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One's '''personality''' is a set of mental, emotional, and behavioral qualities that make up an individual's character. Studying personality is a key aspect of psychology, allowing experts to know what makes people the way they are. There are many methods for testing one's personality, with some backed by decades of scientific research, and others created by random people on [[Facebook]] to show ads.

{| class="wikitable sortable"
Chris's personality is quite eclectic. It is what draws countless people around the globe to study and follow his antics. He has spoken quite a bit on his own idea of his personality, but his own insight doesn't always jive with [[reality]].
! Card
His personality has undergone quite the change since Bob's death, with some traits undergoing a full 180.
! Name
! Type
! Icon
! Effect
[[File:Myers-Briggs type indicator.jpg|thumb|The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a popular personality test system.]]
! Description
Personality testing is a controversial field, with few tests used universally within the scientific community. Even the famous Myers-Briggs test, while useful for rough workplace assessments, is somewhat vague. It misses key areas like creativity and openness, and people who take the test often get different results over time. The closest thing to a gold standard is the Big Five, or OCEAN test.  
! Date published
This article discusses various aspects of Chris's personality, but is not to be taken as a substitute for an actual psych-eval.
| [[File:Cwc_Spells.jpg|150px]]
| CWCSpells
==Introversion vs extraversion==
| Ship
Chris has shown traits of both introversion (reservedness, solitude) and extraversion (people-seeking, sociability) over the years. It should be be noted that no person is a true introvert or a true extrovert, rather it is more akin to a [[Autism|spectrum]] which people fall on, and people can behave differently in different contexts.
| Heart
| When attached to the grid, you may copy the power of any Ship card currently on the shipping grid for this card's power.
At [[Manchester High School|high school]], Chris appears to have been fairly introverted, though with a drive to be extroverted. A [[Manchester_High_Leaks#Getting_Acquainted|leaked icebreaker worksheet]] shows that Chris only talked to 7 of his class-mates. They were all [[Noviophobia|female]]. Despite trying to later hold a high school reunion, in the [[Song of Christian]], a 16-year old Chris describes having few friends and how his "loneliness is off the scale”. Even with the social prestige of being a water-boy to the school [[Bionic the Hedgehog|basketball team]] and his [[Gal-pals]], Chris took his [[Barbara Chandler|mom]] to the school prom. Nearly 10 years after the prom, Chris talked about feeling like an outcast at the prom, however his highlight of the evening was when one of his [[Tiffany Gowen|gal-pals]] felt sorry for him and "pulled [him] onto the dance floor". This dance "felt like hours" to Chris.<ref>[[User:ChrisChanSonichu profile#The Seinor Prom]]</ref>
| "Discard 1 Spell Card from your hand. Add 2 Spell Cards from your Deck to your hand; shuffle your Deck afterwards. “When activating this card. announce that you will "Activate your Quick Spells with your CWCSpells.""
-"C.W.C." Spells Quick Spells! Yu-Gi-Oh! card.  
Around the time of discovery by [[Encyclopedia Dramatica]], Chris was mainly an introvert. He kept to himself and barely spoke to anyone but his sweetheart. He joined most public chats in both [[IRC|text]] and [[Mumble|voice]] forms only after being goaded by his current sweetheart<ref>[[BlueSpike Skype Logs 5#February 10]]</ref> or a troll. And even in these chats, he didn't converse a lot, and only answered questions directed towards him. Even while playing video games, he mostly stuck to playing single player games such as God of War, Pokemon, Sonic and Animal Crossing. Any multiplayer game he did play was mostly with his sweetheart like LittleBigPlanet and Burnout Paradise. Before his discovery, when he frequented the THe GAMe PLAce, he mostly kept to himself (and Megan), and rarely interacted with other people except during card games.<Ref>[[Lucas and Mimms Q&A#Chris's behavior]]</ref>
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name="29Dec19">https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-1341#post-5784777</ref>
Classic Chris, therefore would clearly fall on the introvert side of the spectrum but he isn't a full on introvert as he did visit an [[Anime Mid-Atlantic|anime expo in 2004 and 2005]]. New Chris however would easily fall on he extrovert side since 2017 as he started publicly responding to people, started playing multiplayer and co-op games such as Tetris 99 and PayDay 2, visited multiple conventions like [[Bronycon]], [[Omegacon]], [[BABScon]] and the [[TooManyGames]] expo. He has also started streaming videos, and answering questions his fans have. He has also joined public and private discord groups, though his interaction with other humans in them is limited. On [[Twitter]], he has started interacting (although poorly) to a ton of people ranging from artists to [[enablers]].
