Jail Letter - 29 July 2022
On 29 July 2022, Chris had sent an eighteenth letter to Kenneth Engelhardt.
Chris's Letter
Kenneth. I have just received your letter. Listen. Barb is stubborn out one thing, mainly: her shallowness and her financial problems, Hence why we have this Kickstarter page now to Buy her out so I can return Home with her relocated. She married Robert for the fact he Had the House to Live in. Meditate on that. Also, Barb is literally a Zombie-Like Living Body with little remaining of Barbara (her Soul) within her anymore; that living body is Running on Fumes at this point. She CAN NOT Drive anymore, regardless of Van loss; she has the fridgid mental activity and physical ability like a scared deer in headlights nearly ALL the time since even before June, 2021. unintelligible And with Gas Prices these days, I doubt Harriet, Tom, and/or Wayne are even Driving up to Ruckersville to do much for her. They live in Midlothian and Chest-erfield areas; Do You KNOW How FAR That is from Ruckersville? The drive, alone, is as long as the American Rabbit movie. I appreciate the idea of somewhere in a retirement community, but Barb is unable to be of such indepen-dence as she used to be. SHe is a literal shut-in at this point. She does not socialize with her neighbours in Ruckersville. -> |
And let me tell you about AHornies, Social Workers, Region 10, and the Jerkops and the Judicial System: Luke11: 45-53 with empthasis on hypocrisy, and well as taking Teachings and Wisdoms and "in one ear and out the other" for the bulk of them.
I've let Heilberg do his work; He hardly keeps me updated or communicates with me. HE's frustrated at Region 10 Doing Absolutely Nothing, Social Workers in Greene County and anywhere Do Absolutely Nothing, AND Western State Hospital, in his words, were Supposed to place me in a Group Home, BUT to simply Free Up a Room, they Sent Me Back to Jail, and Not Only Do Absolutely Nothing, But Abusive As Fuck with their Bondage/Sado-machoism chairs and arrogantly shit-minded with their patients (Don't even realize a simple Demon-Exorcism would have healed abcd, there, and helped zie to not pick at zie wound; Condescending Toxic Staff). And if you have to go into all those details the Home Health Agencies overhighlight and advertise about themselves, then you may as well rebuke Then in the same light as all of the others mentioned in this paragraph. ->(2) |
(2) And don't you judge Caden in that vain. He's not flawless, but he is more Perfect of himself and at what and how he does as a legit Friend and in working on my behalf; He actually works well with his flaws and limits, and he's made breakthrough with Barb, and he is not intimidating.
And, Kenneth, I AM Jesus, And I KNOW from not only personal experiences, but I am one with everything in the Prime Timeline, here, an I have foreseen and foreknown these possibilities, likelihoods, details, and Repeated History and Fulfilled Prophecies. Babylon in Revelation; Guess What: RUSSIA IS the modern day Babylon, and damn, are the Toxic and Evil ones in that Cesspool of Demons and Devils of a Lost Country going to Fall And Burn. And we Gods not only believe and have faith in each other, prayers, and Miracle Power, but we work with them. But, I digress; MORE than Enough to WAKE YOU UP, Kenneth Engelhardt. You can relay the retirement community idea to Caden, but I tell you, Truth, Barb is as not indepedent as one of the background individuals in Abraham Simpson's Retirement Home. Please, Work With Caden to raise that $150,00, and other good projects. -> |