going on just pretty
uh the word gave me at the moment but
yeah just essentially what the wings are
making up because they don't know
everything they don't oh yeah oh yeah
look all the way down there isn't that
lovely view it's all lit up
look at all that Lit that's really lit
go take a screen cap if you want to
that's a lovely
picture watch
this yeah the Cave the uh Cliffs and K
cles and also trampoline Two
achievements in one right here
that was easy enough that was a lot of
vertical dig that was a lot of vertical
digging and clearing to make this
and really tall
column and
Ladder yeah safe fun experience fun for
the whole family and make sure that
personally ready for everyone Ms the
word buy a hat and all that
okay I'll put some cobblestones in my
pocket because it's always nice to have
like a bunch of cobblestones
oh no no option to just delete that
oh now I put this stuff
away put the goods this stuff way
there's an extra mine cart oh there's
that shovel I got from the zombie oh
arrows punch
I know it's like you need chickens to
get the Fe chickens and birds to get the
feathers you need to make these
arrows okay I'll keep that in mind we
got suff got sufficient amount of
arrows here I put some string here let's
see okay that's regular Spider put that
is that more yeah that's more spider
ey okay that's
fermented yeah
yeah all right there dirt oh I spit um
okay some dirt space
there that's why I have some space for
dirt over
here I'm going to need those leaves for
oh I was going to get some more
Cobblestone some boes there there's the
glass there's the
clay that's a bunch of wood
yeah what go this tough tough enough for
you oh there's a shield there's a banner
was that St oh here we go Cobblestone
there we go good oh extra bow damage bow
did I have I bow oh yeah there we go hi
groy wait what oh okie
dokie oh work go into the gr go into the
no and
okay Guardian
2009 some
there okay okay I'll bite
um is that somebody on YouTube let's
see yeah cuz it's like no just
essentially only on this video this is
me as for this uh quick fille Guardian
2009 fake definitely
fake let me see here I'm just going to
confirm oh
yeah this channel is fake this channel
is fake thank you for bringing it my
channel just
uh this is one to be
reported this is fake this channel is
fake those of you that can report this
uh Channel quickfi Guardian 2009 yeah
report that's fake it's fake
see I report any of these
videos I'll definitely be getting that
one that's uh oh here we go
report yeah
bam and uh report for spam and
okay let's see just uh quickly get them
out my watch
History there we go okay well that's in
the step that's a step in the right
direction all right what was I doing
okay I have a lead oh I'm on the second
floor okay
okay all right yes good enough time
plenty of time all right I'm going to go
look for some llamas because I have not
earned the achievement uh
H featuring llamas Fernando
llamas yep that was the name I was
thinking of earlier Fernando
lus I have not been able to make
scaffolding yet I don't know where the
bamboo is I haven't found that
yet oh yeah there it is yeah Caravan at
least five llamas so yeah going to go
get some
llamas need yeah just over this way I
seen some
llamas and uh in preparation of this
just a little while AG going made a new
uh gate to put the llamas
in all right we have the
leads oh great it's raining
raining it's boring the
old okay the F5 after that L though
B for reload one
arm the merge is happening it's just not
obvious to you but those that are able
to see them you can literally see the
dimensional Rifts and tears in the skies
above and all around
you because I have seen them I am seeing
everybody is seeing
now anyway get not one the Iron Golems I
made lovely four Iron Golems between the
consoles all right anyway I'm looking
llas a caravan of five llamas
and I did look this up so apparently to
tame a llama it's the same as taming a
horse you got ride on it but you can't
put a sadow on it apparently so that's
why you got to lead you got to lead the
back where you want the
Llama oh there's one okie dokie mun on
fish I heard something
okay oh I got
Hearts okay
groovy Okie doie come with me
llama come with me darly darly
llama Dolly llama really good man just
simple little fun thing
and yeah we already say it but I'll sa
one more time Fernando
llamas all right yeah that's always a
