Lars Is Jivin'.MP4

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Revision as of 22:35, 30 September 2010 by Tadahima (talk | contribs)
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Lars Is Jivin' is a video Chris uploaded on 30 September 2010. In it, Chris addresses Lars again, comparing a toy boat he sent Jackie to a tape dispenser. Chris then decides the best way to get his point across is to abuse his camera, again.

Judging by the unusual video format (Chris normally makes videos in .MOV format), and the blindingly obvious jump-cuts, it would appear Chris has actually taken some time to edit this video. Unfortunately, it's safe to say that this was to hide the fact he failed to hit the camera with the tape dispenser on the first take.


Nothin' but a jivin' turkey gourd.


Lars Is Jivin'
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Stardate 30 September 2010
Subject Matter TrollsTrolls Trolls, ViolenceViolence Violence
Performance Style CrazyCrazy Crazy, SmugSmug Smug
Saga JackieJackie Jackie
Shirt Green White StripeGreen White Stripe The Shamrock Stripes
New Address


[Stares at camera with an angry look on face, cocks head, jump-cut]Oh yeah, one more thing, Laaaaars. You know-s-you sent her the dangin' ol' boat made out of popsicle sticks and a weak condom wrapper for a sail. You know what she did with that? [holds up a tape dispenser] This your bu-[jump cut, throws tape dispenser at the camera] She threw that piece of shit away! That little piece is cheap as shit. It was so cheap, it was as cheap as that tape dispenser! [another jump cut] I'm out! Peace.

See also

New Address Chris's videos Current