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January18SonichuBodyswapArt.jpg Delusion disclosure: This article or section takes place during Chris's phase of role-playing as Sonichu. He may refer to his Christine Chandler personality and physical body in the third person by using terms such as "mama".

This page contains 2020 Discord leaks posted by Naught on the Official CWCki Server. The chats occurred during September 2020 and are sorted in chronological order. The exact sources of the chats are unknown as Naught did not comment on them. Naught's commentary is color-coded green; Chris's messages (while roleplaying as Sonichu) are color-coded yellow.

Debt hearing, toys, Merge

2 September

My day has been long yet well enough.

Barb reminded me of another court date with one of the debt collectors that was going on this morning, so we went to the court house and updated that; the monthly payments on that continued and have been made in keeping up with it.

Alarm was set for 8:30 am, so been up longer than normal of recent days.

After getting back home, it was yet another dimensionally eventful, yet locally chill day.

Last night, though, while I was mostly asleep, the energy and power went up in a sequence of eventful vibrations and mild shake-ups. I do believe we are getting ever more close to when this body and I are finally safe and well in C-197 with everyone, and can make our way to Cwcville.

Even while that was going on for what felt like a half to full hour or so, and I did check the Fitbit data this morning, it still registered as actual sleep and rest. Event the heart rate during that time frame was still as spot-on in that regard. Also, yesterday, the Flame Toys Optimus Prime model kit I preordered a couple of months ago finally arrived, and I put it together. It's the G1 version.

We also have Bumblebee and the Shattered Glass (Attack Mode/Anime Style) Optimus Prime figures of that series.

Also, and you may share this as well: there will still be a Dimension Merge in this timeline, but it will be executed personally by the Chris Chan Sonichu of the neighbouring timeline dimension of 1214.

Wherein, at that time, I will be on my way to prepping to get this body fully unlocked of its abilities and powers, and then go back in time to prevent this pandemic.

And after the wait in the vehicle for until being called in for our specific court date,... I'm feeling even more tired of this timeline.

That's all for now. I pray your day is going well and good for you. Stay safe.