| [[File:CWC-Play.jpg|150px]]
| CWC-Play
==Kindness vs resentment==
| Goal
:''Main article: [[Kindness]]''
| Check Mark
| Win this Goal when:
While Chris may strive to be kind, his efforts often fall flat and instead come across as annoying, overwhelming or creepy. Chris at least shows he makes an effort to look like a kind person, and he has referred to himself as the "kind and compassionate Christine Chandler".<ref>[[A New, Fun Trick]]</ref> But saying you're kind and actually being kind are two different things.
Chris Chan or Christine Chan are shipped with Chris Chan or Christine Chan. This Goal is worth 3 points if at the moment. front or back of a card. presently on the grid. or face-up Goals. is signed by Christine Weston Chandler Sonichu.
| What fun it is when two self-counterparts work together to save and defend the lives of many between Dimensions.
Many of Chris's attempts at being kind, from calling complete strangers "[[darling]]" to [[TooManyGames|kissing]] guys he just met, are a clear violation of other's boundaries and easily make people feel uncomfortable. Ironically, his attempts can be quite unkind.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
==Empathy vs antipathy==
| [[File:Available_On_Commodore_Nintendo_Playstation_and_XBox.jpg|150px]]
:''Main articles: [[Remorse]] and [[Anger]]''
| Available On Commodore Nintendo Playstation and XBox
| Ship
Anger, or ''tard rage'' as trolls call it, is a defining feature of Chris's personality. Also notable is his lack of empathy, beyond the point where it can be autism-related.
| Heart
| Yet to be fully. properly, created in 1218, but have been in C-197, From Game Boy Advance to PS3 to XBox One. and even coming to upcoming Commodore gaming consoles. Sonichu, Rosechu and I have our own line of Pokemon and Individual video games; all of which are rated E (and M for the "Adult Chronicles” title) -Chris Chan Sonichu.  
Chris uses apologies as a performative tool for making amends and not as a genuine expression of guilt.
| What fun it is when two self-counterparts work together to save and defend the lives of many between Dimensions.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name="29Dec19">https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-1341#post-5784777</ref>
==Openness vs obstinacy==
In psychology, openness is a person's receptivity to new or unfamiliar experiences and ideas, including changes. 
| [[File:The_Devotees_of_Chris_Chan_Sonichu_(DoCCS).jpg|150px]]
| The Devotees of Chris Chan Sonichu (DoCCS)
It is to be noted that no person is completely open to change and no person is completely against it. People tend to be open regarding views to things that don't matter to them and like to remain closed about topics that is close to them. Chris is no exception.
| Ship
| Heart
Chris is not very open to thoughts that differ from his, he rejects opinions and actual scientific facts if they do not match his beliefs. When he used to hate the LGBT community, he would reject anyone trying to convince him otherwise how much ever sense they made. He had also gone to the point where he rejected the fact that Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism just because he didn't like it.  
| Whenever a Pony card attached with this Ship card would be moved on the shipping grid. the other pony connected to this Ship card moves as well.
This does not apply to discard rules.  
His hatred for the xbox too was due to him being closed on the subject, how many ever great games and features people showed him on the xbox, he would reject it and fixate on minor flaws the system had.
| The DoCC'S are a bunch of individuals who follow the guidance of Chris Chan Sonichu. the CPU Blue Heart of the Commodore Consoles and the Nation of chville. They share their kindness and loyalty and have the common bond of praying shares of their respective energy with Chris Chan. so she can do her best for Everybody, and with Everybody.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name="29Dec19">https://kiwifarms.net/threads/random-chris-updates.23605/page-1341#post-5784777</ref>
However, after he came out as a transgender, he became much more open to the LGBT and accepted people as equals, but his obstinacy has merely shifted topics, for example he completely believes in the Dimensional merge and anyone telling him otherwise is rejected as a troll. He openly rejects proof that the merge isn't happening and cherry picks minor incidents that seem to support his agenda.
| [[File:Jacob_S.jpg|150px]]
A lot of his close mindedness can be blamed on his autism, as autistics are generally scared of change.
