These are livestreams filmed by Chris in November 2024, influenced by Praetor.
Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024
Jesus Christ Chan Reacting to Presidential Elections 2024 is a livestream done by Chris on 5 November 2024. Chris watches the 2024 U.S. presidential election results and projections from a news livestream for about an hour and closes the stream out by playing video games on his Nintendo Switch.
Profiles on Chris's
Nintendo Switch revealed in this livestream. The names of them are unknown.
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- 01:23: [Stream begins. Chris's Kamala Harris signs are placed on the green screen behind him, revealing they weren't stolen.]
- 03:44: Chris reads a Super Chat donation from his phone and thanks his fans in Brazil.
- 05:24: Chris stands up to turn up the ceiling fan.
- 08:25: North Carolina is mentioned, causing Chris to rant about people taking pictures of him in public. "Seriously, are y'all really just like Oh, I have no life so I'm just going to take a bigfoot photo of Chris Cha- or Christ Chan."
- 18:51: A donor tells Chris to turn up his microphone due to him being hard to hear. Chris denies the request. "I mean, I'm not gonna fall for that meme again! Nope!"
- 21:13: A donor tells Chris to stop ignoring them on social media. Chris responds "I have a life outside of social media, you know. It's not like I'm ignoring anybody, I mean, I have lots and lots of messages and whatnot! What's wrong with you?"
- 22:55: A donor gives Chris their Twitter handle and asks for a follow. Chris searches for the account on his phone and says he couldn't find it.
- 26:11: The previously mentioned donor helps Chris find their Twitter account with another donation. Chris finds the account on his phone and says he will think about following it. When asked about it again about 12 minutes later he says "I am still deciding on that. Let it be a pleasant surprise if I do, okay?"
- 27:20: Chris curses Donald Trump nonverbally and then moves the camera slightly.
- 29:30: A donor asks "Christine, how do you think Georgia will go?" Chris responds "I'm not saying anything about Georgia right now... 'cause I'm not a fan of what I'm foreseeing with that."
- 39:21: A donor tells Chris they need help with homework and asks him what a predicate is. Chris says he doesn't "consciously know" what it is and searches it up on his phone to read out the definition. "I pray that at least answers your question."
- 41:28: The voting demographic of elderly people makes Chris wonder "what's wrong with those people?" He then says "nothing against them personally" because they have their own "individual wisdoms and insights", and mentions "brain mentality, what can happen to the brain at an old age." Chris then decides to stop talking about it. "I feel like that's enough said, I'm not gonna... say anymore."
- 44:01: Chris gives his thoughts on political third parties. "Third parties are okay. It's just unfortunate that they're not as popular."
- 44:47: Chris says the dimensional merge is happening regardless of the election's outcome. It is also in progress, just open your mind and look at the rifts forming in the sky. "They're there!"
- 48:28: A donor asks Chris to "do a poo." Chris complies and makes a fart noise with his mouth. "There you go. That's it."
- 49:23: The same previously mentioned donor donates again and says "poo a do," prompting Chris to blow a raspberry and say "Yeah, I'm not going to repeat myself."
- 50:29: The donor makes a third donation and says "a do poo." "You keep- Of all the words you keep, uh, typing up through the Super Chat... You do short words like that."
- 51:07: The donor makes a fourth donation and says "a poo do", Chris sighs, looks disappointed, and blows a raspberry. "Oh, just keep it up, you're really laughing it up here. You're doing a real low tier comedy show with those... those Super Chat fails."
- 52:17: The donor makes a fifth donation and says "do some poo poos." Chris then says "No. Nobody's doing... that. Nobody's making any crap on livestreams. We're not doing that, this is not that type of show, I'm not going to talk with the individuals, so there." The donor later makes two more donations, both of which are ignored, successfully wasting their money.
- 56:02: A donor asks Chris to bring the webcam to the bathroom the next time he uses it. Chris replies "No, we're not bringing the ca- webcam anywhere outside this room."
- 1:00:49: A donor says "Daniel Larson for president!" Chris replies "I am not going to agree with that... at all."
- 1:04:25: A donor asks if Chris would give a closer view of the Kamala Harris signs behind him. Chris replies "Nope."
- 1:05:15: A donor tells Chris to either turn down the stream volume or turn his microphone up. Chris instead tells the donor to simply turn up their speakers. Chris turns down the stream volume a small amount.
- 1:16:21: Chris stops watching the stream and takes a "little break," saying he will be back with gameplay.
- 1:20:27: Chris returns with the screen now broadcasting his Nintendo Switch. Chris attempts to play SONIC X SHADOW GENERATIONS but ultimately fails, mentioning supposed audio issues.
- 1:21:57: Chris opens the home of his Nintendo Switch and reveals there are two new profiles on it. It should be noted that Chris likely purposefully made sure to not reveal the names of these profiles as he stops broadcasting his console screen when he switches to the next game, Vampire Survivors, since a demo is apparently offered to Nintendo Switch Online members.
- 1:46:50: Chris stops playing Vampire Survivors and talks briefly for about 30 seconds before ending the stream.
Jesus Christ Chan - Shadow Generations Speed Run
Jesus Christ Chan - Shadow Generations Speed Run is a livestream done by Chris on 23 November 2024. Chris begins playing Sonic X Shadow Generations, specifically the Shadow Generations portion, and finishes it in one session. This is notably Chris's longest livestream to date, being shortly over three and a half hours in length.
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[Link to Chris's Bluesky profile]
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- 04:23: Chris says he will fully move to Bluesky when he reaches 50 thousand followers.
- 07:31: A donor asks Chris if Ren Ryghts died. Chris says he believes that he is alive, but he hasn't "been in touch with them that much."
- 09:24: A donor asks Chris if there are any updates on the merge. Chris replies saying that it is "nearing completion" and it is "99.99999%" complete.
- 16:38: A donor asks Chris to come to Brazil. Chris replies saying that he has heard "mixed things" about it.
- 19:26: A donor tells Chris "We know what you did". Chris gets very quiet.
- 27:20: A super chat about Geno Samuel leads to a tangent about how no one have a full picture of Chris's life.
- 39:57: A donor asks Chris "When are you going to announce the child you're having?". Chris replies "when the child is actually coming into play or somewhere around that point or I just might keep y'all in the dark and wait until after the child is born."
- 56:31: Chris says that he likes "smart and insightful" women.
- 3:05:45: A donor asks Chris if Kamala won in another dimension. Chris replies saying that she will win in this timeline and dimension.
- 3:15:04: Chris stops the stream to take an estrogen pill.