Watchmen members

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This page will discuss minor Watchmen members that played some significant part of the Watchmen saga, but do not have enough to warrant pages of their own.

Members List


Anaxis, the third admin of the CWCki Discord server, and another former CWCki editor, played the role of Lainchu in The Place and The Knights of CWC.[1][2] Anaxis was also one of the people involved in the Watchmen group chat, Regarding Chris, questioning Bella's role in the Incest Call leaks.


Christine...Please stop this, Mewtwo is not real, the merge is not happening, you need serious help. If you need help there are people to help you with these delusions. This is incredibly unhealthy for you.
AquaDiamond8, March 2019[3]
Still i dont want [Jacob Sockness] attacking my people when the merge happens, Christine has said there will be no more war or need for violence in the merge, my Sapphire has forseen this
AquaDiamond8 changes her tune, November 2019.[4]
AquaDiamond8 and Magi-Chan. Drawn by Aqua November 2019.

AquaDiamond8 is a Twitter user who has bounced from being a ween,[5] to a white knight, to an enabler and Watchman. In November 2019, during the Jacob Sockness saga, in hopes to lure Chris away from Sockness, Aqua joined the Watchmen and embraced Chris's delusional beliefs, changing her Twitter handle to CPU Goddess Aqua of the Mac Book Pro. Later, Aqua began drawing fanart of her OC interacting with Magi-Chan.[6] She then posted a Pokémon drawing, claiming it to be an alt-dimension Magi-Chan:[7]

In September 2020, Aqua confirmed in the comments of a Dillin Thomas video that they were no longer a part of the Watchmen.

in all honesty at first i genuinly wanted to help chris but after the incident with Wendy i wanted to make things better, and try to help him, and as someone with autism, and who has family that acts like chris, i knew how dificult it is to get them to beleive certain things. I guess going along with it and pretending to be a goddess was better than letting her be on her own and let someone else take advantage of her.

Note that i never wanted anything from Chris, and did want to help, and despite what Dillin says about MKR or some of the "enamblers, not all of them are bad, MKR is the nicest person i know and i know that she truely does care for Chris.

I wanted to to help them with keeping sockness away from Chris and though it took some time ive seen chris is no longer taking his crap serious. I do keep up to date whats been going on, but i dont interact.[8]

The Fool

The Fool was a late addition to the Watchmen, added in April 2021 by Naught, who noted his interest in tarot.[9]


Klop, the creator and first admin of the CWCki Discord server, and a former CWCki editor, was involved in the roleplaying of the Lainchu character.


Val Valentino

Val's OC, Val Valentino

Val was present during the Taser Discussion call. In it, he joked about Chris tazing himself on video, to which Chris claimed that he could withstand it on account of being part-electricity due to his Sonichu heritage. Val responded by laughing at Chris.


XIII was present during the Watchmen's raid on Midnight Moonflower's Discord server. He accused Midnight of stealing Chris's wallet during Chris's visit to Midnight's house[10] - according to Chris, however, the wallet had been misplaced by Chris at a gas station and was later turned into the police station where Chris picked it up.[11]


Watchmens.png Watchmen Saga Watchmens.png
The Players

Watchmen groups: The Sons of the MiscreantsArbitarch CWC AllianceThe Place
Watchmen members: The WCTMKRNightVeeNaughtKyleOwls
Targets: Jacob SocknessLukeJoseph DraftMidnight MoonflowerBen SaintProjectSNTOpuscon789Larry VaughnPraetor

Watchmen Chats: General • Solo Members (AquaDiamond8KyleMKRNightVeeNaughtSpunkyThe WCT)

Enabling and Delusions: Targeted Orbiters: Other

Coinciding Sagas
Jacob, Secret Shipfic, Lainchu, Crystalgate, Incest