Chris and reality

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Reality is the universe from which Chris is quite detached. Chris has demonstrated considerable difficulty distinguishing fantasy and reality.

Fantasy and Fiction

CWCville is the name of the idyllic fantasy world of Chris's imagination. It is his preferred means of escape from a world that does not give Chris what he feels reasonably entitled to. Above all else, CWCville is built around Chris's comfort and convenience. As its mayor, Chris enjoys as much power and as little responsibility as he wants.


Chris believes that CWCville, as all other products of his imagination, actually exist in a parallel universe he calls a "Toon World," where they are free to mingle with all other fictional cartoon characters, citing the film Who Framed Roger Rabbit? as a model. Chris considers anyone who does not accept this thinking "naïve."[1] Chris admits that CWCville is not real only to pacify others too slow in the mind to comprehend this idea.

I don't have to Justify Sonichu and Rosechu; they can take of that themselves.
Chris 20 January 2009

All of Chris's characters are aware that Chris is the creator of their reality. Sonichu and Rosechu both refer to him as "father," in much the same way a Christian might consider God to be their father. Chris believes his characters possess the free will to make their own decisions, and that he is not responsible for their actions. It is Slaweel Ryam, not Chris, who apologizes for slandering Mary Lee Walsh.[2] Chris once justified his refusal to write Simonla out of the comic by saying that she would not want to leave CWCville, and that she and Wild would fight for her right to stay.[3] Chris considers everything drawn, written, or even said about CWCville is canon, and feels it necessary to explain away undesirable changes to CWCville made as a result of outside influences.

Real Life

Chris has a tendency to exaggerate estimates of length, weight, and strength toward his favor. This tendency seems to suggest not mere ignorance, but Chris's perception that the limits of his physical potential are inherently impressive to others.

Where objective reality conflicts with them, Chris expects his self-favoring opinions to be accepted by others as the truth.

When asked by Evan to remove Simonla from his comics, Chris decided that he could have created her without the inspiration of Evan's character Simonchu and thus effectively had.[4] Chris "corrected" Simonla's CWCipedia entry with a "retraction" denying Simonla was ever inspired by Simonchu.

Chris considers people with Asperger's Syndrome "fakers" who are taking "the Shine and Limelight" away from genuine Autistic people such as himself.[5] Although Chris has admitted that this "Fact" is only his "own idea," Chris sees accepting the truth to the contrary as "conform[ing] to blasphem[y]."[6]

Chris and Magic

See also: Chris the Shaman

Through Chris's perception of God as an implement of his will comes the delusion that he has magical powers that will permit him to eventually succeed over the enemies that he is unable to dispatch by any more conventional means.

The most notorious example is the Curse-ye-ha-me-ha, a power that supposedly bestows terrible fortune on the recipient. Chris has performed this curse on innumerable occasions, both over the internet and in public. He has even retracted the curse albeit reluctantly on at least three occasions [7] [8] [9] with a "Forgiveness Blessing'" which further cements Chris's belief in its efficacy. He also believes that he has the power to brainwash people into following his commands and to sic the spirit of his dead dog to attack people in their sleep. Chris believes that he may have other latent powers that he may discover when the opportunity presents itself.[10] All of this magic is supposedly powered by his preferred personal relic of the day.

When asked by a fan how he came to learn of his powers, Chris replied:

I have learned about the Curses actually working firstly when I cursed the real-life Mary Lee Walsh; then I later heard that her reputation at PVCC went DOWN (yes, mostly due to my references in the pages), but then things got worse for her, and even though I forgave her for her misdeed on interrupting my Sweetheart Search, I feel she definitely got what she deserved for her misdeed. Later, I cursed one specific Troll (I forget who); shortly later, I learn that troll came down with a life-threatening ailment.
Chris, Mailbag 18

This is textbook magical thinking. This belief gives Chris the some degree of power over his own life, no matter how illusory. This use of fantasy is considered by the psychological community to be an immature defense mechanism.

Conspiracy theories

Chris views the fact of his own life through the lens of his ego. Chris believes that anyone who prevents him from getting what he wants is only interested in being mean to him for its own sake.

Chris believes that he was intentionally infected with autism by his doctor [11]. Anyone who hinders Chris's Love Quest is part of an effort to "make true love illegal," either in Virginia or nation-wide.[12][13] This choice of words suggests that Chris believes that he is entitled to a girlfriend, and that people are attempting to take legal action to deprive him of this alleged right. Chris

When no culprit responsible for his unhappiness is visible, Chris prefers to accuse unseen hands of plotting against him. Chris blamed his inability to find guests to a sporting event on efforts by the Greene County school board to deprive him of friends; including conspiracy with realtors to keep him in Ruckersville and with Michael Snyder to keep him out of his favorite hangout.[14]


Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games