The Place chats (June 2021)

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This page contains chats from the Watchmen Discord server The Place during June 2021.

First Layer chats

Chris and the Watchmen's untrusted guests chatted in this layer.

Everfree Northwest

6 June 2021

Hey, @everyone

So sorry for not being on as much, but my interdimensional work and efforts, as y’all know, do weigh on me, but it is worth it.

Also, the self-healing and loving is progressing very well.

For the moment, @MKR, Meghan! 😊

You will have a Local Brony Convention you can personally attend.

[Chris links to an Equestria Daily article about Everfree Northwest]

It is in Washington State.

Bit short notice with me, But on the likelihood of abundances, I’ll see if the trip will be possible.


Warhol Book Stress and Hoarding

21 June 2021

Hey, @everyone.

Just relaying a message for now: Helena is working on a Dating Sim game on top of an RPG, and she is requesting help.

[Chris uploaded a screenshot of Helena DMs#Dating Simulator]

Hi Chris!
yeah this is going to be difficult knowing how many like to mess with Helena.
Just respond and help her any way y’all can, please.

Also, feeling a bit of mixed emotions after re-reading the first few pages of Chapter Five of “Warhol/Chris Chan”. Suffice to say a whole bunch of insecure hyena-like laughter, and a personal commentary of, “With each of my games and consoles I sold, I lost a piece of myself, definitely. Even my OG Megazord, Dragonzord, and Titanus from the house fire of 2014. The only item I have left from the Shopping Spree of 1994 is my copy of Sonic CD for the Sega CD and its instruction booklet.”

Soo stressed, and I don’t care if y’all share this on Kiwi or not, that in the van on the way back home from an errand, I crapped my panties; the pad took most of that damage.

Cherish that Sonic CD copy your entire life Chris.

You might've lost a lot during the fire, but anything you were able to save that still makes you happy is what matters.


But the most important thing in recent events and present, in addition to completing the Dimension Merge, is my self-healing work and locating and accepting my remaining flaws and stresses.

When I left my childhood home not long ago. I was sad and I really miss living there everyday. But what keeps me in a good place is that I know that those days weren't wasted.
The Fool
We all lose things. Be happy you have the memory of them, that can never be destroyed :)
I'm not sad that it ended, I'm happy that it happened. (edited)
I realize I still have a mental hangup between the Hoarding and Collecting; having had parents that were one of each is quite a combination.
is there anything from your parents that you cherish the most?
The Fool
Chris, I don't know if you've ever seen the show "Hoarders", I love it, it gets really emotional as people learn to let go of things and learn to love themselves and their family more

[The Fool linked to a Youtube playlist on the Hoarders show]

not every episode has a happy ending but a lot are nice

the ones where they save the house are so satisfying.
Their wedding rings, for one thing, and now they’re a link between I and Magi-Chan and Cryzel (both of which are white gold); the silverish ring on the middle finger is with Sylvana, and the Nathan Drake replica ring is with Mewtwo. (edited)


those look nice.

the drake one especially is unique.

Came from the C.E. Box of one of the PS3 games; the third one, I believe.
I liked Uncharted 3.

because I'm a big Middle East history buff, it made me happy. lol

the other ones were also great.

Yes, they are.
So @CWCSonichu1982 what has Praetor been up to lately?
I’ll be getting back to work on the book highlighting in a little while. I’m feeling better, but the laughing I did earlier upon fresh-reading, it would have given the Joker a run and laugh for his money.

Busy as usual. Which reminds me, I need to check in with him about a detail.


Second Layer chats

The section covers chats from the second layer of the Watchmen's Discord server The Place.

Chris and the Watchmen's untrusted guests did not have permissions to view this layer.