good Fe to see at least you know you see
them coming from coming
Southward and yes I am aware I see the
wandering traveler I have the option of
uh disconnecting the
llamas from the leads so then I may take
those llamas as well that's an
option but for right now I'm going to
just go with wild
llamas rain rain rain
dokie oh good that
works it's one
down one
L there one L
down one little two little three little
llama they
likeo and I am aware of be juice be
juice the movie coming soon to theat you
check newspapers for shown times or just
go on the
internet and do a search when it's
coming to
theaters options they're good
o all right I'm going to go look for
llama the mer the Wonder Merchant was
not in my netive WS he was there a
little while
ago when I was on here but now he's
not invitation only come
are you on the list are you on the list
is there a list there was no list
nothing was written on that slip of
paper for that club that Bai and Ry were
denied access to that they had to put
garbage bags on themselves and glow
paint like the boss like the owner of
the place
did which that was a
statement was it trendy is it
trending dumb enough I suppose
that's a bit of a drop that's a bit of a
drop that's a
drop do that do
that what mer okay
D DB it D Dam it okay okay wait darn
darn okay mini
zombie got some Lea armor get out of
here you
it's not night
rain than now but not again this time I
saw you
coming away from you
what darn it why am I the darn Q
button what another one
and yet television is a
problem wait for others to come in with
comments live from New York
it's Sunday night
oh oh come
here let's looking for
llamas I'm still looking for llamas it's
daytime looking for llamas
I speed
up oh good no
R just
clatty clatty
okay maybe we Tapped Out the L resources
in that particular
direction anyway four more llamas to go
I'll find another watering Trader
again yep apparently in dialogue
apparently Minecraft is called cave
game where that's sure not it's to be
confirmed but I feel certain it is true
so we'll go with it we'll roll with it
rolling rolling rolling
CH start
comment all the
be all the Beats
there okay got comet is still
loading why I just pick up I just picked
up an
egg here's some leather
armor definitely know Zombies going to
be wandering
in there's ner it's still
refreshing the comments are still
refreshing on the iPad
all right where go there's
egg wrong thing there's a
thing right
okay well maybe I'll bu the other maybe
I'll get the four Llamas on my own time
let's uh go check out the mines I
started yep definitely get some
commentary around here that's these
Nomes zies
yes Nomes
zies there's a way out underneath there
on other side there but it's like
zombies up
jeez yeah waterfall room waterfall
behind the house
above it's called this the underground
Nook I put two beds
yep and I just definely I just recently
did some Cobblestone mine for the to get
repeat of cobblestone
achievements yeah what's that um it's
like down here and then
down this
ladder take a
look oh okay so that's where that goes
okay yeah I was down here in this NE of
the woods getting
Cobblestone maybe I yeah this
that let back up to where we
were maybe I'll just get rid of that
sign that sign was there before
and we don't need
that any
behind yes deeper mines below take
ladder ladder ladder there's another one
seriously why is this thing
okay now we got those
comments oh yeah there's one of the
other portals goes out to that same one
we came out from earlier same when the
one above this one goes that same
destination the
house and then deeper mine
yes there is
lava and slime boy
boy yeah there's a
pool there's some
lava get some for the bucket SP lava
obviously just put some lava and put
water in there there you
go I it see here oh yeah I'm see p
that's yeah and I got a little mineart
trail that goes all the way down to my
friend's house and that under that
entrance thereby since I did a lot of
mining in that maze this card this this
card goes yeah pass the distance find of
M in the uh little upward waterfall that
goes to My Island also yeah you know my
m home bound home bound
yep things you could do a Java
version but Redrock is
better there Minecraft enjoy yourself
have some
fun but yeah
just all
this this was a thing in Java press F3
to best identify storage door gets the
Tet on the
