Jail Call - 1 November 2021

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On 1 November 2021, Chris made a phone call from jail to a fan named Cory Allison, who had previously sent him a letter. Cory uploaded a heavily edited version of the call to YouTube on 19 November. He uploaded a second version of the call on 26 November which is comparatively less edited, although it still omits most of Cory's side of the conversation.

According to the video description and replies to comments by Cory, this was the second of two calls which he had with Chris in jail. The first call was not recorded and concerned, among other things, Chris's intention to make Sonichu comics about his jail experience when he is released.

Notably, Chris continues to obfuscate about his incest with his mom, talking about a spiritual, healing event rather than the depraved, potentially traumatic act that it was. Also of interest is how Chris compares his family's move from Ruckersville to Midlothian to escape the Greene County school system to the Biblical Flight into Egypt, when Joseph took Mary and the baby Jesus from Bethlehem to Egypt to escape the persecution of Herod.

Chris mentions that he is keeping an "address book" of those who contact him while he's in jail.

Although Chris claims in the call that his phone calls are limited to 10 minutes, a later recorded call would show that the actual limit is 15 minutes. This explains how Chris's side of the conversation can last nearly 10 minutes on its own.

Full Call

The November 26 upload contains presumably everything Chris said, with Cory's side still removed.

Chris Chan Phone Call Update (11-1-21)
Stardate 1 November 2021
Saga JailJail Jail



Cory's responses were edited out, so you will have to assume what question prompted each segment.

Chris: Uh, I see, well, anyway, yeah, I'm doin' okay, I'm having a good day so far, uh, [unintelligible] with the radio, I've been doin' some writing...

Chris: Ah, that's always good, I like Subway. I figured you- I figured, considering you were working on Sunday it was like a restaurant or possibly retail.

Chris: [laughs] Hey, I'll bet! I mean, they're hungry, they're taking their kids out, kids wanna eat too!

Chris: Um, well, in my- well, among my writing I've mainly, uh, written my thoughts and details each and every day... in my own little journal which I call my Goddess Log. Yeah, you know, I meditate a lot in here, so I know just pretty much every day, I mean, I come, I mean, I meditate innately, involuntarily, 24-7-365, so for me to consciously meditate, which is for me to go deeper into myself and, uh, deeper into the cosmos, the universe, the Akashic records, and literally the entire multiverse and then some...

Chris: Yeah, I mean, I foreknew and foresaw that I was gonna end up in jail anyway, it was- it was just popular amongst the other timelines...

Chris: Uh, well, obviously with the uh, details that was entrusted in testing the one individual...

Chris: Too many people responded too negatively to the rumors that left to warrant the police coming over and everything that happened...

Chris: But yeah, essentially, uh, the thing I di- the thing I did was essentially, I soul-bonded and cuddled and supportively, in mentality, and emotional, and spirituality, talked a lot to Barbara. So essentially, I was just, uh, boosting- I was boosting her up and healing and cleansing her aura and chakras, and, of course, healing and forgiving and all that of her past sins and her regrets. So that is what I did, mainly. That was the main attraction.

Chris: Well, yeah, I do have- yeah- I guess some money donated to me, you know, to my inmate account, and I'm able to add from that into my phone time, make it pre-paid, so, yes, the money would be appreciated to help me out uh- I mean, not only in phone time, but also to keep me well in stocks with uhh, pens, and, better food... I received a generous donation recently and I've been- I've been enjoying soup, I figured out how to make NOODLE SOUP in a BOTTLE. A 20-ounce bottle. Yeah, a 20-ounce soda bottle, not easy, but I have to use a funnel- [cut off by editing]

Chris: But yeah, you're like 26 now right?

Chris: Yeah I remember you da- you dated the 25th, you said age 25 so I put two-and-two together, that was a simple math problem, simpler than all the other complicated math problems I can do in my head.

Chris: I feel more, I feel more content now that I- I can find myself and I know myself a lot better, and I'm able to actually be more spiritually identifying of others and their intentions, so forth, I'm in a- I feel like- I'm in a much better place now.

Chris: Ehh, it could be - could've been worse, I mean I could've been abused a lot worse. I mean, the worst time I was abused just essentially if you don't count the theoretical exes, all those fakers and haters online, it would have to be the pin-me-down event in fourth grade.

