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*[[Chris and remorse]]
*[[Chris and hypocrisy]]

{{succession|label=[[List of videos|Chris's videos]]|prevlink=[[Chris's Big Night Out]]|nextlink=[[I'm Sorry, Dude]]|}}
{{succession|label=[[List of videos|Chris's videos]]|prevlink=[[Chris's Big Night Out]]|nextlink=[[I'm Sorry, Dude]]|}}

Revision as of 16:37, 28 July 2014

Chris uploads an "Audio Only" video, holding a sign in front of the camera the entire time. He sings "Don't Trust Any Homos Over There" for Julie, which is his own version of "Don't Trust them New Niggas Over There" by The Boondocks' self-hating black character Uncle Ruckus. The only differences between these songs is that Chris replaced "nigga" with "homo" in some places in an attempt to make the song homophobic, but still left the other racist lyrics intact.

This is the second time Chris imitates Uncle Ruckus, the first time being the BlueSpike PSN Chats. The parallels between Uncle Ruckus and Chris are uncanny. Uncle Ruckus is a self-hating black man, who frequently denies his blackness at every given opportunity. Chris finds every opportunity to show off his homophobia and deny his homosexuality.

Within two hours of posting the video Chris added a description to it making excuses and apologizing "for any misunderstandings that may lead to hard feelings" and made a follow-up video called "I'm Sorry, Dude" where he apologized to an acquaintance who saw it (or at least, Chris thinks he did) and was offended.


Don't Trust Any Homos Over There
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Stardate 15 June 2009
Subject Matter HomosHomos Homos, MusicMusic Music
Other AudioAudio Audio
Captain's Log, Stardate May 22nd, 2009
Captain's Log, Stardate July 1st, 2009


Hello, my name ain't Uncle Ruckus, no relation. I'm going to sing y'all a song I just made up. It's called "Don't Trust Any Homos Over There." Sing along if you know the words.


Don't trust any homos over there

Leavin' their homo stank in the air

Them sappy lappy dumb homos

With their nigga finger on the trigga

Don't trust any homos over there!

Don't trust them crass nostrils over yonda

They suck up so much air, it'll make you wonda!

Don't trust any homos

With their jabba flippin' jabber

Don't trust any homos over there

Woman and man make da babies

Straight way is the way to play

No ifs, or buts, or maybes

Man plays with pussy to get that ticket to heaven

They stay true from 69 to 11

We be playin' hos over bros everyday

We get full pleasure and no sin and pain

Give no pity to them homos they going straight to hell

Don't trust any homos over there

Don't trust them crass nostrils over yonda

They suck up so much air, it'll make you wonda

Don't trust them any homos

With their jibber jabba flippin' jabber

And a nigger finger at the trigga!

Don't trust any homos over there



He later added the following description:

**This video is directed towards the mean and cruel men who may or may not be homos; it is NOT directed towards the nicer, more understanding Gentlemen, Straight or Homosexual.
  • I humbly apologize for any misunderstandings that may lead to hard feelings.

Also, I want to make it clear that I respect the number of gentlemen of either orientation that have done something worthwhile, like battle in a war, voice-acting, etc.

I'll stop there.

Original Boondocks Version


This video has been removed from YouTube and/or elsewhere by Jerkops, and requires immediate replacement.

See also

Chris's Big Night Out Chris's videos I'm Sorry, Dude