screen I press it
today nothing how do you get the Tex St
here on the screen is it F2 F1 okay F1
moves all
that I don't like that F4 F5 oh that's
right that's Chang perspective 6 seven 8
9 10
11 oh was that for
okay groovy 12 apparently no the FBS
fbuds bring up the uh test detail where
it's like I could have the coordinates
all the coordinates I like the
coordinates that allow me to B identifi
the Y Zone going hop in if you found
lava and stepped into it
deepest undern oh yeah yeah so see
what's in my Ender
Chest there's some lava there's a
mold this marks mind level sweet spine
of y =
yeah and then
five my mazes oh yeah I found a lush
cave down here look at this there's some
lushness things it came when I
update update the old
file the OG
file we got new Super Chat why isn't
that loading on here
it's not real just stop try me with
comments like that you know I'm
real anyway yeah I explored this area a
little bit I CED some of the uh stuff I
number of the glowberries I got
some and
Clay yes there's got to be another up
slime ball
there's another Super Chat
okay balls give SL
balls I let get some slime balls
down okay let's get some more exp let's
go for it
yeah let's do some slime collecting
there we go slime in exp it's have
fun yeah Morey my
mazes lots of column lots of rows way oh
yeah oh water source oh okay let's go up
stairs yep that's a lot of
water I don't think we want to hit the
lava the Sim Boys Are Back In
Town why do they like it down here so
much so slimy
all right more getp for
me I feel like there's more to making
more things you can make with slime this
other than slime blocks you can bounce
30 blocks from to earn the trampoline
there we
go some more
stuff yeah desate monster spawning Zone
if I want yeah if you want earn more HP
just come right on in
here yeah I got some that uh
slate and where's my shield
free ESP if you want free ESP if you
just want to come into this dark area
and just uh knock a few
around cuz it has been Des designated
destinated that's a word
I don't know is the game louder than my
voice I don't think
so are you loud are you
proud is it time for is it food time
it's a time for
fish yep but yeah essentially I've been
using uh playing Minecraft kind of like
just free form been keeping it mainly in
survival mode surviving build just
whatever struck my struck my fancy here
just I had really thought too much ADV
fanc beyond that and
using lava coat it's right below this
block yeah that's
obvious oh got
yeah yeah anyway I'm just thinking right
now what else can we do what else can we
do oh and
actually what was that
one yeah let's keep that up I like
seeing the clock at the
yeah but yeah I've done a lot in
Minecraft I know it's like I could do a
lot more but just didn't think of it but
yeah Adventure Time come on grab your
friends and go to very distant lands
and then explore and find some more
things take a boat with you AC cross the
just yeah
just thinking my brain just feeling like
mer why not let's go check out let's go
expore some of the
nether yeah maybe find some end man get
some ender
pearls yeah just obviously if you hear
that noise you're might be tempted to
feel a little
spooked entertainment going by you
oh where are
okay a gas mer
well okie

dokie I should brought the cross though
I should have brought the
crossbow oh yeah these things I've
actually seen BTU coron they actually go
play Minecraft and get one of those
things the P it very cute
that was
fun HP
and attacking Warrior
PS hey look at those bunch of pigs I
think the Warriors they're certainly not
ah okie dokie I'll go down and claim
some of that who else wants some
yeah hey I'm coming down are making me
thiry that was a sound
W okay okay who's in
me okay
you there we
go P
butt yeah I'm going go back in get
arrows yeah the thing know is it's up
I there the
horses but anyway just
uh that's pretty much most of uh my
world I've actually uh yeah the portal I
showed earlier just somewhere far that
way to the East and I found another way
that I made a portal that goes all that
way to the
West so there's a lot more to it of
which I
found and then more for everybody which
I invite to come onto this uh realm to
enjoy yeah I'm get crossbow I'm going to
do some work down there let's do some
work drop a few things so we can go more
resources what do we need we need
resources stop thr about of resources to