Chris: Oh, well long story short, the-uh teachers did not- the teachers and staff at Greene- Nathanael Greene Elementary did not know how to treat or tend to autistic individuals, so it might have been five against me, four of them, including the principal and the guidance councilor, the teacher, the uh teachers aid, they all- pinned me down on the floor, held me by my, held me- pinned me down on my ribs, and my ankles, and... even my neck and the audio recorded my screams and crying on tape, they's just like, trying to label me as crazy or something, that's stupid.

Chris: Yeah I know, they almost had- they almost had me in a mental institution in Winchester, instead my- instead Bob and Barbara they-uh were like "nope, we're moving to Midlothian!" for their schooling and all that, so that's how... that happened, and eventually moved back here 'cause it was safer in 2000- [unintelligible] if you look- if you read the Bible where, in my past life, um, my mom and Mary and Joseph and uh, and I, we w- very swiftly quickly moved from... eh- from Isreal to Egypt because there were like... these guys hunting all over the place from Egypt, years later when the [unintelligble] of the angles told us it was safe to return then we moved back.

Chris: Yeah, history repeats, yeah-mean, eh- you take the events of my life and compare 'em with what was recorded and chronicled with the descriptions of the Bible, and yeah, you got a lot of similarities and history repeats like that one I just gave ya.

Chris: Um, yeah more th- more than half the time I was like uh- in my room, but yeah close- close enough to my parents growing up.

Chris: Uh, okay well essentially uh- [cut off by editing]

Chris: Anything they offer is essentially the line paper, and that's the only thing offered in the commissary as well for their letter pads the ones with the lines,

Cory: Oh-

Chris: I like drawing on ones that are blank without any lines, [unintelligible] like who wants to interfere with any drawing?

Cory: Ye-

Chris: Okay well, just letting you know you can send up to three sheets of paper. So that's up to, front and back, fit- [unintelligible]- pages, so it'd be like, if you use one sheet of paper, both sides to write a letter, you can have two blank sheets.

Chris: I think they allow up to three, for all incoming mail, they do check and they photocopy everything. They destroy the originals, I well- I don't know what they do w- they keep the blank paper, 'cause they have given me the blank paper that was included with some of the letters I've received so far.

Chris: Yeah a majority of them have been nice, I've uh- been- I've been keeping count as well, I've also written a little address book, which uh- I've also written your- both your address and your phone number on there as well. So uh, so I kind of like, so, 32, 34 good fans, um, actually, uh a couple of them were like- just- like- 2.. percen- just like around two of them. But like- rather cruel or just seem jerk-ish, because there were three that just did not list their names or anything on the enve- on the envelope and like, uh, just whatever images, and uh, one of w- pretended to be my- pretended to be Robertchu my dad...

Cory: Wow...

Chris: And, you know, so, [unintelligible] I saw it coming from a mile away, my foresight did, it's just like you know- a lot of it was just like you know just read the part the first sentences- I just shred that letter, and flush it into the toilet.

Chris: Well I mean that's not surprising t- that's not surprising to me.. I mean especially Kenneth and I gave him permission to post the letters on Onion Farms which of course, uh, then got relayed to Kiwi Farms.. then obviously yes I want everybody to know what I realize that I am literally God, that I am the full reincarnation of Jesus Christ, and everything, all that. Everybody needs to know this truth! And essentially I mean the Dimension Merge I started talkin' bout like three years ago... that was like just one of the three events... for the entire judgement day. The other two being the [Shift and of course my second coming].

Chris: Yeah but I- thr- I put a bunch of those meditative details out as well in my Goddess Log. I mean- after I- at least- sometime after I get out of here, I'm likely to just.. um.. lend 'em all, lend my entire books to my business association, my business associates, Caden Peck, have him uh.. do a bunch of scan work.. in his uh.. help me to like publish it.

Chris: Uh I have a like a ten-minute limit in which uh, they let me know when it comes up to the last minute by a beep on your end and then on my end on I hear "You have one minute remaining".

Chris: Yeah I know.. bu-

Chris: It gives us time to [unintelligible] it gives you time to ask me a few questions or just talk or whatever...

Chris: Ok well, I'm sorry I put you on this end but..

Chris: Yeah... and... yeah... I'll send ya'- I'll send ya' a short letter with a time to join.. for your birthday pre-

Chris: What happened [actual gibberish]], don't have any bunk-mates here but I've always had [unintelligible] a bunch of others...

Chris: Hmm... Yeah.. uh, yeah.. I mean especially since.. I got my Hubbychu, and I also have a bunch of my Pokémon allies, and a bunch of literal angels and.. guardian angels and everybody.

Chris: Right well anyway, yeah the minute warning came up so I gotta let you go.