| Jacob S.
| Pony
==Chris and personality tests==
| Male, Unicorn
[[File:Personality quiz.jpeg|thumb|Chris chose the blue option]]
|  Channeling Ritual (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn. discard it.
[[File:Miscpersonalitytestthing.jpg|thumb|Anudder one]]
| A sorcerer and channeler in Dimension 1218‘s Earth (Here). lake was a soul on Kidasuna in the Adromeda Galaxy. His soul. strong as a mighty dragon, he continued practicing his types of magic and rituals with the help of his adviser, Michiro, and his allies. He had misguided attempts that resulted badly, but he has reformed himself very well. Together. with the other sorcerers of1218, and those in G197, the Dimension Merge shall be completed, 100%.
[[File:This is Christine.png|thumb|another]]
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
Being a [[Twitter|social]] [[Facebook|media]] addict who also likes [[magical thinking]], it's no surprise that Chris is a fan of personality tests. He has taken many over the years, here are a few of them:
| [[File:Tri.jpg|150px]]
*'''A Magic: The Gathering quiz''' to find out that he is most like the white color typing, as each color associated with certain personality traits, the white type is associated with law and order, being the good guy beating up the bad guy.<ref>[[August_2019_social_media_posts#Chris_takes_a_M:TG_quiz|Post in question]]</ref> This seems to indicate that Chris held to his idealistic views of good and evil, and wasn't being very true and honest in the test, since he is very anti-law when it stops him from doing what he wants.<ref>[[Chris_and_the_law#Legal_troubles]]</ref>
| Tri
| Pony
==Dissociative identity disorder==
| Male, Alicorn
Due to Chris's more recent behaviours, such as a belief in [[spirit possession]] and the manifestations of cartoon characters, Chris may indeed now have a mild trauma-induced strain of [[Wikipedia:Dissociative_identity_disorder|Dissociative identity disorder]], a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.<ref>https://archive.is/cAquC Archived article on DID, Chris shows many of the indicators listed here</ref> This is most likely connected to manipulation from the [[Idea Guys]] and other traumas in his youth due to the mistreatment of those with ASD in a clinical and social environment. It is unknown how real the characters are to Chris, but he seems very adamant that they are real and manifest physically.
|  Psychic Power-Ups (Special): Until the end of your turn. All other Pony cards on the grid. including new incoming Pony cards. become (unicorn) This Power cannot be copied.
| A recent clone, out of three, from the colIected DNA strands between Sonichu, Angelica and Magi-Chan, that Giovanni ordered to happen. Tri was all up for working for and with Team Rocket. but then he met Meghan, the CPU Magenta Heart. who taught him that he did not have to be evil. And Tri Sonichu was reformed, and helps us out.
The main indicators of '''DID''' that Chris displays are:
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
*'''Daydreaming''' - Chris often mentions daydreaming as a form of meditation, during which Chris can "visit Cwcville", Chris's [[cwcville|imaginary city]] where he is the overlord.
*'''Imaginary friends''' - Chris has a belief that all comic book characters are real people, as autonomous as any human, and that these characters exist in the real world and speak to him in his head.<ref>[[Magi-Chan]]</ref>
| [[File:Topher.jpg|150px]]
*'''Reality/Fantasy overlap''' - Chris not only believes that the fantasy world of cartoons is real, but that one day it will merge with reality, and that already characters like [[Sonichu (character)|Sonichu]], [[Mewtwo]], and [[Magi-chan]] have manifested themselves physically.
| Topher
*'''Transitional Objects as Self''' - Chris has often emotionally attached himself to objects, resulting in [[Tour_of_Chris%27s_House_III|hoarding]], but the place in which this behaviour is most prevalent is with his character Sonichu. Chris identifies as Mother (previously Father) of Sonichu, and indeed all Sonichus, which results in him being protective of them, causing making things like putting them in danger in the comics seem [[Chris and writing|immoral]] to him.
| Pony
*'''Time Loss''' - Due to Chris's reportedly long daydreaming sessions, and poor memory associated with them, and his frequent and aggressive habit of lying it can be suspected that this is a result of DID.
| Male, Earth Pony
*'''Ability to Cut Off from Pain and an Awareness of Danger''' - Chris's peculiar approach to emotional pain, namely that he'll randomly cut off from it totally, can be ascribed partially to ASD, but there is also a chance it is also a symptom from some form of '''DID'''. Chris will produce very random responses, trolls efforts to destroy things that are close to him<ref>[[Medallions#Mark_1_.28and_decoy.29|Like his first medallion]]</ref> or kill those close to him<ref>Such as several gal-pals, examples of whom are: [[PandaHalo]], [[Sarah May]] and [[Ivy]].</ref> sometimes result in Chris showing little to no signs of caring in the slightest.
