Greetings to Kacey's folks

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Revision as of 10:33, 31 October 2009 by VanKrause (talk | contribs)
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Greetings to Kaceys folks is a video uploaded on 31 October 2009 where, being an old-fashioned kinda guy, impostor Ian Brandon Anderson introduces himself to Kacey's parents. In order to present himself as a decent human being, he makes many false statements about himself, and shows that he's blatantly unaware of his own failures, shortcomings, and serious anger management issues. He also appears satisfied with his recent video demonstration that he cannot do push-ups.

"A Whole New World" from Disney's Aladdin plays throughout, leftover from his previous video which was directed to Kacey.


Hello, Mr. and Mrs. D, I am Christian Weston Chandler of Ruckersville, VA; birthname: Christopher; alias: Ricardo.
Ian's description text for the video


["A Whole New World" is heard in background]

Good day, Mr and Mrs D, Kacey's parents. How are you today? I'm good. I'm okay. Hm. But anyway, I am making this video directed to... yeah, directed to you both. You know. I am definitely better than the uh, previous Chris that uhh, ya'll got to know. Who recently went a little cra- he recently went crazy... and all that but but this is not about tha- this is not about him, this is about me. I am 27 years old, I stand a good 5'10". I am very strong, a matter of fact I just did thirty push-ups which you can see in a recent YouTube video on this same YouTube account.

I feel like I am honest, loyal and reliable. I like to- I prefer to keep a soft spoken tone of voice. Bu- but when I have to, I can be argumentative and such. I like pu- I like to keep things in long thoughts, you know. It takes sometimes takes me a while to think about things, but yeah like you know if it doesn't take much thought or if I can come up with a decision my way and [click] quick as- quick as- quick like that... I mean like, uhh, yeah, like you know... you know, it definitely took a while, you know, to get to know Kacey to realise that I that I loved her- that I care about her very much and I love her.

But anyway. I feel like I am of good boyfriend material. Like I said because of my honest my honesty and reliability and b- and my loyalty. So, uh, so hopefully with your consent, uhh, ya'll will allow me to, uh, get- me closer with your daughter in communication and in... you know, location. She and I have already met in person, s-she can tell you herself about her first impressions o-of me and as well as seconds impressions because we met a second time as well. Hmm. But anyway, there was a but anyway, I-anyway when the time comes I look forward to meeting you both. So.. I bid y'all a safe and pleasant day. Thank you.

See also