Chris: Yeah, I'll send you a letter, drawing later, you take care and have a great blessed day.

Chris: Go forth with peace and clarity by my power and glory.

Chris: Yeah, goodbye, take care, bye now.

Female Voice: The caller has-

Original Upload

The original upload of this call is a heavily edited version of the full call, with the remaining chunks being scrambled around in order to hide embarrassing personal information like the fact that Cory works at a Subway.

Chris Chan Phone Call Update (11-1-21)
Stardate 1 November 2021
Saga JailJail Jail


Feel like I'm in a much better place now. Ehh, it could be - could've been worse, I mean I could've been abused a lot worse. I mean, the worst time I was abused just essentially if you don't count the theoretical exes, all those fakers and haters online, it would have to be the pin-me-down event in fourth grade.

Ehh, a couple of them were like, just like two or s-, just like around two of them were like rather cruel or just being jerk-ish. And then there were three that just did not list their names or anything on the env- on the envelope and like, ehh, just whatever images and uh, one of them was pretending to li- pretending to be Robertchu, my dad, and tried to talk to me. I saw that coming from a mile away, my foresight did, and just like, ya know. All I had to do was just like, ya know, just read the part of the first sentence and then I'd just shred that letter and flushed it into the toilet.

I mean, especially Kenneth, I gave him permission to post the letters on Onion Farms which of course, uh, then got relayed to Kiwi Farms, then obviously yes. I wanted everybody to know what I've realized that I am literally God, I am the full reincarnation of Jesus Christ and everything. All that. Everybody needs to know this truth. And essentially I mean the Dimension Merge I started talking about like three years ago, that was like just one of the three events for the entire Judgement Day, the other two being the Collective Shift and of course my Second Coming.

Well, in my - among my writing I've lately, uh, written my thoughts and details each and every day in my own little journal which I call my Goddess Log. Ya know, I meditate a lot in here, so, I know just pretty much everything. I mean I come - I mean meditate innately, involuntarily, 24/7/365, so for me to consciously meditate which is for me to go deeper into myself and dive deeper into the cosmos, the universe, the Akashic records, and literally the entire multiverse and then some.

Yeah, but I've - I've wrote a bunch of those meditative details out as well in my Goddess Log. I mean, after I, some time after I get out of here, I'm likely to just, umm, lend 'em all, lend my entire budget to my business association, my business associate Caden Peck, have him, uhh, do a bunch of scan work, and uhh, help me to like publish it.

Ahh, that's always good, I like Subway.

Yeah, I mean, I foreknew and foresaw that I was gonna end up in jail anyway. It was just popular in most of the other timelines.

And yeah, essentially, uhh, the thing I di- the thing I did was essentially, I soul bonded and cuddled and supportively [unintelligible] and emotional and spirituality talked a lot to Barbara. So essentially, I was just, uhh, boosting - I was boosting her up and healing and cleansing her aura and chakras, and, of course, healing and forgiving and all that over past sins and her regrets. So that is what I did, mainly. That was the main attraction.

Yes, the money would be appreciated to help me out, I mean not only in phone time, but also keep me well in stocks with uhh, pens and better food. I received a generous donation recently and I've been - I've been enjoying soup. I figured out how to make noodle soup in a bottle!

Yeah, I'll send you a letter and drawing later, take care and have a great blessed day. Go forth in peace and clarity by my power and glory. Yeah, alright, take care. Bye now.

Subtitled Version

Chris Chan Phone Call Update (11-1-21)
Stardate 16 December 2021
Saga JailJail Jail


On 24 November 2021 Cory posted a comment on his video explaining the circumstances behind the call:

I wrote chris chan a letter on october 27th 2021 and included my phone number not expecting much. 3 days later he called me but I was at work and asked if hed call back because i couldnt talk. he sounded annoyed and said he might talk to me later and I figured thatd be the end. the next day he called me and this was of that conversation. but I didnt get it all recorded. It was a 10 minute phone call which is all thats allowed. also he has to call you you cant call him. for the people annoyed I dont have my questions in the video its because recording him on speaker made his voice super quiet and mine was extremely loud so I had to enhance his audio making my voice even louder and obnoxious and I wanted the video to be about him and what he had to say. his talking is all there is and I in no way manipulate you to believe anything about chris chan with my video. Besides that this video is edited because we discussed personal details like my address and things noone would get without reading my letter; small talk. i edited it down to only the interesting parts strangers would get or want to know. thank you

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