do everything get anything with the
resources so said
dumbass yes ELO is a
dumbass oh yeah that's more sa key hello
okay bony
bone yeah
okay got a few more the fire resistant
potions as
well I already fill this
bottle um
yeah waterfall I have a waterfall I
waterfall it's night out it's dark
outside okie
dokie going
up these elevators
climb all the way from the bottom to the
top that's another achievement that uh
should be a
thingy dokie I think I'm going make some
more let's see need some
warts need the M
cream and the Redstone
well there goes the switch stock from
here fill on the
FL fire resistance potions you need what
what water bottles and Redstone and mag
creep pardon me
yeah I
know you got to throw the Ender eye you
have like a good number of them to find
your way to the Ender to the ender
portal frame so put ender eyes in there
in order to get to the Ender realm and
earn that achievement so they can earn
so then you can earn the achievement of
having killed the Ender
Dragon I have not gotten that far
yet you should
do okie dokie
yeah all
one one
llama soon to have some company you have
more lers to enjoy
with fun
things resources to make more fun things
in Minecraft
in survival
mode you keep it in survival mode so you
can have
achievements and the more things are
coming up time time every have
fun I mean midn night it's uh evening
here so take good night with you
will okay I have the
crossbow let's SW that for the pickaxe
she wa
minute I just save real
quick save game game's been
saved okay
all right I got the bow I got some
arrows so let's do the
exploration any guy want to come beat me
up not today
that one got too
close but yeah just essentially I have a
lot more to catch up on regards to the
updates that's a lot more than my four
books can
cover which were 2 14
Publications where are you
okay there we
go that worth it
as long as they're not attacking me I
don't have to worry about
them no sense being a instigator like
that oh
yeah but I just feel like my intuition
is tell me so what about this portal huh
where does this take you all right I
show you like I said it takes me far to
the east away from
home and I've made a torch trail that
leads me back be a such
oh oh yeah that's right this goes
underground wait this goes oh yeah okay
that's my way
up it's like I had the uh numbers
details before which
I was able to map it out
know I end up
here snow
terrain partially snowy
actually I'll take some of these
torches yeah I think I'll come back here
time yeah let's do some more Nether
because that's what I feel like doing
we're going to do some more nether ring
adventuring stff all the fire
resistance oh yeah I still got to find
like another uh
little realm Castle Fortress cuz I need
some more blaze rods get some more make
some more
Blaze can B into fire flames
at least I know where I am and if I mess
up oh I have a
backup and I have fire resistance
firecracker that's a recipe
see I way over there at one point
take a PL take a
PLS if anything just uh everything
Minecraft was kind of like a pet project
for for a while and other and all the
other things came
up bad is that
refreshing I should
streaming SAA in
here h
another comment another comment I guess
the uh game that was mentioned earlier
as been do noed
there are crossbows bar to bows
that's a debatable decent
question oh I have been around here
before I love torches
get some more of these
uh NE a stu up
bit in case I
need make more steps
oh be
up yeah back with an
hat wa what
that God Dam
it okay I got to heal I got to heal
I got heal ah okay
groy oh I did want to be attacking
Enderman but not where my health is low
want to get I did want to try for more
of the uh ah you
guys Swit The
Sword and of course teleported out
there will be
another and there it is or maybe it's
the same one hey
ugly hey ugly I know where you're hiding
you're hiding from bab
bab shes what's up a mitch
I saw
around heard some flingy noises like oh
a yeah there you are
another one down the
train loading the crossbow
and boom goes the
dynamite oh God there's some torches
here I forgotten what goes this way
oh and I had to leave my silk touch Piat
back at
home that was just makeig blow dust
shoot H okie
dokie I'm going to make another another
of that
out okay there you go zombie pig right
thing from zombie biggy doing thing
groovy i e it