|  Zappin' Sparks (Special): While this card is in your hand. you may discard a Pony card with the Villain keyword from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied.  
| In Dimension H-684. Sonichu and Rosey’s children are Topher and Isty. chville is overtaken by Giovanni, Eggman. and the Hatchlings. Topher takes after his father. and remains loyal to his friends, family and hometo wn. He is still building up his running speed. but he IS almost matching in power and skills as his father. Between him and Isty, the two of them can each overpower powered-up Legendary Pokemon.  
With this evidence, particularly noting the trauma that Chris must have received from the Idea Guy's manipulations, and Chris's current beliefs about the existence of imaginary places and people, and their ability to possess him, one may conclude that Chris having a mild form of '''DID''' is likely.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
==="Christian" vs "Christopher"===
| [[File:Wes-Li.jpg|150px]]
For two days in [[August 2009]] Chris tried to convince [[Kacey]] and the rest of his fans that he had [[Wikipedia:Dissociative_identity_disorder|Dissociative identity disorder]], a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. One of these "personalities" was named "Christopher" and the other named "Christian", as demonstrated in a [[30_August_2009|video]] from the time.  
| Wes-Li
| Pony
The video's original subject was quickly derailed by "Christopher", Chris's more "repressed" personality, by interrupting "Christian" mid-sentence, and having a free-flowing sentence with "Christian", something which is almost impossible for somebody with '''DID''' to do, due to usually not sharing memories, or surfacing at the same time. Chris did not end up managing to fool anyone into believing he had the disorder, and Kacey reprimanded him for pretending to have '''DID''' and lying to her. Chris apologised and said he made it up to "fuel" the trolls, which still leaves one to wonder why he tried to convince Kacey it was true.
| Male, Unicorn
|  Illusionary Flames (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn. discard it.  
==See also==
| Wes Islei is a Special half-Sonichu who performed as a magician in his human form. He had a relationship with one Sarah Hammer. an old friend of Chris Chan's, whose return into her fife made him feel rivaled. Finding that the rivalry was meant to be. he took the fact that she broke up with him, because he wasn't as huge a success as she had thought of him, out on Chris Chan Sonichu. -‘Sonichu" book 32, .25
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
<references />
| [[File:Zappy.jpg|150px]]
{{Chris and}}
| Zappy
| Pony
| Male, Ground Pony
|  Dark Pulse Jolt (Special): When this card is shipped with four Pony cards. discard three of them. and then swap this card with another Pony card on the grid. This power cannot be copied.
| A recent clone, out of three. from the collected DNA strands between Sonichu. Angelica and Magi-Chan, that Giovanni ordered to happen. Zappy is a major a-hole With a heart darker than any heart can get. He is cunning, wise-cracking, and has Darkness typing and abilities on top of his normal electric typing and abilities, and he was jacked up on attack candies. The most devious amongst Team Rocket‘s Clones.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Stevenchu.jpg|150px]]
| Stevenchu
| Pony
| Male, Unicorn
|  Fire Punch (Special): You may have your opponent discard two random cards from their hand.  
| Stevenchu was born from a Sonichu and a Torracat. He travels to the Nether to obtain Blaze Rods to channel its fire abilities to boost his own.
OC by @Sarah_and_Steve
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Sackboy_Sonichu.jpg|150px]]
| Sackboy Sonichu
| Pony
| Male, Unicorn
|  Speed-Building (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid. 
| On the LittleBiGPlanet of Craftworld, there lives, amongst the Sackboys, Sackgirls, and Sachcreatures, the Sonichus and Rosechus. This one is the mightiest. strongest. fastest. agile. and most able amongst the others, comparable to the Sonichu (Prime) on Earth. He has traversed many a planet and dimension in his travels as well, and bringing speedy crafting and a smile to everyone.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Timechu.jpg|150px]]
| Timechu
| Pony
| Male, Unicorn
| Time Skip (Special): You may discard 1 active Goal and replace it with one from the Goal discard pile. This power cannot be copied.
