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[[Image:FattyLOL.jpg|thumb|right|horizontal stripes are very slimming!.]]
[[Image:FattyLOL.jpg|thumb|right|horizontal stripes are very slimming!.]]
Chris, as even those with a cursory knowledge of medicine could plainly see, is not in good health. Considering his [[obesity]], lack of exercise, poor nutrition, refusal to take a shower, and the grave disrepair/uncleanliness of his surroundings, he has an extremely high chance of developing potentially life threatening medical problems such as cancer, heart disease or diabetes.
Chris, as even those with a cursory knowledge of medicine could plainly see, is not in good health. Considering his [[obesity]], lack of exercise, poor nutrition, refusal to take a shower, and the grave disrepair/uncleanliness of his surroundings, he has an extremely high chance of developing potentially life threatening medical problems such as cancer, AIDS, heart disease or diabetes.


Revision as of 05:48, 5 September 2009

horizontal stripes are very slimming!.

Chris, as even those with a cursory knowledge of medicine could plainly see, is not in good health. Considering his obesity, lack of exercise, poor nutrition, refusal to take a shower, and the grave disrepair/uncleanliness of his surroundings, he has an extremely high chance of developing potentially life threatening medical problems such as cancer, AIDS, heart disease or diabetes.


Chris is a known fast food lover, keen to eating at McDonald's 2-3 times a week (when most doctors limit fast food intake to twice a month). However, it is speculated that, since his mother probably does not cook often due to her abnormal weight, the family eats out very often. On the rare occasion that Barbara does cook, it usually involves some cheap and easy-to-make food that often is not healthy. Many, many times, has Chris been shown to be a glutton for all kinds of food, eating excessively in public places and during parties. His complexion also gives insight into his daily nutrition, often showing various signs of acne and acne scarring. This could be used to infer that Chris never drinks water, and that he drinks a lot of carbonated drinks and energy drinks (which have been proven to increase erratic behavior). His most probable nutritional intake is as follows:

  • Breakfast: Usually nothing because he usually sleeps from 6 am to noon, but on the rare occasion he does eat McDonald's, or some other fast food restaurant with breakfast options.
  • Lunch: Fast food in the mall
  • Dinner: Eat out with family or poorly cooked meal by Barbara

In addition, it is believed that Chris's diet is one of the causes for Chris's fecal incontinence (the other one being ramming stuff in his shit tube), as chronic constipation can be one cause of fecal incontinence[citation needed]; casually, it happens that Chris's diet of McDonald's, microwaveable food, and little or no veggies or fruit is very likely ridiculously low on fiber and thus a sure-fire way of causing constipation, and Chris has been going on with this diet for who knows how many years.

In short, Chris is a fatty, he denies it, and his food makes him shit himself.


...while my body is Strong and Powerful, I am unable to Run Fast without losing breath 10-Seconds in Sonic-Running Speed.

Chris has probably never had any regular exercise since leaving high school, which has contributed to his already ballooning shape. This has also left his skin a frightening white that starkly contrasts to the dark background of his room while making videos. When questioned about exercise he regarded standing up and playing Guitar Hero as exercise. Needless to say Chris is clearly delusional. In Chris' PaRappa contest entry, where he had to dance, during the video he seemed to get tired very easily from dancing for a mere 30 seconds and even stopped recording to take a break (evidenced by the abrupt change of position).


And he [Sonichu] showers afterwards with shampoo and soap. He showers DAILY, and I shower Daily.
Chris, totally lying[2]

Chris's hygiene is perhaps his worst quality. Many times has Chris regarded Axe as a substitute for a shower, often leaving him with a rather pungent odor. According to Emily, he smelled of "rotten watermelons;" Robert Simmons V said that he had a variant of the homeless person stank, and field agents have said various degrees of shit, sometimes body odor masked with gallons of Axe. Other reports are he smells like rotting fish in the sun with soiled underwear and a hint of Axe. Because of the lack of showers (and/or Barbara's inability to clean properly), the kitchen and bath tiles are covered with a disgusting black and brown mold. In several videos, his neck sometimes seems to have an odd brownish crust around it. Some speculate it is simply a shadow, some believe it might be metal particles from his medallion's chain, but it is most likely the years of dirt and grime that have built up from a lack of showers.

Bet you wanna take a shower now, don't you. Go ahead, we'll wait.