now content content content yeah I think
I'll go back and see if I can find it
get my
s touch
pix I have a good sense of direction and
these lovely torches to guide
me GOP
doie make theal notes and everything
along the way
oh of
this those guys really doing number on
this place
how H is
it oh hey
hey all right T that and then hey ugly
oh hey look at that got three of them
nice let's see there was a recipe for
that okay
I better just move
forward me
pigs I'm just move my way
around put on to me
piggy h
checking okay I have two
more yeah let's do some glow
stones Cobblestone stairs going
up maybe I'll build before the
What walls
dop okay
yeah I gu are you a
gasp and
thatd me
oh there it
everybody to
sing all he guys party
guy let me come here
here we
are I Sol
sand yeah okay let's go get
some glow
blocks it's been a while since I picked
up a few of those
yes okay yes okay I
just saw the couple of past recent super
yeah thank
you but in no relation to blir zalinski
or Vladimir
Putin if you are actually going for that
well Your Meme has been exposed
all right
now okay
that's yeah just die my way around here
dokie all right find my way back to
where I was where all those glow blocks
were the glow blocks The Glow
Block the glow
blocks wait a minute
oh Magma Cream nice and not right guys
doy ah there you are
oh I think that might have been where I
was I get this one on hand really quick
oh this oh you
guys oh well that was fun
good about the
pl good thing I about the three pack
I'll definitely go back and get those
glow blocks I will that was
fun let's just confirm that that is the
backup no you turned up your
mic CU I can't hear
you oh monsters get killed by skeleton
arrows huh that's neat well certainly if
oh okay actually this this decent this
will work although do I
okay it's not it I save point
okay I'm making mental
notes ender man
oh yeah it's Pig
I'll do
I fire resistance I was going to go back
and get
the soft touch pickax off my way back
nice place to visit if I wouldn't want
to live
here you know this uh
sword which one of these I put here we
go all
rightfully pray I find the I find some
more Endermen
dokie then
OHP okay up that way before it seems
hey big
picka go somewhere
else somewhere else your stink is
messing up my vibe and I didn't like it
more movies and doggies
to okay that's easier
yeah okie dokie
y end in a random they teleport where
they please where they
go oh
nice nice
yeah okie
dokie aha yes we did thing
hey ugly
and Y those look those those look little
uh-oh safe space
chill for chill for a moment
oh man
okay hey ugly get
me there you go
let's get a little stronger
okie dokie that was fun there was
another bubble nearby There It
okay okay
oh all right
let's see Super Chat lach is still
yes thank you very
much yes thank you very much okay may
right pickax with silk touch
need the silk touch to make them keep as
glow blocks otherwi just end up with the
little dust and takes a lot of them
to make a glow
yay collect them all all supplies
last groovy groovy
what a lovely little
deposit that might be a place of
interest I'm going
to the
path huh
that's interesting just seeing these
Stones these bits of grav over there
okay now it def to be a time just uh get
ready to make and head back
what uh
you h two
what you
guys doie more exp for
right continue on my path and make my
way back oh look at that little island
there it's different
oh that's some soft
sand okie dokie that's soft
sand all
right family
back oh
me nice
we have returned once again
well at least you're
down okie
home some else
oops move therey
are guy
hey ugly up
here come and get me
okay you didn't follow
me anyway push anyway push comes to S
just I played Minecraft quite a bit and
I've earn my experience
points so there you go now you all got a
little better sampling of uh how I play
and shall we do shall we
do it's like the
uh that song with the Oreo
milkshake good those S by the way just
Oreo milkshake and all that
Apple let sent my pockets save my game
and I think what that'll do for now I'll
do it for the
stream anyway at least now yall got to
see me play
Minecraft I have four more llamas to
collect before I can have that going for
yes day yeah it's like almost 10:00 p.m
here yeah it's be little bit fatigue
bit bendings and crowbars
that's a bit of
oh okay Robbie and Emma thank you both
you very nice lovely little Lads thank