| Time'chu is a Sonichu with technical knowledge and skills. He ended up being exposed to an energy force that triggered his own time particles. making him unstable to stay in a timeline. He crafted a device that stablizes him and allows him to jump forward and back in time. as well as slipping into and out of 1218, C-197 and local Dimensions in this exact timeline. This one was born in Australia and speaks with a surfer dialogue.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Sarahchu.jpg|150px]]
| Sarahchu
| Pony
| Female, Unicorn
| Poison Jab (Replace): While this card is in your hand. you may discard a Pony card from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied. 
| Sarahchu was born from a Lopunny and a Rosechu. She is unable to produce her own offspring. Its mysterious secondary poison typing baffles scientists to this day.
OC by @Sarah_and_Steve 
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Sasha-Chi.jpg|150px]]
| Sasha-Chi
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Stealthy Shurikin (Special): You may discard a Pony card with the Villain keyword from the grid.  
| Sasha-Chi is the leader of the trio of Ninja Special Rosechus. Her specialty weapons are shurikin and katana blades, of which she can create from lightning, and she carries metal shurikin for assurance against her distant foes. She will always remain loyal to her sisters and the other Sonichus and Rosechus. and their allies.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Silvachu.jpg|150px]]
| Silvachu
| Pony
| Male, Ground Pony
| Sharpen (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it.  
| Silvachu is a special steel/electric type. He has a unique ability to sharpen his arms to chop down even the mightiest and thickest of trees; even petrified wood is no match for him. His tail is always strong and able to cut like an axe. He controls the rigidness with his anger levels.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Saramah.jpg|150px]]
| Saramah
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Accurate Arrows (Replace): While this card is in your hand. you may discard a Pony card from the grid and play this card in its place. This power cannot be copied.  
| Sarah was Chris Chan’s childhood BFF; they got separated when he had to move to Richmond to attend Middle and High School. They got back together and hung for a while during college years. Turns out Sarah is a Special half-Rosechu as well. She possesses a keen mind, psychic intellect and great archery skills. Even married nowadays, she still has to defend herself and her family from the occasional hard trouble or villain.  
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Pending_Doom_Card.jpg|150px]]
| Pending Doom
| Pony
| Male, Unicorn
| Dark Flames (Swap): You may swap 2 Pony cards on the shipping grid.
| Pending Doom is one of a few anthromorphicised Pokemon of Megan Schroeder/CPU Red Heart. Upon hearing his eerie howls, other Pokémon get the shivers and head straight back to their nests. He spew flames mixed with poison to finish off his opponents.  
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Nana-Mi.jpg|150px]]
| Nana-Mi
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Reading the Fine Print (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn. discard it.
| Nana-Mi is the brains and smarts of the trio of Ninja Special Rosechus. Her specialty weapons are her Kusara Kama and secondary bo staff. The three of them being born in Japan. but relocated to America for Cwcille‘s defense, Nana-Mi keeps an interest in Japanese current events, heritage. culture. and other histories. But in the midst of battle. she would rather defend her sisters over all of the libraries of books in the worlds.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Sarachu.jpg|150px]]
| Sarachu
| Pony
| Female, Unicorn
| Great Balls of Fire (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid.
| Sarachu is a special Rosechu who was born from within a volcano in Alola on the dog day of August. Her flames are known to get hotter than a Magcargo's body. But she’s still huggable; she is capable of cooling herself down in social events. She enjoys attending the luau parties and events.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Kristal-La-Trois.jpg|150px]]
| Kristal-La-Trois
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Attract (Special): When this card is played on the grid. you may choose up to 3 other Pony cards on the grid. Each Pony card and one attached Ship card is moved and attached to Kristal-La-Trois instead.
| Kristal has a unique ability of instantly charming Anyone into infatuation and attraction; this ability is boosted when she is better-dressed. She's had it rough, as she was emotionally abused. She goes to support groups and professional psychiatric therapy. but old developed habits die hard. She is useful in distracting the enemy, regardless of gender.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Martyn.jpg|150px]]
| Kristal-La-Trois
| Pony
| Male, Alicorn
