New Address

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Revision as of 20:13, 27 September 2010 by Lime (talk | contribs) (→‎Transcript)
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New Address is a video Chris uploaded on 27 September 2010. This is the third video in as many days where Chris has worn the same shirt, despite his previous video being sponsored by a brand of soap.


New Address
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Stardate 27 September 2010
Subject Matter TrollsTrolls Trolls
Performance Style SmugSmug Smug
Shirt BrickFest 2000Brickfestshirt.png BrickFest 2000
Anti Troll Movement Video1


Hello, Lars. I got your email, and I gotta tell you, you're a dang looser for hiding behind a picture of a black man-a dang photograph. Anyway, it's over, it's over, you've lost, you're history, you're kaput! You could've-you had your chance with Jackie but you lost, buddy, you lost. You just kept concentrating on your dayng boats all day and all night, ignoring HER needs, and her desires.

Now she's with a real man. I will satisfy her needs, and her desires. And if you ever wanna be happy with yourself, you GROW UP! You grow up! And you stop thinkin' about yourself, YEAH! You grow up, stop thinkin about yourself, yeah!

You mess with me and her, you're gonna deal with me definitely. Down to the last sweat, or breath.

Anti Troll Movement Video1 Chris's videos Current