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The most likely result of Chris taking things too far.
I would appreciate it if I was FULLY UNDERSTOOD as the Noble Gentleman that I am.
Chris, a man who groped a woman the first time he met her.

Chris seems to have a poor grasp of the concept of rape.

Chris and the Concept of Rape

Whether Chris understands rape as a concept is up for debate. He claims that he knows what rape is, but at the very least, his self-absorption and lack of empathy mean that he doesn't understand the gravity of rape, or its long-term consequences for the victim. It is possible that the only reason he knows anything about rape is through porn, where it isn't portrayed as bad, and the girl always ends up enjoying it in the end.

As stated above, Chris has claimed that in his ideal world, homosexuals would be "taken in and reprogrammed with multiple upon multiple pleasurable moments with female prison inmates and prosts[itutes]"and that "prisons will no longer be divided between gender." It is unknown if Chris would obtain permission from the women before putting them to work "reprogramming" gay men, but the fact that he specifies prison inmates seems to imply that he doesn't expect the women to cooperate willingly. He also fails to realize that "reprogramming" homosexuals by forcing them to have sex with women constitutes rape. The fact that he believes prisons being co-ed would reduce the incidence of homosexuality shows that he is, on some level, aware that homosexual sex and rape occurs in prison, but he doesn't specify whether integration would allow men and women to have consensual relations or just shift the rape from male on male to male on female.


  • When confronted with the news that his sweetheart PandaHalo had been raped by Clyde Cash and become pregnant as a result, Chris was easily distracted from the emotional impact of what had happened, and instead focused most of his attention on what kind of domestic arrangements would result, or whether he might have to forgo his trip to Nintendo of America headquarters in order to pay for an abortion. His first reaction was to tell her that he wouldn't blame her or "hold it against [her]". Any woman assumes as long as her mate isn't a misogynistic asshole that he wouldn't blame her, and being "reassured" of such isn't exactly comforting or helpful. Chris was even willing to accept the mind-boggling possibility that Panda might want to live with Clyde, and raise her child alongside him.
  • While pretending to be a troll in an IRC conversation, Chris suggested twice that the trolls should instigate him to rape Rocky. Whether Chris actually wants to rape Rocky and then use the trolls as a convenient scapegoat ("They made me do it!"), or whether he is particularly awful at bluffing, remains a mystery.
  • In Sonichu 10, Chris reveals that he had traveled forward in time and, aside from finding the cure for homosexuality, he also meets his future wife. Mistaking Chris for his future self, his wife invites him home for some sexing. Chris seems to think that there's nothing wrong with having sex with a woman if she thinks you're someone else. Chris falls back on the old standby, "if she didn't say no, it's not rape." Like his stance on Women's Rights, where he maintains he's not a chauvinist because he'd never physically abuse a woman, Chris fails to realize that there's more to it than that.
  • In his video IPods Down and Listen Up, Chris "sings" about sexual assault with him as the "star" rapist. The lyrics describe the victim as a "sleek, sexy panther" whom he fails to ambush as she flees. Then he chases her, wears her out and, in his own words, "...You take it like a gal (gal), and then we pump (pump-pump, pump) ..." until impregnation.

Chris as Rapist

As Chris's sexual frustrations continue to build and build, some observers have raised the unsettling question of whether he might try to force himself on a woman. The possibility does seem real - his relationship with Megan Schroeder provides many examples of his inability to understand the importance of respecting physical boundaries and the simple fact that "no means no."

Thanks to his characteristic lack of empathy, Chris has almost no grasp on how emotional and physical intimacies develop in the real world. Anime and porn have taught him all the wrong lessons — he assumes that sex is something that just happens, and usually sooner rather than later. He quite literally believes the joke statement, "rape is how they say 'hello' in Japan". Being a retard, he assumes that not only is that true, but that it applies to Western culture as well. He took it as a given that Megan would put out if he won the PaRappa the Rapper contest and took her to Seattle. In his conversations with Vivian Gee, he professed a belief that sex automatically happens after the third date. During his feud with CChanSonichuCWC, he seemed to think that he’d be able to get some if he lured his rival's girlfriend Kacey to his house, and never mind that she'd probably be able to tell the difference between Chris and her real boyfriend. This is him again believing that everyone is as stupid and terrible with faces as he is.

Despite all these foreboding implications, however, it helps to keep a few practical facts in mind. Chris is a physically decrepit coward with an incredibly low threshold of pain. If he ever attempted to assault a woman, he probably wouldn’t get very far. For the sake of all involved, anyway, let's hope so. This is assuming that he doesn't squash her first with his massive girth, in which case, there would be a problem.

See Also

Chris and Sex

Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

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