| Back to the F uture (Special): Once during a turn. when this card become (hourglass). you may draw a card from the Pony or Ship deck. This power cannot be copied. 
| Martyn Sonichu is the future child of Magi-Chan Sonichu and Sylvana Rosechu, coming from around the year 2035, AD, in the Alpha Timeline of the merged Dimension of 1C-211987. He comes back in time to help out in the good fights and battles when even his mother and father were out-witted. and That does not happen often. Martyn’s learned from beyond the very best of psychic types. 
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Kacey_Card.jpg|150px]]
| Kacey
| Pony
| Female, Unicorn
| Blizzard (New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it.
| Kacey is a special ice electric Rosechu. She generally likes to have a good time and hang with her friends. She's also held a few jobs, including as a restaurant server. and still presently as a fossil researcher and attendant at the Cwcille Museum. 
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Mina-La.jpg|150px]]
| Mina-La
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Aura Sphere ( New Goal): You may discard 1 active Goal and draw 1 new Goal to replace it.
| Mina-La is the aggressive and better physical strength of the trio of Nima Special Rosechus. Her specialty weapons are her aura spheres. fists. and nunchucks. As the shortest of the three. she tends to feel distant, but she is closes: with her sisters. When the chips are down, she will rush in with the best of close-range combat to send their foes flying. 
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Isty.jpg|150px]]
| Itsy
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Witty Observations (Search) You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn. discard it.
| In Dimension H-684. Sonichu and Rosey's children are Topher and Isty. Cwcville is overtaken by Giovanni. Eggman, and the Hatchlings. Isty is an intelligent and sassy gal: she sometimes has to guide Topher on missions and quests. On her own, she can still land quite the punches, thunderbolts and fury. She was hatched while Sonichu and Rosey were vacationing in Alola. Isty takes after her mother in some ways. 
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:J-Chu.jpg|150px]]
| J-Chu
| Pony
| Male, Pegasus
| Leading the Skies (3-Way Swap): You may swap up to 3 Pony cards on the grid. 
| J-Chu is a Special Half-Sonichu/Half-human from Dimension 1218: mentally stable, he works with the US Army Force as a Piloting Captain of the skies. Trading jets for the wings on his back. he is capable of catching up to the fastest flying jet or spacecraft ever in local and distant skies. He can literally think within milliseconds to do what he and his crew needs to do to defend America. and the Earths.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Jiggliami_Card.jpg|150px]]
| Jiggliami
| Pony
| Female, Ground Pony
| Sing (Draw): You may draw 1 card from the Ship or Pony deck.
| Sonichu and Jiggliami were friends. as Pikachu and Jigglypuff, before the Chaotic Rainbow of 2003 transformed him. Rosey. and even this Jigglypuff became affected by the energy of the rainbow. It transformed her into what she still is today. She 15 a Pop-Star Singer with many an album release. Jigqliami had recognized Sonichu as the Pikachu she knew. She attempted to rekindle the friendship; he barely remembered at first, but ended up remembering it all later. Jigghami still tours, worldwide, in her singing carrer.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Devilica.jpg|150px]]
| Devilica
| Pony
| Female, Pegasus
| Deviations (Keyword. Gender or Race Change): Until the end of your turn. you may change the gender or race. or add a keyword. of a Pony shipped with this card. 
| A recent clone. out of three, from the coIIected DNA strands between Sonichu, Angelica and Magi-Chan, that Giovanni ordered to happen. Devilica turned out wanting to deviate and go her own way with passion and snark. She ended up in the slums of Cwcille. where she made friends with two very active Rosechus. but it was not easy for her to open up. Devilica was not one to talk about her feelings or trust others so easily and recklessly. But, they earned her respect.
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>
| [[File:Calvin_Cooley.jpg|150px]]
| Calvin_Cooley
| Pony
| Male, Ground Pony
| BASIC (Search): You may search the Ship or Pony discard pile for 1 card of your choice and put it into your hand. If it's still in your hand at the end of your turn. discard it.
| Cal is one of the two leader Trollbusters: high-functioning autistic. serious and nerdy, and very intelligent and smart in technology. Together with Dee-Squared. they go around the internet, and offline in investigations. to locate the worst of Online Haters. Bad Trolls and CyberBullies. 
| 29 December 2019 (leaked)<ref name=29Dec19></ref>

