Several Watchmen members and Chris discussed in The Place about ProjectSNT (aka Courtney) and Opuscon789 (aka somethingrandom987).
Some chats listed were released as part of the 2020 Discord leaks.
Server members present in the chats below are: Chris (@Sonichu982), AquaDiamond8 (@Aqua), Kyle (@Nova), Naught (@ภคยﻮђՇ), and at least one user who had deleted their Discord account by the time of the logs being saved.
Apologising to SNT for Redesign Rage
14 December 2019 (leaked as part of the 2020 Discord leaks)
Hey, everyone. Firstly, the Missions and Quests are pretty much what one would experience from the mundane to the extraordinary and unbelievable in a typical D&D game, or in most RPG or JRPG video games as well.
Second, I am feeling in a sitch.
As all of you are aware, I had found and solved the problem in CS-89 and can look at all of the redesigns of the Chaotic Combo from there with no problem. Of which to solve the theft of magic items from there by the Rokat Empire, I did have help from and with SNT, herself (who was fatefully portaled into the dimension for the similar lead-up, and the same goals as I in resolving this Dimensional-Affecting problem.
Back onto the problem at hand now: recall the email I had sent to Courtney (@projectsnt) in response to the video, and how impulsive and harsh I was in its contents, Friday, a week ago.
In more recent days, with things having cooled down on that, and the impulsive tweets I typed, I've noticed Courtney not directly acknowledging me, and she has not responded to my email, either.
Plus, recent SNT and Me art, she could have retweeted, but she did not.
I sense that she may be feeling most distraught and upset over what I did.
I directly apologized in an email yesterday. And I made a public apology on Twitter as well.
I know she's had the chance to read the apology, because she had just retweeted a couple more SNT Fan arts from others.
I wish to confirm this feeling she may have and do what I can to make it right with her.
I have been made aware she has a Discord account and server (with access only to her Patreon Patrons). I would jump on that, but from my experiences between Doopie Doover and my brother, Cole: I've learned I can be easily denied and refunded my pledge. And I do not want to come off as even more pushy or similar.
Asking Others to Contact SNT
14 December 2019
Immediately following from the above conversation.
@Aqua, or anyone else on here, can I get some help on learning what Courtney has been feeling, and/or typing about me in response to everything.
For the latter, I am trying to wait it out and let things progress, but I am feeling tense.
Thank You all.
I could ask her, not sure she would respond to me, maybe she just doesnt want to respond. Honestly i know the feeling thinking someone might dislike you.
Deleted User
Yeah Chris if you want us to ask for you we have no problem with that.
Yes, please. Thank you.
I messaged her a while ago, but nothing, just have to wait and see
[Two hours later]
Trying to find out why this tape recorder isn't working
@Sonichu982 What kind of info would you want anyway?
Its an absolutely obscure unit, can't find much info on the recorder.
Wasn't designed for higher fidelity audio, maybe thats the issue?
Or the head is broken?
Can't think of why it wouldn't play.
[Four hours after Chris's previous message]
I wish to confirm her having read the email(s) and tweets of mine, and how is she feeling now about me in the regard of the recent events.
Might just want to keep a distance on things, seems like the type to kind of meander from creation to creation.
Only seen a bit of their stuff based on yours though, and the coldsteel one.
Ive recieved no messages, but im not going to push her to answer cause thats not right
More Seething Towards SNT
19 December 2019
Hey, @everyone. I’ve been mostly offline for the while now. Waring Down a sinus infection now. What is the current status on y’all’s part? Also, has Courtney responded to any of you all?
She has responded in a comment to someone else on Twitter.
I’m feeling mildly ticked.
I can tell you not to use a neti pot.
If she wants to be left alone, theres nothing that can be done.
I havent gotten any messages, maybe it would be best to just leave her be, the constant messaging might annoy her and get bad
I'm unsure what they could even offer.
I concur. I don’t want to personally come off as annoying, either. Although, I wonder how the Bad Trolls have been messaging her lately?
Theres no proof anyone has, maybe she just wishes to be left alone, and should respect that
Discussing Opuscon789 and ProjectSNT
30 November 2020 - 3 December 2020
30 November 2020
Chris (as Sonichu)
Hey, y’all. Feeling here and there again.
I finished reading SNT Vs Sonichu 2, and read the presently available prologue and first chapter of SNT Vs Sonichu 3. And as you all may or not have noticed with my recent Tweet, I added my two bolts with a supplement story on that ebook site for between 2 and 3.