you both oh oh
what you don't know about that
particular pronunciation of Jesus they
pronounce I think it's like uh Spanish
or espanol they pronounce it as
ASUS ASUS ASUS it's still Jesus all
right if you don't know about that
pronunciation just look it up it's among
all the other pronunciations of Jesus
Jesus all
right I think I heard another Super Chat
chime there
I me give what that
dimes thank you ol of and thank you to
your cat
too right just
chcken oh I got refill my water bottles
make some more fire
potions I'm going have to refill those
these fire bows these crossbows were
decent maybe not the perfect tool I kind
of feel like just
bow I release I
feel I feel like that's a bit more
decent like what was it that make
I'll find out oh you know what um the I
just look up right here and
ey let see yeah ender pearl and
something else that makes end
ey yeah blaze powder that's fine that's
I'm looking for the blaze
rods that's why I'm looking for the
blaze rods so I can make those ender
more so then I can find an another
portal those
things maybe not
be box this
one I feel like I saw them a little
while ago
get right there
mushrooms all right three ender
pearls doie I think that now just I'll
make those potions on my own
anyway let's see going back to
the sh NS and I'll switch to
e e

[[Category:Chris-chan videos, 2024]]
[[Category:Chris-chan videos, 2024]]

Latest revision as of 23:45, 31 August 2024

One livestream was filmed by Chris in June 2024, influenced by Praetor.

Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft

Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft is a livestream which took place on 30 June 2024. This is Chris's first livestream since he stopped doing them semi-regularly in March 2024. Chris teased the stream 2 weeks prior on 16 June 2024.[1]

Chris plays on a Minecraft Realm that he used to share with people "a few years ago." He changed the name of a sign in-game to hide a person's identity. He wanders around the game world doing some achievement hunting and sitting through long mine cart rides. All the while, the chat is a constant stream of ween comments, which Chris completely ignores. He stays mostly focused on the game, only pausing occasionally to catch up on addressing the Superchat questions from his donors. Paid videos via Media Share were disabled during the stream.

Christ Chan Live Stream: OG Cwcville (Cwcville)-60 Minecraft
Search for video YouTube, archive
Stardate 30 June 2024
Subject Matter Video gamesVideo games Video Games
Performance Style ReasonReason Reason
Saga RevelationsRevelations Revelations
Chris Chan in Dallas Texas
Well, I'm sorry, but I like black people.


Support the stream: [links to Streamlabs]


  • 6:25: Chris talks about having recently seen Inside Out 2 and liking it, describing the depictions of the new emotion characters as "decently accurate" and expressing appreciation for the "sar-chasm" pun.
  • 9:35: Chris sings an autistic little song about how Nombie-zazis are stupid.
  • 11:22: Showing off some video game related signs.
  • 13:25: The first glimpse of the giant Sonichu and Rosechu statues.
  • 17:12: While swimming underwater, Chris does brief but dreadful impressions of Squidward and Spongebob Squarepants, then sings a bit of the theme song from the old TV show "Flipper."
  • 26:05: Chris mentions having watched up to "a little bit into Season 4" of Regular Show.
  • 30:21: Chris says "Null was cool, but he did me wrong, I mean, yeah, y'knowwhat? So. As I crash into the cold dark waters of the Atlantic, I realized a few things: (A) I know where I'm going, but I don't exactly know how to get there. (B) Salt water stings. And (C) I shouldn't have been in jail, but I was. Why? Because they betrayed me! [shrieks] THEEEEY betrayed me! And yet, I wonder whether Joshua Moon was a better kisser than Juda Sicariot. But! I'm cool! There's a hippo on my head! [indecipherable] I wasn't gonna be able to do this on my own. But. [sings] I get by with a little help from my friends." This is likely a reference to an art work he made in jail.
  • 31:35: Null can "Miku-Miku-Miku" as much as he wants to, even though he don't want to, but still, it's a good music rhythm game.
  • 33:33: Chris blesses someone's friend named Xavier, and makes a reference to "Xavier: Renegade Angel" though he calls it "Xavier: Fallen Angel."
