Jail Letter - 29 July 2022

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On 29 July 2022, Chris had sent an eighteenth letter to Kenneth Engelhardt.

Chris's Letter


Kenneth. I have just received your letter. Listen. Barb is stubborn out one thing, mainly: her shallowness and her financial problems, Hence why we have this Kickstarter page now to Buy her out so I can return Home with her relocated. She married Robert for the fact he Had the House to Live in. Meditate on that. Also, Barb is literally a Zombie-Like Living Body with little remaining of Barbara (her Soul) within her anymore; that living body is Running on Fumes at this point. She CAN NOT Drive anymore, regardless of Van loss; she has the fridgid mental activity and physical ability like a scared deer in headlights nearly ALL the time since even before June, 2021. unintelligible

And with Gas Prices these days, I doubt Harriet, Tom, and/or Wayne are even Driving up to Ruckersville to do much for her. They live in Midlothian and Chest-erfield areas; Do You KNOW How FAR That is from Ruckersville? The drive, alone, is as long as the American Rabbit movie.

I appreciate the idea of somewhere in a retirement community, but Barb is unable to be of such indepen-dence as she used to be. SHe is a literal shut-in at this point. She does not socialize with her neighbours in Ruckersville. ->