Unless being immersed in his surroundings for so long has destroyed his ability to note his foul vapors, it's a marvel that Chris refuses to indulge in that most important of hygienic activities. Most likely, it's because time spent in the shower is time not spent playing video games, drawing terrible comics, or very slightly possibly getting laid. If he showered regularly, his -45% chance of finding a boyfriend-free girl would erupt all the way up to 0%.

Chris's hair

Cassie, co-founder of Sonichu Girls, asked Chris for locks of his hairs so all the Sonichu Girls can have them as a souvenir.

Because Chris can't say no to a pretty lady (or a dude pretending to be one, lol), he went to the trouble of cutting his hair, placing it into small baggies with a certificate of authenticity signed by the big C himself.

Due to the Mexican postal service (insert derogatory joke about Mexicans here), it took several months for the hair to reach Cassie. When she finally did, it was a shock.

Cassie described the hair as being "greasy" and having an odd odor. While Chris promised 200 locks of hair, only 23 packets were made. Chris included a letter to Cassie, in English and Chris's version of Spanish, with each side having a Sonichu drawing, where the Spanish side has Sonichu in a sombrero (you know, BECAUSE ALL MEXICANS WEAR OVERSIZE SOMBREROS).

Due to what is speculated to be a hormonal imbalance, Chris is balding prematurely at the age of 27, which has made him look creepier and more like a pedophile.

Gallery of Hair

FUN FACT: You can't actually clone people from hair trimmings, the only part of the hair that contains DNA is the root, so hair needs to be pulled out, rather than cut in order to make a clone. (possible future Trolling option?).

Mental health

As noted, Chris has a hostile relationship with psychotherapy, so there is little that can be said about what mental illnesses he has. Because autism isn't nearly enough to explain the full spectrum of his abject psyche, many observers have tried to pin down Chris for a variety of mental illnesses ranging from sociopathy (minus the increase in charisma) to narcissism (ditto). Chris is so very, very screwed up that it's impossible to tell if he's really mentally ill or just that much of a waste of space.

The one mental failing that debilitates Chris most, even more than his autism, is his rigid refusal to adapt to his environment. This stubbornness, more than anything else, is what makes him such a frustrating failure of a human being—he refuses to advance mentally beyond the mind of a 10-year-old with some Playboy magazines stuffed under his mattress. Whatever mental problems he may have are only exacerbated by this stubborn inability to mature or even alter his tactics.

The cause of his social awkwardness, narcissism, and several other unwanted traits come from his inept parents spoiling him and telling him life will be all sugar and rainbows. However, since Chris has been pampered and sheltered from basically all forms of outside influence, this has left Chris lacking experience with the real world and lacks basic feelings such as empathy, sympathy, consideration for others, and humility. His reaction of the real world can be best seen when confronted with trolls and such (for instance, he will freak out yell at things, blame his autism, and maybe crush a dildo). He also has a peculiar notion that he is slim, broad shouldered, tan, with a full head of hair, and generally not creepy. This image comes from two things:

  • His mother would always tell him how "handsome" he is (clearly she needs to seek professional help too)
  • He has an inability to remember faces (for example, during the Blanca incidents, they showed pictures of two different girls and he never suspected a thing; he thinks that he and Billy Mays would have looked the same if Billy shaved off his beard; and he believes Emily and Kim to be two different people when they are one and the same). In high school, he had to remember his own appearance in the mirror, leaving his younger and more youthful image of himself branded in his mind.

Generally, Chris also seems to be a bit of a sociopath, often times locking himself in his decrepit room for days, never seeing sunshine. In the psychology world, this is generally seen as a person who cannot confront their problems and deal with said problems by acting like a child.

Now many people think that Chris is misguided and simply needs to be steered in the right direction and all he needs is a quick talk. However…

Other deformities

Chris's duck is a thing of horror, bent at an irregular angle. Armchair physicians have diagnosed him with Peyronie's disease, which causes the penis to be crooked. Trolls rather believe he bent his dick due to incredibly furious fapping. While correctable, the process is expensive, and Chris has other, more important things on which to spend his (by "his" we mean "taxpayers'") money.

Chris is also mildly heterochromatic. He cites taking medicine from when he had pink eye as causing his right eye to turn green during high school, although the above armchair physicians have their doubts about this origin story; in this photo of a young Chris, his right eye is green. He probably tells this story so people think he's special.

His voice is also a very severe deformity, ranging in pitch from normal to the sound of a 3-year old girl on helium.


Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games