Latest revision as of 08:59, 9 September 2020

One's personality is a set of mental, emotional, and behavioral qualities that make up an individual's character. Studying personality is a key aspect of psychology, allowing experts to know what makes people the way they are. There are many methods for testing one's personality, with some backed by decades of scientific research, and others created by random people on Facebook to show ads.

Chris's personality is quite eclectic. It is what draws countless people around the globe to study and follow his antics. He has spoken quite a bit on his own idea of his personality, but his own insight doesn't always jive with reality.

His personality has undergone quite the change since Bob's death, with some traits undergoing a full 180.


The Myers-Briggs type indicator is a popular personality test system.

Personality testing is a controversial field, with few tests used universally within the scientific community. Even the famous Myers-Briggs test, while useful for rough workplace assessments, is somewhat vague. It misses key areas like creativity and openness, and people who take the test often get different results over time. The closest thing to a gold standard is the Big Five, or OCEAN test.

This article discusses various aspects of Chris's personality, but is not to be taken as a substitute for an actual psych-eval.

Introversion vs extraversion

Chris has shown traits of both introversion (reservedness, solitude) and extraversion (people-seeking, sociability) over the years. It should be be noted that no person is a true introvert or a true extrovert, rather it is more akin to a spectrum which people fall on, and people can behave differently in different contexts.

At high school, Chris appears to have been fairly introverted, though with a drive to be extroverted. A leaked icebreaker worksheet shows that Chris only talked to 7 of his class-mates. They were all female. Despite trying to later hold a high school reunion, in the Song of Christian, a 16-year old Chris describes having few friends and how his "loneliness is off the scale”. Even with the social prestige of being a water-boy to the school basketball team and his Gal-pals, Chris took his mom to the school prom. Nearly 10 years after the prom, Chris talked about feeling like an outcast at the prom, however his highlight of the evening was when one of his gal-pals felt sorry for him and "pulled [him] onto the dance floor". This dance "felt like hours" to Chris.[1]

Around the time of discovery by Encyclopedia Dramatica, Chris was mainly an introvert. He kept to himself and barely spoke to anyone but his sweetheart. He joined most public chats in both text and voice forms only after being goaded by his current sweetheart[2] or a troll. And even in these chats, he didn't converse a lot, and only answered questions directed towards him. Even while playing video games, he mostly stuck to playing single player games such as God of War, Pokemon, Sonic and Animal Crossing. Any multiplayer game he did play was mostly with his sweetheart like LittleBigPlanet and Burnout Paradise. Before his discovery, when he frequented the THe GAMe PLAce, he mostly kept to himself (and Megan), and rarely interacted with other people except during card games.[3]

Classic Chris, therefore would clearly fall on the introvert side of the spectrum but he isn't a full on introvert as he did visit an anime expo in 2004 and 2005. New Chris however would easily fall on he extrovert side since 2017 as he started publicly responding to people, started playing multiplayer and co-op games such as Tetris 99 and PayDay 2, visited multiple conventions like Bronycon, Omegacon, BABScon and the TooManyGames expo. He has also started streaming videos, and answering questions his fans have. He has also joined public and private discord groups, though his interaction with other humans in them is limited. On Twitter, he has started interacting (although poorly) to a ton of people ranging from artists to enablers.

Kindness vs resentment

Main article: Kindness

While Chris may strive to be kind, his efforts often fall flat and instead come across as annoying, overwhelming or creepy. Chris at least shows he makes an effort to look like a kind person, and he has referred to himself as the "kind and compassionate Christine Chandler".[4] But saying you're kind and actually being kind are two different things.

Many of Chris's attempts at being kind, from calling complete strangers "darling" to kissing guys he just met, are a clear violation of other's boundaries and easily make people feel uncomfortable. Ironically, his attempts can be quite unkind.

Empathy vs antipathy

Main articles: Remorse and Anger

Anger, or tard rage as trolls call it, is a defining feature of Chris's personality. Also notable is his lack of empathy, beyond the point where it can be autism-related.

Chris uses apologies as a performative tool for making amends and not as a genuine expression of guilt.

Openness vs obstinacy

In psychology, openness is a person's receptivity to new or unfamiliar experiences and ideas, including changes.

It is to be noted that no person is completely open to change and no person is completely against it. People tend to be open regarding views to things that don't matter to them and like to remain closed about topics that is close to them. Chris is no exception.

Chris is not very open to thoughts that differ from his, he rejects opinions and actual scientific facts if they do not match his beliefs. When he used to hate the LGBT community, he would reject anyone trying to convince him otherwise how much ever sense they made. He had also gone to the point where he rejected the fact that Asperger's syndrome is a form of autism just because he didn't like it.

His hatred for the xbox too was due to him being closed on the subject, how many ever great games and features people showed him on the xbox, he would reject it and fixate on minor flaws the system had.