I read them too, though I think your reaction is just going to make them write more because they got attention for their bad actions.
That being said they are jerks and their fanfiction sucks.
1 December 2020
[The following day]
Chris (as Sonichu)
[In response to MKRNightVee's "I read them too, though I think your reaction is just going to make them write more because they got attention for their bad actions." remark]
Yeah. I get that; it’s nothing new with us.
@Sonichu982 I mean, fool me once, and how the rest of that goes, there's probably a newer adage...
I'd be overselling it if I thought there was any conceivable non-zero chance at a positive outcome from that.
But I'd be interested in knowing exactly the thought process on that one.
2 December 2020
[Several hours after Kyle's above comment, at 2:31 am on 2 December 2020]
Chris (as Sonichu)
Ah. While there is the possibility of scaring Opus into not writing anymore (which is very unlikely), he is actually encouraged to continue writing as he will (especially since he stuck SNT, Elise, Saki and her band, and others on that very remote island in his chronicling, as well as having instigated the wrath of one of my self-counterparts, the Sonichu Prime, of N-641. Regardless of how he continues his chronicling and pathway, with or without the insightful supplement I’m providing at this time, it’s gonna hit him back in heavy karma levels very soon. From what I ended up typing up on that supplemental chapter, I did notice that it did intimidate him, to say the least, as he ended up blocking our account on Wattpad, leaving me unable to continue reading his works on that account. I created a second account with the gmail; the first one was linked with Chris’ Facebook.
So, while I was serious, and regardless of the showy disguise in his emotional response, he got his ass bit. LOL.
That’s what he gets for such a massive disruption of a Cwcville in another dimension, and especially for killing their Zelina and Sandy Rosechus horrifically; that really pissed us off. One thing to make a Pokémon faint from fatigue, but gun to the head and a vertical slice with gory results crossed a major line. And that was on top of him constantly calling Chris fat, super dumb and lazy, and the almost rape scene with Courtney that Chris was written into doing.
Regardless of that dimension’s Chris and Magi-Chan getting what they deserved from going beyond the initial merging of their two dimensions (which is still the case in N-641), now we all have to deal with a massively corrupt Sonichu Prime that is putting C-197 and 1218 at major risk.
Sounds a bit, vindictive.
There's a contradiction
Vengence is a poor idea.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Truth is not pretty some of the time, Kyle. Count the blessing when the truth is pretty from your perspective.
That's not really an answer.
Nothing good comes of this kind of idea of vengeance.
The contradiction being that "there is the possibility of scaring Opus into not writing anymore (which is very unlikely)" and " it’s gonna hit him back in heavy karma levels very soon."
It just looks petty.
[NotSoBot posts an image of Chris's avatar in a hat]
Chris (as Sonichu)
[quotes Kyle's "Vengence is a poor idea." remark]
Look, I agree on vengeance being a bad idea, and you are right on the contradiction I typed up.
We know vengeance is wrong, but we are talking about a Hater type of troll that committed murder upon our own species in another dimension, and even to go so far as to completely two major cities out of that dimension in the process (Cwcville and Charlottesville).
I can compare what Opuscon did along with what IdeaGuy did to us in that lost timeline. IdeaGuy constantly changed us over and over again for the worst until when our Christine finally realized she had dominance over anything he could do (not to mention his embezzling of her). Opuscon committed murders, defaced an Earth greatly, and tried to merged ALL dimensions instead of just the two as it initially should have been. As heroes that have helped as best as we could throughout not only our own Universe in C-197, but also multidimensionally, and Opuscon has done a massive amount of wrong.
I know it's easy to focus on what people have messed up, yet dwelling on it often doesn't help...
It helps to focus on what area's one can help in or try to lessen the damage
Chris (as Sonichu)
As heroes of our own dimension set, which is now in further danger by his hand, it is our priority to make sure he understands what he did was really bad and wrong, and to see karma and justice served unto him, and bonus make an example out of a Hater in this dimension.
Chris (as Sonichu)
You’re right, Bis.
[quotes Chris's "As heroes of our own dimension set, which is now in further danger by his hand, it is our priority to make sure he understands what he did was really bad and wrong, and to see karma and justice served unto him, and bonus make an example out of a Hater in this dimension." remark]
@Sonichu982 i can dm him, so it doesn't become a public spectacle
Chris (as Sonichu)
I appreciate that, but we’ve already crossed that line when I got carried away while typing up that SNT Vs Sonichu 2.5 Supplemental, and when I wrote that tweet set with the rants against him and other haters’ misinterpretations of us remaining in constant.