  • 35:05: Chris mentions seeing PewDiePie playing Minecraft a day or two ago, then rambles some more about Nombie-zazis.
  • 38:45: Chris dismisses claims of any cursed Sonichu medallions that were made by him. Any not from him or the Etsy store are not blessed, because Chris has the touch and the aura, and anyone with a bad affliction should have counted their blessings. The ends justify the means. Meditate on that.
  • 40:31: The best armor Chris currently has is diamond. He has heard there is Nether armor but hasn't yet learned how to make it, nor has he entered the Ender Realm or encountered the Ender Dragon.
  • 48:00: Chris has a brain fart. "Go ahead and meme that up all over the place."
  • 49:32: From this point onward, an annoying in-game sound effect plays every few seconds. Chris calls it the "popcorn sound" and claims it is soothing to the autistic mind.
  • 53:05: Chris finally explains the "60" in the title of the video, saying it's the 60th version of the file.
  • 54:07: Chris tells about a time at Walmart where they were out of the zero-sugar ginger ale so he had to get the kind with sugar instead. He then launches into an impression of the Anxiety character from Inside Out 2 and talks a bit more about the film. Out of the new characters, he liked Embarrassment best because they were kind and reserved. Chris is looking forward to buying the film on Blu-Ray and digital combo pack.
  • 57:00: More Nombi-zazis, but Chris "didn't take as much damage, thanks to [commercial voice] diamond armor and lovely enchantments, brought to you by Procter and Gamble. [normal voice] I've actually heard there's like a product [?] called Procter and Gamble. Anyway, yeah. This is the village."
  • 1:05:55: In response to a question, Chris shares some thoughts on black people: "Well, I'm sorry, but I like black people. They're very soulful, and they've had their past, but that's who their ancestors and possibly... can't remember any details, but. I'm a fan of the black people! At least good folk people. I like them, I can associate well."
  • 1:06:57: Chris does not yet have a VR headset.
  • 1:09:39: Chris sings "I Got A Fish" in response to a donor's username.
  • 1:11:25: Chris sings the theme song to the TV show "Mr. Ed" and does an impression of the title character.
  • 1:18:47: Chris is asked about the YouTube channel @cwcvilleguardian2009. He plays a bit of a clip before declaring it fake, reporting it and asking everyone else to do so as well.
  • 1:22:32: The Dimensional Merge is happening, it's just not obvious. But those of us who are able to can see dimensional rips and tears in the sky and all around us. Chris has seen them, and is seeing them.
  • 1:24:05: Chris catches a llama, mentions the Dalai Lama and Argentinian actor Fernando Lamas, then uses his giant Sonichu and Rosechu statues to find his way back to his base.
  • 1:26:00: Chris is aware of the upcoming movie Beetlejuice Beetlejuice.
  • 1:26:46: Chris references a specific episode of Regular Show.
  • 1:36:00: Chris says the Bedrock version of Minecraft is better than Java. Also, at this point the game's background music is loud enough to make Chris's voice a bit hard to hear.
  • 1:38:25: Chris tells viewers, "Stop trolling me with comments like that. You know I'm real."
  • 1:49:50: Chris sings about resources before declaring that Il Palazzo is a dumbass.
  • 1:52:17: Chris belches and then immediately chugs a bunch of liquid.
  • 2:08:50: "And, boom goes the dynamite."
  • 2:20:03: Chris dies in-game just as the chat gets flooded with ​​JUUULLAAAYY weenery.
  • 2:40:19: Responding to a question, Chris talks about his pronunciation of Jesus as "Hey-Zeus": "I think it's like Spanish, or Español."
  • 2:43:15: Chris ends the game session and goes into full-screen chat mode, but his microphone has switched off and he ends up spending a couple of minutes talking inaudibly before giving up and ending the stream.

Raw captions

Text from YouTube's captions