However, after he came out as a transgender, he became much more open to the LGBT and accepted people as equals, but his obstinacy has merely shifted topics, for example he completely believes in the Dimensional merge and anyone telling him otherwise is rejected as a troll. He openly rejects proof that the merge isn't happening and cherry picks minor incidents that seem to support his agenda.

A lot of his close mindedness can be blamed on his autism, as autistics are generally scared of change.

Chris and personality tests

Chris chose the blue option
Anudder one

Being a social media addict who also likes magical thinking, it's no surprise that Chris is a fan of personality tests. He has taken many over the years, here are a few of them:

  • A Magic: The Gathering quiz to find out that he is most like the white color typing, as each color associated with certain personality traits, the white type is associated with law and order, being the good guy beating up the bad guy.[5] This seems to indicate that Chris held to his idealistic views of good and evil, and wasn't being very true and honest in the test, since he is very anti-law when it stops him from doing what he wants.[6]

Dissociative identity disorder

Due to Chris's more recent behaviours, such as a belief in spirit possession and the manifestations of cartoon characters, Chris may indeed now have a mild trauma-induced strain of Dissociative identity disorder, a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states.[7] This is most likely connected to manipulation from the Idea Guys and other traumas in his youth due to the mistreatment of those with ASD in a clinical and social environment. It is unknown how real the characters are to Chris, but he seems very adamant that they are real and manifest physically.

The main indicators of DID that Chris displays are:

  • Daydreaming - Chris often mentions daydreaming as a form of meditation, during which Chris can "visit Cwcville", Chris's imaginary city where he is the overlord.
  • Imaginary friends - Chris has a belief that all comic book characters are real people, as autonomous as any human, and that these characters exist in the real world and speak to him in his head.[8]
  • Reality/Fantasy overlap - Chris not only believes that the fantasy world of cartoons is real, but that one day it will merge with reality, and that already characters like Sonichu, Mewtwo, and Magi-chan have manifested themselves physically.
  • Transitional Objects as Self - Chris has often emotionally attached himself to objects, resulting in hoarding, but the place in which this behaviour is most prevalent is with his character Sonichu. Chris identifies as Mother (previously Father) of Sonichu, and indeed all Sonichus, which results in him being protective of them, causing making things like putting them in danger in the comics seem immoral to him.
  • Time Loss - Due to Chris's reportedly long daydreaming sessions, and poor memory associated with them, and his frequent and aggressive habit of lying it can be suspected that this is a result of DID.
  • Ability to Cut Off from Pain and an Awareness of Danger - Chris's peculiar approach to emotional pain, namely that he'll randomly cut off from it totally, can be ascribed partially to ASD, but there is also a chance it is also a symptom from some form of DID. Chris will produce very random responses, trolls efforts to destroy things that are close to him[9] or kill those close to him[10] sometimes result in Chris showing little to no signs of caring in the slightest.

With this evidence, particularly noting the trauma that Chris must have received from the Idea Guy's manipulations, and Chris's current beliefs about the existence of imaginary places and people, and their ability to possess him, one may conclude that Chris having a mild form of DID is likely.

"Christian" vs "Christopher"

For two days in August 2009 Chris tried to convince Kacey and the rest of his fans that he had Dissociative identity disorder, a mental disorder characterized by the maintenance of at least two distinct and relatively enduring personality states. One of these "personalities" was named "Christopher" and the other named "Christian", as demonstrated in a video from the time.

The video's original subject was quickly derailed by "Christopher", Chris's more "repressed" personality, by interrupting "Christian" mid-sentence, and having a free-flowing sentence with "Christian", something which is almost impossible for somebody with DID to do, due to usually not sharing memories, or surfacing at the same time. Chris did not end up managing to fool anyone into believing he had the disorder, and Kacey reprimanded him for pretending to have DID and lying to her. Chris apologised and said he made it up to "fuel" the trolls, which still leaves one to wonder why he tried to convince Kacey it was true.

See also


Chris and...

Body: DrugsFashionGenderHealthNutritionSex

Psyche: CopingManipulationMental healthcareNostalgiaReality

Personality: AngerEgoHypocrisyKindnessNegligencePersonalityRemorseStress

Expression: ArtCensorshipEnglishLanguageMusicOratorySpanishWriting

Society: ContestsDeathThe LawPoliticsPornographyRaceReadingReligionSexualitySocializationSports

Business: Brand loyaltyBusinessCopyrightMoneyNegotiationWork

Technology: CamerasElectronicsThe InternetScienceTelevisionVideo Games