There's some people I'm more than happy to staple their ass to the ceiling, this does suck, but I don't think it compares to Idea Guys.
True, there's no need to prolong it though.
Let us know how we can help
I just think anything is questionable, especially seething over it this long.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Magi-Chan is able to tell you both how y’all can help better than I can.
And at this point anything I say can be marked as contradictory in regards of Opuscon. As on the one hand, he needs to complete writing SNT Vs Sonichu 3 in the remainder of this timeline, and on the other hand I did state facts that could wreck his creativity in irony. Yet we know in this dimension and timeline set, Opuscon is rather dead set on his writing and his other passions, and he also knows better than to let others rain on their own parade (so to speak). It is typical of a bad or hater type of individual. (edited)
The whole story is based on subversion, they seem to be a contrarian.
This would be ok in a different story, yet Sonichu is a classic tale where subversion isn't called for
I mean, most important, can this be ignored? From a personal perspective.
Chris (as Sonichu)
[quotes Naught's "This would be ok in a different story, yet Sonichu is a classic tale where subversion isn't called for" remark]
Very much true, yet such intent of those wanting to overthrow and hate on us remains a constant. (edited)
I did suggest the b-team stories just as smaller work items that give more breadth.
You're the authority when it comes to lore, further acknowledging them only validates their nonsense
Chris (as Sonichu)
[quotes Kyle's "I mean, most important, can this be ignored? From a personal perspective." remark]
Oh, sure, Kyle. Let’s ignore this and Let the Sonichu Prime of the lost Cwcville and former Charlottesville of N-641 cause revenge and utter dimensional chaos upon SNT, others, me and our Chris, and everyone else in 1218 and C-197, I said sarcastically.
I mean, does this indicate a level of obsession that would poorly impact our ability to be rational.
Ok, so what if there were two sets of lore; one for fan timelines and one for the prime happenings?
Like an A and B story except and A and B world?
Chris (as Sonichu)
That is why we have N-641 for the haters. There is another few or so for the remaining fans whose events would have caused a major stir in C-197.
Chris (as Sonichu)
It’s already existent.
Opuscon is targeting both of our dimensions, here.
Is there anyway we can mitigate the damage?
Well, obviously THEY want to say they're significant.
[posts an image of Sonichu in a Santa hat]
Chris (as Sonichu)
We are and have been working on our own countermeasures now and in the past. This one of the major massive events that the psychics have foreseen before, in addition to and leading up to Godzilla-sized Jakoba Vs Chris Chan.
Yes, I saw that, it is cute.
Chris (as Sonichu)
No. Jakoba and Jake are two separate entities.
Given how badly written Captain Rape-Potato's lore is, if these things are self correcting, well, they're impossible.
So, you gonna take care of this like you did in the original issues of Sonichu?
Teach them a lesson saw style
Chris (as Sonichu)
[quotes Kyle's "Given how badly written Captain Rape-Potato's lore is, if these things are self correcting, well, they're impossible." remark]
For the latter, yes, But these are the forces that continue on and repercussions are being counted.
Saw style?
Oh, great
A species that dumb would never get to space.
Put them in a moral conundrum
Chris (as Sonichu)
You take that ONE time that Chris decided to take a liberty in error and you mislabel our entire thing as such?
[quotes Naught's "Put them in a moral conundrum" remark]
You'd need a really good example.
Chris (as Sonichu)
Thanks. Thanks, Bis.
No, the morality part
Not the traps
I'm not certain what they want besides to make a name from subverting Sonichu
Chris (as Sonichu)
Yeah, dragging us worse.
Yeah, I get it, the morals and values.
Browsing Kiwi Farms
4 December 2020
Chris (as Sonichu)
Hey, y’all.
Chris (as Sonichu)
I’m doing some more meditating at this time, and I even, out of curiosity, and visual confirmation, logged into Chris’ account on KiwiFarms and found Opuscon’s account on there and read his recent responses. They were typical of him as we had foreseen; wanting to disregard the facts we have presented to him of the present times, thinking he has all of the control over his present writing.
I also looked to see if Courtney had an account on there. No results, and Opus stated that with his personal contact with her, she does not speak on Kiwi.
And, yes, she distances herself from all of this at the time.
So nuerotypical.
Well, wasn't your goal to influence him, so, why doesn't he have autonomy over it, but you're still deciding to go off on Opus?
Yeah, she let's her underlings do the talking
That's, kind of a poor insult, by the by.
The Place-1st Layer - 4Dec20 - Kiwi Farms.png